Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (5 Viewers)


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I'm starting to make some ceres M gifs. Thanks to Zaysha Zaysha for the reference





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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Uwaa... so high res... i do sh*tty work...

Action Taimanin (Mobile)
- can't get a good full stun when the enemies keep attacking me


  • ActionTaimanin - Asagi Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Asagi Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Astaroth Stun.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Astaroth Stun.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Asuka Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Asuka Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Ingrid Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Ingrid Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Kirara Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Kirara Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Murasaki Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Murasaki Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Oboro Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Oboro Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Rinko Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Rinko Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Shiranui Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Shiranui Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Yukikaze Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Yukikaze Stun 01.gif
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  • HonkaiImpact3rd - Elysia Stun.gif
    HonkaiImpact3rd - Elysia Stun.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Emily Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Emily Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Kurenai Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Kurenai Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Sakura Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Sakura Stun 01.gif
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  • ActionTaimanin - Su Stun 01.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Su Stun 01.gif
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Zaysha Zaysha Thanks :)

I was also looking for waifu gacha games like King's Raid or Epic 7 for me to play at work. Any suggestions?

1. Must have a lot of stuns (MANDATORY)
2. Better be popular so I could play longer


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2010
Uwaa... so high res... i do sh*tty work...

Action Taimanin (Mobile)
- can't get a good full stun when the enemies keep attacking me
Sorry to bug you, but can you do me a huge favor? Can you throw up some quick GIFS of Astaroth ande Noah(if you have her) while they're knocked down? If you can't, I understand.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Uwaa... so high res... i do sh*tty work...

Action Taimanin (Mobile)
- can't get a good full stun when the enemies keep attacking me
Hmm, you can try oboro boss on 2nd difficulty(she won't stun on easy). She sometimes does a lunge that stuns but gives like 0.5 seconds more time to record I think before doing a fury of attacks. It's the last stage on chapter 3(I think? not sure). She will spawn mobs but they stop coming after a bit.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
HaquaFan HaquaFan - I really don't do much in this game... but thanks for the heads up. I wish you had Vera from Punishing Gray Raven. I really want her, but I feel like she's coming out next year. It's the only char I'm waiting for atm. Well besides A2.

quiet_resolve quiet_resolve - I don't see much atm in the mobile market. I'm working on "Alchemy Stars" (picture below, everyone seems to have their own stun animation). "Starsteel Fantasy" doesn't offer much; the stun stance is the same as poisoned, stun, frozen, and low hp. I so want to do the stuns of "Chain Strike" but it's difficult, but it's not quite popular -_-

? ??? - Like below?


  • ActionTaimanin - Astaroth KnockdownHit.gif
    ActionTaimanin - Astaroth KnockdownHit.gif
    2.5 MB · Views: 299
  • AlchemyStars - Irridon Stun01.gif
    AlchemyStars - Irridon Stun01.gif
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  • StarsteelFantasy - Adelynn StatusStance.gif
    StarsteelFantasy - Adelynn StatusStance.gif
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
HaquaFan HaquaFan - I really don't do much in this game... but thanks for the heads up. I wish you had Vera from Punishing Gray Raven. I really want her, but I feel like she's coming out next year. It's the only char I'm waiting for atm. Well besides A2.
I barely play AT. I just login and do the weekly quest when I feel like it. Event quests if they have like skin ticket :wink:.

As for PGR, if you had asked before China's new law on gaming kicked in, I would have made it for you.
I actually have both Veras on CN but my account is more or less locked cause of the ID.

Sidenote, I still play counterside a lot so if you have any requests for stuns, I can do them.
Have a lot of the characters aside from the battle pass ones.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
HaquaFan HaquaFan - It's no biggie, I'll get her when she comes out in Global. I'm not really far in the game. Just do auto clearing then log off. Not a big fan of Ayla, mostly got her ryona from just doing the trial version for her. As for Counterside, I kinda quit. I know it's coming to Global. I played SEA for a bit to see how it's like, but it's... meh to me. Art is very pretty though.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Hmm, you can try oboro boss on 2nd difficulty(she won't stun on easy). She sometimes does a lunge that stuns but gives like 0.5 seconds more time to record I think before doing a fury of attacks. It's the last stage on chapter 3(I think? not sure). She will spawn mobs but they stop coming after a bit.
Is there an easier way to get stunned? I just started and 2nd difficulty is way too hard for me


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Is there an easier way to get stunned? I just started and 2nd difficulty is way too hard for me
I use the black bat girl from chapter 5 or 6 on easy? If you got Emily Simmons (girl sitting on her contraption), level her up a bit and farm materials with her. Strengthen the wpns and supports and those magatama thingies so you can survive in hard mode. Leveling everyone else takes forever.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Is there an easier way to get stunned? I just started and 2nd difficulty is way too hard for me
It's the only one I know so far outside of event. I haven't paid much attention to event mobs lately so.
Might try out Zaysha's place in the future.

Here's a sample of Oboro's stun attack, seemed pretty rare for me since I got only 2 shots.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I have found a way to get a full stun animation -

The easiest way is still the black bat girl mob but you will need a bit trick here:

She has a one-two combo that stuns you on the first hit and then knock you away afterwards with the second attack.

What you need to do is kill the enemy with your support immediately after she stuns you (by pressing E when equipped with a damage support), so she won't be able to land the second hit. Any supports with a damage skill should work.

The stun duration is quite long actually, so it's pretty easy to get a nice camera on them.

The remaining problem is how can I manage to buy the rest of the characters, for I'm not even close to getting even one.

In the meantime since you already have the characters, are you interested in trying out the method that I mentioned and redo the gifs with full animations? Zaysha Zaysha

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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
quiet_resolve quiet_resolve Maybe you can try Tales of Crestoria? The game has stun animations and plenty of cute girls and alt outfits. Being a Tales game it should last for a bit, especially as it has been doing much better in the latest years.

HaquaFan HaquaFan So, uh? Do you have Ramlethal from the Guilty Gear Strive collab to do a gif or vid of her by any chance? >_>;

Zaysha Zaysha One thing that must not be overlooked in Punishing Gray Raven, dude: 2B is in that game, lol. I think this is the first game where she would have a proper animation despite being in collabs in tons of games (in none of the games she appears there are stuns, except War of the Visions, and that game doesn't have proper animations)

And stuff, I've found here:

Athena XIII
Honoka and Marie
Kula bikini
Kof Allstar | Dead or Alive 6 | Marie Rose PvP Mai
[LIVE] The King of Fighters allstar x Dead or Alive 6 #3/เล่นชิวๆๆไปจ้า Marie 2nd Outfit
「KOF ALL STAR」DOA PVP TEST Marie Rose double
「KOF ALL STAR」new summon? DOA PVP TEST P.3 Kasumi Bikini

One Punch Man Road to Hero 2.0 Como Conseguir Fubuki De Verão Vamos Testar Zombiman De Verão One Punch Man Road to Hero Fubuki Summer
Event Adventure Winter Finale (All Battles Included) - One Punch Man Road To Hero 2.0 Christmas Tatsumaki

幻影異聞録#FE【6章】ギャンレル/イベント戦 Tokyo Mirage Sessions 1
【♯FE_89】 幻影異聞録♯FE Encore やってく part.89 ( VSゲリバ! ) 初見プレイ 難易度:ハード switch 【 幻影異聞録シャープエフイーアンコール 】 Tokyo Mirage Sessions 2

オーバーヒット Overhit Danmachi Aiz (There was a collab with ReZero and Danmachi and nobody knew about it, tried my darnest to find Rem and the other Danmachi girl but no luck)
オーバーヒット 3 other girls
オーバーヒット Pharaoh Girl
オバヒ 10.3 闘技 Queen Cat girl and genie girl
[オーバーヒット]攻略戦アニムス討伐 Emilia and Bikini Flag Girl (has several)
오버히트(overhit) 외대륙 600km 및 세기말 결투장 게임플레이 (20년 10월 28일) Maid
攻略戦vsあにむす2 Kimono Girl
OVERHIT【韓国版】闘技場_001『ゼウスPT』 Baton Girl

[그랑사가]9챕터//증명의서//봉마//행복사가만 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Gran Saga Doll using Girl
[그랑사가] [라이브] 증명의서 4챕터 쭉 밀어봅시다!
[그랑사가] [라이브] 증명의서 4챕터 쭉 밀어봅시다!
[그랑사가 Live]/모든대리 문의 환영/9챕막보 클리어 /대리뽑 53만 다야 루인뽑기 아주 상타치?
[그랑사가]봉마는 루인이네..//증명의서//봉마//행복사가!!
[그랑사가 Live]/모든대리 문의 환영/9챕막보 클리어 /대리뽑 53만 다야 루인뽑기 아주 상타치?

[카운터사이드/CounterSide] 유나 킹 세라펠 아르티 박정자 Counter Side Blindfolded Angel Girl
[카운터사이드/CounterSide] 유나 킹 세라펠 아르티 박정자 Millia Rage
[카운터사이드/CounterSide] 유나 킹 세라펠 아르티 박정자
[카운터사이드/Counter:Side] 닻쥐 메이와 함께하는 건틀렛 May
[카운터사이드/Counter:Side] 닻쥐 메이와 함께하는 건틀렛
Counter Side(未來戰) 1-1.Heavy Day [Guilty Gear Strive challenge 3Star] Ramlethal (Several)
카운터사이드X길티기어 콜라보! 스토리 모드 Wand Girl
[카운터사이드/Counter:Side] 건틀렛 길티기어 캐릭터 써보기 1승 1패 May and Millia
https://youtu.be/DirPzJskeSE?t=57 Ramlethal Clear

https://youtu.be/a-IJEHZ0C_0?t=6801 FF14 Redheaded Swordswoman

https://youtu.be/2NK0M0sqXSE?t=131 Lost Ark Sorceress

https://twitter.com/i/status/1418404973872771072 Tales of Cresotoria Mint
https://twitter.com/i/status/1429436015660322818 Tear


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
In the meantime since you already have the characters, are you interested in trying out the method that I mentioned and redo the gifs with full animations? Zaysha Zaysha

I'll see what I can do...

Zaysha Zaysha One thing that must not be overlooked in Punishing Gray Raven, dude: 2B is in that game, lol. I think this is the first game where she would have a proper animation despite being in collabs in tons of games (in none of the games she appears there are stuns, except War of the Visions, and that game doesn't have proper animations)

Well, when she gets on Global (never played any of the other versions)... I don't think I got her stunned in Nier:Re[In]carnation yet... I did get Kaine though. I did get Ayla since she was a 100% drop rate from pulls. I'm still in like chapter 4 (not even hidden) yet.

HaquaFan HaquaFan - Do you have Yuuna Springfield stuns (the long hair out magician, the 5* one) for Counterside?


I probably missed it, but I don't remember seeing 'Dragon Spear' (PC) stuns. I bought this game so long ago on Steam that I decided to open it and play it for a while. (Got this from the 2-9 boss.)


  • DragonSpear - Tanya Stun.gif
    DragonSpear - Tanya Stun.gif
    730.8 KB · Views: 207
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Zaysha Zaysha Thanks. As you can see the short versions are completely missing some vital parts, for example, the shaking head animation in this one.
I'd say at least try those who are not featured as enemys, as I'm really struggling to get the crystals to buy new heroes.


  • 18.gif
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
HaquaFan HaquaFan - Do you have Yuuna Springfield stuns (the long hair out magician, the 5* one) for Counterside?
Yeah I could probably do some for her.
Thanks. As you can see the short versions are completely missing some vital parts, for example, the shaking head animation in this one.
I'd say at least try those who are not featured as enemys, as I'm really struggling to get the crystals to buy new heroes.
Do you have one you really want to see? I can give it a try since I'm still procrastinating on my main stuff to do lol.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Do you have one you really want to see? I can give it a try since I'm still procrastinating on my main stuff to do lol.
I'm thinking about buying Asuka next (I'm on 200/1200) because she seems to have a more complicated animation. If you are doing her then I can skip that

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