Zako Artwork (13 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Nice finds! that comic is great, and thanks for the info! I can never navigate Japanese websites very well.

Though if they're brainwashed humans, why do they dissolve? Also, that makes Kamen Rider kind of a dick! LOL.... Maybe I am just looking to deeply into a silly series.
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Casual Client
May 14, 2016
Nice finds! that comic is great, and thanks for the info! I can never navigate Japanese websites very well.

Though if they're brainwashed humans, why do they dissolve? Also, that makes Kamen Rider kind of a dick! LOL.... Maybe I am just looking to deeply into a silly series.

Yeah, I have no idea either. Cutie Honey does this too, with their dissolving Panther Claw henchmen.
And yeah, kind of a dick move on the hero's part - same as in the Giga movies.
I'd add the Panther Claw gals, but they are more like Monsters of the Day than zakos.


Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
I figure this would count. While technically these girls may count more as a "mini boss squad", I figure given how easily they're taken out and their uniforms, they'd be worth sharing. (Gore Warning)
Manga is from the series "Chaosic Rune Es"
chaos es 04_0187.jpg chaos es 04_0188.jpg
While tending to one of their wounded, the hero party is suddenly approached by a group of maids working for their dreaded foes, the Mage Guild.
chaos es 04_0189.jpg chaos es 04_0190.jpg
The maid group leader takes out her summon, and prepares to slaughter the heroes, just as the the protagonist brings out his. Before they even have time to react, half of the maids are messily devoured before the fight even begins. Leaving behind nothing but a few gruesome leftovers.
chaos es 04_0191.jpg chaos es 05_0004.jpg
A mutilated and still twitching maid dangles from the jaw of the hero's summon, a horrific warning to the other maids. Shocked by the attack, the head maid commands her surviving girls to perform a counterattack, a fatal mistake!
chaos es 05_0005.jpg chaos es 05_0006.jpg
Just as the attack begins, another of the heroes brings out her summon, a large cannon monster. The head maid's summon is taken out with one shot, along with one of her maids, whose head is sent flying from her shoulders. Enraged by her fellow maid's failures, the "tough" one of the group charges in to smash some skulls. She is taken out just as pitifully as her comrades, and with a slice, her body is cleaved in two. The hotheaded maid's bloody torso lands next to the now horrified twin tailed maid girl (Who I assume is the sister of the other twin tailed maid girl who was devoured).
chaos es 05_0007.jpg chaos es 05_0008.jpg
The twin tailed maid girl makes the mart decision to try and escape for her life, and makes a hasty retreat, leaving her leader to handle the heroes on her own. Now backed into a corner, the head maid is at a loss of what to do now. Before she can negotiate or beg for her life, she is stepped, killing her almost instantly (and giving the audience a nice pantyshot as well)

Unfortunately, this is all we get from this group. Would love to have learned a little bit about them more, but I do enjoy their role as "joke" bosses/zakos who exist for the purpose of suffering a violent and humiliating defeat at the hands of the heroes.
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Casual Client
May 14, 2016

That guy has a LOT of Mazone (from Harlock) porn comics as well. :) They can be found on GHentai, just search Gul-Fuh Mazone.

I figure this would count. While technically these girls may count more as a "mini boss squad", I figure given how easily they're taken out and their uniforms, they'd be worth sharing. (Gore Warning)
Manga is from the series "Chaosic Rune Es"
Thanks, man - these gals all look amazing and have a lot of personality, I love the big one with spikey hair. I do hate how in anime/mangathe "heroes" always brutally kill their enemies something we in the west do not consider very heroic. It counts as especially rather evil when the enemy is so obviously harmless and outmatched. I dunno why Japan is so unforgiving with villains, even minor ones.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Thanks, man - these gals all look amazing and have a lot of personality, I love the big one with spikey hair. I do hate how in anime/manga the "heroes" always brutally kill their enemies something we in the west do not consider very heroic. It counts as especially rather evil when the enemy is so obviously harmless and outmatched. I dunno why Japan is so unforgiving with villains, even minor ones.
Fetish-wise, I'm into it, but from a story perspective, I agree with you there. It's not like I think heroes should never kill or anything, but how a lot of manga and anime heroes kill minor threats so casually is kind of awful. Often times they even kill enemies who surrendered and are begging for mercy, and I don't get how a character can do that and still be considered a "hero".

The full thing of that Goku vs Delmos comic is great. I love it.

Anyway I was bored and used Kisekae to make a zako team. Not sure if a doll maker counts here, but whatever. :confused:


There's no particular story behind them. Not yet at least.


Swell Supporter
Dec 3, 2012
The last pic I did for my series "El Cuervo caper", with the heroines taking care of more poolside RAVEN gun-women.


  • El Cuervo caper - -pool henchwomen v Dragons newest b.jpg
    El Cuervo caper - -pool henchwomen v Dragons newest b.jpg
    361.2 KB · Views: 384

Deleted member 687

The last pic I did for my series "El Cuervo caper", with the heroines taking care of more poolside RAVEN gun-women.

Hey zippgun, I don't know if it was you, but there was a site dedicated to manips of women wearing bandana masks and gunning each other down. I can't remember what it was called but it was a long time ago, like 5-6 years ago maybe. Know anything about what I'm talking about?


Swell Supporter
Dec 3, 2012
Hey zippgun, I don't know if it was you, but there was a site dedicated to manips of women wearing bandana masks and gunning each other down. I can't remember what it was called but it was a long time ago, like 5-6 years ago maybe. Know anything about what I'm talking about?

No, it wasn't me. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with it.


Club Regular
Jan 20, 2013
Hey zippgun, I don't know if it was you, but there was a site dedicated to manips of women wearing bandana masks and gunning each other down. I can't remember what it was called but it was a long time ago, like 5-6 years ago maybe. Know anything about what I'm talking about?

Any way to show some pictures ?

SX 7


Club Regular
Jun 24, 2016
I've recently discovered an incredible series of stories from an amazing though controversial artist: Kevin Kinne.

The stories are quite old, but I haven't found any mention to them here, then I thought I'd share my find with all of you Zako fans! ;)

The series is called "Death Games"... and the name itself is already a thrill.

The 1st story is in pure Zako style: a kidnapped human has to fight 100 naked alien blue henchgirls. Needless to say, the young Zako prove to be inept fighters and get implacably slaughtered... with a little help from the planet's wildlife too!

The 2nd story is more complicated and crowded: 4 teams of 100 girls each + 5 men fight to the death in an established arena. If last year's movie "Hunger Games" comes to mind... well be aware that these stories were posted in 2007... ;)

The 3rd story... I don't like. It's again male vs. female, but it's too long-winded and repetitive, and the girls lost all their Zako-ish characteristics.

The stories are available backwards on Hentai Foundry, then they ought to be read upwards from the last image, which is the 1st published. The gallery is however quite clearly organized and the files duly named, then this won't be an issue.

I've recently added personal comments to most of the images of the 1st story, trying to add background and depth to the already amazing plot!

I'm adding here a few sample images, to give out an idea of the total awesomeness of this series:
View attachment 6917View attachment 6918View attachment 6919View attachment 6920

Here's the link to the gallery, last page (=first image): Hentai Foundry

Enjoy and... don't forget to add comments and opinions, here or there!

Thanks man for this comic, it is really one of the best zako comics that i've seen. i liked the story and the characters, i like the nude-violence zako style.
I was a member in hentai foundry for a long time and i still following some artists there but i had never found any zako comics till you showed me this one, and the great surprise that it is a very long one.
My favourite style, i like it Thanks again XD

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