Sailor Moon Video game Ryona (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Sep 10, 2015
Eh, it's not a killer if it's in there, so long as it's just one enemy or something.
Now that you mention that possibility, I will be extremely disappointed if futa winning doesn't directly lead into Poison getting added as an enemy type.

I mean come on. They're already dipping deep into the Final Fight bucket here.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
eh, no thank you. Capcom's official stance is "it's up to the fans" (which is as wishy washy as it gets... so 100% Capcom) and I am of the camp that Poison is a woman, and they only went through all that to avoid pissing people off... and ended up pissing off the transsexual groups etc. so they failed at that and then just refused to take any stand on it for fear of someone being offended. Because God forbid a girl get hit in a video game in 1992, and yet we had Maki being punched, kicked, choked, piledriven, bearhugged, having her head smashed with a cane.... yep, that was fine. And now look where we are with that...

Poison and Capcom share one thing in common IMO. No balls.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
女同士ならいらない - I don't remember what NNin said this one actually was. Trying to translate it now, I'm getting something like "As for girlfriend, do not need" which is hardly any better than Google's result.

Where is this poll? I can't find it on the pixiv page. Do you have to be following?
That means "since they're both girls, it's not necessary." I'm guessing from the other options "it" refers to rape but it'd be nice to know what question these are answering to be sure. It could be an option or it could just be the "nothing" vote.

Also Poison isn't futanari, she's neo-half. (I'm not really into either so if you want to know more look it up)


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Ah, I see it now. Yeah the question is just "Even if they're both girls should there be rape? What kind of attack would be good?"

Since it's that, the last option is most likely saying to leave it the way it is currently, where the girls don't do a thing. Folks here probably don't want to vote for that, if you haven't already (unless that's really how you want it)


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
In this case, the game already has plenty of M->F rape in it, though. I see nothing wrong with having some F->F action thrown in as well.

Ideally, yeah, I'd love to see other kinds of downed attacks like the exhausted bearhug, the downed electric attack, etc...


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
It looks like in one of the images posted, Eliza/Mary have a belly stomping attack, which is great.

If the female enemies want to get nasty with the heroines while they're down and out, hey, I am not against that. It just doesn't need to involve the ol' cocknballs. There's plenty of fun for a girl to have with another one without that after all.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
This is just a guess but I think the author just wanted to re-use the same ryona animations with the females, so he couldn't really deviate too far from the rape motion for attacks. He's obviously put a lot of work into those as it is.

Weak for Aqua

Casual Client
Feb 8, 2012
Nahhh I don't think so! I dunno what's up with Mai in that other stuff buuut I don't think she's here.
This is a demo n I don't even think it can be beat?

Aaaanyway for who can't download it and stuff I made lotta GIFs!
The game resolution is pretty small soooo they aren't the best but it shows what is in it!

Custom sprites for bearhugging!




Aaand for Mercury and Venus, when they lose health, bearhug anim is changed!







KO choke anim changes too!




H-scene anims! Front-




aaaand back-





I wanna do a video for YT with the SFX buuut I'm not sure if these H-anims are breaking the rules? Or would they be OK if I say for adults only...?
thank you so much for making the gifs. Love them <3


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
thank you so much for making the gifs. Love them <3
ahhhh hahah I forgot I made these huehe. :P
When the new update comes I will have to make more huhh??
Actually I think there's some stuff in the most recent version I haven't done GIFs of sooo maybe I will some time?

Seems like it takes a long time to make updates buuut they seem to have a lot of detail and stuff!


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010

Okay, this is pretty great so far.

For anyone scared off by the futanari addition, you can actually turn that off and you can even turn the rape off altogether if you like (and just enjoy the usual ryona goodness!)

After you select your characters, there's a second screen with two circles and an icon indicating rape and an icon indicating Shermie's (new enemy character) special finisher.

If you want to avoid all the rape entirely, simply toggle the top icon from a "circle" to an "X" (using arrow keys)

If you want to keep the rape, but not the futa, keep both icons as a circle

And if you're curious, keeping the top a circle and the bottom an "X" keeps the rape and the futa

I think this demo is definitely worth trying out so I hope this helps!


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010 do you even play this? it just starts a stage and no button does anything

First, make sure you've downloaded the most recent version that's a couple of posts back, which you may have already.

Controls are Z, X, C, and A+Z for a special attack when your bar is flashing. There is a more detailed post on Page 1 of this thread.

At the character select screen, you click on the portraits to configure how many characters there are and if you want to control any of them, you move the arrow keys left and right to highlight who you want. Otherwise it just goes on AI control.

Feel free to ask any further questions, I'm into this, ha ha

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