So you want to be a zako? (1 Viewer)

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Leanna felt exhilarated after her first fight with the group, it was exciting, daring, embarrassing at times, and well... easy.

So what if those guards did some damage to her and her party mates, they still kicked some major ass and as such Leanna returned back to base feeling unstoppable with newfound bonds between her and her teammates and a lust for even more blood.

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Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Holy shit, dude! That's amazing! Love the expressions!

I love Leanna. You know she skips through all the dialogue just so she can go fight stuff. <3


Swell Supporter
Aug 6, 2015
While not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, Tristan the stableboy had seen, disappointed, that Giraud's death had caused little repercusions, and that the "Head General" of the band, Jenessa, didn't really care.

As he suspects everybody, and many of them seems to suspect him too, he decides that what he needs is an ally, that he could try to find in the laterst arrival... the mage, that the gang rumoured had all sorts of mysterious powers, including love potions.

Tristan knocked the open door of the room of the fort Aria had made into her lair, as she began unpacking her vials and unknown instruments, Tristan could only guess what they where for.

"Need some help, ma'am?" he offered to help her to settle in.

Tristan needed a direction, being lost without Giraud, and disappointed that Jenessa hadn't taken the leading role he expected. So maybe he thought, he could become the minion of Aria.

Maybe then, for his work for her, she could help him to discover who murdered Giraud. And maybe, hopefully, as she came to see how helpful he could be, she could give him one of her magical love potions...

(If Aria takes under her wing Tristan as her personal goon, she could order him around to do her bidding. In exchange of that, Tristan would ask for a love potion, being a horny teenager as he is after all. Of course, this would mean he would be at her disposition for tests on spells and potions at the same time).

IN such scenario (Aria taking in Tristan, and giving him a love potion), I would like to ask, if somebody would be okay for one of their characters to be enthralled by Aria's potion.

Kayfabe, a litte note regarding how to write Tristan action: while an incompetent zako, and don't expect him to have other stats, he's supposed to be quite strong for his short age: more than weak, he's unskilled)


Aceline was surprised by Naomi's idea of the bath to be a rebirth, and was surprised for the words of her owner of being an equal and not mere property, and to live for herself... not believing a single word of all of it, but acting like she took to the heart Naomi's words.

If her owner wanted her to be "rebirth", she will rebirth. After the bath, she left her ragged robes of a peasant girl, and equipped herself with the skimpy armour and clothes that seemed to be the fashion of the Quinn Sisters gang. If they wanted her to be a bandit, she will be a bandit. For now.

But she knew, she needed the protection from her owner, so she was determined to do further advances toward Naomi. In a band, it was needed a protection.


Andaragashkat the goblin growled to himself, remembering the laughter and tauning of Alice and the others. They, they too will pay, once his ancestral home is back in the hands of their rightful owners.

And he knew exactly how to make Alice pay. He walked down the dungeon, and with his hands, he looked for the switch that opened the secret passageway, where was the shrine, with the cursed demonic Statuette...

But he was surprised, to find that once he turned the switch made by his forefathers, nothing happened. While it wasn't unlikely goblin tech to fail, he came closer to inspect, and noticed the Quinn Sisters and their gang had sealed the passageway:

Heathens! Infidels! Pagans! Sealing the shrine?! the Goblin howled.

Angrier than before, he returns back to the Fort, with the usurpers. As he was returning, he stumbled upon Gnorg. The only one of the bandits of the gang he sort of didn't hated outright, only because she was a greenskin like himself: Gnorg the Orc.

He then realized, having an Orc with the powers of a princess by his side could be a great asset, to recover the ancestral home of the usurpers.

He begins to talk to Gnorg, and like he didn't wanted the thing, asked Gnorg if she had heard about the sealed passageway and the lewd statuette. While it happened before Gnorg joined the band, she told him the rumours, and that the gang had stored the statuette away from their bunks.

Knowing what he needed, the goblin continued with some nonsensical chit chat about princesses and their powers, before sliding away, to recover the revered statuette these usurpers had taken from it's shrine.

He picked the statuette up, and with a grin, when unnoticed, went to place the statuette right under Alice's bunk.

If she thought, the nightmares before had been bad, she was to discover what worse was to come. Nobody laughs at a Goblin. Well, except they always do. But a goblin doesn't forget.

Never forget.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
After she finished thanking both Amanda and Amuria profusely for saving her life, Ariadne decides to give Princess two days. If she doesn't apologize for almost getting them both killed before the two days are over, she's going to have an extraordinarily bad day, courtesy of Ariadne. She's not keeping it secret either, telling anyone who asks, as well as asking Amanda if she wants to take part as well.
But right now, Ariadne is mildly disappointed - her shirt got stabbed, and now it's got her blood all over it. She'll keep it, of course, but now she'll have to wear the skimpy gear typical of the gang. She finds it very embarrassing, and probably won't stop blushing whenever anyone looks at her for a week or more.

Naomi is somewhat surprised that Aceline becomes a bandit. She'd assumed that Aceline would prefer to stay in the fort, possibly doing minor tasks and possibly doing nothing at all. She asks Aceline about it, but Aceline deflects Naomi's question with an advance. Naomi forgets her questions, possibly temporarily, and does everything she can to make Aceline's time with her enjoyable.

Neve is disappointed in the group, for multiple reasons. First, they could easily have taken some prisoners, rather than killing all of the girls, which she sees as amoral. Not that she was expecting bandits to be paragons of morality, but still. She tries to appeal to their greed, saying that if they take some prisoners, they could ransom them. At worst, it'd end up like it did this time. None of them seem to care particularly much, though.

Rain continues to practice with Mary, the only person she really interacts with. Not particularly by choice, but because that seems to be how things are going. Given that right now she's still planning to leave to go further West some time soon, it's probably for the best that she's not getting too attached, she thinks.

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
I always find myself forgetting details and characters and such so I made a little cheat sheet, I hope it helps! Let me know if I made any mistakes! (There was an error where half the characters wouldn't really appear but I fixed it!)

Crossed out characters have left the party either by death or of their own accords, I've put the fates of such characters in their bios, and will try to keep it updated :)

Aceline (Elite Thief, 16/F)

Race - Human
Personality: What had been the personality of a carefree, happy girl was destroyed by the abuse. Meek and submissive, she had come to accept her destiny (for now). She believes herself tainted, and that she doesn't deserve to go back to her previous life. She may look defeated, but still, have a strong will of survival.
Appearance: A peasant beauty, with long blonde hair and freckles. She had a beautiful smile, but now rarely smiles.
Background: Aceline was a serf, living in the small family farm until the farm was found by the deserters before the group run into the angry refugees that ended dispersing the gang. A peasant beauty, this was her curse, as she was taken as a captive along with the rest of the loot, to do the chores for the deserters (cooking, washing, cutting wood, etc) and be used by the outlaws. As the gang was destroyed, Giraud took her with him. In this smaller gang, she was made not only into a victim but as well coerced her to be a criminal, committing crimes for the band.

Alice (Incompetent Monk, Unknown/F)

Race - Succubus
Personality: Sexual by nature. Usually displaying a cutesy exterior, but with sadistic tendencies. I mean it's to be expected from a girl who literally has an inverted cross on her forehead.
Background: Just got bored one day figured a bandit group would be a good place to spread mischief. Most people would prefer to have a demon with them rather than against them, so she was allowed to join. Little did they know though, that as a sex-demon, that was actually about all she was good at. Whoops!


Amanda Harris (Incompetent Healer, F)

An Instagram "Model" who mysteriously woke up in this world a few weeks ago. Convinced from the anime that she's been watching that this means she'll be a legendary hero, she's been going around trying to find the "Cheat code" the gods must have given her. When she decided to see if her special talent was thievery, she quickly ran afoul of the law and ended up in the camp with everyone else.
She's pretty much worthless in a fight, obviously can't sneak for shit, and has no capacity for magic, but she does know a few things about medicine that haven't quite become common knowledge in the fantasy world yet. She knows that alcohol makes a good disinfectant, baths with soap stem the spread of sickness, and that clean bandages prevent infections. The only really practical knowledge she has is her CPR certification; she got that while being a lifeguard at a local pool.
She's a rather pleasant person and keeps trying to dress up the other girls, though she constantly complains of being bored since her phone died. However, her constant talk about "her world" and the technology within means that most rational people would dismiss her as a madwoman.

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Amuria Lindswell (Unlucky Healer, 22/F)

Race - Human
Backstory: Amuria is a former member of a performing troupe that entertained many people in a certain town. However, the troupe's cover was blown after the imperial guards discovered a stash of a forbidden drug inside their caravan. Amuria ran away, as a result, leaving her comrades behind. She is known for her soothing and healing singing skills...but she also knows some gun skills as well. She joins Tsukachan's band after being saved from a man-eating plant
Personality: Cute, moodmaker and kind-hearted
Physique: Amuria is slightly curvaceous, and has a pair of mid-sized breasts. She's more to the attractive side than the offensive side. She also has short brunette hair, adorned with a small feathered hat. Amuria wears a white fancy dress that exposes her cleavage, and a pair of high heels (not seen). She has a small pistol which she uses when in danger only. Amuria wears a corset and pair of laced panties underneath her dress


Aria (Elite Mage, F)

Aria was a top student at a prestigious mages college, getting top marks, heading the student council, and even being a star of some odd competitive broomstick sport... That is until she was expelled for using banned love potions on the boy she liked. Love potions are highly illegal in her home territory, as they are essentially a slight refinement of enslavement magics, and she fled to this bandit camp in an attempt to avoid prosecution.
She spends most of her time brewing potions and playing around with spells. Her speciality is the very banned love magic that got her chased out of her home in the first place. She thinks that love, like anything else, should be bottled up and sold as a commodity. She also sees no issue with selling love to people who simply seek to use it to get something out of the victims, such as money or status.
Since most of the people around her are mere bandit rabble, she sees no issue with using them to test her potions and spells. The few exceptions are those she considers high class (And therefore might get her out of this) and those she thinks will probably kill her once it wears off. She also refuses to sell it to any bandits for the simple fear of it being used on herself. If used in any operation, she'll watch the whole batch like a hawk.

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Ariadne Fettel (Average Thief, 19/F)

Wearing unremarkable clothing, the 5'2" human girl with shoulder-length auburn hair approached the fort and expressed her desire to join the gang. She was, apparently, a street orphan, accustomed to doing whatever she had to in order to stay alive. After hearing how even the wealthy merchants were afraid of bandits, she decided to become a bandit and, with luck, not have to worry about whether or not she'd eat that week again.

Fate - Died slowly and painfully while exploring an early level of the basement dungeon after she was given a fatal wound by a large spider

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Burny: Bernadette Quinn (Average Mage, 24/F)

Always has her nose stuck in one of her (stolen) books. She's pale and curvy, maybe a little chubby, in fact. Huge breasts. She has long, black hair, which she wears under a classic wizard hat. She has big, round glasses due to poor eyesight. Apart from the hat, she wears thigh-high boots with stockings, puffy sleeves, a cape, and not much else. Her nipples are pierced by big rings, and she doesn't wear a bottom at all. Just a garter belt from which dangles a book satchel that she's had for as long as she can remember. She wields a staff. Burny comes off as quiet and introverted, but she's an expert at manipulating her two youngest, dumbest sisters.

Fate - died after receiving heavy internal wounds from a mysterious black-haired bounty hunter

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Desti Bloodedge (Average Fighter, 21/F)

Race - Succubus
Backstory: A blood-thirsty Succubus fighter who was the daughter of a Demon Lord. Unfortunately, his father was slain by a bunch of heroes and she was left orphaned. This sparked the fire of revenge inside her heart. Desti travels around the world with her trusty axe, hunting for heroes to avenge her father's death. Her fighting skill was recognized by Tsukachan, who saw her decapitating several knights with her trusty axe in a tavern brawl. She was recruited by Tsukachan into his gang, although he kinda feels uneasy at first
Personality: Sadistic, ill-mannered and loves to torture people for her amusement. She's also a Yandere
Physique: Her arms and waist are slightly toned, although her face is a tad adorable and her breasts are enormous compared to Amuria's and Kuroneko's. However, Desti doesn't mind about her gigantic yet jiggly rack. She wears a checkered skirt and a black t-shirt, as well as a pair of skull-shaped hair decors, spiky bangles and striped knee socks. She always removes her shirt during fights to increase her strength. Desti wears a pair of striped panties/shimapan underneath her skirt. Anyone caught seeing it will be decapitated or sliced in half with her axe


Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F)

Race - Elf
Personality: Formal and courteous. A shining example of "Honor among thieves" as a woman who shows respect to even her enemies.
Background: Gained a bit of a name for herself as "The Shadow", which is what people call the unknown woman responsible for several assassinations. In truth though, she admits she's not even close to being some sort of legendary assassin like some rumours say because she's most successful because she either gets lucky or takes easy jobs. Became somewhat lonely working on her own, so she joined up with bandits in hopes of companionship and bettering her skills.

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Elizabeth (Incompetent Warrior, 18/F)

Elizabeth is an 18-year-old villager who was conscripted to fight in the war for the Empire. She isn't athletic, smart or talented in any way. She'd be relegated to a lifetime of farming if it hadn't been for the war. Being in the same unit as Leah and Mary, both girls took pity on her and decided to bring her along with them. She's cowardly, however, she doesn't want to disappoint her two friends.

Fate- Died after having her neck snapped by the mysterious black-haired bounty hunter


Giraud the Roughneck (Incompetent Fighter, 48/M)

Race - Human
Personality: Cruel, without empathy or care. A misogynist, who see women as mere tools, and gets grabby (and worse) if he has the chance. Above all, a bad person, sleazy and treacherous. However, he's isn't so blatant in his disregard of others, as long as they are useful. He has ambitions far beyond his meagre capabilities.
Appearance: A large, heavy man. Tall, with black messy hair and a black beard that's beginning to show some white. Crooked teeth and a mean expression in his square face, living on the road for months now give him a wild, dangerous look.
Background: Just other of the mercenaries and soldiers of the rable of the Empire (the same empire that served Leah, Mary and Elizabeth), and for all his life, since a child, had been a soldier. But not of a dignified kind of soldier. A router, forager and scourge of the land kind of soldier, who between wars more than once had taken the role of a bandit, before joining the next war.
He deserted after the last defeat of the empire with a larger group, that splintered.

Fate - Dead. After losing a fight to Naomi, his throat was slit by an unknown party member as he recovered

Gnorg (Average Fighter 18/F)

As a young orc, someone once told Gnorg that if she killed a princess she would imbue their powers and become one. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed she made this her lifelong goal and as such Gnorg spent her early teenage years roaming the countryside looking for princesses. One fateful day, she found one, and without hesitation, she plunged her axe into the young maiden cutting her clean in half. Fashioning what remained of the maidens clothes (which was only really the bottom of a dress and some scraps) she fled for her life. Sure that the authorities would be after such a daring and dangerous criminal, she found a group of bandits and joined them. Little did Gnorg know that she didn't actually kill a princess, but instead a lowly maid.

Gnorg is incredibly strong but also incredibly stupid. she's easily taken advantage of and will do just about anything for shiny or fashionable items.


Gobbo: Andaragashkat (Average Ranger, M)

Race - Goblin.
Personality: He is quick to bow to those in power and be a lackey to them, and to be a tyrant and abuse power to anybody under him. Cunning and treacherous, a coward who has all above his own survival.
Appearance: Small, crooked and stands almost like a gorilla, with his long arms almost reaching the ground and crouching. Ugly even for goblin standards, have a nasty looking rash on most of his skin.
Background: A native inhabitant of the Goblin Fort that the Quin Sisters band had taken as their home, serving whatever power was deep below in its secret chambers, he survived and escaped when it was attacked by adventurers.

Jenessa Stormblood (Elite Fighter, 22/F)

Race - Human
Personality: Hardy, foolish, often drunk, but a fun and loyal friend to be around. Experienced, but not the smartest. Foolhardy and cocky at the start of a fight, but has the rage of a thousand suns when she gets mad at someone.
Background: Jenessa was born and raised as a bandit, as her mother and father were bandits before her. She has been one of the few survivors of two of her previous bandit groups getting disbanded after attacks from heroic adventurers. She's got lady luck on her side. Gets incredibly pissed at people who kill her allies and has personally tracked down and killed her own parents killer in the past.

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Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F)

Race - Forest nymph/Dryad
Personality: Kind and stern like a mother, but also eccentric and odd like a stage performer. Quirky. Nobody can seem guess what she'll say or do next.
Background: At 263, Juniper is basically having a Dryad equivalent to a midlife crisis. She's sick of protecting forests and all that junk. She wants to seek thrills and doesn't care if she loses her life seeking them because 263 years is a damn long time to live already. Hence, becoming a bandit. A Dryad bandit is certainly an unusual sight, and other nymphs would surely gossip about her, but that's what she's counting on. She's unlucky though, because as a rare and valuable being with a noticeable look to her, people may try to gun for her first. Dryads, even after death, are known to be magical creatures, thus should she die, people may want to study her corpse and possibly harvest it for magical energy and alchemical ingredients.

Fate - Died after having her throat crushed by a mysterious black-haired bounty hunter


Krista Quinn (Average Ranger, 22/F)

tanned and slender with short grey hair and a dark green, plumed cap. Krista wears a short green tunic with nothing underneath and knee-high, brown leather boots with gloves to match. She has an overall very tomboyish look, with a chest that's almost entirely flat. She prefers a short bow, but she can work up close when she has to. Quiet and emotionless, her only real passion in life is hunting and fishing in the woods alone. She secretly loathes all three of her sisters.

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Kuroneko: Sayaka Kuroi (Elite Thief, 20/F)

Race - Half-human, half-youkai (Kitsune)
Backstory: A mysterious yet dangerous cat-masked assassin hailing from an Eastern kingdom (think Asian-esque). She's wanted for the assassination of the kingdom's prince, yet no imperial guard has ever successfully caught her. Kuroneko is the master of martial arts, knife skills as well as the forbidden arts of Ninjutsu learned from her ancestors. She seeks money and wealth from her criminal activities, mostly working for various criminal gangs, rebel groups, cults and others. But now, Kuroneko works for the crime lord from Earth, Tsukachan who was brought to the fantasy world after a mysterious portal sucked him in
Personality: Mostly silent and anti-social. However, she grunts or moans when hurt sometimes. She sees Meredith as some sort of a love rival to her
Physique and appearance: Kuroneko's body is athletic, but she has some bits of abs underneath her skin-tight bodysuit and has some leg muscles on her thighs as well. She has a long, flowing silver hair with some notches of black around her ears. She wears a black bodysuit with a pair of red leg armours and black gloves with bangles of the matching colour. Like her namesake, she wears a black cat-shaped mask that resembles more of a fox than a cat. She wields a giant flamberge-like kunai as her weapon, but Kuroneko is also skilled in martial arts, namely karate and kempo. Kuroneko does not wear any underwear


Leah (Average Warrior, 22/F)

A basic spear wielding soldier in the army of the Empire. Leah grew up in a poor farming family and longed for a life of adventure and excitement. She ran away from her farm and joined the army voluntarily, hoping to become a hero. Instead, she was assigned to front-line infantry and treated like expendable cannon-fodder. Thinking she deserved better, she ran away from the army to avoid a grisly death. Now branded a deserter, and unable to return to a normal life, Leah is forced to become a bandit. She still thinks she has what it takes to become a great warrior.

Fate - Killed by Elizabeth's spear, thrown in her back by the mysterious black-haired bounty hunter


Leanna Vanvathar (Elite Fighter 207/F)

Leanna comes from a peaceful wood elf tribe, and that's the problem. For 200 years she's longed to fight, and harming any living creature is considered taboo in her society. However, that hasn't stopped her from learning to wield a blade. With centuries of sword experience behind her belt, she left her home in search of greener more blood filled pastures. After a couple years on the road, she found this bandit gang and has decided to become a permanent member.

Leanna is strikingly beautiful, as well as strikingly full of herself. In her mind, nothing can stop her, as such hubris is her greatest weakness.

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Marco (Incompetent Fighter, 18/M)

Serfs who ran away from their lord's estate to become bandits. Well, Marco did. He wants a life of adventure, fame, and fortune. His girlfriend, Raquelle, was pressured into it. She just wants to be with Marco. What the pair lack in talent, skills, and experience, they make up for with... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Neither of them knows what they're doing, although Marco thinks he's going to be a big deal someday. Raquelle should know better, but she just can't stand up to her stupid boyfriend. Somehow, a life of violent crime seems more attractive than taking charge of her own existence.

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Mary (Average Archer, 21/F)

An archer who was assigned to the same unit as Leah during the war. Mary was a woodsman before the war broke out. She enjoyed the peacefulness and tranquillity of the forest and hated city-life. However, she was conscripted into the army and forced to fight in the war. During a major battle, it wasn't hard for Mary to sneak out of sentry duty and guide her friends out of the fight. Now that she's deserted and found herself in an unfamiliar land, she'll work as a bandit with her two new comrades in order to survive.


Mercedes Quinn (Average Fighter, 20/F)

Tanned and muscular with long, messy, black hair that spills out from under an open-faced helmet that she took off a dead guard forever ago. Despite her athletic build, she has very big breasts. Almost as big as her big sister Bernie's. She also likes to show them off. In fact, apart from her helmet and leg guards, Mercedes wears only a pauldron on her left shoulder, with belts and straps for her scabbard and shield. Mercedes is the most outwardly friendly of the four, and she's prone to show mercy in battle. Unfortunately, she's a little dumb, and Bernadette has convinced her that the four outlaws are currently being brave, heroic freedom fighters.

Fate - Died after being decapitated by a Farmer named Luke while stopping a wagon to collect fake tolls

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Meredith (Elite Monk, 18/F)

Race - Amazoness
Backstory: A former Amazoness grappler from Cliff Temple region who was part of the queen's special squad of Amazoness bodyguards that consisted of several grapplers and archers. Unfortunately, Meredith was exiled from Cliff Temple when she and several other Amazonesses were caught rebelling against the queen. Stripped off from her job, Meredith now lives the life of a criminal, fighting in underground rings and helping various bandit gangs. One day, Tsukachan stumbled upon the young Amazoness and offered her a job as part of his gang. Meredith reluctantly agrees and joins the band, and Tsukachan would sleep on her muscular legs anytime
Personality: Tomboyish, active and big-sister type. However, she never gets along with Kuroneko as the two has a rivalry against each other
Physique: Like most Amazonesses, Meredith is muscular, tall and hulking in physique. Her muscular thighs and arms could crush almost anything while her abs are almost solid as steel. She also has superhuman strength, able to lift anything heavier than her. She has a long flowing blonde hair and wears a royal gold two-piece Amazoness grappler armour that exposes her toned midriff, her sexy yet meaty back and her bountiful cleavage, as well as a pair of green arm and leg armours. Her hair is adorned with a winged tiara, a symbol of speed in the Amazoness culture. Meredith's fighting style is inspired by Greco-Roman wrestling mixed with kickboxing, taught by her instructor back when she was 7 years old. Meredith's underwear only consists of a loincloth underneath her bottom wear. She sometimes fights only wearing her loincloth when the mission gets wet and messy


Mimi: Camryn Clarke (Average Thief 20/F)

Camryn worked as a barkeep for most of her teenage life. That all changed one night when she was required to dress as a slutty mime for an event her tavern was hosting. Amidst the clamour of the evening, she was permanently transformed by a drunken warlock. Forever transfixed with pale white skin and unable to change her clothes or makeup, Camryn was fired and turned down from all other employment. All other employment that is but a bandit, using her uncanny ability to be silent Camryn has found herself to be quite the useful thief. Known by her friends as "Mimi" she is shy, reserved, and ultimately embarrassed by her whole predicament even though it occurred a year prior. Bad luck seems to follow her wherever she goes, however, she seems to make a suitable member to the team!

Fate - Died after being crushed to death by the mysterious black-haired bounty hunter

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Minnie Quinn (Average Thief, 18/F)

This little punk has short, dirty blonde hair and freckles. She's not as flat as Krista, but she's nowhere near as busty as Bernie or Mercedes. Loud and slutty, she wears a camouflaged cloak when she has to, but otherwise goes around in nothing but footwraps and belt-pouches. Her nipples are also pierced, as is her septum, and her hair is currently a two-tone undercut with an artificial pink streak. Minnie considers herself, falsely, to be the leader of the Quinn sisters, and claims that her life's ambition is to accumulate the largest boy harem in the land.

Fate - Died after being crushed to death by the mysterious black-haired bounty hunter

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Naomi Sweetwater (Average Fighter, 18/F)

As one of a peasant levy raised by a lord who'd already conscripted every man in his lands between 15 and 60, Naomi's morale was already fairly low. When her group joined with the main force of the army, she quickly found that every man she hadn't known since childhood saw her as an easy target for sexual harassment. This, of course, caused her morale to drop even lower, and so when she heard one evening that the next day was to see a large, decisive battle, she made a decision. She then quickly snuck out of the camp, weapon in hand, and never looked back. After travelling for several weeks, gradually selling off most of her armour and enduring unwanted advances along the way, she decided that she needed more funds. Since she'd already be executed for desertion, and with luck only executed, she figured that she may as well go for the fastest money she could, at least until she escaped her former lord's reach. Tired by the near-constant advances she faced along the way, she became used to them and stopped trying to avoid them. With men, she just tries to endure. She's noticeably more receptive to women, though, and sometimes enthusiastically returns their advances. If 'the enemy' could have some sexual interest in her, that would be great.
She's a 5'3" Human woman with short black hair and brown eyes.

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Neve Kelly (Average Healer, 20/F)

Still wearing the black-and-white hood of her former order, she says she was expelled from said order for killing a man who sought safety in their sanctuary. In order to redeem herself, she is now dedicated to healing and trying to redeem those who most of the time would simply be put to the sword. She doesn't carry any weapons and is willing to take offensive action only in the most extreme circumstances.
Neve Kelly is a human with no, particularly uncommon features. She stands an unremarkable 5'6, has brown hair, judging by her bangs that are visible while she wears her hood, and has brown eyes.

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Princess: Leianna du Bottclair (Incompetent Thief, 16/F)

A minor noble girl from a forested area, Leianna has a high opinion of herself. She believes herself above common rabble in all forms, and her behaviour reflects this. Though she doesn't try to take a leadership role in the bandits, she does expect them to wait on her hand and foot. This creates issues with the other girls.
The only reason she's with the group is that she was "Wrongfully accused of improper action to a whore with no right to call herself a lady of the court!" Meaning she stabbed the fiance of the noble boy she had her eye on with her rapier, then fled when stabbing a higher noble's fiance actually had consequences. She's currently "Planning to expose the whore for what she is!", though all she's really doing is furiously writing diary entries on why she's right and everyone else is wrong while waiting for her dad to make this all better.

Fate - Drugged and taken away from the bandit gang by her guardian Sasha, was publically humiliated but still remains healthy and alive

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Rain Alphard (Elite Ranger 26/F)

A strange, exotic woman, she claims to be descended from werewolves, and while she isn't a full-on lycanthrope herself, as the moon gets fuller she gets more irritable and solitary. This is ignoring her features, which seem, generally, wolf-ish. Of particular note are her canines, which are quite large, and her eyes, which gain flecks of brown as the moon waxes. She stands at an impressive 6' even, with green eyes and dirt-brown hair. She says that she's from a faraway forest to the distant West and that she was abducted by slavers as she slept when the area she lived in became too well-travelled. Then, she was taken East, a significant distance East from the gang's fort, where after several years she managed to escape. Now, she's taking some time to build up her funds before further travelling and believes the gang to be the best way to do this.

Fate - After stealing horses gold and other items she left the bandit gang for good, exploring greener pastures she is still alive.

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Raquelle (Incompetent Fighter 19/F)

Serfs who ran away from their lord's estate to become bandits. Well, Marco did. He wants a life of adventure, fame, and fortune. His girlfriend, Raquelle, was pressured into it. She just wants to be with Marco. What the pair lack in talent, skills, and experience, they make up for with... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Neither of them knows what they're doing, although Marco thinks he's going to be a big deal someday. Raquelle should know better, but she just can't stand up to her stupid boyfriend. Somehow, a life of violent crime seems more attractive than taking charge of her own existence.

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Sasha Ironskin (Elite Fighter, 25/F)

A toughened veteran of a mercenary group, she was captured and sold into slavery after taking a contract with the wrong side. Leianna's father purchased her contract and made her Leianna's bodyguard, where she remains to this day through her strong sense of honour. She disapproves of this situation and encourages Leianna to return to the court (Where she probably won't be seriously prosecuted on account of hardly injuring the other girl).
In battle, she won't do much more than protecting Leianna. If Leianna falls, she'll immediately surrender and try to get them both back home.

Fate - Brought Leianna back home and was properly punished, however, remains alive and healthy

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Shemhazai (Elite Thief, ?/F)

A high-ranking member of the Permian Thieves' Guild (Porom is the nearest city and capital of the kingdom you're in), Shemhazai is best known for being run out of town after starting a devil-worshipping cult that turned out to be a front for a highly-profitable smuggling ring. No longer welcome within the walls, she still has close contacts in the city, which she can use to make sure that her new comrades will always be able to a) sell their loot and b) buy what they need. Charming and outwardly friendly, she is nevertheless unaccustomed to living rough in the forest. This is why she claims to be turning the first floor of the dungeon into a "palace".

Although they've never met before, Andaragashkat recognizes her at once. This is the one Alice told him about. Shemhazai is no petty confidence man. She's not even human. This is a high priestess of the Queen of Hell.


Tristan the Stableboy (Incompetent Fighter, 14/M)

Race - Human
Personality: A simple dimwit, is somehow divided into two parts: innocence and crime. He does as ordered, no matter what. While he's normally joyful and could appear he can't hurt a fly, when ordered he can do the worse, and became naturalized with death, violence and pain caused in his life as a bandit. To "harden him up", the other deserters made him be the torturer and executor of the farmers when they plundered their farmsteads, to make they confess the locations of their meagre riches and stashes of food. He's a drunk, and have Giraud as a sort of very messed up father figure.
Appearance: He was picked by the Empire for being large for his age. With big hands, greasy blonde hair, a face full of pimples, with no chin and a permanent bovine expression.
Background: a Stableboy of no known father, worked as a farmhand on a farm that was unfortunate enough to be on the path of the Empire. The farm was razed, the owners, hanged, and Tristan had "the honour" to became a levy for the empire. After the defeat of the Empire, he followed the deserters because he was ordered too. As a bandit, he did what he was told to do, no matter the horror it meant.

Vanna Durbin (Average Fighter, 24/F)

A low-ranking Thieves' Guild member who got kicked out for having absolutely no subtlety. All Vanna knows how to do is sneak, fight, kill, and torture people. On the one hand, she's fairly good at these things and enjoys them all a great deal. On the other hand, her concept of "stealth" is limited to "sneak up and stab them in the kidneys". Unable to work undercover, or even convincingly tell a lie, Vanna proved unsuited to even being a bodyguard. For her superiors in the Guild, this was the last straw. Maybe she would be a better fit for a mercenary company? Perhaps, but Jenessa's gang is closer.

Not just a sadist, but a masochist, Vanna's pale body is covered in scars. She claims that these are battle scars, but they're actually just lacerations from rough sex that she didn't think to get treated in time. Poor hygiene is something of a theme with her. Her pretty (if dirty) face is partially covered by long bangs, and her long blonde hair would probably be beautiful if she ever brushed it. Or washed it. She wears nothing but a scabbard for her longsword. It's not clear whether this is by choice or whether she just lost her things. Her breasts are big for someone of an otherwise average height and build, but they're not remarkably, unnaturally huge. She's pregnant enough that it's starting to show, but it's unclear whether she's noticed or not.

Vierge (Incompetent fighter, 18/M)

A Coward and an opportunist. Vierge is flatter than a board and a slim body, with short blonde hair and a freckled face with light blue eyes
Background: Vierge, a lowly serf in her former life, doesn't want to always be one. She wants to climb in the social ladder, without much work, and when Luke's state needed a domestic maid, she thought it was her chance to get there, seduce Luke and marry into a wealthy landowning family.

Xylia (Average Fighter, 25/F)

Appearance: Xylia has long, light teal coloured hair done up in a ponytail. Her top is made of hard leather, beneath a set of chainmail links cut just above her midriff. Her bottom is the same setup, except its shorts, and her deep brown boots go up to her knees. Several belts also strap, wind, and wrap around her entire body for seemingly no reason what-so-ever.

Bio: Xylia (that's actually her stage name, who knows her real one) is a former dancer. No, not a sexual dancer, just a dancing dancer. Xylia travelled the countrysides for several years with a bard friend, being the dancer as he sang and strummed. It was a decent life with decent coin. One day, however, Xylia's friend was arrested on a thievery charge he didn't commit while in a Kingdom's capital city and ended up being killed in a prisoner skirmish days later in the castles underground prison.

Heartbroken, Xylia attempted to continue her life as an entertainer, but a regular dancer without music isn't very entertaining. She tried learning to play the lute but was absolutely terrible at it. Singing isn't really her forte either.

Thus, due to her hatred for general society killing her friend anyway, Xylia fell into a group of bandits. She actually has no fighting experience either, but her years as a dancer helps her dexterity quite a bit.
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Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Oh man, thanks! That is hugely helpful.

Kayfabe, a litte note regarding how to write Tristan action: while an incompetent zako, and don't expect him to have other stats, he's supposed to be quite strong for his short age: more than weak, he's unskilled)

Oh no yeah, I get it. Don't worry. Conversely, there's some girls in this gang with a +4 who probably still can't open a jar.

Any of my characters are always fair game for shenanigans like the love potion scheme. That can just be a blanket statement. However, in this particular case, using one to steal Raquelle away from Marco could be hilarious (although I don't know what that would accomplish). He would probably rather have Krista or Mercedes or whoever else is up for their characters being used in this way.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
IN such scenario (Aria taking in Tristan, and giving him a love potion), I would like to ask, if somebody would be okay for one of their characters to be enthralled by Aria's potion.
Mine are also fair game for that sort of thing.

I always find myself forgetting details and characters and such so I made a little cheat sheet, I hope it helps! Let me know if I made any mistakes!
That's really cool! Like Gunsmith said though, there are a few missing - most noticeably (to me) are my characters Neve, Naomi, and Rain.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Nah, everybody's there AFAICT. There's just some weird nesting going on. Probably due to spoiler tags. Explode every spoiler and you should find ya girl.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Nah, everybody's there AFAICT. There's just some weird nesting going on. Probably due to spoiler tags. Explode every spoiler and you should find ya girl.
Ah, figured it out. There's something wrong with Leah's spoiler tags that put the rest of the list in there with her

I always find myself forgetting details and characters and such so I made a little cheat sheet, I hope it helps! Let me know if I made any mistakes!

Aceline (Elite Thief, 16/F)

Personality: What had been the personality of a carefree, happy girl was destroyed by the abuse. Meek and submissive, she had come to accept her destiny (for now). She believes herself tainted, and that she doesn't deserve to go back to her previous life. She may look defeated, but still have a strong will of survival.
Appareance: A peasant beauty, with long blonde hair and freckles. She had a beautiful smile, but now rarely smiles.
Background: Aceline was a serf, living in the small family farm, until the farm was found by the deserters, before the group run into the angry refugees that ended dispersing the gang. A peasant beauty, this was her curse, as she was taken as a captive along with the rest of the loot, to do the chores for the deserters (cooking, washing, cutting wood, etc) and be used by the outlaws. As the gang was destroyed, Giraud took her with him. In this smaller gang, she was made not only into a victim, but as well coerced her to be a criminal, commiting crimes for the band.

Alice (Incompetent Monk, Unknown/F)

Personality: Sexual by nature. Usually displaying a cutesy exterior, but with sadistic tendencies. I mean it's to be expected from a girl who literally has an inverted cross on her forehead.
Background: Just got bored one day figured a bandit group would be a good place to spread mischief. Most people would prefer to have a demon with them rather than against them, so she was allowed to join. Little did they know though, that as a sex-demon, that was actually about all she was good at. Whoops!

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Amanda Harris (Incompetent Healer, F)

An Instagram "Model" who mysteriously woke up in this world a few weeks ago. Convinced from the anime that she's been watching that this means she'll be a legendary hero, she's been going around trying to find the "Cheat code" the gods must have given her. When she decided to see if her special talent was thievery, she quickly ran afoul of the law and ended up in the camp with everyone else.
She's pretty much worthless in a fight, obviously can't sneak for shit, and has no capacity for magic, but she does know a few things about medicine that haven't quite become common knowledge in the fantasy world yet. She knows that alcohol makes a good disinfectant, baths with soap stem the spread of sickness, and that clean bandages prevent infections. The only really practical knowledge she has is her CPR certification; she got that while being a lifeguard at a local pool.
She's a rather pleasant person, and keeps trying to dress up the other girls, though she constantly complains of being bored since her phone died. However, her constant talk about "her world" and the technology within means that most rational people would dismiss her as a madwoman.

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Amuria Lindswell (Unlucky Healer, 22/F)

Backstory: Amuria is a former member of a performing troupe that entertained many people in a certain town. However, the troupe's cover was blown after the imperial guards discovered a stash of forbidden drug inside their caravan. Amuria ran away as a result, leaving her comrades behind. She is known for her soothing and healing singing skills...but she also knows some gun skills as well. She joins Tsukachan's band after being saved from a man-eating plant
Personality: Cute, moodmaker and kind-hearted
Physique: Amuria is slightly curvaceous, and has a pair of mid-sized breasts. She's more to the attractive side than the offensive side. She also has a short brunette hair, adorned with a small feathered hat. Amuria wears a white fancy dress that exposes her cleavage, and a pair of high heels (not seen). She has a small pistol which she uses when in danger only. Amuria wears a corset and pair of laced panties underneath her dress

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Aria (Elite Mage, F)

Aria was a top student at a prestigious mages college, getting top marks, heading the student council, and even being a star of some odd competitive broomstick sport... That is, until she was expelled for using banned love potions on the boy she liked. Love potions are highly illegal in her home territory, as they are essentially a slight refinement of enslavement magics, and she fled to this bandit camp in an attempt to avoid prosecution.
She spends most of her time brewing potions and playing around with spells. Her specialty is the very banned love magics that got her chased out of her home in the first place. She thinks that love, like anything else, should be bottled up and sold as a commodity. She also sees no issue with selling love to people who simply seek to use it to get something out of the victims, such as money or status.
Since most of the people around her are mere bandit rabble, she sees no issue with using them to test her potions and spells. The few exceptions are those she considers high class (And therefore might get her out of this) and those she thinks will probably kill her once it wears off. She also refuses to sell it to any bandits for the simple fear of it being used on herself. If used in any operation, she'll watch the whole batch like a hawk.

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Ariadne Fettel (Average Thief, 19/F)

Wearing unremarkable clothing, the 5'2" human girl with shoulder length auburn hair approached the fort and expressed her desire to join the gang. She was, apparently, a street orphan, accustomed to doing whatever she had to in order to stay alive. After hearing how even the wealthy merchants were afraid of bandits, she decided to become a bandit and, with luck, not have to worry about whether or not she'd eat that week again.

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Burny: Bernadette Quinn (Average Mage, 24/F)

Always has her nose stuck in one of her (stolen) books. She's pale and curvy, maybe a little chubby, in fact. Huge breasts. She has long, black hair, which she wears under a classic wizard hat. She has big, round glasses due to poor eyesight. Apart from the hat, she wears thigh-high boots with stockings, puffy sleeves, a cape, and not much else. Her nipples are pierced by big rings, and she doesn't wear a bottom at all. Just a garter belt from which dangles a book satchel that she's had for as long as she can remember. She wields a staff. Burny comes off as quiet and introverted, but she's an expert at manipulating her two youngest, dumbest sisters.

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Desti Bloodedge (Average Fighter, 21/F)

Backstory: A blood-thirsty Succubus fighter who was the daughter of a Demon Lord. Unfortunately, his father was slain by a bunch of heroes and she was left orphaned. This sparked the fire of revenge inside her heart. Desti travels around the world with her trusty axe, hunting for heroes to avenge her father's death. Her fighting skill was recognized by Tsukachan, who saw her decapitating several knights with her trusty axe in a tavern brawl. She was recruited by Tsukachan into his gang, although he kinda feels uneasy at first
Personality: Sadistic, ill-mannered and loves to torture people for her amusement. She's also a Yandere
Physique: Her arms and waist are slightly toned, although her face is a tad adorable and her breasts are enormous compared to Amuria's and Kuroneko's. However, Desti doesn't mind about her gigantic yet jiggly rack. She wears a checkered skirt and a black t-shirt, as well as a pair of skull-shaped hair decors, spiky bangles and striped kneesocks. She always removes her shirt during fights to increase her strength. Desti wears a pair of striped panties/shimapan underneath her skirt. Anyone caught seeing it will be decapitated or sliced in half with her axe

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Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F)

Personality: Formal and courteous. A shining example of "Honor among thieves" as a woman who shows respect to even her enemies.
Background: Gained a bit of a name for herself as "The Shadow", which is what people call the unknown woman responsible for several assassinations. In truth though, she admits she's not even close to being some sort of legendary assassin like some rumors say because she's mostly successful because she either gets lucky or takes easy jobs. Became somewhat lonely working on her own, so she joined up with bandits in hopes of companionship and bettering her skills.

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Elizabeth (Incompetent Warrior, 18/F)

Elizabeth is an 18 year old villager who was conscripted to fight in the war for the Empire. She isn't athletic, smart or talented in anyway. She'd be relegated to a lifetime of farming if it hadn't been for the war. Being in the same unit as Leah and Mary, both girls took pity on her and decided to bring her along with them. She's cowardly, however she doesn't want to disappoint her two friends.

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Giraud the Roughneck (Incompetent Fighter, 48/M)

Personality: Cruel, without empathy or care. A mysogenist, who see women as mere tools, and gets grabby (and worse) if he have the chance. Above all, a bad person, sleazy and treacherous. However, he's isn't so blatant in his disregard of others, as long as they are useful. He have ambitions far beyond his meagre capabilities.
Appareance: A large, heavy man. Tall, with a black messy hair and a black beard thats beginning to be show some white. Croocked teeth and a mean expression in his square face, living in the road for months now give him a wild, dangerous look.
Background: Just other of the mercenaries and soldiers of the rable of the Empire (the same empire that served Leah, Mary and Elizabeth), and for all his life, since a child, had been a soldier. But not of a dignified kind of soldier. A routier, forager and scourge of the land kind of soldier, who between wars more than once had taken the role of a bandit, before joining the next war.
He deserted after the last defeat of the empire with a larger group, that splintered.

Gnorg (Average Fighter 18/F)

As a young orc, someone once told Gnorg that if she killed a princess she would imbue their powers and become one. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed she made this her lifelong goal and as such Gnorg spent her early teenage years roaming the countryside looking for princesses. One fateful day, she found one, and without hesitation, she plunged her axe into the young maiden cutting her clean in half. Fashioning what remained of the maidens clothes (which was only really the bottom of a dress and some scraps) she fled for her life. Sure that the authorities would be after such a daring and dangerous criminal, she found a group of bandits and joined them. Little did Gnorg know that she didn't actually kill a princess, but instead a lowly maid.

Gnorg is incredibly strong but also incredibly stupid. she's easily taken advantage of and will do just about anything for shiny or fashionable items.

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Gobbo: Andaragashkat (Average Ranger, M)

Personality: He is quickly to bow to these in power and be a lackey to them, and to be a tyrant and abuse power to anybody under him. Cunning and treacherous, a coward who have all above his own survival.
Appareance: Small, crooked and stands almost like a gorilla, with his long arms almost reaching the ground and croachin. Ugly even for goblin standards, have a nasty looking rash on most of his skin.
Background: A native inhabitant of the Goblin Fort that the Quin Sisters band had taken as their home, serving whatever power was deep below in it's secret chambers, he survived and escaped when it was attacked by adventurers.

Jenessa Stormblood (Elite Fighter, 22/F)

Personality: Hardy, foolish, often drunk, but a fun and loyal friend to be around. Experienced, but not the smartest. Foolhardy and cocky at the start of a fight, but has the rage of a thousand suns when she gets mad at someone.
Background: Jenessa was born and raised as a bandit, as her mother and father were bandits before her. She has been one of the few survivors of two of her previous bandit groups getting disbanded after attacks from heroic adventurers. She's got lady luck on her side. Gets incredibly pissed at people who kill her allies and has personally tracked down and killed her own parents killer in the past.

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Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F)

Forest nymph/Dryad
Personality: Kind and stern like a mother, but also eccentric and odd like a stage performer. Quirky. Nobody can seem guess what she'll say or do next.
Background: At 263, Juniper is basically having a Dryad equivalent to a midlife crisis. She's sick of protecting forests and all that junk. She wants to seek thrills and doesn't care if she loses her life seeking them because 263 years is a damn long time to live already. Hence, becoming a bandit. A Dryad bandit is certainly an unusual sight, and other nymphs would surely gossip about her, but that's what she's counting on. She's unlucky though, because as a rare and valuable being with a noticeable look to her, people may try to gun for her first. Dryads, even after death, are known to be magical creatures, thus should she die, people may want to study her corpse and possibly harvest it for magical energy and alchemical ingredients.

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Krista Quinn (Average Ranger, 22/F)

anned and slender with short gray hair and a dark green, plumed cap. Krista wears a short green tunic with nothing underneath and knee-high, brown leather boots with gloves to match. She has an overall very tomboyish look, with a chest that's almost entirely flat. She prefers a shortbow, but she can work up close when she has to. Quiet and emotionless, her only real passion in life is hunting and fishing in the woods alone. She secretly loathes all three of her sisters.

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Kuroneko: Sayaka Kuroi (Elite Thief, 20/F)

Half-human, half-youkai (Kitsune)
Backstory: A mysterious yet dangerous cat-masked assassin hailing from an Eastern kingdom (think Asian-esque). She's wanted for the assassination of the kingdom's prince, yet no imperial guard has ever successfully caught her. Kuroneko is the master of martial arts, knife skills as well as the forbidden arts of Ninjutsu learned from her ancestors. She seeks money and wealth from her criminal activities, mostly working for various criminal gangs, rebel groups, cults and others. But now, Kuroneko works for the crime lord from Earth, Tsukachan who was brought to the fantasy world after a mysterious portal sucked him in
Personality: Mostly silent and anti-social. However, she grunts or moans when hurt sometimes. She sees Meredith as some sort of a love rival to her
Physique and appearance: Kuroneko's body is athletic, but she has some bits of abs underneath her skin-tight bodysuit and has some leg muscles on her thighs as well. She has a long, flowing silver hair with some notches of black around her ears. She wears a black bodysuit with a pair of red leg armors and black gloves with bangles of the matching color. Like her namesake, she wears a black cat-shaped mask that resembles more of a fox than a cat. She wields a giant flamberge-like kunai as her weapon, but Kuroneko is also skilled in martial arts, namely karate and kempo. Kuroneko does not wear any underwear

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Leah (Average Warrior, 22/F)

A basic spear wielding soldier in the army of the Empire. Leah grew up in a poor farming family and longed for a life of adventure and excitement. She ran away from her farm and joined the army voluntarily, hoping to become a hero. Instead, she was assigned to front-line infantry and treated like expendable cannon-fodder. Thinking she deserved better, she ran away from the army to avoid a grisly death. Now branded a deserter, and unable to return to a normal life, Leah is forced to become a bandit. She still thinks she has what it takes to become a great warrior.

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Leanna Vanvathar (Elite Fighter 207/F)

Leanna comes from a peaceful wood elf tribe, and that's the problem. For 200 years she's longed to fight, and harming any living creature is considered taboo in her society. However, that hasn't stopped her from learning to wield a blade. With centuries of sword experience behind her belt, she left her home in search of greener more blood filled pastures. After a couple years on the road, she found this bandit gang and has decided to become a permanent member.

Leanna is strikingly beautiful, as well as strikingly full of herself. In her mind, nothing can stop her, as such hubris is her greatest weakness.

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Marco (Incompetent Fighter, 18/M)

Serfs who ran away from their lord's estate to become bandits. Well, Marco did. He wants a life of adventure, fame, and fortune. His girlfriend, Raquelle, was pressured into it. She just wants to be with Marco. What the pair lack in talent, skills, and experience, they make up for with... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Neither of them know what they're doing, although Marco thinks he's going to be a big deal someday. Raquelle should know better, but she just can't stand up to her stupid boyfriend. Somehow, a life of violent crime seems more attractive than taking charge of her own existence.

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Mary (Average Archer, 21/F)

An archer who was assigned to the same unit as Leah during the war. Mary was a woodsman before the war broke out. She enjoyed the peacefulness and tranquility of the forest and hated city-life. However, she was conscripted into the army and forced to fight in the war. During a major battle, it wasn't hard for Mary to sneak out of sentry duty and guide her friends out of the fight. Now that she's deserted and found herself in an unfamiliar land, she'll work as a bandit with her two new comrades in order to survive.

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Mercedes Quinn (Average Fighter, 20/F)

Tanned and muscular with long, messy, black hair that spills out from under an open-faced helmet that she took off a dead guard forever ago. Despite her athletic build, she has very big breasts. Almost as big as her big sister Bernie's. She also likes to show them off. In fact, apart from her helmet and leg guards, Mercedes wears only a pauldron on her left shoulder, with belts and straps for her scabbard and shield. Mercedes is the most outwardly friendly of the four, and she's prone to show mercy in battle. Unfortunately, she's a little dumb, and Bernadette has convinced her that the four outlaws are currently being brave, heroic freedom fighters.

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Meredith (Elite Monk, 18/F)

Backstory: A former Amazoness grappler from Cliff Temple region who was part of the queen's special squad of Amazoness bodyguards that consisted of several grapplers and archers. Unfortunately Meredith was exiled from Cliff Temple when she and several other Amazonesses were caught rebelling against the queen. Stripped off from her job, Meredith now lives the life of a criminal, fighting in underground rings and helping various bandit gangs. One day, Tsukachan stumbled upon the young Amazoness and offered her a job as part of his gang. Meredith reluctantly agrees and joins the band, and Tsukachan would sleep on her muscular legs anytime
Personality: Tomboyish, active and big-sister type. However, she never gets along with Kuroneko as the two has a rivalry against each other
Physique: Like most Amazonesses, Meredith is muscular, tall and hulking in physique. Her muscular thighs and arms could crush almost anything while her abs is almost solid as steel. She also has superhuman strength, able to lift anything heavier than her. She has a long flowing blonde hair and wears a royal gold two-piece Amazoness grappler armor that exposes her toned midriff, her sexy yet meaty back and her bountiful cleavage, as well as a pair of green arm and leg armors. Her hair is adorned with a winged tiara, a symbol of speed in the Amazoness culture. Meredith's fighting style is inspired by Greco-Roman wrestling mixed with kickboxing, taught by her instructor back when she was 7 years old. Meredith's underwear only consists of a loincloth underneath her bottomwear. She sometimes fights only wearing her loincloth when the mission gets wet and messy

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Mimi: Camryn Clarke (Average Thief 20/F)

Camryn worked as a barkeep for most of her teenage life. That all changed one night when she was required to dress as a slutty mime for an event her tavern was hosting. Amidst the clamour of the evening, she was permanently transformed by a drunken warlock. Forever transfixed with pale white skin and unable to change her clothes or makeup, Camryn was fired and turned down from all other employment. All other employment that is but a bandit, using her uncanny ability to be silent Camryn has found herself to be quite the useful thief. Known by her friends as "Mimi" she is shy, reserved, and ultimately embarrassed by her whole predicament even though it occurred a year prior. Bad luck seems to follow her wherever she goes, however she seems to make a suitable member to the team!

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Minnie Quinn (Average Thief, 18/F)

This little punk has short, dirty blonde hair and freckles. She's not as flat as Krista, but she's nowhere near as busty as Bernie or Mercedes. Loud and slutty, she wears a camouflaged cloak when she has to, but otherwise goes around in nothing but footwraps and belt-pouches. Her nipples are also pierced, as is her septum, and her hair is currently a two-tone undercut with an artificial pink streak. Minnie considers herself, falsely, to be the leader of the Quinn sisters, and claims that her life's ambition is to accumulate the largest boy harem in the land.

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Naomi Sweetwater (Average Fighter, 18/F)

As one of a peasant levy raised by a lord who'd already conscripted every man in his lands between 15 and 60, Naomi's morale was already fairly low. When her group joined with the main force of the army, she quickly found that every man she hadn't known since childhood saw her as an easy target for sexual harassment. This, of course, caused her morale to drop even lower, and so when she heard one evening that the next day was to see a large, decisive battle, she made a decision. She then quickly snuck out of the camp, weapon in hand, and never looked back. After traveling for several weeks, gradually selling off most of her armor and enduring unwanted advances along the way, she decided that she needed more funds. Since she'd already be executed for desertion, and with luck only executed, she figured that she may as well go for the fastest money she could, at least until she escaped her former lord's reach. Tired by the near-constant advances she faced along the way, she became used to them, and stopped trying to avoid them. With men, she just tries to endure. She's noticeably more receptive to women, though, and sometimes enthusiastically returns their advances. If 'the enemy' could have some sexual interest in her, that would be great.
She's a 5'3" Human woman with short black hair and brown eyes.

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Neve Kelly (Average Healer, 20/F)

Still wearing the black-and-white hood of her former order, she says she was expelled from said order for killing a man who sought safety in their sanctuary. In order to redeem herself, she is now dedicated to healing and trying to redeem those who most of the time would simply be put to the sword. She doesn't carry any weapons, and is willing to take offensive action only in the most extreme circumstances.
Neve Kelly is a human with no particularly uncommon features. She stands an unremarkable 5'6, has brown hair, judging by her bangs that are visible while she wears her hood, and has brown eyes.

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Princess: Leianna du Bottclair (Incompetent Thief, 16/F)

A minor noble girl from a forested area, Leianna has a high opinion of herself. She believes herself above common rabble in all forms, and her behavior reflects this. Though she doesn't try to take a leadership role in the bandits, she does expect them to wait on her hand and foot. This creates issues with the other girls.
The only reason she's with the group is because she was "Wrongfully accused of improper action to a whore with no right to call herself a lady of the court!" Meaning she stabbed the fiance of the noble boy she had her eye on with her rapier, then fled when stabbing a higher noble's fiance actually had consequences. She's currently "Planning to expose the whore for what she is!", though all she's really doing is furiously writing diary entries on why she's right and everyone else is wrong while waiting for her dad to make this all better.

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Rain Alphard (Elite Ranger 26/F)

A strange, exotic woman, she claims to be descended from werewolves, and while she isn't a full-on lycanthrope herself, as the moon gets fuller she gets more irritable and solitary. This is ignoring her features, which seem, generally, wolf-ish. Of particular note are her canines, which are quite large, and her eyes, which gain flecks of brown as the moon waxes. She stands at an impressive 6' even, with green eyes and dirt-brown hair. She says that she's from a faraway forest, to the distant West, and that she was abducted by slavers as she slept when the area she lived in became too well-traveled. Then, she was taken East, a significant distance East from the gang's fort, where after several years she managed to escape. Now, she's taking some time to build up her funds before further traveling, and believes the gang to be the best way to do this.

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Raquelle (Incompetent Fighter 19/F)

Serfs who ran away from their lord's estate to become bandits. Well, Marco did. He wants a life of adventure, fame, and fortune. His girlfriend, Raquelle, was pressured into it. She just wants to be with Marco. What the pair lack in talent, skills, and experience, they make up for with... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Neither of them know what they're doing, although Marco thinks he's going to be a big deal someday. Raquelle should know better, but she just can't stand up to her stupid boyfriend. Somehow, a life of violent crime seems more attractive than taking charge of her own existence.

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Sasha Ironskin (Elite Fighter, 25/F)

A toughened veteran of a mercenary group, she was captured and sold into slavery after taking a contract with the wrong side. Leianna's father purchased her contract and made her Leianna's bodyguard, where she remains to this day through her strong sense of honor . She disapproves of this situation, and encourages Leianna to return to the court (Where she probably won't be seriously prosecuted on account of hardly injuring the other girl).
In battle, she won't do much more than protect Leianna. If Leianna falls, she'll immediately surrender and try to get them both back home.

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Tristan the Stableboy (Incompetent Fighter, 14/M)

Personality: A simple dimwith, is somehow divided in two parts: innocence and crime. He does as ordered, no matter what. While hes normally joyful and could appear he can't hurt a fly, when ordered he can do the worse, and became naturalized with death, violence and pain caused in his life as bandit. To "harden him up", the other deserters made him to be the torturer and executer of the farmers when they plundered their farmsteads, to make they confess the locations of their meagre riches and stashes of food. He's a drunk, and have Giraud as a sort of very messed up father figure.
Appareance: He was picked by the Empire for being large for his age. With big hands, greasy blonde hair, a face full of pimples, with no chin and a permanent bovine expression.
Background: a Stableboy of no known father, worked as a farmhand in a farm that was unfortunate enough to be on the path of the Empire. The farm was razed, the owners, hanged, and Tristan had "the honour" to became a levy for the empire. After the defeat of the Empire, he followed the deserters because he was ordered too. As a bandit, he did what he was told to do, no matter the horror it meant.

Xylia (Average Fighter, 25/F)

Appearance: Xylia has long, light teal coloured hair done up in a ponytail. Her top is made of hard leather, beneath a set of chainmail links cut just above her midriff. Her bottom is the same setup, except its shorts, and her deep brown boots go up to her knees. Several belts also strap, wind, and wrap around her entire body for seemingly no reason what-so-ever.

Bio: Xylia (that's actually her stage name, who knows her real one) is a former dancer. No, not a sexual dancer, just a dancing dancer. Xylia traveled the countrysides for several years with a bard friend, being the dancer as he sang and strummed. It was a decent life with decent coin. One day, however, Xylia's friend was arrested on a thievery charge he didn't commit while in a Kingdom's capital city, and ended up being killed in a prisoner skirmish days later in the castles underground prison.

Heartbroken, Xylia attempted to continue her life as an entertainer, but a regular dancer without music isn't very entertaining. She tried learning to play a lute, but was absolutely terrible at it. Singing isn't really her forte either.

Thus, due to her hatred for general society killing her friend anyway, Xylia fell into a group of bandits. She actually has no fighting experience either, but her years as a dancer helps her dexterity quite a bit.
I think I fixed it?


Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
Oh, I see now. I didn't expand the last one until just now. also, holy shit there are a lot of them. I feel like we owe poor Kayfabe an apology, giving him this many characters to keep track of.

Aria happily takes Tristan as a helper, though she keeps him at arm's length simply because she (correctly) assumes he just wants something out of her. She won't go out of her way to protect him, not wanting to get to involved in the infighting in camp, but is happy to give him the impression she will. When he finally asks her for a potion, she'll probably give him a very watered down sample and observe what he tries to do with it; if it amuses her enough, she may use him to test her potions while still having plausible deniability.
Tristan's duties will consist mainly of gathering some local plants, mixing one cauldron for hours on end, and sampling the occasional party drug while Aria takes notes. If his quest to avenge Giraud comes back to bite him, she'll drop him like hot shit.

(I forgot to put NO KILL in Aria's fate section.)

Sasha, only being here because of Princess's shenanigans, totally understands Ariadne's position on the matter. She is still her bodyguard however, and will defend Princess's life... though not necessarily her honor. So long as Ariadne doesn't threaten to hurt or kill her charge, Sasha is completely okay with whatever's coming to her. Sasha makes sure Ariadne knows this.

Princess, on the other hand, is still waiting for Ariadne to apologize to her for thinking she did wrong. Princess literally has never apologized in her life.

Finally, Amanda is too busy trying to figure out why she didn't go back in time like that one isekai to do everything perfectly; unfortunately, this has led her to determine she's in more of a Konosuba situation.
The Goddess, meanwhile, has learned that anime is Japanese Animation. Now she needs to figure out what animation, video in general, and japan is before she understands what the fuck is going through Amanda's head.
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
wait I didn't even know you were in this thread, you don't need me
Shaba, you mean? Yeah, he doesn't actually draw his characters though. Either way, still feel free to whatever. Contribute something if you feel like it, or don't, I doesn't really matter. Lol, we're all just having fun here man. Don't feel intimidated, haha.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
11/24/18, Banditing

Jenessa knows that normally, she should have the gang lay low after a haul like that, but she also knows that you can't plan around targets of opportunity. She splits the gang into teams, giving them regular shifts and patrol routes, too. One of these teams, which consists of Mercedes, Neve, Raquelle, Aria, Tristan, Gnorg, and Aceline, come across an irresistible target: an old woman driving a wagon laden with goods.

They stop the wagon. Aceline delivers the line (according to Jenessa's instructions), that this road is now a toll road. There's going to be an inspection, and then a fee, and if the old lady is good, the gang will send her on her way.

"I'll take care of this one, Grandma." A sleepy voice sounds from inside the wagon. A moment later, a handsome young man in full field plate appears from inside. "Hi, girls." He waves to them and hops down. "I don't suppose we could... not do this?"

"The fee just doubled," says Aceline.

The young man frowns, then sighs. "All right. I suppose I could use the exercise. I should warn you though, I won't be able to guarantee your safety." He notices Neve, then nods. "Oh, good."

1: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 4/10 XP (Fine)
2: Neve (Average Healer, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 4/10 XP (Fine)
3: Raquelle (Incompetent Fighter, 19/F): 4/4 HP, -2 Atk, 8 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
4: Aria (Elite Mage, ?/F): 12/12 HP, +6 Atk, 16 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
5: Tristan (Incompetent Fighter, 14/M): 4/4 HP, -2 Atk, 8 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
6: Gnorg (Average Fighter, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
7: Aceline (Elite Thief, 16/F): 12/12 HP, +6 Atk, 18 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)

1: Hero (Average 19/M): 8/8 (x7) HP, +4 Atk, 15 Def, Lv. 1

Without warning, he swings his sword at Mercedes. A twirling, crescent-shaped blade of pure light lashes out at her. She raises her sword and blocks it, but by then the adventurer has closed the gap. He body-checks her, and hard.

"Uwah!" Mercedes goes down. He's about to end her with a downward thrust, but she parries the strike with expert speed. Gnorg comes in for a flanking attack, but he kicks her in the gut. "Oof!" Gnorg has the wind knocked out of her. She drops her weapon and staggers backwards. By then, Mercedes has raised herself up into a sitting position, but she gets decapitated for her trouble. A wide swing from the adventurer takes her head clean off.

"Should have stayed down, sis!" He follows through by stabbing Aria roughly in her bare right thigh.

Neve knows that Mercedes is beyond saving, if she isn't already fully dead. She casts Cure on Aria, in an effort to keep the other magic-user on her feet. Aria, for her part, has finished casting her Charm spell. The whole battle grinds to a halt while the hero backs away and drops his weapon. "What can I do for you?"

"Just stand right there, sweetie!" Aria nods to Aceline, who runs forward and drives her weapon between the plates of the young man's armor. He screams. Raquelle and Tristan follow suit, but by then the hero has snapped out of it. He grabs them both by the hair and crashes their heads together. While they go down, he goes for his sword. Aceline sees this and tries to stop him, but she isn't fast enough. He swings at her. She dives out of the way. He swings again, she rolls. He thrusts.

Aceline screams. A wave of fiery pain takes over her body. The hero has stabbed her in the guts he pulls the sword out of her.

Aria unleashes a storm of lightning from her outstretched hand. The arcing bolts of electricity strike the hero and blow him off his feet. He goes flying backwards in the direction of the wagon, making the oxen panic.

Determined not to die here, Aceline is already struggling to her feet when Neve hits her with another Cure. Instantly, her wound seals up. Still hurts, though. She staggers over to the wounded hero. "Had enough, yet?"

He stands up, slowly. Bloodied, sweating, panting, and smelling very faintly of bacon, he nods. "Yeah, all right. Sure." He rests his hands on his knees, and looks up at the elderly wagon driver. "Sorry, Grandma."

"It's fine," the old woman croaks. "We can afford it."

1: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 0/8 HP, +2 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 4/10 XP (Dead)
2: Neve (Average Healer, 20/F): 8/12 HP, +2 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 2, 1/20 XP (Fine)
3: Raquelle (Incompetent Fighter, 19/F): 0/4 HP, -2 Atk, 8 Def, Lv. 1, 7/10 XP (Unconscious)
4: Aria (Elite Mage, ?/F): 10/12 HP, +6 Atk, 16 Def, Lv. 1, 7/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
5: Tristan (Incompetent Fighter, 14/M): 0/4 HP, -2 Atk, 8 Def, Lv. 1, 7/10 XP (Unconscious)
6: Gnorg (Average Fighter, 18/F): 0/8 HP, +2 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 7/10 XP (Unconscious)
7: Aceline (Elite Thief, 16/F): 11/12 HP, +6 Atk, 18 Def, Lv. 1, 7/10 XP (Fine)

1: Hero (Average 19/M): 7/8 (x2) HP, +4 Atk, 15 Def, Lv. 1


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
-Jenessa greets the party as they arrive back to camp. At first all seems well and she gives her usual hearty greetings and congratulations, but then she notices her friend Mercedes seeming oddly... late. When the group informs her that Mercedes had been killed, Jenessa's mood took a complete one-eighty. She took a terrifying dead-serious tone that was unusual for her. "She was killed? And you all let her killer live? Why I aughta'! ...If I'd been there he'd be dead and I'd have robbed everything up to the armor on his back. Mercedes was a good lass. I wanna find this guy, and I want to kill him." Jenessa then immediately and impulsively started planning how she was going to launch a revenge mission. She didn't care if others told her it was pointless, because she was already too adamant to be dissuaded at that point. She was going to search for that "hero" no matter what, and simply hoped at least some of her allies would agree to help her. She'd already gotten a hard "No" from Alice, her being too cowardly to want to fight for no personal gain, and a "Maybe" from Elena who was simply against charging headfirst in a foolhardy manner without the proper reasoning and planning prepared. Thus, Elena became the scout to follow the adventurer's supposed trail to hopefully find his location so Jenessa could launch a proper attack.

-Alice had bags under her eyes from sleep deprivation. The nightmares before were bad, but for whatever reason, they had returned with a vengeance and become much worse than before. Every time she'd try to fall asleep, she'd have the same dream where she was nailed to a cross that was constantly burning, while priests and nuns surrounded her and chanted horrible incantations that made her head feel like it was going to explode. Even if she merely took a quick nap, these dreams felt like they lasted an eternity, and when she woke up the echoes of incantation often still lingered in her ears. She was quick to blame Neve for this, due to her nature as some sort of nun, and began yelling at her, before eventually simply pleading for her to undo whatever cursed her. Only problem being that Neve had no idea what she was talking about... Eventually, Alice gave up and asked to sleep with Desti. As they are both succubi, they were used to sharing beds with their fellow kin in more ways than one. Alice still feared that the nightmares would come back again nonetheless...


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Once the adrenaline wears off, Neve begins to cry. Then she begins to sob. The time she'd spent consoling Mercedes let her get to know the girl, and to now have her die right in front of her, and have no way to save her... The danger of their profession never really hit home before. She stays behind, taking Mercedes' remains just inside the fort's main gate and covering them with a black cloth. After this, she takes some time to mourn, then quietly tells the other bandits, individually and in small groups, that she'll be holding a funeral service for Mercedes next morning. Her cleaning of Mercedes' body is interrupted by Alice's accusations, which Neve responds to with shouting and (rare, for her) curses. In between expletives and tears, she shouts that her order doesn't deal in subterfuge, and the kind of thing that Alice is experiencing would be considered subterfuge, never mind that her order was more 'create happiness' and less 'kill demons'. After that's explained and Alice leaves, Neve returns to preparing Mercedes for her funeral. She lets Jenessa know that she's willing to go along with a punitive expedition to avenge Mercedes.
That night, she and a few volunteers dig a traditional, 6 foot deep grave for Mercedes. It takes some work, and they're digging almost until dawn, but they manage to finish it.

Ariadne, disappointed by Sasha's stance, asks Sasha a few questions -
"By hurt, do you mean any physical harm? Or just permanent stuff, like cutting off a finger or something?"
Before Sasha can respond, she continues asking questions.
"And does that include emotional hurt? And, would you be upset if I did something that required a bit of roughing up, but caused very little physical harm, or whatever else I have to before she'll get her shit together?"
Then she lets Sasha answer.
As she walks away from Sasha, after hearing Sasha's answer to her questions, she begins to mumble something, halfheartedly trying to keep Sasha from hearing her.
"Fucking nobles and their bitches, babysitting a fucking adult. Gods damn it. Which one is the fucking slave again? Gods."


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Krista helps with the preparations, and helps to dig her sister's grave. She even attends Neve's little funeral, and surprises the priestess with faint praise. In confidence, she tells Neve that Mercedes was "the good one". She says something similar to Jenessa as well, pledging herself to whatever reprisal raid she cares to organize.

11/25/18, No Rest for the Wicked

Desti wakes up to an empty bed. Thinking nothing of it, she goes through her morning routine of breakfast, washing, visiting the latrine, and etc. Only later, during all the drama over the next to last Quinn sister and the adventurer who took her head, does she realize that she hasn't seen Alice all day. Asking around, she learns that Amanda caught Alice sleep-walking. As patiently as she can, Desti explains that succubi don't do that, and runs to Jenessa with a new and potentially much bigger problem.

The rest of the day sees a full-scale search of the fort and the first floor of the evil dungeon. On a hunch, Andaragashkat checks the secret door. Sure enough, the passage is open. For a moment, the goblin considers keeping this information to himself, but he knows that Elena--his assigned search buddy--will be right behind him. So he takes credit for the discovery instead, enjoying Jenessa's praise while considering what his next move should be. Nobody thinks to question his find, chalking it up goblin luck or dungeon-sense.

Dino: Alice is currently MIA. She will remain on the roster (at least until the mystery is solved), but she won't be tying up one of your slots. Go ahead and make a new zako if you want.


Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
Sasha's answer is pretty clear: No permanent stuff, though some pain is perfectly acceptable. Emotional harm is perfectly okay. It is absolutely okay. Sasha may or may not want the bitch to suffer. But it's her job to take care of the Princess's physical well-being.

Sasha makes a note to watch Ariadne on top of Gnorg and her actual charge. She's starting to seriously consider kidnapping Princess herself just so she can finally get a break from this shit.

She ignores the comment Ariadne made under her breath. This is the only way she can get revenge without it being her fault, there's no way she's gonna let a comment that deserves a punch get in the way of that.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
With the knowledge of what Sasha will accept and what she'll fight against, Ariadne takes a bit to decide what to do. Initially, she was just planning to kick the shit out of Princess, but now she's had time to think, and she's come up with a few alternatives. But, she supposes, the main point of all this is to make Princess very, very afraid of messing up again.

That evening, Princess is writing in her diary, as she does most evenings. She suddenly feels two things. The first is a hand suddenly grabbing her neck, keeping her from moving her head with its index finger and thumb on her jaw. The second thing she feels, caused by the first, is pure terror. Before she can react, she hears a voice in her left ear.
"Move or make a noise, and you die. Painfully."
Frozen in fear, Princess wasn't about to do either of those, even before the voice spoke.
Then it spoke some more.
"Who am I? Am I an assassin, sent to kill the princess while she's vulnerable? Am I a mercenary, sent to abduct you for ransom? Or... am I a molester, here to take your virtue?"
By this time, Princess recognized the voice as Ariadne's, but still doesn't dare move or speak.
"The answer, Princess, is none of these. Yet. But if you ever fuck up and put me in danger again..."
Princess can hear Ariadne's smirk.
"I will carve my name into your flesh and take you as my bitch for the rest of your miserable life, however long that is."
Princess can barely hold herself together at this point.
"Have I made myself clear?"
Princess remains frozen and silent, too afraid to act.
Ariadne brings her knife up to Princess' throat, just close enough to draw blood. Princess remains frozen in fear as she hears Ariadne giggle briefly. Then, slowly, the knife pulls away and disappears. Then the hand follows it.
Princess doesn't dare move until she's completely certain Ariadne is gone.

Once she's back in the mess room, Ariadne allows herself to giggle some more. She never thought she'd be able to threaten royalty, and to have a princess too scared to move... She sighs happily as she wanders off to find Sasha and make sure she tells her that she won't actually carve her name into Princess. And, of course, to ask her to not tell Princess this.

Neve spends the next few days carving a gravestone for Mercedes, and writing down everything the knew about her. In the small amounts of time she takes away from her self-assigned tasks, she seems to be spending most of it around Krista.

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Gnorg felt partially responsible for what happened to Mercedes, had she been quicker, this mess would never have happened. On the ride back she thought of how quickly she had been defeated, she was a little embarrassed but most of all angry. Well, actually she was confused, very confused. if that man killed Mercedes, then would he gain the power of Mercedes? She tried explaining her theory to some of the other girls until she was met with a stern look from Jenessa. As much as she was angry inside, she couldn't be angry at Mercedes and if the man had killed Mercedes than she couldn't be mad at him either cause he was Mercedes?
She felt dizzy, Gnorg wasn't the best at thinking about things clearly. However the thoughts of guilt anger and confusion would all fade away the next day amid the buzz of a missing member of their team and a secret door, Gnorg couldn't imagine what sort of treasures could be inside, and who took Alice? She was betting on a gang of very easy to kill Princesses.

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Also on a side note, I fixed the Masterlist, as did Severity! Sorry, it was a little broken at first!!

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