I think the “slash and execution 2” in this link is his:This guy's work is awesome, especially the animations. I wish these were real games, love the way their clothes gradually disappear when shot. :)
フリーゲーム:スラッシュ&エクスキューション1〜4 https://elog.tokyo/cms/mt-cp.fcgi?__mode=view&blog_id=1&id=715 保管庫 http://6817.teacup.com/bloodiba/bbs? 3Dカスタム少女 R-18G 処刑ネタです、苦手なかたは閲覧しないようお願いいたします 無料配布&有料modを使ってます、商業使用禁止がほとんどです うごイラはスクリーンショットを繋げてgif アニメにしています リョナ・エログロ・などが好きです 題材は版権・オリジナルどちらでも 精神系は苦手 趣向:...www.pixiv.net
Sadly all I get is japanese error messages when I try to run it.I think the “slash and execution 2” in this link is his:
Thanks!Nice art! Could do a partially nude version where they started stripping the zakos?
Sadly all I get is japanese error messages when I try to run it.
View attachment 104728
River City Girls KOed Enemies Scene by jettmanas on DeviantArt
Thanks to Gatcha of (UT) Discord for the idea. Reference took a while- and getting all sizes correct.
Artistic liberty taken in that not all of these enemies appear in this area.
Wrote my one game review of it here: River City Girls Review for PlayStation 4: This game is amazing- worthy of a review at last - GameFAQs
Hope you enjoy and comment. Thanks!
Thanks very much. Glad the more mature ladies worked for you.Noice! I love Linda and the yakuza girls. They look kinda hot..
For the schoolgirls, bear girl and cheerleaders, not my kind of zako lmao
Do one for Fighters Club pleaaase!
I recognize the second two being from Watchmen the game, but the others?
Gimp girls are so sexy. They can challenge my ass any day. Wouldn't mind taking the beating
I recognize the second two being from Watchmen the game, but the others?
Yeah, they're the goths from Bloodrayne 2.They look like the goths from Bloodrayne 2
Ah thanks! Those were vampires, right? Or just regular human thugs? I keep forgetting Bloodrayne 2 takes place in present timeYeah, they're the goths from Bloodrayne 2.
As far as I remember, human.Ah thanks! Those were vampires, right? Or just regular human thugs? I keep forgetting Bloodrayne 2 takes place in present time