Samoth's Imports (03-03-2025 Update: Nimi Nightmare Dynamic Hair [Vtuber]) (1 Viewer)


Forums Moderator
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Content Creator
2D Artist
Feb 13, 2016
A direct link to the ENTIRETY of everything I've ever made for SDT can be found here, to make it easier for people to access and download. For specific content, continue reading as below.

I've gone further down the rabbit hole and I ended up finding out that making a .swf mod isn't AS difficult as I initially imagined it would be. But to be fair, my ability to estimate something like that is absolute garbage.

In any case, here's what I've got so far:

Note: All of the mods herein are MoreClothing compatible.
Note 2, Electric Boogaloo: If mods here do not appear to work with your copy of the Loader (i.e. sleeves and gloves appear to be missing), then you will need to acquire the Template Extension in order to fix the issue.
Note 4, the Search for Note 3: All characters depicted within my mods are assumed to be 18 years or older.

User Information
Each mod listed below will supply 2 links: one goes directly to the mod on Undertow's Resource Manager for easy downloading, and the other links off-site (currently to Mega) to a .zip folder which includes the mod itself (like you would find it on the Resource Manager), the preview image(s) used for the mod as seen below, and a folder which you can drop into your "Mods" subfolder in the Loader that contains the mod renamed to fit SDT's syntax (i.e. a costume mod would be renamed to "Char.swf") and a thumbnail for it.

Some folders will contain additional items on top of these, and any such cases will be noted below. For example, the Mag Prime folder comes with a unique dialogue. This information is noted in Mag Prime's spoiler cloud.


Mag Prime
Direct Download: Mag Prime Warframe Bodysuit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
The folder download contains a unique dialogue I've made for Mag Prime. This dialogue will also be available for standalone download from my Dialogue thread if you already have this file.

About Mag Prime:
According to Warframe itself: "With full command of surrounding magnetic energy, Mag [Prime] is an expert at enemy manipulation." (The codex entry for Mag Prime talks about how she differs from a normal Mag)
Mag Prime is a Warframe themed around magnetic forces. Her abilities highlight this. As of a recent Warframe update (made near the end of May 2016), Mag's abilities were slightly reworked. As a result, I have updated her abilities to reflect this change. Since I have made a unique dialogue which happens to reference these abilities at points, I will list them here for posterity.:
  • Pull. With a single jerking motion of her hand, Mag Prime draws all enemies in a cone towards her at a deadly velocity, ragdolling them and damaging them.
  • Magnetize. A field of magnetic energy is created around the target. All enemies and projectiles in the range are drawn to the center of the field. All enemies in the field take more damage, and the total damage dealt within the bubble is applied as a DoT to enemies inside. If the original target dies, the field will explode when its duration ends.
  • Polarize. Mag (Prime) unleases a wave of energy that expands outward, dissipating enemy shields or stripping their armor, depending on which they have. Stripped armor leaves behind fragments which Magnetize can make use of as weapons. This ability also restores Mag's shields and those of her allies.
  • Crush. With a total of 3 deft hand movements, Mag Prime "magnetizes the bones of nearby enemies, causing them to collapse upon themselves." This ticks 3 times over the duration of the cast, causing damage to all enemies caught in the range and ragdolling them. Enemies who enter the range after the initial cast will be caught by the second and third ticks (or just the third if entering after the third tick).
Mag Prime also has augments for several of her abilities. They are:
  • Greedy Pull, An augment for Pull which causes it to also pull items in range towards Mag Prime. This used to apply for loot for all team members, but has since been altered to only apply for Mag.
  • Shield Transference, which converts a percentage of shields depleted by Polarize to Overshields for Mag Prime. This can give her up to an extra 1200 Shield Points. This augment used to have no cap and simply formed an ovoid around Mag Prime, which could render her near-immortal unless an enemy shot one of her exposed limbs (I believe her feet were outside the bubble as was her hand when reviving an ally). When Overshields were introduced, this augment was changed to grant Mag Prime Overshields instead of the bubble.
  • Fracturing Crush, which causes all enemies who survive Crush to be temporarily immobilized and to have their armor reduced for a brief period of time.

Right Forearm:

Left Arm:
Direct Download: Saryn Warframe Bodysuit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

About Saryn:
According to Warframe: "Saryn's venomous attacks are horrifyingly effective against organic and synthetic enemies, and her ability to "shed" her skin makes her very elusive." Saryn's theme is poison, short and simple. Saryn arguably has the largest breasts of any Warframe. Her abilities, as they currently exist in-game are as follows:
  • Spores. Saryn will infect the target she's aiming at with 2-3 spores based on the ability's rank. These spores inflict damage over time to the target and can be popped by attacks from Saryn or her allies. Doing so inflicts damage to all enemies in the vicinity of the target and spreads spores to them as well.
  • Molt. Saryn sheds her skin, leaving a decoy of her behind (in whatever pose she was in when she cast Molt - for example, she can make her molt look like it's crouching). The decoy itself has health and a duration, exploding when either one runs out. This explosion inflicts damage to all enemies in range. Saryn can cast Spores on her decoy, which can then be popped to spread the spores to enemies.
  • Toxic Lash. Saryn imbues her melee weapon with toxins, adding bonus damage to the weapon (a percentage of its current total damage) as Toxin damage (a specific elemental type). Toxic Lash also increases the damage reduction from blocking with the melee weapon for the duration. If an enemy has spores, being struck with Saryn's melee while Toxic Lash is active is guaranteed to pop at least one spore, whether or not its hitbox was breached by the actual strike. Bursting these spores will also restore energy to Saryn.
  • Miasma. Saryn pollutes the nearby environment with a caustic mist, dealing damage over time to enemies in a radius around her. This damage is increased on enemies suffering from Toxin or Viral debuffs. If Saryn's Molt is in range of the cast, it will explode (which can also apply procs to enemies).
Saryn's augments are as follows:
  • Venom Dose: An augment for Spores allowing it to be cast on allies, which adds additional Toxin damage to their attacks (rather than covering them in spores) for a duration. This affects ally weapons and abilities, making it useful for farming squads where one person is using a particular ability to keep the map wiped of enemies (as more damage ensures their quick and painful demise).
  • Regenerative Molt: When Saryn casts Molt, she gains a regeneration buff for a short period of time. Of Saryn's augments, this is probably the most used because it adds heavy survivability (since it restores 50 HP per second for 10 seconds at max rank).
  • Contagion Cloud: Enemies killed by Saryn's melee while Toxic Lash is active will leave behind clouds of Toxin gas, dealing damage to enemies who pass through or stand in the clouds.
Direct Download: Nyx Warframe Bodysuit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

About Nyx:
According to Warframe: "Mind control and psychic attacks make Nyx a very dangerous foe. Her ability to reach into enemy consciousness and manipulate their behavior can turn the tide of the battle." Nyx is all about mind control and manipulating the enemy to make them their own worst enemy. Her abilities reflect this:
  • Mind Control. Nyx "invades the psyche" of the targeted enemy, temporarily turning them into an ally. In this form, they cannot take damage from allied shots, but the damage is still tracked. When the effect ends (either from duration or from the Nyx cancelling it), this damage is applied as a lump sum. Enemy damage will hurt the target normally. Certain enemy abilities will benefit the Tenno when the unit is Mind Controlled - for example, Shield Ospreys give all allied units in a certain radius extra shields. When Mind Controlled, the Osprey will give this bonus shielding to Nyx and her allies when they're in range. Only 1 target can be under Mind Control's effects at a given time.
  • Psychic Bolts. Nyx uses her mind to shoot a series of bolts at nearby enemies. These bolts home in on their targets. The damage from this ability is sub-par, so it is widely regarded as not being that good.
  • Chaos. Nyx unleashes a powerful blast of psychic energy, confusing all enemies in range. All effected enemies will think anyone nearby is a Tenno, and thus attack the nearest target indiscriminately. This ability also causes affected enemies to stagger for a brief period, giving it the potential to be built for crowd control (minimizing one's duration to repeatedly stagger enemies rather than making them fight eachother). This ability can be recast while active, but this will not re-apply the debuff to already confused targets.
  • Absorb. Nyx enters a meditative state (as in, she gets into the stereotypical meditation Lotus position) and floats into the air, projecting a large bubble around her. Any and all fire that hits this sphere, whether from friend or foe, will be absorbed by the sphere. When the ability is deactivated - either because the Nyx ran out of energy or she ended it herself - Nyx explodes the sphere outwards, dealing the accumulated damage to all enemies in range. This ability also increases Nyx's "threat level," making enemies tend to target her moreso than her allies to help increase the damage intake of this ability.
The currently available augments for Nyx's abilities are as follows:
  • Mind Freak. Enemies under the effect of Mind Control will deal extra damage.
  • Pacifying Bolts. Enemies hit by Psychic Bolts will be confused for a short period of time.
  • Chaos Sphere. Casting Chaos also produces a sphere of effect. This will shrink in size over time, lasting for 50% of the ability's total duration at max. Enemies who enter this sphere will be affected by Chaos, even if they weren't in range when the initial cast occurred.
Each of the Warframe mods' folders comes with a Warframe-related background. All backgrounds used in these folders and more can be found here: MEGA

In the dialogue for Mag Prime which is now part of her download, I make a variety of references which someone who has not played Warframe will not get. As such, I'm going to supply this next spoiler cloud as a little information reservoir for all references I have made to this point in a Warframe dialogue:
  • Tenno: The term for the player characters in Warframe. Originally created from exposing children to Void energy to be soldiers in their war against the Sentients.
  • Lotus: The Lotus is the "handler" of all Tenno, guiding them through missions and providing aid in certain scenarios. Her presence is constant, popping in to notify you about actions as they occur in a mission.
  • Cryo-stasis: Tenno start the game in Cryo-stasis, being awakened from their sleep by the Lotus because of a threat to their life.
  • Resources: Warframe is a grind-centric game where enemies can drop resources upon death. Sometimes these deaths are the result of explosions.
  • Energy Restore: Energy is used to cast Warframe abilities, such as those listed in the "About" section for each Warframe above. An Energy Restore is a consumable item which, upon use, puts down a plate which periodically releases pulses restoring Energy to all allies in range. The plate has limited pulses before disappearing.
  • Orokin Towers: One of the locations of missions performed in the game. These are hidden away within the Void (the same Void that gave the Tenno powers). They used to only be accessible through the use of special keys. Upon completion of a mission in the towers, players were rewarded an item. Most of the time this was a Prime part or Blueprint, used in the creation of Prime items that are supposed to be relics from the Orokin Era which has long since ended. Many players who ran these missions actively hunting one item tended to be cynical or bitter about them because RNG loves to be a bastard.
  • Endless Mission: Certain mission types are "endless" for the exact reason you'd imagine. Every so often another reward is offered on top of those already given, and players can choose to leave or keep going. Going longer in one run has no bearing on whether the rewards are "good," but it does mean more reward for some up-front cost.
  • Excavation and Cryotic: Excavation is one of the Endless-style mission types available. It consists of players finding, activating, and protecting drills while they mine. If a drill successfully completes its dig, the team receives a reward item as well as 100 units of Cryotic, a resource whose in-game description makes it sound somewhat similar to permafrost. If a drill is destroyed, the team is awarded Cryotic based on the progress the drill had made.
  • Elements: Warframe's weapon modding system includes mods which can add elements to weaponry, increasing their damage. There are 3 physical-based elements - Impact, Puncture and Slash. These are found on most weapons by default. The other 4 base elements are Heat (Fire), Cold (Ice), Toxin and Electricity. These 4 can be combined in pairs to produce Blast (Heat + Cold), Gas (Heat + Toxin), Radiation (Heat + Electricity), Viral (Cold + Toxin), Magnetic (Cold + Electricity), and Corrosive (Toxin + Electricity). Some Warframe abilities carry these elemental types (example - Ember's abilities guessed it, heat-based damage).
  • Procs: Each element listed above has a proc tied to it. The chance of inflicting a proc on an enemy is based on a weapon or ability's status chance. Some weapons and abilities guarantee procs - for example, Saryn's Spores inflict Viral damage and apply a guaranteed Viral status proc to affected enemies. Each proc does something different; for example, the Viral proc cuts the enemy's max HP down to 50% (cannot stack so it just makes their max 50% until the debuff wears off). Certain procs are seen as more useful by the community than others.


Hair Download: Mercy Static Hair
Outfit Download: Mercy Outfit
Combo Download (Only as a .zip because I want separate versions of both available): MEGA
D. Va
Outfit Download: D. Va Outfit
The hair used above was created by D-Oxygen and can be found here: D-Oxygen Makes Hair Mods (08/22 Update: Effie, Charlotte, Nyx, Rottytops)
Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
Someone asked in the D. Va request thread for a modified version of the outfit which has her chest and stomach "exposed," based off some SFM gifs involving D. Va. For posterity's sake I'll be listing that version here as well.
Exposed Variant Download: MEGA (I'm opting to host this one off-site only)
Someone asked in a revision request thread for a barefoot version of the exposed outfit, so I'm going to be linking to that one here as well.
Exposed Barefoot Variant Download: MEGA (Same deal as the Exposed variant, I'm opting to only host this off-site)
Outfit Download: Widowmaker Outfit
Standalone Download for Tattoo: Widowmaker Arm Tattoo
The hair was originally created by Teadium and can be found here: Widowmaker Static Hair
A dynamic version of the hair also exists and can be found here: Widowmaker Dynamic Hair
*Note that the dynamic version uses Extended Hair Physics, and thus requires Loader v5.45 or greater. If you have an older version, all you need to do is replace the Loader.swf file currently in your SDT folder with the new one.
Pre-set Folder Download (Static Hair Version): MEGA
Pre-set Folder Download (Dynamic Hair Version): MEGA


Per the request of a user I've made a quick MEGA link that compiles all the RWBY stuff I've made into a single download. It comes as a set of all the pre-set Folders for the mods I've done. Here's the link for anyone who wants to use it: MEGA

For those who don't, the individual mods are all below.

Ruby Rose
Main Shot:
Shot 2 (For belt visibility):
Outfit Download: Ruby Rose Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Ruby Rose, Post-Timeskip
Main Shot:
Shots of her arms:
Shot of her right arm:

Shot of her left arm:
Outfit Download: Ruby Rose Post-Timeskip Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
(Specifically, it's the third variant, the one which is just her hair - no cape and no blindfold.)

Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Weiss Schnee
Outfit Download: Weiss Schnee Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Weiss Schnee, Post-Timeskip
Outfit Download: Weiss Schnee Post-Timeskip Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Blake Belladonna
Body Shot:
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Outfit Download: Blake Belladonna Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Blake Belladonna, Post-Timeskip
Outfit Download: Blake Belladonna Post-Timeskip Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Yang Xiao Long

Shot 1:
Shot 2 (More visibility of the gloves):
Outfit Download: Yang Xiao Long Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Yang Xiao Long, Volume 4 (3 Options)
There are 3 versions of the Volume 4 outfit: Yang with bandaged arm, Yang with Jacket, and Yang with new arm.
Bandaged Arm Preview:
Jacket Preview:
New Arm Preview:
Bandaged Arm Outfit Download: Yang Xiao Long Volume 4 Outfit (Bandaged Arm)
Jacket Outfit Download: Yang Xiao Long Volume 4 Outfit (Jacket)
New Arm Outfit Download: Yang Xiao Long Volume 4 Outfit (New Arm)

The hair used in all 3 Outfits was made by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)

Bandaged Arm Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
Jacket Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
New Arm Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
Yang Xiao Long, Post-Timeskip
Outfit Download: Yang Xiao Long Post-Timeskip Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Nora Valkyrie
Outfit Download: Nora Valkyrie Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Nora Valkyrie, Post-Timeskip Outfit

Shot of her gloves:
Oufit Download: Nora Valkyrie Post-Timeskip Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Pyrrha Nikos

Additional shot of her left arm:
Outfit Download: Pyrrha Nikos Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Penny Polendina
Outfit Download: Penny Polendina Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Cinder Fall
Body shot:
Right Sleeve:
Outfit Download: Cinder Fall Outfit
The hair was originally created by Maineim and can be found here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Cinder Fall, Post-Timeskip (3 Mod Variants) [VOLUME 5 SPOILERS] [Hair and Outfit]
Right Arm details:
Detailed left arm preview:
Right arm remains the same as it is in Mod 1.
This mod only adds her facial scar and her changed left arm.
Detailed arm preview:
Hair Link: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Hair
Mod 1 (Outfit with left sleeve intact) Link: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Outfit (With Sleeve)
Mod 2 (Outfit without left sleeve) Link: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Outfit (Sleeveless)
Mod 3 (Body modifications only) Link: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Body Modifications
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Emerald Sustrai
Outfit Download: Emerald Sustrai Outfit
The hair was originally created by dark_knight17 and can be found here: Emerald Sustrai - RWBY
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Outfit Download: Neopolitan Outfit
The hair was originally created by dark_knight17 and can be found here: Neopolitan
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Glynda Goodwitch [Modified Hair and Outfit]
Outfit Body:
Outfit Sleeves:
Download Link: Glynda Goodwitch Outfit
The hair is a modified version of Maineim's original version. This version can be found here: Glynda Goodwitch Hair (No Cape)
The original version can be found here, but DO note that it clashes directly with this (as it also includes a cape): Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
Winter Schnee
Outfit Download: Winter Schnee Outfit
The hair was originally created by dark_knight17 and can be found here: Winter Schnee
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Kali Belladonna
Body Shot:
Shot of the trim on her upper jacket (well, A better shot; the relative size still ends up making some of the finer details hard to see):
Left Arm:
Download link: Kali Belladonna Outfit
The hair as seen here was originally created by dark_knight17 and can be found here: Kali Beladonna - RWBY
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Coco Adel [Hair and Outfit]
Preview + Hairs below (The "captions" to the right of each image are actually also links to the hair .PNG files themselves. Right click these and choose "Save image as..." to download them to your computer for use.)
Main Hair Download Link: Coco Adel Hair ("Regular")
Outfit Download Link: Coco Adel Outfit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

If you want to be boring and use a clothing outfit 100% sourced from the base stuff in SDT (rather than using the Outfit that now accompanies this hair mod), I've found the following code to be sufficient:
Velvet Scarletina [Dynamic Hair and Outfit]
Outfit Preview:
Hair Link: Velvet Scarletina Dynamic Hair
Outfit Download Link: Velvet Scarletina Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
If you want to be boring and use a clothing outfit 100% sourced from the base stuff in SDT (rather than using the Outfit that now accompanies this hair mod), I've found the following code to be sufficient:
Salem [Hair and Outfit]
Hair Link: Salem Hair
Body Markings Link: Salem Body Markings
Outfit Link: Salem Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA (Includes pre-set folders both for nude Salem and clothed Salem)
If you want to be boring and use a clothing outfit 100% sourced from the base stuff in SDT (rather than using the Outfit that now accompanies this hair mod), I've found the following code to be sufficient:
Raven Branwen [Hair and Outfit]
Hair Link: Raven Branwen Hair
Outfit Link: Raven Branwen Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download Link: MEGA
The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows (for those who either don't want to use a Loader mod or who don't want to use her canon outfit):
Vernal [Hair and Outfit]

Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Hair Link: Vernal Hair
Outfit Link: Vernal Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download Link: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. only modifications to her body) is as follows:
The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows :
Ilia Amitola [Hair and Outfit]

Details on Right Arm (Glove):

Details on Left Arm (markings):
Hair Link: Ilia Amitola Hair
Body Markings Link: Ilia Amitola Body Markings
Outfit Link: Ilia Amitola Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download Link: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. nude) is as follows:
The code used for the vanilla outfit is as follows:
Note that neither code is necessary if you use one of the .swf files (either the body markings or the actual outfit).
Terra Cotta-Arc [Hair and Outfit]

Shot of her sleeve (both are identical):
Hair Link: Terra Cotta-Arc Hair
Outfit Link: Terra Cotta-Arc Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download Link: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. only modifications to her body) is as follows:
Note that the above character code is innately part of the outfit mod, so you don't need to add aa Code.txt file to a character folder if you intend to make one for her, unless you're going to modify it further (i.e. replace the male with a futa female or a female wearing a strap-on, since both of those are technically closer to canon than a generic dude would be).

The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows :
Saphron Cotta-Arc [Hair and Outfit]

Hair Link: Saphron Cotta-Arc Hair
Outfit Link: Saphron Cotta-Arc Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download Link: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. only modifications to her body) is as follows:

Note that the above character code is innately part of the outfit mod, so you don't need to add aa Code.txt file to a character folder if you intend to make one for her, unless you're going to modify it further (i.e. replace the male with a futa female or a female wearing a strap-on, since both of those are technically closer to canon than a generic dude would be).

The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows :


Sonia [Hair and Outfit]

Shot of right arm:

Shot of left arm:
Hair Link: Sonia Static Hair
Outfit Link: Sonia Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download Link: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. only modifications to her body) is as follows:
Note that the above character code is innately part of the outfit mod, so you don't need to add a Code.txt file to a character folder if you intend to make one for her, unless you're going to modify it further.

The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows :
Nessa [Hair and Outfit]

Shot of right arm:

Short of left upper arm:
Hair Link: Nessa Static Hair
Outfit Link: Nessa Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. only modifications to her body) is as follows:
Note that the above character code is innately part of the hair mod, so you don't need to add a Code.txt file to a character folder if you intend to make one for her, unless you're going to modify it further.

The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows :
Gloria [Hair and Outfit]
Hair Link: Gloria Static Hair
Outfit Link: Gloria Outfit
Pre-Set Folder Download: MEGA
The code for her general physique (i.e. only modifications to her body) is as follows:

The code used to make the vanilla outfit is as follows :
Pokemon GO Trainer Hat (RGB Adjustable)
This mod has 4 versions. Additionally, this mod works best when paired with the HeadwearLand mod for compatability with more hairs.
Variant 1

Variant 2

Variant 3

"Simple" 2-tone hat (no logo):
Mod link: Pokémon GO Trainer Hats [RGB-Adjustable]
A zipped folder containing all 4 mods can be found here: MEGA

These mods are all originally based on D-Oxygen D-Oxygen 's Pokemon GO Girl Static Hairs, and edited by @tickles to make them work better as standalones. D-oxygen's original versions can be found here:
Pokémon Go Girl Static Hair (Brunette)
Pokémon Go Girl Static Hair (Purple)
Pokémon Go Girl Static Hair (Blonde)

Notes on the RGB channels used in these mods:
  • The brim of the hat is only RGB-adjustable in variant 3.
  • Variant 1 has the back of the hat and the logo in RGB channel 1, with the remainder of the front of the hat in RGB channel 2.
  • Variant 2 has the logo in RGB channel 2 and the rest of the hat (excluding brim) in RGB channel 1.
  • Variant 3 has the back of the hat and the brim in RGB channel 1, and the logo in RGB channel 2. The front of the hat (the white portion) is NOT RGB-adjustable.
  • The 2-tone hat has the back of the hat in RGB channel 1 and the front of the hat in RGB channel 2.

Genshin Impact Background Downloads Link: MEGA

Traveller (HIM Mod) (RGB Adjustable) [Updated!]

Shot of his right hand:

Due to ExtraModHim, this mod now supports the Loader arm (also RGB compatible):
Outfit Download: Traveller/Aether Outfit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
As this mod is meant to be paired with other mods, the pre-set folder also comes with instructions on how to add this to preexisting character folders.

Since the mod now comes with RGB functionality, a handful of color "recommendations" to try and match in-game colors for his RGB components are below. Note that the RGB for all pieces binds to the Him Top slider.
Anemo - 161,224,216

Geo - 255,231,116

Electro - 203,88,253

Dendro - 145,255,0

Shot of right arm (left is the same basically, minor detail differences)
Outfit Download: Amber Outfit Mod
The hair was originally created by tickles and can be found here: Amber Static Hair
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

Gloves (one shown, both are the same):
Outfit Download: Keqing Outfit Mod
The hair was originally created by tickles and can be found here: Keqing - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

Shot of her glove:
Outfit Download: Xiangling Outfit Mod
The hair was originally created by tickles and can be found here: Xiangling - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Hu Tao

Shot of her right sleeve:

Shot of her left sleeve:

Shot of jewelry on her ring finger:
Outfit Download: Hu Tao Outfit Mod
The hair was originally created by tickles and can be found here: Hu Tao - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

Shot of her right sleeve:
Outfit Download: Barbara Outfit Mod
The hair was originally created by tickles and can be found here: Barbara - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

Shot of her arm (both are the same, except for the belts and dangling rope on her right arm):
Full Mod Download: Rosaria (Outfit and Hair)
This mod includes a custom hair. The above download has 3 variants available - the full costume (with hair), the hair and hood without the outfit, and just the hair.
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

Shot of her right glove:

Shot of her left glove:
Full Mod Download: Beidou Outfit Mod
The hair was made by tickles and can be found here: Beidou Static Hair
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Note: I advise using this mod with the MoveEar mod for full accuracy.

Shot of her sleeve:
Full Mod Download: Yanfei (Outfit and Hair)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
This mod includes a custom hair. The above download has 3 variants available - the full costume (with hair), the hair and hood without the outfit, and just the hair.
Note: I advise using this mod with the MoveEar mod for full accuracy.

Shot of her sleeve:
Outfit Mod Download: Eula Outfit Mod
The hair was made by Tickles and can be found here: Eula - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
Update: Added additional shading.

Right Arm:

Left Arm:
Outfit Mod Download: Ayaka Kamisato Outfit and Dynamic Hair
The hair is based on a static version made by Tickles, which can be found here: Ayaka - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA

Right Arm:

Left Arm:
Outfit Mod Download: Yoimiya Naganohara Outfit
The hair is based on a static version made by Tickles, which can be found here: Yoimiya - Static Hair (Genshin Impact)
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA


Scion Adventurer Outfit (HIM Mod)

The 3 components of this mod - the jacket, pants and boots - are all individually re-colorable.

As this mod is built off ExtraModHim, it also supports the Loader Arm (which also supports RGB):
Outfit Download: Scion Adventurer Outfit [EMH]
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
As this mod is meant to be paired with other mods, the pre-set folder also comes with instructions on how to add this to preexisting character folders.
Yugiri Mistwalker [Hair and Outfit]

Shot of her right arm:

Shot of her left arm:
Mod Link: Yugiri Mistwalker Hair and Outfit
Pre-set folder download: MEGA
This mod includes a custom hair. The above download has 3 variants available - the full costume (with hair), the hair on its own, and the outfit on its own. Note that both isolated mods also remove body details specific to Au Ra, e.g. the horn, facial scales, and the tail. This is to make them easier to incorporate into MoreClothing.
Y'shtola Rhul [Hair and Shadowbringers Outfit]
Two versions of the hair are available - one comes with the earrings, and one comes without. See spoiler cloud below for previews:
With Earrings:

Without Earrings (tail, while not included in the picture, is the same in both):

Left Arm:

Right Arm:
Important Note Regarding the Outfit: There is a "known bug" with the mod where her right arm will sometimes be invisible if you start the mod with her arm behind her back depending on how it was loaded (i.e. loaded via MoreClothing). If you experience this issue, swap her right arm's position between "behind back" and "on legs". This should resolve the issue.

Hair Mod Link: Y'shtola Rhul Static Hair with Dynamic Earrings
Outfit Mod Link: Y'shtola Rhul Outfit [Shadowbringers]
A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, two custom backgrounds, a custom folder for the full outfit, and the hair downloads. Note that the Custom Folder requires adding the mod to MoreClothing to function properly - the masking used for the fur at her shoulder prevents this from properly loading as a Char.swf in a custom folder. See the file entitled "README - Character Code.txt" within the .zip for further details.

To recreate the eye color and skin tone used above, use the following code:
Lyse Hext [Hair and Early Stormblood Outfit ("Scion Liberator" set)]

Left Arm:

Right Arm:
Note that while the outfit previews do not show it, the top is breast-size adjustable - as her chest gets bigger, the shirt will expand with it.

Hair Mod Link: Lyse Hext Hair
Outfit Mod Link: Scion Liberator's Outfit
A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, two custom backgrounds, a custom folder for the full outfit, and the relevant mod downloads.

To recreate the eye color used above, use the following code:
Menphina [Hair and Outfit] [Breast Adjustable]

Arm Bracer details (same bracer on both arms):

The outfit itself is also available with the wing removed:

An alternate version of the sandals is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Note that while the outfit previews do not show it, the top is breast-size adjustable - as her chest gets bigger, the shirt will expand with it.

Hair Mod Link: Menphina Dynamic Hair with Crown
Outfit Mod Link: Menphina Outfit
A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, a custom background, a custom folder for the full outfit, and the hair download.

To recreate the eye color used above, use the following code:
Venat Hair (HairRGB version available)

The RGB-adjustable version of this mod requires HairRGB, and utilizes the first RGB channel added by that mod:
Mod Link:
To recreate the eye color used in the first image, use the following code:

Ninja Level 70 Artifact Gear (RGB Adjustable)
Preview to demonstrate RGB channels:
Mod Link: FFXIV Ninja Outfit (RGB Adjustable)
For details on RGB channels the mod uses, see below:
Her Top, skirt plate, upper arms, and forearms (excluding the gauntlets) use the Top RGB Slider.
Her Gloves (forearm and hands) use the Armwear RGB Slider.
Her Pants (thighs and calves) and dangling fabric pieces use the Bottoms RGB Slider 1 (the left one).
Her Boots use the Bottoms RGB Slider 2 (the right one).
Metal pieces, her belt, and a select portion of her shoes do not use any RGB channel.
Rainmaker Hairstyle ("Samurai Ponytail") (RGB Adjustable)
Three versions of this mod are available. In all 3, the Headwear RGB slider(s) are used. For details, see below spoiler cloud or the resource's page:

  1. In the Full RGB version, the hair color itself occupies Headwear RGB slider 1, and the scrunchie on the ponytail occupies Headwear RGB slider 2.
  2. In the Static Hair with Headwear RGB-1 version, the hair is a set color (as based on the original request, with the scrunchie taking its color from Headwear RGB slider 1.
  3. In the Static Hair with Headwear RGB-2 version, the hair is a set color (same set color from version 2), with the scrunchie taking its color from Headwear RGB slider 2 instead.
Example of Hair Colors:

RGB Demonstration, showing the hair binding to Headwear channels (as depicted by the base Cat Ears headwear):

RGB Demonstration of the "Static Hair with Headwear RGB-1" version:

RGB Demonstration of the "Static Hair with Headwear RGB-2" version:
Mod Link: Rainmaker Hairstyle
"Styled for Hire" Hairstyle (RGB Adjustable)
RGB adjustable versions utilize the Headwear RGB sliders for coloration. A total of 3 versions are available for users. For details, see below spoiler cloud or the resource's page:

  1. The "Static Colors" version features a pre-set hair color (a pale blonde, same as the Rainmaker hairstyle).
  2. The "Headwear RGB Slider 1" version has the hair take its color from Headwear RGB slider 1.
  3. The "Headwear RGB Slider 2" version is exactly the same as the Slider 1 version, except the hair takes its color from Headwear RGB slider 2 instead.
Static Hair Color Preview:

Headwear RGB Slider 1 Demonstration (as depicted by the base Cat Ears headwear):

Headwear RGB Slider 2 Demonstration:
Mod Link: Styled for Hire Hairstyle
Au Ra Scales (All Raen and Xaela Variants)

Shot of her right arm:

Shot of her left arm:

Pictures of the 4 Horn and Tail variants for Raen (white scales):
Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

Pictures of the 4 Horn and Tail variants for Xaela (black scales):
Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4
Important Layering Notes (tl;dr below - full details on resource page):
  • Her horns are considered Headwear.
  • Her neck scales are considered as a Collar.
  • The scales on her lower body including her tail are considered a Legwear; use the legwearB for legwear-type clothing so it goes over the scales.
  • The scales on her arms and hands are considered Armwear; load this before loading any modded clothing to ensure her scales properly appear under the clothing.
  • The scales on her face are considered Eyewear, which can cause interesting interactions with certain hairstyles. This can be resolved by using MoveEyewear (alongside MoveEar for Horn Type 1), and code is already built into the mods to complement this.
Mod Link: Au Ra Scales
Note that I have removed the MEGA link as it is now out-of-date. The newest download is now a .zip file, so I felt there was no point making a new MEGA link (since it'd be the same link anyways). The file can still be found in my MEGA archive, as linked at the top of this post and in the SDT Discord.

Miqo'te Starter Outfit "Remaster"
This mod was originally created by @Synonymous and can be found here: Miqo'te Costume
Preview and Explanation:
Originally, the sleeves of this outfit were on the Body Template. This meant that when you updated her skintone's HSL values, the sleeves would be impacted as well. This version of the mod moves the sleeves to the Armwear Template, thereby removing the HSL issue:


In addition, I moved the boots and attached stocking bit (the white cloth and the gold buckle) to the Legwear template so that the skirt wasn't connected to them, though that was not part of the request that spurred this update.
Mod Link: Miqo'te Costume "Remaster"
Miqo'te Ears, Tail, and Optional Face Markings (RGB Adjustable)
Two versions of the mod are available - one does not include the face markings (to allow the ears and tail to be more easily used with catgirls that aren't FFXIV-related). See below for previews:
RGB Demonstration 1:

RGB Demonstration 2 (without face markings):
Mod Link: Miqo'te Facial Markings and RGB Adjustable Ears and Tail

Both the ears and the tail are bound to the first Headwear RGB slider. See below image for reference:


Mystic Code: Chaldea (HIM Mod)

Due to ExtraModHim, this mod also supports the Loader arm:
Outfit Download: Mystic Code: Chaldea Outfit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
As this mod is meant to be paired with other mods, the pre-set folder also comes with instructions on how to add this to preexisting character folders.
"Brilliant Summer" Swimsuit (HIM Mod)
Outfit Download: "Brilliant Summer" Swimsuit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
As this mod is meant to be paired with other mods, the pre-set folder also comes with instructions on how to add this to preexisting character folders.
RGB Swimsuit, based off "Brilliant Summer" Swimsuit (HIM Mod) (RGB Adjustable)

The two pieces in this mod utilize different sliders - the pants use the Him Bottoms slider, and the sandals use the Him Footwear slider.
Outfit Download: RGB Him Swimsuit
Pre-set Folder Download: MEGA
As this mod is meant to be paired with other mods, the pre-set folder also comes with instructions on how to add this to preexisting character folders.
Mash Kyrielight Static Hair
Mod Link: Mash Kyrielight Static Hair
Pre-set folder download: MEGA
To recreate the eye color used above, use the following code:

Mash Kyrielight Swimsuit [Breast Adjustable]

Individual component previews [with light demonstration of breast resize capability]:
Mod Link: Mash Kyrielight Swimsuit
The hair is not included with this .swf, but can be found here: Mash Kyrielight Static Hair
Pre-set folder download: MEGA
To recreate the eye color used above, use the following code:

Dangerous Beast Outfit (RGB Adjustable AND Breast Adjustable)
Preview [complete with RGB demonstration]:

Full Glove (both arms are the same):

Alternate legwear version designed for use with Feet4Heels:

RGB Split demonstration:
Mod Link: "Dangerous Beast" Outfit

Note: if you want to load this mod via a Custom Folder, you need to load it into MoreClothing and then use character codes to load it in; directly loading it as a Char.swf breaks the shoulder masking (and the re-bound RGB if you're trying to load the RGB version).

For details on RGB channels the mod uses, see below:
In short: All fur components (and related lace around the waist and upper thigh) use the Top ("T-shirt") RGB slider.
All fabric components (boots, gloves, panties, straps on her back) use the Armwear ("Gloves") RGB slider.
The standalone version of the legwear designed for Feet4Heels uses the Legwear A RGB sliders - slider 1 for fabric, slider 2 for fur.
Ereshkigal Hair and Outfit (Breast Adjustable)
Hair Preview:

An additional version of the hair without the crown is also available.
Outfit Preview:
With cape:

Without cape:

Left Arm:

An alternate version of the shoes and leggings is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Note that while the outfit previews do not show it, the top is breast-size adjustable - as her chest gets bigger, the shirt will expand with it.

Hair Mod Link: Ereshkigal Hair
Outfit Mod Link: Ereshkigal Outfit
A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, a custom folder, and the relevant mods.

To recreate the eye color used above, use the following code:
Altera Hair, Body Markings and "Maiden of Silver Flowers" Outfit (Breast Adjustable)
Hair Preview:

An additional version of the hair without the veil is also available.

Body Markings Preview:

"Maiden of Silver Flowers" Outfit Preview:
Reference Image:
Main Outfit, with Hair:

The mod includes a breast-adjustable top, as demonstrated below:

An alternate version of the shoes and leggings is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Hair Mod Link: Altera Hair
Body Markings Mod Link: Altera Body Markings
Outfit Mod Link: Maiden of Silver Flowers Outfit
A pre-set folder for the outfit can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, a custom folder, and the relevant mods.

To recreate the eye color and skin tone used above, use the following code:
Trick or Treatment Outfit (Breast Adjustable)
Reference Image:

Main Outfit Preview:

Preview of her arm, as well as demonstrating breast size adjustability [note that both arms look the same]:

While not visible normally, this outfit also includes an accompanying set of panties:

An alternate version of the boots is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Mod Link: Trick or Treatment Outfit

Note that this has 2 downloads listed. The second file download splits the boots and leggings out onto separate layers for MoreClothing compatability. For full details, see the resource post's description.
Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) Shinjuku Outfit and Dynamic Short Hair (Breast Adjustable)
Reference Image:

Main Outfit Preview:

Demonstrating breast size adjustability:

While not fully visible normally, the dress is fully drawn and works on its own via MoreClothing (see the RM post for further details):

An alternate version of the boots is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Important Note Regarding the Outfit: There is a "known bug" with the mod where her right arm will sometimes be invisible if you start the mod with her arm behind her back depending on how it was loaded (i.e. loaded via MoreClothing). If you experience this issue, swap her right arm's position between "behind back" and "on legs". This should resolve the issue. Note that both versions of the outfit mod I have available come with a character code "baked in" that swaps her right arm to be on her leg, to mitigate this issue.

Hair Mod Link: Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) Dynamic Short Hair
Outfit Mod Link: Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) Shinjuku Outfit

Note that the outfit page has 2 downloads listed. The second file download is a combination of the hair and outfit, allowing for ease of use of the full outfit in custom character folders.

A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA

To recreate the eye color and skin tone used above, use the following code:
Tomoe Gozen (Saber) Outfit and Dynamic Hair (Breast Adjustable)
Reference Image:

Main Outfit and Hair:

The mod includes a breast-adjustable top, as demonstrated below:

An alternate version of the sandals is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Hair Mod Link: Tomoe Gozen (Saber) Dynamic Hair
Outfit Mod Link: Tomoe Gozen (Saber) Swimsuit

Note that the outfit page has 2 downloads listed. The second file download is a combination of the hair and outfit, allowing for ease of use of the full outfit in custom character folders.

A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, a custom folder for the full outfit, and the mod downloads.

To recreate the eye color and skin tone used above, use the following code:
Artoria Pendragon (Ruler) Outfit and Dynamic Hair (Breast Adjustable)
Reference Image:

Main Outfit:

The mod includes a breast-adjustable top, as demonstrated below:

An alternate version of the sandals is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer]:
Hair Mod Link: Artoria Pendragon (Ruler) Dynamic Hair
Outfit Mod Link: Artoria Pendragon (Ruler) Outfit

Note that both pages have 2 downloads each. The second file for the hair removes the bunny ears, and the second file for the outfit is a combination mod which packages in the hair, allowing for ease of use of the full outfit in custom character folders.

A pre-set folder can be found here: MEGA
The above folder download includes the preview images used here, a custom folder for the full outfit, and the mod downloads.

To recreate the eye color and skin tone used above, use the following code:


Ceres Fauna Dynamic Hair

Both dynamic components can be toggled, resulting in a short hair version not dissimilar to Fauna's "goth" hairstyle:

Mod Link: Ceres Fauna Dynamic Hair
Nimi Nightmare Dynamic Hair [New!]

To recreate the eye color used above, use the following code:


Note that this mod utilizes the functionality of MoveEar to hide her default ear under the hairstyle.
Mod Link: Nimi Nightmare Dynamic Hair

Miscellaneous Mods
Facial Scar: X Between Eyes
Mod Link: Facial Scar (X Between Eyes)
No MEGA link for this because there's not really a set of stuff to go with it. It's more of an accessory than a core mod.
Also, I designed this with a pale skin tone in mind so it might not look as good on other skin tones.
Body Markings (Expanded version of Altera's markings) (RGB Adjustable)

The download includes an alternate second version of the body markings designed for ThickerThighs:
The mod utilizes the second RGB channel for the LegwearB clothing type (see image below):
Mod Link: RGB Body Markings
Additional details, such as MoreClothing compatability, can be found on the resource page.
Fishnet Leggings (RGB Adjustable)


An alternate version of the legwear is available for use with Feet4Heels [Requires version 1.6 or newer], and should automatically load once F4H is active:
Mod Link: Fishnet Leggings (RGB Adjustable)
Hair Ribbon (RGB Adjustable)
This mod is based on the ribbon from Failing Up's Ruka Sarashina Hair.

See below images for a demonstration of how it colors:

Mod Link: RGB Adjustable Hair Ribbon

The ribbon's RGB is currently bound to the first Headwear RGB slider, like the RGB Catgirl Ears and Tail above (under the FFXIV section).
Multiway Scrunched Bra (RGB Adjustable)

The bra itself is also breast size adjustable:
The mod is RGB compatible, and by default is tied to the Bra template. Note that the main RGB channel is only connected to the actual cloth on her breasts. In order to color the straps as seen in the previews above, you need to use the AllAlphaSliders mod by Sby. Otherwise, the straps will be black.

Mod Link:
Nurse Cap (RGB Adjustable) [New!]

The pink portion of the hat utilizes the first RGB channel on the Headwear mod slot.

The blue portion of the hat (the cross) utilizes the second RGB channel on the Headwear mod slot.
Mod Link: RGB Adjustable Nurse Cap
Video Player Overlay

Note: while only one preview is shown, there are 4 variants: 0:16, 138, 3:26, and 4:50. All are based on a 5 minute video.
Mod Link: Video Player Timestamp Overlays
Note that this mod requires MoreClothing to work. Full instructions on installation and use can be found on the resource's page.
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Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
OMG a new sdt modder ! I crying of joy. Congratulation for your first mod.

Just a little comment : you may want to delete the upper outline of the right thight (red circle).

Besides, you may want to add some details like shading of glare area.

Concerning the sleeves (blue circle), the vanilla template don't allow us to draw sleeves or gloves. You need to use a Loader template and draw the sleeves for each positions (back, on her leg, blowjob).

But ignores my comments if you wish, it's a very good start. :smile:


Forums Moderator
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Feb 13, 2016
OMG a new sdt modder ! I crying of joy. Congratulation for your first mod.

Just a little comment : you may want to delete the upper outline of the right thight (red circle).

Besides, you may want to add some details like shading of glare area.

Concerning the sleeves (blue circle), the vanilla template don't allow us to draw sleeves or gloves. You need to use a Loader template and draw the sleeves for each positions (back, on her leg, blowjob).

But ignores my comments if you wish, it's a very good start. :smile:
Oh. I entirely missed the red circle. I THINK I've managed to fix the line issue you spoke about (the link in the OP will be updated shortly It's updated now). I didn't fix the sleeve part because it's not as quick of a fix and I didn't have the items on hand just now to whip up the necessary changes. I presume I'd have to use Faceless' Loader Template and/or Dante's Costume Templates for the sleeves? Would I just make them a separate mod? Or is there some easy way to import my current .fla into the Loader Template and have it be used so that I wouldn't have to start from scratch?

(Thanks in any case for the heads-up on this because I'll probably end up using this Template for the rest of my art since it seems superior to the other one. I intentionally set the code to start with her arms on her legs BECAUSE of the sleeve issue)
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Content Creator
Feb 6, 2014
Oh. I entirely missed the red circle. I THINK I've managed to fix the line issue you spoke about (the link in the OP will be updated shortly). I didn't fix the sleeve part because it's not as quick of a fix and I didn't have the items on hand just now to whip up the necessary changes. I presume I'd have to use Faceless' Loader Template and/or Dante's Costume Templates for the sleeves?
Yes, totally right : the right thigh outline is easy to fix and the other are not. Any Loader template can be used (but just for the record : personnaly, I'm using the SDTMods_sbyTemplate3).

Don't bother with Loader stuff for now (it's considering as pretty advanced stuff). First, I advice you to practice with all the vanilla stuff like breasts supports, rgb supports, ..., and the "graphical" stuffs like shading.
You don't really need breasts or rgb supports for this current project but "glaring" or "glittering" effects should be interesting.

Oh and congratulation again, I just take a look at some Mag Prime's pictures and I realized that you have not started with a very easy outfit project :wink:


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Feb 13, 2016
Back into the swing of things after a long time not doing shit with modding, I've made a new one:


This was made using Faceless' Loader template, so unlike Mag Prime she is able to give a handjob (and also has bigger boobs, which fits since as far as I've been able to tell Saryn's breasts are the largest of any Warframe) as well as just have her hand on her lap or behind her back.

I will shortly be expanding my backgrounds package with shots from places like the Orokin Void, maybe a little bit of Phobos or something. I know it's gonna have the Void stuff. I'll update this post once that's finished.
EDIT: Updated backgrounds. I decided just to add some stuff from the Void. 6 new backgrounds are now available via the backgrounds link in the OP.

Also, I updated the currently available Mag Prime folder and Warframe Backgrounds folder - the backgrounds are now all .png's (otherwise unchanged) and the files inside the Mag Prime folder all now have proper capitalization (since this apparently is an issue on Mac systems, as I've learned from my other content thread).

Saryn is not shipping with a unique dialogue, but I will make one for her in time. It'll just be a matter of figuring out how to fold in ability references like I did for Mag. Enjoy. :)
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Feb 13, 2016
Another update today. This time around it's someone a bit more in control...


Same basic aspects as Saryn apply here - that is, she was made using a Loader template so handjobs won't break the outfit. The link to her folder download can be found in the OP. Like Saryn, she is not shipping with a unique dialogue.

I'll probably go ahead and add some more backgrounds to the folder shortly. I'm thinking of actually doing Phobos this time, unlike last time where I said I was considering it, but I never did anything.

EDIT (5/25) - Finally did the thing and made Phobos-based backgrounds. Not sure which planet I'm gonna do next. Might make a poll and a post detailing it later on. Only time will tell.
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Feb 13, 2016
A smaller update than my past ones have been. The thread was moved because I felt this subforum better reflected its usage - that is, all my mods require the Loader to work. An attentive reader may realize that this means I've changed something. Specifically, I have updated Mag Prime.


The changes are not too terribly obvious, but I know of 2 I can clearly prove were changed:
  1. Mag Prime can now give handjobs.
  2. Mag Prime's breasts have been tweaked, no longer showing nipples.
  3. This version of Mag Prime is compatible with the MoreClothing mod.
My other two mods as of this post - Saryn and Nyx - were made using Faceless' template, so while they ARE for use with the Loader they are NOT MoreClothing compatible. I intend to go back and make them compatible with MoreClothing next - my experience doing this with Mag Prime suggests to me that this shouldn't take too long (once I can stop being lazy and do it, of course). Once I've done that, I can go back to making more mods.

On a mostly unrelated side note, I've updated Mag Prime's ability list to reflect the fact that one of the latest Warframe updates (to use their terminology, "Update 18.13") has reworked her abilities, removing Bullet Attractor and tweaking Shield Polarize. This means I'll have to update her dialogue as well (although that shouldn't be very difficult to do - I believe I referenced BA twice at most, and I expect whatever reference I made to SP will still fit without checking what it is exactly).


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Feb 13, 2016
New update: Entirely coming out of left field, I decided to try my hand at a hair mod. Mainly because a request thread gave me such a good reference image for a costume mod (that I will probably make next) that I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

It's the hair for Mercy from Overwatch.

Do note that this mod fits the continuity (as in, the long hair is on the right side of her face) as long as you're in mirrored mode. You can find this toggle in the settings ingame.

I've also tidied up the first post a little - all previews are now images posted in the body of the text (and not links to the image URLs) and I've added direct download links in case you'd rather use Undertow's Resource Manager or don't trust Google Drive or...something, I have no clue. I've also added explanations of why there are Folder downloads. Just a bit of housekeeping.


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Feb 13, 2016
Mercy said:
Heroes never die...because if they did, then I wouldn't be able to suck them off!

I said I would do it. So I did. Mercy now has her full costume in SDT.

The download link can be found in the OP. Note that the on-site version is ONLY the costume - hair remains a separate mod. This is more for MoreClothing compatability (based on past experience with trying to rig a costume mod that included hair into MoreClothing) than anything. I have, however, made a combination .swf for convenience. It can be found here:


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Feb 13, 2016
Laziness has been slain, though likely only for a short period of time. I expect in about a month procrastination will be the driving force behind me making content, since procrastination on writing a major paper for a course was what got me started on making SDT content in the first place (admittedly that was on dialogues but that's irrelevant) and I go back to college in about a month. The point of this post is that I've gone and made Ruby Rose's outfit (given the concept art shown at the latest RTX I'll have to eventually sub-label it as s1-s3 Ruby) from RWBY. Here's how it looks:


And a second shot to showcase the belt itself:

As usual, download link in the OP. However, unlike usual there's a caveat: the download for the costume does not include the hair; that was made originally by Maineim and can be found on his thread here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)

Alternatively, my pre-set folder download for Ruby includes the hair (and a .txt file identifying Mainem as its source because if high school English imprinted one thing on me, it's to cite sources. I didn't make the hair so I give credit where it's due. Simple as that).
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Feb 13, 2016
My latest spree continues. The newest addition to this particular rogues' gallery is Yang from RWBY. Images to follow:


The second shot being to show off the gloves (I suppose saying "show off the right glove" is more accurate...)

Much like the Ruby outfit, the hair is not included. Also like the Ruby outfit, the hair for Yang can be found on Maineim's thread here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)

The pre-set folder package also includes the hair (like Ruby's did).
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Casual Client
Sep 14, 2013
Nice - adding the costumes to hair is good. (Is there an appropriate background to package them with?)


Forums Moderator
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Feb 13, 2016
Is there an appropriate background to package them with?

Unfortunately no, not as far as I'm aware. I'd absolutely love if someone were to make an appropriate background (I'd personally be hoping for a shot of their dorm room, it'd make the most sense) but I do not have the ability to make those so I really cannot weigh in too heavily on the topic.


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Feb 13, 2016
Round three in my latest streak: Blake Belladonna from RWBY, proving that a cat(girl) is definitely fine too.

Body shot:

Right Arm:

Left Arm:

Hair sourced once again from Maineim and his thread: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)

Pre-packaged folder also available, in the same fashion as Ruby and Yang's were.
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Feb 13, 2016
Team RWBY wouldn't be complete without Weiss. With that in mind, here's an outfit for her:

Hair continues to be supplied by based Maineim in his thread: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)

Pre-packaged folder also set and ready to go as well for those who use that route.
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Feb 13, 2016
Have you thought about doing a rwby dialogue to go with the outfits?

In all honesty it's kinda why I made these in the first place. The primary issues are (A) I'm lazy and (B) for some reason I feel it wouldn't work as well if I didn't have the appropriate background. I might just make the dialogue(s) anyways and then eventually come back if/when someone makes nice backgrounds for them, or just use an intermediary for the time being that fits.

Until that point, there are some dialogues in existence pertaining to the girls:
  • A Yang dialogue can be found here.
  • There are 2 Ruby dialogues that I know of. One was made by f93 and can be found here, and the other was made by oldwalkers (and has a more pre-defined plot - the other two dialogues I've linked so far don't have as much of a plot as far as I'm aware) and that dialogue can be found here.
  • As far as I'm aware, there are unfortunately no Blake or Weiss dialogues, but I admittedly haven't tried doing much digging for them.


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Feb 13, 2016
One final mod before my excuse for making this stuff becomes "avoiding doing my classwork" again: D. Va from Overwatch.


The hair used in the above picture was made by D-Oxygen and can be found here: D-Oxygen Makes Hair Mods (08/22 Update: Effie, Charlotte, Nyx, Rottytops)

Pre-packaged folder also set and ready to go.

(P. S. Yes, I know she doesn't have sponsors or MEKA on her leg. This is really because (A) I'm lazy and (B) I didn't want to make it incongruous by having MEKA on her right leg; I was more concerned with not having the sponsors because of the Blizzard logo. I'm probably playing it safer than I need to but hey, it means people have access to the mod sooner :smile:) This is no longer relevant as she's now been updated to have the logos.
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