DESCRIPTION: punching demo from @U$TR@1L1@N $TUNT @C@D3MY
LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FK6BCK79
REVIEW:... the whole video is not so special, as it contains punches to men as well... but still, a majority of the video contains punches to girls and good (make that "average") reactions to those punches... some points-of-interest include hard hard belly punches, with the girls really selling them well, doubling over, with an "ooof"...
TITLE: 3MM@ vs C@RL@
DESCRIPTION: one on one fight between two stunt girls from @U$TR@1L1@N $TUNT @C@D3MY
LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RZDXYF34
REVIEW: wow, starts off with a massive punch to the blondes belly... and does she sell it in the most hot way ever... both hands clutching her belly and doubled over... anyways, more notable points-of-interest include a massive punch to the brunette's face that sends her upside down... and then a massive kick to her face, that ends the bout... excellent reactions to the blows... just wish they had include blood to accentuate the massiveness of the blows in a more realistic way...
(CREDIT: P3PP1L1PiN0, for posting it in his ftp forum.. i just re-upped it to megaupload)
DESCRIPTION: BR13, H3L3N@, & 3MM13 (... 3L1Z@ too, but she's not the victim in this one)
LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I17LSIPM
REVIEW: the first part (major part) of the video contains a belly punching bout between H3L3N@ & BR13... from one of the earlier SKVV matches, really old... anyways, firt BR13 gets womanhandled, and then H3L3N@ gets her gut anhillated... the last part (and sadly, minor part) contains the famous and latest spy vs spy bout between 3L1Z@ & 3MM13... though i love 3MM13 really really much and love seeing her as the victim, but i'd have prefer 3L1Z3 to have been belly-destroyed in this one, just because of the clothes she was wearing... man, i just love girls getting their belly beaten up to the pulp when they're smartly dressed, u know, wearing a button down collar shirt tucked in (preferally white)... <- that explains my love for that T1N@ L0CKH@RT G@NG V!OL3NC3 vid, lol, that i'm still unable to get a hold of... lol, anyways... just an FYI for other ppl who share the same fetish as mine (blouse belly punch, that is)... u should check out G@NGST3R G1RL$ at $KVV featuring H3L3N@ & D3V0N, u can say that its $KVV's answer to that T1N@ L0CKH@RT vid, lol...
TITLE: @ B3@TD0WN 0F $0RT$
DESCRIPTION: Z3N H3R10N3 sample clip... though by judging length of content, i wouldn't call it a "sample", lol
LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y5IMQPLG
WATCH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX4d-5Lpd2Y
DESCRIPTION: Z3N H3R1ON3... continuation of the above clip... wow, what a swell "sample" that was...
LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UBD6CUE2
WATCH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqO8MOIRL4E
And for those people reading this thread and finding it beneficial in any sort of way, i have a little homework for you... and that is, you have to check the following y0utub3 channel out... and tell me whether you find the rest of the Z3N "samples" awesome or not? hehe...
Anyways, on a serious note... if u guys want me to provide u with the download link of any of those (few) clips, give me a heads up... and on a side-note, it'd be best for u to check out the spankin' new clips at the K1B@ channel... one of the few "old" z3n "sample" channels left there on y0utub3.. so enjoy it while u can, good ppl...
Wait... You found sl33perkids clips there? Can you post them?
Hey Leonyx, thanks a lot for the R1NGD1V@s clips... those clips are back from the early days of R1NGD1V@s before it became more of a commercialized soap opera... pure vintage R1NGD1V@, awesome!!!... and yes, i'll try and relocate those $KVV clips for u.. if my memory is correct, there were about 2 clips... they were about 2 min clips featuring two ex-$KVV wrestlers... and i got it by searching "belly punch" (translated to japanese using g00gl3 translator) and ending up with about 6-10 search results... but i'm pretty much sure i had b00kmarked it, so i'll post that link.
I was thinking, snyperhacker, maybe you could utilize the blogs of this site for your posts. It can possibly keep your posts more organized, like you've been asking, and it could popularize the section some. It's just a suggestion but I think it could be of use to you.
lol... this may sound stupid, but i dont know how to use blogs... and anyways, at the moment, i'm finding really little time to get on the net (as it can be seen i had not posted new clips for 4 days now), so it'd be of more value to the community if i just end up posting something rather than spending time organizing previous posts, right?... but lol, i do admit, this thread's title itself seems a bit deceiving and unorganized to the occasional visitor/lurker...
This is a great idea. Thankyou for the contributions snyperhacker.
You're welcome, my friend... and a much bigger thumbs up to you for the awesome post of yours... and i'm still cursing myself for being so stupid as to just watch the end fight of the "R@G3 PHO3N1X" movie and assume that the rest of the movie had nothing interesting... lol, thanks to ur post, i actually smacked myself on the head, and went back and watched the whole movie again... (plus the scenes u pointed out).... and that L@DY DR@G0N clip is a classic... never has been a one-sided beatdown so fierce... i especially love that part where the guy begins to anhillate her belly with those uppercuts... so once again, thank you kained for ur post... and hope u continue with these descriptive posts!!!
Cheers, good ppl