I don't know what the problem is, but this simply doesn't work.
I've followed the directions outlined in the OP to the letter. I've tried using the De-Censor Castanic mod v1.2 and I've tried using the Bikini mod. Both of THOSE work fine, I can get the Bikini mod to swap out the Tier 3 armor templates at the equipment remodeler, but I CANNOT get this nude mod to work no matter what I try.
I've added the TERA.EXE from the Binaries folder,
I've turned on 'Use Global Hook' in uMod
I've launched TERA, then launched uMod
Opened the texture package I want, which in this case is both *.DDS files from the Castanic - Plate 11 Bush [E(xtreme) HD x2048] compressed folder.
I've clicked on Update(reload)
I've reduced the texture resolution to 1, and I've even tried flipping it back and forth between 1 and 0, 1 and 2, and 2 and 0.
I've gone to the armor remodeler and tried on the Tier 3 armor template in the dressing room. It's always either the armor, or the bikini mod.