Zako Artwork (3 Viewers)


Club Regular
May 22, 2011
Another commission fron Ran?! Awesomeee!!
I hope you'll do one inspired by Streets of Rage 4 or Final Vendetta in the future!!
What elements of these games attract you? I can try to infuse them into my commission.

Personally, I like female zakos not only to be sexy, but also serious and professional (soldiers, traditional warriors, mercenaries, martial artists etc). The female zakos in Streets of Rage 4 and Final Vendetta seem to be too casual, thug like. I won't refuse this type but also can't put them on the priority list of my costly commissions.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
What elements of these games attract you? I can try to infuse them into my commission.

Personally, I like female zakos not only to be sexy, but also serious and professional (soldiers, traditional warriors, mercenaries, martial artists etc). The female zakos in Streets of Rage 4 and Final Vendetta seem to be too casual, thug like. I won't refuse this type but also can't put them on the priority list of my costly commissions.

Ahh I see... Speaking of martial artist zakos, I love them!!
Maybe some more martial artist stuff would be nice, like kickboxer or wrestler/brawler zakos in a street fight/arena setting like the one you did before

Oh yeah, speaking of the elements, maybe I'd like to see Claire from Final Vendetta vs the boxer girls inside the night club. You can see her ref below:


Club Regular
May 22, 2011
Ahh I see... Speaking of martial artist zakos, I love them!!
Maybe some more martial artist stuff would be nice, like kickboxer or wrestler/brawler zakos in a street fight/arena setting like the one you did before

Oh yeah, speaking of the elements, maybe I'd like to see Claire from Final Vendetta vs the boxer girls inside the night club. You can see her ref below:

She looks fine. I will see when the game comes out how the female zakos perform and how the night club scene looks like.


Master of this Domain
Feb 25, 2018
04.jpg 11.jpg 14.jpg
My Runark series ends with this. Another character will appear next.


Casual Client
Oct 18, 2020
Hello Anichggs,sorry to interrupt you. I am a fan of your pixiv account,recently I want to buy your previous works(about android)but I see that you donot want to post at pixiv . Can you sell that to me?
I'm sorry I checked too late.
I'm working as 'Kracle' now.
please send me a personal message


Casual Client
Apr 11, 2021
I hope you all don't mind me sharing an old comic I did back in 1995.
"War Angel '95", originally "War Chick".
Created in the "Bad Girl" era of comics. The market was flooded with these types of books back then.
War Angel battles a number of female soldiers from an alien Amazon Faction.
Sorry for the poor quality. They're just the pencils & the pages have been in a box for over 25 years.


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Casual Client
Apr 11, 2021
Takes a lot of guts to share something like that. Thanks!
Thanks. I hope you enjoyed them.

I know it wasn't professional level stuff, I did it just for fun.
I had many finished comics that I planed to self publish way back when.
My step aunt was actually going to finance the printing, advertising and everything with an inheritance she received.


Supporter (Tier 3)
Jun 28, 2013
So a short while ago, I've decided to start posting some of my 3d artwork to Pixiv. Feel free to take a look over here:

You can expect a lot of my 'OC Zako organisation', the Widows, as well as some Fantasy themes (including male heroes once I get my paws on proper assets for males in Honey Select 2), forced sex and all the other good stuff.


Master of this Domain
Mar 13, 2011
Oni's "Blood on the Water" series.

I didn't save it back in the day, and it took a bit of searching over the years to get the full story in one place. Thought I might as well share this tale of navel and pussy piercing (complete with the author's commentary)

Oni's Blood on the Water 6 mb

Directors Comments for Blood on the Water, chapter 1

Cover: This was my way of let you all know what was coming...

P3: Lower right corner. I completely threw physics through the hatch, as having several metal spikes going through a submarines hull would cause decompression. The sub would leak, fill itself with water, bulkheads would collapse, etc, etc. I didn't care. I just wanted to bag the pilot.

P4: The pilot cries her dying screams over the neural net. On the bottom, I posted a note saying why the SMs could breath underwater. Saved me a lot of hassle, as I would have to draw masks and scuba gear for all, making all girls a lot more bulkier.

P5: The fun begins. This whole thing was inspired by James Bond "Thunderball", where at the end of the movie, good and bad guys sort things out with an underwater free-for-all with harpoons. I always found it to be a waste of a grand idea, so I constantly drew "What-could-have-been", and Blood on the Water was the result.
The first two SMs killed are also inspired by the same movie. In it, the bad guys fire first and kill two good guys in a shot, and then a third. Of course, it wasn't like a drew, but I thought I kept the same kill rate. So, the first three to die are in accordance with the original "Thunderball" script.

P6: The SMs fire back with a vengeance. Two Sigma raiders get what was coming to them right on her navels. The third raider gets one also amid breasts, which felt right at the time. Lower page, another raider gets it on her navel and gurgles her demise (underwater, no one can hear you scream...). At the same time, another SM is hit on her bellybutton and desperately grabs her belly as she is thrown backwards.

P7:4 kills on this one, two for two. Top left, a Sigma raider meets her end with a harpoon stuck deep in her parts. At her left, a SM grabs the steel shaft that has just impaled her. Lower left, a SM also got one in her private parts, and lower right a Sigma raider drifts to the ocean floor with a harpoon stuck deep in her bowels.

P8: Another two navels strikes, one seen at close up. Ill be doing more close ups later.

Directors Comments for Blood on the Water, chapter 2. Yeah!

P2: Lower right. This one felt just right, because if the SMs are firing from beneath, it stand to reason that the most obvious target is not the navel, as the Sigma raider find at her own expense.

P3: Top. Three more Sigma raiders are killed, two shot in the navel and one in her crotch. The left one grabs the harpoon as she falls into the pool. Bottom. The raiders reply: three SMs are struck in her navels. One grabs the steel shaft in both pain and horror; the left one grabs her belly as she looks at her fatal wound, unbelieving; center one arcs her back as she grabs her belly convulsively.

P4:Top left: Outch! Top right: another SM gets hit. Bottom. The first SM to climb out of the pool shoot a raider in her navel, who cries out in pain. I always thought such cries as "She shot my bellybutton" or "My c-u-n-t!!!" a bit forced, and I only use them when I feel it is warranted.

P5: The SMs charge the raiders. What a mess! Front and center: nice display of martial arts, heh? You will notice a slight beaver display by the SM that does the flip out of the pool. Lower left: in a display of shooting virtuosity, a SM manages to struck down two raiders with harpoons in her navels. Next right: a SM fires on the raider at the foremost right, who grabs the shaft that has just impaled her with a surprise look on her face.
Next right: because not all SMs are going home, this one gets hit right between breasts. You have noticed the erect nipples. The water is cold... . Lower right: SM shoots a raider in her navel and in her parts, who gasps in both pain and surprise.

P6: Top right: the raider that was talking with the command center gets hit in her navel and she screams into the the radio (tough luck on the other side) as she grabs the shaft while she collapses, having an explosive orgasm as she does so. On the ground: three SMs die, one is already on the floor, screaming as she grabs the steel shaft, desperately trying to yank it out; another clutches her struck belly with a horror-stricken look on her face; left one is hit and falls down on her knees. A raider is hit amid breast on the right.
Middle page left: a raider gets shot in her navel and she grabs the wound with both hands. Only one raider to go...
And gone: hit twice on her chest and once in her navel. Bye bye. Multiple shots can be a bit messy to draw, but I always strive to provide ample coverage of the scene.

Here is a list of "Directors Comments" for "Blood On The Water- Finale", as seen on DVD.

Some of my favorite demises, page for page:

P1: Bottom left, girl slowly bleeding with a harpoon on her navel. Belly big enough to look sexy while not fat. One of the most annoying things I found on the net is snuff with "plump" women. Plump is a very literate word for "obese" and I got that image stuck in my head for months. Still, I believe there is room for compromise.

P3:I particularly enjoyed drawing the first space marine that dies. Hit by a laser bolt in her navel, she looks both horrified and agonizing at it, while her body reacts differently (notice erect nipples and the explosive orgasm). She then falls to the floor while covering her fatally wounded navel, trying to keep both blood and guts IN, to no avail.
The three chicks at the lower right corner: the one in the back dies the way I keep preaching about: her bellybutton aflame by a direct navel hit, she screams her death at the top of her lungs. The second one is hit on her crotch and yes, she enjoys it a bit too much for someone who is going to die in a few moments. Third girl I am particularly proud of. Hit by a laser bolt in her navel, she looks at it in both pain and shock while a bold (and horny!) Sigma raider takes the chance to literally go at it. Nice, huh?

P4: Left girl: hit in all the right places, she looks in shock just before croaking. Middle one: a more refined version of the one in page 3, only this time with a harpoon replacing the laser bolt. Right one: navel struck, the girl is collapsing when a laser bolt struck her in her girl private, a direct hit that guarantees a swift demise. Lower left: the aforementioned "girl dying and grabbing her breasts while doing so".

P5: No deaths here, but I thought it would be nice to show what the Space Marines do on their breaks...

P6: A Sigma raider gets a laser bolt in her navel while she was fingering it. This kind of stuff occurred to me while back, pretty much in the same way the whole "Sigma raider taking her chance and getting down and dirty on a shot Space Marine". I thought that while in combat, the adrenaline and the battle lust would produce a rush strong enough to make certain fighters go a bit wild. Masturbating in mid battle is a bit extreme, but what the hell...

P7:Front and center: Sigma raider is hit in both her navel and her girl private, grabs her belly while collapsing. Feels only right.

P8:Middle page: a Space marine gets shot by a laser bolt in her bellybutton. She gets to gasp in shock at it just before her belly explodes from the inside out. You will be seeing more of this later.
Lower page: the Sigma raider gets what was coming to her while she delights both with the battle and her fingering of her navel.

P9: Top page: note to any Sigma raider: taunting your harpoon wielding foes with a beaver display is asking for it. The Sigma raider learns this the obvious way. Nice shot heh?

P14: In a knife fight, any opening can be fatal, as the Sigma raider finds at her own expense. Getting a knife rammed all the way up her girl private seems a nice way to make a point of this.

P16: This one was inspired by the flick "Big Trouble In Little China", staring Kurt Russel and Kim Catrall. Its lame as hell, but it was also fun way back then. There is a fight at the beginning of the movie between two rival Chinese factions. First they start shooting each other, then they move to close combat. One pair fights it out with swords and the "good guy" gets knocked to the floor. The "bad guy" takes the chance and viciously stabs his sword in the poor saps crotch. I couldn't help but wince in sympathy.
It only takes a small leap of imagination to see what it would have been if it had been women fighting...

P18 to P21: You will definitely see more on this in the future...


Master of this Domain
Feb 7, 2017
Oni's "Blood on the Water" series.

I didn't save it back in the day, and it took a bit of searching over the years to get the full story in one place. Thought I might as well share this tale of navel and pussy piercing (complete with the author's commentary)

Oni's Blood on the Water 6 mb

Directors Comments for Blood on the Water, chapter 1

Cover: This was my way of let you all know what was coming...

P3: Lower right corner. I completely threw physics through the hatch, as having several metal spikes going through a submarines hull would cause decompression. The sub would leak, fill itself with water, bulkheads would collapse, etc, etc. I didn't care. I just wanted to bag the pilot.

P4: The pilot cries her dying screams over the neural net. On the bottom, I posted a note saying why the SMs could breath underwater. Saved me a lot of hassle, as I would have to draw masks and scuba gear for all, making all girls a lot more bulkier.

P5: The fun begins. This whole thing was inspired by James Bond "Thunderball", where at the end of the movie, good and bad guys sort things out with an underwater free-for-all with harpoons. I always found it to be a waste of a grand idea, so I constantly drew "What-could-have-been", and Blood on the Water was the result.
The first two SMs killed are also inspired by the same movie. In it, the bad guys fire first and kill two good guys in a shot, and then a third. Of course, it wasn't like a drew, but I thought I kept the same kill rate. So, the first three to die are in accordance with the original "Thunderball" script.

P6: The SMs fire back with a vengeance. Two Sigma raiders get what was coming to them right on her navels. The third raider gets one also amid breasts, which felt right at the time. Lower page, another raider gets it on her navel and gurgles her demise (underwater, no one can hear you scream...). At the same time, another SM is hit on her bellybutton and desperately grabs her belly as she is thrown backwards.

P7:4 kills on this one, two for two. Top left, a Sigma raider meets her end with a harpoon stuck deep in her parts. At her left, a SM grabs the steel shaft that has just impaled her. Lower left, a SM also got one in her private parts, and lower right a Sigma raider drifts to the ocean floor with a harpoon stuck deep in her bowels.

P8: Another two navels strikes, one seen at close up. Ill be doing more close ups later.

Directors Comments for Blood on the Water, chapter 2. Yeah!

P2: Lower right. This one felt just right, because if the SMs are firing from beneath, it stand to reason that the most obvious target is not the navel, as the Sigma raider find at her own expense.

P3: Top. Three more Sigma raiders are killed, two shot in the navel and one in her crotch. The left one grabs the harpoon as she falls into the pool. Bottom. The raiders reply: three SMs are struck in her navels. One grabs the steel shaft in both pain and horror; the left one grabs her belly as she looks at her fatal wound, unbelieving; center one arcs her back as she grabs her belly convulsively.

P4:Top left: Outch! Top right: another SM gets hit. Bottom. The first SM to climb out of the pool shoot a raider in her navel, who cries out in pain. I always thought such cries as "She shot my bellybutton" or "My c-u-n-t!!!" a bit forced, and I only use them when I feel it is warranted.

P5: The SMs charge the raiders. What a mess! Front and center: nice display of martial arts, heh? You will notice a slight beaver display by the SM that does the flip out of the pool. Lower left: in a display of shooting virtuosity, a SM manages to struck down two raiders with harpoons in her navels. Next right: a SM fires on the raider at the foremost right, who grabs the shaft that has just impaled her with a surprise look on her face.
Next right: because not all SMs are going home, this one gets hit right between breasts. You have noticed the erect nipples. The water is cold... . Lower right: SM shoots a raider in her navel and in her parts, who gasps in both pain and surprise.

P6: Top right: the raider that was talking with the command center gets hit in her navel and she screams into the the radio (tough luck on the other side) as she grabs the shaft while she collapses, having an explosive orgasm as she does so. On the ground: three SMs die, one is already on the floor, screaming as she grabs the steel shaft, desperately trying to yank it out; another clutches her struck belly with a horror-stricken look on her face; left one is hit and falls down on her knees. A raider is hit amid breast on the right.
Middle page left: a raider gets shot in her navel and she grabs the wound with both hands. Only one raider to go...
And gone: hit twice on her chest and once in her navel. Bye bye. Multiple shots can be a bit messy to draw, but I always strive to provide ample coverage of the scene.

Here is a list of "Directors Comments" for "Blood On The Water- Finale", as seen on DVD.

Some of my favorite demises, page for page:

P1: Bottom left, girl slowly bleeding with a harpoon on her navel. Belly big enough to look sexy while not fat. One of the most annoying things I found on the net is snuff with "plump" women. Plump is a very literate word for "obese" and I got that image stuck in my head for months. Still, I believe there is room for compromise.

P3:I particularly enjoyed drawing the first space marine that dies. Hit by a laser bolt in her navel, she looks both horrified and agonizing at it, while her body reacts differently (notice erect nipples and the explosive orgasm). She then falls to the floor while covering her fatally wounded navel, trying to keep both blood and guts IN, to no avail.
The three chicks at the lower right corner: the one in the back dies the way I keep preaching about: her bellybutton aflame by a direct navel hit, she screams her death at the top of her lungs. The second one is hit on her crotch and yes, she enjoys it a bit too much for someone who is going to die in a few moments. Third girl I am particularly proud of. Hit by a laser bolt in her navel, she looks at it in both pain and shock while a bold (and horny!) Sigma raider takes the chance to literally go at it. Nice, huh?

P4: Left girl: hit in all the right places, she looks in shock just before croaking. Middle one: a more refined version of the one in page 3, only this time with a harpoon replacing the laser bolt. Right one: navel struck, the girl is collapsing when a laser bolt struck her in her girl private, a direct hit that guarantees a swift demise. Lower left: the aforementioned "girl dying and grabbing her breasts while doing so".

P5: No deaths here, but I thought it would be nice to show what the Space Marines do on their breaks...

P6: A Sigma raider gets a laser bolt in her navel while she was fingering it. This kind of stuff occurred to me while back, pretty much in the same way the whole "Sigma raider taking her chance and getting down and dirty on a shot Space Marine". I thought that while in combat, the adrenaline and the battle lust would produce a rush strong enough to make certain fighters go a bit wild. Masturbating in mid battle is a bit extreme, but what the hell...

P7:Front and center: Sigma raider is hit in both her navel and her girl private, grabs her belly while collapsing. Feels only right.

P8:Middle page: a Space marine gets shot by a laser bolt in her bellybutton. She gets to gasp in shock at it just before her belly explodes from the inside out. You will be seeing more of this later.
Lower page: the Sigma raider gets what was coming to her while she delights both with the battle and her fingering of her navel.

P9: Top page: note to any Sigma raider: taunting your harpoon wielding foes with a beaver display is asking for it. The Sigma raider learns this the obvious way. Nice shot heh?

P14: In a knife fight, any opening can be fatal, as the Sigma raider finds at her own expense. Getting a knife rammed all the way up her girl private seems a nice way to make a point of this.

P16: This one was inspired by the flick "Big Trouble In Little China", staring Kurt Russel and Kim Catrall. Its lame as hell, but it was also fun way back then. There is a fight at the beginning of the movie between two rival Chinese factions. First they start shooting each other, then they move to close combat. One pair fights it out with swords and the "good guy" gets knocked to the floor. The "bad guy" takes the chance and viciously stabs his sword in the poor saps crotch. I couldn't help but wince in sympathy.
It only takes a small leap of imagination to see what it would have been if it had been women fighting...

P18 to P21: You will definitely see more on this in the future...
please more.

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