Soul Calibur Series (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Cassandra, Seong Mina, Talim. . . Let's hope they forget the SC5 cast and it's triple mimics char. I hope it will also have a camera mode but being in PC if it isn't the case we still have the mods.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Cassandra, Seong Mina, Talim. . . Let's hope they forget the SC5 cast and it's triple mimics char. I hope it will also have a camera mode but being in PC if it isn't the case we still have the mods.

Agreed. SCV's roster was such an underwhelming mess... but to be fair, I do wanna keep at least Pyrrha so that for at least one game all three Alexandria girls will be in a canon SC game (...which means I'll have to stomach Patroklos for one more game due to proxy, but at least he'll no longer be the main f-ing character anymore) and maybe a reworked (and properly explained) Z.W.E.I. (I love Viola, but there's no way I want her more than the original Amy personality. Either would do, but I just want the actual swords back instead of the fairytale crystal ball-summon spirit angle V tried to push), but that'll again depend on the context of the game's plot. Mitsurugi and Sophitiaa literally look like massively updated looks similar to their Soulcalibur 1 appearances, so you may be right about them distancing themselves from V's nonsense. I mean, the game had some interesting ideas but the whole 17-years-into-the-future angle was completely half-assed and I don't think anyone liked seeing so many favorites get omitted. Zasalamel and Talim should've never vanished without a trace. Sophitia should've never been killed off. Cassandra should've never got lost in Astral Chaos (in fact, I wonder if it's her doing that the timeline got reverted...), the Koreans should've never been written off... and Kilik and Xianghua should've never gotten the diet-Edgemaster treatment and booted for their kids, respectively.

Hopefully, with Sophitia being back and fine in action, they learned all about where they went wrong and really do this game justice; SCIV was the last decent game, but the last game that really felt like an amazing game was SCII (SCIII had a lot of content, but was a broken mess of a package that was again rushed out the door)., about 2B from NieR Automata and maybe a SNK Samurai Shodown character becoming a guest character, Bamco....

EDIT: Soul Calibur 6 will revisit events from the first game, Bandai Namco shares new screenshots and information <- Game's confirmed to be a soft reboot/retelling of Soulcalibur 1, though there will be possibilities of other fan favorite characters as well as newcomers being included to showcase the 'other truth' they're talking about. So yeah, they're pulling an MK9, which means that we may still see Cassandra, Talim and Zasalamel in the roster despite them not being SC1 characters. For thought, the original timeline had a 4 year gap in-universe between SC1 and SC2, though this may get reworked/retconned for sake of pleasing fans.
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Well i hope the story part will be good this time. I still missed SC3 golden time with the multiple choices, the pseudo board game etc . . .

Concerning the roster if it s a soft reset i hope we will still see Talim een though she might be what? 14 years old? For the SCV cast i really liked Zwei, Viola (better than Amy for me, silver hair ftw) and omega pyrrha. The rest can disappear in the abyss of time.

And judging by this pic:

Clothes destructions are back! The trailer doesn't really sell the graphics, at first i thought it was siilar to SC4 but those HQ screenshots look realy nic. Now i hope they won t to like DoA and redo the voices/screams etc. . .

Another things to note is that Xianchua is back afetr what somes leakers said.

And finally, it was supposed to also come for switch with Link and a fire emblem char but we will have to wait and see (and i fucking hope it s female corrin for some sweed hybrd transformation gameplay).


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
<- New gameplay trailer, showcasing new battle mechanics, supers, and yes, armor breaking. Looks like lots of our 'favorite' animations are back, so I'm pretty sure that means that the K.O. and stun animations will be the same (which I'm perfectly fine with... though it would be nice to get some new ones as well.)

Deleted member 158

Ryonani Teamster
Aug 31, 2010
<- New gameplay trailer, showcasing new battle mechanics, supers, and yes, armor breaking. Looks like lots of our 'favorite' animations are back, so I'm pretty sure that means that the K.O. and stun animations will be the same (which I'm perfectly fine with... though it would be nice to get some new ones as well.)

Sophitia's boobs are AMAZING! I loved to see her getting destroyed in the beginning of the video.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Sophitia's boobs are AMAZING! I loved to see her getting destroyed in the beginning of the video.

I'll admit... this game's making me like Sophitia way more than I did in the past. I think it's the thigh-high boots and beautiful skirt or something, because I really like this outfit a lot more compared to her others. She also has a bit more 'cute' mannerisms now, a bit like her daughter Pyrrha (like how she sorta shields her eyes after the final blow of her super with her shield at the end of the trailer). If there's one thing Unreal Engine 4 does best, it's skirt physics (pic related)... If this is just her, then I can't wait to see how the other girls looks while being knocked around and defeated...


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kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Saw some video where Sophitia's boots were blown clean off and she was just barefoot for the rest of the fight, which means region-specific armor break is still in, and that means customization is still in. Also critical edge now seems to have some kind of finishing animation when it KOes, so it's sort of like critical finishes are back. This game is going to be so good.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Saw some video where Sophitia's boots were blown clean off and she was just barefoot for the rest of the fight, which means region-specific armor break is still in, and that means customization is still in. Also critical edge now seems to have some kind of finishing animation when it KOes, so it's sort of like critical finishes are back. This game is going to be so good.

This must be the video you were talking about... (is featuring the Japanese voices of Mitsurugi and Sophitia, btw)

Things I noticed and observed:
1) I LOVE the new HUD. Nice, thin yet sleek, doesn't get in the way of the action, and pretty cool looking IMO. Attacks don't seem to do as much damage as they did in SC5 (around SC3 and SC4 levels), which is great by me. I love long battles. Speaking of long, the presentation of the stages are a reflection of that; as the rounds count on, the stage (most likely Sophitia's here) goes from mid-day to afternoon setting sun. It's quite beautiful.

2) Characters still have super meters (introduced on SC5), which reflect the cinematic supers we saw in the first two trailers. Also, the guard break mechanic from SC5 seems to be back as well as early on Sophitia's lifebar was flashing yellow as she blocked Mitsurugi's attack.

3) Area-specific clothing/armor destruction is indeed in, as you stated. Looks like it also may have multiple "layers' to the outfits as battles seem to have heavy attacks causing 'breaks' more than once per battle.

4) They brought back the original Soulcalibur 1 K.O. animation! (seen at 0:50 seconds), and also a BIG win for me is that not only does the action stop on K.O., but the "K.O." text moves out of the way once movement picks back up again so you can see Sophitia fully collapse when she loses. I liked this one a lot better than the one that replaced it back in SCII onwards. Also, THANK YOU for keeping replays, Namco. Can't stress that enough how that ticked me off that Tekken 7 took them out.

5) The lifebars have little hashes in various points, one at 50%, and others at 30%, 20% and 10%. I wonder just what they do...

6) At 3:15, the replay camera's movement is back! And unlike SC5's, it doesn't keep snapping into place if you're not moving the controller!

7) At 5:05, after some epic cinematic clashing between Rugi and Sophie, Mitsu lands a massive hit and UTTELY destroy's Sophitia's top armor, hair decorations and ponytail, leaving it completely freeflowing and broken just before he rings her out. So, combined with the previous view of her without boots... if you're REALLY vicious you can potentially COMPLETELY ruin a girl's looks in this game over the course of a long battle, from their prestigious and well kept looks from the start of the battle to an utterly broken mess of a woman by the end of it all. Gotta say, that's possibly gonna be a REALLY big ryona draw in for a lot of folks.

8) 5:38, another cinematic clash. Here, once again Rugi wins and does a new series of attacks, forcing Sophie to her hands and knees in front of him once he's done (new victim 'stun'' animation). Looks like you may be able to punish her more after this as well, but for this instance, Rugi let her off the hook so she was able to recover.
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Black Delmo

Swell Supporter
Mar 28, 2016
DeNice DeNice Awesome, thanks for sharing the vid and the observations, definitely looking good for a first impression. It's good to know that there will be JP audio as well. Sophita sure does sound different compared to 4 and Warrior's Orochi. (If it is the same VA from those two games)

1) I LOVE the new HUD. Nice, thin yet sleek, doesn't get in the way of the action, and pretty cool looking IMO. Attacks don't seem to do as much damage as they did in SC5 (around SC3 and SC4 levels), which is great by me. I love long battles. Speaking of long, the presentation of the stages are a reflection of that; as the rounds count on, the stage (most likely Sophitia's here) goes from mid-day to afternoon setting sun. It's quite beautiful.

I do like it that damage is lowered since it makes learning the game easier, I'm hoping that when the optimal combos are discovered the damage scaling would be good enough to make it not like you get killed if you get combo'd twice.

Reverse Edge looks so cool and a neat defense mechanic. Even though it looks like you don't get a follow up combo after it, the ability to punish people that likes to go ham or is predictable is great IMO.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I don't think it's the same VA anymore, it sounds like a new one to me. But then this is a much younger Sophie - potentially back to her days as a virgin maiden in Soul Edge - so it makes sense that they'd hire a younger voice for her as well.


Swell Supporter
Mar 20, 2017
I like Sophitia's new outfit, it's a nice update to her classic SC1 outfit. It's amazing to see her rocking those thigh boots again! It's the one thing that I loved in her SC1 default outfit that's been missing in her default outfits since then.

I have my skepticism about the actual gameplay we've seen so far... I was not a big fan of super/ex moves from SC5. Also I hope they don't neuter the gameplay mechanics too much by trying to make the game 'easy' for people who don't care about learning how to play, which just hurts the overall depth of the game. I bring this up since its a common trend I see in modern fighters and I hate how some fighting game developers try to cater too hard to people who won't touch the game after a week.

Anyway with my gameplay concerns out of the way, graphically SC6 does look amazing!
Looking forward to more of the roster to be revealed. :)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009

Two new gameplay matches between Rugi and Sophie, the second one on that ice stage from the second trailer. Battles also show that both attacker and defender can do more than just attack during the slowdown encounter phase, which indeed makes battles very cinematic no matter what you commit to. Secondly, at least in Sophitia's case, her Critical Edge super has a special ending animation if she wins a round with it compared to normal use, so this may be a feature everyone has in the game. Lastly, this isn't finalized but this is the current character select screen (20 slots so far). Game so far is listed as 70% percent complete, so I'm predicting a September release date.


Edit: Ah... even more gameplay footage... A LOT of gameplay footage at that.

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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Xianghua was shown this past weekend. Not my favorite character but armor break is still looking great.

Ah, Xianghua... one of my favorites is back and looking elegant as ever (sorry Leixia), though I admit Nightmare and Malfested!Kilik stole the show this time around. For those interested, here are our trailers and gameplay videos.



Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Today graces us with two veteran returns: Ivy Valentine and Zasalamel, bringing the roster so far to 8. Ivy, of course, is barely wearing anything at all here, but it seems like her gameplay has her mixed with her SC5 and SC4 self as she has her stances back and some cool new whip-throw setups. Zasalamel, however, is not only back after being unjustly absent from SC5 but he's got some moves he originally only had as Abyss (SC3 boss form), plus he's got the added power to stop time to use to his advantage (yeah, yeah... insert JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Dio Brando ZA WARUDO jokes here...) Main takeaways here is that Zasalamel's reveal confirms they'll be taking characters from SC2, SC3 and maybe SC4 & SC5 for SC6's roster, which is great for my chances to get Talim, Cassandra and Amy back. Here are our trailers.

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Black Delmo

Swell Supporter
Mar 28, 2016
Today graces us with two veteran returns: Ivy Valentine and Zasalamel, bringing the roster so far to 8. Ivy, of course, is barely wearing anything at all here, but it seems like her gameplay has her mixed with her SC5 and SC4 self as she has her stances back and some cool new whip-throw setups. Zasalamel, however, is not only back after being unjustly absent from SC5 but he's got some moves he originally only had as Abyss (SC3 boss form), plus he's got the added power to time stop to use to his advantage (yeah, yeah... insert JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Dio Brando ZA WARUDO jokes here...) Main takeaways here is that Zasalamel's reveal confirms they'll be taking characters from SC2, SC3 and maybe SC4 & SC5 for SC6's roster, which is great for my chances to get Talim, Cassandra and Amy back. Here are our trailers.

They look really good, I like the heel kick that Ivy does at the end of her special.

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