Zako Artwork (7 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 27, 2012
Artists who do fetish art for fun rather than commissions generally focus on what works for them. And even starting to consider people who were around at the start of the century to provide examples - most of them are gone, whether due to RL circumstances or toxic communities.


Most of the pics I've create now are purely for me rather then the community. I used to make genuine effort to make requests for people or pics for people based on conversations that were happening. That said, there's little reason for me to try to post things for the community, when the feedback I get is at best indifference or more likely "Why didn't you do X instead?"

You really don't need to respond to something you don't care for multiple times with "I don't care for it". There's plenty of zako pics posted here I don't particularly care for due to their content not being my particular tea.

It's already kind of sucky that in modern times pictures you post are completely forgotten within 24 hours. It's 10 times worse to see someone responding to it with "everything that person does is boring!".

Pretty much every zako artist I know has talked at some point why they don't share their content on here or the undertow discord. I'm not trying to single you out and it is kind of part of just how the internet works. But making zako stuff is time consuming and a skill that needs to be learned, and most zako content creators I know are almost always on the verge of quitting as it often feels like you're screaming into a void.

It's fine to just skip over it. But there's no benefit to trying to convince people their stuff is bad. Templar spent years essentially building the zako community and hosting artists and great expense to himself when there wasn't anywhere else (on sexyamazons). There is truly no need to reply multiple times about how you don't like his stuff.

You've got the right to do it but why would zako content creators stick around if that's what they should expect by posting.


Master of this Domain
Mar 13, 2011
I consistently recommend people (whether artists or regular posters) join Fetnoir (or the FN discord, expecting the actual forums to come back at some point). Don't really recommend this place, for obvious reasons.


Club Regular
Apr 9, 2012
I consistently recommend people (whether artists or regular posters) join Fetnoir (or the FN discord, expecting the actual forums to come back at some point). Don't really recommend this place, for obvious reasons.

What are the obvious reasons? Why wouldnt you recommend Undertow? I am asking because I did not know there was a stigma posting here. Is FN much much better?

In regards to making zako content, I personally never make what my fans, patrons, followers want. I have been doing this since 2008 now and only make what I want, like always.

I love all types of comments, from the negative to the positive. It really doesnt sway what I make.

Though I do admit, IF I did do what my followers wanted, I would probably make more money, but I would be stressed out making what others want.

And i dont care for stress.


Master of this Domain
Jul 27, 2012
The issue that's made most of them stop posting here is the unhelpful critiques. Not going to get into a long history, but just the week in this one thread for example here are some things that have been said about artists who are posting their work publicly (and I know for a fact read this board).

  • "There's some talent there. With just a little bit of polish and they could be downright good." (Not really a nice or helpful thing to say...)
  • Someone's picture being referred to as CP (Child porn)
  • Someone calling templar a one trick pony, who then replied very politely. Followed by someone else replying below that after the 20th pic with the same theme it's just boring
Not the worst examples but the general tone you expect from here as a zako content creator. Most zako artists have had similar experiences. Almost none of us are charging for our work, so getting dunked on just kind of sucks and takes the fun out of it. There's not a stigma per se about posting here you just go in knowing the feedback you'll get so you just stop posting your stuff after a while.

Speaking to a lot of the artists in the "community" I think most are pretty close to burned out. You're not making a dime, and often the only reply you get to pics is people asking you to do something else.

Not trying to say "burn this place to the ground", but trying to point out why the majority of zako artists, don't post on the one web page with a dedicated zako section.


Club Regular
Apr 9, 2012
The issue that's made most of them stop posting here is the unhelpful critiques. Not going to get into a long history, but just the week in this one thread for example here are some things that have been said about artists who are posting their work publicly (and I know for a fact read this board).

  • "There's some talent there. With just a little bit of polish and they could be downright good." (Not really a nice or helpful thing to say...)
  • Someone's picture being referred to as CP (Child porn)
  • Someone calling templar a one trick pony, who then replied very politely. Followed by someone else replying below that after the 20th pic with the same theme it's just boring
Not the worst examples but the general tone you expect from here as a zako content creator. Most zako artists have had similar experiences. Almost none of us are charging for our work, so getting dunked on just kind of sucks and takes the fun out of it. There's not a stigma per se about posting here you just go in knowing the feedback you'll get so you just stop posting your stuff after a while.

Speaking to a lot of the artists in the "community" I think most are pretty close to burned out. You're not making a dime, and often the only reply you get to pics is people asking you to do something else.

Not trying to say "burn this place to the ground", but trying to point out why the majority of zako artists, don't post on the one web page with a dedicated zako section.

I wouldnt let any of that stuff bother you, it comes with the territory of being an artist/creator.

Most will hate on your stuff, say it sucks, etc... In the end, "Who cares what they say?" No matter what someone else says, it shouldnt stop one from creating what they want.

My advice to all those Zako Artist who dont like criticism, stop being sensitive and get thicker skin. No one will ever like your stuff the way you feel people should like or appreciate your stuff.

If someone takes the time to criticize your work, its way better than getting no reaction at all. This is the modern world, no one gives compliments like that.

Templar dont care about being criticized, they created SA, Templar knows where they stand and what they mean to the community.


Master of this Domain
Jul 27, 2012
I agree. You have to deal with stuff if you're going to try to post free content for people. I've been threatened, told someone has hired a lawyer to destroy my life, and tons of other rude/mean messages. Still posting regularly :)

But, you asked what the obvious reasons are and I explained what the other zako artists said. None of us are at home crying, we just stopped posting our art here and post it on other communities. There's a discord with most of the zako artists who post exclusive pics, chat with people and live stream their drawing. And the community is really supportive of them.

The question was why are artists avoiding this fourm? And the simple answer it's posting here where people will tell you your art is boring or if you work hard you might become good. Or other places where people respond to your art in a positive way. Yeah, it's a bit hand holdy... but we're posting free pics of delmos getting smacked in the face, not trying to get into art school.

I'm really de-railing the thread, so I'll just leave it at that.


Club Regular
Apr 9, 2012
I agree. You have to deal with stuff if you're going to try to post free content for people. I've been threatened, told someone has hired a lawyer to destroy my life, and tons of other rude/mean messages. Still posting regularly :)

But, you asked what the obvious reasons are and I explained what the other zako artists said. None of us are at home crying, we just stopped posting our art here and post it on other communities. There's a discord with most of the zako artists who post exclusive pics, chat with people and live stream their drawing. And the community is really supportive of them.

The question was why are artists avoiding this fourm? And the simple answer it's posting here where people will tell you your art is boring or if you work hard you might become good. Or other places where people respond to your art in a positive way. Yeah, it's a bit hand holdy... but we're posting free pics of delmos getting smacked in the face, not trying to get into art school.

I'm really de-railing the thread, so I'll just leave it at that.

I get where you are coming from, well hopefully since its out in the open, people will stop being like that and artist will post here once more! Its a start!


Casual Client
Aug 21, 2020
It really came as a surprise to me when one of the artists I commissioned for a few pieces awhile back asked that I not share them here.
This sorta sheds a bit more light on the matter.
Most unfortunate.


Master of this Domain
Feb 25, 2018
03fin.jpg 07.jpg 08.jpg
I think Female ninjas are the most attractive of the Zakos.


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Artists who do fetish art for fun rather than commissions generally focus on what works for them. And even starting to consider people who were around at the start of the century to provide examples - most of them are gone, whether due to RL circumstances or toxic communities.
That's fine, it's simply just not my thing.
I get it that it is free art, but I have removed people from my watchlist on DA or Pixiv when I started getting tired of them focusing exclusively on one pose or perspective instead of being diverse. I won't ever get tired of the art of Maltsan or Barbaris or GrGr, or especially Teureg's stuff. It's varied and they change zako types often, sometimes doing famous ones like Delmos or Mazones.
Compare that with how there was one guy here who posted a rather competently made Diablo comic... but in an effort to replicate the game design all the succubi always died the same way, in the same pose. Several people pointed out that this was detrimental to the final product. I don't think this is hurtful criticism or trolling. You wanna see real trolling, check comments on R34...
"There's some talent there. With just a little bit of polish and they could be downright good." (Not really a nice or helpful thing to say...)
If anything, that seems like a very polite criticism that indicates that the person liked the art, but thinks it could be improved.
Are people really that easily offended? I mean this place is milquetoast compared to 4chan and anonymous boards.

In regards to making zako content, I personally never make what my fans, patrons, followers want. I have been doing this since 2008 now and only make what I want, like always.
Huh, that's odd. I assumed since you moved your art behind a paywall some years ago that you are now doing art for patrons exclusively.

Or other places where people respond to your art in a positive way
What other places? Pixiv? DA? Most people I watch there get zero comments on their art, or at best some emojis and hearts or "Love it" which is not the type of comment an artist would want, as it is meaningless and not informative.


Club Regular
Apr 9, 2012
That's fine, it's simply just not my thing.
I get it that it is free art, but I have removed people from my watchlist on DA or Pixiv when I started getting tired of them focusing exclusively on one pose or perspective instead of being diverse. I won't ever get tired of the art of Maltsan or Barbaris or GrGr, or especially Teureg's stuff. It's varied and they change zako types often, sometimes doing famous ones like Delmos or Mazones.
Compare that with how there was one guy here who posted a rather competently made Diablo comic... but in an effort to replicate the game design all the succubi always died the same way, in the same pose. Several people pointed out that this was detrimental to the final product. I don't think this is hurtful criticism or trolling. You wanna see real trolling, check comments on R34...

If anything, that seems like a very polite criticism that indicates that the person liked the art, but thinks it could be improved.
Are people really that easily offended? I mean this place is milquetoast compared to 4chan and anonymous boards.

Huh, that's odd. I assumed since you moved your art behind a paywall some years ago that you are now doing art for patrons exclusively.

What other places? Pixiv? DA? Most people I watch there get zero comments on their art, or at best some emojis and hearts or "Love it" which is not the type of comment an artist would want, as it is meaningless and not informative.

I do, but my patrons never request anything, they seem happy viewing/collecting whatever I make.

Its the people outside of Patron who prefer I just made hardcore ryona with rape, sex and futa stuff, which I never make, which annoys people who would like to see my models in those scenarios.


Master of this Domain
Jul 27, 2012
If anything, that seems like a very polite criticism that indicates that the person liked the art, but thinks it could be improved.
Are people really that easily offended? I mean this place is milquetoast compared to 4chan and anonymous boards.

Nobody is offended. It is 100% not about being offended. But think about it like this: There are multiple places where people can post their art. You're doing it for fun, not to make money but because you want to share stuff with the community. Where are you going to post? The place where you're mostly ignored or people dismiss your art or complain about what you or your friend's like to make? Or the one where people respond with encouragement? What is your incentive to spend the time and log in and post on the first board?

The other place I'm talking about is a fairly large discord where all the artist now post. Pixiv is good for just generally posting/archiving your gallery. But when you want to share with the community/chat about your art, you post on the discord.

You have the complete right to post responses to my stuff saying you don't like someone's art. Nobody should censor that. But just don't expect artists to come and post/interact with the community if the attitude is: "Don't get offended, people are way meaner on R34". If your argument is the criticism is designed to help the artist improve. First, most of us aren't looking to improve. We're not professionals. We're not asking for money. We're just posting stuff for fun. And second, "it's boring" isn't all that useful.

It's not "artists should be able to take my criticism". It's "here's why artists generally don't post here". Responded to this since I was specifically asked a question, but I think we should all just move on. Not sure I have to prove my point since I'm just telling you what artists have told me and my experience. There's no real "resolution" to this.
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Swell Supporter
Jul 12, 2019 and futa stuff...
Is that frequent?
Nobody is offended. It is 100% not about being offended. But think about it like this: There are multiple places where people can post their art. You're doing it for fun, not to make money but because you want to share stuff with the community. Where are you going to post? The place where you're mostly ignored or people dismiss your art or complain about what you or your friend's like to make? Or the one where people respond with encouragement? What is your incentive to spend the time and log in and post on the first board?

The other place I'm talking about is a fairly large discord where all the artist now post. Pixiv is good for just generally posting/archiving your gallery. But when you want to share with the community/chat about your art, you post on the discord.

You have the complete right to post responses to my stuff saying you don't like someone's art. Nobody should censor that. But just don't expect artists to come and post/interact with the community if the attitude is: "Don't get offended, people are way meaner on R34". If your argument is the criticism is designed to help the artist improve. First, most of us aren't looking to improve. We're not professionals. We're not asking for money. We're just posting stuff for fun. And second, "it's boring" isn't all that useful.

It's not "artists should be able to take my criticism". It's "here's why artists generally don't post here". Responded to this since I was specifically asked a question, but I think we should all just move on. Not sure I have to prove my point since I'm just telling you what artists have told me and my experience. There's no real "resolution" to this.
I thought Discord was a chat room...

Or am I thinking of something else?

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