Tera - Mods (3 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Apr 6, 2014
No problem fleet:)
And yes I can upload it as attachments although I've to repack those again since GVZ's limit is 100Mb.
I'll do this right before i go to bed so it can upload all night instead of blocking my game time. (shitty upload rate in Belgium)
Should I post a new post for it just add it to the existing previous one?


Forums Moderator
RM Moderator
Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
No problem fleet:)
And yes I can upload it as attachments although I've to repack those again since GVZ's limit is 100Mb.
I'll do this right before i go to bed so it can upload all night instead of blocking my game time. (shitty upload rate in Belgium)
Should I post a new post for it just add it to the existing previous one?

I'd recommend creating a new post.


Potential Patron
Sep 17, 2012
I have this problem when using the bikini mod. Good thing I made back up! :eek: Question is... how is that this mod hasn't been updated to work with newer outfits. It's really well made. I mean, I like the style of the bikini (more like sexy lingerie). Any chance of getting a newer version or at least, an alternative mod?

By the way, the same happens with the de censor mods. And thanks for uploading them all again ;)

TERA 2014-04-07 23-32-57-58.jpg


Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2013
@Jack, that's normal, I already addressed that in another post. There are many known issues in the character creation screen. Many of which that cannot be fixed (and aren't really game breaking). Just relocate the modded files when you create your characters (I hope you kept the originals, or patch day will be fun if you're not on highspeed).

@Soulspeed, In the off chance you still have the modified mesh / dds / whatever else you modified for the original mods that would be easier than uploading gpks. (I hope most people know how to import data to gpks at this point or take a moment to read the section on it). If you don't have them well disregard this message. (and I know sound files are huge, just trying to pass in some constructive assistance).


Potential Patron
Sep 17, 2012
@pop1337 So this bug affects only the creation screen? If that's the case then it's ok! XD And don't worry, I've kept a copy of the originals, thanks!


Potential Patron
Apr 6, 2014
Attachments have been added.
BEWARE: The .001 / .002 etc at the front needs to be renamed to the backside after the .7z extension otherwise you'll get an error when trying to extract without doing this.
ie: .001Bikini Mod Human v1.0(2).7z ==>> Bikini Mod Human v1.0(2).7z.001

@fleet, Thx for letting me know. But I must say it has a lot of restrictions. Even parts need to end .xxx extension to be able to upload.

@pop1337, I'm sorry, I don't have what you ask for since I just DL'd those maybe a week before there account went down. Just trying to get it available again ;)

@Jack, yeah it's just the char selection screen. In the char customization screen it should be fine previewing it but I'm not sure for Bikini since I don't use the Bikini mods since there the same files as the De-Censor ones that get replaced which I find unfortunate :(

View attachment Bikini Mod - Elin v1.1(2).7z
View attachment .001Bikini Mod - Aman v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .002Bikini Mod - Aman v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .001Bikini Mod - Castanic v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .002Bikini Mod - Castanic v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .001Bikini Mod - High Elf v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .002Bikini Mod - High Elf v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .001Bikini Mod - Human v1.0(2).7z
View attachment .002Bikini Mod - Human v1.0(2).7z

View attachment De-Censor Elin v1.6.7z
View attachment .001De-Censor Castanic v1.2.7z
View attachment .002De-Censor Castanic v1.2.7z
View attachment .001De-Censor High Elf v1.1.7z
View attachment .002De-Censor High Elf v1.1.7z
View attachment .001De-Censor Human.7z
View attachment .002De-Censor Human.7z

View attachment Korean Voices v1.2.7z
View attachment .001Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .002Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .003Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .004Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .005Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .006Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .007Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
View attachment .008Korean Cinematic and Cutscenes.7z
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Potential Patron
Apr 4, 2013
the files can not yet unpack.

If one makes the so described as the file is only pretty useless.
Have windows 7 and so there is nothing at all
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Forums Moderator
RM Moderator
Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
the files can not yet unpack.

If one makes the so described as the file is only pretty useless.
Have windows 7 and so there is nothing at all

Are you using 7-zip to unpack them?


Potential Patron
Feb 18, 2014
would still like to know if its possible to get the "korean" enchantment glow(pinkish one) for the EU version :)


ive never done modding like this before so i was wondering if someone could point me to a "how to" guide?

also couple other questions, can the elin and castanic uncensored mods run at same time?
does this need to be done every time there is a patch?
and will this still work when the reapers come out? and new gear?

thanks for any help in advance


Content Creator
Apr 23, 2012

Hide - Main Menu

A mod that make the Main Menu Transperant, its still there but you just cant see it so you can drag it into a corner or behind the skill bar.
I also reduces the Image size Main Menu from 1024x to 4x for better performance.

TERA 2014-04-16 13-54-52-67.png

Download: View attachment UI - Hide Main Menu.rar


Copy/Paste to: Tera\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\S1UI

Main Menu - XOAC

TERA 2014-04-16 15-01-46-85.png TERA 2014-04-16 15-01-48-62.png

Download: View attachment UI - Main Menu XOAC.rar


Copy/Paste to: Tera\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\S1UI

Main Menu - XOAC [No Black]

TERA 2014-04-16 15-07-47-21.png TERA 2014-04-16 15-07-51-08.png

Download: View attachment UI - Main Menu XOAC [No Black].rar


Copy/Paste to: Tera\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\S1UI
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Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2013
Thanks Narudon, gonna try your ui mod. Would love to see some decent FPS with my gtx 770 for once, or at least a bit less lock-up when I try to open my UI. Great mods as usual!


There is the outfit 28 in some elin decensor?(Popori_F_[L/R/H]28.gpk)
Is used for the Vibrant costume in NA but i think is also the outfit of the T15...


Potential Patron
Oct 4, 2012
hello is anybody can help me master 2 armor and 2 full nude swimsuit in full nude so I provided the dds


Content Creator
Apr 23, 2012
Castanic - No Horn [Female]

Known issue: It doesn't work with Hair Nr 01

2 Ways to Install: With Pre-injected GPK or do-it-yourself with UTHelper
UTHelper: Inject the files to the: "Castanic_F_Head.GPK" inside the "PC" folder
Pre-injected GPK: Go to the "GPK" Folder and copy "Castanic_F_Head.patched" and paste it inside the:
Tera\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\CH\PC or inside your custom "mod" folder: Tera\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\CH\_PC or what ever you have called it

TIP with UTHelper: If you dont want to remove all the horns for all the hair styles:
check which number you want to mod it on during charater creation screen.
If you want to mod number 2 then inject the .dds with the same number.


View attachment Castanic - No Horn [Female].rar


TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-48-04.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-51-06.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-52-90.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-54-06.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-55-37.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-56-52.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-57-77.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-58-86.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-17-59-98.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-18-01-91.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-18-03-11.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-18-04-57.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-18-05-74.jpg TERA 2014-04-20 14-30-14-73.jpg

Was playing around with the Environment.
The sad part is that UTHelper crashes on some of those GPK files so i had to use Umod instead, so its kinda pointless to upload the files unless you are very desperate. :p

Outside the Desert Village of Tulufan in Val Aureum
TERA 2014-04-17 15-50-21-01.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-50-54-18.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-51-13-52.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-51-17-21.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-52-37-62.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-54-22-54.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-56-01-83.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-58-12-96.png TERA 2014-04-17 15-58-35-55.png TERA 2014-04-17 16-00-16-84.png
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Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
These are all neat proof of concept, though i think modding the game environments ruins a lot of the game.

I don't quite see the point in changing the main menu ui segment unless it has been the core of the problem . . .

For me personally i wish enchant glow changing was server-wide rather than just clientside (cuz you go making your character's colours match and then it looks poorly matched from anyone else's perspective. They could have at least made +12 a deep purple instead of indigo and +11 pink (like ktera +12 pink).

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