Tera - Nude Mods (5 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jul 13, 2012
No point in trying to use them for the UPK packer, like i said before:

You can't repack the files.

First of all the Texture2D from UDK is TGA while the one in the UPK Packer is "incomplete" and compressed Texture2D file.

And second. It's not cause of the "Security" to make sure it can't be mod'ed, but cause how the Unreal Engine works.
Even you found a way to repack it so would you still unable to change any files cause you don't have the "compress/decompress-coder" to recive or update the streamkeys, hexkey data and series numbers, even by changing the alpha channel in the texture is enought to make the GPK corrupt, cause you added extra data that you didn't update add to the "list"
If you read the README so does it even say that the UPK packer doesn't even support Add or removing of file.

It is thanks to this feature of insane compression and handling of the files that we are being able to run this game in max graphic.
Without this feature so would we have 5 FPS even at medium graphics.

It is not like all other non-Unreal Engine games where you can just exract and repack the files without any problems.

There are a few p-servers appearing,I don't post any of them here.But I wonder if the "Keys" you mentioned works in those servers.
Here is a sussessful .gpk texture2d mod example
XeNTaX • View topic - succesfull modded MK9 textures help creating QUICKBMS SCRIPT
I looked some .texture2d extracted from Tera,They're different.however this article let me know the basic structure of .texture2d.Is there anyone has idea how much "lists" related to the .texture2d if we modded one of them?
It's very troublesome to mod SkeletalMesh from the articles i read in umodel forum.You mentioned the upk packer is "incomplete",,and the SkeletalMesh it extracted seems still encrypted or compressed in hexeditor,I can't find readable header.Is there any resource to read about the structure of Tera's .SkeletalMesh format?thx!
Really hope we can find a way to modify SkeletalMesh and texture2d without using Umod.


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2012
All who are having issues getting umod to work.

Me I can't made this thing work, I don't now why, it is weird cause you now everyone use it and not me, can you guys help me
I'm tired of trying and try and try and try over and over again hope you guys help me


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 20, 2012
i only have the teralauncher and not tera.exe and i dont have the d3d9 only have the d3dx9.dll in the binarie folder so yeah

As soemone pointed out ...you are hooking the wrong exe.My d3d9.dll is in my tera main folder and not in client/bianaries (not sure i needed it anyway) and havent had an issue.
So add the tera.exe and it should start up fine. The d3d9.dll comes with the umod zip on the 1st post. IFRC putting the d3d9.dll in the bianaries folder would cause the game to crash on start up.


Potential Patron
Aug 25, 2012
Is there a guide on how to do this myself? All I want is a fully nude elin mod for leather. Also is there a way to make it so I can just change the names or whatever of cloth/leather gear so I don't have to mod it myself?


Content Creator
Apr 23, 2012
Is there a guide on how to do this myself? All I want is a fully nude elin mod for leather. Also is there a way to make it so I can just change the names or whatever of cloth/leather gear so I don't have to mod it myself?

There isn't any fully nude for elin leather.


Potential Patron
Aug 18, 2012
Ok i was able to get the Elin underware to work BUT none of the other clothing /armor works She/it is a mystic which means she/it wears cloth armor however even though i have the correct template selected i cant get the textures to work. Help would be nice.


Potential Patron
Aug 18, 2012
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Potential Patron
May 19, 2012
I forgot what armor it was called, but they're usually rare or better, so that's a start. I think those were the only modified ones that I'm aware.


The readme file and instructions on OP are inconsistent, and there's no option to change the "texture resolution" to 1 or 2

---------- Post added at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 AM ----------

Alright I get it, You need to adjust your ingame graphics settings to lower resolution to see the outfits. Mine goes from 0-2 instead of your 1-3 so for Elin you'd need to set it to 1 for NA client.
what resolution do u need 2 use plz?


Potential Patron
Sep 2, 2012
What I want to do is a lot more simple than installing these naked mods: I simply just want to set default leather armor (your starting clothes, which is also the armor in cutscenes) on my Elin. Any way to do this? I'd be happy enough with just this. If she wears different armor, I would like it to not change from her default armor.



Vivacious Visitor
Apr 20, 2012
The tera package editor works great! Umod no more.Still requires ppl to do the work themselves though, which isent very hard.
no horns.JPG
View attachment PC_Event_01.zip

Same deal, Back up your pc_even_01 before overwritting anything.
This is the castanic bikini only
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Potential Patron
Jun 23, 2012
xelax's program is working out great.. In the process of re-editing all my previous work..

No more Umod!!!!!!

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