Target: Terror Zako Fan-Fictions (1 Viewer)


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
The TTBs Help Lydia Part 3: Revenge is Sweet

Carrie awakens to find herself in a dark room. She has no idea where she is and she is scared shitless. "Where am I? What the fuck is going on? she thinks to herself. She tries to move her hands and feet, but feels chains restraining them.

Suddenly, a light turns on in the room. Carrie looks around at her surroundings and sees that she is completely naked and her arms and legs are chained to the wall in a shape of an X. She hears footsteps come towards her. She looks up and sees a woman wearing a black collared choker, leather chest harness and latex assless chaps come toward her.

"Hello, Carrie." the woman said.
"Lydia?!" Carrie replied with a shocked look on her face.
"That's right, Carrie. It's me." Lydia said.
"What am I doing here? Why am I chained up?" she frighteningly asked

"You see, Carrie. I'm not too happy with you. You took my position at the station. You were jealous of the attention that I was getting as the 10 o'clock anchor and you didn't want to wait your turn to earn it. You went and fucked Carl for the position."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Carrie said. "I earned the 10 o'clock anchor position fair and square!"

"Oh really?" Lydia replied "Well why don't you explain this!"

Multiple videos of Carrie and Carl fucking appear on the wall above Lydia. Carrie watched in stunned horror as she saw herself taking Carl's hot load of cum on her face.

"Ohhhhh shit!" Carrie said horrified

"Now, what were you saying about earning it fair and square?" Lydia tauntingly asked Carrie

"It's Carl's fault! He seduced me with the promise of the 10 o'clock spot." Carrie frantically said

"Oh bullshit! Carl is too timid to seduce anyone. You took advantage and seduced him for the spot. And now you're gonna pay!"

Lydia then pulled out a submachine gun from behind her back. TTB Amy Black let her borrow it for the occasion. Carrie was getting really scared.

"You like being penetrated?" Lydia asked before she pumped a slug into Carrie's pussy. "AAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Carrie screamed in horror as her pussy was destroyed by the slug. Through her tears, she said "Fuck you, Lydia!"

"Take it, bitch!" Lydia replied as she fired multiple times at Carrie's body. Carrie grunted each time she was hit, finally letting out a long "uhhh" after Lydia stopped shooting before finally dying. Lydia was satisfied. Carrie's body looked like swiss cheese.

"Well done, Lydia!" Master said as he and the TTBS came into the room. "You really fucked Carrie up."

"Thanks, Master." Lydia replied. "It felt good to let off some steam."

"Where did you learn to shoot a gun like that?" Amy Black asked

"I grew up in the country. We shot guns all of the time out there." Lydia replied.

"Are you sure that you don't want to join us? Master asked her. "With your shooting skills, you would be a valuable member of our organization."

"Thank you for your offer, Master, but my heart is in the news and I must return to the profession that I love." Lydia said. "I do want to thank you and the organization for this past month. Before you took me hostage, I was unhappy and depressed with my situation at work. Now I feel much happier with my biggest rival taken care of. This has been a nice break from reality."

"You're welcome, Lydia. I understand" Master said. "Ladies, take Carrie's body to the lake and dump it there. I want to talk to Lydia in private before I let her go."

"Will do, Master." Britt Black said. The TTBs unchain Carrie's body, stuffed it in a bag and left the room.

"Lydia. Having you as my personal cumslut has been amazing. I'm really going to miss you sucking my dick everyday. Do you mind sucking me off one last time?" Master asked.

"I'd love to suck your cock, Master. After all, your cum is the best that I have ever tasted." Lydia said with a wink.

Master blushed hearing Lydia's praise as she unzipped his pants and sucked his cock dry one last time, earning a victory load in her mouth for accomplishing her goal.

The next day finds Carl in his office. He is in a state of panic, because his 10'oclock anchor and weather girl are both missing. "What am I going to do?!" Carl thought outloud.

Suddenly the door opens. Lydia Cox stands at the door. "Lydia!" Carl says excitedly. "Boy am I glad to see you!" Where have you been?!"

"Oh, I had to take a month off to find myself." Lydia replied. Carl looked puzzled by her statement, but shook it off. "Ok. Did you hear what happened to Carrie? She disappeared a few days ago and they found her body in the lake with bullet holes in it."

"Oh no, that's terrible!" Lydia replied, faking a horrified reaction. "Whose going to be the 10 o'clock anchor?"

"You are, my dear." Carl said. "You have the experience and we need you."

"Thank you, Carl. I'll see you at 10!" Lydia replied.

She walked out of his office with a big smile on her face. She had gotten her old position back, and she had Master and the TTBs to thank for it.
Last edited:


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Niki Tube Top Origin Story

Inside her room at the Warehouse, terrorist Niki Tube Top is cleaning her beloved AK-47 gun. Her organization is planning to hijack an oil tanker next week, and she's making sure that her weapon is ready to go for the big day. She finishes cleaning the gun and raises it up to her face. She pretends to shoot the gun and any good guys that get in her way, mouthing her battle cry "Die Fuckers Die!" She then puts the gun down and wipes the sweat from her forehead. She looks around the room and thinks about how lucky she is to be with an organization that has felt like a family to her. It's better than the situation that she was in a few years ago.

The Past

It was a hot summer day in Chinatown. Business was booming at Mrs. Wong's Asian Massage Parlor. Niki was almost done with her shift and she was exhausted. She has been working at the parlor ever since she came to America two years ago. This was the only job available to her, because she didn't know much English at the time to get a job outside Chinatown.

Since then, she has worked her way up to become the best masseuse at the parlor. She enjoys the job, with the exception of giving the "happy ending" hand job to the clients. If they were in their twenties like she was, then she would enjoy doing them. But the clients are middle age to old men, and sometimes it takes awhile for them to get hard. They leave great tips, though, so doing it isn't too bad.

Mrs. Wong peeked her head through the curtain in the doorway, "Niki! One more customer!"

"Yes, Mrs. Wong", Niki replied.

A man soon appeared at the doorway. He was a middle-aged man with slick-backed black hair and a white towel draped around his torso. He looked at Niki and said: "So you're the lucky lady who gets to touch my cock!"

"Um...yes, but that will be at the end of the massage," Niki replied.

"Fine," the man said as he laid down face first on the massage table. Niki squirted some massage oil onto her hands and began massaging his back. Her hands went up and down his back and legs, relaxing his muscles greatly.

She then had him flip over head up and messaged his chest and stomach. The man was getting impatient. "So when are you going to stroke my cock?" he asked.

"At the end of the massage, sir." she replied.

"No. I want my happy ending now!" he replied.

Irritated, Niki gave in. "OK, fine" she said.

She opened up his white towel and gazed at his penis. It was small and unimpressive. "I'm stroking this?" she thought to herself. "No wonder he's impatient. He needs help getting hard."

She squirted some oil on her hands and started to stroke his cock. It got a little bit harder after awhile, but still wasn't impressive. He soon tired of the hand job and wanted more.

"I want you to suck my cock now," he said.

"Sir, we only do hand jobs, not blowjobs," Niki replied.

Not satisfied with her answer, the man grabbed Niki's head with two hands and forced her head toward his crotch. "I said suck my cock, you Chink bitch!" he yelled. Niki gagged on his cock as he forced it in and her out of mouth. After a minute, he shot a big load in her mouth and she gagged some more. "Now that was a happy ending!" he said enthusiastically.

That comment made Niki snap. She freed her head from her grasp and slapped him hard in the face. "You DO NOT touch me!" she said to him in a angry tone.

"Do you know who I am? I can do whatever I want!," the man replied as he slapped her in the face with a harder blow, knocking her to the ground as he left the room.

Niki staggered to get back up. Then, Mrs. Wong appeared at the doorway and said: "Niki. May I speak to you in my office?" Yes, Mrs. Wong," she replied.

She followed her into the office and closed the door behind her. Mrs. Wong had a stern look on her face. "Niki. I'm going to have to let you go," she said.

"What? Why?" Niki asked.

"Because the last client that you massaged was our landlord. He complained to me that you slapped him and he wants me to fire you."

"But he assaulted me by shoving my head into his crotch! I could not stand by and let him do that to me!"

"I'm sorry that he did that to you, but I have no choice. He threatened to end my lease if I didn't fire you. So here is your last paycheck and I wish you luck." Mrs. Wong said.

"Fine" Niki said as she took the check and walked out of the room. She got in her car and left the parlor. She cried the whole way back to her apartment. Newly unemployed, she was uncertain about what her future would be and how she would pay the bills.

She arrived at her apartment and noticed that the door was cracked open. "That's weird," she thought, "I don't remember leaving it open."

She pushed open the door and found two attractive young women sitting on her couch in the living room. One was a brunette with black sunglasses, shirt, skirt and knee-high boots. The other was a blonde with black sunglasses, black sleeveless shirt, camo pants and short boots. They looked like they were waiting for her.

"Hello, Niki." the brunette said. "We've been expecting you."

"Who are you?" Niki replied.

"I'm Britt. That's Tanya. We're a part of a terrorist organization that sticks it to the man."

Niki's eyes lit up in horror. "Oh shit," she thought "What have I gotten myself into."

"I don't want any trouble," Niki said.

"Don't worry," Britt replied, "we don't want to harm you. We do want to harm the man who you gave a massage to this afternoon."

"The one with the slicked back hair? How did you know? Niki asked.

"You see, Niki, that man is Parker Worthington. He's one of the biggest slumlords in the city. He's notorious for kicking out his tenants if he doesn't get his way, whether they paid the rent on time or not. He's a scumbag that needs to be stopped."

"Our organization has been tracking his every move for the past few weeks with undercover spies. One of them happened to be at the massage parlor today when he assaulted you." Britt said.

"I can't believe that he did that to me and got me fired." Niki said angrily. "I fucking hate his guts."

"I'm sorry that he did that to you," Britt said. "You are his latest victim. That's why we need your help to stop him."

"Me? Join a terrorist organization? I'm just not sure about that," Niki said. "Besides, I don't know how to shoot a gun."

"Oh, that's easy. We can teach you how to do that," Britt said. "Besides, don't you want revenge for what that motherfucker did to you? What have you got to lose now that you're unemployed? You have nothing to hold you back."

By telling all of the information to Niki, Britt had a lot to lose. Just like with Tanya years ago, she knew that she would have to kill Niki if she didn't accept the offer. But she knew that the organization needed more women terrorists and Niki seemed like the perfect candidate. Like her and Tanya, Niki was young, attractive and had an axe to grind.

Niki saw Britt's point. She had nothing to lose and wanted revenge against Parker. Besides, joining an organization with two young, attractive women such as herself sounded like fun.

"OK. I'm in," Niki replied.

"Excellent!" Britt replied. "But before we do anything, you need to change into some better looking clothes. That masseuse outfit will not do in this organization."

"What should I wear then?" Niki asked.

"How about this?" Tanya said holding up a black leather tube top. "I found it in your closet. I think that you would look bad and sexy wearing this."

"Nice choice, Tanya! I agree." Britt said

Niki hadn't worn that tube top in years. She used to wear it when she went on a night out with her girlfriends. But seeing how Britt and Tanya were wearing black clothing, it seemed like a good time to wear it again. "OK, I'll go change into this." Niki said.

She went into her bedroom to change. After 10 minutes, she came out wearing the tube top along with red tinted sunglasses, khaki pants and short black boots. She was ready to go.

"DAAAAMMMMNNNN girl! You look fine!" Britt and Tanya said together.

Niki blushed and said "thanks."

They got into Britt's car and drove to the terrorist's headquarters: the Warehouse. There the girls introduced Niki to the leader of the organization: Master. "So you're Niki?" Master asked. "Yes, sir," Niki replied.

"I'm sorry that scumbag assaulted you. Sex is supposed to be fun and consensual. What he did was neither. Are you ready to make him pay?" Master asked

"I'm ready to make that fucker pay." Niki answered.

"Good." Master replied. "Ladies, take her to our shooting range and let her try out shooting some guns."

"Yes, Master." Britt and Tanya replied.

They took her to the warehouse's shooting range where there were three guns laid out for Niki to use: a handgun, a shotgun and a AK-47. "Which one do you want to shoot first?" Britt asked.

"Which one does the most damage? Niki asked?

"Either the shotgun or the AK-47," Britt answered.

The AK-47 looked really appealing to Niki. "I'll shoot the AK first."

Niki picked up the gun and held it up to her face. She viewed the target and fired off a round. She held the gun steady as she shot the target. The reverberation of the gun gave her an exhilarating feeling, even turning her on just a little bit. After shooting all of the bullets in the magazine, Britt asked Niki: "how did you feel shooting the AK?"

"It felt just right . This is the gun for me." Niki replied.

"Excellent." Britt replied. "Now you're ready to fuck Parker up."

"That fucker's gonna pay dearly." Niki said. "What's next?"

"We'll kidnap Parker and bring him here for you to torture." Tanya said. "Have any idea of what you want to do to him?"

"Oh, I've got an idea." Niki said with a devilish smile.

Later that night...

Parker Worthington wakes up to find out that he's chained down on a table face up and completely naked. "What the fuck's going on?!" he shouts.

Just then, Niki appeared from out of the shadows. "Hello Parker. Remember me?"

"You're that bitch that slapped me at the parlor!" he answered.

"And you're the asshole who sexually assaulted me!" Niki replied

"Hey, you should be grateful that you got to suck a cock that's as great as mine!" he said arrogantly.

"That pathetic little thing?" Niki asked. "It's nothing compared to my cock!"

Niki unzipped her khaki pants and took out her 10 inch strap-on dildo. It was a monster compared to his tiny green bean. Parker looked at it in horror.

"Suck this cock, bitch!" Niki said as she forcefully stuck her cock into Parker's mouth. She face fucked him good for the next five minutes, making him gag on her cock. "You like it rough, don't you? Niki tauntingly asked him. "Mmmph!" Parker tried to speak.

She then took the cock out of his mouth and stuck it straight into his asshole. Parker moaned in agony as Niki thrusted her strap-on deeper and faster inside his ass. After a few minutes, his tiny cock came with a tiny drop of cum. "That's all you got?" Niki asked tauntingly. "You're a fucking pathetic man. But not for long."

Niki then took out the AK-47 and shot three bullets into his crotch. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Parker screamed in horror as his cock was totally destroyed.

"Who's the man now?" Niki asked.

She then climbed on top of him on the table, stuck the barrel of the AK in his mouth, and said these parting words to him: "Take this, bitch." She pulled the trigger and blew his head off. Niki felt a sense of relief afterwards. "Now THAT was a happy ending!" she said.

"Well done, Niki!" Master said as he, Britt, Tanya and the rest of the organization came out of the shadows.

"Thank you, Master." Niki said

"I think that you'll be a valuable member to our organization. Welcome." Master said as he stuck out his hand to Niki. She shook his hand as the rest of the organization cheered.

Afterwards, Niki, Britt and Tanya were the only three left in the room. "That strap-on of yours is impressive." Britt said, getting closer to Niki. "Why don't you show Tanya and I how you use it?"

"Gladly." Niki replied as she accepted Britt's kiss. The three of them went off to Britt & Tanya's room to have some celebratory fun.

The Present

Niki wakes up from her daydream to see three of her fellow male terrorists standing before her in her room. "I wonder what they want?" Niki thought

To Be Continued...


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2019
Niki Tube Top Origin Story

Inside her room at the Warehouse, terrorist Niki Tube Top is cleaning her beloved AK-47 gun. Her organization is planning to hijack an oil tanker next week, and she's making sure that her weapon is ready to go for the big day. She finishes cleaning the gun and raises it up to her face. She pretends to shoot the gun and any good guys that get in her way, mouthing her battle cry "Die Fuckers Die!" She then puts the gun down and wipes the sweat from her forehead. She looks around the room and thinks about how lucky she is to be with an organization that has felt like a family to her. It's better than the situation that she was in a few years ago.

The Past

It was a hot summer day in Chinatown. Business was booming at Mrs. Wong's Asian Massage Parlor. Niki was almost done with her shift and she was exhausted. She has been working at the parlor ever since she came to America two years ago. This was the only job available to her, because she didn't know much English at the time to get a job outside Chinatown.

Since then, she has worked her way up to become the best masseuse at the parlor. She enjoys the job, with the exception of giving the "happy ending" hand job to the clients. If they were in their twenties like she was, then she would enjoy doing them. But the clients are middle age to old men, and sometimes it takes awhile for them to get hard. They leave great tips, though, so doing it isn't too bad.

Mrs. Wong peeked her head through the curtain in the doorway, "Niki! One more customer!"

"Yes, Mrs. Wong", Niki replied.

A man soon appeared at the doorway. He was a middle-aged man with slick-backed black hair and a white towel draped around his torso. He looked at Niki and said: "So you're the lucky lady who gets to touch my cock!"

"Um...yes, but that will be at the end of the massage," Niki replied.

"Fine," the man said as he laid down face first on the massage table. Niki squirted some massage oil onto her hands and began massaging his back. Her hands went up and down his back and legs, relaxing his muscles greatly.

She then had him flip over head up and messaged his chest and stomach. The man was getting impatient. "So when are you going to stroke my cock?" he asked.

"At the end of the massage, sir." she replied.

"No. I want my happy ending now!" he replied.

Irritated, Niki gave in. "OK, fine" she said.

She opened up his white towel and gazed at his penis. It was small and unimpressive. "I'm stroking this?" she thought to herself. "No wonder he's impatient. He needs help getting hard."

She squirted some oil on her hands and started to stroke his cock. It got a little bit harder after awhile, but still wasn't impressive. He soon tired of the hand job and wanted more.

"I want you to suck my cock now," he said.

"Sir, we only do hand jobs, not blowjobs," Niki replied.

Not satisfied with her answer, the man grabbed Niki's head with two hands and forced her head toward his crotch. "I said suck my cock, you Chink bitch!" he yelled. Niki gagged on his cock as he forced it in and her out of mouth. After a minute, he shot a big load in her mouth and she gagged some more. "Now that was a happy ending!" he said enthusiastically.

That comment made Niki snap. She freed her head from her grasp and slapped him hard in the face. "You DO NOT touch me!" she said to him in a angry tone.

"Do you know who I am? I can do whatever I want!," the man replied as he slapped her in the face with a harder blow, knocking her to the ground as he left the room.

Niki staggered to get back up. Then, Mrs. Wong appeared at the doorway and said: "Niki. May I speak to you in my office?" Yes, Mrs. Wong," she replied.

She followed her into the office and closed the door behind her. Mrs. Wong had a stern look on her face. "Niki. I'm going to have to let you go," she said.

"What? Why?" Niki asked.

"Because the last client that you massaged was our landlord. He complained to me that you slapped him and he wants me to fire you."

"But he assaulted me by shoving my head into his crotch! I could not stand by and let him do that to me!"

"I'm sorry that he did that to you, but I have no choice. He threatened to end my lease if I didn't fire you. So here is your last paycheck and I wish you luck." Mrs. Wong said.

"Fine" Niki said as she took the check and walked out of the room. She got in her car and left the parlor. She cried the whole way back to her apartment. Newly unemployed, she was uncertain about what her future would be and how she would pay the bills.

She arrived at her apartment and noticed that the door was cracked open. "That's weird," she thought, "I don't remember leaving it open."

She pushed open the door and found two attractive young women sitting on her couch in the living room. One was a brunette with black sunglasses, shirt, skirt and knee-high boots. The other was a blonde with black sunglasses, black sleeveless shirt, camo pants and short boots. They looked like they were waiting for her.

"Hello, Niki." the brunette said. "We've been expecting you."

"Who are you?" Niki replied.

"I'm Britt. That's Tanya. We're a part of a terrorist organization that sticks it to the man."

Niki's eyes lit up in horror. "Oh shit," she thought "What have I gotten myself into."

"I don't want any trouble," Niki said.

"Don't worry," Britt replied, "we don't want to harm you. We do want to harm the man who you gave a massage to this afternoon."

"The one with the slicked back hair? How did you know? Niki asked.

"You see, Niki, that man is Parker Worthington. He's one of the biggest slumlords in the city. He's notorious for kicking out his tenants if he doesn't get his way, whether they paid the rent on time or not. He's a scumbag that needs to be stopped."

"Our organization has been tracking his every move for the past few weeks with undercover spies. One of them happened to be at the massage parlor today when he assaulted you." Britt said.

"I can't believe that he did that to me and got me fired." Niki said angrily. "I fucking hate his guts."

"I'm sorry that he did that to you," Britt said. "You are his latest victim. That's why we need your help to stop him."

"Me? Join a terrorist organization? I'm just not sure about that," Niki said. "Besides, I don't know how to shoot a gun."

"Oh, that's easy. We can teach you how to do that," Britt said. "Besides, don't you want revenge for what that motherfucker did to you? What have you got to lose now that you're unemployed? You have nothing to hold you back."

By telling all of the information to Niki, Britt had a lot to lose. Just like with Tanya years ago, she knew that she would have to kill Niki if she didn't accept the offer. But she knew that the organization needed more women terrorists and Niki seemed like the perfect candidate. Like her and Tanya, Niki was young, attractive and had an axe to grind.

Niki saw Britt's point. She had nothing to lose and wanted revenge against Parker. Besides, joining an organization with two young, attractive women such as herself sounded like fun.

"OK. I'm in," Niki replied.

"Excellent!" Britt replied. "But before we do anything, you need to change into some better looking clothes. That masseuse outfit will not do in this organization."

"What should I wear then?" Niki asked.

"How about this?" Tanya said holding up a black leather tube top. "I found it in your closet. I think that you would look bad and sexy wearing this."

"Nice choice, Tanya! I agree." Britt said

Niki hadn't worn that tube top in years. She used to wear it when she went on a night out with her girlfriends. But seeing how Britt and Tanya were wearing black clothing, it seemed like a good time to wear it again. "OK, I'll go change into this." Niki said.

She went into her bedroom to change. After 10 minutes, she came out wearing the tube top along with red tinted sunglasses, khaki pants and short black boots. She was ready to go.

"DAAAAMMMMNNNN girl! You look fine!" Britt and Tanya said together.

Niki blushed and said "thanks."

They got into Britt's car and drove to the terrorist's headquarters: the Warehouse. There the girls introduced Niki to the leader of the organization: Master. "So you're Niki?" Master asked. "Yes, sir," Niki replied.

"I'm sorry that scumbag assaulted you. Sex is supposed to be fun and consensual. What he did was neither. Are you ready to make him pay?" Master asked

"I'm ready to make that fucker pay." Niki answered.

"Good." Master replied. "Ladies, take her to our shooting range and let her try out shooting some guns."

"Yes, Master." Britt and Tanya replied.

They took her to the warehouse's shooting range where there were three guns laid out for Niki to use: a handgun, a shotgun and a AK-47. "Which one do you want to shoot first?" Britt asked.

"Which one does the most damage? Niki asked?

"Either the shotgun or the AK-47," Britt answered.

The AK-47 looked really appealing to Niki. "I'll shoot the AK first."

Niki picked up the gun and held it up to her face. She viewed the target and fired off a round. She held the gun steady as she shot the target. The reverberation of the gun gave her an exhilarating feeling, even turning her on just a little bit. After shooting all of the bullets in the magazine, Britt asked Niki: "how did you feel shooting the AK?"

"It felt just right . This is the gun for me." Niki replied.

"Excellent." Britt replied. "Now you're ready to fuck Parker up."

"That fucker's gonna pay dearly." Niki said. "What's next?"

"We'll kidnap Parker and bring him here for you to torture." Tanya said. "Have any idea of what you want to do to him?"

"Oh, I've got an idea." Niki said with a devilish smile.

Later that night...

Parker Worthington wakes up to find out that he's chained down on a table face up and completely naked. "What the fuck's going on?!" he shouts.

Just then, Niki appeared from out of the shadows. "Hello Parker. Remember me?"

"You're that bitch that slapped me at the parlor!" he answered.

"And you're the asshole who sexually assaulted me!" Niki replied

"Hey, you should be grateful that you got to suck a cock that's as great as mine!" he said arrogantly.

"That pathetic little thing?" Niki asked. "It's nothing compared to my cock!"

Niki unzipped her khaki pants and took out her 10 inch strap-on dildo. It was a monster compared to his tiny green bean. Parker looked at it in horror.

"Suck this cock, bitch!" Niki said as she forcefully stuck her cock into Parker's mouth. She face fucked him good for the next five minutes, making him gag on her cock. "You like it rough, don't you? Niki tauntingly asked him. "Mmmph!" Parker tried to speak.

She then took the cock out of his mouth and stuck it straight into his asshole. Parker moaned in agony as Niki thrusted her strap-on deeper and faster inside his ass. After a few minutes, his tiny cock came with a tiny drop of cum. "That's all you got?" Niki asked tauntingly. "You're a fucking pathetic man. But not for long."

Niki then took out the AK-47 and shot three bullets into his crotch. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Parker screamed in horror as his cock was totally destroyed.

"Who's the man now?" Niki asked.

She then climbed on top of him on the table, stuck the barrel of the AK in his mouth, and said these parting words to him: "Take this, bitch." She pulled the trigger and blew his head off. Niki felt a sense of relief afterwards. "Now THAT was a happy ending!" she said.

"Well done, Niki!" Master said as he, Britt, Tanya and the rest of the organization came out of the shadows.

"Thank you, Master." Niki said

"I think that you'll be a valuable member to our organization. Welcome." Master said as he stuck out his hand to Niki. She shook his hand as the rest of the organization cheered.

Afterwards, Niki, Britt and Tanya were the only three left in the room. "That strap-on of yours is impressive." Britt said, getting closer to Niki. "Why don't you show Tanya and I how you use it?"

"Gladly." Niki replied as she accepted Britt's kiss. The three of them went off to Britt & Tanya's room to have some celebratory fun.

The Present

Niki wakes up from her daydream to see three of her fellow male terrorists standing before her in her room. "I wonder what they want?" Niki thought

To Be Continued...
This was great! Cool origins for an underrated zako in the game. Looking forward to the next part.


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Niki Tube Top Squirts, Sucks and Fucks With The Boys


Fan art of Niki Tube Top sucking dick. Artwork by PervyAngel

Niki Tube Top wakes up from her daydream to find three of her fellow male terrorists, Leon, Chad and Rodney, standing before her in her room at the Warehouse. They all give her a look that suggested that they're up to something. "I wonder what they want." she thought to herself.

"Sup, Niki?" Leon asked her.

"Sup, fellas." Niki replied. "Just cleaning my gun, getting ready for the big oil tanker hijacking next week. What are you boys up to?"

"Since we saw you cleaning your gun, we were wondering if you would clean our guns, too." Leon said

"Leon, do you think that I know how to clean that rocket launcher of yours?" she said

"No, not that gun. This gun!" Leon replied as he grabbed his crotch. His love gun was rock hard and bulging out of his pants. Chad and Rodney's cocks were the same way.

"Oooohhhh...those guns." Niki said in a sexually arousing way. She knew exactly what they wanted, and that was her. She wanted them, too. Her nipples got hard and bulged out of her leather tube top. Her pussy was getting wet just looking at their bulging cocks. She couldn't let three hard cocks go to waste.

"OK boys." She said. "Come over here and feel me up."

The guys came over to Niki and started touching her. She made out with Leon in front of her while Chad felt up her side and Rodney was behind her feeling up her backside. Leon stuck his right hand inside Niki's khaki pants and started playing with her pussy. "You're already wet. I like that." Leon said. Niki smiled as she softly moaned.

Rodney then unzipped the back of Niki's tube top and freed her huge, lactating breasts. "Drink up, boys. There's plenty of milk to go around." She told them. Leon and Chad started suckling from her udders while she made out with Rodney. "God, your milk tastes so good." Chad said. "I've been thinking about drinking it all day." Leon added.

Leon then got up to let Rodney suckle her breast and started taking off Niki's pants. After successfully getting them off, he started to eat her out. Niki moaned louder as her boys give her all of the attention that she craved.

After a few minutes, Leon finds her G-spot. Niki can't take it anymore. "I'm cumming!!!" she screamed as she unloaded a torrent of juicy cum all over Leon's face. "That was delicious!" Leon said.

"Okay, boys. Time to show me the goods." Niki told them. One by one the took off their pants and presented their rock hard cocks to her. Leon's was the biggest; it was almost as long as his rocket launcher. Chad's was medium sized and Rodney's was small. Most women would laugh at a cock like Rodney's, but Niki and the rest of the TTBs love all cocks no matter their size.

They stood in a circle around her as she cleaned their guns. Leon's was in her mouth while she stroked the other two with her hands. He face fucked her good and fast, making her gag on his cock. She then sucked Chad's cock, lubing it up so he could titty fuck her tits.

Lastly, she sucked Rodney's cock. Out of the three guys, Rodney was the most excited to be fucking Niki Tube Top. He had a huge crush on her ever since he joined the organization. He had been too shy to ask Niki to fuck with him before, but with Leon and Chad's help, his number one fantasy was coming true.

Niki sensed that Rodney had a thing for her and decided to talk to him dirty. "You like it when I suck your cock, Rodney?" she asked him.

"Yes, I do." he said.

"Is this how you dreamed it would be? Me, on my knees, worshipping your cock?" she asked.

"Yes, Niki. It's exactly how I dreamed it." he answered.

"I know that you fantasize about fucking me, Rodney. I overheard you masterbating to me in your room one night. You were moaning my name as you shot your load all over yourself, wishing that it was my face instead." she said with a wink.

"Niki, I wanted to fuck you since the day that I met you." he said.

"Well, Rodney. Today is your lucky day." she said as she got onto her bed on all fours. "Come fuck me, big boy."

Rodney got behind her and stuck his cock into her tight, wet pussy. His cock felt really good being inside her. Niki moaned as he thrusted his cock in and out of her.

"You like that, slut?" Rodney asked her.

"Yes, Daddy!" Niki replied. "Fuck me harder!"

He fucked her harder and harder, grabbing her black hair and pulling it. After a few minutes, her pussy couldn't take it anymore. "I'm cumming!" she yelled as she came on his cock. She then leaned up against Rodney and made out with him. "How did it feel being inside me, baby?" she asked him. "Fucking amazing. It was beyond my wildest dreams." he answered. "That's what I thought you would say." she said with a devilish smile as she continued to kiss him.

"All right, you two, that's enough." Chad said. "It's my turn now."

"Ok, baby." Niki said as Chad came over and stuck his cock in her. Chad also fucked Niki doggystyle, fucking her harder than Rodney. She came on his cock in a shorter amount of time than she did with Rodney.

"I know how to fuck you good." Chad told her.

"You do, baby." Niki said.
Niki Tube Top-& lover -new commission-jeff-jaardel-2021.jpg

Chad Fucking Niki. Artwork by Jardel Cruz.

"But now here comes the best for last!" Leon said as he approached her. He wanted to fuck Niki in the missionary position. He stuck his rocket launcher of a penis inside her vagina and fucked her the hardest out of the three. In the past his cock was too big for her, but over the years he stretched her out enough for her to take it easier.

" I fucking love your rocket launcher, Leon!" she said in ecstasy.

"I'm gonna launch my rockets all up in this pussy!" he said.

"Not yet, baby," she pleaded. "Let's save that for the grand finale."

"OK" he replied as she came on his cock.
Niki Tube Top-& lover Leon -new commission-jeff-jaardel-2021.jpg

Leon Fucking Niki. Artwork by JardelCruzArt

She then got out her Hitachi wand and put it against her pussy. The boys got on their knees, waiting for her to squirt. The vibrations made her super wet. "I'M CUMMMIIIMNNGGGG!!!!!" she shouted as she squirted huge loads of cum all over her boys.

"Now it's your turn to cum." she said. "I want you all to cum inside me."

Niki sat her pussy down on Leon's cock while Chad and Rodney entered theirs in her asshole and mouth respectively in a triple penetration. After a few minutes, the boys were all ready to blow.

"I want you to fill me up, boys! Launch those rockets! Fucking fill all my holes with your cum!" she told them. "I definitely want to taste your cum, Rodney. Gonna let it pool up in my mouth and then swallow it down to my belly. Would you like that, Rodney?

"Fuck yeah I would, Niki!" Rodney replied.

"I'm cumming!" Leon said

"Me too!" Chad and Rodney replied.

All three men came in Niki at the same time. A feeling of ecstatic euphoria washed over her as their warm cum entered her body. It was a feeling not many women experience in their lifetime.

The four lovers were all exhausted afterwards. "Thanks for the great fuck, boys!" Niki said as she gave them all a kiss. "Let's hit the showers."

"Hey, Niki." Leon said. "You're on the pill, right?"

"What pill?" she asked. A worrisome look appeared on his face.

She then lightly punched him on the arm and said "I'm just kidding. Of course I'm on the pill!" Leon was relieved.

They all went to the shower room where the boys gave Niki a golden shower before washing themselves clean. Afterwards, Niki spent the night with Rodney in his room.
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Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Tanya Loses A Shotgun Duel

The airport has been hijacked by the terrorist organization. The Anti-Terrorism Task Force has the airport surrounded and is waiting to strike. Inside the bottom floor of the air traffic control tower, one of the terrorists, Tanya, gets bored waiting for the action to happen. To kill time, she fantasizes about sucking one of her fellow male terrorist's cocks to satisfy her never-ceasing hunger for cum. She then decides to make her fantasy come true. She looks around at all of the guys in the room and quickly decides that none of them appeal to her, because she fucked all of them recently.

She then looks in the other room through the security gate and sees her fellow terrorist Sal, commonly known as "Sal the Slasher" because he attacks the good guys with his beloved chainsaw. She hadn't fucked Sal in awhile, so she set her sights on him.

"Hey, Sal." Tanya said seductively. "Why don't you and I have some fun?"

"Tanya, are you crazy?! We're in the middle of a standoff!" Sal replied.

"C'mon, Sal. Don't you want me to get your dick wet?" she asked. Sal looked at Tanya all over. The blonde woman looked super sexy wearing all black clothing with her shirt opened to reveal her cleavage. Sal's cock was getting harder just looking at her. He also realized that this maybe the last chance for him to be sucked off by Tanya before getting killed or captured by the authorities.

He quickly changed his mind. "OK, Tanya. Come suck this cock." He unzipped his pants and revealed his cock to her. He stuck it through one of the openings in the security gate to the other side, making it a unique glory hole.

Tanya took his cock in her right hand and started sucking it. After a few minutes, she unbuttoned her shirt and took out her gorgeous breasts. Sal immediately started titty-fucking them. "You like how that feels, Sal?", Tanya asked him. "I fucking love it!" Sal replied.

Sal looked up and saw the other male terrorists were looking at them. They were envious of him and wanted Tanya to suck them off, too. But when Tanya chooses who she wants to fuck, no one else is invited. So they have no choice but to jack off to the action.

After fucking Tanya's face good, Sal's ready to blow. "Cum all over my face, or I'll blow your cock off with my shotgun!" Tanya commanded. Amused, Sal replied: "You know that I can slice you in half, right?" "Oh... yeah," Tanya answered as he came all over her face, telling her to "take it, bitch." "That warm cum feels so good on my face." Tanya said as she rubbed it into her skin. "Thank you, baby."

Just then, Rodney alerts the terrorists that the Anti-Terrorism Task Force has entered the building. Sal, Tanya and the rest of the terrorists get into position and await for them to arrive.

After a few minutes, ATTF Commander Dick Johnson bursts through the ventilation shaft and takes the terrorists by surprise. He shoots at them with his shotgun, mowing down one by one. Dick turns towards the security where Sal is waiting to meet him. Sal jumps up from his hiding place, ready to strike with his chainsaw. Before he could slash him in half, Dick fires three shots at Sal, striking and killing him instantly. As he fell, his chainsaw hit the floor and buzzed away.

Tanya then appears with her trusty shotgun, ready to kill the fucker who killed her fuckboy. "Prepare to die, fucker!" she yells as she fires a shot at Dick. Her shot misses and Dick replied "take this, bitch!" He then proceeded to shoot Tanya 10 times with his shotgun. She grunts each time that she's hit, until Dick moves on to the next terrorist. Tanya finally drops to the ground dead, left to bleed out.



Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Niki Red, Niki Dominatrix, Amy Red and Pals Get A Taste of Their Own Medicine

The terrorist organization has taken over an oil tanker. They plan to steal all of the oil on the tanker and sell it on the black market.

While most of the terrorists are loading the barrels of oil onto their ship, some of them decided to torture some of the tanker's hostages just for fun. One of the terrorists, Niki Dominatrix, has turned a room on the tanker into a makeshift sex dungeon. She has one of the crew members naked and chained up to a big wooden X with his backside showing. He screams out in horror as she whips his ass with her cattails whip. "You've been a very bad boy." Niki said seductively taunting him. "I'm going to have to punish you some more!"

She put down the cattails and unzipped her pants to unveil her erect penis. "No, please don't!" the crew member pleaded. Ignoring his pleas, the shemale stuck her cock in his asshole without any lube and proceeded to fuck him. "Oooh, this asshole is tight!" she squealed in delight as she thrusted in and out of it. "Uhhh! Uhhh! Please stop!" he moaned in pain, tears running down his face. But there was no stopping until Niki Dominatrix was satisfied. After a few minutes, she made a cream pie in his asshole. "Well that was fun," she said. Being finished with him, she pulled out one of her uzis and shot him in the back of the head.

In the adjacent room, Amy Red and Niki Red were torturing some more crew members, kicking them repeatedly in the crotch while they were chained up to the wall. "How do you like that?" Amy tauntingly asked them. "Please! No more!" one of them shouted. "Too bad," Niki Red replied as she lifted her foot onto a crew member's dick and pressed it against the wall. The pain was even more excruciating for him. "Uhhhh!!!" he moaned out in pain. The pressure of her foot pinning his scrotum to the wall caused it to be crushed. Blood squirted everywhere as the crew member screamed out in horror.

Niki laughed sadistically at the carnage she created. "Oh, you poor boy! she said. "I guess now you can't enjoy Amy and I having some fun." She then pulled Amy close to her and they made out. Niki reached into Amy's black shirt and groped her breasts. "I always preferred women to men." Niki said.

"Is that an erection I see?" Amy asked another crew member, then kicked him. "" he said. "Good. There better not be!" she replied as Niki unbuttoned her shirt and sucked on her boobs.

Just then, a shirtless fat guy with sunglasses came in. He was carrying a mini gun in his hands. Amy and Niki chuckled with delight and said "Well, well, well. Look who's here."

"What's up, ladies?" the man replied.

"Ready to have some fun, Fat Fuck?" Amy asked him.

"Fuck yeah I am! Ready to fuck these boys up and fuck you, too!" Fat Fuck replied as he unzipped his pants to reveal his thick, rock hard cock. The crew was horrified.

Realizing that Amy and Fat Fuck had a thing for each other, Niki decided to let them take care of the crew and go see what Niki Dominatrix was up to in the next room. "You two have fun," she said as she closed the door behind her.

In the next room, Niki Dominatrix and fellow male terrorist Frank were having some fun with a female hostage. She had long blonde hair, was in her twenties and was decked out in a white tank top and blue jeans. She was on her knees and sucking their cocks.

"Who's the babe?" Red asked.

"She says her name is Audrey." Frank replied. "I found her in the captain's quarters."

"The Captain's daughter?" Red asked

"No, his sidepiece!" Frank said with a laugh.

"Mmmmm...let me in on this action," Red said seductively as she unzipped her pants and revealed her pussy. Dominatrix commanded Audrey to eat Red out.

"Oh shit, she's good!" Red exclaimed

"She'll make a great sex slave for the organization." Dominatrix said. "Unless we decide to kill her like the rest of the crew."

As she said that, screams and gunfire came from the other room. Fat Fuck was executing the helpless crew with his mini gun, while Amy rode his cock. The multiple bullets to their bodies cause their heads to explode as blood covered the walls. The vibration of the mini gun caused Fat Fuck to shoot up Amy's pussy with cum from his love gun. It was a messy massacre.

Audrey was scared. She continued to suck their cocks and lick Red's pussy until they eventually came on her face. She hoped someone would come rescue her from a life of enslavement or, worse, death.

Just then, the sound of gunfire came from the deck of the ship. The Anti-Terrorist Task Force had invaded the ship and was doing battle with the terrorists.

"We got to go," Dominatrix said, "We'll come back for you." She then kissed Audrey on the lips and the three terrorists proceeded to the deck.

Seeing that she was alone in the room, Audrey tried to sneak out. Her attempt failed when Amy Red and Fat Fuck entered the room. "Well well well. Who's this babe?" Fat Fuck said. "I don't know, but I say we should have some fun with her." Amy replied, flashing a devilish smile.

"Please, don't hurt me!" Audrey begged.

"Come suck this thick cock!" Fat Fuck commanded. Once again, Audrey was being used as a fuck doll against her will by the terrorists.

On the deck of the tanker, Special Ops Commander Dick Johnson is fighting terrorists left and right. Frank suddenly appears, pulling out his two hand guns from his trench coat and starts to shoot at Dick. "Eat led, copper!" Frank says. Dick is not amused and proceeds to shoot Frank 14 times with his handgun. The multiple bullets to his body cause Frank to dance. As Frank danced, Nikis Red, Dominatrix and Pink jumped out to shoot at Dick with their uzis. Finished with Frank, he aims at Red's pussy and fires 3 slugs into it. Red covers her destroyed pussy with her Uzi-clutched hands, screams in agony and falls to the side in pain.

Dick then takes aim at Dominatrix. Her cleavage showing as she jumped from the balcony already caught the corner of his eye. He aimed at her crotch and fired 4 slugs into it. The bullets caused her to rock back and forth. Like Red, she screamed in horror and covered her destroyed dick with her Uzi-clutched hands, collapsing to her knees. Niki Pink escaped, so Dick moved on to the next terrorists while two other members of the Anti-Terrorist Task Force confiscated Red and Dominatrix's uzis, forced them to suck their dicks until they came, then executed them with bullets to the head.

In the room below, Fat Fuck fucks Audrey with his big cock while she eats Amy out. After a few minutes, he is ready to blow. "I'm cumming!!!" he shouts as he shoots his load deep into Audrey's pussy. "Good boy!" Amy squealed with delight. Soon afterwards, the reality of what's happening outside comes back to them. "Oh shit! I gotta go up there!" Fat Fuck said. "You go ahead, while I'll stay here and eat your cum out of her." Amy said, giving him a goodbye kiss.

She then goes behind Audrey and starts eating her out. "I love eating Fat Fuck's cum out of another woman." Amy replied.

"What are you going to do now?" Audrey asked frighteningly.

"Now that we're done with you, I'm going to kill you!" Amy replied with a villainous laugh as she reached for her sub machine gun.

"No! Please don't!!!" Audrey begged her.

As Amy pointed at her potential victim, she heard a cry of agony from above. It was Fat Fuck getting shot six times by Dick Johnson. The repeated shots caused his head to explode. Blood gushed out like a geyser as his headless body fell to its knees.

Amy rushed out of the room to kill the bastard who killed her fuck buddy. Before she could get a shot off, Dick shot her 13 times. She grunted "ooh!" with each shot until her head exploded as well.

Dick entered the room to see if anyone was there. He encountered a frightened Audrey. "Are you ok? Dick asked. Audrey rushed towards him and hugged him, replying "I'm so glad that you saved me! I could have died!" "Let's get you out of here" he said.

The tanker was secured and ridden of terrorists. Dick and Audrey got on a helicopter and headed back to the shore.


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2019
Niki Red, Niki Dominatrix, Amy Red and Pals Get A Taste of Their Own Medicine

The terrorist organization has taken over an oil tanker. They plan to steal all of the oil on the tanker and sell it on the black market.

While most of the terrorists are loading the barrels of oil onto their ship, some of them decided to torture some of the tanker's hostages just for fun. One of the terrorists, Niki Dominatrix, has turned a room on the tanker into a makeshift sex dungeon. She has one of the crew members naked and chained up to a big wooden X with his backside showing. He screams out in horror as she whips his ass with her cattails whip. "You've been a very bad boy." Niki said seductively taunting him. "I'm going to have to punish you some more!"

She put down the cattails and unzipped her pants to unveil her erect penis. "No, please don't!" the crew member pleaded. Ignoring his pleas, the shemale stuck her cock in his asshole without any lube and proceeded to fuck him. "Oooh, this asshole is tight!" she squealed in delight as she thrusted in and out of it. "Uhhh! Uhhh! Please stop!" he moaned in pain, tears running down his face. But there was no stopping until Niki Dominatrix was satisfied. After a few minutes, she made a cream pie in his asshole. "Well that was fun," she said. Being finished with him, she pulled out one of her uzis and shot him in the back of the head.

In the adjacent room, Amy Red and Niki Red were torturing some more crew members, kicking them repeatedly in the crotch while they were chained up to the wall. "How do you like that?" Amy tauntingly asked them. "Please! No more!" one of them shouted. "Too bad," Niki Red replied as she lifted her foot onto a crew member's dick and pressed it against the wall. The pain was even more excruciating for him. "Uhhhh!!!" he moaned out in pain. The pressure of her foot pinning his scrotum to the wall caused it to be crushed. Blood squirted everywhere as the crew member screamed out in horror.

Niki laughed sadistically at the carnage she created. "Oh, you poor boy! she said. "I guess now you can't enjoy Amy and I having some fun." She then pulled Amy close to her and they made out. Niki reached into Amy's black shirt and groped her breasts. "I always preferred women to men." Niki said.

"Is that an erection I see?" Amy asked another crew member, then kicked him. "" he said. "Good. There better not be!" she replied as Niki unbuttoned her shirt and sucked on her boobs.

Just then, a shirtless fat guy with sunglasses came in. He was carrying a mini gun in his hands. Amy and Niki chuckled with delight and said "Well, well, well. Look who's here."

"What's up, ladies?" the man replied.

"Ready to have some fun, Fat Fuck?" Amy asked him.

"Fuck yeah I am! Ready to fuck these boys up and fuck you, too!" Fat Fuck replied as he unzipped his pants to reveal his thick, rock hard cock. The crew was horrified.

Realizing that Amy and Fat Fuck had a thing for each other, Niki decided to let them take care of the crew and go see what Niki Dominatrix was up to in the next room. "You two have fun," she said as she closed the door behind her.

In the next room, Niki Dominatrix and fellow male terrorist Frank were having some fun with a female hostage. She had long blonde hair, was in her twenties and was decked out in a white tank top and blue jeans. She was on her knees and sucking their cocks.

"Who's the babe?" Red asked.

"She says her name is Audrey." Frank replied. "I found her in the captain's quarters."

"The Captain's daughter?" Red asked

"No, his sidepiece!" Frank said with a laugh.

"Mmmmm...let me in on this action," Red said seductively as she unzipped her pants and revealed her pussy. Dominatrix commanded Audrey to eat Red out.

"Oh shit, she's good!" Red exclaimed

"She'll make a great sex slave for the organization." Dominatrix said. "Unless we decide to kill her like the rest of the crew."

As she said that, screams and gunfire came from the other room. Fat Fuck was executing the helpless crew with his mini gun, while Amy rode his cock. The multiple bullets to their bodies cause their heads to explode as blood covered the walls. The vibration of the mini gun caused Fat Fuck to shoot up Amy's pussy with cum from his love gun. It was a messy massacre.

Audrey was scared. She continued to suck their cocks and lick Red's pussy until they eventually came on her face. She hoped someone would come rescue her from a life of enslavement or, worse, death.

Just then, the sound of gunfire came from the deck of the ship. The Anti-Terrorist Task Force had invaded the ship and was doing battle with the terrorists.

"We got to go," Dominatrix said, "We'll come back for you." She then kissed Audrey on the lips and the three terrorists proceeded to the deck.

Seeing that she was alone in the room, Audrey tried to sneak out. Her attempt failed when Amy Red and Fat Fuck entered the room. "Well well well. Who's this babe?" Fat Fuck said. "I don't know, but I say we should have some fun with her." Amy replied, flashing a devilish smile.

"Please, don't hurt me!" Audrey begged.

"Come suck this thick cock!" Fat Fuck commanded. Once again, Audrey was being used as a fuck doll against her will by the terrorists.

On the deck of the tanker, Special Ops Commander Dick Johnson is fighting terrorists left and right. Frank suddenly appears, pulling out his two hand guns from his trench coat and starts to shoot at Dick. "Eat led, copper!" Frank says. Dick is not amused and proceeds to shoot Frank 14 times with his handgun. The multiple bullets to his body cause Frank to dance. As Frank danced, Nikis Red, Dominatrix and Pink jumped out to shoot at Dick with their uzis. Finished with Frank, he aims at Red's pussy and fires 3 slugs into it. Red covers her destroyed pussy with her Uzi-clutched hands, screams in agony and falls to the side in pain.

Dick then takes aim at Dominatrix. Her cleavage showing as she jumped from the balcony already caught the corner of his eye. He aimed at her crotch and fired 4 slugs into it. The bullets caused her to rock back and forth. Like Red, she screamed in horror and covered her destroyed dick with her Uzi-clutched hands, collapsing to her knees. Niki Pink escaped, so Dick moved on to the next terrorists while two other members of the Anti-Terrorist Task Force confiscated Red and Dominatrix's uzis, forced them to suck their dicks until they came, then executed them with bullets to the head.

In the room below, Fat Fuck fucks Audrey with his big cock while she eats Amy out. After a few minutes, he is ready to blow. "I'm cumming!!!" he shouts as he shoots his load deep into Audrey's pussy. "Good boy!" Amy squealed with delight. Soon afterwards, the reality of what's happening outside comes back to them. "Oh shit! I gotta go up there!" Fat Fuck said. "You go ahead, while I'll stay here and eat your cum out of her." Amy said, giving him a goodbye kiss.

She then goes behind Audrey and starts eating her out. "I love eating Fat Fuck's cum out of another woman." Amy replied.

"What are you going to do now?" Audrey asked frighteningly.

"Now that we're done with you, I'm going to kill you!" Amy replied with a villainous laugh as she reached for her sub machine gun.

"No! Please don't!!!" Audrey begged her.

As Amy pointed at her potential victim, she heard a cry of agony from above. It was Fat Fuck getting shot six times by Dick Johnson. The repeated shots caused his head to explode. Blood gushed out like a geyser as his headless body fell to its knees.

Amy rushed out of the room to kill the bastard who killed her fuck buddy. Before she could get a shot off, Dick shot her 13 times. She grunted "ooh!" with each shot until her head exploded as well.

Dick entered the room to see if anyone was there. He encountered a frightened Audrey. "Are you ok? Dick asked. Audrey rushed towards him and hugged him, replying "I'm so glad that you saved me! I could have died!" "Let's get you out of here" he said.

The tanker was secured and ridden of terrorists. Dick and Audrey got on a helicopter and headed back to the shore.

Love the nickname you gave to the big guy with the mini gun. I wish he could've appeared in the other levels of the game.


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Love the nickname you gave to the big guy with the mini gun. I wish he could've appeared in the other levels of the game.
Thanks! I do, too. Honestly he could have also been a boss character at the end of Level 6.

Idk what your schedule is like , but my goal is to write at least one fan fiction a month.
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Casual Client
Sep 30, 2019
Thanks! I do, too. Honestly he could have also been a boss character at the end of Level 6.

Idk what your schedule is like , but my goal is to write at least one fan fiction a month.
I'm almost finished with one. Hopefully I'll have it posted sometime in a couple days.


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2019
Tanya Breaks in the New Guy

Steve was new to the organization. He had barely gotten the chance to meet everyone. He had met the Master and his daughter Britt. He had met Niki and Amy as well as Audrey and her boyfriend Lou, along with Clyde and Reece and a few others. And then there was Tanya. Out of all of his fellow terrorists, she was the one he had interacted with the least. She was the sexiest woman he had ever seen, which was quite a statement considering that all of the women in the organization were very sexy. Her beautiful blonde hair was something else. Her cleavage looked stunning. Her belly was alluring. It was that black tank top of hers that made her sexiness come off in a big way. Even when she wore that black jacket of hers, she still came off as extremely attractive. And then there was that smirk. That vicious evil little smirk she always presented whenever she sunk her sharp knife into anyone that rubbed her the wrong way.

One time she had caught him checking her out. He was walking back from the restroom and noticed her having a conversation with Britt. Even with her sunglasses on, he knew that her eyes had met his. He was kind of hoping she would give him one of her evil smirks. Instead she simply stared at him with a blank face. When he noticed Britt looking at him as well, he turned his head away and sped towards his room.

During an attack at a nuclear plant, he thought he had spotted her wielding a large metal baseball bat while wearing a black beanie. As much as he enjoyed seeing her using her deadly knife, a part of himself wished he could’ve seen more of her using that bat of hers. Once the group had escaped, he had considered asking her about the bat, but there was something about her presence that he found absolutely terrifying to the point where he was afraid to even ask.

Later that week, the organization began preparing an upcoming attack on a cargo plane. Steve was still exhausted after the most recent one and was skeptical about how they were going to pull it off. As he entered his room and began preparing for sleep, he heard his door opening behind him. She locked it behind her once she closed it.

“Hey there, Steve,” she said, smiling.

He turned around and noticed her. “Hey, Tanya,” he said.

She was wearing her black jacket along with her tight camo pants. For a moment Steve was expecting to see her wielding her trusted knife, but was surprised by its absence.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Thought I come in here to relax for a bit.” She began unzipping her jacket, revealing her hot cleavage exposed from her black tank top. Her arms slowly slid away from the sleeves as she opened it. Then she tossed it across the room where it landed by the little leather chair in Steve’s room.

“It’s a little hot in here, isn’t it?” she asked.

Steve remained silent as his eyes were locked on the top part of her boobs.

“Awwww, why so quiet? Aren’t you happy I’m here?”

Steve’s answer was a slow nod.

“I know I am. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me,” Tanya said as she reached up and wrapped her arms around him. As she leaned in closer, he felt her crotch pressed against his. “You know, I’m a bit hurt over the fact that you’ve been avoiding me since you first joined us.”

Steve wasn’t sure how to respond. He didn’t know that Tanya would be upset over him mostly keeping his distance from her. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I’ve seen you talking with Niki along with Amy and Audrey. But for some reason before a few seconds ago, you’ve only ever spoken to me once. Just one little word was all you said to me.” She began to lean closer to his face. “Do you remember what that little word was?”

Steve shook his head. He couldn’t remember what the word was. Then he felt a cold embrace wrapped around his balls. Her fingers began to squeeze them hard. He gasped in pain.

Then Tanya went to his ear and whispered, “‘Hi.’” She let go of his balls and violently pushed him against his bed. His back briefly bounced off the mattress before settling back down. And then she was on him, with her knife out in front of her face. He felt like fighting back but he couldn’t. She was truly terrifying up close.

“You know something, Steve. I’m a very talkative girl. I hate being quiet. I like hearing my own voice. As much as I like hearing the voices of others. Especially when they cry out in pain. So the fact that you haven’t come to visit me once really pisses me off.” She began to drag the tip of the knife across his shirt up to his chin. He felt a small pinch that turned warm as blood began to slide down his neck. “I can’t wait to hear you scream.”

“Please don’t,” he said.

Then she began laughing as she removed the knife away from his neck. Steve was confused. She fell onto her side against the mattress, dropping the blade on the floor.

“Oh, you should’ve seen the look on your face. You looked absolutely hilarious.” She couldn’t stop laughing.

“What the hell was that?” he asked.

“Don’t worry, sweetie. I’m not gonna kill you. Just wanted to see you look scared shitless for a second. Oh, I’m surprised you didn’t piss your pants.”

Steve looked down at his crotch. His jeans were completely dry.

She rolled over to him after she removed her sunglasses. Her soft fingers brushed against his cheeks. “Oh, Steve. I know you’ve had a huge crush on me since you first set your eyes upon me. I know you believe I’m the hottest here.”

“You’re amazing.”

She chuckled. “I know I’m amazing.” She started to climb on top of his chest. “And I know that right now I want to fuck you so hard that you’ll never want to fuck anyone else but me ever again. Do you like the sound of that?”

Steve did like the sound of that. His nod was his only answer.

Tanya reached to the bottom of her tank top. She slowly pulled it up over her chest, exposing her soft boobs underneath. They jiggled once it came off and she tossed it over to where her jacket was. Then she removed her camo pants and boots and her entire naked body became exposed.

“Now it’s your turn.”

His shirt came off almost immediately. She even helped him lift it over his head. She then reached down his pants and yanked them off. His dick was both straight and hard.

“Oh, look at that,” she said, softly. She gently began to stroke it before looking at his face. “Does that feel good?”

He nodded.

She smiled. “How about now?” Then she lowered her face and inserted it into her mouth. She sucked on it hard as she continued to stroke it. The brief sounds she started to make implied that she was enjoying herself, just as Steve was enjoying himself as he continued to let her touch him.

And then she stopped and moved in closer to his face. She opened her mouth and before long her warm lips were on his. He then wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer. “Oh, yes,” she whispered to him. “Yes.” As they continued kissing, she began stroking the side of his face. Then she moved her lips to his neck as the soft tip of her nipples pressed against his bare chest and parts of her blonde hair brushed against his face.

For such a violent woman, Tanya felt like an angel in the moment. Her warm and wet body felt smooth against his as she brought her lips back over to his mouth. Her soft moans felt soothing. He didn’t want the moment to end. He wished that it would continue for as long as possible. He didn’t want Tanya to leave him.

Then he saw her face above his own. Her eyes had made contact with his. They looked worrisome. It was as if she had read his thoughts. “Aww, what’s wrong, Steve?”

“It’s nothing,” he said. He didn’t want to ruin the moment.

“Come on. I see the look in your eyes. What’s the issue?”

He had to be honest. “This is probably the best night of my entire life. I don’t want it to end.”

She reached down to touch his face and smiled. “I won’t leave you alone for the rest of the night. But if you want me to continue paying you a visit. You’re gonna have to earn your keep.”

“What do you mean?”

She leaned back, pulling his hand towards her little belly. “I mean you’re going to have to rake in some more kills. Every mission we go on, I want you to count each of your kills. If you manage to get more than five each mission, I’ll keep coming back to you.” She slowly brought his hand up to one of her boobs and began to swirl it around her nipple. “I’ll even let you touch me like this. Maybe once or twice. Would you like that?”

He nodded.

“Good boy,” she whispered. She leaned her head forward and returned to kissing him. After a few seconds, she stopped. “Now if I were to ever be in any kind of danger, like if I were to ever be outnumbered by a bunch of cops and they had me pinned down, would you do me a favor?”


“Would you shield me with your body and protect me? Even at the cost of your own life?”

He didn’t wait long before answering. “Anything for you, Tanya.”

“That’s good,” she whispered. “That’s really good. Now where were we?” She resumed the kiss, knowing full well that he was now hers.


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Tanya Breaks in the New Guy

Steve was new to the organization. He had barely gotten the chance to meet everyone. He had met the Master and his daughter Britt. He had met Niki and Amy as well as Audrey and her boyfriend Lou, along with Clyde and Reece and a few others. And then there was Tanya. Out of all of his fellow terrorists, she was the one he had interacted with the least. She was the sexiest woman he had ever seen, which was quite a statement considering that all of the women in the organization were very sexy. Her beautiful blonde hair was something else. Her cleavage looked stunning. Her belly was alluring. It was that black tank top of hers that made her sexiness come off in a big way. Even when she wore that black jacket of hers, she still came off as extremely attractive. And then there was that smirk. That vicious evil little smirk she always presented whenever she sunk her sharp knife into anyone that rubbed her the wrong way.

One time she had caught him checking her out. He was walking back from the restroom and noticed her having a conversation with Britt. Even with her sunglasses on, he knew that her eyes had met his. He was kind of hoping she would give him one of her evil smirks. Instead she simply stared at him with a blank face. When he noticed Britt looking at him as well, he turned his head away and sped towards his room.

During an attack at a nuclear plant, he thought he had spotted her wielding a large metal baseball bat while wearing a black beanie. As much as he enjoyed seeing her using her deadly knife, a part of himself wished he could’ve seen more of her using that bat of hers. Once the group had escaped, he had considered asking her about the bat, but there was something about her presence that he found absolutely terrifying to the point where he was afraid to even ask.

Later that week, the organization began preparing an upcoming attack on a cargo plane. Steve was still exhausted after the most recent one and was skeptical about how they were going to pull it off. As he entered his room and began preparing for sleep, he heard his door opening behind him. She locked it behind her once she closed it.

“Hey there, Steve,” she said, smiling.

He turned around and noticed her. “Hey, Tanya,” he said.

She was wearing her black jacket along with her tight camo pants. For a moment Steve was expecting to see her wielding her trusted knife, but was surprised by its absence.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Thought I come in here to relax for a bit.” She began unzipping her jacket, revealing her hot cleavage exposed from her black tank top. Her arms slowly slid away from the sleeves as she opened it. Then she tossed it across the room where it landed by the little leather chair in Steve’s room.

“It’s a little hot in here, isn’t it?” she asked.

Steve remained silent as his eyes were locked on the top part of her boobs.

“Awwww, why so quiet? Aren’t you happy I’m here?”

Steve’s answer was a slow nod.

“I know I am. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me,” Tanya said as she reached up and wrapped her arms around him. As she leaned in closer, he felt her crotch pressed against his. “You know, I’m a bit hurt over the fact that you’ve been avoiding me since you first joined us.”

Steve wasn’t sure how to respond. He didn’t know that Tanya would be upset over him mostly keeping his distance from her. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I’ve seen you talking with Niki along with Amy and Audrey. But for some reason before a few seconds ago, you’ve only ever spoken to me once. Just one little word was all you said to me.” She began to lean closer to his face. “Do you remember what that little word was?”

Steve shook his head. He couldn’t remember what the word was. Then he felt a cold embrace wrapped around his balls. Her fingers began to squeeze them hard. He gasped in pain.

Then Tanya went to his ear and whispered, “‘Hi.’” She let go of his balls and violently pushed him against his bed. His back briefly bounced off the mattress before settling back down. And then she was on him, with her knife out in front of her face. He felt like fighting back but he couldn’t. She was truly terrifying up close.

“You know something, Steve. I’m a very talkative girl. I hate being quiet. I like hearing my own voice. As much as I like hearing the voices of others. Especially when they cry out in pain. So the fact that you haven’t come to visit me once really pisses me off.” She began to drag the tip of the knife across his shirt up to his chin. He felt a small pinch that turned warm as blood began to slide down his neck. “I can’t wait to hear you scream.”

“Please don’t,” he said.

Then she began laughing as she removed the knife away from his neck. Steve was confused. She fell onto her side against the mattress, dropping the blade on the floor.

“Oh, you should’ve seen the look on your face. You looked absolutely hilarious.” She couldn’t stop laughing.

“What the hell was that?” he asked.

“Don’t worry, sweetie. I’m not gonna kill you. Just wanted to see you look scared shitless for a second. Oh, I’m surprised you didn’t piss your pants.”

Steve looked down at his crotch. His jeans were completely dry.

She rolled over to him after she removed her sunglasses. Her soft fingers brushed against his cheeks. “Oh, Steve. I know you’ve had a huge crush on me since you first set your eyes upon me. I know you believe I’m the hottest here.”

“You’re amazing.”

She chuckled. “I know I’m amazing.” She started to climb on top of his chest. “And I know that right now I want to fuck you so hard that you’ll never want to fuck anyone else but me ever again. Do you like the sound of that?”

Steve did like the sound of that. His nod was his only answer.

Tanya reached to the bottom of her tank top. She slowly pulled it up over her chest, exposing her soft boobs underneath. They jiggled once it came off and she tossed it over to where her jacket was. Then she removed her camo pants and boots and her entire naked body became exposed.

“Now it’s your turn.”

His shirt came off almost immediately. She even helped him lift it over his head. She then reached down his pants and yanked them off. His dick was both straight and hard.

“Oh, look at that,” she said, softly. She gently began to stroke it before looking at his face. “Does that feel good?”

He nodded.

She smiled. “How about now?” Then she lowered her face and inserted it into her mouth. She sucked on it hard as she continued to stroke it. The brief sounds she started to make implied that she was enjoying herself, just as Steve was enjoying himself as he continued to let her touch him.

And then she stopped and moved in closer to his face. She opened her mouth and before long her warm lips were on his. He then wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer. “Oh, yes,” she whispered to him. “Yes.” As they continued kissing, she began stroking the side of his face. Then she moved her lips to his neck as the soft tip of her nipples pressed against his bare chest and parts of her blonde hair brushed against his face.

For such a violent woman, Tanya felt like an angel in the moment. Her warm and wet body felt smooth against his as she brought her lips back over to his mouth. Her soft moans felt soothing. He didn’t want the moment to end. He wished that it would continue for as long as possible. He didn’t want Tanya to leave him.

Then he saw her face above his own. Her eyes had made contact with his. They looked worrisome. It was as if she had read his thoughts. “Aww, what’s wrong, Steve?”

“It’s nothing,” he said. He didn’t want to ruin the moment.

“Come on. I see the look in your eyes. What’s the issue?”

He had to be honest. “This is probably the best night of my entire life. I don’t want it to end.”

She reached down to touch his face and smiled. “I won’t leave you alone for the rest of the night. But if you want me to continue paying you a visit. You’re gonna have to earn your keep.”

“What do you mean?”

She leaned back, pulling his hand towards her little belly. “I mean you’re going to have to rake in some more kills. Every mission we go on, I want you to count each of your kills. If you manage to get more than five each mission, I’ll keep coming back to you.” She slowly brought his hand up to one of her boobs and began to swirl it around her nipple. “I’ll even let you touch me like this. Maybe once or twice. Would you like that?”

He nodded.

“Good boy,” she whispered. She leaned her head forward and returned to kissing him. After a few seconds, she stopped. “Now if I were to ever be in any kind of danger, like if I were to ever be outnumbered by a bunch of cops and they had me pinned down, would you do me a favor?”


“Would you shield me with your body and protect me? Even at the cost of your own life?”

He didn’t wait long before answering. “Anything for you, Tanya.”

“That’s good,” she whispered. “That’s really good. Now where were we?” She resumed the kiss, knowing full well that he was now hers.
Great stuff! Sounds like the beginning of a great romance.


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Call In the Reinforcements

It was a warm spring day in the big city. The First National Bank had just opened for business. Devin, the security guard, greeted the customers as they entered the bank with a hearty "Good Morning!" Customers came and went depositing and withdrawing their money. Everything was business as usual.

Just then, a woman entered the building. She had brown hair that was tied back. She wore sunglasses, a red shirt that exposed her right shoulder, red pants that opened at the legs and tall black boots. The other customers did not notice her, but the woman was the notorious Britt Red, a member of a terrorist organization.

She walked up to the teller window. As the teller asked her how he could help her, the woman pulled out a Uzi from her purse and told him to "give me all your money, or I'll fill you full of lead!"

At that moment, other sunglasses-wearing men and women emerged from the crowd with guns, shouting to the scared customers and bank staff to not move. Devin the security guard pulled out his hand gun to try to defend the bank. One of the robbers, Tanya, saw him and shot him in the head with her shotgun.

Frightened, all of the tellers opened their cash drawers and began to fill the robber's sacks with cash. Britt then demanded that the bank's vault be opened. She grabbed one of the tellers at gunpoint and forced him to open the vault. After he opened it, he became useless to her, so she shot him in the head.

"Look at all of this gold!" she exclaimed. "And it's all ours!"

As the robbers began to loot the safe, a voice from a megaphone blared outside: "THIS IS THE POLICE! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"

"Shit!" Britt exclaimed, "how are we going to get out of this?"

"I say we call in some backup," Tanya answered. "Oh, Faaaatfuuuck!"

Just then, three big, mini gun toting characters came in from the rear of the bank. Fatfuck, a bald, shirtless man with khaki cargo pants and sunglasses and his assistants, Bertha and Emily, were ready to fuck shit up.
7_dlls_comission_for_mftt_5_by_shayeragal_def9dfp.png Emily by Shayeragal.png
Bertha (L) and Emily. Artwork by Shayeragal

You called, Tanya?" Fatfuck asked.

"Yes, we're going to need to blast our way out of here. We need you and the girls to fire your mini guns at the police while we get the rest of the loot from the safe." Tanya said.

"Fuck yeah! Let's do it!" Fatfuck enthusiastically said. He turned to his assistants and said "What do you say ladies?!"

"We're gonna fuck them up!" Bertha and Emily said together.

The megaphone blared again: "WE'RE GOING TO COUNT TO THREE UNTIL WE'LL COME IN THERE. ONE.....TWO...."

"Three!" the mini gunners shouted as they blasted through the glass doors and windows in the front of the building. A hail of bullets greeted the coppers, striking all of them multiple times. Fatfuck let out an evil laugh, Bertha smirked and Emily showed no emotion as they mowed them all down.

Meanwhile, Britt and the robbers managed to get all of the gold from the safe into their sacks. "Let's get the fuck out of here before more cops come!" she said to the others. With the police threat eliminated, the robbers headed to the front where an armored car driven by Niki Dominatrix was waiting for them. "Hop in!" Niki shouted. They all got in with their loot and escaped, leaving the bank in ruins and the frightened customers something to talk about for the rest of their lives.


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2019
Call In the Reinforcements

It was a warm spring day in the big city. The First National Bank had just opened for business. Devin, the security guard, greeted the customers as they entered the bank with a hearty "Good Morning!" Customers came and went depositing and withdrawing their money. Everything was business as usual.

Just then, a woman entered the building. She had brown hair that was tied back. She wore sunglasses, a red shirt that exposed her right shoulder, red pants that opened at the legs and tall black boots. The other customers did not notice her, but the woman was the notorious Britt Red, a member of a terrorist organization.

She walked up to the teller window. As the teller asked her how he could help her, the woman pulled out a Uzi from her purse and told him to "give me all your money, or I'll fill you full of lead!"

At that moment, other sunglasses-wearing men and women emerged from the crowd with guns, shouting to the scared customers and bank staff to not move. Devin the security guard pulled out his hand gun to try to defend the bank. One of the robbers, Tanya, saw him and shot him in the head with her shotgun.

Frightened, all of the tellers opened their cash drawers and began to fill the robber's sacks with cash. Britt then demanded that the bank's vault be opened. She grabbed one of the tellers at gunpoint and forced him to open the vault. After he opened it, he became useless to her, so she shot him in the head.

"Look at all of this gold!" she exclaimed. "And it's all ours!"

As the robbers began to loot the safe, a voice from a megaphone blared outside: "THIS IS THE POLICE! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"

"Shit!" Britt exclaimed, "how are we going to get out of this?"

"I say we call in some backup," Tanya answered. "Oh, Faaaatfuuuck!"

Just then, three big, mini gun toting characters came in from the rear of the bank. Fatfuck, a bald, shirtless man with khaki cargo pants and sunglasses and his assistants, Bertha and Emily, were ready to fuck shit up.
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Bertha (L) and Emily. Artwork by Shayeragal

You called, Tanya?" Fatfuck asked.

"Yes, we're going to need to blast our way out of here. We need you and the girls to fire your mini guns at the police while we get the rest of the loot from the safe." Tanya said.

"Fuck yeah! Let's do it!" Fatfuck enthusiastically said. He turned to his assistants and said "What do you say ladies?!"

"We're gonna fuck them up!" Bertha and Emily said together.

The megaphone blared again: "WE'RE GOING TO COUNT TO THREE UNTIL WE'LL COME IN THERE. ONE.....TWO...."

"Three!" the mini gunners shouted as they blasted through the glass doors and windows in the front of the building. A hail of bullets greeted the coppers, striking all of them multiple times. Fatfuck let out an evil laugh, Bertha smirked and Emily showed no emotion as they mowed them all down.

Meanwhile, Britt and the robbers managed to get all of the gold from the safe into their sacks. "Let's get the fuck out of here before more cops come!" she said to the others. With the police threat eliminated, the robbers headed to the front where an armored car driven by Niki Dominatrix was waiting for them. "Hop in!" Niki shouted. They all got in with their loot and escaped, leaving the bank in ruins and the frightened customers something to talk about for the rest of their lives.
Whoa that art looks good! Pretty cool characters.


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2019
Tanya And Her Lover Eat Lead

The mission was all going as planned. The plane had been hijacked and Tanya was enjoying some good sex with Steve in the cargo hold. The way he sucked her breasts delighted her more than anything. He was once a rookie when it came to this, and now she saw him as a pro. She couldn’t resist feeling a little compassion for him. After all, he had proved his worth to her as he managed to save her life a few times in recent weeks, despite taking a bullet or two here and there. But regardless, he always managed to survive and Tanya knew that he loved her more than anything and was willing to die for her every time she was in danger. Although she couldn’t say that she would do the same for him, she felt that she had to reward him every time he recovered. And right now seemed like the perfect moment for that. The plane was nearly off the runway. It wasn’t like the cops were suddenly going to make their way aboard.

As Tanya laid her head back against the metal floor, she could feel Steve’s lips gently kissing her cute little belly button. It felt both warm and ticklish to where she would let out a small giggle throughout her lovely moans. She knew her own voice was music to Steve’s ears.
“Yes,” she whispered gently. He then moved back to her breasts where he continued to suck them once more. “Yes,” she said again.

Then he placed his lips against hers and the two began to kiss. She wrapped her bare legs around him, bringing him closer to her naked body in a warm embrace. She then began to feel his fingertips gently stroking the back of her hair. She wanted to remain in this moment for eternity. It all felt so good. So hot. So hard. So wet.

“Tanya!” a voice cried out. She paid no mind to it. She didn’t want to be interrupted.

“Tanya! TANYA!”

She turned her head. “What the fuck do you want, Niki? I’m a little busy right here.”

“I’m sorry. It’s the cops. They found a way to get inside,” Niki said.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Get off, Steve.” He quickly obeyed her command without question. He was good at following her orders. She reached over to grab her tank top, camo pants, and sunglasses. “Get dressed,” she told him, before leaning over to give him a small kiss on the lips. “We’ll finish our little dance later.”

“Yes, Tanya,” he said with a small smile.

The SWAT team had managed to infiltrate the cargo bay and were making their way towards the elevator. Many of their fellow terrorists were being gunned down. It was up to Tanya and her small little group to try and hold them off. She had a plan of her own, a plan that she hoped would work. Justin and Brad would come in from the side. Brad would be on the ground in stealth mode trying to take them out with his pistol while Justin would swoop in from behind him with a grenade. Doug would then make his move by trying to take them out with a rocket launcher. If that didn’t work, both Greg and Marty would then jump out from behind some boxes with their guns while Lyle would crawl in atop the boxes and snipe their opponents. During that time, both Tanya and Steve would rush in for a melee attack to finish them off.

It was a risky plan, but at the moment she couldn’t think of anything better. She trusted her little group not to fuck things up. They had each expressed their loyalty to her as they were all attracted by her hotness. Her sexy body was enough to make them all follow her commands, and she was grateful for that.

“Alright, boys. Let’s get this done,” she told them.

Justin, Brad, and Doug were the first to go down. Tanya then looked over at Steve and gave him the signal that it was time to attack their opponents. Greg and Marty then rushed out and the pair were instantly silenced by a wave of bullets. As Lyle made his way along the top of the boxes, Tanya and Steve made their move. She rushed at the SWAT team with her trusted blade while Steve made a giant swing with his machete. She wanted to get this done quick so she could return to the wonderful sex she was just having a minute ago. Unfortunately for her, her desire would never be fulfilled.

She had taken the first few shots before Steve took a few bullets to the head. He died in an instant. As she began to collapse to the floor, she realized that her lover had died a quick and painless death and that her death would be a lot slower and more painful. In her final moments, she felt regret knowing that she could’ve made a run for the elevator before the SWAT team engaged with her group. And if she knew that she was going to die for sure, she would've remained naked with Steve, holding him close to her warm body. At least she wouldn't die cold.

As her head hit the ground, her vision began to fade as she saw a few fatal bullet holes throughout her torso with massive amounts of blood pouring their way out of each of them. The pain began to kick in even more as her life began to fade. She didn't want to die, but at this point she was almost begging for her killers to just finish her off by shooting her in the head. But she as she looked up, she noticed that the SWAT team had already began moving forward towards the elevator. She knew then that her death would not be a merciful one, but a merciless one. The same kind that she inflicted upon each of her victims throughout her life as a terrorist. As her eyes began to close forever, she felt both frightened and alone, wishing for either Britt or Steve to come and save her and wrap her in a warm embrace, letting her know that she was going to be okay. None of them did. And then her body went still and began to turn cold.

Skip to 1:00:36.
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Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Tanya And Her Lover Eat Lead

The mission was all going as planned. The plane had been hijacked and Tanya was enjoying some good sex with Steve in the cargo hold. The way he sucked her breasts delighted her more than anything. He was once a rookie when it came to this, and now she saw him as a pro. She couldn’t resist feeling a little compassion for him. After all, he had proved his worth to her as he managed to save her life a few times in recent weeks, despite taking a bullet or two here and there. But regardless, he always managed to survive and Tanya knew that he loved her more than anything and was willing to die for her every time she was in danger. Although she couldn’t say that she would do the same for him, she felt that she had to reward him every time he recovered. And right now seemed like the perfect moment for that. The plane was nearly off the runway. It wasn’t like the cops were suddenly going to make their way aboard.

As Tanya laid her head back against the metal floor, she could feel Steve’s lips gently kissing her cute little belly button. It felt both warm and ticklish to where she would let out a small giggle throughout her lovely moans. She knew her own voice was music to Steve’s ears.
“Yes,” she whispered gently. He then moved back to her breasts where he continued to suck them once more. “Yes,” she said again.

Then he placed his lips against hers and the two began to kiss. She wrapped her bare legs around him, bringing him closer to her naked body in a warm embrace. She then began to feel his fingertips gently stroking the back of her hair. She wanted to remain in this moment for eternity. It all felt so good. So hot. So hard. So wet.

“Tanya!” a voice cried out. She paid no mind to it. She didn’t want to be interrupted.

“Tanya! TANYA!”

She turned her head. “What the fuck do you want, Niki? I’m a little busy right here.”

“I’m sorry. It’s the cops. They found a way to get inside,” Niki said.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Get off, Steve.” He quickly obeyed her command without question. He was good at following her orders. She reached over to grab her tank top, camo pants, and sunglasses. “Get dressed,” she told him, before leaning over to give him a small kiss on the lips. “We’ll finish our little dance later.”

“Yes, Tanya,” he said with a small smile.

The SWAT team had managed to infiltrate the cargo bay and were making their way towards the elevator. Many of their fellow terrorists were being gunned down. It was up to Tanya and her small little group to try and hold them off. She had a plan of her own, a plan that she hoped would work. Justin and Brad would come in from the side. Brad would be on the ground in stealth mode trying to take them out with his pistol while Justin would swoop in from behind him with a grenade. Doug would then make his move by trying to take them out with a rocket launcher. If that didn’t work, both Greg and Marty would then jump out from behind some boxes with their guns while Lyle would crawl in atop the boxes and snipe their opponents. During that time, both Tanya and Steve would rush in for a melee attack to finish them off.

It was a risky plan, but at the moment she couldn’t think of anything better. She trusted her little group not to fuck things up. They had each expressed their loyalty to her as they were all attracted by her hotness. Her sexy body was enough to make them all follow her commands, and she was grateful for that.

“Alright, boys. Let’s get this done,” she told them.

Justin, Brad, and Doug were the first to go down. Tanya then looked over at Steve and gave him the signal that it was time to attack their opponents. Greg and Marty then rushed out and the pair were instantly silenced by a wave of bullets. As Lyle made his way along the top of the boxes, Tanya and Steve made their move. She rushed at the SWAT team with her trusted blade while Steve made a giant swing with his machete. She wanted to get this done quick so she could return to the wonderful sex she was just having a minute ago. Unfortunately for her, her desire would never be fulfilled.

She had taken the first few shots before Steve took a few bullets to the head. He died in an instant. As she began to collapse to the floor, she realized that her lover had died a quick and painless death and that her death would be a lot slower and more painful. In her final moments, she felt regret knowing that she could’ve made a run for the elevator before the SWAT team engaged with her group. And if she knew that she was going to die for sure, she would've remained naked with Steve, holding him close to her warm body. At least she wouldn't die cold.

As her head hit the ground, her vision began to fade as she saw a few fatal bullet holes throughout her torso with massive amounts of blood pouring their way out of each of them. The pain began to kick in even more as her life began to fade. She didn't want to die, but at this point she was almost begging for her killers to just finish her off by shooting her in the head. But she as she looked up, she noticed that the SWAT team had already began moving forward towards the elevator. She knew then that her death would not be a merciful one, but a merciless one. The same kind that she inflicted upon each of her victims throughout her life as a terrorist. As her eyes began to close forever, she felt both frightened and alone, wishing for either Britt or Steve to come and save her and wrap her in a warm embrace, letting her know that she was going to be okay. None of them did. And then her body went still and began to turn cold.

Skip to 1:00:36.

Great stuff! At least they died together.


Club Regular
Apr 12, 2019
Old Friends Reunite.

Matt had just joined the terrorist organization. A small-time criminal in the past, he wanted to graduate into bigger crime. Joining the organization was the best way to quench his thirst.

Britt Black, the daughter of the organization's leader, Master, introduced him to the other members, including the ttbs Amy, Audrey, Niki and Tanya.

She then introduced him to the organization's mini gun shooters, Fat Fuck and his assistants Bertha and Emily. With the exception of the girl's hats, they were all dressed the same: only wearing pants and boots. Bertha & Emily's huge tits were bare for all to see.

Matt and Emily instantly recognized each other. "Emily?!" he said. "Matt?!" she answered.

"You two know each other?" Britt asked.

"Yes. We used to work together at a sporting goods store years ago." Matt replied.

"That's right." Emily said backing him up.

"Well, then." Britt said. "I'll leave you two to catch up." Britt, Fat Fuck and Bertha left to give the two friends some privacy.

"It's so good to see you, Matt!" she said as she hugged him. " You too, Emily!" he replied. "How long has it been? Five years?"

"Yep. Five years." she said. "Where has the time gone?"

"I know right?!" he replied. "How did you end up here?"

"Well, you may not know this, but I came from a broken home. My parents were absent for most of the time and when they were together, they just fought and paid no mind to me. I was also bullied at school by other classmates for being chubby. One bully in particular, Josh, called me names all of the time and pushed me down whenever he saw me in the hall. I dreaded going to school everyday because of him."

"Damn, Emily. I did not know that." Matt replied. "You seemed to hide your pain well when we worked together."

"Working at the sporting goods store was my only solace from the misery. But even then, in order to be truly happy, I knew I had to leave that life behind. Once I turned 18, I left home and never went back."

"That same night I left home, I met Fat Fuck and Bertha. They were biker outlaws who were looking for a third person to join them. They took me in and became the family that I never had."

"They taught me how to shoot a mini gun, their weapon of choice. The rush I get from shooting it is powerful. It makes me feel invincible."

"The first person that I killed with the mini gun was Josh. Caught him by surprise one night when he was fucking his girlfriend. I kicked down his bedroom door and emptied my whole magazine out on those two, turned their bodies into Swiss cheese."

"Sweet revenge." Matt replied

"Fuck yeah it was. After that, Fat Fuck, Bertha and I raised hell throughout the country. We robbed together, killed together, fucked together."

"Is that how Fat Fuck got his name?" Matt jokingly asked.

"Seriously." Emily replied. "He's fat and he likes to fuck. The man will fuck anybody. Even other men."

"Anyway, after a few years, we joined the organization after Britt and Master reached out to us looking for mini gun shooters after their old one defected to a rival organization."

"Wow. What a story!" Matt said

"Now it's your turn." Emily said. "How did you end up here?"

"Well, after you left, I got fired by the new manager Brent for something that I did not do. He accused me of stealing money from the register."

"You? Steal money? Please." Emily replied. "Why would he accuse you of something like that?"

"Because he had it out for me ever since he transferred to our store. It seemed like no matter what I did to be perfect at my job, he always found something to bitch about. I think he took the money out of the register on purpose just to frame me."

"Because of the nature of my dismissal, I wasn't able to find another steady line of work. I grew bitter and resentful towards Brent for putting me through hell. There was one thing for me to do: kill him."

"How did you do it?" she asked

"I slit his throat one night when he was doing cash office after hours. I cut the power to the building, shutting off the security cameras. Wearing infrared goggles, I was able to find him in the dark. I cut his throat and watched him gasp for air until he died. I then took all of the money from the open safe, which was $20,000, and split."

"I was on the run for a few years. I continued to do petty crime, carjackings and drug dealing etc. I eventually got tired of it and wanted something bigger. That's when Britt found me and gave me an offer me to join the organization. They've been scouting me for years and thought that I was a good fit for the organization. I readily accepted her offer."

"Well, I am glad that you are here, and it looks like you're glad that I'm here too." Emily said as she pointed towards his crotch. Matt looked down and saw that his erection was bulging out from his pants. He was embarrassed.

"Oh my God!" he said excitedly. "I'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed." she said, moving closer to him. "I know that you've been enjoying the view of my huge fun bags the whole time that we've been talking. Who could blame you? My giant, milk filled tits out for the whole world to see. Who wouldn't get hard looking at them? Besides, I've always had a crush on you."

"Really?" he asked

"Yes. I've always admired the way that you were nice to me every time that we worked together. Let me do something nice for you." she said as grabbed his crotch and locked lips with him.

They made out for what it seemed like an eternity. Matt had never felt for Emily this way, but with her taking control, he was fully under her spell. He wanted to drink milk from her funbags, fuck her fat pussy, and shoot a huge load of cum on her face. He wanted her bad.

"I want to fuck you so bad." Matt said

"And so you shall," Emily replied, "follow me."

They then went to her room for a night of fun and debauchery. And just like that, the old friends became lovers of terror.

Artwork by Aura Studios and SexyDarkBR


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