Streets of Girls: Fully AI powered beat em up walktrhoughs (2 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Setting: The Dark Art Gallery

The air inside the art gallery feels heavy, as if the abstract paintings on the walls are breathing. Dim spotlights flicker over strange sculptures, casting long, twisted shadows across the marble floor. The atmosphere is thick with quiet whispers and the occasional giggle, unaware of the chaos about to unfold. The player steps inside, the sound of footsteps echoing through the vast halls, ready to face a gauntlet of adversaries.

First Encounter: Karen and Lily



Idle Actions: Karen leans confidently against a cracked stone statue, arms crossed beneath her ample chest, her blue hair spilling over her shoulders. Her leather outfit creaks as she shifts her weight, casting a disdainful glance at the various art pieces. She sneers, her painted lips curling in disgust. A few feet away, Lily is skating lazily in circles, giggling with childish delight as her strawberry-red hair bounces with every turn. Her innocence contrasts sharply with Karen’s brooding presence.

Conversation Before Fight:

  • Karen: "This place is a joke. Typical men creating useless garbage. I’d burn it all if I could." She laughs bitterly.
  • Lily: "Hehe, maybe we can spray-paint the statues! Or push ‘em over! That’d be fun, right?" She twirls and laughs, not noticing the player's approach.
Fight: Karen is the first to notice the player’s presence, her cocky smirk twisting into a scowl. She pushes herself off the statue, cracking her knuckles menacingly as she steps forward. "You think you’re tough, huh? Let’s see if you can handle me," she growls before charging.

Her strength is formidable, but her movements are slow. Karen throws a heavy haymaker, her fist cutting through the air with a dull thud as it misses. The player dodges and counters with a swift kick to her side. Karen grunts but shrugs it off, throwing another punch. This time, the player catches her arm mid-swing and delivers a crushing knee to her gut. Karen stumbles back, her face twisting in agony as blood drips from the corner of her mouth.

"You... you bastard," Karen mutters, her voice laced with venom. Her confidence is gone, replaced by desperation. She lunges one last time, but the player sidesteps her easily and delivers a final blow—a vicious spinning roundhouse kick to her jaw. Karen's eyes widen in shock as her head snaps to the side, her body crumpling to the floor with a sickening thud. She lets out a weak gasp, her last breath fading as her body disintegrates into dark, swirling smoke. Her final expression is one of disbelief, as if she can’t comprehend her defeat. The player is rewarded with 600 points and 75 coins.


Lily, who had been giggling in the background, finally realizes what just happened. Her laughter falters, and she skates toward the player hesitantly. "W-wait! I didn’t mean to... I was just playing!" she pleads, her voice trembling. But it’s too late. The player dodges her erratic movements with ease, and with a well-timed uppercut, Lily is sent flying backward. She crashes into a large, grotesque painting, the canvas ripping as her body slumps to the floor. Her breath hitches as she stares up in fear, realizing that she’s moments from death. "I didn’t… I didn’t…" she whispers before blinking out of existence, her body dissipating into a burst of colorful sparks. The player receives 250 points and 20 coins.


Second Encounter: Steffany, Eve, and Elsa




Idle Actions: Steffany, Eve, and Elsa are lounging near a strange, twisted metal sculpture that resembles a screaming face. Steffany adjusts her fishnets, her tall, thin frame slouched against the cold steel. Eve, barely showing her pregnancy bump, is laughing as she leans into Steffany’s shoulder, while Elsa stands a few feet away, stretching her long legs in a slow, sensual dance-like motion. Her thin, pale frame moves with unnatural grace, as if her body has no bones.

Conversation Before Fight:

  • Steffany: "Look at that idiot coming this way. Wanna mess them up before we hit the club?" She chuckles, flipping her long hair behind her shoulder.
  • Eve: "I bet they won’t even see it coming." She smirks, licking her lips.
  • Elsa: "Let’s make it quick, I have a yoga class in an hour." She giggles, bending backward in a perfect arch.
Fight: Steffany strikes first, her movements erratic but fast. She swings her fists wildly, more intent on showing off than landing real hits. The player ducks beneath one of her sloppy punches and lands a solid blow to her stomach. She doubles over, gasping for air, but tries to laugh it off. "N-nice... hit, but you’ll... have to do better than that..." she wheezes. The player doesn’t give her the chance to recover, delivering a swift kick to her head. Steffany's neck snaps back with a sickening crack, her eyes going wide with terror. She stumbles backward, clutching her throat, her breathing growing labored. "No... this can’t be happening..." she whispers in disbelief before collapsing to the floor. Her body flickers, then evaporates into a burst of neon light, leaving behind 350 points and 30 coins.


Eve, despite her pregnancy, rushes in with surprising speed. Her kicks are fast, but lack the power to do serious damage. She spins around, trying to land a high kick, but the player grabs her leg mid-swing and sweeps her other leg from under her. Eve crashes to the ground, gasping in shock. She looks up at the player, fear flooding her eyes. "W-wait... I have a baby..." she pleads, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. The player hesitates for a split second, but Eve takes advantage, scrambling to her feet and attempting another kick. The player swiftly counters with a devastating punch to her ribs. Eve lets out a choked sob, clutching her belly as she collapses. Her body crumbles into pink smoke, her final expression one of regret and sorrow. The player is awarded 400 points and 50 coins.


Elsa watches her comrades fall with an amused smile. "Well, I guess it’s my turn," she says, her Swedish accent thick as she gracefully moves into a fighting stance. She moves with inhuman flexibility, twisting and contorting her body as she dodges the player’s strikes. Her long legs snap forward in a series of quick kicks, but the player deflects each one. With a quick feint, the player tricks Elsa into overextending, then delivers a crushing elbow to her chest. Elsa gasps, her hands flying to her chest as she staggers backward. Her cocky grin falters, and panic sets in as she realizes she’s no match for the player. "No... this wasn’t supposed to happen..." she whispers, her voice shaky. The player finishes her with a spinning kick to the head, sending her spiraling into a nearby sculpture. Elsa’s body twists unnaturally as she crumples to the ground, her once graceful movements now reduced to twitching spasms. She lets out one final, despairing sigh before her body disintegrates into sparkling dust. The player receives 500 points and 60 coins.


Third Encounter: Summer & Natalie



Idle Actions: In the far corner of the gallery, Summer and Natalie are lost in their own world. Summer, her gothic appearance striking against the brightly colored art, has Natalie pressed against a wall, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Natalie’s fingers curl into Summer’s dress as they make out, completely oblivious to the violence around them.

Conversation Before Fight:

  • Summer: "Mmm... can’t we just stay here forever, Natalie?" She whispers between kisses.
  • Natalie: "I’d like that... but we’ve got company." She smirks, her eyes flicking toward the player.
Fight: Summer pulls away from Natalie with a wicked grin. "I’ll take care of this. Wait for me," she says, stepping toward the player. Her movements are fluid and confident as she throws a series of rapid punches, but the player blocks each one with ease. The fight intensifies as Summer’s strikes grow more desperate. "You’re... not supposed to be this strong..." she gasps, her breath coming in ragged bursts. The player counters with a brutal kick to her ribs, sending her crashing to the floor. Summer clutches her side, her face twisted in pain and disbelief. "Natalie... I..." she chokes, her voice barely a whisper. As her vision fades, her body dissolves into a black mist, leaving behind 700 points and 80 coins.


Natalie, seeing her lover fall, screams in fury and rushes at the player. Her attacks are wild and fueled by rage, but they lack precision. The player dodges effortlessly before delivering a devastating punch to her stomach. Natalie gasps, doubling over as blood drips from her mouth. She stares at the player with wide, terrified eyes, realizing too late that she’s met her match. "No... Summer..." she whispers before collapsing. Her body flickers, then bursts into violet light. The player continues to watch as Natalie’s body dissolves into violet light, the glow slowly fading into nothingness. Her last whisper of Summer's name hangs in the air before it too vanishes. The player is awarded 500 points and 60 coins for the brutal display.


Fourth Encounter: Lilith and Mist



Idle Actions: Lilith stands guard in front of Mist, her large frame a wall of protection. She cracks her knuckles menacingly, her buck teeth flashing with a wicked grin. The redhead's eyes flicker with a fierce loyalty as she watches over the shy Mist, who is nervously fiddling with her glasses, occasionally peeking out from behind Lilith. Mist’s timid posture contrasts sharply with Lilith’s towering confidence. She’s glancing at the player occasionally, clearly infatuated but terrified, her pale cheeks blushing every time she thinks the player looks her way.

Conversation Before Fight:

  • Lilith: "Stay behind me, Mist. You don’t have to worry about a thing. No one’s getting past me." Her voice is thick with arrogance.
  • Mist: "O-okay… but, I just… I kinda like them…" She whispers, her words barely audible as she stares at the player dreamily.
Lilith’s eyes narrow. "Forget it, Mist. I’m ending this." She steps forward, leaving Mist trembling in the shadows.

Fight: Lilith’s kickboxing skills become apparent immediately as she opens with a series of precise, powerful kicks aimed at the player’s midsection. Her movements, though slow, carry the weight of a freight train. Each strike has the potential to break bones, but the player manages to dodge just in time. A swift counter lands a solid hit to Lilith’s knee, causing her to stumble briefly, but she recovers quickly, her grin only widening.

"You think you’re tough? Let’s see you handle this!" she snarls, launching a brutal roundhouse kick. But the player anticipates it, ducking under the blow and retaliating with a crushing elbow to her jaw. Lilith’s head snaps to the side, her eyes wide with shock. She spits out blood, her bravado fading as the pain sets in. "No… I’m supposed to be stronger than this," she gasps, her voice trembling. The player delivers the final blow—an uppercut that sends her crashing into a nearby sculpture. Her large frame slumps against the base, her body twitching before she disintegrates into a thick, black cloud of smoke, disappearing without a trace. 700 points and 90 coins are awarded for the fight.


Mist, now left defenseless, stares at the player with wide, tear-filled eyes. She steps forward hesitantly, wringing her hands nervously. "P-please… don’t hurt me. I didn’t want any of this," she stammers, her voice shaky. But before she can plead further, the player charges, ending the fight swiftly. A single punch to the gut causes Mist to double over, gasping for breath. She crumples to the floor, clutching her stomach in pain, her glasses falling off and shattering on the marble beneath her. "I… just wanted to… be with you," she whispers weakly before fading away into a misty haze. The player is rewarded with 200 points and 15 coins.


Fifth Encounter: Deborah


Idle Actions:
Deborah is sitting seductively on a velvet-covered bench near a massive abstract painting, her fingers trailing along her hourglass curves. Her red lips curl into a seductive smile as she watches the player approach. Her glasses gleam under the dim light, and she crosses her legs slowly, her movements practiced and deliberate.

Conversation Before Fight:

  • Deborah: "Mmm, I’ve been watching you, sweetheart." Her voice is low, dripping with honeyed temptation. She uncrosses her legs and stands, swaying her hips as she moves closer. "You don’t have to fight me, you know. We could… do something else instead." She licks her lips, her eyes filled with lust.
Fight: Deborah doesn’t attack immediately, instead trying to seduce the player. She steps closer, her hand trailing down the player’s chest, her breath hot against their neck. But the player, unfazed, pushes her back. Deborah’s seductive smirk falters as she realizes her charm isn’t working. "You really want to do this?" she asks, her voice taking on a more dangerous tone.

Her fighting style is unorthodox, using her agility and seduction to try and catch the player off guard. She swings her hips as she dodges attacks, attempting to distract with her sultry movements. But the player is too fast, landing a powerful punch to her midsection. Deborah gasps, doubling over in pain. "No… you can’t… hurt someone as beautiful as me," she groans, her eyes wide with disbelief.

A spinning kick sends her flying into a marble column, her body hitting it with a sickening crunch. She slides to the floor, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. "You’ll regret… this..." she whispers weakly before blinking out of existence, her body dissolving into glittering dust. The player is awarded 450 points and 60 coins.


Final Encounter: Yuki and Lilith



Idle Actions: In the largest gallery room, Yuki sits on an ornate chair, her green hair covering half her face, a wicked grin playing across her lips. Lilith stands beside her, silent and still, her posture rigid like a loyal bodyguard. The room is filled with eerie paintings of faceless figures, and the air is thick with tension.

Conversation Before Fight:

  • Yuki: "So, you’ve made it this far." Her voice is calm, but there’s an underlying threat in her tone. She leans forward, resting her chin on her hand. "I suppose I should be impressed, but I’m not. You’re just another pest for me to crush."
  • Lilith: "I’ll handle this, Yuki." Her voice is cold, devoid of emotion.
Fight: Lilith moves first, her attacks quick and precise, aiming to disarm the player. Her strength is formidable, each strike hitting with brutal force, but the player blocks and counters with a well-placed kick to her ribs. Lilith staggers back, her eyes narrowing in frustration. She charges again, but the player dodges and lands a powerful punch to her jaw, sending her crashing to the floor.

Lilith struggles to stand, blood dripping from her mouth. "No… Mist… I can’t fail you…" she whispers, but her strength is gone. With one final blow, the player ends her, sending her body flying into a nearby sculpture. Lilith’s body blinks out of existence, leaving only a faint afterimage before disappearing completely. The player receives 800 points and 90 coins.


Yuki stands slowly, her grin widening. "Well, I suppose I’ll have to deal with you myself," she says, her voice calm yet filled with malice. Her movements are slower, but her sheer power makes every attack deadly. She swings her fists with brutal force, each blow capable of shattering bones. But the player’s agility proves too much for her.

The fight is long and grueling, each hit weakening Yuki more and more. Finally, with a crushing knee to her stomach, Yuki falls to her knees, gasping for air. "No… this… can’t be happening," she mutters, her voice filled with disbelief. The player delivers a final, brutal kick to her face, sending her sprawling across the floor. Yuki lets out a final, pained breath as her body disintegrates into swirling green mist, leaving behind only silence.

The player is awarded 1,500 points, 150 coins, and the victory over the gallery.


End of Level Score:

  • Total Points: 6,500
  • Total Coins: 600


Master of this Domain
Feb 15, 2020
Wow- Another one. :smile:
Karen & Lilith look nice. :cool: Lilith appears a 2nd time at the end- by accident? :wink:

Poor Mist- denied by the hero. :frown: And Deborah!
Not a fan of Eve (again), but the poor couple- :wat: And great end w/Yuki. 🤩

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