The Zako's personal background (2 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
What chuck episode is that? my they look glorious
Episode 414: Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible - Chuck Wiki

I need to know what's zako mean more deeply
In contradiction to this thread, and this forum in general, Zakos are supposed to be completely unimportant, nobody cares where they came from or feels sorry about what happens to them. ;)

There must be a description somewhere on this board, drawing a line between incompetent fighters who's only strength is to attack in big groups (the Zakos) and opponents who are good fighters, but still have a very small role.


Swell Supporter
Dec 3, 2012
Actually I broke my own rules about "anonymous" disposable minions with that one and gave her a name, a full name. I think it was because I wanted to personalize one a bit more and that one does appear in a number of pictures. I'm probably only doing it as an "example" of the type - this is a typical RAVEN bitch, so don't be bothered about what happens to her. As to the funeral - well there would certainly be a lot of people make damn sure she's really dead (LOL!).

I don't like thinking of Zako, especially mine, having children! So mine Don't, Karl!

When I look at your typical baddie...

I imagine the personality of a woman who was part of a bullying clique at school, achieved success with these tactics and decided to make a living from it. Off-duty, her life consists of shopping and partying. Her neighbours probably think she is a rich man's mistress or something alike. She may be adored by many, loved only by her mother and liked by nobody.

I imagine the off-duty life of "my" henchwomen, like these from Chuck, a bit different. They live normal lifes and their neighbours think they have regular jobs. Likeable women, loved by their husbands and children, but rather uninteresting.
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But they are pretty similar to your's.

The world is a bit better place when they're removed from it, but there are some people weeping at their funeral.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
Names are a good way to make the unimportant minions look more important. I remember a scene where Agent Aika dropped something on the head of a Delmo, knocking her out. Her comrade cried "Catherine!" before getting KOed herself a second later. I think it added something to the scene, in contrast to many others where the Delmos seemed to be unimportant for each other too.

I don't like thinking of Zako, especially mine, having children!
That's the point.
It make the situation ambivalent for the hero, since in killing those who deserve it, he also punishes innocent people.

If you see the scene through the eyes of the good guy or girl, you don't want to think about it. You remove them, one way or the other, from this world, probably have fun in the process, and move on to the bigger villains.

But I like to see the scene through the eyes of the baddies who get their comeuppance, follow them through the story. There have to be reasons to hope they stay alive, even if it's fun to imagine their demise. Weird, I know.


Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Episode 414: Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible - Chuck Wiki

In contradiction to this thread, and this forum in general, Zakos are supposed to be completely unimportant, nobody cares where they came from or feels sorry about what happens to them. ;)

There must be a description somewhere on this board, drawing a line between incompetent fighters who's only strength is to attack in big groups (the Zakos) and opponents who are good fighters, but still have a very small role.
what about evil personalty?i dunt know why i like to seein bitch get beaten badly by heroines,are mines can consider as zako fans too?
dunt remmebr when im jumpin into this feelin,when first times i saw zako boards,i feeled im automaticaly like it:p
um i need to read all zako introduction,where i can read that,please lead me:)

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I don't really care know the zako's names, except maybe the "head zako", maybe she's like second in command, but she's still nonetheless, another minion. For example, in the movie Double Take (2006), during the shootout outside a government building, there is two leaders of the squad of zako, but they are dressed the same as the other henchwomen. Eventually, all the zako are shot, and so is one of the head zako, who just becomes another dead minion in a sea of dead minions. The army fighters who took them out don't even give notice to her, or any of the other gals, and head on to the government building.

I also believe the zako should be evil, or poor minded. But as far as when they're killed, they should most likely deserve it, especially if they're also using firearms or something else to kill the heroes. If they are KO'd, like in a kung-fu style fight, it can feel less serious, because they were not killed. Even better (if there aren't an "endless" supply of them) is if they are KO'd during a fight, then at a later scene, are killed. I like when there is, say, only 8-10 zako, and we see them throughout a film, and you can identify each one on their looks, and then during a finale fight or shootout, can follow each one as they are eventually taken out.

Sorry, went off on a thread there for a sec. Another example of a time when I wouldn't mind observing a zako's personality, is if, for example, a spy is having a drink at a bar or night club, and two women, zako's dressed in evening wear approach him, they flirt, and they eventually leave and go somewhere else, maybe another hot spot, or maybe a hotel room. During which, we get an idea of the girls personalities, as they interact with the spy. They start both putting the moves on the spy, and he goes for it at first, getting to at least second base with them, when suddenly one of them pulls out a knife and tries to stab the spy. He blocks her, pushes her away, and knocks the other girl away, and pulls out his gun. He also takes the knife, and tells the girls something funny, like "nice try" or something. He then leaves.

Later on in the movie, we would see those 2 zako girls in the ranks of the other zako, dressed identically to everyone else. They would eventually get beaten up/killed by the spy in a final battle, and the spy wouldn't even give a second glance to them, along with the bevy of other henchwomen.

Otherwise, I don't really want any glimpse of a zako's personality aside from her responding to the leader's orders or informing one of her comrades of a situation, all in serious tone.
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Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Um really dunt gettin any pointed yet:PJust knewd zako that's mean evil person rite?Well mines little deffirent,I'm kindda more into see evil get lose:3,also certain evil victim who's glamours/narcisstic/sexy/beauty only,and what I wanted to imagine is losing beaten(partial from ryona?)(:P,I do take research becouse I just wonderin why I become this fetish,even askin other people opinion,some of callin me sadism or weird errr well both tough:PSo I really need to get it clear,yae reallyho lol
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Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
what about evil personalty?
I don't think it's necessary. If a thief beats up a group of cops, they may be considered "Zako" too. But that's rare, since usually the bigger group are the baddies.

I like when there is, say, only 8-10 zako, and we see them throughout a film, and you can identify each one on their looks, and then during a finale fight or shootout, can follow each one as they are eventually taken out.
I like this too. It would have made some "Female Combatants Story" movies better. Instead of having 8 stuntgirls playing 100 attackers, who get killed by an elbow to the solar plexus, they could have been knocked out temporarily a few times before being taken out for good.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm kindda more into see evil get lose
...some of callin me sadism or weird
A lot of mainstream movies are mainly about good people handing bad people their comeuppance. Often the story is just there to lead from one action scene to another, but the main focus is to see the evil person suffer (in creative, funny ways) and finally die. Indiana Jones is a good example.

Is enjoying this kind of stuff sadistic? Maybe, but then you are in company of millions of people.

Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
I suppose we all have different things we like. From what they've written, maybe I'm closest to DynamiteFetish and AmazonShark.

One of the reasons I started doing stuff myself was there was such a dearth of material around that I liked. I don't really think much about a zako/henchwoman with reference to personal background or rounded personalities. But her motivation has to be greed and often an enjoyment in hurting people and bullying them. They consciously chose evil, not thru force of circumstances, ideology or from being misled/brainwashed etc. There's no poignant background involving grinding poverty or getting vengeance for wrongs. The woman consciously chooses evil because she is evil - ruthless, can't empathize, only looks after number one, is pursuing the quick and criminal road to getting money over which any methods, no matter how vicious, are okay. These are not women who can be reformed, they're mean right thru and stay that way. If the female hench is somewhat sympathetic or has decent feelings, that turns it off for me. Any background check would identify these types as having been not particularly bright, shallow and materialistic gold digging girlfriends of mobsters, call girls etc. Glamorous and sexy, cold eyed and mean - probably not too young, mid to late 20s, so there's not an issue of them being inexperienced "kids" gone off the rails.

She's not much good as a fighter, isn't trained, is no amazon or kunoichi - and not even up to much with the weapons she invariably carries, but relies on the firepower and superior numbers. Basically a coward she'll run away in any fair fight or quickly give up; she'd never be so brave as to fight to the death, committing suicide has no appeal. She's not "loyal" to whatever outfit she's involved in, but there for what she can get out of it and would sell out her own side if it was safe to and to her material advantage. In her view, she's not there to fight, but to get rich by forwarding the enjoyable criminal activities undertaken by murdering or capturing easy prey, robbing etc. Then she ends up in what she thinks is such a situation, where all the odds seem overwhelmingly with her, and what happens is something she never figured on - she gets a final, possible fatal shock. The tables get turned against her and the others by an opponent or opponents who looked doomed, but prove too skilled and courageous for them. One of my favorite moments is when the woman loses her weapon - or she is stunned to discover the weapon isn't helping her kill her opponent. At that moment all her self confidence vanishes to be replaced by fear and panic. We don't care what happens to people like this, as they richly deserve whatever bad things befall them and the world is a bit better place when they're removed from it by death or incarceration.
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Your post makes so much sense in describing the zako in this game. A quick summary of the story involves the king of the dream world whose last hope of defeating the succubus queen is a boy who can harness the weapon, but the weapon will be lost if the boy ejaculates. The succubus queen basically places a bounty on the boy to the females in his town; make him cum, and earn a big reward. Because the boy is eleven years old and the females are older than him, they assume it will be an easy job. They, too, rely on numbers and aren't the most sophisticated of fighters, and there isn't too much sympathy for them because they shouldn't be doing that sort of thing to a boy anyway.
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Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Uh thanks for the opinion,now i feel I'm not the only weirdo one on this world(:P)Yae thinks I've been watchin bunch heroines stuff(:3,reason I'm turnin like Â0†3zako?Â0…0 fans:)Anyway one of your quote seems hit me on certain states:3,yae I love to seein creative funny ways touch:P,evry time I watchin it I feel happy plus bring me a good laugh:PThe rest dead?well not much into this:3But I enjoyed to see this stuff too,just sometimes:PÂ0†3eg.madame from arabashi family animeÂ0…0 I think this is the best zako dead scene ever:3,l like to see how's she deserved it,her punishment its really matchin.acordin her personality:P:)dood
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Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
For me it's about balance. I don't want to know everything about the zako, like their kids or their personal lives, but names are great. Like Amazon Shark I love it when the Zako lay motionless as the action goes on around them, especially if there is one body that the camera keeps returning to. I also love it when the main character rifles through the defeated zakos belongings or searches her body for something. Najica Blitz and Agent Aika (especially the live action short, I really wish they made more of those) is great because of this. Other than that it's pretty rare which annoys me because it seems to happen a lot to male characters in movies.

An even greater bonus is when the main character hides or carries one of the defeated zako over his or her shoulder and you get a full view of their butt. This only happens in some of the Aika anime but it's glorious when it does.


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
zako panties shotin
I love the scenes in which we can see zako panties. Always a pleasure to watch how proud girl falls to the ground, her panties are visible to everyone, but she can not fix her skirt, because it just turned into a piece of bleeding meat. In such moments is particularly interesting that a beautiful girl can lie, showing all friends and enemies, her panties, but nobody would think to look at it. Even if someone looks at it, it is only to verify that it is indeed dead. Or to hit her with the sword, or put a bullet in her dead body to accurately verify this. It is also interesting to imagine or see in the film, the main character, a girl looks at lying dead girl sees her panties and that this makes her no emotion. It can even finish this girl if she writhes in agony, though a man might take pity on her, seeing her shapely legs. It is also interesting to think that the shy girl with very beautiful thighs lies in front of dozens of men and attracts (only possible after the battle) admiring glances. . If it a medieval battle, after its completion on the battlefield may come one who hired the men to kill her and her friends. It can be seen, among others, and her corpse. He can see to what a miserable attitude is one of his enemies. Maybe he will comment on it once. If it a modern battle, killers can take photos from the scene of battle and give them to their boss. And then the photo of the girl lying in a pool of blood and show everyone her panties may be somewhere in the newspaper. I added a few pictures, at which we can see the panties of zako. Hope, you like it.
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
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Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Uh I'm always like to see that sexy zako get beaten and lying on embarassing ways:3I feelin like the winners now:)ThankyouDood:)


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I thought this thread is about "background", not "backside". ;)

Anyway, since my Zako are supposed to be "average girls", they may show some crack and muffin while laying on the ground, knocked out or dead.
Zwischenablage01.jpg buttcrack.jpg
(And not only then, since they are not the classiest girls around.)
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I love the scenes in which we can see zako panties. Always a pleasure to watch how proud girl falls to the ground, her panties are visible to everyone, but she can not fix her skirt, because it just turned into a piece of bleeding meat. In such moments is particularly interesting that a beautiful girl can lie, showing all friends and enemies, her panties, but nobody would think to look at it. Even if someone looks at it, it is only to verify that it is indeed dead. Or to hit her with the sword, or put a bullet in her dead body to accurately verify this. It is also interesting to imagine or see in the film, the main character, a girl looks at lying dead girl sees her panties and that this makes her no emotion. It can even finish this girl if she writhes in agony, though a man might take pity on her, seeing her shapely legs. It is also interesting to think that the shy girl with very beautiful thighs lies in front of dozens of men and attracts (only possible after the battle) admiring glances. . If it a medieval battle, after its completion on the battlefield may come one who hired the men to kill her and her friends. It can be seen, among others, and her corpse. He can see to what a miserable attitude is one of his enemies. Maybe he will comment on it once. If it a modern battle, killers can take photos from the scene of battle and give them to their boss. And then the photo of the girl lying in a pool of blood and show everyone her panties may be somewhere in the newspaper. I added a few pictures, at which we can see the panties of zako. Hope, you like it.
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What are those pics from? Looks familiar. Can you provide clips?


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
Of course, I'm happy to share the clip. This is my favorite zako, I love them. Once I have already put this clip, but it seems that no one noticed it. I will upload it again, I squeezed it to 145 Mb. I know it's too much, but I managed to reduce it only to those dimensions. Along with the clip I uploaded a folder with pictures on the same topic. This is a pictures of the artist catnap69. He shared them on deviantart and one other board and I decided that I can show them to you. Notice I did not pass them off as my own. Catnap 69 painted them a long time ago and stopped at that. It is a pity that I can not draw, otherwise I would paint the same pictures itself. Enjoy!


Casual Client
Sep 16, 2013
I just discovered this great website. I actually loved the idea of Zakos even before I knew the name "Zako" existed. I'm more into Zakos in anime and live action and less from games.

I have a bit of a different view on the Zakos' background. I like the concept of them not necessary being evil. Instead, I like the idea of them being average young women who took the opportunity for a decent paying job where they got to wear cool/sexy uniforms and where they really didn't expect trouble because they didn't realize they worked for an evil organization.

They have families and boyfriends. In fact, I like the concept of their lives outside their job making them sloppy and subject to being taken out. Perhaps the girl is busy with a cell phone call with the boyfriend so she doesn't realize she is being snuck up on. Or she falls victim to the hero's pretending to flirt with her.

They are your cute girl next door types. They are not particularly skilled or bright so they are easily taken out and rarely put up any kind of fight.

Given that they are basically not evil, I like the concept of them being just knocked out. I don't mind them being roughed up a bit but not killed.

As some others have stated I like it where we see them laying there while the action goes on around them and nobody seems too concerned about them. However, I do occasionally like someone coming along and checking the girl's pulse to confirm she is just knocked out.

I also like the idea of them being dragged off to be hidden, searched and sometimes having their uniform stolen so the heroes can sneak in.
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Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
I have two preferences for zako backstory

1. They were forced into whatever team their serving, either because of debt, kidnapping, or brainwashing. This way their much more frightened of whoever they are fighting.

2.They joined the team for the benefits, to look sexy, feel badass, or just for the money. They might be a bit more cocky because of this, and this makes their defeat much more satisfying.

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