Tera physics Adjuster _Mxjzm version_ (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
May 8, 2013
Hey I just wanted to say thanks a million for this mod. I'll keep playing Tera for as long as it works :)

TERA_ScreenShot_20140419_235055.jpg TERA_ScreenShot_20140419_235056.jpg TERA_ScreenShot_20140419_235057.jpg

It took me a while to realize I could get more overall 'weight to my character by increasing the X and Z body size controls.


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Potential Patron
Apr 24, 2014
I use Tera client (v1725) and server emulator→¹²ÃÂí¸öTERAÃ...··þ-1725°æµÃ"žÃƒ'»¼ü¶Ã"¹ - ÃÂøÃ"뵴ȜÃÂÃ"šÃƒ"Ø - Ã"Î÷²Ø±¦ÃÂÃ¥ - Powered by Discuz!

When I tried to use xTera v1.7 step by step to adjust highelf character's chest value, its status said Problem detected :(
problem detected.PNG

So I use Cheat Engine to adjust the value, but it says Scan error:controller:No readable memory found scan error.PNG

Could you tell me where I made mistake?

Sorry for my poor English.
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Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013

Did you try run xTera/CheatEngine as Administrator? pretty weird, even CheatEngine fails...
I don't know about that emulator.. not in NA/EU maybe?

Yes xTera will work, and if not, I'll make it work for the reaper :)


Casual Client
Feb 25, 2014

Long-time user of your mod here; came across it when it was v1.2 and well, it has been providing me with two darn good reasons to continue playing and enjoying TERA ever since. Just wanted to say thank you for all the amazing work you have done here: the mod, the continuous patching, the updating, and the improvements. Take care.

TERA_ScreenShot_20140122_231429.png TERA_ScreenShot_20140220_123744.png TERA_ScreenShot_20140326_151927.png TERA_ScreenShot_20140227_110652.png


Potential Patron
Apr 24, 2014
Sure. I run all of them as Administrator, but neither Cheat Engine nor xTera works. I think maybe emulator change the value of physics. Could you teach me how to find the correct value for the emulator? Why you know use "1065496905" can get a right value? Thanks!


Potential Patron
May 2, 2014
Some good feedback-for all those who get ''problem detected'' try doing the same thing member Kazumu did (read it on previous page) it also helpd me:oand saved me from a lot more brainstorming,cursing,etc...now to go and change those curves a bit muahahahahah...and almost forgot great mod mxjzm many thanks:cool:
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Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
Thank you @MaKi
I have a question for you, are you playing Tera on a computer with 64 bit or 32 bit Windows OS?
It is posible than the addressing for 32bit starts from 7XXXXXXX instead of FXXXXXXX (this one works for x64)
Depending of your answer, this may be the solution for the people who can't use xTera


Potential Patron
May 2, 2014
I'm playing Tera on 32-bit Windows hope it helps:cool:,and youre right when i checked the adsressing in cheat engine to find the right one it was all 7XXXXXXX,meaning that the address(in my case 7C4B58F4)was the same as @Kazumu's.
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Potential Patron
Mar 31, 2013
Having a Problem here Microsoft .NET Framework says "there was an unhandled exception in the program" and even though i try clicking continue anyways it just opens it up again, leaving me no choice but to close the program. Anyone who knows how to fix this ?


Having a Problem here Microsoft .NET Framework says "there was an unhandled exception in the program" and even though i try clicking continue anyways it just opens it up again, leaving me no choice but to close the program. Anyone who knows how to fix this ?

Got the same problem at first, but simply starting as administrator fixed it for me ;)


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2012
Works great, thank you for your work.
I have a question though - when i started xtera it attempted to access csc.exe, and when i blocked it run perfectly without it.
What is actual purpose in calling csc.exe then?


Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
csc.exe = C Sharp Complier, it is the complier for C# .NET programs.
The source code for this program was writen in C#
Feel free to check the source code if you still have doubts ^^


Potential Patron
Jun 26, 2012
csc.exe = C Sharp Complier, it is the complier for C# .NET programs.
The source code for this program was writen in C#
Feel free to check the source code if you still have doubts ^^
I know what process does, just dont understand why it calls for process that is not required for it to work.


Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
I know what process does, just dont understand why it calls for process that is not required for it to work.

"Where do these compiler invocations come from? It turns out that XmlSerializer is to blame which generates a C# file in your TEMP folder, compiles it with the C# compiler csc.exe, loads this assembly into the application and removes all traces from your disc after it has done its work."

XMLSerializer, implemented since r1.7 changes the save/load method for Options.xml, it is the way how .NET XMLSerializer works, i can easily replace for the old method (binary files) but you can't edit those files in editor; not the same case for xml ones, you can change whatever you want using notepad in example.

I hope this answers your question.


Potential Patron
Apr 19, 2013
I rolled a human female the boobs work but the thighs wont change and yet I see the change on others people characters including humans. I'm confused.


Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
I rolled a human female the boobs work but the thighs wont change and yet I see the change on others people characters including humans. I'm confused.

Make sure to refresh your character, just unequip and then equip something (earring for example), change area, or just use auto-load function and open xTera before Tera.
I play human female too, and thighs changer works great (still, i like Legs height++ <3).


Potential Patron
Apr 19, 2013
I want to first say thank you for the help with this.

Is there a way just to keep your changes for your character and not every npc and pc around to change?

Ex. Bigger thighs for human female looks good after a few increases but makes elins legs very weird and puffy looking.

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