Batman: Arkham Series (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2014
Harley Quinn's mission.

I linked during this time because of the tackle move.

Apparently, the cop enemies have a tackle to the ground move but I think the player countered when Harley was on the floor. I haven't watched the whole video but I know I can't wait to see what other grab moves there are.

Deleted member 31

From what I gather, aside from a couple fights in the main story, we won't be able to play as Catwoman. That is, until she gets her own side mission, which knowing WB, shouldnt be toooo long of a wait.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Any news on challenge maps , I heard a bad rumor that only batman is available at the start to play and other characters including catwoman are supposely either locked , waiting for DLC or at worst case not in challenge maps at all
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Vivacious Visitor
Oct 5, 2011
So they took down all of the zako females in this version? From what I saw every thug is a male. What a downer, I was so happy when they introduced the female ninjas that can be countered like the normal thugs against Batman in the Initiation DLC, Arkham Knight is a downgrade to my eyes (in the ryona department).


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Sadly and strangely and based on various comments , it seems that Rocksteady replaced the challenge map with some lame thing called Ar challenges which is something like Virtual simulation challenge maps and the bad thing is that these are accessed from the main story rather than the main menu like in the previous games and therefore the only character you can play these challenges is Batman

In the worst case ever we still has those contents as ryona : Harley Quinn DLC , Batgirl DLC , Catwoman part in arkham stories and finally catwoman role in dual play which seems to be the sidequest against riddler

I don't know why companies are doing those odd decisions that are coincidentally against ryona , First Capcom erased the unique death animations from Raid mode in Rev 2 which is sad because it had a massive amount of female characters and now Rocksteady erased the only mode that keeps the game alive for months ahead which is also sad because the game had four playable females

Lets see if they will add them as DLCs later or those Ar challenges will be only with batman , See you next month with Batgirl DLC

Edit : looking at the season pass details , I saw one DLC info that made me sure that they removed the classic challenge maps in order to provide it through a DLC

Crimefighter Challenge Maps :

Engage in a series of new challenge maps utilizing the unique play styles of Batman and his allies
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Yeaaa, I loved the characters in RER2 but yea, major bummer on ryona there.
And the challenges was such a cool part of Arkham City! Catwoman was so cool, running in the city as her and stuff!

The game seems real good so far. Ummmm well except for install probs on console and LOTSA probs on PC...
But yea, that's kinda dumb that extra characters are limited and locked away.

Sounds like more greedy game design.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Just weighing in here about Arkham Knight.

PC Port:
First off, talk of performance issues with the PC port is all over those shitty gaming news websites, but I had very few issues with the game on my rig that's getting close to 4 years old. I'm not going to say that it's not a problem, because there clearly is a sizable group of users having issues. From what I gather, it primarily affects people with ATI cards, but I've seen a few posts from people with nVidia 900 series cards as well saying they're having issues. Honestly, it looks like a few text file edits will get most people up and running at a reasonable state. The game is one of the most visually impressive PC games I've seen in awhile even on "medium" settings, so while my framerate did dip regularly at some points, overall the game ran fine and looked awesome. I never crashed out to the desktop or anything or ran into any game bugs that caused me to feel like I was wasting my time.

Spoilers... kind of? Shit is pretty predictable even with cursory knowledge of the Batman universe, although it's still a lot of fun to play through. The main villains are Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight with pretty much all of the supporting main villain cast. I'd say if you just work through the main quest, you'll probably beat the game in 10-15 hours. I have about 75% completion after about 30 hours gameplay so I'd say 40-60 hours total for all of the story mode content depending on how badly you want to rush it and whether or not you give a shit about Riddler trophies (something I've skipped doing in every Arkham game so far). The Joker gets tied in again, somewhat to my dismay. I feel like you could do a Batman game that doesn't focus on the Clown Prince for once, but his presence is really the only comedy you get throughout the story so I guess he's a necessary evil.

The mechanics are pretty solid. Melee combat is as satisfying as its predecessors. The whole Batmobile aspect puts a bit of an open world spin on it, but really you can get around just as fast driving as you can with gliding around with the grappling hook. The Batmobile handles rather poorly in that it triesto be some weird mix of realism and fantastically magical while in driving mode. When you go into combat mode with it though, the tank controls are much more responsive while its overall speed comes down to crawl.

I'm sure SFM / XNALara guys will be ripping this game apart in the next few months. The female cast look great. Harley's appearance has been cleaned up. Catwoman looks even better than she did in Arkham City. Poison Ivy gets some decent screen time, though you never fight against her. Animations overall for cutscenes is quite gud.

Seems rather lacking at this time. All basic thugs can grab from behind and tackle you to the ground now. There are some points in the story where you can play as two characters at the same time. You do this with Catwoman a handful of times during the Riddler side quests, however I don't think the Riddler robots do either the grab or tackle moves. The Batgirl DLC that was all the fucking rave a couple of months ago is nowhere to be seen and there doesn't seem to be any info as to when it's coming out. There is a Harley Quinn side mission you can do, but it's only about a half hour.

If you're into gyaku then this might be up your alley, but they've removed the zako element it seems since I didn't run into any female enemies in the game. As previous mentioned by others, challenges are presented a little different now and you don't have the option to play as other characters, unless that feature gets unlocked after getting 100% completion. It seems odd that feature no longer exists after being present in the other games.

Final world:
If you're after ryona, I would suggest waiting for a GOTY edition or something similar as I suspect we'll see more options to play additional female characters within the coming months. As of now though, it's not much of a ryona game. If you just like the Arkham series in general though, I thought it was a solid sequel that feels familiar while adding in some new features that's worth the triple A asking price.

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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The Batgirl DLC that was all the fucking rave a couple of months ago is nowhere to be seen and there doesn't seem to be any info as to when it's coming out. There is a Harley Quinn side mission you can do, but it's only about a half hour.

Thanks detritus :) , regarding the Batgirl DLC Rocksteady said that they will release a DLC every month for 6 months and the first DLC they will release will likely be the Batgirl one based on the order they put the DLCs

I don't know if the DLC will be available for PC the same day as consoles as WB suspended the sales of the game on PC until they release the game in a stable build so who knows how much time they will fix it , days , weeks or even months so who knows ? The ironic thing regarding the PC version is that the gameplay video that showed Nvidia features was running smoothly at 1080p/60fps with all the missing effects available while some people with 4 titans couldn't run it at stable 60FPS , even the pirate route isn't available as the game is using denuvo DRM and no team was able to crack it yet :D

I gues Challenge mode will return as DLC , this is the last rocksteady game so they will milk it through DLCs as much as possible


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I'll throw my two cents into the ring real quick.
I'm uncertain of the season pass will be worth its asking price of 40 USD. Both the Harley Quinn and Red Hood "story missions" are akin to the "Initiation" DLC from Origins. They play like a challenge map campaign with a couple of cut scenes and a few brief bits of dialog. There really isn't anything substantial to either "story" in that they don't really add anything that couldn't be covered by a single remark between thugs talking to each other in the main game.
I felt like neither lasted more than ten minutes at tops, and neither character felt too different from playing as Batman other than being louder in stealth segments, and killing people to get to their goals.
It makes me worry about the upcoming story DLCs being similar.

First of all, the Joker stays dead through out the game though he does return through flashbacks and hallucinations. I frankly love how they handled him being in the background, his only real impact being on Batman's character and acting as long-gone catalyst for everything that happens, rather than being the man behind it all in the end.
The reveal of the Arkham Knight being an established character was a let down however. Even worse that he wasn't alluded to at all in the previous games, save a single Blink And You Miss It line of dialog while playing a DLC map. Making his establishing moments in the Batman's history a give away to the reveal.

Deleted member 31

Man catwoman is freaking beautiful in this game. I hope she has a challenge map or mini story where she fights thugs using bats and steel pipes. I managed to make a decent ryona vid like that with arkham city.

I'm not to fond of the tackle animation in this game unfortunately. it's not very well animated. The way the characters hit the ground feels too sped up and doesn't really give you that impact feeling.

Deleted member 31

messed around with catwoman a bit. Dont really know what to do in this game with ryona sadly. Thugs to basic hits on her, and she doesnt really have any interesting animations when she gets hit. At least in Arkham City she had an animation her she got hit in the stomach she doubled over. We'll see how her DLC turns out but i aint getting my hopes up. ;(

Though there's always batgirl, which sounds like a proper DLC story. :)


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
WB has announced that Batgirl DLC will be available on 14 July for season pass holders and 21 for everyone else

A new DLC has been announced by DC and Warner Bros and is set prior to the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batgirl: A Matter of Family will allow players to take on the role of Batgirl for the first time in the Batman: Arkham franchise. This exciting story add-on features an all-new location with multiple missions, side quests and secrets; a new hacking feature to progress through the world and solve puzzles; and Dual Play functionality with Robin for dynamic take-down manoeuvres.

No mention when the PC version will be fixed


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 13, 2009
Didn't know where to put this but here's a Youtube video with Amy Johnson as Harley and Tatiana DeKhtyar as Domino in a bunch of fight scenes:

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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The Trailer is up for Batgirl DLC

Only enemies shown in trailer are Joker Thugs , no sign of unique bosses until now
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Didn't know where to put this but here's a Youtube video with Amy Johnson as Harley and Tatiana DeKhtyar as Domino in a bunch of fight scenes:

That Harley vs. Domino. I like. :D

And I hope Harley will be one of bosses in Batgirl DLC. Hope it doesn't that short and has only 1 boss like Harley's and Red Hood's story.
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kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
OG Harley outfit finally! Can't wait for the model rips from this.

If Babs gets a hunter mode hopefully Harley will be an enemy for her to hunt down.

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