So you want to be a zako? (5 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
With Noblesse's pushing up daisies on today's story...I decided to make a successor...

Name: Kaede Yamaguchi
Nickname: "Crusher Yamaguchi"
Age: 24
Class: Elite Martial Artist

A rather well-endowed 24-year old female kickboxer/grappler with a short boyish black hair. Has a rather muscular build with mid-sized breasts and powerful arms and legs. Her arms and legs are always covered in bandages to help her fight. Her abs sometimes glistens as she gets pretty sweaty... Her fighting style includes MMA and Muay Thai, based of the martial artists from Batman: Arkham Origins and the Muay Thai fighter from Sleeping Dogs (I forgot his name)
Personality: Kaede is a rather shrewd and sadistic girl. She never treats others with respect, and likes to beat up her opponents for fun
Backstory: Kaede used to be a champion in an underground fighting ring. She mostly fights against men, but she enjoys fighting against other women, which is a rarity in the league. At one time, she's disqualified from the ring after killing her opponent: an amateur female wrestler by breaking her neck with her powerful leg scissor. To earn money, Kaede decides to join :3 and make good use of her martial arts to help the organization in their missions
Fate: Kaede is a rather strong and fierce girl so....she can go on. Sometimes she can get KO'd though
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Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Alright, 3 new recruits join in!
I hope it's alright if 2 of the 3 are average

Name: Flavia Fortunata Rossi
Age: 21
Class: Average Support
The daughter of a Mafia Associate, her father was promised a good chance of becoming a Made Man if she was able to successfully infiltrate :3 and find out their motives. A loyal (to a fault) daughter, she did as her father wished and joined :3. She's a quiet girl, but pesters someone with constant (veiled) requests for validation once she considers them her friend. This has led her to not have many friends, as well as lowering her confidence and self-esteem.
Fate: She's indifferent to her own survival, so lethal is fine.

Name: Junko "Junkers" Korhonen
Age: 20
Class: Average Trooper
The daughter of two impoverished immigrants, she's joined :3 to get a reliable paycheck and, with luck, not ending up dead in a homeless shelter like her parents. She is snide and sarcastic, often insulting anyone she sees as having made a mistake, and so isn't particularly approachable.
However, she does have one major redeeming trait: She refuses to leave a wounded comrade behind, and would rather die trying than let an injured ally die without trying to help them. Even if she hates the person, she will risk her life to try and save theirs as long as they're on her side.
Fate: Preferably captured and extremely humiliated, but if she has to die she can.

Name: Benji Kierman
Age: 18
Class: Incompetent Trooper
An unremarkable son of a middle-class family, Benji differs from average only in that he's wanted to be a soldier for as long as he can remember. This isn't because of patriotism, or a want for camaraderie, but out of a sadistic impulse to kill. He would've joined the army, but didn't want to go through what was, in his words, "however many weeks of bullshit just to maybe get to shoot someone". Nasty, rude, very much the stereotypical 'evil soldier', Benji has no self awareness at all and just wants to kill.
Fate: Killed, preferably in a stupid or ironic way relating to his bloodlust.


L-R Flavia, Junkers, Benji


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
This is it, thinks Touko. With Natalie out of the way, the La Croix chapter is basically hers. At this rate, she'll be running :3 within the decade and from there... who knows? The country? The world?

Or so she thinks. Suddenly, La Croix is all that :3 seems to care about. Their new leader, a young man known as Enrique "Rico" Wise, is sent down from Regional. For Touko, it's clear that the :3 higher-ups still don't trust her, but Rico seems to like her a lot, and is content to let her "handle the details". Maybe it's not so bad after all?

The only problem is, Rico seems to like EVERYONE in the Chapter a lot. And that of course takes the form of nearly constant sexual harrassment. Even the boys are not exempt, and while Rico doesn't force himself on anyone, his attitude suggests that he sees the Chapter as his private harem. The good news is that Rico himself is quite attractive, and absolutely amazing in bed. On the other hand, putting out for him doesn't seem to earn "his" zakos any special favors or treatment.

Rico comes with reinforcements, and his first act is to relocate the Chapter's hideout once again. This time, their base is a disused naval submarine pen in the Port District. Here, the donations from Blackwell are on full display. In addition to three more Sophia clones, the Chapter's armory is overflowing with military-grade weapons and equipment. Perhaps most exciting of all is a multi-purpose armored vehicle (wheeled), a helicopter gunship with advanced stealth capabilities, and a dozen prototype "mobile turrets". Bipedal walking mini-tanks, essentially.

As Rico explains, :3 is done fucking around.

The mystery of the attack on LCG&E is becoming less mysterious. The resulting fires were quickly contained, and the only fatalities were a few security guards. According to the papers, LCG&E expects the plant to be back up and running within the month. So what gives? As it happens, the financial damage to LCG&E was much more serious. The already cash-strapped and debt-saddled public utility was finally ruined when their insurers refused to cover acts of terrorism. Now, LCG&E has gone into liquidation, and several large investment firms are competing to buy up the company's assets. What the public doesn't know is that one of the bidders is a :3 shell company...

(Next mission goes up tomorrow!)


Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
Name: Sharona
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Busty, curvy, with a pretty face but she rarely smiles. She is constantly anxious and afraid. Cecily got her into this life, and since then she has been whipped, beaten, tortured and terrified out of her wits. She is utterly pathetic, and everything makes her cry. She has lovely red hair and she always dresses almost naked because she thinks it will make her brave. It doesn't. She just ends up getting bruised all over her jiggling body. She has a tone of voice that just makes you want to hate her and to make her suffer.

Tactics: "Please don't hurt me. T_T"
Fate: Either is fine. Probably prefer fatal. Make sure it is humiliating and painful whatever you do.

Unlucky Martial Artist.


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Club Regular
Sep 18, 2018
Oof. You know when you start getting the wrong kind of investment when your heart actually falls to read your zako dying.

And soooo close to the Elite upgrade too.


Name: Rayna and Tanya Skoloda

Age's: 18 and 18

Appearance: With all the clones running around, you'd think this pair were one too. But, nope, they're just two twin sisters.

While they both share the same curved, soft facial features, Tanya discerns herself from her sister with her slightly shorter cut, curly blonde hair (just past the shoulders) streaked pink. Tanya, in addition, also tends to wear more makeup, large gold hoop earrings, and a flashier, outrageous set of her bikini uniform whenever possible.

Rayna on the other hand...just has her straight, undyed blonde hair ending just around the center of her back, and standard uniform. Occasionally, she may sneak a pilots jacket around every so often, but gets reprimanded every time for trying to wear it. Those bikini's get cold, man.

Bio: Tanya is an outlandish, demanding, sadistic kind of girl, used to always getting her way. With :3's gaining notoriety among younger women, Tanya joins the organization looking to cause chaos, commit crimes, and become their next big thing; not caring a bit about the money gained. She is, of course, woefully unprepared, though she does work out and did take some karate classes when she was younger.

Poor Rayna, on the other hand, is rather afraid of the world without her sister. On one hand, she absolutely abhors the thought of violence and torture, but after being convinced (bullied) by her twin sister, Rayna follows up and joins, hoping to use the money earned to enter University. Though completely lacking in social abilities and general strength, Rayna is actually rather intelligent, with good mechanical skill. She hopes her sister can keep her out of combat...but we both know that isn't going to happen.

Class (Rayna): Average Pilot

Class (Tanya): Average Martial Artist

Oh, both fatal, of course. Its no fun if the stakes aren't down.
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Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Class (Rayna): Average Pilot
Ute: Hey, you're Rayna, the new pilot, right? I'll take the Empav (MPAV, Multi Purpose Armored Vehicle) and you can fly the chopper as long as I can be the co-pilot when we're not using both. Deal?

(I figured this'd be a good way to decide which pilot does what)
So, the helicopter is probably something like an MI-24, but is the MPAV like a Stryker, or an armored car, or what? Sorry if this is overdoing it, but I'm a tank nerd, so I get curious about this stuff. Just let me know if I'm going overboard!


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Oof. You know when you start getting the wrong kind of investment when your heart actually falls to read your zako dying.

And soooo close to the Elite upgrade too.

Nah, I know. I was pulling for her too. RIP T_T

So, the helicopter is probably something like an MI-24, but is the MPAV like a Stryker, or an armored car, or what? Sorry if this is overdoing it, but I'm a tank nerd, so I get curious about this stuff. Just let me know if I'm going overboard!

Not EXACTLY. This isn't the real world, so no United States or Soviet Union. However, having said that: basically yes. The MPAV isn't just an armored car. It has tank-level armor, but it has wheels instead of tracks and different turrets that can be changed out between missions. Like, the standard one has a 20mm cannon, but there's also a 120mm tank gun, and a few other options I haven't really thought about yet (MLRS rack? SAM launcher?). The gunship has sci-fi bullshit that makes it able to run silent and invisible to radar, but if you're thinking of something like a Mi-24, you wouldn't be far off. The Mobile Turrets are like something between a Walker Gear from Metal Gear and an AT-RT from Star Wars. Stupid, but if you can't see the slutty zako driving it then what's the point? :wink:

10/10/18 Hostile Takeover
Campbell Investments, LP
Objective: Elimination
Difficulty: Average
Background: Financially ruined by the :3 attack on its No. 1 plant, LCG&E is being liquidated, and is selling off its hard assets. But what Management expected to be a fire sale (hur) has instead become a highly competitive bidding war between a :3 front company and the vulture capitalists at Campbell Investments, LP. The good news is that Campbell Investments is actually headquartered in La Croix. Currently, :3 lacks the liquid assets to beat Campbell in a bidding war, but it has more than enough hard assets to beat them in a shooting one!

The Chapter piles into the two vans. Dan drives one with Touko riding shotgun, while Luna drives the other with Rico in the passenger seat. The vans are driven to the Campbell building, where they simply drive down and into the parking garage. Rico is in the lead van, and he murders the attendant with a silenced pistol before having Luna smash through the barricade. Both vans park and a horde of slutty :3 zakos emerge from them.

The vans are abandoned. Touko has already accessed the security system. She remotely disables the cameras while Luna and flavia plant explosives on the building's load-bearing struts. Once this is done, the Chapter splits into two groups. One group takes the stairs, while Rico rides the elevator in style with Alex-Two and Kaede, who he's made into his personal bodyguards.

The security guards are basically rent-a-cops, and they put up minimal resistance as the Chapter moves up, sweeping each floor one by one. They don't kill everyone they come across, but Rico never said anything about minimizing civilian casualties, so some of the members take this opportunity to get some wanton slaughter in. There are two main objectives, however. Touko and her team break into the computer room and do an off-site backup before ordering Tanya to destroy the servers. Rico, meanhwile, heads directly for the board room, where Lewis Campbell and the other partners were having a meeting.

Rico has Kaede beat them to death until Touko radios that SWAT teams are en route, along with who knows how many Guild heroes. No problem. Rico orders the Chapter to withdraw, which means going up to the roof where Ute and Ranya have the gunship hovering.

The extraction goes without a hitch. The only loss on :3's side is Misa, who was overpowered by a security guard who proceeded to gut her with her own sword. The guard was immediately gunned down by Tanya, but too late to save Misa, who bled to death in a matter of minutes.

The explosives are detonated as the gunship flies away. Touko had them placed precisely and, as a result, the six-story building collapses into its own footprint, with minimal damage to the surrounding city.

1: Touko (20, F): Elite Support (Fine)
2: Emi (20, F): Elite Sniper (Fine)
3: Alex (?, F): Elite Trooper (Fine)
4: Kaede (24, F): Elite Martial Artist (Fine)

5: Tom (19, M): Average Trooper (Fine)
6: Dan (18, M): Average Trooper (Fine)
7: Aayla (0, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
8: Cecily (23, F): Average Ninja (Fine)
9: Ute (23, F): Average Pilot (Fine)
10: Luna (18, F): Average Support (Fine)
11: Tanya (0, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
12: Shaundi (0, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
13: Viola (0, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
14: Flavia (21, F): Average Support (Fine)
15: Junkers (20, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
16: Rayna (18, F): Average Pilot (Fine)
17: Tanya (18, F): Average Martial Artist (Fine)

17: Kira (20, F): Incompetent Trooper (Fine)
18: Jess (21, F): Incompetent Trooper (Fine)
19: Misa (18, F): Incompetent Ninja (Dead)
20: Eve (22, F): Incompetent Martial Artist (Fine)
21: Benji (18, M): Incompetent Trooper (Fine)
22: Sharona (22, F): Unlucky Martial Artist (Fine)

Final Result: Success. Campbell Investments, LP is no more and :3 is one step closer to becoming La Croix's electric power monopoly.

Dispatch from Regional: "Like, OH EM GEE you guys! That was just SUPER COOL the way you brought that building down! I wonder if we can buy that lot... Anyway, tell Rico I miss him! And somebody glomp his dick for me!"
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Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Not EXACTLY. This isn't the real world, so no United States or Soviet Union. However, having said that: basically yes. The MPAV isn't just an armored car. It has tank-level armor, but it has wheels instead of tracks and different turrets that can be changed out between missions. Like, the standard one has a 20mm cannon, but there's also a 120mm tank gun, and a few other options I haven't really thought about yet (MLRS rack? SAM launcher?). The gunship has sci-fi bullshit that makes it able to run silent and invisible to radar, but if you're thinking of something like a Mi-24, you wouldn't be far off. The Mobile Turrets are like something between a Walker Gear from Metal Gear and an AT-RT from Star Wars. Stupid, but if you can't see the slutty zako driving it then what's the point? :wink:
That's reasonable, I was more curious about their general designs (rough crew estimates, general silhouette) and you've answered all my questions. I'm excited to see how the MPAV does in combat! And worried about what kind of opposition would be expected that would cause its' use...

Benji (Fine)
Aw... Oh well. there's always next mission.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Misa died unceremoniously and most of the others barely even noticed her for the brief period she was, so of course her death also went largely unnoticed. A far cry from the legend-in-the-making she saw herself as. Her death was long and painful, not to mention humiliating, but due to her sadomasochism, she felt a twinge of pleasure the whole time. That only made it all the worse for her due to her embarrassment from the 'masochist' part. She blushed, bled, cried, and whined on the floor, but nobody paid her any mind. Usually it would be a ninja's job to not be seen, but surely this wasn't what she had in mind. -Stabbed by her own sword from her first ever target and left to bleed. Truly a fitting end for a... dumb bitch (to put it bluntly:rolleyes:) such as herself! :smile:

Emi: No way am I gonna "glomp" anyone's dick, or anyone's anything for that matter. *sigh* The things I put up with... Noblesse ended up dying just for some some nasty perverts to take over. As if this place wasn't undignified enough already with things like the uniforms...

Eve: Well I hate to admit it, but I think these uniforms are actually kinda cute!

Name: Sharona
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Busty, curvy, with a pretty face but she rarely smiles. She is constantly anxious and afraid. Cecily got her into this life, and since then she has been whipped, beaten, tortured and terrified out of her wits. She is utterly pathetic, and everything makes her cry. She has lovely red hair and she always dresses almost naked because she thinks it will make her brave. It doesn't. She just ends up getting bruised all over her jiggling body. She has a tone of voice that just makes you want to hate her and to make her suffer.

Tactics: "Please don't hurt me. T_T"
Fate: Either is fine. Probably prefer fatal. Make sure it is humiliating and painful whatever you do.

Unlucky Martial Artist.
>Writes a cute and fairly sympathetic description oh the character.
>"Oh, but don't feel bad for her though, because if you heard her voice, you would want to make her suffer too!"

Dang, how bad can a voice be? I guess a pathetic whiner could get annoying, but sort of went from zero to one-hundred fast there! Lol.
...actually, the more I think about it, she does sound a little bit punchable. Carry on. :confused::grin:


Avid Affiliate
Jul 10, 2018
New recruit!

Name: Iris
Age: 23
Characteristics: Iris has always been a troublemaker. She doesn't respond well to authority. She's more of a loner and doesn't allow others to get too close to her. She had some experience with being a professional zako. It was mostly sentry duty and she was lucky enough to survive. Now, she wants some action in her life.

I don't mind a lethal takedown.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Adding two new recruits (there goes my creation limit).... I still have a plenty of ideas...

Name: Hibiki Endo
Nickname: "Slippery Bikky"
Age: 19
Class: Average Martial Artist

A 19-year old busty girl with a blue side-tailed hair. Her physique is a little toned, although not as bulky as Kaede. Her belly is a little muscular, especially around her navel. She often wears a pair of arm wraps. Her left eye has a blue small tribal tattoo in it. Her fighting style is a combination of kickboxing and wrestling (mostly inspired by traditional Mongolian wrestling). Sometimes she drenches herself in oil to make things slippier....
Personality: Unlike Kaede, Hibiki is more reserved. She's slightly taciturn but sometimes she can be nice to her teammates as well
Backstory: Hibiki was Kaede's childhood friend. Sometimes she often cheered for Kaede during matches, and sometimes trained with her as well. One day, Kaede mysteriously disappeared from the ring, which leads Hibiki to a quest to find her....and leads her to :3. Knowing that Kaede is a part of :3, Hibiki reluctantly joins it
Fate: Preferably lethal but....don't kill her for at least 5 missions

Name: Mukuro Hirasaka
Nickname: "Funnel-web Hirasaka"
Age: 22
Class: Elite Ninja

A 22-year old former pro-wrestler turned criminal with a rather luscious yet stacked body and a long raven hair. Her arms and legs are muscular, while her belly is packed with muscles, although not as swole as Kaede. Her long nails are painted black, and she has a spider web-like tattoo on both of her eyes. Her fighting style is basically pro-wrestling, but she has some tricks from her sleeves such as needles packed with quick-acting neurotoxin and a combat knife
Personality: Mukuro is rather anti-social. She's a lone wolf and prefers going alone. Like Kaede, Mukuro has a fair share of sadism
Backstory: Mukuro was a part of an all-female pro-wrestling league. Unfortunately, her career ended quick after murdering one of her fellow wrestlers in an act of revenge for humiliating her on a hentai match. Mukuro was put behind bars, until she manages to escape one night. She fought her way through other inmates and security guards. After making her way out from her jail...Mukuro becomes a fugitive. She joins :3 to fight back against her former captors. She got her ring name from her motif, based of the venomous Australian spider of the same name
Fate: Same as Kaede


Club Regular
Sep 18, 2018
Whoops, I accidentally duplicated Zako names. My bad. This totally won't get confusing.

Ute: Hey, you're Rayna, the new pilot, right? I'll take the Empav (MPAV, Multi Purpose Armored Vehicle) and you can fly the chopper as long as I can be the co-pilot when we're not using both. Deal?
"O-Oh, well, I don't have a preference..." Rayna awkwardly looks away, but nods her head, "I-I can fly the chopper if you want."


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
Whoops, I accidentally duplicated Zako names. My bad. This totally won't get confusing.

"O-Oh, well, I don't have a preference..." Rayna awkwardly looks away, but nods her head, "I-I can fly the chopper if you want."
maybe change your girls name to Tonya


Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
Misa died unceremoniously and most of the others barely even noticed her for the brief period she was, so of course her death also went largely unnoticed. A far cry from the legend-in-the-making she saw herself as. Her death was long and painful, not to mention humiliating, but due to her sadomasochism, she felt a twinge of pleasure the whole time. That only made it all the worse for her due to her embarrassment from the 'masochist' part. She blushed, bled, cried, and whined on the floor, but nobody paid her any mind. Usually it would be a ninja's job to not be seen, but surely this wasn't what she had in mind. -Stabbed by her own sword from her first ever target and left to bleed. Truly a fitting end for a... dumb bitch (to put it bluntly:rolleyes:) such as herself! :smile:

Emi: No way am I gonna "glomp" anyone's dick, or anyone's anything for that matter. *sigh* The things I put up with... Noblesse ended up dying just for some some nasty perverts to take over. As if this place wasn't undignified enough already with things like the uniforms...

Eve: Well I hate to admit it, but I think these uniforms are actually kinda cute!

>Writes a cute and fairly sympathetic description oh the character.
>"Oh, but don't feel bad for her though, because if you heard her voice, you would want to make her suffer too!"

Dang, how bad can a voice be? I guess a pathetic whiner could get annoying, but sort of went from zero to one-hundred fast there! Lol.
...actually, the more I think about it, she does sound a little bit punchable. Carry on. :confused::grin:

Lol yeah that was the idea with her. Like on paper you should feel bad for her but something about her just makes it impossible. She's so pathetic you can't even pity her. Like somehow her demeanor and voice make you feel like she deserves to get nailed.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
"O-Oh, well, I don't have a preference..." Rayna awkwardly looks away, but nods her head, "I-I can fly the chopper if you want."
Ute: "Well, I've seen you with that pilot jacket sometimes, so go ahead, it's yours!" She smiles at Rayna. "As long as I can co-pilot sometimes" she adds, still smiling.

Not that Benji'd be interested, but he, Tom, and Dan make 3

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