Batman: Arkham Series (1 Viewer)



ah crap you're right. I can see where she's grabbing his leg. Shoulda noticed that her combo never went down :\


Potential Patron
Dec 3, 2010
(spoilers)I've been playing the game, it's a cool game so far. Catwoman has to get into Ivy's Hideout, and during the cutscene she gets grabbed by the plant tentacles, and is pulled down to the lower level, once she defeats the thugs, the room is filled with gas, as ivy mocks her. There is a good animation and coughing sounds of her gasping for air. (very similar setup to the first BloodRayne game). That's as far as I got with catwoman so far, but it looks like after you beat the main story mode, you can access her in a free roam style, (at least that's what the reviews seem to state).


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
it's the same set up they had in the first game. when you get hit it does the flash and the bats when you die. It's the same just catwoman


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Got to play this last week and beat it over Thanksgiving weekend. Here are my thoughts.

This game is awesome. I won't lie, there's a ton of bias here because I watched the animated series growing up and I loved it. The voice acting is just amazing all around. I feel like growing up with Lucasarts adventure games really raised the bar for me in terms of this. Shitty VA bugs the hell out of me and takes SO much away from the story. If you've been here awhile or read a lot of my posts regarding various games, you've probably noticed that I comment about it a lot. I just think it's important to make the characters more real. If you play this game and skip over the dialogue I would honestly say you're neglecting to appreciate quality game development. The music was pretty ambient and sounded a lot more like the Dark Knight score.

Gameplay is not the most important aspect of video games. I'm sure some of you will do a little enraged flip inside and consider it blasphemous to say that, but you know if you think about it, it's hard to make a unique experience with just the gameplay without making it convoluted or only appeal to a very narrow crowd of people. I think if you can make a game that engrosses you in the game world and keeps you hooked, innovative mechanics aren't really that big of a deal. This is the reason why I enjoy Mass Effect so much. The third person action/adventure mechanic is altogether not that impressive, though it is polished. What sets it above the rest in its genre is the time spent making the story, world, and characters involving. It's why I enjoyed Arkham City. If I take a step back from the game, I can admit that the combat system is somewhat repetitive, but I enjoy just playing as Batman and beating the shit out of thugs constantly, even when I don't have to. You can simply go in and thrash 12 thugs or take more of a puzzle/strategy/stealth route and sneak around taking them out at a time. I would say at least half of the fights in this game let you choose how to engage and that just thought that was cool.

I first played the game through OnLive, which I won't go into too much but basically it's a game streaming service that lets you play games online without having to worry about system specs as much at the cost of a little control lag and greatly reduced graphics quality. I got it for the PC now and I'm playing it on an Geforce 560 Ti. Fuck, this game looks amazing. Not just in terms of the usual texture quality and post processing effects and whatever. This game makes Skyrim visually look like a bag of turds. Okay to be fair, Skyrim's world is probably a lot bigger, but Arkham City is fairly expansive... but the character animations, the world detail, the level designs, the great use of PhysX for the outfits, fuckin' trippin' balls.

If you can, buy this game. It is well worth it.
ArghBlagh... Of course, I was disappointed by the ryona aspect of it. Catwoman is playable for very small portion of the game, however there is very little variety to the kinds of enemies you'll run into with her. There are some female assassin enemies you can fight as Batman about halfway into the game, but you can only do some basic attacks on them. No knockdown moves, although you can electrocute them. Sadly those guys that grab onto you from behind in Arkham Asylum didn't make it to this game. :\ You can play the challenges as Catwoman with two extra costumes, the animated series costume and the long-eared pink costume.
The most memorable ryona scenes I can recall off the top of my head:
  • The starting scene with Catwoman where Two Face backhands her.
  • The first time you run into Harley, you can knock her on her ass. Or you can just let her kick you to death, if you're into that.
  • When Catwoman goes to Poison Ivy to ask for her help, she gets wrapped in vines.
  • One of Talia's elite guard will fight you and you can beat the shit out of her constantly until you decide to finally put a tracker on her.
  • Once you reach Wonder City, there will be several waves of Talia's guard you'll have to fight.
  • Talia is shot in the back and killed.
  • After you finish the game, you can continue playing to finish side missions. You will play as Catwoman as soon as you beat the game and you will try to go back to your apartment in Arkham City to get something when it explodes, knocking you out.

I'm going to try to make a ryona video for this over the weekend.


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
There is also a scene where Harley is tied up and you have the option of applying and removing her gag. It's supposed to be played for laughs I guess, but it was definitely the kind of thing that reminded me that the programmers were males. It's not hardcore ryona or anything, but the scene is oddly compelling.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Arkham Origins

I'll post my thoughts about the whole game sometime later, but I'd post about the (lack of) ryona material.

The secondary character unlocked in Origins after beating story mode is Deathstroke. No Catwoman as far as I can tell at the moment, although there's a possibility of DLC's in the future.

There are two female villains in the game: Copperhead and Shiva.
Copperhead-600x316.png Copperhead is some sort of creepy snake woman assassin that you will face during the main story.
Your fight with her is fairly interesting as Batman is in trip out city while under the effects of her poison while fending her off.

Shiva is a martial artist/assassin that isn't on the worst terms with Batman and doesn't care about the bounty on his head.
She unfortunately has similar fighting mechanics as one of the basic enemy types in the game which is somewhat underwhelming considering how they introduce her. You only run into her by doing a side quest.

The fight with Copperhead is far more interesting than the one with Shiva.

There are some female ninjas that are part of the Shiva quest but besides that I don't believe there are any other female enemies. Penguin has two female assistants but you never fight them as far as I know. Harleen is in the game but not as Harley Quinn. I would honestly say that this is more of a gyaku ryona game.

Bane has some special thugs that can put you in a headlock from behind and Bane himself throws Batman around quite a bit throughout the game.

If you know of anything I missed, please feel free to add.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
It's a shame because Shiva is one of the most skilled combatant in DC :*(

BTW, how these female ninja zako look like?

Edit: Nevermind, found them. Even more modest than the last game.
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
the only more skilled fighter in the DC universe fist fighter wise) is her daughter Cassandra Cain(the second batgirl)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I wonder what will happen if you don't press button while being grabbed by Copperhead? :o


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I wanted to open a topic for this game in hope that there is future DLC featuring women but I decided to do that when that thing happens

This game surprisely has grab attacks more than arkham city especially from the police/joker enforcers although the two game looks identical gameplay wise , Just like when arkham Asylum had a grab attack that got erased in city :(

As for future DLCs , I think the Joker and Robin have very high possibilities to be included as a DLC , Joker
playable model is already existed in the story
and Robin is playable in the multiplayer , The only female that can make it as a challenge character is Batgirl , Barbara Gordon is already in the game and Batgirl is the only person in Bat family that wasn't featured in any arkham games so she might be featured just like when nightwing was featured in arkham city


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Not sure how many of you know this, but you can get the camera closer to Catwoman by changing FOV on this game.

Courtesy of

A simple *.ini tweak, as described here (Steam Users' Forums) among other places, allows to bind a FoV value to a key. To do this:

1. Open %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\WB Games\Batman Arkham City\BmGame\Config\bminput.ini
2. To bind a FoV value of 50 to the F10 key, add this line at the end of [Engine.PlayerInput]: Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="fov 50")


FOV 50:

This will very likely work in Arkham Origins as well, since both are WB Games and use the same engine
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Nice Find , It is known that PC games with unreal engine can be tweaked through the ini files but to be honest except the common values like resolution , AA , VSync then I don't know what the others do so there is a lot to be explored in those ini files


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
I am assuming the .ini file has no option along the lines of:

Stupid black bats that fill screen upon death: TRUE

Which you could then change to FALSE....?

Somehow I doubt it will be that easy, though.

Why must developers fill our screen with crap when we are dead or low on health? Man, you don't know how hard I tried messing around with Mass Effect 2's .ini file to get that stupid red screen/sound dampening effect turned off. Fem shep has some great death sounds, which you can't even hear because of the stupid sound dampening effect that occurs when on low health. Damn, what a waste...

Anyway, getting back to Arkham City, I think my favorite thing in this game was Catwoman's walking/turning animations, lol. And the normal camera (not the combat cam) was waaay too close to your character's back. So close, it's almost impossible to see the lower half of your character. So a FOV mod would be pretty cool to mess around with to get it a bit further away during non-combat.

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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I noticed something in Catwoman's trailer , not sure if it is discussed here and I am not sure if it was in the full game or it was only a one-shot animation created specially for the trailer or it is a counter move

Batman: Arkham City - Catwoman Trailer HD - YouTube

At 1:25 , A thug grabs Catwoman from behind in her upper shoulder and neck and he/she starts kissing her until she throw him

Any ideas ?


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
I vaguely recall a counter move similar to that... I can't remember if she actually kisses them. It's been awhile since I've played it.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 15, 2009
it is a counter move that Catwoman does, when someone attacks her from behind she blocks it, kisses the attacker, then throws them.

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