[PC] Xenophobia (2 Viewers)



Ah, just gave it a shot, but it closes without warning every time I make a menu selection...


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Yeah, same problem. Windows 7 x64 and immediately stops working, everything set to Japanese and everything. And RYONA is apparently not the password for that site anymore.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 14, 2010
Erm. Besides unicode settings and possibly regional settings being set to Japanese, you might need Japanese font. Depending on how the program runs, it might only search for the correct name of the file which, if you don't have the font package, you won't have correct. Instead it'll be a jumbled mess of meaninglessness. Also, even if it goes straight to the file and doesn't care that the file is named differently, going from Japanese font to English jargon can sometimes create filenames that aren't valid, namely characters that aren't allowed in the name of said file.

But, I haven't downloaded it, so I can't say, not to mention I already have the font files.

A nice thing about windows 7 is that it doesn't require (at least for me) the CD in order to install the new fonts. XP, on the other hand, requires it. So, if you don't have your CD, it isn't good.


Thanks! I'll have to give this a try soon. I'm on XP, so I have to find my disc that'll have the languages on it...


Anyone have hint as to how to get past that noose? =P I've been all over the place, checked everything I could think of, and still I can't quite get past it. Wait...I wonder if that can could help me...


Potential Patron
Mar 14, 2010
The only noose I've seen in the game won't catch you if you walk/crawl past it, rather than run. Otherwise I dunno


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
To everyone whose game isn't playing on Windows Vista/7 64-bit : Download and install this program, run the command prompt, go to your Xenophobia folder and type "CorFlags.exe /32BIT+ XENOPHOBIA.exe" (without the quotes) and press Enter. Xenophobia is now playable!


The only noose I've seen in the game won't catch you if you walk/crawl past it, rather than run. Otherwise I dunno

It's right after that door that you have to put the three colored stones in, near the beginning. I've walked, crawled, run, paused before going that way, and other things. However, she always stands up, and the noose always gets her for some reason... It's really odd. o.o


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 18, 2010
To everyone whose game isn't playing on Windows Vista/7 64-bit : Download and install this program, run the command prompt, go to your Xenophobia folder and type "CorFlags.exe /32BIT+ XENOPHOBIA.exe" (without the quotes) and press Enter. Xenophobia is now playable!

I tried this and now it won't run and as a bonus locks up my system when I launch demophobia! I think this game and I were just not meant to be.


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
I tried this and now it won't run and as a bonus locks up my system when I launch demophobia! I think this game and I were just not meant to be.

O_o And here I was happy that the solution to this problem had finally been pinpointed...

I assume you have already tried running it with all the Compatibility Options checked and As Adminstrator? If so, the other solution I often see floating around (which I haven't tried myself) is uninstalling your graphic card's drivers and letting the game run on the default drivers.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 18, 2010
I tried it as admin but I'm not sure which compatibility options to work and it's difficult to mess around with because of the locks. I think it might be video driver related because the windows 7 color scheme will change when xeno tries to run but I don't really wan't to uninstall my driver to play :P


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
but I'm not sure which compatibility options to work

Just right click on the program and try XP mode, and if that doesn't work check all five options below (from 256 colors to disabling scaling) - if that doesn't work then I'm all out of ideas :-/


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 18, 2010
Running at 256 color enables it to run without crashing unfortunately it looks like something from 1992 =\ Thank you for the help thou!


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
So it was a color problem then. Weird as I'm running on 32-bit colors! You might want to play with your Display Settings' colors (screen resolution -> Advanced Settings -> Monitor -> Colors) and see if it works at a certain color range without the 256 colors Compatibility option ticked.

Aside from that, happy gaming :-)


Potential Patron
Feb 22, 2010
I need help at Xenophobia. I'm at the first savepoint and have all 3 coloured marbles in that door next to the savepoint. What now? Every time i go through that door i got hanged. I also searched all the other rooms and took all items i could find. Please help me.


Glad I'm not the only one having that problem. =P I keep wondering what exactly I could do here...maybe it would be possible to throw the can or something? I still haven't tried that yet. X3;


Potential Patron
Feb 22, 2010
I figured it out. Its is the combination of the colored marbles in the door. When inserting them in the correct order, you can get through without getting killed.


I figured it out as well. =P I just wish I could actually read anything on this. It's all coming up as ????????????????????? instead of even kana/kanji. X3;

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