Star Trek Online Nude Mods (4 Viewers)

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Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
Has anyone had wierd graphics with the latest update? I see a bunch of wierd shader differences on the character outfits. Like, my Oddy outfit has wierd white gradients down the top and none on the pants. I'm not sure if we need a recompilation, but it seems like it may be in order, bounce still works but faces look...ugly again.

Maybe the faces thing is just me, but something looks off.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 17, 2014
I havent logged in to STO in move than 3 weeks. Rebuilt the rig, upgraded graphics, reinstalled STO.

Do we have ANY pieces that are working that I can install while I'm updating anything?


Potential Patron
Jan 27, 2017
Well, yesterday's patch (with the addition of the new Escorts) broke Breast Jiggle....

So I don't think so ATM


Content Creator
Dec 9, 2014
Well, yesterday's patch (with the addition of the new Escorts) broke Breast Jiggle....

So I don't think so ATM
I have custom jiggle loaded and it still works for me.

*EDIT* Tried to have a look at the new escorts in the ship selection screen in ESD and crashed, so yeah, as Param said: jiggle broke.


Potential Patron
May 23, 2014
Breast jiggle is still working for me, and I'm looking at the new ships in ship selection at ESD.

Nevermind, it crashes on Fed toons, but not Rom ones.
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Content Creator
Dec 9, 2014
Also, with boob increase installed (custom in my case) the new escort ships are massive again.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 30, 2017
I attach an updated toolset (including serialization library) for the current build of the game. Anyone attempting to mod the current build should use this toolset rather than the (very old and out-of-date) one linked in Password's tutorials. If you can live with the settings I chose for the mods (see below), you do NOT need to download and extract the toolset to recompile them.

I also attach an archive with the compiled jiggle (Randark settings), breast size (x2) and headshot mods. These are for specific settings, and as always go in the Live\localdata\bin folder of your STO installation. I tested - my old versions crashed the client when looking at the Caitian escort, and these new ones do not.

I am sorry, but I cannot take on the responsibility of providing an installer and adjustable settings for these mods like Password42 did.

However, by following the directions in his tutorials and in his last official release, and using the updated toolset I provided, you can recompile the mods with your own preferred settings quite easily.


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Vivacious Visitor
Jan 30, 2017
I personally am not working on anything related to textures, except to the extent that providing an updated toolkit might help those who are.

I would love to see nude return, but it is outside my area of expertise.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 30, 2017
Here is a set of step-by-step instructions for reproducing the three basic mods (breast size, jiggle and headshot) that we can currently make work.

1) Download and unpack the updated Cryptic toolset I have posted. For purposes of this tutorial, I will assume you put it in the c:\Toolset folder.

2) If the toolset is for the current (or perhaps a recent) version of the game, you can skip this step and go to Step 3. But at some time in the future, you may need to rebuild the serialization library. To start, open an command window (Admin) in your c:\Toolset folder (or navigate there). All commands in this tutorial will be run inside a command window.

2a) Start the STO Launcher. Then run the command:


This should overwrite the files in c:\Toolset\schemas\Star Trek Online\Launcher\schemas with new versions.

2b) Start the STO Game Client (and close the launcher if it doesn't close). Run the command:


again. This should overwrite the files in c:\Toolset\schemas\Star Trek Online\Live\schemas with new versions. Close the Game Client.

2c) There is currently one schema file that creates problems. Go into your c:\Toolset\schemas\Star Trek Online\Live\schemas folder and delete the file "UIGenTestModelParse.schema.xml".

2d) Now (in the c:\Toolset folder) run the command:

Gibbed.Cryptic.GenerateSerializer --game=StarTrekOnline

This will generate a file Gibbed.StarTrekOnline.Serialization.dll in your c:\Toolset folder.

2e) Copy that file to the folder c:\Toolset\serializers\assemblies, and rename it "Newest.dll" (there is already a Newest.dll included with the toolset; if it works, you should have skipped steps 2a - 2e, so just delete or overwrite the existing "Newest.dll").

3) Make sure the Game Client is closed. Open a new command window (Admin) and navigate to the Star Trek Online\Live\piggs folder of your STO installation. If you have an "Unpack" folder here left-over from the last time you recompiled the mods, delete it completely now. Run the command

c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.Unpack bins.hogg Unpack

In your command window, change directory into the piggs\Unpack\Bin folder you just created.

4) Now (in the piggs\Unpack\Bin directory) extract the .xml files to be modified by running the following four commands:

4a) c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -x headshotinfos.bin
4b) c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -x scaleinfos.bin
4c) c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -x skelinfos.bin
4d) c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -x dynbouncer.bin

The first is for the headshot mod. The second is for the breast size mod. The last two are for jiggle. If you don't want all three mods, you can skip the ones you don't need.

5) There are exactly four xml files that are modded to produce the three basic mods. Generally they will not change between updates, so I just keep my versions - with my preferred breast size and jiggle settings - in a sub folder of Star Trek Online\Live\piggs so I don't have to re-extract them or edit them every time. Password42 included instructions for customizing the jiggle and breast size mods in his last official release, and he provided "presets" you can simply use without modification.

6) For the headshot mod, take the working version of headshotinfos.bin that I posted (or the one from Password's last release), put it in a throwaway folder somewhere, and (in a command prompt (Admin) window in that folder) run the command:

c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -x headshotinfos.bin

Then navigate down to the Headshotinfos\Defs\Skel_Infos subfolder you just created with that command and grab the file "Startrekmaleheadshot.xml" (only). Save that file somewhere that you can use the next time you regenerate the mod, and also copy it to your piggs\Unpack\Bin\Headshotinfos\Defs\Skel_Infos folder (overwrite the version that's there). Finally (in your piggs\Unpack\Bin folder) run the command:

c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -b Headshotinfos

Copy the new Headshotinfos.bin file you just created from that folder to Live\localdata\bin to install it for use. Note that the addition of new NPC conversations in new content "breaks" the headshot info mod, in that the new conversations won't work properly if you have an old modded version in you localdata\bin folder.

7) For the breast-size mod, the one file which is modified is Unpack\Bin\scaleinfos\Startrekfemalescalegroups.xml. Password's last release explained the which parameters in this file he changed, and he also provided presets, so I won't duplicate the instructions. As before, I keep a saved copy of this file so I can easily retrieve it when I need to recompile everything. Copy your modified version of Startrekfemalescalegroups.xml to the Live\piggs\Unpack\Bin\scaleinfos\ folder, then (in your piggs\Unpack\Bin folder) run the command:

c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -b Scaleinfos

Copy the new Scaleinfos.bin file you just created from that folder to Live\localdata\bin to install it for use.

8) For the jiggle mod, there are two files modified, although one of them never changes and is independent of settings. The file piggs\Unpack\Bin\skelinfos\Startrekfemale.xml has a trivial modification: change the line containing "<BouncerInfo>" so it reads like this:


Don't change anything else in the file. This points the jiggle physics to a *second* file, which actually contains the jiggle settings. This second file, test.xml, was also provided by Password42 in the last release, and he provided instructions for how to modify it to customize jiggle that I won't repeat here. Copy the version of test.xml with your preferred jiggle settings to the folder piggs\Unpack\Bin\dynbouncer\. Then (in your piggs\Unpack\Bin folder) run the following two commands:

c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -b Skelinfos
c:\Toolset\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource -b Dynbouncer

Copy the modified versions of Skelinfos.bin and Dynbouncer.bin to your Live\localdata\bin folder to install them for use.

9) That's it! As I mentioned, it is convenient to save copies of the four xml files that are actually modified, so you can easily re-use them. You can delete the piggs\Unpack folder created in Step 3 (and everything in it) if you want to save disk space. You can't re-use it with future versions of the client, so there is no real advantage to keeping it.


Content Creator
Dec 9, 2014
Gave it a shot: got boobs increase to work but jiggle made their heads bob up and down. I'll wait until a full fix is released which includes custom. The gigantic starship bug is only limited to sec space and is not much of a big deal.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 30, 2017
Gave it a shot: got boobs increase to work but jiggle made their heads bob up and down. I'll wait until a full fix is released which includes custom. The gigantic starship bug is only limited to sec space and is not much of a big deal.

Well, you may wait a while then.

It sounds like you didn't follow the instructions for replacing test.xml in dynbouncer.bin with the correct (modified) version for breast jiggle. The unmodified version of Dynbouncer/test.xml which unpacks from Cryptic's client files does something completely different than Password42's modified version for boobs (in fact it animates the neck and upper arms, which sounds like what you observed).

Edit: another possibility is that you didn't copy the modified and recompiled Dynbouncer.bin to your localdata\bin folder.
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Avid Affiliate
Jul 17, 2014
Well, you may wait a while then.

It sounds like you didn't follow the instructions for replacing test.xml in dynbouncer.bin with the correct (modified) version for breast jiggle. The unmodified version of Dynbouncer/test.xml which unpacks from Cryptic's client files does something completely different than Password42's modified version for boobs (in fact it animates the neck and upper arms, which sounds like what you observed).

Edit: another possibility is that you didn't copy the modified and recompiled Dynbouncer.bin to your localdata\bin folder.
I will try out your instructions Monday when I get back to my home rig. Thanks for walking us less-technical folks through the process.
As I'm only really interested in size and jiggle (nude was nice but not necessary) all of this stuff is very interesting to me.

It sounds like what your instructions do is a manual version of what Password42 put into the installer, minus the nude options. What would be necessary to take your files and instructions and make an installer for just the jiggle, headshot and breast size mods? I'm NOT asking you to do this, I'm wondering if we might be able to at least make an easy installer to help this aspect of STO continue. With a big, jiggling mod to use as bait, maybe we can hook ourselves someone experienced and willing to takeover the ongoing maintenance Password42 used to do.

I remember there being a hipsize increase mod that got rolled in at some point (helped bulk up butts). Have you tried to manually recreate this effect? I'm hoping it is very similar to the breast size increase and maybe we can get that back too?

You are all wonderful people, Keep sending out your love to the world.


Content Creator
Dec 9, 2014
Tried it once more: got boobs increased but no jiggle this time. I think I got the wrong test file. Been searching this thread for it, but it's a proverbial needle.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 30, 2017
OK, one last time, here are updated versions of Password42 and Regardie's custom jiggle and breast size folders. The original instructions and preset values from Password42 are included in them. I also include a fully compiled version of the three basic mods with my settings (put them in Live\localdata\bin, as always). These are all updated for this week's build of the game.

As I said, I will likely not post updates every time Cryptic patches the game, so it would be advisable to get used to following the long instructions I posted above. If you keep saved copies of the four (at most) modified .xml files as I suggested, it takes less than 10 minutes to regenerate everything for a new version. The attachments to *this* post will only work until the next major client update.

As for a fancy installer, there is no real obstacle other than time investment. Password supported six different jiggle pre-sets and three different breast-size pre-sets, plus a manual/custom option for each. So that is 11 different, but almost identical, versions of the same things, instead of 2. Five times as much, but if you set up scripts to do it automatically, it wouldn't take a significant amount of additional work. There is also the one-time overhead of the configuring installer itself. I'd guess this is one-two hours of work for somebody like me who vaguely knows what they're doing. For someone already familiar with creating installers, maybe half that. But then you have to commit to keeping it up to date, or there is no point.


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