Now that you mention that possibility, I will be extremely disappointed if futa winning doesn't directly lead into Poison getting added as an enemy type.Eh, it's not a killer if it's in there, so long as it's just one enemy or something.
女同士ならいらない - I don't remember what NNin said this one actually was. Trying to translate it now, I'm getting something like "As for girlfriend, do not need" which is hardly any better than Google's result.
Where is this poll? I can't find it on the pixiv page. Do you have to be following?
thank you so much for making the gifs. Love them <3Nahhh I don't think so! I dunno what's up with Mai in that other stuff buuut I don't think she's here.
This is a demo n I don't even think it can be beat?
Aaaanyway for who can't download it and stuff I made lotta GIFs!
The game resolution is pretty small soooo they aren't the best but it shows what is in it!
Custom sprites for bearhugging!
Aaand for Mercury and Venus, when they lose health, bearhug anim is changed!
KO choke anim changes too!
H-scene anims! Front-
aaaand back-
I wanna do a video for YT with the SFX buuut I'm not sure if these H-anims are breaking the rules? Or would they be OK if I say for adults only...?
ahhhh hahah I forgot I made these huehe. :Pthank you so much for making the gifs. Love them <3 do you even play this? it just starts a stage and no button does anything