Strange that there is so little discussion about SC6, but so much of SC5. Maybe everyone is just enjoying the game so much they don't have time to write here
I've been making and downloading custom villains to beat up Taki, maybe I can share them here?
Maki, the evil ninja from Taki's storyline
Doki from Taki's stoyline. He is somekind of hulking lackey for the evil ninja master.
Bandit with Astaroth's moveset, because I love Asta for ryona in this game! He is the best for beating up SC ladies!
Lilia, custom Ivy. She is somekind of sexy succubus who is into dominating SC girls.
Kryssa, evil Sophitia, because I think Sophi also got pretty nice moveset for ryona.
Evil Zasalamel female version because why not!