A reupload from deviantart. The original was a PDF with tiny columns of text, so forgive the inconsistent reformatting.
I knew that The Carrulian Intelligence wanted me dead. But I had no idea they wanted me bad enough to send three assassins at me. But I had no intention of letting them kill me. I might not be a freshman, but a 45 year old man who takes good care of his body and his skills is still a force to be reckoned with. I was hiding in a safehouse in Norway as my
alerts went off. Looking at my app, I could see that no less than three armed bodies were closing in on my location using various ways of transportation. I could tell that one of them was going to be a lot earlier than the others. If this was to be a coordinated attack, they weren’t doing it very well.
I donned my black all weather ”catsuit” and strapped on my belt with it’s impressive arsenal. The games could begin. The first assassin to sneak through my basement door was a sexy redhead. She couldn’t have been much more than 21. On my app I could track her as she moved through the house in her shiny outfit. With three of them coming down on my location, I probably shouldn’t waste her right away. I would need to question her a little first.
I could smell her delightful perfume as she tip toed right past me into the living room. I jumped out and looped a garotte over her head. She fired her submachineguns into my ceiling as I choked her. Her clips emptied quickly. I could feel her ass rubbing against my groin as she struggled to get free of my grip. But I was too strong. Her breasts bounced impressively as she dropped to her knees. I dropped down with her. I know it was unprofessional of me, but she wasn’t much of a threat now, and I might as well have some fun. I held on to the garotte with one hand and started feeling her body with the other.
I took a firm hold between her legs, pulling her ass towards my pelvis. She moaned in protest. But she didn’t last much longer.
Seconds later she passed out and fell forward. My hand groped her torso as I let her slip to the ground. I took a couple of tactical strips and tied her hands behind her back. She was a real sleeping beauty. I unzipped her top and watched in delight as her breasts came free. I fondled her thighs thoroughly before snapping back to reality. There was two more coming. I needed to know their game plan.
Releasing my Taser from my belt, I turned her on her back. Her pelvis was lifted from the ground by her bound hands. She would be utterly helpless. I placed the Taser on her right nipple. “ZRRT”. She woke up with a gasp.
“Oh god, no! You got me!” she said as she looked up at me. She still hadn’t noticed that her breasts were exposed. I looked down.
“I’m sorry, babe. But whoever put this plan together is either an utter idiot or deliberately used you as cannon fodder. Which one do you think it is?”
She had noticed her liberated orbs by now.
“I’m not telling you anything!” She said crossly. “And close my top, now!” Of course I was going to do no such thing.
“Tell me who is coming and what your battle plan is!”. To underline my point I shoved the Taser into her groin without activating it. She looked at me defiantly. Oh well. I activated the Taser between her sexy thighs.
“Aaaarrhhh” She screamed in pain as she writhed on the floor. Tears welled up in her eyes as I activated the Taser twice more. She had had enough.
“STOP! Please. I’ll tell you what you want to know”. I nodded to her. She knew exactly what I wanted to hear. “There’s three of us. Two of us were meant to scare you out of the house, but the other agent missed her time.”. I gave the Taser another good shove to urge her on. The third agent is a sniper. She was meant to take you out as you left the house”.
I had no reason to believe that she was lying. The second agent was approaching my garage door, and the third one had stopped moving all together.together.“And who came up with this silly plan” I asked. Her lips were trembling. “We… we did. It’s our initiation mission”.
My face turned red. “I’m an exam project for a goth girl band who thinks they’re spies?”
She protested: “We are fully trained, you know! We would have taken you down easily if Natascha hadn’t missed the timing!”
I grabbed a lump of her hair behind her neck and lifted her face close to mine.
”Come on, little girl. I saw you coming from miles away. Your bosses sent you to die!”
She started crying. ”Please... Don’t kill me”.
I placed the Taser on her belly button and fired at full thrust. Her body started shaking wildly. Foam started oozing from the corner of her mouth. She would be out for a while. I could deal with her later.
I used a secret hatch to enter the garage. The second assassin was already there. I tried to move as stealthily as possible, but she was alert. Bullets started flying around
my head. My 9mm was very little help against her machine gun. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that she was very skimpily clad. My furnace was in the garage, so it was quite warm. She must have scuttled her winterwear.
Burst after burst rang out every time I peeked out to fire at her with my gun. Suddenly I has shot myself dry. But no problem. So had she. I was in the process of reloading as I saw her towering over me, swinging the butt of her machine gun at me.
I almost managed to dodge the swing, but she did send me reeling for the ground. Before I could get up, she gave me a devastating kick to the groin. My “junk” sent pain through my body unlike anything I had ever experienced. I cupped my bulge while struggling for air. She followed up with a kick to my face. God! Who was this girl? Terminator?
I was on my back. She got down on top of me, riding my pelvis as she squeezed her gun down on my throat with both hands.
The feeling of her young pussy riding my groin, wearing only her black knickers got me aroused in spite of the still noticeable pain.
Suddenly she let out a little gasp. She was aroused as well! “OK!” She said with a thick accent. “Let me give you one last fuck before I kill you!”. Jesus! This girl had balls.
But I couldn’t complain. I wanted to be inside her so bad. I could always kill her afterwards.
She grabbed a hand grenade from my belt and pulled the pin. “Now I am in control” she said with her sexy accent. She opened my suit and removed my belt. She sent it sliding across the floor. She released my throbbing member from my underwear. She pulled the bottom of her knickers aside and let me in.
I have had a lot of sexual encounters, but this was by far the wildest. The only thing between me and certain death was her hand holding on to the grenade. The whole thing
was thrilling in the extreme.
She let me reach up and grope her breasts that were completely naked under the cut off top. Moving in sync, we both succumbed to the pleasure completely. We climaxed in total unison, and I thrust my load deep into her eager pussy. I was still dizzy from the breath taking orgasm, but I knew I had to be first!
Her eyes were still closed as I reached for my boot stiletto. I grabbed her right hand that was holding the grenade while I stabbed her just above her pubic area.
She sobered quickly, looking down at my hand that was holding the knife inside her. She desperately tried to release the grenade, but my hand was holding hers in a vice grip. My small stiletto wasn’t doing much damage. I stabbed her twice more in the same area, just covered by the cloth of her panties. Flickers of defeat started to show in her eyes.
“I can’t believe you got me, you bastard! I had you!”. I pulled out my knife and her free hand went straight to the wounds. I looked into her eyes. “You never ‘had me’” I lied.
“I was always going to kill you, the way I did your read head friend.” That was another lie, but I wanted her to feel utterly defeated. Maybe she would give me more clues.
“Mira!” she gasped. “Oh no. Not her as well. What did you do to her?”. I stared into her eyes. Give me the pin for the grenade and I will tell you. She handed me the
grenade and the pin. I put the pin back in and tossed it across the ground.
I held the stiletto to her throat and nodded for her to get up. My dick re emerged from her pussy. She adjusted the fabric so that her pussy was covered again. She was still
on her knees as I moved around her. I held her neck in an arm grip. She now cupped her wounds with both hands.
“Your friend pleaded for her life as I pumped her full of lead not missing any of her female parts”, I lied. Natascha gasped.
“Oh god! I.. I.. Don’t know why I’m telling you this. She reached around with one hand
And grabbed my still sticky member. “I can’t tell you how many times I have thought about Mira dead in her skin tight outfit. Every night, I have satisfied myself to the thought of her sexy body sprawled on the ground somewhere”. Her accent made me think that I had misunderstood her. But I hadn’t. This chick had been into the red head in a sexual way and with a fetish for good measure.
I might have interrogated Natascha further, but I could be out of time. These three had clearly been sent to throw me off. The real assassin couldn’t be far behind. I couldn’t
believe that The Carrulian Intelligence thought me such a fool!
I took a firm grip on Natascha’s chin. ”No! No! Don’t!”. ” Crrrk ”. As I snapped her neck, her body turned limp in an instance. I dropped her to the floor. Her well trained
buttocks were pointing right at me. She was dead. But she had been too close to actually ending me!
I zipped up my suit and recovered my belt. I wondered if Mira was still out. But my main concern now was the sniper that was stationed outside. My app told me that she was on the roof of my barn, training her rifle at the house. I snuck up to the 1st floor, grabbing my own sniper rifle on the way.
I slowly and carefully tilted a roof tile that was designed for just this purpose. Unlike a traditional scope, my sniper rifle just had the tiniest of cameras mounted to the tip of the barrel. She would have to be extremely lucky to see me. She was a gorgeous blonde. Just as young as the other two.
She had one knee bent and was resting on the other. It was not an optimal position to fire a rifle, but it made for a more flexible position when scouting for the target.
I was so mad that Carrulia had sent these amateurs, I just wanted to toy with her before offing her. Her tight wet look leggings offered me a very inviting target. The tiniest of bulge right between her legs.
My scope was drawn to it like it was a magnet. I felt a little hellish. I turned on the laser sight.
She noticed the laser in the faint mist. She looked down and saw where it was pointing. Then she looked right at me, but she was too slow. I could just read an “Oh no!” from her
lips as my shot fired “ Pfeewt ”. She dropped her rifle. As she cupped her crotch, she lost her balance and fell backwards off the roof.
I heard her scream as she fell to the ground. The snow would cushion her fall. I’d better go check on her.
As I walked around the back of the barn with my reloaded 9mm, I found her draped across a mound of snow. She was pawing her crotch, a small trickle of blood was slowly melting the snow underneath her. She had noticed me.me.“Please don’t let me die! Help me!”. I looked down at her. “Why should I help you. I’m the one that shot you. You and the other chicks!”.
Her eyes were pleading. “I’m too young. I haven’t had a chance to prove myself!”. But she was at least half way faking it. Suddenly she produced her back up piece from inside her jacket and pointed it at me. But her last ditch attempt didn’t help her.
I pumped two bullets into her right breast in rapid succession. “HUUUNGH!” She gasped in pain. Her breathing became shallower. She couldn’t hold up the gun.
The terror in her eyes was certainly legitimate this time.time.“I can’t believe I got killed on my first mission”. I was cold. I might as well tell this one as well: “Don’t worry, bitch. The odds were never in your favour. Your bosses sent you here as a decoy. They knew that none of you three birds would ever return”.
It was only a matter of time, but I had to end her. I still had Mira to deal with as well. I put the nozzle of my gun at the rim of her sweater. I pushed the sweater upwards until my gun was pointed at her lower abdomen.
Her firm belly was covered by her high waist wet look pants. She cried out. “Stop, I don’t want to die!”. I pulled the trigger on “die”. Bang! Bang! Bang!
Her eyes glazed over. She was gone. I reached under her young body and lifted her up. I walked into the garage where Natascha’s body was still lying face down on the ground. I dropped the sniper on the ground next to her unceremoniously. It was time to wrap this up.
I walked back to the living room. I knew that there was a risk that Mira would have woken up.
She had in fact woken up and laid a trap. Suddenly she came swinging down from a ledge, catching my head between her legs and tearing me to the ground. My face was glued to her groin as her powerful legs squeezed my neck. How could I have walked into that trap. I must have been too cocky!
I was reaching for something, anything in my belt. But she had been thinking ahead. She grabbed one of my bats from under a chair where she must have hidden it, and in
a dexterous move, she brought it down on my groin accurately, even with her back turned. She leaned back, unbuckled my belt and tossed across the floor. I couldn’t help but hold my package as she was slowly suffocating me.
It was becoming clear that I had to fight back if I was to survive. It might not have been the prettiest trick in the book, but I managed to open my mouth enough to chomp down on her pussy that my face was still shoved into. “ Arrh !” She let out a cry and lost focus for long enough for me to topple her off me. Now she was lying on the ground holding herself between the legs.
I got up and walked over to her. I kicked her in her gut with massive force. “HUUGH!” the remaining air blew out her lungs. She rolled on to her belly, her shapely behind was
pointing into the air.. I needed no more encouragement after the bat she sent into my groin. I grabbed the very same bat and gave it a good swing it landed squarely between her legs.
She was now rocking back and forth on the ground holding herself. Her eyes were squeezed shot in pain.
I found my 9mm again and trained it on her, waiting for the pain to subside. Her eyes finally opened. She knew that she had lost.
“Put your hands behind the back of your head” I ordered. She reluctantly did as I asked. She got up on her knees. I couldn’t help but admire her. The three young women might have been untrained, but they had spunk. I couldn’t let her live, and she knew it. Her eyes looked defeated.
“Get up and turn around!” I barked. I wanted to take her into the garage.
“Natascha and Charlotte?” she asked. “exactly. I’ve killed both of them”. Her body shuttered as I emphasized word “killed”. But she didn’t seem surprised.
“Oh God!” she whispered as she saw the two bodies. Her arms were still behind her head.
She turned around and looked at me. “What are you going to do to me?”. I used my most casual tone. “I’m going to put bullets in your body until you die”. She gasped. “Then I’m going to pose the three of you to leave a clear message”.
She tried playing the very last trick in the book. She put on a seductive face and jiggled her breasts. Are you sure we can’t think of something?
As much as I wold have loved to have sex with her, I knew I was running out of time. I had already been too careless.
Suddenly, she noticed where I had first shot Charlotte. The gravity of it all came down on her like a ton of bricks. “Don’t shoot me there, please! I beg you!”. I decided not to. I could grant her that. But it was over now.
I said flatly. She held out her palms as if they could stop the bullets.bullets.“
No!” Bang! Bang! Bang! “HUUNGH!!” she moaned as three bullets pierced he top and lodged themselves in her tummy.
She staggered around for a moment before falling on her knees. I walked over to her. I pushed the nozzle of my gun against left breast. I looked her straight in the eyes as I pulled the trigger: Bang! Bang! She only managed a faint “ ghhhh ” as her eyes opened wide and she collapsed on top of her teammates.
I was annoyed that I had to leave the safe house. I had really grown to like it. I wanted to send an unmistakable signal to anyone that would come for this team. I didn’t have time for anything elaborate, but less would do it this time.
I lined them all up next to each other on the ground with Charlotte in the middle. I put each of her hands into Natascha’s panties and Mira’s tights respectively. I posed Natascha and Mira so that each of them were grabbing their own breasts with both hands.
It might not have been very inventive, but it would have to do for now. I grabbed my emergency backpack and fled through the tunnel.
I knew that The Carrulian Intelligence wanted me dead. But I had no idea they wanted me bad enough to send three assassins at me. But I had no intention of letting them kill me. I might not be a freshman, but a 45 year old man who takes good care of his body and his skills is still a force to be reckoned with. I was hiding in a safehouse in Norway as my
alerts went off. Looking at my app, I could see that no less than three armed bodies were closing in on my location using various ways of transportation. I could tell that one of them was going to be a lot earlier than the others. If this was to be a coordinated attack, they weren’t doing it very well.
I donned my black all weather ”catsuit” and strapped on my belt with it’s impressive arsenal. The games could begin. The first assassin to sneak through my basement door was a sexy redhead. She couldn’t have been much more than 21. On my app I could track her as she moved through the house in her shiny outfit. With three of them coming down on my location, I probably shouldn’t waste her right away. I would need to question her a little first.

I could smell her delightful perfume as she tip toed right past me into the living room. I jumped out and looped a garotte over her head. She fired her submachineguns into my ceiling as I choked her. Her clips emptied quickly. I could feel her ass rubbing against my groin as she struggled to get free of my grip. But I was too strong. Her breasts bounced impressively as she dropped to her knees. I dropped down with her. I know it was unprofessional of me, but she wasn’t much of a threat now, and I might as well have some fun. I held on to the garotte with one hand and started feeling her body with the other.
I took a firm hold between her legs, pulling her ass towards my pelvis. She moaned in protest. But she didn’t last much longer.
Seconds later she passed out and fell forward. My hand groped her torso as I let her slip to the ground. I took a couple of tactical strips and tied her hands behind her back. She was a real sleeping beauty. I unzipped her top and watched in delight as her breasts came free. I fondled her thighs thoroughly before snapping back to reality. There was two more coming. I needed to know their game plan.
Releasing my Taser from my belt, I turned her on her back. Her pelvis was lifted from the ground by her bound hands. She would be utterly helpless. I placed the Taser on her right nipple. “ZRRT”. She woke up with a gasp.
“Oh god, no! You got me!” she said as she looked up at me. She still hadn’t noticed that her breasts were exposed. I looked down.
“I’m sorry, babe. But whoever put this plan together is either an utter idiot or deliberately used you as cannon fodder. Which one do you think it is?”
She had noticed her liberated orbs by now.
“I’m not telling you anything!” She said crossly. “And close my top, now!” Of course I was going to do no such thing.
“Tell me who is coming and what your battle plan is!”. To underline my point I shoved the Taser into her groin without activating it. She looked at me defiantly. Oh well. I activated the Taser between her sexy thighs.
“Aaaarrhhh” She screamed in pain as she writhed on the floor. Tears welled up in her eyes as I activated the Taser twice more. She had had enough.
“STOP! Please. I’ll tell you what you want to know”. I nodded to her. She knew exactly what I wanted to hear. “There’s three of us. Two of us were meant to scare you out of the house, but the other agent missed her time.”. I gave the Taser another good shove to urge her on. The third agent is a sniper. She was meant to take you out as you left the house”.
I had no reason to believe that she was lying. The second agent was approaching my garage door, and the third one had stopped moving all together.together.“And who came up with this silly plan” I asked. Her lips were trembling. “We… we did. It’s our initiation mission”.
My face turned red. “I’m an exam project for a goth girl band who thinks they’re spies?”
She protested: “We are fully trained, you know! We would have taken you down easily if Natascha hadn’t missed the timing!”
I grabbed a lump of her hair behind her neck and lifted her face close to mine.
”Come on, little girl. I saw you coming from miles away. Your bosses sent you to die!”
She started crying. ”Please... Don’t kill me”.
I placed the Taser on her belly button and fired at full thrust. Her body started shaking wildly. Foam started oozing from the corner of her mouth. She would be out for a while. I could deal with her later.
I used a secret hatch to enter the garage. The second assassin was already there. I tried to move as stealthily as possible, but she was alert. Bullets started flying around
my head. My 9mm was very little help against her machine gun. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that she was very skimpily clad. My furnace was in the garage, so it was quite warm. She must have scuttled her winterwear.
Burst after burst rang out every time I peeked out to fire at her with my gun. Suddenly I has shot myself dry. But no problem. So had she. I was in the process of reloading as I saw her towering over me, swinging the butt of her machine gun at me.

I almost managed to dodge the swing, but she did send me reeling for the ground. Before I could get up, she gave me a devastating kick to the groin. My “junk” sent pain through my body unlike anything I had ever experienced. I cupped my bulge while struggling for air. She followed up with a kick to my face. God! Who was this girl? Terminator?
I was on my back. She got down on top of me, riding my pelvis as she squeezed her gun down on my throat with both hands.
The feeling of her young pussy riding my groin, wearing only her black knickers got me aroused in spite of the still noticeable pain.
Suddenly she let out a little gasp. She was aroused as well! “OK!” She said with a thick accent. “Let me give you one last fuck before I kill you!”. Jesus! This girl had balls.
But I couldn’t complain. I wanted to be inside her so bad. I could always kill her afterwards.
She grabbed a hand grenade from my belt and pulled the pin. “Now I am in control” she said with her sexy accent. She opened my suit and removed my belt. She sent it sliding across the floor. She released my throbbing member from my underwear. She pulled the bottom of her knickers aside and let me in.
I have had a lot of sexual encounters, but this was by far the wildest. The only thing between me and certain death was her hand holding on to the grenade. The whole thing
was thrilling in the extreme.
She let me reach up and grope her breasts that were completely naked under the cut off top. Moving in sync, we both succumbed to the pleasure completely. We climaxed in total unison, and I thrust my load deep into her eager pussy. I was still dizzy from the breath taking orgasm, but I knew I had to be first!
Her eyes were still closed as I reached for my boot stiletto. I grabbed her right hand that was holding the grenade while I stabbed her just above her pubic area.
She sobered quickly, looking down at my hand that was holding the knife inside her. She desperately tried to release the grenade, but my hand was holding hers in a vice grip. My small stiletto wasn’t doing much damage. I stabbed her twice more in the same area, just covered by the cloth of her panties. Flickers of defeat started to show in her eyes.
“I can’t believe you got me, you bastard! I had you!”. I pulled out my knife and her free hand went straight to the wounds. I looked into her eyes. “You never ‘had me’” I lied.
“I was always going to kill you, the way I did your read head friend.” That was another lie, but I wanted her to feel utterly defeated. Maybe she would give me more clues.
“Mira!” she gasped. “Oh no. Not her as well. What did you do to her?”. I stared into her eyes. Give me the pin for the grenade and I will tell you. She handed me the
grenade and the pin. I put the pin back in and tossed it across the ground.
I held the stiletto to her throat and nodded for her to get up. My dick re emerged from her pussy. She adjusted the fabric so that her pussy was covered again. She was still
on her knees as I moved around her. I held her neck in an arm grip. She now cupped her wounds with both hands.
“Your friend pleaded for her life as I pumped her full of lead not missing any of her female parts”, I lied. Natascha gasped.
“Oh god! I.. I.. Don’t know why I’m telling you this. She reached around with one hand
And grabbed my still sticky member. “I can’t tell you how many times I have thought about Mira dead in her skin tight outfit. Every night, I have satisfied myself to the thought of her sexy body sprawled on the ground somewhere”. Her accent made me think that I had misunderstood her. But I hadn’t. This chick had been into the red head in a sexual way and with a fetish for good measure.
I might have interrogated Natascha further, but I could be out of time. These three had clearly been sent to throw me off. The real assassin couldn’t be far behind. I couldn’t
believe that The Carrulian Intelligence thought me such a fool!
I took a firm grip on Natascha’s chin. ”No! No! Don’t!”. ” Crrrk ”. As I snapped her neck, her body turned limp in an instance. I dropped her to the floor. Her well trained
buttocks were pointing right at me. She was dead. But she had been too close to actually ending me!
I zipped up my suit and recovered my belt. I wondered if Mira was still out. But my main concern now was the sniper that was stationed outside. My app told me that she was on the roof of my barn, training her rifle at the house. I snuck up to the 1st floor, grabbing my own sniper rifle on the way.
I slowly and carefully tilted a roof tile that was designed for just this purpose. Unlike a traditional scope, my sniper rifle just had the tiniest of cameras mounted to the tip of the barrel. She would have to be extremely lucky to see me. She was a gorgeous blonde. Just as young as the other two.
She had one knee bent and was resting on the other. It was not an optimal position to fire a rifle, but it made for a more flexible position when scouting for the target.

I was so mad that Carrulia had sent these amateurs, I just wanted to toy with her before offing her. Her tight wet look leggings offered me a very inviting target. The tiniest of bulge right between her legs.
My scope was drawn to it like it was a magnet. I felt a little hellish. I turned on the laser sight.
She noticed the laser in the faint mist. She looked down and saw where it was pointing. Then she looked right at me, but she was too slow. I could just read an “Oh no!” from her
lips as my shot fired “ Pfeewt ”. She dropped her rifle. As she cupped her crotch, she lost her balance and fell backwards off the roof.
I heard her scream as she fell to the ground. The snow would cushion her fall. I’d better go check on her.
As I walked around the back of the barn with my reloaded 9mm, I found her draped across a mound of snow. She was pawing her crotch, a small trickle of blood was slowly melting the snow underneath her. She had noticed me.me.“Please don’t let me die! Help me!”. I looked down at her. “Why should I help you. I’m the one that shot you. You and the other chicks!”.
Her eyes were pleading. “I’m too young. I haven’t had a chance to prove myself!”. But she was at least half way faking it. Suddenly she produced her back up piece from inside her jacket and pointed it at me. But her last ditch attempt didn’t help her.
I pumped two bullets into her right breast in rapid succession. “HUUUNGH!” She gasped in pain. Her breathing became shallower. She couldn’t hold up the gun.
The terror in her eyes was certainly legitimate this time.time.“I can’t believe I got killed on my first mission”. I was cold. I might as well tell this one as well: “Don’t worry, bitch. The odds were never in your favour. Your bosses sent you here as a decoy. They knew that none of you three birds would ever return”.
It was only a matter of time, but I had to end her. I still had Mira to deal with as well. I put the nozzle of my gun at the rim of her sweater. I pushed the sweater upwards until my gun was pointed at her lower abdomen.
Her firm belly was covered by her high waist wet look pants. She cried out. “Stop, I don’t want to die!”. I pulled the trigger on “die”. Bang! Bang! Bang!
Her eyes glazed over. She was gone. I reached under her young body and lifted her up. I walked into the garage where Natascha’s body was still lying face down on the ground. I dropped the sniper on the ground next to her unceremoniously. It was time to wrap this up.
I walked back to the living room. I knew that there was a risk that Mira would have woken up.
She had in fact woken up and laid a trap. Suddenly she came swinging down from a ledge, catching my head between her legs and tearing me to the ground. My face was glued to her groin as her powerful legs squeezed my neck. How could I have walked into that trap. I must have been too cocky!
I was reaching for something, anything in my belt. But she had been thinking ahead. She grabbed one of my bats from under a chair where she must have hidden it, and in
a dexterous move, she brought it down on my groin accurately, even with her back turned. She leaned back, unbuckled my belt and tossed across the floor. I couldn’t help but hold my package as she was slowly suffocating me.
It was becoming clear that I had to fight back if I was to survive. It might not have been the prettiest trick in the book, but I managed to open my mouth enough to chomp down on her pussy that my face was still shoved into. “ Arrh !” She let out a cry and lost focus for long enough for me to topple her off me. Now she was lying on the ground holding herself between the legs.
I got up and walked over to her. I kicked her in her gut with massive force. “HUUGH!” the remaining air blew out her lungs. She rolled on to her belly, her shapely behind was
pointing into the air.. I needed no more encouragement after the bat she sent into my groin. I grabbed the very same bat and gave it a good swing it landed squarely between her legs.
She was now rocking back and forth on the ground holding herself. Her eyes were squeezed shot in pain.
I found my 9mm again and trained it on her, waiting for the pain to subside. Her eyes finally opened. She knew that she had lost.
“Put your hands behind the back of your head” I ordered. She reluctantly did as I asked. She got up on her knees. I couldn’t help but admire her. The three young women might have been untrained, but they had spunk. I couldn’t let her live, and she knew it. Her eyes looked defeated.
“Get up and turn around!” I barked. I wanted to take her into the garage.
“Natascha and Charlotte?” she asked. “exactly. I’ve killed both of them”. Her body shuttered as I emphasized word “killed”. But she didn’t seem surprised.
“Oh God!” she whispered as she saw the two bodies. Her arms were still behind her head.
She turned around and looked at me. “What are you going to do to me?”. I used my most casual tone. “I’m going to put bullets in your body until you die”. She gasped. “Then I’m going to pose the three of you to leave a clear message”.
She tried playing the very last trick in the book. She put on a seductive face and jiggled her breasts. Are you sure we can’t think of something?
As much as I wold have loved to have sex with her, I knew I was running out of time. I had already been too careless.
Suddenly, she noticed where I had first shot Charlotte. The gravity of it all came down on her like a ton of bricks. “Don’t shoot me there, please! I beg you!”. I decided not to. I could grant her that. But it was over now.
I said flatly. She held out her palms as if they could stop the bullets.bullets.“
No!” Bang! Bang! Bang! “HUUNGH!!” she moaned as three bullets pierced he top and lodged themselves in her tummy.
She staggered around for a moment before falling on her knees. I walked over to her. I pushed the nozzle of my gun against left breast. I looked her straight in the eyes as I pulled the trigger: Bang! Bang! She only managed a faint “ ghhhh ” as her eyes opened wide and she collapsed on top of her teammates.
I was annoyed that I had to leave the safe house. I had really grown to like it. I wanted to send an unmistakable signal to anyone that would come for this team. I didn’t have time for anything elaborate, but less would do it this time.
I lined them all up next to each other on the ground with Charlotte in the middle. I put each of her hands into Natascha’s panties and Mira’s tights respectively. I posed Natascha and Mira so that each of them were grabbing their own breasts with both hands.
It might not have been very inventive, but it would have to do for now. I grabbed my emergency backpack and fled through the tunnel.