So you want to be a zako? (1 Viewer)


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
1: Burny (Average Mage, 24/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
2: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
4: Minnie (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
5: Mimi (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
6: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
7: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
8: Alice (Incompetent Monk, ?/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
9: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
10: Jenessa (Elite Fighter, 22/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
11: Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
12: Kuroneko (Elite Thief, 20/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
13: Amuria (Unlucky Healer, 22/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) <333
14: Meredith (Elite Monk, 34/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
15: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
16: Leah (Average Fighter, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
17: Mary (Average Ranger, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
18: Elizabeth (Incompetent Fighter, 18/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)

11/19/18, Seduction Squad, Go!

A lot of wagons and carriages are moving up and down the main road, but most of these are under fairly heavy guard. So far, the gang's only real competitors are monsters, but those monsters mean that any potential marks are likely to be ready for trouble. The arrival of Leah, Mary, and Elizabeth have certainly helped to even the odds, and the Empire's ongoing collapse means that the gang can expect to absorb more deserters in the future, but today, the gang is taking an indirect approach.

Quietly, and from the bush, the rangers scout the area for marks, but it's Mary who finally finds their target. Five male adventurers are striking camp just a few miles away from the fort. Mary helps the Seduction Squad build their own campsite a "convenient" distance away. There, the group sets up their secret weapon: a keg of ale, which Juniper has laced with a very potent knockout drug!

Jenessa and Leah are there as well, just in case something goes wrong and things get ugly. As soon as the sun goes down, the Seduction Squad goes to work, and the two fighters take their positions in the woods beyond the dummy camp.

At the adventurer's camp, the lookout sounds the alarm as Minnie, Mimi, Alice, and Desti emerge from the night, hands raised. Minnie does all the talking. Mimi is too embarrassed and the succubi are concentrating on maintaining their illusory human forms. Minnie claims to be the leader of another adventuring party and, wouldn't you know it, they've also camped a short distance away! They should merge camps! Minnie invites them over to drink and swap stories and STRONGLY IMPLIES some other things. The boys eagerly agree.

The next morning, the adventurers wake up naked back at their own camp. Or what's left of it, anyway. They've been robbed, and the girls have left them with almost nothing. At this rate, they'll be lucky just to make it back to town alive.

+1 XP for Minnie, Mimi, Alice, Jenessa, Juniper, Desti, Leah, and Mary

This adventure really shows what succubi are made of!! Desti is having fun toying with the adventurers....especially with her huge boobies!!


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
11/20/18, Bounty Hunter

While Minnie isn't a member of the Thieves' Guild, she knows people who know people who are. What this means is that the gang has somebody in town to fence their stolen goods, since most of the legitimate merchants will refuse to deal with them. Burny puts together a team consisting of Minnie, herself, Leah, Mimi, Juniper, and Elizabeth. Their mission, to take the horse and some treasure into town and come back with provisions and a cart for their new horse.

The trip is a success. No complications, but the team runs into trouble on their way back. A slender, mace-wielding girl with dark skin and short, black hair steps onto the road and into their path. Her face is grim. "Halt, villains!"

The six bandits stop the cart and get out, brandishing their own weapons. Burny and Juniper are already chanting their first spells.

"Good." The girl gives them a predatory smile. "I was hoping you idiots wouldn't surrender. Not one of you bitches will leave here alive!"

The bandits charge the adventurer. Mimi swings her mace at her, but the heroine blocks the attack with her own.

"Get down!" Burny is kind enough to warn Mimi before unleashing a gout of flame from her outstretched hands.

"Fuck!" The adventurer dives out of the way of the arcane flamethrower, but her hair is singed and she suffers some minor burns. Mimi is unscathed.

Juniper casts a protection spell on Mimi, who has rushed back in to struggle against the enemy. With Mimi keeping the adventurer busy, Leah attempts a flanking attack. The blade of her polearm flashes as she dives in and together, Leah and Mimi beat the adventurer back. Minnie and Elizabeth join the fray as well, but none of the four girls are able to land a significant blow. This girl is good!

"I will murder every last one of you!" She strikes Minnie powerfully with her mace. She gets the bandit right in her soft, naked belly. Minnie cries and grunts and drops to her knees, clutching her bruised and bleeding stomach. It doesn't look all too serious, at first, but Minnie quickly begins to vomit up blood. She's dying. And the fear and pain and tears in her eyes mean that she knows it.

While Minnie dies, the adventurer goes for Leah. Leah blocks the attack with her pike. She quickly swings at Mimi instead, but Juniper's shield catches the blow and pops like a soap bubble. Elizabeth goes on the offensive, backing the enemy into Burny's sights.

Minnie groans, loudly, sobbing and vomiting blood. She pitches forward, slumping face first into the dirt. Juniper's healing spell is interrupted when the adventurer throws her mace at her! Juniper takes the weapon right in the throat. Not only is her windpipe crushed, the spikes on the head of the mace open her vital arteries. She staggers backwards, clutching at her bleeding neck and gasping for air that will never come. She can't cast any spells in this condition, and there isn't another healer in the group. She has only a few moments to contemplate things before the old nymph collapses and expires.

Leah and Elizabeth have the adventurer occupied. While Burny works on casting her spell, Mimi rushes in for a sneak attack. The adventurer counters, flipping Mimi on her back and disarming her in one smooth motion. Mimi lands on top of the writhing, moaning Minnie. With the wind knocked out of her, she gasps, her tongue lolling. She knows she has to get up fast, but she just can't make her body move.

Burny tries to cast a spell, but it fizzles. She can't focus. Her baby sister has just been killed! The bounty hunter throws Mimi's mace at her, inflicting catastrophic internal wounds as the weapon strikes the wizard's fat belly. Bernie's insides are demolished, but she only looks bruised from the outside. She doubles over, her huge naked tits bouncing as she staggers and falls.

The adventurer presses the offensive. She goes for a finishing blow against Mimi. She brings her fist down on the perma-clown's belly, With one powerful, downward smash, the bounty hunter crushes both girls at once. The blow is powerful enough to make a crater under the naked girl pile, and Minnie is killed instantly, but Mimi takes a few more moments to finally fall unconscious and die.

Leah and Elizabeth look ready to ready to run. The bounty hunter catches Elizabeth's spear and yanks it out of her hands, which sends the fleeing fighter sprawling. On her hands and knees, Elizabeth tries to crawl away while the bounty hunter throws her spear at the fleeing Leah.

"AUGH!" Leah is caught in the back by the flying spear. She goes down.

"Please!" Elizabeth is crying. "No!" The bounty hunter puts her arms around Elizabeth's neck and snaps it, killing her.

Minnie, Mimi, Elizabeth, and Juniper are already dead. The bounty hunter loads the bandits into their own cart while she waits for Leah and Bernadette to bleed out. Leah doesn't take very long to die, but Burny is rolling around making an awful lot of noise. Finally, the bounty hunter gets tired of waiting and sticks her in the throat with her knife so she can load up her as well.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Junkers and Flavia adopt Lucy into their care, and both try to slowly build her back up and help return her to who she was before. After a bit (a small bit) of research, they find that Lucy's original name was Roxanne, and so they start transitioning her to using that name, hoping it awakes memories of who she was.
Ute is quietly happy with the turn of events, not necessarily about the deaths of others, but that she managed to get through it all OK. She tries to help Rayna as well, remaining close friends with her.

Now, for the new setting:
Four new recruits approach at various times one day. It seems they were all part of the same trade caravan and separately snuck away to join the group independently of each other.

Neve Kelly (20)
Average Healer (Priestess)
Still wearing the black-and-white hood of her former order, she says she was expelled from said order for killing a man who sought safety in their sanctuary. In order to redeem herself, she is now dedicated to healing and trying to redeem those who most of the time would simply be put to the sword. She doesn't carry any weapons, and is willing to take offensive action only in the most extreme circumstances.
Neve Kelly is a human with no particularly uncommon features. She stands an unremarkable 5'6, has brown hair, judging by her bangs that are visible while she wears her hood, and has brown eyes.

Rain Alphard (26)
Elite Ranger
A strange, exotic woman, she claims to be descended from werewolves, and while she isn't a full-on lycanthrope herself, as the moon gets fuller she gets more irritable and solitary. This is ignoring her features, which seem, generally, wolf-ish. Of particular note are her canines, which are quite large, and her eyes, which gain flecks of brown as the moon waxes. She stands at an impressive 6' even, with green eyes and dirt-brown hair. She says that she's from a faraway forest, to the distant West, and that she was abducted by slavers as she slept when the area she lived in became too well-traveled. Then, she was taken East, a significant distance East from the gang's fort, where after several years she managed to escape. Now, she's taking some time to build up her funds before further traveling, and believes the gang to be the best way to do this.

Ariadne Fettel (19?)
Average Thief
Wearing unremarkable clothing, the 5'2" human girl with shoulder length auburn hair approached the fort and expressed her desire to join the gang. She was, apparently, a street orphan, accustomed to doing whatever she had to in order to stay alive. After hearing how even the wealthy merchants were afraid of bandits, she decided to become a bandit and, with luck, not have to worry about whether or not she'd eat that week again.

Naomi Sweetwater (18)
Average Fighter (Deserter, Spear)
As one of a peasant levy raised by a lord who'd already conscripted every man in his lands between 15 and 60, Naomi's morale was already fairly low. When her group joined with the main force of the army, she quickly found that every man she hadn't known since childhood saw her as an easy target for sexual harassment. This, of course, caused her morale to drop even lower, and so when she heard one evening that the next day was to see a large, decisive battle, she made a decision. She then quickly snuck out of the camp, weapon in hand, and never looked back. After traveling for several weeks, gradually selling off most of her armor and enduring unwanted advances along the way, she decided that she needed more funds. Since she'd already be executed for desertion, and with luck only executed, she figured that she may as well go for the fastest money she could, at least until she escaped her former lord's reach. Tired by the near-constant advances she faced along the way, she became used to them, and stopped trying to avoid them. With men, she just tries to endure. She's noticeably more receptive to women, though, and sometimes enthusiastically returns their advances. If 'the enemy' could have some sexual interest in her, that would be great.
She's a 5'3" Human woman with short black hair and brown eyes.

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Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
1: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
2: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 7 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
4: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +6 Atk, 16 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
5: Alice (Incompetent Monk, ?/F): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
6: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
7: Jenessa (Elite Fighter, 22/F): 16/16 HP, +6 Atk, 16 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
8: Kuroneko (Elite Thief, 20/F): 16/16 HP, +6 Atk, 17 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
9: Amuria (Unlucky Healer, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) <333
10: Meredith (Elite Monk, 34/F): 16/16 HP, +6 Atk, 16 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL

11: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
12: Mary (Average Ranger, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
13: Neve (Average Healer, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
14: Rain (Elite Ranger, 26/F): 16/16 HP, +7 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
15: Ariadne (Average Thief, 19?/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
16: Naomi (Average Fighter, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
17: Raquelle (Incompetent Fighter, 19/F): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
18: Marco (Incompetent Fighter, 18/M): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
19: Xylia (Average Fighter, 25/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
20: Gnorg (Average Fighter, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)

Raquelle and Marco

Serfs who ran away from their lord's estate to become bandits. Well, Marco did. He wants a life of adventure, fame, and fortune. His girlfriend, Raquelle, was pressured into it. She just wants to be with Marco. What the pair lack in talent, skills, and experience, they make up for with... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Neither of them know what they're doing, although Marco thinks he's going to be a big deal someday. Raquelle should know better, but she just can't stand up to her stupid boyfriend. Somehow, a life of violent crime seems more attractive than taking charge of her own existence.

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Club Regular
Sep 18, 2018
You know, I love the nerdy numbers coming back. I'm a total sucker for that.

Rayna, from the previous campaign, likely split from her crime life, finding enough money to go to University (for probably like one semester) and slowly becoming independent on her own right after some time. Though, she probably kept to retail jobs from then on.

Of course, she also kept in contact with Ute. She did a lot for her, after all.


Name: Xylia

Age's: 25

Appearance: Xylia has long, light teal coloured hair done up in a ponytail. Her top is made of hard leather, beneath a set of chainmail links cut just above her midriff. Her bottom is the same setup, except its shorts, and her deep brown boots go up to her knees. Several belts also strap, wind, and wrap around her entire body for seemingly no reason what-so-ever.

Bio: Xylia (that's actually her stage name, who knows her real one) is a former dancer. No, not a sexual dancer, just a dancing dancer. Xylia traveled the countrysides for several years with a bard friend, being the dancer as he sang and strummed. It was a decent life with decent coin. One day, however, Xylia's friend was arrested on a thievery charge he didn't commit while in a Kingdom's capital city, and ended up being killed in a prisoner skirmish days later in the castles underground prison.

Heartbroken, Xylia attempted to continue her life as an entertainer, but a regular dancer without music isn't very entertaining. She tried learning to play a lute, but was absolutely terrible at it. Singing isn't really her forte either.

Thus, due to her hatred for general society killing her friend anyway, Xylia fell into a group of bandits. She actually has no fighting experience either, but her years as a dancer helps her dexterity quite a bit.

Class: Average Fighter (Dual Swords)

Come for the Zako, stay for the high mortality D&D


Club Regular
Jun 23, 2015
"N-no fucking way...this can't be happening" thought Leah as she watched this bitch pulverize both Minnie and Mimi like twigs. Both her and Elizabeth had already backed off from the fight. The enemy had their back turned to them but the two bandits were too petrified to move in for an attack. Fearing for their lives, they both turned away and ran. Elizabeth however, didn't get very far before she fell face first. Leah her the girl call out her name in terror, but she didn't even consider turning around to help her friend.

"Elizabeth you s-stupid bitch! Sorry but I'm not gonna die here. I've got my whole life ahead of me, I can't die here! Gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta-AUGH"

Before she could get very far, she felt her own spear launch into her back, through her spine and out her chest. Falling onto her side, choking on her own blood. Her final thoughts were "".

Elizabeth could barely see through the tears in her eyes. She tried to crawl away, covered in dirt and the blood of her friends. She had already pissed herself when she felt strong arms surround her neck. All she could utter was a pathetic "No! Please!" before she heard a loud, wet crack. As she lay there dying, all she could think about was wanting to return to her village.

Both bandits were piled onto their wagon with their friends. Once identified, they were turned in for a modest amount of coin. The bodies were then dumped into the city sewer.

When Mary found out about the death of her fellow deserters, she didn't really feel much. The three of them were never close, and she had used them mostly as an extra pair of hands once she found herself out of the army. It was unfortunate how things turned out, but they knew the risks. Leah was an overconfident idiot and Elizabeth was helpless and pitiful. Mary knew she wouldn't fall to the same fate. She was far more careful, and unlike those two peasants, she had been out in the wilds for most of her life, learning how to survive. She gave them a quick thought, and then pushed them out of her head.

Looks like we've boosted the numbers a bit since that failed event, so I think I'll hold off on making a new Zako for now. I do have some ideas though!

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Rest in peices you funky clown girl

Mimi lunged at her target now was her chance, though the opponent had already badly damaged Millie and killed Juniper she was going to make this bitch pay.

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She excelled at stealth attacks, there was no way in hell the adventure could hear her approach from behind. Unfortunately, however, this was not the case. Mimi's pale white skin shone vibrantly in the pale moonlight, the adventurer saw the clown bimbo from a mile away.

"dumb slut," thought the adventurer as she grabbed Mimi mid-flight and shoved her onto the downed Millie.

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"AAEEEEEIIIII" Millie and Mimi both yelled in unison, Mimi's eyes crossed and her tongue lolled out involuntarily, if she could see herself right now she'd be mortified from humiliation, however, she was so dizzy she couldn't move a muscle.

As she struggled the fight continued on above her, "C'mon Camryn, get up!!!!" she thought to herself, struggling on top of Millie who was currently making disgusting coughing sounds.

Mimi felt her strength returning to her, she began to get up, however, her moment of triumph was quickly crushed. Literally. A powerful fist landed squarely on her navel. Her eyes widened she gritted her teeth, she felt as though her organs had been rearranged and not in a good way.

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"N-no, wait!" thought Mimi desperately, there was so much she still needed to do, learn to swim, break this humiliating curse, she couldn't perish now, "I'm too young to die,"

but it was too late after minutes of excruciating agony Mimi expired, the unlucky thief stared blankly into the cold expanse of the night, soon she would be loaded into a cart with her other companions and ultimately forgotten about.

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Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Gnorg (Average Fighter 18/F):

As a young orc, someone once told Gnorg that if she killed a princess she would imbue their powers and become one. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed she made this her lifelong goal and as such Gnorg spent her early teenage years roaming the countryside looking for princesses. One fateful day, she found one, and without hesitation, she plunged her axe into the young maiden cutting her clean in half. Fashioning what remained of the maidens clothes (which was only really the bottom of a dress and some scraps) she fled for her life. Sure that the authorities would be after such a daring and dangerous criminal, she found a group of bandits and joined them. Little did Gnorg know that she didn't actually kill a princess, but instead a lowly maid.

Gnorg is incredibly strong but also incredibly stupid. she's easily taken advantage of and will do just about anything for shiny or fashionable items.

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Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
Upon hearing Gnorg's story, Sasha went around the base asking everyone to stop calling Leianna "Princess".
Leianna on the other hand, seeing Gnorg dressed as (part of) a maid, decided that meant Gnorg was now her personal attendant.

Sasha really wants to go home now so she can finally get drunk and hand Leianna off to someone else for a day.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Mercedes is devastated by the loss of her sisters. Just inconsolable. Krista is a different story. Maybe she's in denial, or maybe she just doesn't care, but either way, Krista seems normal (for Krista).

The new bandit gang has two problems now. With their "leader" Minnie and Bernadette (the power behind the throne) both dead, the gang has a bit of a power vacuum. Her Royal Highness, the "Princess" Leianna isn't actually interested in running things. Nor is she really qualified to do so. The very informal leadership position passes to Jenessa. Not only is Jenessa one of the gang's best fighters, she has the most experience with the practical, everyday ins-and-outs of banditry.

This is good, because the gang lost a lot in their run-in with an apparently legendary bounty hunter named Moya. The new arrivals have more than made up for the gang's losses in terms of manpower, but now they have to feed the same number of mouths with almost no provisions to speak of. They need to make a big score, and soon. Jenessa gets to work on planning a proper, old-fashioned roadside ambush.

Raquelle and Marco are good for menial chores at least, and nobody's told them yet that they don't have to wait on Leianna like her personal servants. Raquelle is actually pretty sweet, and while Marco is almost as dumb as Gnorg, he's not an asshole or anything.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
11/21/18, Scum of the Abyss

Jenessa sends the rangers to find a good location for the roadblock. Krista and Rain go up the road north of the fort, while Elena and Mary go south closer to town. Even if no one can find anything, it will be good to learn about the forest. To wit, Elena and Mary find a trio of female demons having an orgy in a clearing. And they aren't just having a normal fun time, they're performing some kind of abyssal ritual. Elena sends a pigeon to fetch Desti, the nearest of the gang's demonic members. After doing that, they wait, observing from their hidden vantage point.

Eventually, Desti arrives. She takes one look at the ritual and looks upset. "We have to stop them!" she tells her friends.

"Why?" asks Mary.

"They'e trying to open portal to the netherworld," says Desti. "You don't want them to do that here. Trust me."

Elena nods. "I'll send for reinforcements."

"No!" says Desti. She stands up, brandishing her weapon. "There's no time! They're almost finished!"

Elena sends a pigeon anyway.

"Stop what you're doing!" shouts Desti. "Stop it and get out of here! Now!"

The three demons pause their ritual. They stop fucking and stand up, summoning magical weapons into their hands. Looks like they intend to fight!


1: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
2: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mary (Average Ranger, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)

1: Imp A (Incompetent Fighter): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1 (Fine)
2: Imp B (Incompetent Fighter): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1 (Fine)
3: Imp C (Incompetent Fighter): 4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1 (Fine)

Desti takes off her shirt and charges into the trio of imps. As the only melee fighter, she knows her job will be to keep all three occupied so that the archers can fire from a safe distance. She swipes at Imp A, but only scores a glancing blow, knicking the other demon girl's naked belly.


Mary wants to shoot her with an arrow, but she can't get a clear shot with Desti in the way. Elena knows better than to try. She looses an arrow at Imp C, striking the demon girl in her chest. She screams, lands, and stumbles, falling backwards and clutching at the arrow lodged deep in her breast. The imp isn't immediately killed, so Elena must have missed her heart, but she goes down all the same. Lung-shot, maybe?

*cough cough* She's not smiling any more. Definitely lung-shot.

"Damn you!" Imp A retaliates. She makes a lunging, flying attack at Elena, but Elena dives out of the way. Swing and a miss.

Imp B has no choice but to attack Desti. The toppless succubus parries the attack with her axe!

Imp C struggles with her arrow. She's coughing and spitting up unnaturally dark blood. She looks like she can't decide whether to pull the arrow out or not. In the meantime, she's just sitting in the grass on her knees, coughing and whimpering.

Mary looses an arrow at Imp B, but misses. Elena does the same, but the demon girl "catches" the arrow with her wing. Her wing is mangled a little bit, but it's nothing close to a fatal blow. Desti is fighting with Imp A, but the lesser demoness lucks out and parries.

Elena fires at Imp B. This time, she puts her arrow right through the target's eye, dropping her instantly. Enraged, the last remaining imp attacks Mary, striking her with a powerful blow that cracks Mary's ribs and sends her sprawling, gasping for air and coughing up blood.

Desti retaliates, burying her axe in Imp A's ribcage. She rips her axe back out again and kicks the dying imp to the ground. She dies rough, arching her back and gnashing her teeth.

1: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 7/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
2: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 6/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mary (Average Ranger, 21/F): -1/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 4/10 XP (Dying)

1: Imp A (Incompetent Fighter): -2/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1 (Dying)
2: Imp B (Incompetent Fighter): -4/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1 (Dead)
3: Imp C (Incompetent Fighter): -2/4 HP, -4 Atk, 6 Def, Lv. 1 (Dying)

Juniper never had a chance to finish her potions, so Elena and Desti hurry to get Mary back to camp. They leave Imps A and C for dead, and Desti just goes as she is. There's no time to put her shirt back on.

By the time they make it back to camp, Mary is unconscious, but Amuria tells them that she's just passed out from the pain. Amuria casts a healing spell, and Mary is now in stable condition.

+3 XP for Elena, Desti, and Mary. +1 XP for Amuria.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Neve, wanting a break from trying to console Mercedes, convinces Naomi and Ariadne to go with her and search for the surviving(
?) Imp, hoping to be able to take prisoner, heal, and interrogate the imp that wasn't definitely dead. Rain, meanwhile, begins making a small, camouflaged sleeping spot for herself in the fort, hoping that if they're ever attacked she'll either be overlooked or at least have enough time to prepare a bit before she has to fight.
Ariadne, uneasy wandering the wilderness, is on edge during the search, as Neve and Naomi make small talk and wonder to each other if healing spells hurt demons or not.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Neve, Naomi, and Ariadne follow Elena's directions to the letter, but the three eventually come back empty-handed. They found the place, just... the imps were gone. There wasn't even a corpse of the one Elena had Sir Dan'd, just the faint smell of rotting meat. They are able to return Desti's shirt to her, though.

+1 XP for Neve, Naomi, and Ariadne


Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
Amanda Harris
Incompetent Healer​
An Instagram "Model" who mysteriously woke up in this world a few weeks ago. Convinced from the anime that she's been watching that this means she'll be a legendary hero, she's been going around trying to find the "Cheat code" the gods must have given her. When she decided to see if her special talent was thievery, she quickly ran afoul of the law and ended up in the camp with everyone else.
She's pretty much worthless in a fight, obviously can't sneak for shit, and has no capacity for magic, but she does know a few things about medicine that haven't quite become common knowledge in the fantasy world yet. She knows that alcohol makes a good disinfectant, baths with soap stem the spread of sickness, and that clean bandages prevent infections. The only really practical knowledge she has is her CPR certification; she got that while being a lifeguard at a local pool.
She's a rather pleasant person, and keeps trying to dress up the other girls, though she constantly complains of being bored since her phone died. However, her constant talk about "her world" and the technology within means that most rational people would dismiss her as a madwoman.

Amanda is right that the gods put her here: Specifically the god of an old temple in the woods. Amanda ran afoul of this god when she took a selfie with her arm around a statue of Her, offending the goddess by creating a depiction where they are equals. The goddess found the thing most important to her, her internet fame, and stole that away by sending her here. Amanda is supposed to learn humility, but the goddess's refusal to explain a damned thing to her (or even make her existence known) means it'll probably be a while before she stops thinking she's an isekai protagonist.


Ultimately, she's here to learn a lesson in humility. As death would prevent that, the angry goddess of the woods has granted her a measure of divine protection: She'll get hurt normally, but never enough to die. If, by some miracle, she learns her place, she'll wake up back in her home.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
11/20/18, Bounty Hunter

While Minnie isn't a member of the Thieves' Guild, she knows people who know people who are. What this means is that the gang has somebody in town to fence their stolen goods, since most of the legitimate merchants will refuse to deal with them. Burny puts together a team consisting of Minnie, herself, Leah, Mimi, Juniper, and Elizabeth. Their mission, to take the horse and some treasure into town and come back with provisions and a cart for their new horse.

The trip is a success. No complications, but the team runs into trouble on their way back. A slender, mace-wielding girl with dark skin and short, black hair steps onto the road and into their path. Her face is grim. "Halt, villains!"

The six bandits stop the cart and get out, brandishing their own weapons. Burny and Juniper are already chanting their first spells.

"Good." The girl gives them a predatory smile. "I was hoping you idiots wouldn't surrender. Not one of you bitches will leave here alive!"

The bandits charge the adventurer. Mimi swings her mace at her, but the heroine blocks the attack with her own.

"Get down!" Burny is kind enough to warn Mimi before unleashing a gout of flame from her outstretched hands.

"Fuck!" The adventurer dives out of the way of the arcane flamethrower, but her hair is singed and she suffers some minor burns. Mimi is unscathed.

Juniper casts a protection spell on Mimi, who has rushed back in to struggle against the enemy. With Mimi keeping the adventurer busy, Leah attempts a flanking attack. The blade of her polearm flashes as she dives in and together, Leah and Mimi beat the adventurer back. Minnie and Elizabeth join the fray as well, but none of the four girls are able to land a significant blow. This girl is good!

"I will murder every last one of you!" She strikes Minnie powerfully with her mace. She gets the bandit right in her soft, naked belly. Minnie cries and grunts and drops to her knees, clutching her bruised and bleeding stomach. It doesn't look all too serious, at first, but Minnie quickly begins to vomit up blood. She's dying. And the fear and pain and tears in her eyes mean that she knows it.

While Minnie dies, the adventurer goes for Leah. Leah blocks the attack with her pike. She quickly swings at Mimi instead, but Juniper's shield catches the blow and pops like a soap bubble. Elizabeth goes on the offensive, backing the enemy into Burny's sights.

Minnie groans, loudly, sobbing and vomiting blood. She pitches forward, slumping face first into the dirt. Juniper's healing spell is interrupted when the adventurer throws her mace at her! Juniper takes the weapon right in the throat. Not only is her windpipe crushed, the spikes on the head of the mace open her vital arteries. She staggers backwards, clutching at her bleeding neck and gasping for air that will never come. She can't cast any spells in this condition, and there isn't another healer in the group. She has only a few moments to contemplate things before the old nymph collapses and expires.

Leah and Elizabeth have the adventurer occupied. While Burny works on casting her spell, Mimi rushes in for a sneak attack. The adventurer counters, flipping Mimi on her back and disarming her in one smooth motion. Mimi lands on top of the writhing, moaning Minnie. With the wind knocked out of her, she gasps, her tongue lolling. She knows she has to get up fast, but she just can't make her body move.

Burny tries to cast a spell, but it fizzles. She can't focus. Her baby sister has just been killed! The bounty hunter throws Mimi's mace at her, inflicting catastrophic internal wounds as the weapon strikes the wizard's fat belly. Bernie's insides are demolished, but she only looks bruised from the outside. She doubles over, her huge naked tits bouncing as she staggers and falls.

The adventurer presses the offensive. She goes for a finishing blow against Mimi. She brings her fist down on the perma-clown's belly, With one powerful, downward smash, the bounty hunter crushes both girls at once. The blow is powerful enough to make a crater under the naked girl pile, and Minnie is killed instantly, but Mimi takes a few more moments to finally fall unconscious and die.

Leah and Elizabeth look ready to ready to run. The bounty hunter catches Elizabeth's spear and yanks it out of her hands, which sends the fleeing fighter sprawling. On her hands and knees, Elizabeth tries to crawl away while the bounty hunter throws her spear at the fleeing Leah.

"AUGH!" Leah is caught in the back by the flying spear. She goes down.

"Please!" Elizabeth is crying. "No!" The bounty hunter puts her arms around Elizabeth's neck and snaps it, killing her.

Minnie, Mimi, Elizabeth, and Juniper are already dead. The bounty hunter loads the bandits into their own cart while she waits for Leah and Bernadette to bleed out. Leah doesn't take very long to die, but Burny is rolling around making an awful lot of noise. Finally, the bounty hunter gets tired of waiting and sticks her in the throat with her knife so she can load up her as well.
This is honestly one of the best written pieces of the whole thread. The sexy demises of the whole group are amazing, and even a bit of a bodypile is amassed before the bodies are actually piled up and carried away.

Props to the imp fight too, for creating sexy baddies for our own sexy baddies to kill!
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Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
So I had some time to think about it and Amanda must be a nightmare to actually write for considering how different I made her.
I forgot about the protection spells entirely, and my idea was she would stave off death with tourniquets and heal with bandages. I have no goddamned clue how protection would work in this scenario, so if it's easier to just say she learns healing magic go for it. Or maybe she's just an even worse character than normal and can't use that mechanic. She is a zako after all.
Re-reading the fate section, I realized it was rather vague on the part of how "She'll get hurt normally, but never enough to die." Basically, the idea I had that I never articulated is that she's not "really" in the fantasy world. Her body and soul are still in her original world, but the goddess made her mind control a puppet in this one. So basically, it's not that she won't die, she's not real enough to die, just get damaged. If that makes any sense. Meanwhile the goddess has taken over Amada's body in her world and is trying to figure out what the fuck an isekai is, but first needs to find out what anime is and how to use a computer.

tl;dr I though an isekai with a malevolent god would be funny and didn't consider that that might make the character hard to write for.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
-Jenessa decides to herself that even though she lacks in book-smarts, she's always been logical and a decent tactician, so she thinks of how cool it could be to be the new leader! ...Then she also realizes that she's doesn't like working and that being the leader would be a real chore. Thus, she begins calling herself "Head General" and hopes the title catches on.

-Alice is a bit annoyed about the mercenary incident, less because of the dead allies and more because, "Whoever killed Juniper must have made a fortune off of her body. That's really unfortunate..."

-Elena doesn't trust Princess Leianna much, having a general distaste for royalty and politicians and finding a princess in a bandit group highly suspicious. She starts stalking her to watch for odd behavior, but usually finds little more than... well, an annoying brat.


Club Regular
Jun 23, 2015
Mary woke up in a cold sweat, naked under a pile of smelly furs. She felt a dull pain every time she tried to take a breath. The last thing she remembered was that idiot Desti charging into a group of imps, before one of them got the jump on her. While she should be thankful Desti and Elena dragged her back, she never would have gotten into this situation if they hadn't stupidly charged in the first place.

Mary found her mind wandered to the overconfident, now deceased Leah. The soldier thought she was invincible, and because of that she was now probably rotting in a ditch somewhere outside the city gates. Feeling embarrassed at almost sharing the same fate, Mary got up with great difficulty from her makeshift bed. Putting on her shirt and loose pair of shorts, she limped to her bow and headed to a target dummy to practice her accuracy. She was ashamed of missing her shots, ashamed at almost dying and ashamed at needing to rely on those idiots for help. She'd practice her shooting until her arms went numb.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Seeing a bit more of her former commanders than she'd like in Jenessa, Naomi decides to quietly ensure that she's on watch most of the time, so if a large force attacks she can desert the gang. There's no loyalty among thieves, after all. She's also annoyed by the self-proclaimed royalty, and because of her past involvement with nobles resolves to never help 'Princess' Leianna.

Rain, seeing the effort Mary makes to improve even while wounded, decides to approach her and propose that they practice together. She doesn't really care for any of them at this point, but she likes the effort Mary's making and thinks of her as a possible close ally in the future.

Neve has her hands full trying to help Mercedes cope with her loss, but in her rare free time she checks up on Mary and helps her change her bandages and the dressing on the wound.

Meanwhile, Ariadne has heard of Jenessa's new title, and begins to formulate a secret plan to steal severed heads and skulls from wherever she can find them.

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