Star Wars zako (45 Viewers)

Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Thanks for the comments! Here's another little yarn. PLEASE don't crucify me for any inaccuracies, models and props for SW stuff aren't exhaustive. Plus I haven't really been a SW fan for years, there are only four movies as far as I'm concerned! :p
Having said that, I'm putting together a sexy Rey...
where exactly is this stuff posted?


Casual Client
Jan 6, 2023

Surprised the Clone Wars episode "Massacre" where Grievous wipes out the night sisters was not already on this thread.

Fave scene was near the end when the droids mow down the remaining nameless night sisters.


Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
When it comes to sexy stormtroopers, Han has a favourite target!
one reason i love this image, it basically has what i love most in star wars: hell, i play empire at war: forces of corruption's campaign with this strategy! sending in waves of expendable twileks until victory is achieved! even modded Jedi Academy so that the generic mercenaries are primarily twi'leks. and my favorite level in force unleashed is cloud city where the basic cannon fodder are nothing but twi'leks.


3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
Need to do more Star Wars stuff soon, I've got some new models to play with. Maybe Darth Maul skullfucking Padme's decapitated head with his big red todger? Time will tell. In the meantime, Vol.1 is here on Gumroad. 16 pics, although that does include the pics I've posted here already. A 7 pic yarn called 'Definitely Set For Stun' came out quite well though.

MikeA's Gumroad Site


Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Need to do more Star Wars stuff soon, I've got some new models to play with. Maybe Darth Maul skullfucking Padme's decapitated head with his big red todger? Time will tell. In the meantime, Vol.1 is here on Gumroad. 16 pics, although that does include the pics I've posted here already. A 7 pic yarn called 'Definitely Set For Stun' came out quite well though.

MikeA's Gumroad Site

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please do some more things with sexy twi'leks! as cannon fodder! maybe aayla secura as the template! here is an idea: i roleplay the Empire At War: Forces of Corruption campaign with twi'leks as the Zann Consortium's ony ground units, deployed en masse against Tyber Zann's enemies to overwhelm the enemy. maybe something like that!


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
Need to do more Star Wars stuff soon, I've got some new models to play with. Maybe Darth Maul skullfucking Padme's decapitated head with his big red todger? Time will tell. In the meantime, Vol.1 is here on Gumroad. 16 pics, although that does include the pics I've posted here already. A 7 pic yarn called 'Definitely Set For Stun' came out quite well though.

MikeA's Gumroad Site

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Just bought your Star Wars pack, the set to stun story was funny, but maybe for Stormtroopers try to find a model that's skimpier. I felt kind of cheated paying so much as I expected the skimpier Femtrooper model you used with the Twi'leks vs Stormtroopers in Jabba's Palace scene. Maybe remake those pics with the skimpier model, I'd love to see the set to stun story with them. ANd maybe d skimpier rebels, high heel boots, maybe booty shorts for pants, and no shirt under the black combat vest. You charge a lot for your works, so if you make them very appealing an creative it'll likely get more people to buy them, just some helpful advice. Otherwise love your work with the sexy poses and shots to the privates.


3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
Kristopher Prime, I had to google Aayla Secura but I found a model for her, not sure how much it actually looks like her but the wraps around her lekku look pretty good. I wasn't too keen on the rest of her outfit, thought she looked better in just a thong! :grin:

Zamaron1, thanks for buying the set and the feedback. Sorry you didn't find it good value. Pricing can be odd, having come off Pixiv Fanbox and monthly subscriptions, the only thing I can base prices on is how long the pictures take it terms of prep work, rendering and postwork. Of course Gumroad takes a chunk. Unfortunately the pic in the set that took by far the longest time was the mass battle in Jabba's palace, which was already up here. Probably shouldn't have done that, but too late now!

Killing two birds with one stone, here's Aayla skewering a couple of Femtroopers. There are a couple more of these, plus some pics of Darth Maul slaughtering Padme that need postwork, then I'll add them to the set on Gumroad. From what I can tell, once you've purchased a set you can access it forever (please let me know if that's not the case), so look out for a second file in the next couple of days.

As for authentic outfits vs sexier versions, I guess I don't know what the majority would prefer. I did try to tinker with the rebel outfit and came up with a sexier version, but the only thing that remained from the original costume was the helmet!


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Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
Kristopher Prime, I had to google Aayla Secura but I found a model for her, not sure how much it actually looks like her but the wraps around her lekku look pretty good. I wasn't too keen on the rest of her outfit, thought she looked better in just a thong! :grin:

Zamaron1, thanks for buying the set and the feedback. Sorry you didn't find it good value. Pricing can be odd, having come off Pixiv Fanbox and monthly subscriptions, the only thing I can base prices on is how long the pictures take it terms of prep work, rendering and postwork. Of course Gumroad takes a chunk. Unfortunately the pic in the set that took by far the longest time was the mass battle in Jabba's palace, which was already up here. Probably shouldn't have done that, but too late now!

Killing two birds with one stone, here's Aayla skewering a couple of Femtroopers. There are a couple more of these, plus some pics of Darth Maul slaughtering Padme that need postwork, then I'll add them to the set on Gumroad. From what I can tell, once you've purchased a set you can access it forever (please let me know if that's not the case), so look out for a second file in the next couple of days.

As for authentic outfits vs sexier versions, I guess I don't know what the majority would prefer. I did try to tinker with the rebel outfit and came up with a sexier version, but the only thing that remained from the original costume was the helmet!
THanks dude. Danm that Aayla killing femtroopers pic is awesome. LOVE that she stabs both of the troopers in the pussy. One detail I love about your work is being creative with pprivate part wounds, like one of the Twi'lek pics I saw one looking like her nipples exploded or were on fire. THe problem with using accurate Stormtroopers is you'd have to heavily modify the armor's physical features and proportions for any sexual appeal, otherwise they just look like slimmer Stormtroopers. So why would I buy your pics when I could just see that basically anywhere? I'd say that Rebel outfit is not too bad, maybe if possible make the boots and vest black, but otherwise you might as well just use that. You're pics are already unrealistic with having every soldier be female, so don't worry about accuracy as long as you capture the basic essential details of the look, the Stormtrooper model is great, and the Rebels the important thing is the boots, vest, and helmet at least. Trying to make good skimpy Rebel models is harder since the Rebels don't really wear much iconic gear, much of it is kind of generic. I always was more of a fan of full body armor in sci fi anyway. Maybe start a series of Twi'lek slaughter pics, a good inspiration could be FOrce Unleashed, the Wii version has a Cloud City level where a Mandolarian Criem Lord name Chopa Notima has taken ove the city with his gang, and Twi'lek babes make up the basic foot soldiers. So mayb if you can find a Starkiller model and some sexy Mando babes you could make some pics of Starkiller slaughtering sexy Twi'lek thugs and Mando babes on Cloud City. Maybe that could be your next short story, his clone fromt he sequel returning to Cloud CIty and fighting the remnants of Chopa's gang.


3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
Extra pics are now up in Star Battles. Hopefully no issues accessing them. Fair warning, some include Maul getting his big red appendage out and servicing poor, decapitated Padme! Absolutely no idea if there's an audience for this kind of thing, but I've been avoiding genital nudity while being on Pixiv so it's a novelty again at the moment!

I'm not at all familiar with any of the recent SW films and shows, tried to watch the Mandalorian but bailed out after a few eps. I am a gamer but haven't been drawn to any of the games either, although that would be the best source for suitable backdrops. I do have plenty of Twi'leks though, including Talon. Also got a version of Ahsoka but haven't tested her yet. I think I've found a Starkiller model, if it's this dude?
Cool sabres. Does he always use them reversed?

The only problem with Cloud City is finding a good, clean backdrop, I don't think anyone has modelled an environment to use in Daz Studio. I'll have a look about and see if I can find something suitable.

Not sure what you mean by 'Mando babes'?

Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Extra pics are now up in Star Battles. Hopefully no issues accessing them. Fair warning, some include Maul getting his big red appendage out and servicing poor, decapitated Padme! Absolutely no idea if there's an audience for this kind of thing, but I've been avoiding genital nudity while being on Pixiv so it's a novelty again at the moment!

I'm not at all familiar with any of the recent SW films and shows, tried to watch the Mandalorian but bailed out after a few eps. I am a gamer but haven't been drawn to any of the games either, although that would be the best source for suitable backdrops. I do have plenty of Twi'leks though, including Talon. Also got a version of Ahsoka but haven't tested her yet. I think I've found a Starkiller model, if it's this dude?
Cool sabres. Does he always use them reversed?

The only problem with Cloud City is finding a good, clean backdrop, I don't think anyone has modelled an environment to use in Daz Studio. I'll have a look about and see if I can find something suitable.

Not sure what you mean by 'Mando babes'?
mandalorian women. think Bo-Katan if you have seen Clone wars, or boba/Jango fett for the movie-onlys.


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
Extra pics are now up in Star Battles. Hopefully no issues accessing them. Fair warning, some include Maul getting his big red appendage out and servicing poor, decapitated Padme! Absolutely no idea if there's an audience for this kind of thing, but I've been avoiding genital nudity while being on Pixiv so it's a novelty again at the moment!

I'm not at all familiar with any of the recent SW films and shows, tried to watch the Mandalorian but bailed out after a few eps. I am a gamer but haven't been drawn to any of the games either, although that would be the best source for suitable backdrops. I do have plenty of Twi'leks though, including Talon. Also got a version of Ahsoka but haven't tested her yet. I think I've found a Starkiller model, if it's this dude?
Cool sabres. Does he always use them reversed?

The only problem with Cloud City is finding a good, clean backdrop, I don't think anyone has modelled an environment to use in Daz Studio. I'll have a look about and see if I can find something suitable.

Not sure what you mean by 'Mando babes'?
If you can find it, maybe do some art with clones of Season 1 oufit Ahsoka getting slaughtered, but for fun remove her leggings to show her privates. ANd yah that's a version of Starkiller, it's his outfit you get in the first game if you choose to not save the Rebel leaders and kill Vader, Starkiller gets critically injured rather then dying like the "canon" ending, and he gets put in a life support suit like Vader did to become Palpatine new apprentice, heck there's even a DLC that continues the story of this version into an alternate take on EP 4 and 5, such as he tracks down the droids to Tatooine, going to Jabba's Palace, kills Boba Fett, Heads to Mos Eisley and kills Obi-wan, even kills his Force Ghost form. THen in Ep 5 he fights through Echo Base and duels Luke, managing to cause Luke to fall to the Dark Side.


3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
Been tinkering with an Ahsoka. I guess it looks a BIT like Rosario. The main problem with this stuff is nearly all of the models and clothes you can get have been ripped from various Star Wars games, and they aren't perfect. As such, unless Ahsoka's season 1 outfit has been included in a game, and someone has ripped it, that might not be possible. Getting around that... here she is in not much clothing at all! I bet she would prefer Maul stabbing her with his secondary weapon!

Haven't tried Starkiller or creating Mando babes yet (I've seen a couple of Bo-Katan models but I suspect you can't tinker with her outfit too much to make sexy versions. I'll try at some point).


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3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
Finally getting back into doing some SW stuff. Lack of backdrops is still the main problem, but had a chance to tinker with some Bo-katan and Mandalorian stuff. As I mentioned before, I'm not really a fan of SW anymore and I'm doing the best I can with available resources, so incorrect weapons, beam colours, alien names and affiliations etc aren't really things I'm going to be bothered about. Just have to hope no uberfans get too bent out of shape about that kind of stuff, but I'll try my best. Anyway, here's Starbuck standing on some dead Klingons! And my attempt at a sexier 'Mandobabe'.


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  • Mandobabe.jpg
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Swell Supporter
Jun 24, 2019
Finally getting back into doing some SW stuff. Lack of backdrops is still the main problem, but had a chance to tinker with some Bo-katan and Mandalorian stuff. As I mentioned before, I'm not really a fan of SW anymore and I'm doing the best I can with available resources, so incorrect weapons, beam colours, alien names and affiliations etc aren't really things I'm going to be bothered about. Just have to hope no uberfans get too bent out of shape about that kind of stuff, but I'll try my best. Anyway, here's Starbuck standing on some dead Klingons! And my attempt at a sexier 'Mandobabe'.
Wow! Didn’t expect you would do more SW. May I suggest to make a scene with half nude stormtrooper babes getting defeated by Mando?


3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
Wow! Didn’t expect you would do more SW. May I suggest to make a scene with half nude stormtrooper babes getting defeated by Mando?
Will do, although they'll be in Volume 2. Just added some final pics to Volume 1, which includes the fullsized version of this pic as a sample of what's to come!
Starkiller vs Mandobabes upcoming.jpg


3D Artist
Feb 6, 2023
"Enough is enough! I've had it with these motherfucking Twi'leks on this motherfucking spaceship!"
Mace Windu 'rescues' Princess Uhura. Why? Just because!
Mace Windu and Princess Uhura.jpg

Joe Bloggs

Club Regular
Aug 5, 2011
Nice to see Star Wars Outlaws will at least have generic female imperial officer enemy goons. The cutscene in the trailer had a female imperial but I wasn't sure if she is a named character. This is from one of the released screenshots. A female main character often increases the chances of the developers giving us female enemies.

Hopefully we have female stormtroopers too with slightly noticeable different body types (e.g. as in Battlefront 2015).

SWO_InEngine_Embark on High-stakes Missions.png

I'm certain there will be nameless non imperial enemies found among the other factions too. Pretty sure I saw a Twilek bounty hunter in one of the game play trailer shots.

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