Any chance this works for EU Client?
If I run Tera.Exe via umod it say you "you must run Tera trough Client" and if I put on Global Hook it says it can´t be started with it, Tera.Exe will be injected with it.
If I start Tera Client.Exe via umod it starts but doesn´t show options(only as long as the acception window from firewall appears, after I accept the options disappear and it seems the options opened only for the Client, not for Tera.Exe).
Is there a reason I cannot view the images or links even though I made an account here? I'm curious to see and most likely download but at this time I can do neither and I have no idea why.
I guessed first there are no downloads, because the Mods are all in umod already, but there are no further files besides umod.exe in the rar... perhaps inprogrammed within the exe, since it´s no real texture change but an alpha-edit(hex)?
Images aren´t existing here yet, but on the other thread in this section.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know the chances of getting caught and being perma banned? Unless its one of those things where you tell someone and they like spread it and you get traced back to you, then just give me a slap or something. But if its like something where there is a photo taken every certain check point in the game where you pass through, like maybe when you enter or leave a town like vindictus, can someone say so? Honestly i know someone is gona say "then just deal with the normal settings TERA gave you and dont bother trying to do this then," but like any other guy(hopefully?) i want to have this modded version of TERA.
You never will be banned for changing appearences only viewable for you only on your Computer. You shouldn´t post mods/nudemods on official forums though, you will be banned for posting sexual content or similar - just don´t share it -> no chance to be banned.
The only case where you can be banned for a nudemod is Vindictus. The game has a shot function when chosing your char at the boat or so, so if you install the nudemod in the wrong way it could awake their attention and they can ban you.
Could anyone make screens of Highelf Leather 11 nude modded and post it atleast in the other thread in the section?