So you want to be a zako? (6 Viewers)


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Touko hangs onto the letter from Blackwell. She'll pass on the intel eventually, just... not right now. This way it will look like she dug it up.

10/04/18, Kat Attack

Target: 2x :3 Special Agents, 2x Arms Dealers, 2x Trucks
Objective: Protect the Targets
Difficulty: Lv. 3
Background: :3 is expanding the scope of its operations in and around La Croix. Obviously, the org's La Croix chapter is instrumental to these plans, but so far those plans have been very hush-hush. Case in point, :3 is receving a large shipment of weapons and ammunition tonight, but Regional handled all the arrangements. Natalie's orders are simply to secure the location of the transaction. Representatives of a local arms dealer will be arriving with the shipment, which will be off-loaded and then re-loaded onto a :3 vehicle. The Chapter will then exfiltrate along with the truck, and ride it back to the :3 hideout.

Sounds easy, right?

"All right Kit, the training wheels come off tonight."

"I know, I know!" Kit Kat, Knight Kat's pre-teen sidekick, watches the arms deal through a skylight. "Colon Three are murderers. Wasn't Violent Violet your friend? We could wipe them out right here!"

"And then we'd be no better them them!" Knight Kat's impatience is obvious, even over the radio. "You are only to use the stun setting, understand? Besides, those guards are just a bunch of nobodies. We're not going to bring down Colon Three by killing a few expendable henchmen! Now, do you remember your objectives?"

"Yes!" Says Kit. She sighs and rolls her eyes. "Blow up the guns before they can be loaded, and plant a bug on the Colon Three truck!"

"And?" says Knight Kat.

"And make sure none of these sluts get killed!" Kit cuts the channel before she can be admonished for her language and says, "for some reason," under her breath. At least there was nothing about not hurting them!

Force: 12x :3 Zakos (Total Strength: 23)

1: Natalie (22, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (25/30 XP)
2: Tom (19, M): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (23/30 XP)
3: Emi (20, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (6/30 XP)
4: Dan (18, M): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (16/20 XP)
5: Touko (20, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (9/20 XP)
6: Gwen (19, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (6/20 XP)
7: Jeanette (23, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (3/10 XP)
8: Mary (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP)
9: Ahsoka (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP)
10: Cavora (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP)
11: Aayla (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP)
12: Eris (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP)
13: Alex (?, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (0/10 XP)
14: Noblesse (23, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (0/10 XP)

Opposing Force: Kit Kat (Total Strength: 17)

1: Kat (11, F): 17/17 HP, Lv. 3

The dark and cluttered warehouse is Kit Kat's natural habitat. Sticking to the shadows, and keeping off the floor, she sneaks up to the enclosed office overlooking the warehouse floor. Natalie is in there, kicking back at the foreman's desk and chilling out for a little while. Besides, the window gives her a great view of the floor. A better view than can be had from the floor.

This is why Kit goes for her first. Carefully, she opens the office door and lets it swing open on its own.

I could have sworn I actually shut that door, thinks Natalie. She stands up to go and shut it again, but stops, having seen this movie before. "Hello?" she calls.

Fuck, thinks Kat. She cartwheels (kartwheels?) over the door so Natalie can't see her through it, then gently pushes it shut again.

"What the fuck?" says Natalie, out loud. She picks up her gun and presses the switch on the intercom. "Could somebody come up here, please? Fireteam A, report to the office."

Well fuck you then, thinks Kit. Light as a feather, she jumps up and onto the office box as Dan and Noblesse loudly run up the wooden staircase. Kat is preparing to get the drop on them when Noblesse stops Dan.

"What is it?" says Dan.

Noblesse draws her sword. "Somebody's up there." She points to the darkened area between the roof of the warehouse and the top of the office box. Dan sprays the area with automatic gunfire. His weapon is suppressed, but it's loud enough that Natalie and the others can hear.

"Holy shit!" thinks Kit Kat, as the bullets impact all around her. She exits out the other way and quickly climbs down into the warehouse. As the zakos flock to her previous location, she flanks them, figuring she can at least take advantage of their surprise. But it's Kit who ends up being surprised, by Tom. The two of them literally collide, and Tom recognizes her immediately. The black, skin-tight sneaking suit... the night-vision goggles... the cat ears and tail that's totally ripping off their theme...

"Holy shit you guys it's Kit Kat!" Tom sprays gunfire in her direction. "Knight Kat's fucking sidekick is here!"

Kit Kat manages to Kartwheel away, but some of the bullets get VERY close. She gives up on sneaking and finally unleashes her Elektro-Whip (tm)! Cavora is first to be struck by it. She screams (and jiggles) and drops to her knees. Kit gives the handle an extra squeeze, and Cavora is zapped into unconsciousness! While this is happening, Kit does a high-kick into Eris' crotch. The other, mostly naked Sophia clone is sent flying into a stack of wooden crates. Cavora and Eris are out of the fight!

Kit wraps her whip around Tom's arms and waist. He cries out when the current hits, and grunts when his whole body is hurled into Mary. Both zakos are knocked out by this. She tries to hit Emi with a kick, but Emi catches the kick and throws Kat to the ground. But before Emi can follow through with some kind of finisher, Kat takes her out with a leg seep from her prone position. Emi cracks her head on the concrete floor (KO).

Dan and Noblesse return to the ground floor, where they're greeted by Kit's electric whip. Dan white-knights himself away to dreamland by standing in front of new girl Noblesse. Dan will get back up again, but not for a while. He doesn't really save her, either, as Noblesse gets wrapped up in the whip along with Gwen. The two girls scream as they're shocked into submission, their mostly-naked bodies pressed together. When Kit releases them, they fall into a heap with Dan.

"Get out of there, Kit! It's too dangerous!" Knight Kat's voice is fairly calm, but Kit can tell that the woman is scared.

"Right then, I guess I blew it..." Kit removes something from her utility belt and tosses it on the floor.

A bright flash and cloud of smoke blind all of the :3 zakos, who stagger around, coughing, gasping and choking. When the smoke clears, there's no sign of Knight Kat's sidekick.

Force: 14x :3 Zakos (Total Strength: 9)

1: Natalie (22, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (25/30 XP) ***
2: Tom (19, M): 0/3 HP, Lv. 3 (23/30 XP) *** (KO)
3: Emi (20, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 3 (6/30 XP) * (KO)
4: Dan (18, M): 0/2 HP, Lv. 2 (16/20 XP) * (KO)
5: Touko (20, F): 1/2 HP, Lv. 2 (9/20 XP)
6: Gwen (19, F): 0/2 HP, Lv. 2 (6/20 XP) * (KO)
7: Jeanette (23, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (3/10 XP) *
8: Mary (0, F): 0/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP) (KO)
9: Ahsoka (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP) *
10: Cavora (0, F): 0/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP) (KO)
11: Aayla (0, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP) **
12: Eris (0, F): 0/1 HP, Lv. 1 (1/10 XP) (KO)
13: Alex (?, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (0/10 XP) **
14: Noblesse (23, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (0/10 XP) * (KO)

Opposing Force: Kit Kat (Total Strength: 1)

1: Kat (11, F): 1/17 HP, Lv. 3 (Routed)

Combat Result: Victory
Experience Points Earned: 16
Casualties: 8 Knockouts
Enemy Casaulties: 1 Rout
Final Result: Success. The Chapter is able to return to their hideout, safely and with the weapons shipment in tow. Knight Kat must have been running Kit Kat's op remotely, because no further hostiles appeared after :3 drives her sidekick off.

Bonus XP: Natalie (+3), Tom (+3), Emi (+1) Dan (+1), Gwen (+1), Jeanette (+1), Ahsoka (+1), Aayla (+2), Alex (+2), Noblesse (+1)

Dispatch from Regional: "Knight Kat... great. That's just what we needed. That was only her sidekick, too. Knight Kat used to be Violent Violet's sidekick, so this is probably personal. Still though, looks like she was just using you to train the brat. Be careful."
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Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
Name: Cecily
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long blonde hair covering one eye. Blue eyes. Fair skin. Wearing shorti-shorts with boots. Her white belly and midriff are exposed, she has a white T-Shirt rolled up and tied together beneath her breasts. Her sleeves are cut off, revealing her shoulders, and she has long, opera gloves. Always wears a white ninja scarf over her mouth and nose. It muffles her voice so in combat she mostly grunts and moans.
Story: Wanted dead, not dead or alive, by the authorities, for a number of high level thefts and drug crimes. She has been arrested, tortured and nearly executed several times. So far, she has always managed to avoid the chopping block, but how long will her luck last?
Personality: Haughty, proud and manipulative, until frightened, at which point she becomes pathetic and childish. No stranger to begging and pleading.
Tactics: Her preferred weapons are knives and swords, but usually she'll want to sneak around rather than attack directly.
Fate: Fatal please. Go as hard as you want. This bitch has it coming to her.


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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Dang, eight whole KOs and that was them still holding back. Looks like it's time for :3 to worry.

Emi (Completely deadpan and monotone in delivery): Ow, my head. I must say I am a bit worried. It got me thinking... If I get killed, I want you all to know I want my trusty pistol to go to... Oh yeah. I don't actually really like any of you that much to be honest. I guess Tom is fine, and Noblesse seems cool. Yeah, they can rock-paper-scissors for it or something. I don't give a damn. *Awkwardly shuffles away with an ice pack on her head*


Casual Client
Jan 22, 2013
Jeanette: Well girls, it looks like I will be retiring for ze evuning. *Drags the unconscious Tom away* It looks like eau will be keeping moi company. If anyone wants in, feel free to join us no?


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
I didn't realize that we have a dress code here.
OK Touko, put on your new clothes!


Touko: "What the hell is this? Are these even considered clothes? When I become the head of this organization, I'll fucking murder the bastards that make us wear these."


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Sorry about this one, guys. The first version of the fight I wrote got eaten, but I still had the boring math-and-dice parts.

10/05/18, Turf War II
Target: Lee Miller and her Gang
Objective: Elimination
Difficulty: Lv. 1
Background: The Chapter has been trying to make nice with the local street gangs. Most of the groups are friendly enough, at least as soon as they're convinced that :3 won't compete with them. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. As was the case with the Cutty Clammers, Lee Miller's all-girl Miracles seem to have it out for the Chapter. Miller has challenged Natalie to a good, old-fashioned gang fight in the empty lot on SE 34th and Ray. The only rule: no guns.

Force: 15x :3 Zakos (Total Strength: 37/37)

1: Natalie (22, F): 4/4 HP, Lv. 4 (14/40 XP)
2: Tom (19, M): 4/4 HP, Lv. 4 (12/40 XP)
3: Emi (20, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (23/30 XP)
4: Dan (18, M): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (13/30 XP)
5: Touko (20, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (5/30 XP)
6: Gwen (19, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (3/30 XP)
7: Jeanette (23, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (10/20 XP)
8: Mary (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (6/20 XP)
9: Ahsoka (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (8/20 XP)
10: Cavora (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (7/20 XP)
11: Aayla (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (8/20 XP)
12: Eris (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (7/20 XP)
13: Alex (?, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (8/20 XP)
14: Noblesse (23, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (7/20 XP)
15: Cecily (23, F): 1/1 HP, Lv. 1 (0/10 XP)

Opposing Force: 34th St. Miracles (Total Strength: 37/37)

1: Lee (19, F): 4/4 HP, Lv. 1
2: Angie (19, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
3: Judy (22, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
4: Harriet (25, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
5: Kerry (18, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
6: Jean (18, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
7: Jane (26, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
8: Nicole (31, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
9: Beth (24, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
10: Krista (21, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
11: Tasha (18, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1
12: Theresa (18, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1

There's nothing to talk about, so they get right to it. :3 comes brandishing the standard-issue machete-looking shortswords that have served them well until now. The Miracles carry of variety of weapons: chains, nail bats, wrenches, lengths of pipe, etc. There's a lot of variations in their outfits, some more lewd than others, but very few of them are wearing tops under their cut-off, sleeveless, denim jackets. A few of them aren't wearing bottoms.

The two groups of fighters move in a circle, sizing each other up and making probing feint attacks. It doesn't take long for the battle to start, and when it does, the Chapter tears into the Miracles. The hectic fight is hard to follow, and the whole thing lasts for less than a minute. One by one, the Miracles drop, until the last two standing turn and run. The day belongs to :3, as does a lot of Southeast La Croix.

Two Chapter members (Sophia clones Ahsoka and Cavora) are beyond saving, but the new girl, Cecily, looks like she could make it. The Chapter extracts her, along with Alex and Noblesse, who only have minor injuries.

Force: 15x :3 Zakos (Total Strength: 21/37)

1: Natalie (22, F): 4/4 HP, Lv. 4 (14/40 XP) *****
2: Tom (19, M): 2/4 HP, Lv. 4 (12/40 XP) **
3: Emi (20, F): 1/3 HP, Lv. 3 (23/30 XP) *
4: Dan (18, M): 2/3 HP, Lv. 3 (13/30 XP) ****
5: Touko (20, F): 2/3 HP, Lv. 3 (5/30 XP) ****
6: Gwen (19, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 3 (3/30 XP) *******
7: Jeanette (23, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (10/20 XP) **
8: Mary (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (6/20 XP) ***
9: Ahsoka (0, F): 0/2 HP, Lv. 2 (8/20 XP) ****** (Dead)
10: Cavora (0, F): 0/2 HP, Lv. 2 (7/20 XP) * (Dead)
11: Aayla (0, F): 2/2 HP, Lv. 2 (8/20 XP) ***
12: Eris (0, F): 1/2 HP, Lv. 2 (7/20 XP) *
13: Alex (?, F): 0/2 HP, Lv. 2 (8/20 XP) ** (Wounded)
14: Noblesse (23, F): 0/2 HP, Lv. 2 (7/20 XP) (Wounded)
15: Cecily (23, F): 0/1 HP, Lv. 1 (0/10 XP) * (Dying)

Opposing Force: 34th St. Miracles (Total Strength: 5/37)

1: Lee (19, F): 0/4 HP, Lv. 1 (Dying)
2: Angie (19, F): 2/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Routed)
3: Judy (22, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dead)
4: Harriet (25, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dying)
5: Kerry (18, F): 3/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Routed)
6: Jean (18, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dead)
7: Jane (26, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Wounded)
8: Nicole (31, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dead)
9: Beth (24, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dying)
10: Krista (21, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dying)
11: Tasha (18, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dying)
12: Theresa (18, F): 0/3 HP, Lv. 1 (Dying)

Combat Result: Victory
Casualties: 2 Injuries, 1 Serious Injury and 2 Fatalities
Enemy Casualties: 2 Routs, 1 Injury and 9 Fatalities
Experience Points Earned: 37
Bonus XP: Natalie (+5), Tom (+2), Emi (+1), Dan (+4), Touko (+4), Gwen (+7), Jeanette (+2), Mary (+3), Aayla (+3), Eris (+1), Alex (+2), Cecily (+1)

Dispatch from Regional: "Good work. Sorry to hear about the Sophias. Looks like the fearlessness was genetic. Anyway, that's one less gang to give you trouble. You'll be interested to hear that apparently, somebody was paying the Miracles to go after you. When we know more than that, you'll be sure to hear it."
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Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
I wanna see Noblesse winning a fight, once. So I decided to extend her life to 2 missions more!!

TBH, she's too cool to die but...I feel that I need to make a sacrifice. There will be a stronger zako character after her


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
maybe next time you could write out what happens. that's the fun part if your character gets killed. to see how they died.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
I wanna see Noblesse winning a fight, once. So I decided to extend her life to 2 missions more!!

Cool, but don't worry. I've also been running a takedown counter, not a mission counter, so she wasn't about to expire anyway. :)

maybe next time you could write out what happens. that's the fun part if your character gets killed. to see how they died.

:rolleyes: Yes, I know. Like I said, I wrote a whole thing for this encounter, but it didn't get saved. So I had a list of credits and statuses, without any info on what happened to who, or when. Anyway:

Ahsoka and Cavora were both killed by Harriet, who had a longer sword and managed to run them both through at the same time (through the middle). Lee crashed Alex and Noblesse's heads together, and Harriet slashed up Cecily's leg (that was before she got Ahsoka and Cavora though).


Casual Client
Jan 22, 2013
Cool, but don't worry. I've also been running a takedown counter, not a mission counter, so she wasn't about to expire anyway. :)

:rolleyes: Yes, I know. Like I said, I wrote a whole thing for this encounter, but it didn't get saved. So I had a list of credits and statuses, without any info on what happened to who, or when. Anyway:

Ahsoka and Cavora were both killed by Harriet, who had a longer sword and managed to run them both through at the same time (through the middle). Lee crashed Alex and Noblesse's heads together, and Harriet slashed up Cecily's leg (that was before she got Ahsoka and Cavora though).
You do you and take breaks, you don't have to do this every day.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Cool, but don't worry. I've also been running a takedown counter, not a mission counter, so she wasn't about to expire anyway. :)

:rolleyes: Yes, I know. Like I said, I wrote a whole thing for this encounter, but it didn't get saved. So I had a list of credits and statuses, without any info on what happened to who, or when. Anyway:

Ahsoka and Cavora were both killed by Harriet, who had a longer sword and managed to run them both through at the same time (through the middle). Lee crashed Alex and Noblesse's heads together, and Harriet slashed up Cecily's leg (that was before she got Ahsoka and Cavora though).

Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!! :3
More swordfights featuring her!!


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
No! Not Gwen! She was the cutest! T_T

10/06/18, Back to Work

Target: La Croix Gas & Electric Plant No. 1
Objective: Destruction
Difficulty: Average
Background: Most of La Croix's untilities are publicly owned, with the public non-profit LCG&E providing most of the city's electrical power. :3 La Croix is tasked with sneaking onto the premises of the No. 1 Plant. Its mission: to plant explosives that will be detonated remotely. This mission will be under the cover of night, partly to minimize civilian casualties, and partly to ensure that LCG&E won't be able to respond in time. Regional offers no explanation as to why :3 should blow up a power plant, but here we are.

A lean team is needed for missions like this. Touko runs the op remotely, with Natalie leading in the field. She brings Tom, Emi, Eris, Alex, Gwen, Jeanette, Dan, and Noblesse with her. The remainder stay and guard the hideout, where Cecily is still recovering.

Dan drives the van to the power plant, where he simply crashes through a chainlink gate. They aren't trying to get to the main building. The target is one of the pipes feeding into it. Natalie plants the bomb herself, with Touko guiding her over the radio. The eight other zakos stand guard nervously. Natalie is moving as quick as she can, but the cavalry is on the way!

Four security guards and a German shepherd attack dog appear. The guards are all young women wearing the skimpy La Croix Security uniform. The :3 team opens fire at once. They can't both be in cover and covering Natalie, so most of them are fairly exposed (hur). The dog goes right for the Sophia clone, Eris. The dog pounces, knocking Eris over biting at the naked girl's throat.

Noblesse beheads the dog in a draws trike, but it's too late to save Eris. The busty clone can only gurgle and sputter as she quickly bleeds out. "Cover me!" says Noblesse. "I'm going to flank them!" Noblesse jumps away after that.

Gwen and Jeanette lay down suppressing fire, which forces the guard girls back into cover. Gwen is caught by return fire though, a single round piercing her naked belly.

"Ah! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I've been gutshot!"

Quickly, before Glen can collapse, Tom carries her out of the killzone. Jeanette covers him while he does this, dropping one of the Security girls. The rest are firing from relative cover.

"All right! I've got it!" calls Natalie. "Noblesse! Make us a hole!"

There's no reply from Noblesse herself, but Natalie is answered by a terrible scream from one of the guards. Noblesse has run her through from behind. She pulls the sword out and throws it into another one. "Hurk!" goes the girl as she's impaled. The last guard, while attempting to grapple with Noblesse, is shot in the head by Emi.

Time is of the essence, and Eris is already dead, so they leave her body to burn with the rest. Gwen seems to have a fighting chance, so they load her into the van and speed off.

"All right!" says Touko. "Blow it now!"

Natalie presses a button on her watch, triggering the remote detonator on the block of plastic explosives (one of many they recieved the other night). The initial explosion isn't much, but it kicks off a chain reaction that could probably be seen from space. While the power plant isn't completely destroyed, it's burning now, and out of commission. Who knows whether anything will be left of it once they get the fires under control.

Dan drives while the rest of the team focuses on saving Gwen. There's nothing they can do for her though. She dies in the van on the way back to the hideout.

1: Natalie (22, F): Fine
2: Tom (19, M): Fine
3: Emi (20, F): Fine
4: Dan (18, M): Fine
5: Touko (20, F): Fine
6: Gwen (19, F): Dead
7: Jeanette (23, F): Fine
8: Mary (0, F): Fine
9: Aayla (0, F): Fine
10: Eris (0, F): Dead
11: Alex (?, F): Fine
12: Noblesse (23, F): Fine
13: Cecily (23, F): Recovering

Final Result: Success. The Chapter has accomplished its mission, but all they receive from Regional is their bounty and some terse congratulations. There's still no explanation as to why they had to blow up a power plant. And with the other stations taking over, the city didn't even really go dark, so who knows.


Club Regular
Jun 23, 2015
Would love to join!

Name: Kira
Age: 20
Physical Appearance:
Story: A high school dropout with low self-esteem. Kira comes from a broken family and fell in with the wrong crowd, developing a drug addiction. She was referred to :3 by someone she routinely got high with. Despite having next to no talent or physical ability, Kira joined :3 for a variety of reasons. To fund her drug habit, to do something with her life, and, although she would never admit it, to find people she could feel close to, making friends for the first time in her life.

Lethal or Non-lethal: Lethal


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
If it's alright, I'd like to join as well

Name: Ute Mustermann
Age: 23
Backstory: Ute has tried a lot of different jobs in the last few years, looking for one that she can truly enjoy. May as well try this one since circuitry assembler didn't work out, right?
She's looking for her passion, but she's going to do her best to not die for a paycheck. After all, money's only good if you're around to spend it.
Ute Mustermann.png

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