Tera physics Adjuster _Mxjzm version_ (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Dec 14, 2013
Made a quick version of your program to adjust thigh sizes using the new model put in place by you and Acrux.

So between all my talks with you, Acrux, and Hethro I had an epiphany about pointers and offsets. Hethro showed up in my CE thread, smashed all my dreams, and then helped awaken my mind to all the previous advice from you and Acrux. Suddenly, pointers and offsets made sense.

I am not trying to create a branch of your code dedicated to thighs. I was hoping that if it works for you, someone more proficient in Visual C# could create a new tab and adjust the thighs there so that you can integrate this into your main program. I could do it, but it would take me several hours of coding, whereas a better coder could do it faster.


xTera - Thigh Edition
Pass is EXG

Source code
Pass is EXG

Thigh and Butt v1 Source Code
Pass is EXG. Any archives inside the download have the same password.

If it works for you let me know, because I had an epiphany and can add more values about legs and body. I had to use your spot for normal breast size so I did not have to create a new form and all that. The important thing is if it works for you like it works for me. The we are in business.

*some people have reported issues with these links. They work for me, but PM me if they do not work for you and I will recheck my links.

Here are the direct links to my .rar files. Pass is EXG

Thigh & Butt Version (original)
View attachment xTera Thigh & Butt Edition.rar

Thigh & Butt Version (new, v1 Beta)
No password
View attachment xTera Thigh Butt Working.rar
called Thigh and Butt Working (attached)

Thigh & 2013 Swimsuit Version
View attachment xTera - Thigh & Swimwuit 2013 Edition.rar
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Potential Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Exgenesis, that link for the thigh edition doesn't work for whatever reason. Mega just won't upload it, unless it's just me but i've tried on a few browsers and my laptop and it's not giving me anything.

Would respectfully request an alternate host upload if applicable.


Content Creator
Dec 14, 2013
Exgenesis, that link for the thigh edition doesn't work for whatever reason. Mega just won't upload it, unless it's just me but i've tried on a few browsers and my laptop and it's not giving me anything.

Would respectfully request an alternate host upload if applicable.

Ill upload the binary here in the forums since they allow .rar

Please give it a beta test and let me know. If it works for you its the first step to MX adding this functionality into his main client.

1. Start Tera-launcher as admin
2. Start xTera - Thigh Edition as admin
3. login, choose a character, load into game
4. Alt+tab, uncheck the 2013 swimsuit box if you dont want your breast size increased, only thighs.
5. Click the "+" sign until you find the desired value you want
6. Swap clothing item, then put your old clothing item back on, etc.

Works for me, but that doesn't mean much these days.

The download link has been moved up to my main post in this thread.



xTera - Thigh Edition.rar
400.6 KB · Views: 283

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Ангел Мечты

Content Creator
Jun 21, 2012
Ill upload the binary here in the forums since they allow .rar

Please give it a beta test and let me know. If it works for you its the first step to MX adding this functionality into his main client.

1. Start Tera-launcher as admin
2. Start xTera - Thigh Edition as admin
3. login, choose a character, load into game
4. Alt+tab, uncheck the 2013 swimsuit box if you dont want your breast size increased, only thighs.
5. Click the "+" sign until you find the desired value you want
6. Swap clothing item, then put your old clothing item back on, etc.

Works for me, but that doesn't mean much these days.

View attachment 17270
Pass is EXG


THX good prog, work with any armor=)

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Potential Patron
Oct 12, 2012
Well I've tried Version 1.2 of xTera and I'm getting the problem detected message every time. Ive tried opening xTera first, while on Char selection screen and opening xTera while Tera is running. Do you need CE to run this mod? Does the xTera folder need to be in a certain folder, desktop ect? Running my mods out of _PC/NPC ect folders could that cause a problem?


Content Creator
Dec 14, 2013
@everyone, thanks for taking the time to play with my experimental programs. Hopefully we will be able to integrate the thigh and butt adjusters into the main program sometime soon. In the mean time, have fun!


The problem detected is something that Mxzjm has known about for a while, but he hasn't had time to track down that bug due to day job constraints. Sadly, I am not the level of coder he is, so I couldn't fix that bug. I believe it occurs when the program fails to find the expected value for a given address. There is currently no cure if you are running either my "demo" program or mxjzm's latest code.

You do not need CE for this to work.

Here is what I usually do:

1. Start Tera launcher as admin
2. let the program load, login, choose my character.
3. Once I am in game, I alt tab out and start xTera - Thigh Edition as admin.
4. As long as the "Problem detected" message doesn't appear, it means the program found the correct address based on the offsets and pointers given.

At that point, you can boost the values, switch back into game, swap clothes, and see the effect. I'm running Tera 1.2.5, probably same as you.

You can run the program from anywhere. But if you are getting problem detected, right now, I don't have a fix for that.

You should try running mxjzm's original and latest breast adjuster if my "demo" binary is causing you problems. If his breast booster works fine by my Thigh Edition is giving you problems, it means your machine doesnt like my offsets.

For the most part, this program has worked best on US and EU versions of Tera.

- - - Updated - - -

THX good prog, work with any armor=)

View attachment 17271

Very much honey in that screenshot Cradle of Fear. Just wait for what I am working on now. :-)
The "Baby got Back" Butt Size Booster. :-)
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Potential Patron
Sep 7, 2012
Can you fuse both Breast + Thigh Edition :3? Thanks Ex.
I found a bug, using the thigh edition, if you are in a populated area, some Elins shape changes too, they like with Cellulite *Elins with Cellulite*
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Content Creator
Dec 14, 2013
@WorldCompany - Eventually we will fuse the Breast and Thigh Edition. That is something I need to discuss with Mxjzm. But Before I asked about that, I wanted to release a Thigh and Butt version (which I just did), so that he could add an extra tab to his application with breasts on one tab, Thighs and Butt on the other.

About the sudden Elin expansion you are seeing, its actually a result of Elin's sharing the same memory region which was completely unexpected. I would bet that if you make an Elin character, you could probably alter its thigh size down by adjusting the value down so that inflation is not out of control.

Unfortunately, that memory region I found for thighs is apparently shared with Elin. I might could find another thigh value, but for now inflated Elins are going to have to stay. I will make note of this, that overlap is occuring. Naduron warned me of such things. For now I would ask you for your patience in living with it for the moment.


Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
Am i the only one who cant make it work? your thighs and butt modification just doesn't work for me :(
I'm playing in North American's Server, i guess you're playing on EU server... please, send me the default values or even better, if you know how to get the offsets would be great
Currently, im having problems with a stupid desing from microsoft on one API function, i'll try to find a solution but it's pretty hard, speed vs accuracy :/
If everyone confirms it works on EU server, i'll add a section for it in the official release, but i prefer to do it when it works for me too lol

- - - Updated - - -

By the way, my apologies for leaving this unattended. lot of work, not much time...
I'll try to catch up and resume the program, thank you very much for your help Exgenesis ... I did well to post the code xD


Content Creator
Dec 14, 2013
So we have mixed solution that worked for some, but not for others. Right now the success to fail ratio is about 50/50, and that'ts not good enough for production. But lets get right now to the guts of the offsets and code, and code snippets.

First, I am cheating with the offsets, and this can be tricky. Instead of boosting the offset with a postive hex value, I am subtracting with a negative one for the final offset. In your code, I am using huge jumps into the wilderness, and then offsetting my way back to the proper address.

So here are the guts of my working thigh and ass cheat tables as viewed in CE:

1. CE reflects subtraction by a hexidecimal number to hit the address we want, the offsets and subtracted values are correct (i.e they work for about half of the population surveyed)

CE view 1.jpg CE working butt.jpg

Now, in actual CE, within the actual cheat tables you see this. The large offset (to achieve a negative offset) is reflected in shot below and the code snippets.
CE offsets and pointers butt.jpg
So in your code I made these changes to match the working values as displayed in notepad++ when modifying your addresses.
CodeOffsetsforThigh.jpg codeOffsetsButt.jpg

These work on my system, and the two client programs have had some success. But clearly something is amis. I should note, after I installed Skyrim Ultimate Edition, all of my addresses changed, but the offset and pointer method still works for me.

Attached is a view from my client. It could be an issue with the large hexidecimal offset I am using that is not meshing with your client. I am also using the US version.

I have updated my download on page 7 with a link to the latest version of the thigh and butt adjuster


I wish you the best of luck man. It sucks that all this stuff works for me, the offsets behave properly. Subtracting by a negative offset in CE, results in an operation that when you look at it adds a very large offset. Fact of the matter is, I just dont know how to calculate offsets. So I find an address nearby and increment a counter until I hit the right Address that is static (semi).

I'd like to find a method where only positive offsets are used, but I just don't know how to calculate a multi-level offset. So I take a working offset, adjust it, until I get close to my target value, and then incremenet or decrement until I hit my address.


  • CE offsets and pointers Thigh.png
    CE offsets and pointers Thigh.png
    7.2 KB · Views: 320
  • Untitled.jpg
    32.8 KB · Views: 534
  • H-E-C.jpg
    97.1 KB · Views: 813
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Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
Ok, using the offset directly in my class MemoryPointer finally worked, not sure why but xTera thighs and butt edition did not work for me, but with these offsets in my code it worked (magic?)
Exgenesis, you are the man ^_^

P. D. Smells like 1.4 release (?)


Casual Client
Jul 9, 2013
xTera 1.3 released.
It DOESN'T inlcude thighs or butt at the moment.

Stay alert, tomorrow i'll upload the xTera r1.4, with thighs and butt access (credits to Exgenesis).
And off course, save/load functions to make your changes in-game "almost" permanent.
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Content Creator
Dec 14, 2013
I was afraid that hexidecimal subtraction was going to slay some memory structure.

Good Job browski and thanks for working to integrate that stuff. From metrics standpoint we are at a 15/1 success rate, in other words, for every person that said, this doesn't work for me, 15 have PM'd me and said we are "Gods Walking Among Mere Mortals". lol. If they only knew how amateur I am lol.

So after the thigh and butt release, which will actually be a thigh and hip height release (but it stretches the butt and makes it bigger), we should discuss our next steps. But this is a day to celebrate and not worry about next steps.

I am going the take a look at Hethro's DLL, because it sounds pretty exciting and possibly worth leveraging in some manner.

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Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2013
I'd like to begin with a thanks for the mods; and I'd like to continue with a : I hope you decide to do some elin modding. Though I have a high elf and castanic, I haven't tried this since I currently am leveling my elins. Also I like the proportions of the castanic females. With that being said, I would greatly appreciate it if you could add ellins to the classes that could be modded. I know you can't do much with their chests... it would be awesome if you could somehow make a (preset?) setting to make the elins closer to a castanic proportion, or possibly closer to a teen body shape. Of course if they ever add tails and better ear cosmetic items then please disregard this post.

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