Zako Artwork (13 Viewers)


Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
Been experimenting with animation in Kisekae 2
(Bit of context for the first one, these particular zako have a shock device attached to their crotch piece, used by their bosses to discipline and punish them)
Shock Treatment.gif

(This one is just supposed to be your standard mook execution kill, like you'd see in stealth video games.
Cunt Punt and Neck Snap.gif

I'm open to suggestions as well if anyone likes these.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Nicely done Servi

The way the poor, poor Zako girl is being treated in the top row pic is truly *Revolting* Evil Grin but I like it.

Are you planning to make a Zako series from these pictures?


Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
Nicely done Servi

The way the poor, poor Zako girl is being treated in the top row pic is truly *Revolting* Evil Grin but I like it.

Are you planning to make a Zako series from these pictures?
Thanks, glad you enjoyed them! (Even if I'm sure the zako girls didn't)

Shabazik and I were actually working on a Choose Your Own Story involving one of these minion girls, named Carmen, where the reader would actually guide the hapless zako on her day in the facility she guards, though it's kinda been put on hold for now. Some of the awesome workhe made for it below:
carmen_at_action_by_shabazik-d9agfzt.png let_me_use_your_radio_please_by_shabazik-d9dpd6k.png sentry_of_pricom_01_by_shabazik-d9afl7r.png sentry_of_pricom_02_by_shabazik-d9afma9.png sentry_of_pricom_03_by_shabazik-d9afl6v.png sentry_of_pricom_06_by_shabazik-d9bsqyg.png sentry_of_pricom_08_by_shabazik-d9djyie.png sentry_of_pricom_11_by_shabazik-d9dlunl.png sentry_of_pricom_14_by_shabazik-d9fym7n.png sentry_of_pricom_by_shabazik-d9dp252.png pricom_defeat_by_shabazik-d8g9t86.png pricom_sentry_carmen_by_shabazik-d97qmv8.png servi07___pricom_carmen_expression_01_by_shabazik-d9afkxb.png servi07___pricom_carmen_expression_03_by_shabazik-d9afkwu.png servi07___killed_in_the_showers_color_by_shabazik-d9dowh5.png
Like I said it's still on hold, so don't expect much more for awhile. But I'd definitely love to get back to work on it again once things in my life are more stable. If you wanted to read what he had done so far, check out here: Carmen, Sentry of Pricom

I've done some pictures myself of this type of henchwoman as well:
Zako Profiles Pricom Security.png Stripped.jpg Shock Torture.png Sentry Arsenal.png REMAKE-Missing Piece Finish.jpg Pricom Recruitment Ad.png New Recruit BG.png Cover.png camera.png Beaten Pricom Thugs.jpg

In terms of other series, I have thought about making a simple RPG Maker game or visual novel, using them and other various zakos.
servi07___pricom_sentry_level_1_a_by_shabazik-d97qdzh.png servi07___pricom_sentry_level_1_b_by_shabazik-d97qdzh.png servi07___pricom_sentry_level_1_c_by_shabazik-d97qdyy.png servi07___pricom_sentry_level_3_molly_by_shabazik-d97qdyj.png


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Thanks for sharing the info and the artwork on these Zako I'll be sure to check out the site you have posted a link to.

That's damn good artwork on the Dev site I hope you and your friend will restart this project it has the potential to be something good.
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Swell Supporter
Aug 6, 2015
AH! Finally get to see how to join Undertow. XD

For anybody interested, with Servi it's rolling again the "Zako: Choose Your Own Adventure" project!!

Maybe with better internet connection, I could try to share some more pics!


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Hey Shabaz thanks for the heads up about Servi's project and I would love to see some more of the pics if you don't mind.

Also you you have a picture roster of the Pricom gals, I love how you have drawn them as well as your drow elves on your dev-art page.
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Club Regular
May 22, 2011

Private commission, external chain forbidden

Ran Mouri defeats a Chinese kungfu girl gang to save her confidante, but Lei Fang stands in her way to the last stage. She is actually not a gangster. Why she jumps in is challenging someone strong to fight to improve herself.

Full layout is here (not exactly the same):
What's your perfect zako scenario? | Undertow

A commission from my buddy for my novel, its background has two female minions. Any improvement/idea for picture/story is welcome.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010

Private commission, external chain forbidden

Ran Mouri defeats a Chinese kungfu girl gang to save her confidante, but Lei Fang stands in her way to the last stage. She is actually not a gangster. Why she jumps in is challenging someone strong to fight to improve herself.

Full layout is here:
What's your perfect zako scenario? | Undertow

A commission from my buddy for my novel, its background has two female minions. Any improvement/idea for picture/story is welcome.

lol, dat Ran's hair.
Nice commission, Ran. Good view and a feel of action is great! I like Lei Fang's face here too.
I may do something like this in the future. :D

I have a commission to post too.
It's quite long time after my last commission about zako. I and my friend decide to make another personal one about our favorite zako, dominatrix from Watchmen: The End is Nite Part II, with some new things we wanna try.


Sally Jupiter, under an alias Silk Specter, goes into Twilight Lady's brothel to capture the vice-queen for her illegal employment. With her dancer's grace, Sally has no problem with guards but when inside, Twilight Lady's dominatrixes become her opponents as well.



Blonde Dominatrix | piw [pixiv]


Twilight Lady's Dominatrix by: 「xtermination」のプロフィール [pixiv]

With little surprise to Sally, these girls are more capable than the guards. They are fast and skilled, even rival the heroine in term of speed and strength. Some of them are able to defense against Sally's assault with equally impressive movement. A training to bring pain and dance make them agile fighters, it seem.
However, years of her works with Minutemen gave Silk Specter more experience. The dominatrixes' attack, though aggressive and dangerous, can be predicted with her sharped sense. With agility and precise counter, the veteran heroine beats these younger girls one-by-one. As long as she doesn't make a mistake, thing wouldn't go wrong.










Dazed by an unlucky counter, weaken by a well-placed solar plexus blow and stunned by a kick to her chin, Sally's prowess is handicapped. Will the heroine turns the table, before the young dominatrix brings her painful bedtime? That's up to your imagination :3
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Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
That looks awesome oneofone! Do you have your art posted somewhere? Would love to see more from this series!
Yeah I donno if it's perfectionism, but oneofone has a habit of deleting old stuff.

If you're listening, I'd LOVE to see ALL your old stuff. Including the ancient stuff, like that POV series you did in that one... mansion place.

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