Need help with the penisrange mods. The female keeps spawning in strangely translucent and I don't know how to fix it.
The testmaskbulgealpha option should be set to 0, but it isn't. The simplest explanation for why it isn't set to 0 is because the penisrange mod can't find its settings file.Need help with the penisrange mods. The female keeps spawning in strangely translucent and I don't know how to fix it.
var bodycontactdeepestyet:Number = 0.01;
var lasttimeresisted:Number = 0;
var bodycontactdeepestrecent:Number = 0;
var recentdeepesttime:Number = 0;
//at the end of function doCheck(e)
//I'm actually not sure how many of these I've added and how many were already there
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_startresist"] = startingresistance;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_curresist"] = currentresistance;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_minresistance"] = minresistance;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_hervigour"] = Math.min(100,round(g.her.vigour / 1050 * 100,0));
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_herheld"] = spaceheldtimer > 1;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_herhilt"] = g.her.pos > 0.95;//g.her.hilt;//I had issues with it not being detected due to maxing out at 0.98 and such, however now I use atv_recentdeepest anyways
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_herpos"] = g.her.pos;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_herbasepos"] = herbasepos;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_bodycontact"] = docontactstuff;
var now:Date = new Date();
var now_seconds = now.getTime()/1000;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_time"] = now_seconds;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_deepestyet"] = bodycontactdeepestyet;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_lasttimeresisted"] = lasttimeresisted;
var recentdeepest_age = (now_seconds-recentdeepesttime);
var recentdeepest_weighting = 1.0 - recentdeepest_age/20.0;//each second decreases the weighted value by 5%, so more recent values have a better chance of replacing it
var weighted_recentdeepest = bodycontactdeepestrecent * recentdeepest_weighting;
if(g.her.pos > weighted_recentdeepest || now_seconds > recentdeepesttime+5) {
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_recentdeepest"] = bodycontactdeepestrecent;
g.dialogueControl.advancedController._dialogueDataStore["atv_recentdeepesttime"] = recentdeepesttime;
//in function dobodycontactstuff()
if(reistiveamount > 1 && currentresistance>minresistance) {
lasttimeresisted = (new Date()).time/1000;
if(g.her.pos > 0.95 && bodycontactdeepestyet <= 0.95)
if(reistiveamount <= 1) {
lasttimeresisted = (new Date()).time/1000;
if(g.her.pos > bodycontactdeepestyet+0.1)
if(reistiveamount <= 1) {
lasttimeresisted = (new Date()).time/1000;
Thank you! I'm flexible with implementation so however you feel is best. Also please do the atv_time variable, it's nice to be able to track time in the dialog and see how long ago things happened. Thanks again, I'm gonna study that source code a bit.sounds like you want something of a deepest progress, and recent advances.
got some ideas on where to introduce these into existing logic
Please load the TemplateExtension mod before loading MoreClothing.Moreclothing needs TemplateExtensionV5+
If there's a mod included at startup which you want to disable, then you can comment out its entry in the Mods\$INIT$\Mods.txt file. Add a semi-colon (;) at the beginning of a line -- the game will then skip/ignore that line when it reads the file, and you can subsequently re-enable the mod by removing the semicolon.Just downloaded this pack! Quick question: how do I disable mods I DON'T want from this pack.
Shivering isn't included in SDT. The girl will breathe heavily when she's out-of-breath, and clouds of vapor will appear near her mouth, but the game doesn't actually simulate the girl's body temperature or the environmental temperature. Sweat will appear on the girl's skin in response to activity (i.e. vigorous motion -> more sweat).Also, can't help but notice that the character is shivering quite a lot. Like, distractingly so. Is that due to one of the mods in the pack?
There's an animtools video tutorial available for download in the first post of this thread. But you'll probably be better served by downloading the sby Loader Pack instead (also available in the first post). The Loader Pack must be extracted onto your local disk, but aside from that it's very newbie-friendly. You can double-click the "play SDT Loader" shortcut and it will start the game automatically. The animtools mod (along with several other popular mods) is already included and will be loaded automatically, with no additional setup work required. Just leave the game alone until all of the startup messages have disappeared and the girl is fully visible, then you can start moving the mouse around and clicking things on the in-game menu.can i find this somewhere? a tutorial on how to make animtools work in my game?
blockcomment out everything else, add a generic entry for mod that does not specify moftypes, turn on +displayallmodtypesonmod=1 to see what is being added.I'm having some trouble with MoreClothingV6_2, i'm trying to add clothing mods that I've found to the game so they load in with the other 163 mods. I've added the correct line to the the text settings as well as the correct file to the moreclothingmods where the other clothing files are, however i'm still unable to get it to work properly. I may be overlooking something, i tried to follow the MoreclothingmodV1 tutorial best i could, however still not having luck not matter how many times i try. Is there any sort of updated guide for the current V6 verison or does anyone have any ideas to what i'm doing wrong? thanks.