Ah yes! They did videos on Blank City, which is offline now I guess?
SO I commissioned another ryona comic, this time of old classic characters from my teenage years..

I am not posting it to my media sites yet because I am thinking of getting a second page done with all new statuses/poses, tho it will prolly be just lineart because my budget is almost gone..
This commission I ordered was a comic page made by
https://twitter.com/sakura_rose12/ She is very good! I divided it into panels here.
I epsecially lovveeee the way she drew Katt's upper body, I really like the muscles in her arms, shoulder, back..For a second page, I am thinking at least doing Sleepy and Dizzy and making new poses to see them in.
I am also planning on trying to make some video or GIF of FF7 remake when I am done with the Yuffie DLC. I have seen some videos of her on YT and they are good, but I want to try my own version of a video about her, and maybe some of Tifa and Aerith also. Have to figure out the places they can be Stunned and Sleepy..