Sailor Moon Zako Poll (1 Viewer)

The Diddler

Casual Client
Sep 25, 2018
So I am curious of everyone's tastes in zako so, I made polls for the Sailor Moon Zako. To enhance the images click on the bottom right of them. I only used zako that were in the game in the poll. I will make the winners of each poll into a bracket for the final poll.

Finals Poll
Polltab - Sailor Moon Zako Finale

Poll End Dates:

Semi-Finals: November 26th, 12 AM
Finals: December 1st, 12 AM

The Finalists



Tethis (Human Form)


DD Girl (Red)

DD girl red.png



Preliminary Results

Finals Preliminary
final before the last poll.png
The race is getting tight. Congratulate the winners and vote for your favorites!

Semi Final Preliminary
Round 2 Winners!
round 2 results.png
Round 1 Results based on the ratio of votes compared to their competitor. Larger image = a larger victory. All winners are displayed below. *Bracket 4's Round 2 girls not included.
round1 results smaller.png
If you would like to purchase this game, it can be found here.

For those who have the OG file Thetis and
For those who don't have it at all. Sailor Zako
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Where did you find pics of Thetis' youma form? I downloaded the zip with the character models but only her human form was in it...
Nice idea btw, though often it is hard to choose, I like them all. :)

The Diddler

Casual Client
Sep 25, 2018
Where did you find pics of Thetis' youma form? I downloaded the zip with the character models but only her human form was in it...
Nice idea btw, though often it is hard to choose, I like them all. :)

Thank you for reminding me. When making this, i realized i missed Thetis in youma form and Garigari. Let me update the link and make a DL file for both of them seperately.

EDIT: Put it in the OP
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
It's been years since I've seen any of Sailor Moon and for a second I assumed plenty of these were made up for the game, but nope! I forgot how many one-off monster-of-the-week type characters there are. And I've seen some of this developer's other stuff. Mostly his unfinished Aika Zero game. Really good sprites, as I'm someone who rarely find sprites sexy unless they're pretty high resolution and well done, like in mostly fighting games. Might try this game out

Anyway, the Ayakashi Sisters are 10/10s. Same goes for the Sailor Animamates. As for the monster-of-the-week type girls I mostly chose the more appealing or interesting designs.
By the way I've found out more about the differences between the manga original anime recently. Initially I'd only seen the anime. Regarding the sisters for instance, the sisters are all redeemed in the anime, while in the manga they're less sympathetic and all just get killed by the sailor scouts. The animamates mostly have somewhat tragic deaths at the hand of their own master in the anime but in the manga most just get killed by the scouts again. Honestly I find the anime's aproach to the villains more interesting in this regard because there's more depth and heart to it, fitting of the theme really. Excuse the tangent but I just found these differences a bit interesting.

The Diddler

Casual Client
Sep 25, 2018
Yeah, there were a lot more enemies that were drawn that I could count. Not too many were used from the original one sadly. The artist did do a lot of the youma service and made them more attractive than they ever did in the series. I can potentially see the victor for each bracket except the last one since there are eight more girls added in round two.

Have you've seen Sailor Crystal? The way they dispatch the Witch 5 is a lot more gruesome than the original anime series.


Swell Supporter
Jan 6, 2013
(video from the game). It’s really good because of the very very sexy drawings of the villainesses in distress ❤️ but for me it’s bad that the hero was this crossdressing boy. ☹️ I would have prefer the normal characters (sailor moon and the other heroines) or even better the Tuxedo mask ! Another big failing: the evil babes did not scream when they are hit. ☹️ So bad ! But the drawings are really good. ❤️
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Yeah, the Crystal anime totally lacks the monsters of the week. And the girls who are "bosses" in the old anime barely last an episode before being killed off. I never cared for that, I preferred when they try and redeem the villains.

Thank you for reminding me. When making this, i realized i missed Thetis in youma form and Garigari. Let me update the link and make a DL file for both of them seperately.

EDIT: Put it in the OP
Thanks a bunch! Thetis is a big favourite of mine, and very little R34 of her exists sadly.
I honestly felt sorry for her considering Jadeite just used her and did not even care when she died.
Thetis 01.png Thetis 05.jpg Thetis and Jadeite.jpg Thetis and Jadeite3.jpg Thetis kemono.jpg Thetis Youma.jpg Thetis Youma1.jpg Thetis4.jpg Thetis - Don't Throw Out the Bathwater.jpg
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The Diddler

Casual Client
Sep 25, 2018
FRIENDLY REMINDER, Round 2 voting ends in less than FOUR HOURS. Vote for your favorites! :smile:

Yeah, the Crystal anime totally lacks the monsters of the week. And the girls who are "bosses" in the old anime barely last an episode before being killed off. I never cared for that, I preferred when they try and redeem the villains.

Thanks a bunch! Thetis is a big favourite of mine, and very little R34 of her exists sadly.
I honestly felt sorry for her considering Jadeite just used her and did not even care when she died.

No problem. Yeah looking up any of the monsters barely has anything for them. I felt sorry for what happened to Kaolinite but, then I realized, she had it coming for what she was doing to Hotaru.


Master of this Domain
Dec 9, 2015
That means he does identify with cross dressing and beating up sexy girls... really weird, but in Japan they truly have all fetishes...
He also use the crossdress boy as a way to have sex with the zako, when you fail of beating them...well...the rape begin


Swell Supporter
Jan 6, 2013
He could give the choice of the character !! There would probably be more buyers ! And for the sounds ? The zakos don’t scream when they are hit. :( It would be so much better with this option !!!


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
I really wish the hero was not a crossdressing boy. Seriously, how many people buy the game because they identify with the hero?
Yeah, why wasn't the protagonist one of the Sailor Scouts instead? Then we could have had some hot lesbian moves...
As a fighting game, it also rather bad to have such huge character sprites - basically you cannot jump and evade much, and often if you knock out the enemies, they fall outside the screen so you won't even see them knocked out. I tried losing on purpose to see the sex scenes and they don't happen that often...
He should have made it like Cracklevania (another sex flash game) was, where if you lost your clothes as you got damaged, enemies could jump and have sex with you to drain health.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
He could give the choice of the character !! There would probably be more buyers ! And for the sounds ? The zakos don’t scream when they are hit. :( It would be so much better with this option !!!
Well that would be a lot of extra work for something that isn't the creator's preference. Beggars can't be choosers. I mean it's just a bit demanding to complain that the game doesn't suit our own Female Vs Female preferences. If I made a fetish game I know I'd want to make it to my own preferences first and if someone told me to add something that would expend a large amount of effort that I'm just not that into personally, I'd most likely decline.

Totally fair criticism on the lack of sounds though. This creator seems to really skimp out on the audio side of things pretty often.

More on-topic: Glad to see Aluminum Siren in the finals. I always liked her a lot and found her death in the original anime to be really sad, with her begging her own boss for mercy while her closest friend can only stand and stare beside her. Actually unsure on how she dies in the manga and in Crystal because I'm most familiar with the original anime, but it's probably something much less sympathetic as is usually the case.
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