Star Wars zako (3 Viewers)


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
Since Disney take over, more and more female imperial/first order characters have appeared. In Star Wars Rebels, there were 2 female troopers I remember, one was blown up and one scout trooper was ko by one of the main character. The Scout ko is around 1 minute mark on the video below. Additionally, one of the secondary antagonist of the show was Pryce voice by Mary McGlynn ( (Nina from tekken) also had her light knock out a couple times.


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
Pryce looks so unappealing, she is like a man...
I much preferred the imperial minister lady in the first season, sadly she is blown up in a shuttle when Vader uses her as bait.
Maketh Tua
Pryce does have that tomboy personality to her. She meet her end very similar to minister Tua (blown up) but I do like the 2 times she was KOed.


  • pryce stun.gif
    pryce stun.gif
    10.2 MB · Views: 426
  • pryce shoc.gif
    pryce shoc.gif
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Black Delmo

Swell Supporter
Mar 28, 2016
Female Padawans from the Revenge of the Sith game for the PS2 and Xbox. (Great game BTW)

Pretty much like their name they're overconfident and easily disposed since you can one shot them with your critical/finisher attacks. They only have a three hit combo attack and a jump flip attack.

Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Since Disney take over, more and more female imperial/first order characters have appeared. In Star Wars Rebels, there were 2 female troopers I remember, one was blown up and one scout trooper was ko by one of the main character. The Scout ko is around 1 minute mark on the video below. Additionally, one of the secondary antagonist of the show was Pryce voice by Mary McGlynn ( (Nina from tekken) also had her light knock out a couple times.

with how we only see the female scout trooper getting knocked out, and no clue what happens after, we can only speculate on her final fate. maybe zeb or ezra had a little "fun" before he and sabine went on their mission. ;)


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
Season 7 of the Clone Wars final arc is in full swing. The last arc is call the siege of Mandalore. This arc pits the Mandalorians loyal to Bo Katan against Mandalorians loyal to Maul. The opening battle saw a lot of troopers and mandalorians alike going down included a handful of pro-Maul Mandalorian women. The EP just came out so i doubt will be available other than where Disney Plus is streaming. Is worth a checkout for those that already have Disney plus service.




Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Or, y'know... just use torrents? Or check Kimcartoon or Watchcartoononline?
Btw, I guess their armor is not made of Beskar anymore, the stuff that deflects lasers? Or it's your typical ninja rule - the more they are, the easier they are to kill?


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
Or, y'know... just use torrents? Or check Kimcartoon or Watchcartoononline?
Btw, I guess their armor is not made of Beskar anymore, the stuff that deflects lasers? Or it's your typical ninja rule - the more they are, the easier they are to kill?
my guess is that because the beskar being very high end armor (hence in The Mandalorian, Din had to work for his share of beskar) only the top officers like Bo Katan or Gar Saxon have them while the foot soldiers use more common armor (closer to what the clones have) Pre Vizla did shot and kill one of his soldier point blank in the series.


Swell Supporter
Feb 28, 2019
my guess is that because the beskar being very high end armor (hence in The Mandalorian, Din had to work for his share of beskar) only the top officers like Bo Katan or Gar Saxon have them while the foot soldiers use more common armor (closer to what the clones have) Pre Vizla did shot and kill one of his soldier point blank in the series.
Even if they all had beskar armor, I don't imagine a Mandalorian would knowingly shoot another Mandalorian with something that wouldn't go through or weaken beskar. They would probably know the ins-and-outs of typical Mandalorian armor too, so someone could just waive it off as them knowing the armor's more vulnerable areas.


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
Even if they all had beskar armor, I don't imagine a Mandalorian would knowingly shoot another Mandalorian with something that wouldn't go through or weaken beskar. They would probably know the ins-and-outs of typical Mandalorian armor too, so someone could just waive it off as them knowing the armor's more vulnerable areas.
they probably do but I think could be plot armor as well. In Star Wars Rebels, Mandalorian Sabine had her blaster fire deflected back at her by Vader in a close range and she survived while in Star Wars the Clone Wars, Ahsoka deflected a blaster fire from about the same distance with fatality to that Mandalorian. Sabine survived because she was one of the main support character while the maul mandalorians were essential canon fodder, they go down easily.


(Sabine surviving blaster bolt deflected by Vader)
gif (1).gif

(Ahsoka deflects fire from Maul Mandalorian before Night Owl Mandalorian jump in to help)


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
When it comes to sexy stormtroopers, Han has a favourite target!
Nice picture I counted about 27 Twi'leks and 19 Femtroopers.
I love this pic, someone should write a story around this, the fact that Leia is in her slave outfit means she must have been captured, but then Han is dressed normally, and we see Femtroopers attackign and Han and Leia workign with Jabba's Twi'lek goons, only he eats a few of them, poor Twi'leks. We need for art with Twi'lek zakos. Where'd this pic come from?

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