Scarlet Blade Mods (5 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
I'd also like to add that, for his current decensor, Naduron saved time by simply using blank green _NR files for every outfit that used _NR files, which, if you were using his for your screenshots, would explain why the Sentinel Normal Maps seemed to not be applying. I want to try making a version that uses proper green-ified Normal Maps instead of blank green ones, but I currently only have access to an older Korean Tex.GFPK that doesn't include some of the more recent armors and costumes found in his... and at last check, he had me ignored for arguing with him over whether the decensor worked properly with the current version, so I can't just ask him for his files to work from. Someone else uploaded recent Korean files, but they hit the download limit for the host he was using before I could nab them.


Potential Patron
Mar 20, 2013
Just like to say Thank You to all who posted mods and info on fixes, took a bit of time, the fixes are spread throughout the thread but all the mods work great! Really the work you all have done is amazing! Maybe you guys should have a donate thing for all the great work you do, so people can show their love.


Potential Patron
Mar 19, 2013
Yea now that you mention it, I didn't notice that most of the normal maps in the decensor edit were blank greens, so that would definitely make a difference in my screenshot. If I'm able to get a hold of them, I'd volunteer to help as well.

Also I noticed the NA versions of the SP are way more detailed which would make a pretty big difference in appearance as well.
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Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
I'm not yet sure what effect outfits that have NR and SP files in the US/International/North American version but not the Korean will have on decensor efforts, since the only example of such I'm aware of that's actually available in CBT is part of a $200 package and is thus nearly impossible to test. We may need to set appropriately sized "null" Normal and Specularity Maps in their place, if they cause weird effects.

On an unrelated note, do you happen to know what might be causing the weird orange lights along the spine when you use a Decensored Bunny Tux? Sevyria and I were absolutely stumped. It even happened when you just straight-out imported the Korean textures into the game, without making the necessary adjustments to fix flashing.

EDIT: We may want to move our discussion to its own topic under Collaboration to avoid continuing to clutter this one.
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Potential Patron
Mar 19, 2013
I was looking back and fourth between the korean blue normal maps and the blue channel inverted green ones on the medic, because the sentinels features are too subtle and smooth to notice anything distinct. It seems being green doesn't effect the bump detail at all, there's just some minor shadow artifacts in the green version, but it's nothing really. Some rendering engines don't like anything besides the normal blue color normal maps or all kinds of funky thing start to happen.

On that note, I suppose it's fine to just use green maps for all of the sentinel NR's to eliminate the flashy effect rather than trying to figure out how to disable it via other means. We just need all of the KR versions of the NR maps to change and replace the null ones. I noticed there were a lot of blank blue or black SP maps, so getting the proper detail into those will probably make the sentinel look all pretty.

As for the spine on the decensored Bunny Tux, I have no idea. I've yet to see a sentinel wear one so I never knew about the issue. Could you post screenshots or something of it?


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
I've favored removing the Blue Channel/killing the Blue Levels over inverting colors, in order to maintain relative shade and tone. It's also outright necessary for some of the underwear NR files, as they're already green in the Korean version, only with blue highlights or blue tinting that will cause problems if not removed for Scarlet Blade.

On that note, I suppose it's fine to just use green maps for all of the sentinel NR's to eliminate the flashy effect rather than trying to figure out how to disable it via other means. We just need all of the KR versions of the NR maps to change and replace the null ones. I noticed there were a lot of blank blue or black SP maps, so getting the proper detail into those will probably make the sentinel look all pretty.

It might make them look all pretty, but it will also make them look different from the Korean versions. The main reason every single Sentinel texture has an SP map is that it's necessary to make the little censor hexes "look right." They need to be included in the NR and SP maps to look as intended -- all shiny and glowy and raised up and such. Many Korean Sentinel outfits don't have SP maps, because without those hexes, they don't need them to "look right."
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Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
it seems like aeria purposely did this to making modding hard for the Sentinels lol

I'm not sure if that was the intention, or just a nice side benefit. People were complaining about the hex-marked grey bodysuits, and these are both less concealing and more aesthetically pleasing than those. That they also make it harder to produce proper texture mods for the Sentinel may or may not have been a planned aspect.

EDIT: I've noticed Some of the Sentinel PT (underwear) files are actually missing details from the Korean version even in the official US release, since the censor requires the blue channel on the NR files to be used for the glow effects, when it was previously being used for other things in certain underwears -- I don't know enough to tell what, just that they were.
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Potential Patron
Mar 19, 2013
Yea deleting them is fine too. It seems that the blue channel isn't being used for depth like it normally would. I'm assuming it's being used as an emissive map hence the flashing when white on NA version. As long as the channel has no data in it, deleting instead of inverting is fine.

Yea I guess any outfit without metallic bits on it that need to appear shiny wouldn't need a SP map. The NA version did do something with her skin though aside for the scales that looks kind of nice. I might experiment a bit with the SP maps to see if I can make any minor improvements to certain things for myself. In the mean time I'm going to work on trying to download the korean client.


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
Sadly, you probably won't have much luck with downloading the Korean client. It requires a valid South Korean ID number and Mobile Phone number. It verifies it in such a way that fakes that would fool most other sign-ups won't work here.


Potential Patron
May 19, 2012
Decensor Mod Updates:

Here is current update to QB texture models as of 3/22/2013 from Korea. : tex.gfpk download free (First link expired new one here)

Apply as needed. Also if anyone wants mods for loading screen, current KR voices, puzzles and whatnot can provide too. Also love the modified enlarged nipple pads done by someone in this thread. :P

ScruffBucket has uploaded the lastest K file with new updated link, you guys should be able to download them. I did.


Potential Patron
Oct 27, 2012
I need srsly help... My nude models somehow messed up... They look like using seeing through underwears... How to fix this? :c Please reply meh. :l


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
ScruffBucket has uploaded the lastest K file with new updated link, you guys should be able to download them. I did.

Thank you so much. I don't know how I missed that link. The ones I did find all had gone over their limit. This will help immensely.
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Potential Patron
Mar 19, 2013
Oh wow thanks a lot for the link, that makes things easier.

@FrosK: Could you show a screenshot? I can't really begin to help you without visually seeing the error.


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
... QuickBMS is spitting out the new files from that new tex.gfpk with garbage names and incorrect folders, making it difficult or impossible for me to tell which of them I actually need for a Sentinel Decensor. Any idea why it might be doing this, or what adjustments might need to be made to the script to get it to stop? The scripting language is a tad over my head, sadly.


Potential Patron
Oct 27, 2012
Here is it... Somehow those models are messed up with seeing through underwears... How to fix it? :c

rsz_03_23_23_42_23.jpg rsz_103_23_23_41_44.jpg rsz_03_23_23_49_59.jpg
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Potential Patron
May 19, 2012
@FrostK - You missed out the file during your repacking. That file is needed for removing that translucent glossy underwear thing you are seeing.

@Nezumi - The Quickbms unpacked just fine for me. Yeah it did spit out a bunch of random dds files, but it also has a "ata" folder, the textures are in there. I have also noticed that the K pack has about 200 less files (if you exclude the random files outside of the ata folder) than the US pack.

@XxCHURCH85xX - I did not actually do anything to this file, I only extracted it to study the files to see the differences between the K and US packs for my Medic mods. So I can't really help you here. Maybe you want to try to experiment with it by replacing it with the US pack and see if the game runs properly, especially the Sentinel. Maybe it will work, and if it does, but you only want to use certain files, you can pick those files out from the K pack and then put them into the right places and use the Quickbms repacker, or just drop them into the game's \tex\ folder, and it should work without repacking.


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
@Nezumi - The Quickbms unpacked just fine for me. Yeah it did spit out a bunch of random dds files, but it also has a "ata" folder, the textures are in there. I have also noticed that the K pack has about 200 less files (if you exclude the random files outside of the ata folder) than the US pack.

Those "random dds files" are everything that's actually new to this particular version of the Tex.GFPK. I already had an older version that contained everything that unpacks properly. If everything that's actually new spews out as gibberish-named dds files that I can't properly use due to not knowing where they're supposed to slot into the texture list or what I should name them to make them actually work, it's not really "unpacking properly." So far, Sevyria has managed to locate and properly alter the Schoolgirl outfits for Sentinel, but there's a load of other stuff there, at least some of which will probably need to be addressed at some point by a "complete" decensor mod.
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