Beat em up walkthroughs: AI creations (18 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

Crimson Symphony at New Harmony University​

The first tendrils of dawn bled a bloody red across the neo-Gothic spires of New Harmony University, mirroring the impending battle on the hallowed grounds. An unnatural stillness hung heavy in the air, broken only by the mournful cry of a lone crow.

The Hero:

Emerging from the shadows like a phantom was Wraith, a figure cloaked in secrecy. Tall and imposing, his sleek, black combat suit seemed to absorb the pre-dawn light. A mirrored mask concealed his face, a distorted reflection of the carnage to come. A silenced pistol with a custom grip rested comfortably in his gloved hand.

The Defenders:

  1. Anya (Nerd): A wisp of a girl with fiery red hair that perpetually escaped her oversized glasses. Beneath a faded NASA t-shirt, a worn copy of "A Brief History of Time" peeked out from her backpack. Her nimble fingers danced across a holographic keyboard, her voice a rapid stream of code, "Firewalls engaged! Turrets online!"
Encounter: With a deafening clang, automated turrets emerged from hidden compartments, their red laser sights locking onto Wraith. Anya, the tactical mind of the group, had used her brilliance to fortify the campus. But Wraith, a seasoned combatant, wasn't fazed. With a practiced flick of his wrist, a single EMP grenade arced through the air. A blinding flash illuminated the courtyard. "What the-?" Anya gasped, a strangled cry escaping her lips as a silenced shot found its mark. Her glasses clattered to the ground, a testament to a brilliant mind tragically unprepared for a physical fight.

  1. Iris (Artist): A whirlwind of vibrant chaos, Iris defied categorization. Her face, a canvas of splattered paint, mirrored the rebellious spirit that danced in her eyes. One side of her head was shaved, revealing a vibrant peacock feather tattoo that shimmered faintly whenever she channeled her artistic energy. Ripped jeans and a paint-splattered denim jacket completed her nonconformist attire. In her hand, she brandished a modified paintball gun, "Take this, you walking shadow!" she yelled, unleashing a barrage of multicolored projectiles.
Encounter: Hidden amongst the vibrant murals in the campus art studio, Iris spotted Wraith disabling the turrets. With a mischievous grin, she aimed her paintball gun and unleashed a barrage of multicolored projectiles. The air whistled with pressurized force as a rainbow of paint assaulted Wraith's vision. He stumbled back, momentarily disoriented, his mirrored mask offering no protection against the vibrant attack. He raised his pistol, a single shot finding its mark. A scream, raw and primal, ripped from Iris's throat as a cloud of crimson paint blossomed across her vibrant face. "No! Iris!" a voice choked with grief echoed through the halls. She stumbled back, her artistic spirit extinguished with a soft thud as she collapsed amongst the paint-splattered canvases.

  1. Bree (Athlete): A woman sculpted from toned muscle and unwavering determination, Bree, the captain of the New Harmony track team, was a force to be reckoned with. Her powerful legs, clad in black compression shorts, propelled her across the manicured lawn with the grace of a cheetah. Her short, dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and a fierce glint shone in her brown eyes. In her hand, she gripped a modified lacrosse stick, its metal head sharpened to a deadly point.
Encounter: Bree wasn't one for stealth. With a primal yell that shattered the silence, "For Iris!" she charged towards Wraith, the lacrosse stick held high. Wraith, surprised by her sudden attack, barely managed to dodge as the lacrosse stick whistled past his head. Before he could react, Bree was upon him, a whirlwind of powerful swings and jabs. But Wraith was a master of hand-to-hand combat. He countered her attacks with practiced ease, his movements a blur of black against the crimson sky. He landed a swift kick to her side, sending her crashing to the ground with a pained gasp. Bree's eyes filled with defiance even as she lay defeated. "You won't win," she rasped. Wraith, ever pragmatic, didn't hesitate. A single, silenced shot found its mark. Bree's determined spirit lay silent, her lacrosse stick clattering to the ground with a lonely clink.

Encounter with Luna:

Hidden amongst the rafters of the bell tower, Luna, adorned in a flowing patchwork dress, had become one with the wooden beams. Her gentle demeanor masked a fierce spirit. Armed with a slingshot fashioned from a sturdy branch and leather salvaged from a backpack, she'd launched a barrage of smooth stones at Wraith. "Peace be upon you," she chanted with each shot, her voice surprisingly steady, "but violence begets violence!"

Wraith, momentarily distracted by the unexpected attack, was forced to dodge, his movements momentarily disrupted. He spotted a flash of movement high above and with a burst of superhuman agility, scaled the bell tower with practiced ease. Luna, cornered, stood her ground. Her slingshot lay discarded, but her spirit remained unbroken. "There's more to fighting than just weapons," she declared, her voice unwavering. Wraith, a pragmatist, didn't hesitate. A silenced shot echoed through the air, the bullet finding its mark. Luna crumpled to the wooden floor, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek, a silent testament to the warrior spirit that burned beneath her gentle exterior.

Encounter with X-Ray:

Hidden amongst the stacks in the campus library, X-Ray, a hulking giant of a man with a shaved head and a booming laugh, waited for his moment. Clad in oversized headphones perpetually blasting heavy metal, he wielded a modified record player with a razor-sharp shard of glass replacing the needle.

As Wraith rounded a corner, heading towards the medical wing, X-Ray cranked the volume on his record player to an ear-splitting level. The heavy bass resonated through the library, momentarily masking the sound of the record spinning at an impossible speed. Then, with a mighty yell, "This one's for Iris!" he launched the makeshift shuriken across the room.

Wraith, caught off guard by the sudden attack and the distorted music, barely managed to deflect the spinning record with a well-timed kick, sending it shattering against a bookshelf. Enraged, X-Ray charged, his massive frame shaking the library floor. But Wraith, a master of hand-to-hand combat, sidestepped the attack with practiced ease. With a swift elbow strike, he connected with X-Ray's jaw, the sickening crunch echoing through the silent library. X-Ray crumpled to the ground, his headphones falling silent, his booming laugh replaced by a choked gurgle.

Encounter with Sakura:

Moving with surprising agility for someone glued to a screen, Sakura, a petite girl with vibrant anime hair, used the campus corridors as a maze, anticipating Wraith's movements based on his previous encounters. "Time for a power-up!" she yelled, brandishing the taser wand disguised as a replica wand from a popular magical girl anime.

As Wraith rounded a corner, she unleashed a powerful electric current, momentarily stunning him. But underestimating a real-life fight, she didn't capitalize on the opportunity, giving Wraith the precious seconds he needed to recover. With a surge of adrenaline, Wraith lunged forward, disarming her of the replica wand with a swift kick. Before Sakura could react, he grabbed her arm, twisting it with brutal efficiency. A scream tore from her lips as the taser clattered to the ground. With a cold glint in his eyes, Wraith delivered a powerful blow to the back of her neck. Sakura's eyes fluttered shut, her anime dreams replaced by the harsh reality of the battle.

With Luna, X-Ray, and Sakura silenced, the battle now raged between Wraith, the relentless hunter, and the inseparable twins, Maya and Doc Zaria, the last line of defense.

The crimson symphony reached a fever pitch. Maya, a whirlwind of fiery hair and ripped jeans, emerged from the shadows with a feral snarl. Grief for her fallen sisters fueled her movements as she brandished her escrima sticks, their polished wood glinting with deadly purpose. Years of synchronized training with Doc Zaria made them a seamless unit, their attacks a flurry of coordinated strikes and kicks. But Wraith, a seasoned hunter, was a storm in himself. He parried and weaved through their assault, a dark blur against the bloody dawn. He landed a swift kick, disarming Maya of one escrima stick. With a scream of defiance, she lunged for it, but Wraith was faster. A silenced shot echoed through the air, the bullet tearing into her shoulder. Maya roared in pain but didn't falter. With a final surge of strength, she brought the remaining escrima stick crashing down on Wraith's head. He stumbled back, momentarily stunned, giving Maya a sliver of hope. But it was fleeting. Another silenced shot, this one to the chest, stole the fire from her eyes and sent her crashing to the ground, her final act a testament to her unwavering spirit.

Doc Zaria, the stoic medic, emerged from the medical wing, her face etched with a cold fury that belied her usual calm demeanor. Gone were the gentle hands that soothed wounds; in their place, a steely resolve. In her hand, she wielded a scalpel, the surgical glint a stark contrast to the rising sun. Years spent tending to the injured had honed her reflexes and given her an unflinching understanding of the human body's vulnerabilities. She moved with a deadly grace, her attacks precise and calculated, aiming for Wraith's pressure points and exposed areas. But Wraith, a veteran of countless battles, anticipated her moves. He dodged and deflected with practiced ease, his mirrored mask a constant reminder of her futility. He landed a blow to her arm, sending the scalpel clattering to the ground. Doc Zaria lunged for it, but Wraith was a ghost. He brought his knee up with a sickening crunch, connecting with her jaw. A choked scream escaped her lips as she crumpled to the ground, her once gentle eyes clouding with pain. With a final, emotionless glance at her fallen sister, Doc Zaria succumbed to the darkness, the crimson stain spreading across her white coat a final testament to her courage.

Wraith stood alone amidst the carnage. The rising sun cast long shadows, painting the scene in an even more grotesque light. The symphony of battle had reached its final, chilling note. A cold satisfaction flickered across the mirrored surface of his mask – a reflection of victory, or perhaps something more sinister? It was impossible to tell.

Suddenly, a voice, distorted by a speaker system, crackled to life. "Excellent work, Agent Wraith. Your objective is complete. Extraction team will be there shortly."

Wraith remained motionless for a moment, then a curt nod was reflected in the mirror. He holstered his pistol, his actions devoid of emotion. His purpose served, he became a phantom once more, melting back into the shadows as the first rays of the sun fully illuminated the scene of devastation.

But the silence wouldn't last. The remaining students of New Harmony University would soon wake to the horrifying discovery. The battle might be over, but the crimson symphony would echo in their hearts for a long time to come. The girls who defended their home were gone, but their courage, their defiance, would become a rallying cry for those who survived. The battle for New Harmony University might be over, but the war had just begun.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

The Siege of Sisterhood Hall​

The Defender's:

  • Jax (Leader): A woman with a face like sun-baked clay and eyes the color of polished obsidian. Her athletic frame, honed by years of track and field, was clad in a worn but functional leather jacket and ripped cargo pants. Her voice, a low growl, could crack concrete.
  • Tori (Jock): Towering over most at six feet, Tori had the build of a linebacker. Her shaved head gleamed, and her face held the unwavering focus of a predator. A faded football jersey hung loose over her combat boots. Her booming voice could be heard across the quad.
  • Anya (Nerd): Anya, with oversized glasses perched on a button nose and a mop of unruly brown hair, looked more at home in a library than a warzone. But beneath the oversized hoodie and mismatched socks was a mind that could crack codes and a surprising strength built from hours hunched over textbooks. Her voice, a nervous squeak in normal situations, could rise to a surprisingly commanding pitch when needed.
  • Mika (Artist): Mika, with a shock of purple hair that defied gravity and an arm covered in swirling tattoos, was all vibrant chaos. Dressed in paint-splattered overalls and a band t-shirt, she wielded her tools like deadly weapons. Her voice, usually laced with sarcasm, held a fierce edge when threatened.
  • Hana (Otaku): Hana, with eyes hidden behind anime character glasses and a backpack overflowing with manga, was the quiet storm of the group. Her deceptively small frame, clad in a black hoodie and ripped jeans, hid a mastery of martial arts gleaned from countless hours spent watching anime fight scenes. Her voice, barely a whisper, spoke volumes when she fought.
  • Willow & Luna (Girl Couple): The epitome of cool, Willow, a shaved head framed by a ring of piercings, and Luna, with cascading dark curls and a nose ring, moved in perfect sync. Willow, dressed in black ripped jeans and a band t-shirt, held a stoic expression, her voice a steady murmur of instructions to Luna, clad in a flowy skirt and a band t-shirt, who responded with quick nods and hand signals.
  • Melody (Musician): Melody, her fiery red hair a mane of defiance, held a double-necked guitar case clutched across her chest like a shield. Her ripped jeans and worn band t-shirt masked a surprisingly lethal aim honed by years of repurposing guitar picks as throwing stars. Her voice, normally used to belt out rock anthems, could be surprisingly gentle when needed.

The first warning came not with a bang, but a glint of reflected sunlight on metal. Jax, ever vigilant, spotted the glint off the hero's mirrored sunglasses perched on the clock tower balcony. "Tori! Cover the main gate!" she roared, her voice a gravel scrape against the tense silence.

Tori, a human battering ram in a faded Wildcats jersey, slammed the heavy oak doors shut just as the first bullets tore through the air. The wood splintered, raining debris, but held. A guttural scream ripped from Tori's throat as a stray bullet found its mark, catching her in the shoulder. Anya, hunched over a laptop at the security desk, whipped around, her oversized glasses askew. A choked sob escaped her as she watched her best friend crumple to the floor.

Ignoring the tears blurring her vision, Anya's fingers flew across the keyboard. Her nemesis, the campus security system, usually a bureaucratic nightmare, now stood between them and their doom. With a final, desperate keystroke, a hiss filled the air as smoke grenades launched from hidden vents, engulfing the lobby in a swirling rainbow of confusion.

From the haze materialized Hana, a wraith in black. Her backpack, normally crammed with manga, now held a collection of sharpened throwing stars. With balletic grace, she launched herself at two approaching guards. The first went down with a grunt, a star buried deep in his neck. The second reacted faster, swinging his baton. The clang of metal echoed through the smoke as Hana deflected the blow, her eyes blazing with a fire that belied her small frame. In a flurry of movement, she disarmed the guard, a silent scream escaping his lips as a star found its mark in his chest.

Willow and Luna, seemingly at opposite ends of the lobby a moment before, were now a synchronized unit. Willow, a whirlwind of ripped jeans and a Misfits t-shirt, yanked a heavy tapestry from the wall revealing a tripwire. The guard, caught unaware, tumbled to the floor with a yelp as a net, expertly concealed beneath the tapestry, ensnared him. Luna, her dark curls bouncing as she moved, reached down and delivered a swift kick to the fallen man's head, silencing him.

From the rooftop, Melody, a lone figure against the clear blue sky, became a one-woman artillery unit. Her double-necked guitar case, opened wide, held a surprising arsenal. With practiced ease, she flicked guitar picks, honed to razor sharpness over years of late-night practice, at the advancing figures. Each pick found its mark, a metallic ping followed by a surprised yelp as guards clutched at bleeding arms and legs.

But their resistance was a dam against a relentless tide. Anya, her valiant hacking attempt thwarted by the hero's own countermeasures, stumbled back as a bullet ripped through her monitor, showering her with sparks and glass. She crumpled to the floor, her glasses falling away to reveal wide, tear-filled eyes.

Hana, cornered in the library, fought with the desperation of a cornered animal. Books became projectiles, their heavy spines slamming into guards' faces. Papers swirled like a miniature snowstorm as she dodged bullets, her movements a blur of desperation. But a stray bullet caught her leg, sending her crashing to the floor. She snarled a final defiance at the hero before succumbing to the pain.

Willow and Luna, backs pressed together, fought with a silent ferocity born of love and loyalty. Willow, using her body as a shield, deflected a bullet meant for Luna. Luna, her eyes blazing with grief, returned the favor, disarming a guard with a flying kick. But they were outnumbered, their intricate dance of defense falling apart as more guards swarmed them. They were gunned down in a hail of bullets, their final act a silent vow to each other sealed with a shared look.

Tears streamed down Melody's face as she watched her friends fall. Grief choked her voice, but it fueled her rage. With a scream that echoed across the campus, she launched into a furious guitar solo. Each note was a bullet, each chord a weapon of defiance. But even her rock and roll rebellion couldn't hold back the inevitable. A bullet, a sickening thud, and her song was silenced forever.

Mika, ever the artist, faced her end with a flourish. In the art studio, paint-splattered overalls a stark contrast to the pristine white walls, she transformed her weapons. With practiced hands, she turned a can of spray paint into a makeshift flamethrower. A wave of fire erupted from the nozzle, engulfing a charging guard in flames. But the hero, a shadow in the doorway, remained unscathed. He returned fire, the bullets tearing through the makeshift flamethrower, catching Mika in the chest. With a final defiant flick of her wrist, sending a glob of paint at the hero's face, she crumpled to the floor, her eyes glazing over with the vibrant colors of the paint splattered around her.

Jax, the last defender of Sisterhood Hall, stood alone in the grand foyer. Blood trickled down her temple, her breathing ragged. But her obsidian eyes held a steely resolve. She had bought her friends time, time they hadn't had. Now, it was her turn to buy them something else: a final act of defiance.

With a roar that echoed through the halls, Jax charged. The hero, expecting a desperate lunge, raised his gun. But Jax, ever the strategist, used the ornate marble staircase as a springboard. She vaulted over the railing, a human battering ram aimed at the hero's chest. The impact sent them both crashing through the double doors shattering them into a million glittering shards.

They landed in a heap on the manicured lawn, Jax on top, adrenaline masking the searing pain in her side. She rained down blows on the hero, her fists connecting with bone-jarring thuds. But the hero was built like a brick wall. He shoved her off, a surprised grunt escaping his lips. They scrambled to their feet, circling each other, a tense dance of violence.

Bullets whizzed past them, the hero's backup finally arriving. But Jax ignored them, her focus solely on the man in front of her. They fought like cornered animals, trading blows, each punch fueled by a different kind of anger. Jax fought for her fallen friends, for the dream of a safe haven Sisterhood Hall represented. The hero fought for… well, that remained unclear.

Jax, feeling her strength waning, knew this wouldn't be a victory. But she wouldn't go down without a fight. With a final surge of adrenaline, she lunged for the hero, aiming to take them both down. He anticipated the move, sidestepping her, and brought his elbow down on her neck. The world spun, darkness creeping at the edges of her vision.

As Jax crumpled to the ground, the hero stood over her, his face obscured by the shadows of the approaching storm clouds. A single word escaped his lips, a question hanging heavy in the air.


Jax, her voice raspy, a single tear tracing a path down her dust-streaked cheek, looked up at him.

"Because," she gasped, "some battles are worth fighting, even if you know you might lose."

Then, darkness claimed her. The hero was left alone on the blood-stained lawn, the silence broken only by the distant rumble of thunder. The siege of Sisterhood Hall was over, but the cost of victory hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the battles fought and the sacrifices made.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

The Defenders of Davies​

Leader: Maya "Phoenix" Jones - A woman sculpted from granite, Maya's face held a stoic beauty, framed by short dreadlocks usually pulled back in a fiery red bandana. Her voice, a gravelly contralto, crackled with authority. Today, however, a tremor ran through it as she surveyed the approaching figure of Jack Hammer, the legendary rogue. Maya wore a black tactical vest over a faded Davies University t-shirt, cargo pants clinging to her powerful legs.

Jock: Lexi "Tank" Thompson - Lexi, the star basketball player, was a walking wall of muscle. Her face, a study in determination, held a sprinkling of freckles across her broad nose. Her booming voice, a cheerleader's legacy, filled the air. She sported a customized football jersey with "Tank" emblazoned on the back over athletic shorts.

Nerd: Anya "Circuit" Sharma - Anya, a wisp of a girl with thick glasses perched on her elfish nose, was pure intellect hidden behind a shy smile. Her voice, barely a whisper, held the power of code. Anya wore a mismatched ensemble - a Star Wars graphic tee under a lab coat, ripped jeans revealing a pair of well-worn Converse.

Artist: Isadora "Izzy" Moon - Izzy, a kaleidoscope of color, had a face that mirrored the artistic chaos within. Her voice, a melodious alto, had a whimsical edge. Her paint-splattered overalls and mismatched socks barely contained her infectious energy.

Otaku: Haru "Kitsune" Nakamura - Haru, a living manga character with bright, inquisitive eyes framed by jet-black hair, was deceptively agile. Her voice, a rapid-fire stream of Japanese and English, held excitement and a touch of fear. Haru wore a black hoodie adorned with an anime fox emblem over skinny jeans and worn-out sneakers.

Hippie: Willow "Whisper" Song - Willow, a vision of peace with long, flowing hair adorned with wildflowers, exuded a calmness that belied a fierce spirit. Her voice, a gentle murmur, held the strength of ancient trees. Willow wore a flowing floral dress and sandals, a backpack crammed with herbs strapped to her back.

Musician: Skye "Siren" Ramirez - Skye, a punk rock goddess with a shock of blue hair framing a heart-shaped face, held an electric guitar case like a weapon. Her voice, a powerful mezzo-soprano, could melt hearts or shatter glass. Skye wore ripped black jeans and a band t-shirt under a leather jacket.

Girlfriend 1: Erin "Sparks" Kelly - Erin, a pixie with a mop of fiery red hair and a mischievous grin, held her girlfriend's hand with unwavering loyalty. Her voice, a bright chirp, belied hidden steel. Erin wore a cropped hoodie and ripped jeans, a baseball bat strapped to her back.

Girlfriend 2: Nadia "Bolt" Petrova - Nadia, a statuesque beauty with long, dark hair and a fierce glare, radiated an air of protectiveness. Her voice, a low growl, held the threat of a coming storm. Nadia wore black combat boots, camouflage pants, and a fitted tank top, a sniper rifle slung over her shoulder.

The sterile silence of the library exploded as the turret whirred to life. Anya, huddled behind a bookshelf, her brow furrowed in concentration as she patched into the security grid, shrieked as the first round ripped through the metal, sparks showering her face. Another pinged off the shelf, spraying her with wood chips. Anya, voice strangled with a mix of terror and defiance, spat out, "Circuit… down… activating… countermeasures," before a third round found its mark, slamming her into the bookcase. Her glasses tumbled off, ashen skin stark against the crimson blossoming on her chest. Maya, witnessing the execution from afar, roared a primal scream, "Anya!"

Lexi, a juggernaut in football pads repurposed as makeshift armor, charged out from behind the fountain, a rallying cry tearing from her throat. She bulldozed through a hail of bullets, each impacting her padding with a dull thud, the metallic scent of blood filling the air. Jack, a grizzled veteran with eyes like cold steel, met her charge head-on. He sidestepped the tackle with practiced ease, his arm a blur as he unleashed a single, precise shot. The bullet found its mark with a sickening crunch, shattering Lexi's kneecap. She crumpled to the ground, a guttural roar morphing into a choked sob as her dream of glory dissolved into a nightmare of shattered bone.

Haru, a blur of black and pink, materialized from a swirling cloud of smoke. Her eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, flickered with fear but resolve. Her katana, a gleaming silver serpent in the afternoon sun, sang a deadly song as she danced around Jack, each strike a whirlwind of steel. Jack, a master of close combat, parried and riposted with practiced ease. Finally, with a deceptive backhand swing, he disarmed her. Haru, caught off guard, gasped in horror. A gunshot echoed before she could react, the bullet punching a hole in her shoulder, sending her tumbling backwards. "Kitsune noooo!" she screamed, the cry swallowed by the chaos of the battle.

The air crackled with a chaotic ballet of violence. Izzy, wielding a paintbrush dipped in a noxious concoction, flung it at Jack, the fumes stinging his eyes. Blinded momentarily, he stumbled back, giving Willow an opening. She charged, a vision of peace transformed into a whirlwind of fury, a tapestry of wildflowers whipping around her as she lunged for him. But before her touch could land, a hail of bullets riddled her back. Her scream, a prayer for peace lost in a cacophony of war, as she slumped to the ground, a sunflower falling from her grasp.

Skye, a banshee with a blue mohawk, stood defiant, her guitar raised high, not as an instrument, but as a makeshift shield. Tears streamed down her face, a counterpoint to the rage burning in her eyes. As the first bullets tore through the wood, she launched into a heart-wrenching melody, a defiant howl against the encroaching silence. Each note was a shard of grief, a testament to her fallen comrades. The final verse ended with a deafening crack as a bullet found its mark, silencing the song forever.

Erin, a whirlwind of red hair and fury, danced a deadly ballet with a baseball bat. She weaved through a hail of bullets, the wood of the bat a constant thwack against the metal casings spitting from Jack's gun. Her normally bright eyes blazed with a desperate defiance, each clang a battle cry. She closed the distance, the bat poised for a devastating blow. But Jack, a predator with years of honed instinct, saw the opening. He feigned a shot, drawing Erin in before delivering a brutal kick to her side. The air whooshed from her lungs as she doubled over, the bat clattering to the ground. A single tear, mirroring Anya's, traced a path down her cheek as she looked up at Jack, her voice rasping, "Nadia...".

Nadia, a statue of steely resolve, stood atop the clock tower, her sniper rifle a silent promise of retribution. Her heart hammered a dirge against her ribs, each beat echoing the loss of her friends. Spotting Erin fall, a primal scream ripped from her throat, shattering the facade of calm. She lined up the perfect shot, her finger tightening on the trigger. But Jack, ever the strategist, had used Lexi's body as a human shield, the sickening thud of a bullet hitting flesh confirming his monstrous tactic. Fury warred with reason in Nadia's eyes. She couldn't risk another innocent life. With a growl that shook the very tower, she lowered the rifle, her defiance morphing into a bitter surrender.

Maya, the last ember of resistance, stood alone in the courtyard. The once vibrant campus, now a scene of carnage, mirrored the desolation in her heart. Grief threatened to consume her, but the memory of her fallen comrades sparked a flicker of defiance. She wouldn't let them die in vain. Reaching into a hidden pocket, she retrieved a small, glinting device – a prototype EMP grenade. Her voice, a gravelly tremor, cut through the ringing silence, "This ends now, Jack." She hurled the grenade, a silent promise of oblivion. Jack, caught off guard, lunged for cover just as the device detonated. A blinding flash engulfed the courtyard, the air crackling with discharged energy. The stench of ozone filled the air, momentarily silencing the symphony of destruction. As the smoke cleared, Maya squinted through the haze, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm. Was it over?

The silence stretched, thick with the acrid tang of burnt electronics and the metallic tang of blood. Maya, muscles tensed and vision blurry from the flash, strained to see through the dissipating smoke. No movement from where Jack had been. A flicker of hope ignited in her chest, battling the ever-present dread.

Then, a cough. A low, guttural sound that sent chills down Maya's spine. Jack emerged from the smoke, a blackened silhouette, his clothes smoldering. One side of his face was a raw, bloody mess, an eye obscured by a swollen purple lid. He stumbled forward, a predator wounded but far from dead.

Gritting her teeth, Maya channeled the grief and fury into a surge of adrenaline. She wouldn't let him win. Not after everything. Reaching for the baton strapped to her thigh, a weapon of last resort, she charged. Jack raised his gun, his aim unsteady, but a bullet whizzed past her ear, close enough to singe a strand of hair.

The fight was brutal, a desperate dance of survival. Maya, fueled by raw emotion, fought with a ferocity that belied her size. She used her agility to her advantage, dodging bullets and weaving around Jack's clumsy swings. The baton became an extension of her will, deflecting blows and landing strikes that connected with bone-jarring thuds.

Jack, despite his injuries, fought with the ferocity of a cornered animal. He landed a blow on Maya's shoulder, sending a jolt of pain up her arm. She stumbled back, momentarily stunned, but the sight of Erin's tear-streaked face on the ground spurred her on.

The final clash came in a flurry of desperate movements. Maya parried a wild swing from Jack, the baton connecting with his wrist with a sickening crack. He roared in pain, dropping the gun. Before he could react, she brought the baton up in a swift arc, catching him on the temple.

There was a sickening thud as Jack crumpled to the ground, unmoving. Maya stood panting, the baton clattering to the bloodstained pavement. Silence descended, broken only by the labored rasp of her breath. Slowly, she sank to her knees beside the fallen figure, the weight of the battle crushing down on her.

Victory tasted like ash in her mouth. The campus, once a symbol of youthful hope, was now a monument to loss. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the image of the fallen man before her. She had won, but at what cost?

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the battlefield, Maya raised her head, her voice hoarse but resolute. She wouldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. With a shaky hand, she reached for the radio strapped to her vest. "This is Phoenix. We need medical assistance... and a cleanup crew." Her voice broke on the last word, a sob escaping her lips. But even amidst the ruins, a flicker of defiance remained. The Defenders of Davies had fallen, but Maya, the lone phoenix, would rise from the ashes.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

Act I: Calm Before the Storm​

The night air hung heavy over Theta Nu Kappa sorority house, its manicured lawn bathed in an eerie orange glow from the nearby streetlamps. Inside the dorm's common room, a motley crew of girls – the Guardians of Theta Nu – awaited their unwelcome visitor.

Valentina, the Leader: A statuesque Latina with skin the color of dark chocolate and fierce black eyes that flicked across the room like a panther. Her athletic build was accentuated by a black tank top and camo cargo pants, a Glock 19 holstered at her hip. Her voice, a low contralto, rumbled as she issued orders, "Alright, listen up. Intel says Thorne's coming tonight. We stick to the plan."

Scarlet, the Jock: A redhead with a mess of fiery curls framing a freckled face, Scarlet bounced a basketball with practiced ease. Lean muscle rippled beneath her crimson athletic wear. A gruff Texan drawl escaped her lips, "Sounds like a plan to me, Val. Just point me at the target."

Iris, the Goth: Dressed in head-to-toe black, Iris leaned against the wall, her pale face obscured by a curtain of dark hair. Silver rings adorned her long, slender fingers, which tapped a restless rhythm on a worn copy of Baudelaire's poems. Her voice, a monotone whisper, spoke, "Let's get this over with. I have a date with oblivion at dawn."

Mika, the Artist: Sprawled on the floor, Mika, a wisp of a girl with fiery red hair, sketched furiously in her notebook. Her oversized glasses magnified the intensity in her blue eyes. Dressed in paint-splattered overalls, she spoke in a soft British accent, "Can't we just, you know, draw him a peace treaty?"

Britney, the Sorority Girl: Polished blonde hair cascaded down Britney's shoulders, framing a face perpetually plastered with a bored expression. Pink yoga pants clung to her toned legs, and a Tiffany & Co. necklace glinted under the harsh light. Her voice, a valley-girl lilt, chimed in, "Ugh, this is ruining my manicure. Can't he just, like, wait for next week?"

Aiko, the Otaku: Nestled in a corner, Aiko, a petite girl with jet-black hair styled in twin buns, clutched a well-worn manga. Her eyes scanned the pages with lightning speed, oblivious to the tension. Aiko spoke in rapid-fire Japanese, punctuating each sentence with a kawaii squeal. Thankfully, a multilingual translator app on Valentina's phone provided the translation: "Guys! Did you see the new episode of Sailor Moon? Super epic!"

Willow, the Hippie: Willow, adorned in flowing paisley pants and a tie-dye shirt, strummed a melancholic tune on her acoustic guitar. Her long, brown hair cascaded down her back, framing a face etched with serenity. Her voice, a gentle murmur, spoke, "Maybe we can offer him some peace tea and a good conversation?"

Sarah & Emily, the Couple: A comfortable silence hung between Sarah, a girl with a shaved head and a confident smirk, and Emily, a bookworm with thick glasses perched on her nose, who sat nestled against Sarah's side. Sarah, in a leather jacket worn smooth from years of use, spoke in a low, steady voice, "Don't worry, Em. We got this."

DJ Diamond, the Musician: Spinning imaginary turntables, DJ Diamond, a vibrant girl with a shaved head and a dazzling array of piercings, strutted across the room, humming a catchy beat. Her neon green tank top and ripped jeans vibrated with her energy. Her booming voice echoed with a Brooklyn accent, "Yo, let's drop the beat on this dude!"

The girls settled into an uneasy silence, punctuated by the rhythmic bounce of Scarlet's basketball and the soft melody of Willow's guitar. The tension thrummed in the air, a collective breath held in anticipation of the coming storm.

Act II: Storm's Fury​

A shattering crash from the front door sent the room into chaos. Thorne, a mountain of a man with a steely gaze and a cruel scar bisecting his left eyebrow, strode into the room.

Valentina met his stare head-on. "Wrong house, buddy." Her voice held a steely edge. Thorne merely smirked, whipping out a silenced pistol.

Scarlet, ever the athlete, launched herself at Thorne in a flying tackle. He backhanded her with ease, sending her crashing into the coffee table with a sickening crack. "Night, ginger." He muttered, dispatching her with a single bullet to the head.

Iris, fueled by a morbid curiosity, stepped forward. "So, are you here collect or destroy?" she drawled, her voice barely a whisper. Thorne chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "Both, doll." He raised his gun, but before he could fire, a blur of pink collided with him. Britney, surprisingly agile, used her yoga training to her advantage, wrapping her legs around his torso and yanking him off balance. Thorne roared in surprise, momentarily stunned.

Aiko, finally noticing the commotion, shrieked, "Banzai!" and lunged at Thorne, a miniature katana glinting in her hand (procured from her extensive anime weapon collection). Thorne swatted her aside like a pesky fly. Aiko landed hard, the katana clattering across the floor. Just then, a soft melody filled the air. Willow strummed her guitar with renewed fervor, her voice rising in a soothing chant. Thorne paused, momentarily mesmerized by the unexpected serenade.

Sarah used the distraction to her advantage. With a swift movement, she drew a concealed switchblade from her boot and lunged at Thorne's back. He reacted with inhuman speed, twisting and slamming Sarah onto the floor. Emily, her glasses dangling precariously, scrambled to her feet, tears streaming down her face. She picked up Aiko's fallen katana and charged at Thorne, a primal scream ripping from her throat. Thorne, seemingly amused, sidestepped her clumsy attack and disarmed her with a flick of his wrist. The katana clattered to the floor beside Aiko.

DJ Diamond wasn't about to go down without a fight. She grabbed a heavy record player from the nearby stand and swung it at Thorne's head with surprising strength. The blow connected, sending him staggering back. Thorne growled, his eyes blazing with fury. He lunged at DJ Diamond, but Mika, her artistic rage finally ignited, leaped in front of her friend. Thorne grabbed Mika by the throat, his grip tightening with each passing second.

Valentina knew they were running out of time. She drew her Glock, aiming for Thorne's knee. A gunshot echoed in the room. Thorne stumbled, momentarily distracted, but Mika went limp in his grasp. Tears streamed down Valentina's face, a silent vow of vengeance burning in her eyes. She emptied the rest of her clip into Thorne, each bullet finding its mark.

Thorne, riddled with bullets, crumpled to the floor, his once powerful body a lifeless husk. The room fell silent, broken only by the ragged gasps of the surviving girls. They stood amidst the carnage, faces etched with shock and grief, forever changed by the night's brutal encounter.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Dorm Wars: Girls of Guardian House

Leader: Maya (22, athletic build, honey-brown skin, short dreadlocks). Deep voice, calm and collected. Dressed in practical black cargo pants and a worn leather jacket.
Jock: Lexi (20, toned, fiery red hair in a high ponytail). Loud, booming voice. Clad in a sports bra and gym shorts, hefting a heavy barbell.
Nerd: Priya (19, slender, thick glasses perched on a freckled nose, fiery red hair in a messy bun). Nervous, high-pitched voice. Hunched over a laptop screen covered in complex code.
Artist: Izumi (21, petite, midnight black hair with streaks of electric blue, one eyebrow shaved). Soft, melodic voice. Sprawled on the floor, lost in a world of vibrant spray paint art on a canvas.
Goth: Raven (18, pale skin, dark circles under kohl-rimmed eyes, jet black hair hanging straight down). Monotone voice, devoid of emotion. Sharpening a hefty hunting knife with practiced ease.
Sorority Girl: Tiffany (20, blonde hair in perfect curls, tanned body in a pink cheerleading uniform). Shrill, panicked voice. Chatting on her phone, nails clicking on the keyboard.
Otaku: Ai (18, dark hair in twin braids, oversized anime t-shirt, clutching a well-worn manga). High-pitched, excited voice. Bouncing on a beanbag chair, eyes glued to her phone screen.
Hippie: Luna (20, flowing blonde hair adorned with wildflowers, tie-dye sundress). Soothing, gentle voice. Playing a melodic tune on a handpan drum.
Musicians: Jess (22, shaved head, muscular arms covered in tattoos), and Sarah (19, long brown hair, gentle smile). Gruff, commanding voice (Jess), and a calming, melodic voice (Sarah). Playing electric guitar and bass, respectively.
Invader: Jack Stone (40s, scarred face, weathered clothes, imposing build). Gruff, menacing voice. Armed with dual automatic pistols, clad in tactical gear.
Scene: Guardian House common room, sunlight streams through large windows highlighting dust motes in the air.

Idle Chatter:

Sunlight illuminates Maya's focused face as she meticulously disassembles and cleans a worn pistol, each movement as smooth and practiced as a martial art. Across the room, Lexi heaves a barbell, her red ponytail whipping around her head with each grunt as she pushes her limits. In the corner, hunched over a laptop screen crammed with complex code, Priya bites her lip, muttering a half-formed thought under her breath.

Suddenly, a deafening boom shatters the tranquility. The door explodes inwards, spraying splinters across the room. Framed in the doorway stands Jack Stone, a weathered monument of violence. Dual automatic pistols cough fire, the staccato rhythm punctuated by Tiffany's high-pitched scream. The first bullet finds its mark, slamming into her shoulder with a sickening thud. A crimson bloom spreads across her pink cheerleading uniform as she crumples to the floor, eyes wide with terror.

The Fight:

Maya's voice erupts like a thunderclap, a single word - "Disperse!" - cutting through the chaos. Priya scrambles for cover, shoving her precious laptop into her backpack, its screen flashing in her panicked haste. Lexi, a warrior in gym clothes, charges at the intruder. Jack's aim is true. A bullet slams into her thigh, shattering bone with a sickening crack. Lexi lets out a primal roar of pain, collapsing in a heap.

Izumi, with a defiant glint in her eyes, throws a paintbrush at Jack in a desperate attempt. A splash of color erupts on his chest, a fleeting protest against his relentless assault. Ignoring it, he unleashes a torrent of bullets aimed at Luna. Sarah, her face etched in a mask of determination, throws herself in front of her girlfriend. The bullet finds its mark, tearing a crimson gash through her arm. A pained gasp escapes her lips as she crumples to the ground, clutching her wound.

Jess, fury burning in her eyes, throws her head back and unleashes a ferocious guitar solo. The sound becomes a chaotic counterpoint to the gunfire, a defiant scream against the onslaught. Ai, fueled by years of anime battles, lets out a high-pitched battle cry and hurls a miniature figurine at Jack. It bounces harmlessly off his leg, a testament to the futility of her courage.

Raven lunges, her jet-black hair whipping around her face. The hunting knife gleams in the sunlight as she slashes at Jack. He reacts with lightning speed, backhanding her with the butt of his pistol. Raven's body slams into a bookshelf, a sickening crunch echoing as bones connect with wood. She slumps to the floor, unmoving, a trail of blood staining the carpet.

The Fall:

One by one, they fall. Priya, hiding behind a worn-out couch, is riddled with bullets. Her body twitches for a moment, then lies still. Ai grabs at her chest, a crimson stain blooming on her anime t-shirt. Her beloved manga slips from her grasp, forgotten.

Luna crawls towards Sarah, her gentle face contorted in pain. With a selfless act of love, she shields Sarah's body with her own. A single gunshot rings out, the sound sharp and final. Luna's eyes widen for a fleeting moment before dimming forever.

Desperate Stand:

Jess and Maya are the last ones left. Jess throws a smoke bomb with a practiced flick of her wrist. The room fills with a thick, choking cloud, obscuring vision. Using the sudden cover, Maya scrambles towards the window, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Jack, a predator in his element, charges after her, his heavy boots pounding a relentless rhythm on the wooden floor.

Maya reaches the window, the cool night air stealing her breath as she throws herself onto the rickety fire escape. Each clang of her boots against the metal rungs screams her location. Below, the unforgiving concrete gleams under the harsh security lights. A searing pain explodes in her shoulder, a hot reminder of Jack's relentless pursuit. Glancing back, she sees him emerge from the smoke-filled doorway, a dark figure framed against the inferno.

Panic claws at her throat. She descends the fire escape, her grip slick with sweat and blood. With every clang, the structure groans in protest, threatening to give way under her weight. Just a few more rungs, she pleads silently. But the world tilts as another shot rings out. This time, the bullet finds its mark, shattering the rusted railing beneath her right foot.

Maya screams, a raw, primal sound ripped from her core. The remaining railing gives way, and she plummets towards the unforgiving concrete below. Time slows, the world a distorted blur of fear and regret. She sees Jack's face contorted in a cruel grin, a victor watching his prey fall.

Then, darkness.

Silence descends, broken only by the distant wail of approaching sirens. Jack stands on the roof, a solitary figure bathed in the cold blue light of the emergency vehicles. He scans the scene below, a flicker of something akin to respect momentarily crossing his features before being replaced by a cold indifference. He walks back through the smoke-filled doorway, leaving behind a house of broken dreams and shattered lives.

Inside, the common room is a tableau of devastation. Bodies lie scattered, their faces etched with the finality of death. Jess's guitar lies abandoned, its strings slack and silent. Sarah's hand clutches a blood-soaked teddy bear, a testament to the innocence lost. The vibrant tapestries and posters are marred by bullet holes, silent screams echoing in the air.

Jack surveys the carnage, his gaze lingering on Maya's crumpled form sprawled on the pavement outside. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled photo - a picture of a young girl with fiery red hair, her face beaming with a gap-toothed grin. His eyes harden. This was collateral damage, a necessary evil. He tucks the photo back into his pocket and walks out of the building, disappearing into the approaching storm.

The storm rages throughout the night, a fitting dirge for the fallen warriors of Guardian House. Dawn breaks, painting the sky with streaks of pink and orange. But for the girls who once called this place home, the sun will never rise again. Jack Stone, the relentless invader, stands victorious, his victory a monument to the brutal truth - sometimes, even the bravest fight ends in defeat.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the brick facade of Oakhaven dorms. Ten guards, a motley crew of students on duty, lounged by the security entrance.
There was Chloe, the ex-jock, her face tanned and strong under a messy bun. Her voice, once a rallying cry on the soccer field, had softened to a friendly rumble. She juggled a set of rubber stress balls, their bright colors a jarring contrast to her crisp security uniform.
Beside her sat Sarah, the resident computer whiz. Her fiery red hair, usually tamed into a messy bun, poked out in loose strands as she fiddled with a laptop, brow furrowed in concentration. Her normally soft voice muttered technical jargon under her breath, punctuated by frustrated sighs.
Across the table, Maya, the goth, leaned against the wall, arms crossed. Her dark eyes, almost black under the heavy eyeliner, flicked dismissively at a group of giggling students. Her voice, a low monotone, drawled a sarcastic remark about "normies" eliciting a snort from Riley, the art student next to her.
Riley, all messy curls and paint-splattered overalls, had a sketchbook propped on her lap, charcoal blurring across the page. Her voice, a touch wispy, hummed softly as she sketched, oblivious to Maya's snide comments.
Then there was Tiffany, the picture-perfect sorority girl. Her blonde hair, perfectly coiffed, bounced as she gossiped with Jessica, the otaku who clutched a well-worn manga to her chest. Tiffany's voice, a high-pitched chirp, contrasted with Jessica's shy mumbles, punctuated by excited squeaks about her favorite anime character.
Across the room, Luna, the hippie, strummed a battered ukulele, weaving a gentle melody. Her voice, gentle and raspy, sang of peace and love, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere.
Beside her, hand in hand, were Nadia and Alex, the couple. Nadia, the more outgoing one, had a cascade of fiery red curls framing a freckled face. Her voice, warm and friendly, chatted with Alex, whose shy smile barely peeked from behind a curtain of dark hair. Alex's voice, barely a whisper, only reached Nadia's ears.
The sound of shattering glass ripped through the afternoon calm. All heads snapped towards the broken window on the fourth floor. A figure in black, sleek and deadly, tumbled in, a pistol spitting flame.
Sarah, the fastest to react, screamed a warning. Before anyone else could move, a shot rang out. Sarah crumpled, clutching her shoulder, a crimson stain blooming on her white uniform.
Chloe, fueled by a sudden surge of adrenaline, launched herself at the figure. The action hero, agile and ruthless, sidestepped her clumsy charge and fired twice. Chloe crumpled, stress balls rolling away from her lifeless hand.
Panic set in. Tiffany shrieked, the sound cut short by a single, well-placed bullet. Jessica whimpered, clutching her manga, a silent tear rolling down her cheek. A shot rang out, silencing her forever.
Riley, paintbrush still clutched, lunged at the figure, fueled by a desperate, misplaced courage. She never reached her target, collapsing in a heap after a single shot. Maya, ever the pragmatist, saw the futility of resistance. She simply turned and walked away, a single, defiant word escaping her lips, "Coward." A shot rang out behind her.
Luna, still strumming her ukulele, looked up with a gentle smile. "Peace," she murmured, then offered a silent prayer as a bullet pierced her forehead, silencing her music forever.
Nadia and Alex, tears streaming down their faces, clung to each other. They offered no resistance, their fate sealed with a single, cold-hearted double tap.
Only one remained. The leader, a woman with short, silver hair and steely blue eyes, stood calmly, a hand on her pistol. "You win," she said, her voice firm but laced with a hint of sadness.
The action hero, clad in black, lowered her gun, a hint of respect flickering across her face. "You fought well," she said, her voice surprisingly gentle. "But sometimes, the good guys lose."


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
The Quest

Alex, a seasoned ex-special forces operative, is on a mission to recover a stolen prototype device from a seemingly innocuous college campus. Intelligence suggests it's hidden deep within the labyrinth of the women's dorms, guarded by an unlikely group of young women who've transformed their living space into a fortress.

The Guards

The Leader: Riley Carter

Appearance: Tall, athletic build, short red hair, piercing green eyes. Often seen in tactical gear or stylish athleisure.

Personality: Charismatic, intelligent, and fiercely protective of her friends.

Speech: Direct, commanding, with a touch of sarcasm.

The Jock: Jess Parker

Appearance: Muscular build, short brown hair, wide-set blue eyes. Usually in sports attire or oversized hoodies.

Personality: Loud, boisterous, and physically dominant.

Speech: Fast-talking, filled with sports metaphors and slang.

The Nerd: Olivia Chen

Appearance: Petite, with long black hair and thick glasses. Often seen in oversized sweaters and jeans.

Personality: Intelligent, analytical, and socially awkward.

Speech: Precise, often using technical jargon.

The Rapper: Maya Rodriguez

Appearance: Curvy, with long black braids and gold jewelry. Always in trendy streetwear.

Personality: Confident, outspoken, and musically talented.

Speech: Rhythmic, filled with slang and street references.

The Artist: Chloe White

Appearance: Slender, with long, fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes. Often seen in bohemian clothing.

Personality: Creative, dreamy, and emotionally sensitive.

Speech: Poetic, filled with metaphors and symbolism.

The Goth: Emily Black

Appearance: Pale skin, long black hair, dark clothing. Often seen with dark makeup.

Personality: Quiet, mysterious, and introverted.

Speech: Soft-spoken, with a dark sense of humor.

The Karateka: Anya Kim

Appearance: Small but muscular, with short black hair. Often seen in karate gi or athletic wear.

Personality: Disciplined, focused, and fiercely loyal.

Speech: Direct, concise, and often ends sentences with a chop gesture.

The Roleplayer: Sarah Miller

Appearance: Average build, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Often seen in costumes related to her roleplaying characters.

Personality: Imaginative, enthusiastic, and socially awkward.

Speech: Filled with character voices and roleplaying jargon.

The Sorority Girl: Taylor Anderson

Appearance: Tall and slender, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Often seen in preppy outfits.

Personality: Popular, outgoing, and superficial.

Speech: Filled with clichés and popular culture references.

The Otaku: Mei Tanaka

Appearance: Small and shy, with long brown hair and brown eyes. Often seen in anime-inspired clothing.

Personality: Introverted, passionate about anime and manga.

Speech: Filled with anime references and Japanese loanwords.

The Hippie: Lily Green

Appearance: Chubby, with long brown hair and green eyes. Often seen in earthy, flowing clothing.

Personality: Peace-loving, environmentally conscious, and free-spirited.

Speech: Filled with nature metaphors and philosophical musings.

The Girl Couple: Sam and Jess

Appearance: Sam is tall and athletic, with short red hair and green eyes. Jess is petite with long brown hair and blue eyes.

Personality: Supportive, loyal, and fiercely protective of each other.

Speech: Often finishing each other's sentences or speaking in unison.

The Metalhead: Alex Turner

Appearance: Skinny, with long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Often seen in band t-shirts and ripped jeans.

Personality: Loud, rebellious, and passionate about music.

Speech: Filled with music references and aggressive slang.

The Ballerina: Grace Carter

Appearance: Slender and graceful, with long red hair and blue eyes. Often seen in ballet attire or dancewear.

Personality: Disciplined, elegant, and focused.

Speech: Soft-spoken, with a poetic and graceful tone.

The Chubby Girl: Becca Johnson

Appearance: Chubby, with short brown hair and green eyes. Often seen in comfortable clothing.

Personality: Confident, funny, and down-to-earth.

Speech: Filled with laughter and witty remarks.

Idle Actions

The dorm was a beehive of activity, a stark contrast to its intended purpose as a place of quiet study.

Riley paced the central common room, her eyes scanning security monitors. Her hands were constantly tapping a rhythm on a small tablet, her mind a chessboard of potential threats.

Jess was in the dorm gym, slamming weights around with a primal intensity. Her grunts echoed through the room, punctuated by the occasional crash of metal.

Olivia was hunched over a computer, her fingers flying across the keyboard. Multiple screens displayed complex algorithms and security protocols. Her lips moved silently as she muttered code snippets.

Maya was recording a rap in her room, her voice echoing through the thin walls. She danced around, her energy infectious.

Chloe was sprawled on her bed, lost in a world of colors and shapes. Her hands moved rhythmically as she sketched, her eyes distant.

Emily was in the dorm library, surrounded by stacks of books. Her pale skin was illuminated by the soft glow of a desk lamp.

Anya was practicing kata in the dorm hallway, her movements precise and deadly. The rhythmic impact of her strikes echoed through the quiet corridor.

Sarah was dressed as a fantasy princess, sitting in a corner, engrossed in a novel. She occasionally broke character to argue with imaginary foes.

Taylor was on the phone, her voice a constant stream of laughter and gossip. She was surrounded by friends, their conversation a cacophony of high-pitched voices.

Mei was curled up on a bean bag, her eyes glued to an anime on her laptop. Her hands were busy making intricate origami figures.

Lily was meditating in the dorm garden, her eyes closed, surrounded by potted plants. The gentle sounds of nature provided a serene backdrop.

Sam and Jess were in their room, watching a movie. They were cuddled up on the couch, their laughter occasionally punctuated by shared comments.

Alex was headbanging to heavy metal music in his room, his long hair flying. His room was a shrine to his favorite bands.

Grace was practicing ballet in the dorm's empty dance studio. Her movements were graceful and ethereal, a stark contrast to the dorm's usual chaos.

Becca was in the kitchen, surrounded by the enticing aroma of baked goods. She was humming a tune as she decorated cupcakes.

The Infiltration and Combat​

Alex, a shadow in the night, slipped onto the campus grounds. The dorm, a fortress of femininity, loomed ahead. He was armed with a silenced pistol, a combat knife, and a wealth of tactical knowledge.

The first line of defense was the outer perimeter. Laser grids, motion sensors, and security cameras guarded the building. Alex, with the grace of a phantom, bypassed them all.

Encounter 1: Jess, the Jock​

Alex breached the dorm through a second-story window. His first opponent was Jess, mid-workout. She was a formidable figure, muscles rippling with exertion. Before she could react, Alex was on her, a swift, silent strike to the carotid artery. She crumpled to the floor, her world fading to black.

Encounter 2: Maya, the Rapper​

Maya's room was a blast of color and sound. She was mid-rap, her body moving to the rhythm. Alex entered like a ghost, his movements precise and deadly. A single shot silenced the music, and Maya slumped to the floor, her vibrant life extinguished.

Encounter 3: Taylor, the Sorority Girl​

Taylor was on the phone, oblivious to the world around her. Alex moved with lethal efficiency, his hand covering her mouth before she could scream. A swift strike to the neck, and she was unconscious.

Encounter 4: The Girl Couple, Sam and Jess​

Their room was a love nest, soft lights and gentle music creating a romantic atmosphere. But love was no match for Alex's cold efficiency. Two silenced shots, and the couple was still, forever entwined in a tragic embrace.

Encounter 5: Becca, the Chubby Girl​

Becca was the unexpected obstacle. Her laughter filled the kitchen, a stark contrast to thedeadly intent in Alex's eyes. She was strong, her attempts to fight him off surprisingly effective. But Alex was faster, his knife finding a vital spot. She collapsed, a look of disbelief in her eyes.

The dorm was growing quieter. The once vibrant atmosphere was replaced by an eerie stillness. Alex pressed on, his target closer.

Alex moved through the dorm with the silent efficiency of a predator. The bodies he left behind were a testament to his lethal skill.

Encounter 6: Olivia, the Nerd​

Olivia's room was a fortress of technology. Multiple screens flickered with data, and the air was thick with the low hum of machinery. She was oblivious to the intruder until Alex was upon her. A swift strike to the temple, and she slumped over her keyboard, her brilliant mind extinguished.

Encounter 7: Chloe, the Artist​

Chloe's world was a riot of colors and emotions. Her vulnerability was as apparent as the hues on her canvas. When Alex entered her room, she froze, her brush falling from her hand. Her artistic mind couldn’t comprehend the brutality about to unfold. Alex didn't hesitate. A single shot echoed through the room, the vibrant colors of her painting a stark contrast to the crimson that was soon to dominate her world.

Encounter 8: Emily, the Goth​

Emily's room was a gothic sanctuary, dark and brooding. She was curled up on her bed, a book in her hand. Her pale skin was almost translucent in the dim light. Alex's presence was a stark contrast to the room's atmosphere. A swift, silent kill, and the book slipped from herhand.

The dorm was growing colder by the minute, the once vibrant life replaced by an eerie silence. Alex pressed on, his target closer.

Alex moved through the labyrinth of the dorm, his senses heightened. The silence was broken only by the echo of his footsteps and the distant hum of the campus.

Encounter 9: Anya, the Karateka​

Anya was in the dorm gym, practicing her kata. Her movements were fluid and deadly, a testament to her years of training. Alex burst into the room, his presence a stark contrast to the serene atmosphere. The ensuing fight was a ballet of violence, a deadly dance between two skilled combatants. In the end, Alex's superior training and cold efficiency prevailed.

Encounter 10: Mei, the Otaku​

Mei was in her room, lost in the world of anime. Her eyes were wide with wonder as she watched her favorite characters come to life on the screen. Alex's intrusion shattered her illusion. The transition from fantasy to reality was brutal. Mei was lost in her world of anime, oblivious to Alex's approach. Her eyes were glued to the screen, her mind wandering through a fantasy realm. Alex took advantage of her distraction and moved silently closer.

With a swift, silent motion, he plunged his knife into Mei's back. The girl writhed in pain, her anime world crashing down around her. Her computer screen went dark, mirroring the darkness that had invaded her life.

Encounter 11: Lily, the Hippie​

Lily was meditating in the garden, radiating an aura of peace and tranquillity. Mistrustful of violence, she tried to calm Alex with gentle words and peaceful gestures. However, her resistance only served to infuriate him.

Alex lunged at her, his rough and violent movements contrasting with the serenity of the garden. Lily fought with all her might, but it was an unequal struggle. With a decisive blow, Alex knocked her to the ground. Despite her pleas, life faded from her eyes, taking her free and loving spirit with her.

The dorm was a killing ground. The once vibrant community was now a ghost town, filled with the echoes of lives lost. Alex pressed on, his target in sight.

Alex moved through the dorm, the weight of his kills heavy on his conscience. The air was thick with the scent of fear and blood. He was closing in on his target.

Encounter 12: Sarah Miller, the Roleplayer​

Sarah, lost in a fantasy world of her own creation, was initially unaware of the danger. When she realized what was happening, she tried to use her quick wit, resorting to insults and threats. But Alex was unfazed. His response was swift and brutal, shattering her illusion and ending her life.

Encounter 13: Riley, the Leader​

Riley was in the control room, a fortress of technology. Multiple screens displayed the dorm's security systems. She was a formidable opponent, her mind sharp and her reflexes honed. Armed with a concealed pistol, she turned the control room into a deadly arena.

Alex burst into the room, guns blazing. Bullets flew, ricocheting off the walls. Riley was a blur of motion, her pistol a deadly extension of her hand. They circled each other, their eyes locked in a deadly dance.

With a swift, calculated move, Alex disarmed Riley. Their struggle was brutal, hand-to-hand combat in a confined space. Riley was strong, but Alex was relentless. With a final, decisive blow, he sent her crashing to the floor.

The Device​

As Riley's life ebbed away, Alex moved to the central console. With trembling hands, he deactivated the security systems. The device was in a hidden compartment, a small, innocuous-lookingobject. He snatched it up and made his escape.

The dorm was silent. The lives that once filled it were extinguished, replaced by the cold emptiness of death. Alex was a ghost in the night, disappearing as silently as he had arrived. He was a killer, a survivor. And as he vanished into the night, he carried with him the weight of the lives he had taken, and the secret of the device he had stolen.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

Part 1: The Fortified Fortress​

The campus was a bristling citadel, a concrete behemoth ringed by a menacing wall of barbed wire. This was the domain of The Coven, a disparate band of young women who had transformed their dorms into a stronghold. Their unity, forged in the crucible of a shared secret, was as formidable as the fortress itself.

At the heart of their world was Riley, a flame-haired dynamo with a physique honed to perfection. Her eyes, a striking shade of emerald, held a command that belied her youth. Her voice, a rich contralto, carried the authority of a seasoned general. She was more than just a leader; she was the architect of their defense.

Jess, a titaness of a woman, was the Coven’s bulwark. Her cropped red hair framed a face etched with determination. Her body was a fortress of muscle, sculpted by relentless training. Her voice, a deep rumble, was as intimidating as her physique.

In stark contrast was Olivia, a wisp of a girl with large, round glasses that magnified her intelligent eyes. Her mind was a labyrinth of code, her fingers dancing across keyboards with an almost supernatural speed. Her voice, a rapid-fire staccato, was filled with the precision of a computer.

Maya, a whirlwind of energy, brought rhythm to their lives. Her skin, the color of rich caramel, was a canvas for intricate braids. Her laughter was as infectious as the beats she created. Her voice, a melodic rap, was a weapon in its own right.

Chloe, an ethereal beauty, found solace in the world of color. Her long, blonde hair cascaded like a waterfall, framing eyes that held the depths of the ocean. Her voice was a soft whisper, carrying the weight of unspoken emotions.

Anya, a gothic enigma, was shrouded in darkness. Her pale skin was a stark contrast to her jet-black hair, which framed piercing blue eyes. Her voice, a deep, resonant timbre, held the promise of secrets.

Kim, a compact powerhouse, moved with the grace of a panther. Her short, black hair accentuated her sharp features, and her eyes held the intensity of a warrior. Her voice was low and controlled, like the calm before the storm.

Emily, a dreamer with a wild imagination, was lost in worlds of her own creation. Her curly brown hair framed a face full of wonder. Her voice, a high-pitched melody, carried her into realms of fantasy.

Sarah, the quintessential sorority girl, was a dazzling facade. Her long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes were her calling cards. Beneath the superficiality, however, was a shrewd mind. Her voice, a bubbly effervescence, masked a sharp wit.

Mei, a diminutive figure, was a world unto herself. Her large, round glasses magnified her wide eyes, which often held a distant gaze. Her long, brown hair was typically adorned with anime-inspired accessories. Her voice, soft and hesitant, belied a fierce loyalty to her fandoms.

Luna, a child of nature, radiated an aura of peace. Her long, brown hair was adorned with flowers, and her eyes held the wisdom of the ages. Her voice, a gentle murmur, carried the soothing rhythm of the earth.

Alex and Sam, inseparable as the sun and moon, were the heart of the Coven. Alex, tall and athletic, had a fiery spirit matched only by her red hair. Sam, petite and delicate, possessed a strength that belied her appearance. Their voices, different yet complementary, created a harmony that was both comforting and inspiring.

Cassie, a rebel with a cause, was a force to be reckoned with. Her long, black hair and dark eyeliner were a statement of defiance. Her voice, a raw growl, was the soundtrack to her rebellious spirit.

Grace, a vision of grace, moved with the precision of a ballerina. Her long, blonde hair framed a face that was both delicate and strong. Her voice, a soft melody, carried the promise of beauty.

Together, they were a formidable force, a sisterhood bound by loyalty and a shared purpose. But their world was about to be shattered.

Part 2: The Calm Before the Storm​

Their days were a tapestry woven with disparate threads. Jess, a human bulldozer, could be found in the weight room, her grunts echoing through the concrete jungle. Olivia, a cerebral alchemist, was often lost in the glow of multiple monitors, her fingers dancing across keys like a skilled pianist. Maya, a rhythmic force of nature, transformed the common room into a makeshift studio, her voice a vibrant paintbrush on the canvas of silence.

Chloe, a solitary soul, found refuge in her art studio, her hands moving with the grace of a conductor. Anya, a creature of the night, preferred the shadows, her pale skin almost luminescent in the dim light. Kim, a disciplined automaton, practiced her kata in the courtyard, her movements as precise as a surgeon's incision.

Emily, a world-builder, was often lost in the pages of a book or the depths of a video game, her laughter a distant echo in the real world. Sarah, a social butterfly, was a constant whirl of activity, her phone glued to her ear, orchestrating the next campus event. Mei, a digital hermit, found solace in the animated worlds of anime, her eyes wide with wonder.

Luna, a child of nature, sought harmony in the campus gardens, her laughter as gentle as a summer breeze. Alex and Sam, inseparable companions, were a constant source of energy, their banter a rhythmic duet. Cassie, a sonic rebel, filled the air with the thunderous roar of heavy metal, her head banging in time with the beat. Grace, a porcelain doll brought to life, moved with ethereal grace in the dance studio, her body a poem in motion.

At the heart of this diverse ecosystem was Riley, the watchful guardian. Her eyes scanned the group, assessing, planning, protecting. She was the calm in the storm, the steady hand on the tiller.

Part 3: The Onslaught​

The tranquility was shattered with the abruptness of a thunderclap. Power surged through the building, then died, plunging the dorm into an inky blackness. Before the echoes of the power surge had faded, the front doors exploded inward, splinters of wood raining down like confetti.

A figure emerged from the chaos, a monolithic shadow against the dim emergency lighting. Kael, his name a whisper of dread, stepped into the room. His eyes, cold and predatory, scanned the room, taking in the startled faces.

Jess, the first to react, lunged forward, her fists a blur of motion. But Kael was a phantom, his movements a blur of lethal efficiency. A swift kick connected with her chest, sending her crashing to the floor. Olivia, her fingers flying over the keyboard, was a sitting duck. A single, precise shot silenced her.

Maya, a whirlwind of energy, transformed into a fighting fury. Her fists and feet were a blur, but Kael was a wall of steel, impenetrable. A bullet found its mark, extinguishing her vibrant spirit. Chloe, her hands raised in a defensive posture, was a tragic muse in this brutal ballet. A single shot painted her canvas with crimson.

Anya, the gothic warrior, unleashed a torrent of curses, but they were as ineffective as her dark attire. Kael, indifferent to her threats, silenced her with cold efficiency. Kim, a dancer of death, unleashed a flurry of strikes, but Kael was a whirlwind, his counterattacks as swift as lightning. A bullet ended her dance.

Emily, her mind racing, sought refuge in the shadows. But Kael was a shadow hunter, his aim as deadly as his instincts. A single shot shattered her dreams. Sarah, her screams echoing through the darkness, was a tragic siren song. Her world ended in a burst of gunfire.

Mei, huddled in a corner, was a small, frightened creature. Her world of fantasy was replaced by the harsh reality of violence. A bullet ended her escape. Luna, her peaceful aura shattered, was a wounded dove. Her pleas for mercy were met with cold indifference. A bullet silenced her.

Alex and Sam, their bond tested in fire, fought side by side. Their courage was a beacon in the darkness, but it was not enough. They fell together, their love story ending in tragedy. Cassie, her music replaced by the cacophony of violence, fought with the ferocity of a caged animal. But even her rage was no match for Kael's cold efficiency.

Grace, a ballerina in a war zone, tried to use her grace as a weapon. But in this world, beauty was a fatal flaw. A bullet ended her pirouette. Riley, the heart of the Coven, fought with a desperation born of love. But even her courage was no match for the cold, calculated efficiency of her opponent.

The room was silent, the only sound the echo of their final breaths. Kael stood amidst the carnage, a solitary figure in a world of death. His mission was almost complete.

Part 4: The Hunt Continues​

Kael moved through the carnage with a cold, clinical efficiency. The once vibrant dorm was now a macabre tableau, each fallen warrior a testament to his lethal precision. His eyes, like those of a predator, scanned the darkened corridors, searching for survivors.

A faint whisper echoed through the silence. It was Anya, her body broken but her spirit unbroken. She had survived the initial onslaught, hiding in a shadowed corner. Her voice, a hoarse croak, was filled with defiance. "You won't get away with this," she rasped, her words a futile challenge.

Kael paused, a flicker of amusement crossing his face. He approached her slowly, his footsteps echoing in the deathly quiet. Anya's eyes widened in terror as he loomed over her. With a swift, merciless movement, he silenced her forever.

The search continued. Every room, every closet, every hidden nook was examined with meticulous care. The silence was broken only by the soft crunch of footsteps and the occasional creak of floorboards.

Then, a sound. A faint scuffle, followed by a muffled cry. Kael's senses sharpened. He moved towards the sound, his body tense, his mind alert.

In a small, cluttered room, he found Mei, her body pressed against the wall, her eyes wide with terror. She had managed to hide, but her luck was about to run out. Kael approached her slowly, his shadow looming over her. Mei's breath came in ragged gasps as she backed into a corner. There was nowhere to go.

With a cold, calculated movement, Kael raised his weapon. The room was filled with the deafening crack of gunfire. Mei slumped to the ground, her life ebbing away.

The dorm was now a tomb of silence. Kael stood in the center of the room, a solitary figure surrounded by the remnants of life. His mission was almost complete. Only one obstacle remained.

Part 5: The Final Stand​

Riley was a ghost in her own domain. She had watched her friends fall one by one, their lives extinguished like candles in a storm. Now, alone in the labyrinth of the dorm, she was the last ember of defiance.

Her body ached, her mind was a fog of adrenaline and despair. But the instinct to survive, to protect, burned brighter than the physical pain. She moved through the darkened corridors, her senses heightened, every shadow a potential threat.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the distance. Kael was closing in. Riley found a makeshift weapon, a fire extinguisher, and braced herself. Her heart pounded in her ears, a drumbeat of fear and determination.

When Kael finally appeared, he was a silhouette against the dim emergency lighting. His face was a mask of cold efficiency, his eyes burning with a predatory intensity. Riley raised the fire extinguisher, her grip white-knuckled.

The confrontation was brief and brutal. Kael moved with the speed of a striking cobra, his aim as deadly as ever. Riley swung the fire extinguisher, but it was a futile gesture. A single shot echoed through the room, and she collapsed to the floor.

As consciousness faded, Riley thought of her friends, of the life they had built together. She had failed them. The last ember of hope was extinguished.

Kael stood over her fallen body, his mission complete. He had eliminated the threat. Now, all that remained was to retrieve the device and disappear into the night. As he turned to leave, a flicker of satisfaction crossed his face. The Coven was no more.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
The dorm campus was quiet and peaceful, a typical day, with students going about their lives, unaware of the chaos that was about to unfold. The sun shone brightly, a stark contrast to the dark events about to occur. Our heroes, the diverse guards of the campus dorms, were busy with their own lives and responsibilities.
  1. Jock: Her name's Lucy, tall and lean, with a body trained from years of sports and workouts. Lucy moves with an athletic grace, her face a picture of determination. Her short blond hair frames her strong, angled face. She's wearing her lacrosse uniform, the red and black jersey sticking to her sweaty body. Lucy has a deep, husky voice, and her speech is direct and confident.
  2. Nerd: Jennifer, a petite young woman with thick-framed glasses and a brilliant mind. She's shy and bookish, her face lit up with excitement as she discusses the intricacies of quantum computing with fellow students. Jennifer has freckles and red hair tied into two braids. She wears a loose-fitting sweater and jeans, hiding her slender figure. Her voice is soft and slightly nervous, but her words are forceful and confident.
  3. Artist: Easier than the others, Maya is a talented painter who uses her skills to create intricate tattoos on her body. Her arms and legs are covered in vibrant ink, a canvas for her art. Maya's face is softly rounded, with full lips and a small nose. She's wearing a loose shirt and leggings, the fabric dripping with paint. Her voice is deep and soulful, every word a brushstroke of expression.
  4. Goth: Evey is a mysterious girl with pale skin and jet-black hair that falls in long, straight locks to her shoulders. She wears black lipstick and eerie contact lenses, her fashion sense dark and eerie. A leather jacket, ripped jeans, and combat boots complete her outfit. Evey's face is expressive, her eyes darting with an otherworldly intensity. Her voice is deep and haunting, her tone often ominous.
  5. Sorority Girl: Jessica, a typical sorority sister with a bubbly personality and a love for parties. She's blond, tall, and curvy, her face perfectly made up with flawless skin. The sister wears a colorful, flowy dress, showcasing her figure, and carries a small handbag. Jessica has a cute, high-pitched voice, her speech filled with excitement and dramatics.
  6. Otaku: A quiet, unassuming girl named Terra who spends most of her time immersed in anime and manga. She's small and slender, with short brown hair and a soft voice. Terra's face lights up with excitement when she speaks of her favorite shows, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She wears a cozy sweater and jeans, carrying a plushie of her favorite character.
  7. Poetry Geek: Lyra is a passionate wordsmith, her face illuminated by the fire of creative expression. With long, red curly hair and a face that holds a constant thoughtful expression, she recites her poetry in a soft, lyrical tone. Lyra wears flowing, bohemian clothes, her voice filled with rhythm and cadence.
  8. Roleplayer: Beatrice is a whiz when it comes to tabletop games and LARP. She's got a sharp mind and an imaginative spirit. Beatrice is a bit on the chubby side, with a round face and a mischievous smile. Her hair is a mess of dark curls, and she wears a medieval-style dress, complete with a fake sword. Her voice is bold and adventurous.
  9. Hippie: Peace-loving and eco-conscious, Clover prevalence runs high as she straddles her guitar singing protest songs. Her long, curly auburn hair bounces as she strums, and her face radiates a permanent smile. She wears a colorful tie-dye shirt and bellbottoms, with a peace sign pendant around her neck. Clover's speech is filled with love and positivity.
  10. Ballerina: A gracefull skater by the name of Marina. With a slender figure and a graceful stride, her face showcases a determined expression. Marina has a strong, yet sweet voice, her speech marked with a slight lisp. She wears her hair in a tight bun, revealing her delicate facial features. Her outfit consists of a black leotard and tights, her feet nestled in point shoes.
  11. Girl Couple: Violet and Grace, a pair of badass lesbians who share a deep bond and a passion for martial arts. Violet has short, spiky black hair and a rugged, androgynous style, while Grace is tall and curvy, with long blonde hair. Both wear combat gear, their faces intense and focused. Their voices are confident and commanding.
  12. Musician: A charismatic singer-songwriter, Melody has a soulful voice that can captivate any audience. Her face is heart-shaped, with stunning features, and her long, straight black hair falls beautifully when she performs. She wears a black leather jacket over a crop top, showcasing her flat stomach. Melody's speech is filled with metaphors and a touch of arrogance.
  13. Leader: Last but not least, the leader of this diverse group is Amara, a young woman with strong leadership skills and a no-nonsense attitude. She's got a slim build, with long, straightened hair and sharp features. Amara wears tactical gear, her utility belt laden with gadgets. Her voice is authoritative and calming at the same time.
The guards go about their daily routines, unaware of the danger approaching. The campus is their domain, and they have different ways of idling. Lucy practices her lacrosse skills, Jennifer works on her computer in the library, and Maya continues creating art on her arms. Evey sits in the shade, listening to gloomy music, while Jessica suns herself poolside, soaking up the attention of her siblings. Terra is lost in anime on her laptop, surrounded by snacks, and Lyra recites her poetry to anyone who'll listen. Beatrice practices her LARP skills with imaginary foes, while Clover strums her guitar for an audience of one: herself. Marina dances gracefully in the studio, while Violet and Grace spar in the martial arts room. Melody writes new lyrics, her eyes filled with inspiration, and Amara patrols the campus, ensuring order and peace.
Suddenly, chaos erupts as an infamous mercenary, known only as "The Invader," storms the peaceful campus. He's a rugged, taller figure with an intimidating presence and a grim determination. Dressed in full tactical gear, his face is hidden behind a balaclava, striking fear into the hearts of the guards.
The first encounter is with Lucy, the jock. She spots The Invader and immediately takes action, her lacrosse stick becoming a weapon. Swinging with all her might, she aims to take him down. But The Invader is too fast, unleashing a barrage of bullets from his assault rifle. The shots rip through Lucy, her body armor offering little protection. She's thrown backward, her body lifeless on the ground.
The rest of the guards are alerted to the commotion and rush to the scene. Jennifer, the nerd, fundamento's knowledge of gadgets and gadgets only. She pulls out a high-tech gadget that emits an ear-piercing noise, intending to disorient the enemy. But The Invader has countermeasures, unleashing a jammer of his own. Jennifer's device is rendered useless, and he shoots her point-blank, her body crumpling to the floor.
Maya, the artist, charges forward with ink-stained fists, her face a mask of rage. She fights with the ferocity of a street brawler, landing powerful blows on The Invader. Her tattoos seem to dance across her skin as she fights, but it's not enough. He pulls out a hidden blade and slashes Maya across the throat, her body collapsing in a heap of ink and blood.
Evey, the goth, reveals her hidden firearms, twin pistols strapped to her thighs. She fires at The Invader with deadly accuracy, her bullets piercing his armor. He returns fire, and Evey's body is riddled with shots. She falls to the ground, her dark lips curling into a sinister smile as her life ebbs away.
The Invader moves swiftly, and Jessica, the sorority girl, doesn't stand a chance. She screams in terror as he approaches, his figure an ominous presence. With a swift movement, he grabs Jessica by the throat, crushing her windpipe and lifting her off the ground. He throws her aside, her body twisted at an unnatural angle, and finishes her off with a shot to the head.
Terra, the otaku, witnesses the brutal deaths of her friends and freezes, her eyes darting wildly. The Invader notices her and moves in for the kill. But before he can draw his weapon, Terra whips out a hidden katana, her face a mix of determination and terror. She swings the blade in a desperate attack, managed to slash The Invader's arm. He growls in pain and fires several rounds, hitting Terra square in the chest and ending her life.
Lyra, the poetry geek, tries to keep her composure as The Invader approaches. She recites a haunting poem, her voice echoing across the campus quad. But her words fall on deaf ears as The Invader doesn't waste time with words. He grabs Lyra by her hair and slams her against a wall, snarling in her face. Then he shoots her in the head, her body slumping to the ground, her ink-stained hands going limp.
Beatrice, the roleplayer, puts up a valiant fight with her LARP gear, swinging her plastic sword and shouting battle cries. But The Invader demeans her with a relentless assault of bullets, piercing her armor and tearing into her flesh. She goes down, laughing and crying at the same time.
Clover tries to flee in terror, but The Invader is relentless. He grabs the screaming hippie, silencing her with a brutal blow to the head. Her body hits the ground with a thud, the guitar smashed and broken.
Marina, the ballerina, dances her last dance as The Invader closes in. She performs an elegant pirouette, her eyes darting for an escape route. He shoots her in the leg, causing her to tumble to the floor. A second shot rings out, putting an end to Marina's life.
Grace attempts to protect Violet, her girlfriend, as The Invader closes in on them. They fight back with their martial arts skills, their movements swift and synchronized. Violet's spiky hair bounces as she fights, her face determined. Grace's long blonde hair flies wild as she kicks and blocks. But they're no match for the merciless invader. He shoots Grace in the stomach, and then finishes Violet off with a shot to the head.
Melody tries to outsmart The Invader, using her charisma and wit. She strikes him with a low blow, taking advantage of her smaller stature. But he recovers swiftly, knocking her back with a brutal punch. Melody's face slams against the concrete, dazing her. He follows up with a deadly shot, ending her life.
Amara, the leader, realizes her squad is decimated and launches her final counterattack. She pulls out a hidden assault rifle and opens fire on The Invader. The campus erupts into a chaotic battlefield, bullets flying in all directions. Amara's skills and gadgets seem to be a match for The Invader's abilities. But in the end, he gets the upper hand, shooting her square in the chest.
The Invader stands amidst the fallen guards, his breath heavy, and a grim satisfaction on his face. He looks around at the bodies of the diverse guards, a job well done. But his work is not yet over, and he disappears into the shadows, leaving a trail of devastation and sorrow.
The guards' diverse personalities and backgrounds are reflected in their unique appearances and skills, making them memorable characters, each with their own tragic end. Their deaths serve as a chilling reminder of the ruthless efficiency of The Invader. And so, the campus that once buzzed with life falls silent, the echoes of gunfire fading away, leaving only the scent of cordite and the grim reality of the slaughter.



Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Title: The Last Stand

A sprawling, state-of-the-art campus with interconnected dormitories surrounded by lush gardens. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the scene, giving a false sense of peace.


  1. Lena - The Leader
    • Appearance: Tall, athletic build with short, spiky red hair. Sharp green eyes, a square jaw, and a confident stance. She wears a tactical vest over a black t-shirt, cargo pants, and combat boots.
    • Voice & Speech: Commanding and assertive, with a slight rasp. Speaks with a military precision.
    • Idling: Lena paces back and forth, checking her gear and giving orders, keeping a close watch on her team.
  2. Jessica - The Jock
    • Appearance: Muscular with a broad frame, dark skin, and long black hair tied in a ponytail. Her intense brown eyes are framed by strong eyebrows. She sports a sleeveless athletic jersey, cargo pants, and fingerless gloves.
    • Voice & Speech: Boisterous and confident, often teasing her teammates.
    • Idling: She’s doing push-ups, showing off her strength, occasionally tossing a football in the air.
  3. Cindy - The Nerd
    • Appearance: Petite and slender with pale skin, glasses, and short brown hair in a bob. She wears a plaid skirt, a white blouse, and knee-high socks with sneakers.
    • Voice & Speech: Soft-spoken and precise, often using technical jargon.
    • Idling: Cindy fiddles with her gadgets, ensuring her hacking tools and surveillance equipment are ready.
  4. Maria - The Artist
    • Appearance: Slim with olive skin, long, curly black hair, and expressive brown eyes. She’s dressed in a paint-splattered apron over a tank top and ripped jeans, with paintbrushes sticking out of her pocket.
    • Voice & Speech: Melodic and poetic, often speaking in metaphors.
    • Idling: Maria is sketching the campus, her eyes darting around to capture every detail.
  5. Elena - The Goth
    • Appearance: Pale with jet-black hair styled in a dramatic cut, dark makeup, and numerous piercings. She wears a black corset, leather pants, and combat boots.
    • Voice & Speech: Deep and monotone, with a sarcastic edge.
    • Idling: Elena listens to heavy metal music on her headphones, occasionally scribbling in her dark-themed journal.
  6. Heather - The Sorority Girl
    • Appearance: Curvy with blonde hair in loose waves, blue eyes, and a bright smile. She’s dressed in a tight pink tank top, a mini skirt, and high heels.
    • Voice & Speech: High-pitched and bubbly, with a Valley girl accent.
    • Idling: Heather is on her phone, taking selfies and chatting with friends, barely aware of the impending danger.
  7. Sakura - The Otaku
    • Appearance: Petite with a slender frame, long purple hair in pigtails, and large round glasses. She wears a sailor-style school uniform and knee-high socks.
    • Voice & Speech: Soft and timid, often lapsing into anime references.
    • Idling: Sakura is reading a manga, completely engrossed in her book.
  8. Nina - The Poetry Geek
    • Appearance: Slim with red hair in a messy bun, freckles, and blue eyes. She wears a flowy dress, a cardigan, and ballet flats.
    • Voice & Speech: Soft and lyrical, speaking in rhymes and quotes.
    • Idling: Nina sits under a tree, writing in her journal, reciting poetry aloud to herself.
  9. Ava - The Roleplayer
    • Appearance: Average build with long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a mischievous grin. She wears a medieval-inspired tunic, leggings, and boots.
    • Voice & Speech: Animated and theatrical, using dramatic pauses and accents.
    • Idling: Ava is playing with a deck of tarot cards, occasionally rolling a 20-sided die.
  10. Lily - The Hippie
    • Appearance: Curvy with a round face, long wavy blonde hair, and a serene expression. She wears a tie-dye dress, sandals, and a flower crown.
    • Voice & Speech: Soft and calming, often speaking in philosophical musings.
    • Idling: Lily meditates in the garden, surrounded by scented candles and incense.
  11. Grace - The Ballerina
    • Appearance: Slim and graceful with fair skin, blonde hair in a bun, and delicate features. She wears a leotard, tights, and ballet slippers.
    • Voice & Speech: Soft and elegant, with a lilting tone.
    • Idling: Grace practices ballet moves, her movements fluid and controlled.
  12. Zoe and Tara - The Couple
    • Appearance: Zoe is tall and toned with short black hair, while Tara is petite and curvy with curly red hair. Zoe wears a leather jacket and jeans, while Tara wears a floral dress and boots.
    • Voice & Speech: Zoe speaks with a confident, deep voice, while Tara’s voice is soft and sweet.
    • Idling: They sit close together, holding hands and whispering to each other.
  13. Melody - The Musician
    • Appearance: Average build with medium brown skin, long braided hair, and expressive eyes. She wears a band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and sneakers.
    • Voice & Speech: Melodic and expressive, often humming or singing.
    • Idling: Melody tunes her guitar, playing soft melodies.
Action Begins:

The sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows over the campus. The atmosphere shifts as the guards sense an approaching threat. Lena, the leader, is the first to react, signaling the others to take their positions.

Encounter 1: Jessica (Jock) Jessica, stationed at the front entrance, is the first to face the invader. She throws a punch, but the intruder moves too quickly. In a swift motion, he disarms her and lands a fatal blow to her chest. She falls, eyes wide with shock, a trail of blood marking her end.

Encounter 2: Cindy (Nerd) Cindy, monitoring security cameras, spots the intruder. She attempts to hack the system to lock down the building, but he’s already inside. The invader finds her, and despite her pleas, she’s gunned down with cold efficiency.

Encounter 3: Maria (Artist) Maria, caught off guard while painting, tries to defend herself with a palette knife. The invader, unfazed, knocks the weapon from her hand and shoots her. Her body falls against her unfinished canvas, smearing it with red.

Encounter 4: Elena (Goth) Elena, hearing the commotion, grabs a concealed blade. She faces the invader with defiant eyes, but he’s quicker. She’s shot before she can make a move, her journal falling from her hands.

Encounter 5: Heather (Sorority Girl) Heather, too distracted by her phone, barely registers the danger. The invader approaches, and in a moment of terror, she tries to flee. A single shot catches her in the back, and she collapses, phone still in hand.

Encounter 6: Sakura (Otaku) Sakura, hiding in her room, hears footsteps approaching. She clutches a plush toy, eyes wide with fear. The door bursts open, and she’s taken out without a word, the manga slipping from her grasp.

Encounter 7: Nina (Poetry Geek) Nina, reciting poetry under a tree, sees the intruder and tries to reason with him. Her words fall on deaf ears, and she’s silenced by a gunshot. Her journal, filled with verses, is stained with her blood.

Encounter 8: Ava (Roleplayer) Ava, caught mid-costume change, faces the invader with a toy sword. She plays the part of a hero, but the reality is far harsher. A shot rings out, and she falls, the sword clattering to the floor.

Encounter 9: Lily (Hippie) Lily, in the garden, senses the danger too late. She tries to talk the intruder down, speaking of peace and love. He shoots her without hesitation, leaving her among the flowers she cherished.

Encounter 10: Grace (Ballerina) Grace, practicing in the studio, hears the shots and tries to hide. The invader finds her, and despite her graceful attempts to evade, she’s shot. Her body crumples to the floor, as elegant in death as in life.

Encounter 11 & 12: Zoe and Tara (The Couple) Zoe and Tara, hearing the shots, prepare to fight. Zoe tries to protect Tara, but they’re no match for the invader. They fall together, holding hands even in death.

Encounter 13: Melody (Musician) Melody, the last to face the invader, tries to escape. She’s cornered and, despite her pleas, is shot. Her guitar, the strings still vibrating, is left silent.

Final Encounter: Lena (Leader) Lena, the last standing, faces the intruder in a final showdown. They exchange blows, but the invader’s speed and precision are unmatched. Lena fights valiantly, but is ultimately overpowered. The invader disarms her and lands a decisive blow, sending her sprawling to the ground. She struggles to get up, but the intruder stands over her, gun aimed steadily at her chest. Lena looks up, her eyes defiant until the end, as the invader pulls the trigger.

The gunshot echoes through the now silent campus, a stark reminder of the violence that unfolded. The invader surveys the aftermath, a cold and calculating gaze sweeping over the bodies of the guards. Each had fought bravely, each had their own unique strengths, but none could stand against the invader's relentless efficiency and brutal skill.

As the last rays of the setting sun disappear, the invader walks away, leaving behind a scene of devastation. The campus, once a place of learning and growth, now lies still, a tragic battlefield. The invader, having completed their mission, disappears into the night, leaving only questions and grief in their wake.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Title: The Final Stand
The sprawling campus of North Ridge Academy, nestled among rolling hills and lush gardens, is bathed in the warm, golden glow of the setting sun. The intricate network of dormitories stands tall and imposing, each building connected by manicured paths and dotted with towering oak trees. The air is filled with a deceptive calm, broken only by the distant hum of student life winding down for the evening. But beneath this serene facade, a storm brews, poised to shatter the tranquility.
  1. Lena - The Leader
    • Appearance: Standing tall and formidable, Lena commands attention with her athletic build and short, spiky red hair that catches the fading light. Her sharp green eyes, framed by a determined brow, miss nothing. A square jaw adds to her authoritative presence. Clad in a snug tactical vest over a black t-shirt, cargo pants, and sturdy combat boots, she exudes confidence and readiness.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice carries a husky rasp, underlined with authority and control. She speaks in clipped, precise sentences, leaving no room for doubt or disobedience.
    • Idling: Lena paces methodically, eyes darting from her team to the perimeter, fingers tapping rhythmically against her vest, as she issues orders with crisp efficiency.
  2. Jessica - The Jock
    • Appearance: Jessica, with her broad, muscular frame and dark skin gleaming in the dusk, exudes raw strength. Her long black hair, pulled into a tight ponytail, sways with every movement. Her intense brown eyes hold a competitive glint. She sports a sleeveless athletic jersey, showcasing toned arms, paired with camouflage cargo pants and fingerless gloves.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is loud and confident, often punctuated with laughter or teasing remarks, a reflection of her brash personality.
    • Idling: Jessica drops to the ground, effortlessly cranking out push-ups, her muscles flexing with each movement. She occasionally tosses a football, catching it with a playful smirk.
  3. Cindy - The Nerd
    • Appearance: Cindy, petite and slender, contrasts sharply with her companions. Her pale skin, dotted with freckles, is framed by a neat bob of chestnut brown hair. Large, round glasses magnify her inquisitive blue eyes. She wears a neat plaid skirt and a crisp white blouse, complemented by knee-high socks and practical sneakers.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft, often tinged with a nervous edge, as she speaks in precise, technical terms, her words a rapid stream of information.
    • Idling: Cindy sits cross-legged, engrossed in her laptop, fingers flying over the keyboard as she monitors security feeds and checks her hacking tools. Her brow furrows in concentration, a small frown of worry forming.
  4. Maria - The Artist
    • Appearance: Maria stands out with her slim figure and olive skin, her long, curly black hair cascading in untamed waves. Her expressive brown eyes are often distant, lost in thought. She wears a paint-splattered apron over a loose tank top and ripped jeans, with paintbrushes tucked into her pocket.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is melodious, almost sing-song, as she speaks in poetic phrases, often veering into abstract concepts and metaphors.
    • Idling: Maria is hunched over a sketchbook, charcoal smudging her fingers as she quickly sketches the landscape, capturing the beauty of the campus before everything changes.
  5. Elena - The Goth
    • Appearance: Elena is a striking figure with her alabaster skin and jet-black hair, styled in a dramatic, asymmetrical cut. Dark eyeliner and lipstick accentuate her piercing blue eyes and full lips. She wears a tight black corset, leather pants, and heavy combat boots, her numerous piercings glinting in the dim light.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is deep and monotone, often dripping with sarcasm and a hint of disdain.
    • Idling: Elena leans against a wall, her head bobbing to the beat of the heavy metal music blasting through her headphones. She scribbles in a journal, occasionally casting an indifferent glance around.
  6. Heather - The Sorority Girl
    • Appearance: Heather’s curvaceous figure is accentuated by her choice of attire—a tight pink tank top and a miniskirt that reveals her long, tanned legs. Her blonde hair is styled in loose, voluminous waves, framing her bright blue eyes and radiant smile.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is high-pitched and bubbly, often punctuated with giggles and a distinctive Valley girl accent.
    • Idling: Heather is glued to her phone, her perfectly manicured nails tapping away as she takes selfies and chats with friends. Her laughter rings out, oblivious to the seriousness around her.
  7. Sakura - The Otaku
    • Appearance: Sakura is petite and delicate, her slender frame almost childlike. Her long purple hair, styled in twin pigtails, complements her large, innocent brown eyes. She wears a sailor-style school uniform, complete with a pleated skirt and knee-high socks.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and timid, often slipping into anime references and Japanese phrases.
    • Idling: Sakura sits in a corner, engrossed in a thick manga. Her eyes dart across the pages, completely absorbed in the fantastical world within.
  8. Nina - The Poetry Geek
    • Appearance: Nina’s slim figure is accented by her casual yet elegant style—a flowy dress paired with a cozy cardigan. Her red hair is piled into a messy bun, revealing a smattering of freckles across her pale cheeks. Her blue eyes have a dreamy, faraway look.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and lyrical, often weaving rhymes and quotes into her everyday speech.
    • Idling: Nina sits under a large oak tree, writing feverishly in her journal. She occasionally recites her poetry aloud, her voice carrying a rhythmic cadence.
  9. Ava - The Roleplayer
    • Appearance: Ava’s appearance is as eclectic as her interests, with long brown hair cascading over her shoulders, hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. She wears a medieval-inspired tunic, leggings, and leather boots, looking like she stepped out of a fantasy novel.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is animated and theatrical, often adopting dramatic accents and tones, adding flair to even mundane conversations.
    • Idling: Ava shuffles a deck of tarot cards, her eyes narrowing as she draws a card and contemplates its meaning. Occasionally, she rolls a 20-sided die, a small smile playing on her lips.
  10. Lily - The Hippie
    • Appearance: Lily’s curvy figure is enveloped in a flowing tie-dye dress, her long, wavy blonde hair crowned with a band of flowers. Her round, serene face exudes peace, her green eyes soft and compassionate.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and soothing, often speaking in gentle, philosophical musings.
    • Idling: Lily sits cross-legged in the garden, surrounded by the scent of burning incense and candles. She meditates, her eyes closed, a peaceful smile on her lips.
  11. Grace - The Ballerina
    • Appearance: Grace’s slender, delicate frame is the epitome of elegance. Her fair skin and blonde hair, tightly pulled into a bun, highlight her sharp features and poised demeanor. She wears a leotard and tights, with ballet slippers on her feet.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and refined, with a lilting, musical quality.
    • Idling: Grace practices her ballet moves, her every motion fluid and controlled, as if she’s dancing to an unseen rhythm.
  12. Zoe and Tara - The Couple
    • Appearance: Zoe is tall and athletic, with short black hair and sharp, intense eyes, while Tara is petite and curvaceous, her curly red hair a wild halo around her face. Zoe’s leather jacket contrasts with Tara’s floral dress and boots.
    • Voice & Speech: Zoe speaks with a deep, confident voice, often taking the lead, while Tara’s voice is soft and sweet, with a shy demeanor.
    • Idling: The couple sits together, fingers intertwined, whispering to each other and occasionally sharing soft, affectionate looks.
  13. Melody - The Musician
    • Appearance: Melody’s medium brown skin glows in the twilight, her long, intricately braided hair cascading down her back. Her expressive eyes are framed by dark lashes. She wears a band t-shirt and ripped jeans, with sneakers that have seen better days.
    • Voice & Speech: Her voice is melodious and expressive, often humming or singing softly to herself.
    • Idling: Melody tunes her guitar, strumming soft, melancholic tunes, her eyes half-closed as she gets lost in the music.
Action Begins:
As the last golden rays of the sun disappear, plunging the campus into a dusky twilight, a tense silence envelops the scene. The guards, previously absorbed in their own worlds, now stand at the ready, a mix of apprehension and determination etched on their faces. Lena, sensing the approaching threat, motions for her team to take their positions. The air crackles with anticipation, as if the very earth holds its breath.
Encounter 1: Jessica (Jock) Jessica, stationed at the front entrance, is the first to confront the invader. Her muscles ripple under the dim light as she readies herself for a fight. With a fierce grin, she hurls herself at the intruder, aiming a powerful punch at his face. But the invader moves with blinding speed, sidestepping her attack and catching her off guard. Before Jessica can react, he lands a brutal strike to her sternum, sending her crashing into the ground. The shock and pain are evident in her wide eyes as she gasps for breath. The invader, efficient and ruthless, delivers a swift, final shot to her chest. Jessica's body slumps to the floor, her football rolling away into the darkness.

Encounter 2: Cindy (Nerd) Cindy, monitoring the security feeds, catches a glimpse of the invader's approach. Panic flares in her eyes as she frantically types commands into her laptop, attempting to initiate a lockdown. But the invader is already inside. The door to her room bursts open, and Cindy’s breath catches in her throat. Her soft voice, usually filled with technical jargon, trembles as she pleads for her life. The invader, unmoved by her terror, raises his weapon. The shot echoes in the small room, and Cindy slumps over her laptop, a trickle of blood staining the keys.
Encounter 3: Maria (Artist) Maria, absorbed in her sketch, barely registers the sounds of chaos. She looks up, eyes widening as the invader steps into her studio. Heart pounding, she grabs a palette knife, her hands shaking. She tries to fend him off, but he swats the makeshift weapon aside with ease. Her artistic world, filled with colors and creativity, is shattered in an instant as a bullet pierces her chest. She stumbles backward, her eyes fixated on the unfinished painting as she collapses, her blood smearing across the canvas in a tragic, final brushstroke.
Encounter 4: Elena (Goth) Elena, sensing the intruder’s presence, pulls out a concealed dagger from her boot. Her eyes, usually filled with bored indifference, now blaze with defiant anger. She faces the invader, ready to fight. But as she lunges, he sidesteps and disarms her with a swift motion. The invader's cold eyes meet hers, and for a moment, there's a flicker of mutual understanding—both are shadows in a world of light. But it ends with a gunshot. Elena falls to the ground, her journal slipping from her grasp, open to a page filled with dark, haunting prose.
Encounter 5: Heather (Sorority Girl) Heather, too engrossed in her phone, doesn’t notice the invader until he’s almost upon her. Her blue eyes widen in shock and terror, and she lets out a high-pitched scream. In a panic, she tries to run, her high heels clacking loudly on the floor. The invader's shot is precise, hitting her in the back. Heather collapses, her phone skidding across the floor, still lit with her last conversation. Her perfectly styled hair fans out around her, a stark contrast to the spreading pool of blood.
Encounter 6: Sakura (Otaku) Sakura hears the commotion from her room and freezes, her heart racing. She clutches her manga close, her large brown eyes wide with fear. The door crashes open, and she looks up at the invader, tears welling in her eyes. She mutters something in Japanese, perhaps a prayer or a final farewell to her beloved stories. The invader, impassive, pulls the trigger. The sound of the shot is deafening in the small room. Sakura falls, the manga slipping from her hands, pages fluttering to the floor like fallen leaves.
Encounter 7: Nina (Poetry Geek) Nina sits under the oak tree, the world around her fading as she becomes engrossed in her poetry. She doesn't notice the shadow approaching until it looms over her. Looking up, she sees the intruder and, with a strange calmness, begins to recite a poem, her voice steady and hauntingly beautiful. She speaks of death, the eternal sleep, and the soul's journey. The invader listens for a moment, almost mesmerized, before raising his gun. A single shot silences Nina's voice, her journal falling from her lifeless hands, the last poem unfinished.
Encounter 8: Ava (Roleplayer) Ava, caught mid-costume change, reacts with a mix of fear and excitement as the invader enters her room. Grabbing a toy sword, she strikes a dramatic pose, as if challenging him to a duel. "You shall not pass!" she declares, her voice full of theatrical flair. The invader, unimpressed, steps forward. Ava swings the sword, but it’s a futile gesture. He disarms her effortlessly and pulls the trigger. Ava’s theatrical performance ends abruptly as she falls to the floor, her toy sword landing beside her.
Encounter 9: Lily (Hippie) Lily, meditating in the garden, feels a disturbance in the air. She opens her eyes to see the invader standing before her. Her expression remains serene, even as she realizes the danger. She speaks softly, her words a plea for peace and understanding. But the invader’s heart is cold, unmoved by her gentle demeanor. The shot rings out, and Lily slumps forward, her flower crown askew. The scent of incense mingles with the metallic tang of blood, a bitter contrast to the tranquility she sought to maintain.
Encounter 10: Grace (Ballerina) Grace, practicing in the dance studio, is lost in her own world of movement and music. The sudden entrance of the invader shatters her concentration. She backs away, fear etching her delicate features. Her graceful attempts to evade are futile against the invader's cold precision. A shot echoes through the studio, and Grace's body crumples to the floor. Her limbs, once so controlled and elegant, lie motionless. The studio, filled with echoes of her last dance, becomes her final resting place.
Encounter 11 & 12: Zoe and Tara (The Couple) Zoe and Tara, hearing the sounds of violence, brace themselves. Zoe, ever the protector, moves to shield Tara. They face the invader together, a united front of love and defiance. Zoe steps forward, her face a mask of determination, but the invader’s gun is faster. Tara screams as Zoe is hit, crumpling to the ground. In a desperate bid to save herself and her fallen lover, Tara lunges at the invader, but he’s relentless. A second shot rings out, and Tara falls beside Zoe. They lie together, their hands still clasped in a final act of love.
Encounter 13: Melody (Musician) Melody, the last to face the intruder, hears the commotion and tries to escape, clutching her guitar. She stumbles down the hallway, the echoes of her own footsteps mingling with the distant cries of her fallen friends. The invader catches up to her, cornering her in a dead-end. She pleads for mercy, her voice a desperate melody, but the invader is unmoved. He raises his gun, and Melody’s song ends with a single, final note. Her guitar, strings still vibrating, falls silent as her body crumples to the floor.
Final Encounter: Lena (Leader) Lena, hearing the shots and screams, knows the invader is close. She steels herself, her sharp green eyes narrowing with resolve. As the invader approaches, Lena steps into the hallway, her stance defiant. They lock eyes, a silent acknowledgment passing between them—both warriors, both resolute. Lena attacks, her movements precise and deadly. But the invader is faster, countering each strike with brutal efficiency. A struggle ensues, a desperate dance of life and death. Lena fights valiantly, but a swift blow disarms her, and she’s thrown to the ground. The invader stands over her, gun aimed at her heart. Lena glares up, her eyes filled with defiance, even in the face of death. The invader pulls the trigger, and Lena’s world goes dark.
Epilogue: The campus, once alive with youthful energy and hope, now lies silent under the night sky. The moon casts a cold, silver light over the scene, highlighting the tragic aftermath of the invasion. The invader, mission complete, walks away without a backward glance, disappearing into the shadows. The bodies of the guards, each unique and vibrant in life, now lie still, their diverse stories ending in a shared tragedy. The wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it the faint echoes of a fight well-fought, a final stand made against impossible odds. The invader has won, but the cost is a haunting silence that will linger in the halls of North Ridge Academy for years to come.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

The Dorm Defenders​

The sprawling, red-brick campus of a prestigious university was an unlikely battleground. A diverse group of young women, bound by their shared dorm life, found themselves the last line of defense against an unknown, heavily armed intruder.

  • Riley: The de facto leader, a tall, athletic redhead with piercing blue eyes and a determined jawline. Her voice, a clear alto, commanded respect. Clad in a worn-out hoodie and jeans, she exuded an air of quiet confidence. Riley was a psychology major with a knack for reading people, a skill that would prove useless against the inhumanity about to unfold.
  • Ashlyn: A muscular blonde with a freckled nose and a contagious laugh, Ashlyn was the jock of the group. Her deep, contralto voice carried across the dorm, often accompanied by boisterous laughter. Dressed in oversized sweats and sneakers, she was a force of nature, but her strength would be tested in ways she never imagined.
  • Anya: Petite and bookish, Anya was the resident nerd. Her thick glasses magnified her large, expressive brown eyes. A high-pitched voice often trembled with anxiety, but behind her timid exterior lay a sharp intellect. Clad in a mismatched outfit of a graphic tee and plaid shorts, she clutched a well-worn textbook, a constant companion.
  • Chloe: Tall and lanky, Chloe was the artist of the group. Her vibrant red hair framed a face full of creativity. A soft, melodic voice often accompanied her as she sketched in her notebook, capturing the world in strokes of color. Her bohemian style, a mix of flowing dresses and layered jewelry, reflected her free spirit.
  • Delilah: Pale and ethereal, Delilah was the goth of the group. Jet-black hair framed her striking features, and her dark red lipstick was a signature touch. Her voice, a deep, husky whisper, held an air of mystery. Clad in head-to-toe black, she was often lost in thought, a world of shadows far removed from the impending horror.
  • Emily: The quintessential sorority girl, Emily was blonde, bubbly, and effortlessly stylish. Her cheerful soprano filled the dorm with laughter. Dressed in a pink sundress and heels, she was the life of the party, but her carefree demeanor would soon be shattered.
  • Fiona: Short and round, Fiona was the otaku of the group. Her large, anime-inspired eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. Her high-pitched voice was often filled with excited chatter about her favorite characters. Clad in a colorful cosplay outfit, she was lost in a world of fantasy, oblivious to the growing darkness.
  • Grace: A delicate, skinny brunette, Grace was the poetry geek. Her soft, poetic voice often drifted through the dorm, carrying listeners to distant lands. Dressed in flowing floral dresses, she was a dreamer, her world filled with words and rhythm.
  • Hannah: Tall and lanky, Hannah was the roleplayer. Her wild curly hair and expressive features brought her characters to life. Her voice, a chameleon capable of a wide range of accents and tones, was her greatest asset. Clad in a costume, she was often lost in a world of her own creation, a world that would soon collide violently with reality.
  • Isabella: A free-spirited blonde, Isabella was the hippie of the group. Her flower crown and flowing, earthy clothing reflected her love for nature. Her soft, gentle voice was a soothing balm in the midst of chaos. Meditation was her escape, but it would prove futile against the impending storm.
  • Jasmine: Petite and graceful, Jasmine was the ballerina. Her swan-like neck and delicate features were a testament to her discipline. Her soft, breathy voice was as light as her movements. Clad in a leotard and tights, she was lost in a world of pirouettes and arabesques, a world that would be shattered by violence.
  • Kayla and Lily: A dynamic duo, Kayla was short and chubby with a warm smile, while Lily was tall and skinny with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Their voices blended harmoniously, creating a unique rhythm. Dressed in matching t-shirts, they were inseparable, their bond a source of strength in the face of adversity.
  • Mia: Petite and passionate, Mia was the musician of the group. Her wild mane of curly hair framed her expressive face. Her voice, a powerful blend of soul and rock, filled the dorm with music. Clad in a band tee and jeans, she was always ready to strum her guitar, but her music would soon be silenced.

The Invasion​

The tranquility of the dorm was shattered by the sudden intrusion of a masked figure. Armed to the teeth, the intruder moved with deadly efficiency, his presence a cold, dark shadow in the heart of the building.

Riley, the leader, reacted instinctively, her hand reaching for a makeshift weapon. But the intruder was too quick, his gunfire a deafening roar that echoed through the halls. She fell, her life ebbing away as disbelief washed over her face. Loot: Hoodie, Jeans. Points: 100

Ashlyn, the jock, charged with reckless abandon, her fists a blur. But the intruder's superior firepower proved too much. She collapsed, her spirit as indomitable as ever, even as life slipped away. Loot: Sweats, Sneakers. Points: 80

Anya, the nerd, froze in terror, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend the horror unfolding before her. A single bullet ended her life, her potential unfulfilled. Loot: Textbook, Glasses. Points: 60

Chloe, the artist, sought refuge in her creativity, but even her imagination couldn't protect her from the cold reality. Her vibrant life was extinguished in a burst of gunfire. Loot: Notebook, Maxi dress. Points: 70

Delilah, the goth, met her end with a stoic indifference, her dark soul seemingly prepared for the darkness that consumed her. Loot: Black outfit. Points: 50

Emily, the sorority girl, tried to flee, her heels clicking frantically on the linoleum floor. But the intruder was relentless, and her life ended abruptly. Loot: Sundress, Heels. Points: 60

Fiona, lost in the world of her manga, was oblivious to the danger until it was too late. Her innocent world was shattered by violence. Loot: Cosplay outfit, Manga. Points: 40

Grace, the poetry geek, continued to recite her verses even as death approached, her words a haunting counterpoint to the chaos. Loot: Floral dress. Points: 50

Hannah, the roleplayer, fought back with imaginary weapons, her courage a stark contrast to the cold reality. But her heroic efforts were in vain. Loot: Costume. Points: 60

Isabella, the hippie, met death with a serene acceptance, her spirit unbroken. Loot: Flower crown, Earthy clothing. Points: 50

Jasmine, the ballerina, tried to defend herself with her ballet slippers, her grace transformed into a desperate struggle. But the intruder's power was overwhelming. Loot: Leotard, Tights. Points: 40

Kayla and Lily, the inseparable couple, fought side by side, their love a beacon in the darkness. But even their combined strength was no match for the relentless force that sought to extinguish their lives. Loot: Matching t-shirts. Points: 80

Mia, the musician, tried to use her guitar as a shield, but it was a futile gesture. Her music, a testament to her spirit, was silenced forever. Loot: Guitar, Band tee, Jeans. Points: 70

The dorm was a macabre tableau, filled with the echoes of gunfire and the haunting silence of death. The intruder stood amidst the carnage, a cold, calculating figure, his mission accomplished.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

The Dorm Defenders​

The girls of Willow Creek Dorm stood as a motley crew, a diverse assembly of personalities united by a common goal: protect their home.

The Jock: Riley O'Brien A fiery redhead with a freckled nose, Riley was built like a linebacker, with broad shoulders and powerful legs. Her face, permanently etched with a confident grin, was framed by a messy crop of red hair. Her voice was a booming baritone, her speech littered with sports metaphors. Before the attack, she was practicing her slam dunk with an imaginary basketball.

The Nerd: Anya Petrova Small and pale, Anya wore thick glasses that magnified her large, intelligent brown eyes. She had a slight hunch and a nervous tic of tugging at her oversized hoodie. Her voice was high-pitched and soft, her speech punctuated with technical jargon. She was typing furiously on her laptop, lost in a coding project.

The Artist: Chloe Ramirez Tall and slender, Chloe possessed a bohemian spirit reflected in her long, flowing black hair and eclectic clothing. Her face was heart-shaped, with large, expressive eyes. Her voice was soft and melodic, her speech poetic and introspective. She was sketching a self-portrait when the alarm sounded.

The Goth: Lilith Black Pale and androgynous, Lilith had jet-black hair that framed her piercing blue eyes. She was dressed in all black, with heavy eyeliner and dark lipstick. Her voice was a deep, husky whisper, her speech slow and deliberate. She was listening to a darkwave album, swaying to the rhythm.

The Sorority Girl: Madison Carter Blonde and bubbly, Madison was the epitome of the stereotypical sorority girl. She was tall and slender, with a perfect tan and a dazzling smile. Her voice was high-pitched and girly, her speech filled with valley girl slang. She was applying makeup in front of a mirror, giggling with her phone.

The Otaku: Emi Tanaka Short and chubby, Emi had large, round glasses and long, brown hair. Her face was often flushed with excitement as she talked about anime and manga. Her voice was soft and melodic, her speech filled with Japanese loanwords. She was engrossed in a graphic novel, her eyes wide with wonder.

The Poetry Geek: Willow Green With curly red hair and a sprinkling of freckles, Willow had a delicate beauty. She was tall and thin, with a dreamy look in her eyes. Her voice was soft and melodious, her speech filled with flowery language. She was writing a poem in a worn-out notebook.

The Roleplayer: Jess Carter Short and stocky, Jess had a round face and bright blue eyes. She was often dressed in costumes, depending on the game she was currently immersed in. Her voice changed depending on the character she was playing, but her normal voice was a cheerful soprano. She was practicing sword fighting with an imaginary opponent.

The Hippie: Rain Flower Tall and slender, Rain had long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She was often barefoot and wore flowing, earthy clothing. Her voice was soft and gentle, her speech filled with nature metaphors. She was meditating in a lotus position.

The Ballerina: Anya Petrova Graceful and slender, Anya had short, dark hair and large, expressive eyes. Her body was toned and muscular from years of training. Her voice was soft and breathy, her speech quiet and reserved. She was practicing her pirouettes in the center of the room.

The Girl Couple: Alex and Sam Alex was tall and muscular, with short, brown hair and a determined look. Sam was smaller and more delicate, with long, blonde hair and a gentle smile. They were inseparable, often finishing each other's sentences. They were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie.

The Musician: Riley O'Brien Tall and slender, Riley had long, black hair and piercing green eyes. She was often seen with a guitar slung over her shoulder. Her voice was powerful and soulful, her speech filled with music metaphors. She was practicing a new song, her fingers flying across the fretboard.

The Leader: Maya Lopez Strong and confident, Maya had short, dark hair and piercing brown eyes. She was tall and athletic, with a natural leadership presence. Her voice was clear and commanding, her speech direct and to the point. She was giving orders to the other girls, preparing for a potential threat.

The Invader​

A shadowy figure, clad in black, burst into the dorm, his face hidden behind a mask. He was armed with a deadly array of weapons.

The Encounters The girls fought bravely, but they were no match for the invader's firepower. Riley, the jock, tried to tackle him, but he dodged her and fired, sending her crashing to the ground. Loot: a sweaty headband, 50 points. Last sound: a grunt of pain.

Anya, the nerd, tried to hack into the intruder's system, but a well-placed shot silenced her laptop and her forever. Loot: a pair of broken glasses, 30 points. Last sound: a surprised gasp.

Chloe, the artist, threw a paintbrush at the invader, but it was a futile gesture. A bullet found its mark, and she collapsed to the canvas of her life. Loot: a paint-splattered palette, 40 points. Last sound: a choked cry.

Lilith, the goth, tried to intimidate the invader with her dark presence, but he was unfazed. A single shot ended her reign of darkness. Loot: a black lipstick, 20 points. Last sound: a silent scream.

Madison, the sorority girl, tried to charm the invader, but her coquetry was met with cold indifference. A bullet pierced her heart, shattering her perfect world. Loot: a broken mirror, 60 points. Last sound: a gasp of disbelief.

Emi, the otaku, launched a barrage of manga volumes at the invader, but they were no match for his firepower. She fell, her dreams of anime shattered. Loot: a crumpled manga, 30 points. Last sound: a whimper.

Willow, the poetry geek, tried to disarm the invader with her words, but her verses were lost in the cacophony of gunfire. She fell, her pen still clutched in her hand. Loot: a blood-stained notebook, 40 points. Last sound: a whispered sonnet.

Jess, the roleplayer, charged at the invader with her imaginary sword, but reality proved harsher. A bullet ended her heroic fantasy. Loot: a foam sword, 20 points. Last sound: a playful battle cry.

Rain, the hippie, tried to calm the invader with her peaceful aura, but her love was met with lead. She fell, her spirit unbroken. Loot: a beaded necklace, 30 points. Last sound: a soft sigh.

Anya, the ballerina, tried to evade the invader with her graceful movements, but he was too quick. She fell, her dance unfinished. Loot: a pointe shoe, 50 points. Last sound: a silent cry.

Alex and Sam fought side by side, their love a shield against the storm of bullets. But even their united strength was no match for the invader. They fell together, their hands still clasped. Loot: a pair of matching heart necklaces, 80 points. Last sound: a shared gasp.

Riley, the musician, tried to fight back with her guitar, but it was a futile weapon. She fell, her music silenced forever. Loot: a broken guitar, 60 points. Last sound: a discordant chord.

Maya, the leader, fought bravely, trying to protect her friends, but she was overwhelmed. She fell, her spirit unbroken. Loot: a crumpled piece of paper with a battle plan, 100 points. Last sound: a defiant shout.

The dorm was silent, the only sound the echo of gunfire. The invader stood victorious, amidst a sea of fallen girls. His mission was complete.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

The College Dorm Showdown
The dorm room is a chaotic maelstrom of discarded pizza boxes, crumpled character sheets, and the heady scent of unwashed laundry. It’s a shrine to the cult of the twenty-sided die, a battlefield where imaginary heroes wage war on forces of evil. Five figures, their faces a mosaic of grease and determination, look up from a cluttered table. This is their sanctuary, a chaotic altar to a polyhedral pantheon. You are an unwelcome intrusion.

Jess, the Dungeon Master, is a force of nature. Her wild mane of curls frames a face that is part prophet, part tyrant. Draped in a stained robe, its hood pulled low, she exudes an air of otherworldly authority. Her voice, a deep, resonant rumble, carries a theatrical gravitas at odds with the cramped quarters. "Adventurers? In my campaign? This is a critical fail!" she bellows, her voice echoing off the cinderblock walls. With a swift and merciless uppercut, you silence her dramatic monologue, sending her sprawling across the littered floor. Her meager possessions - a set of tarnished dice and a half-eaten bag of Doritos - are all that remain of her once-mighty reign.

Beside her sits Riley, the Cleric. Small and birdlike, with a halo of unruly blonde curls, she clutches a stuffed unicorn with the fervor of a true believer. Her voice is a shrill squeak, filled with the optimism of the terminally naive. "We can reason with him," she chirps, her eyes wide with hope. Your response is swift and decisive: a well-placed kick to the shin sends her tumbling to the floor, her illusion of peace shattered. Her belongings - a first aid kit, a plastic tiara, and a half-eaten granola bar - are hardly the spoils of a heroic quest.

Across from them is Ash, the Rogue. Tall and angular, with a perpetual smirk, she exudes an aura of calculated nonchalance. Her voice is a smooth, low purr, laced with irony. "Another day, another sucker," she drawls, her eyes glinting with amusement. But your patience is wearing thin. A well-timed uppercut sends her flying backwards, her carefully constructed facade crumbling around her. Her possessions - a deck of tarot cards, a multi-tool, and a half-empty flask of questionable liquid - offer little in the way of reward.

Then there's Maya, the Wizard. Short and round, with glasses perched precariously on her nose, she’s a whirlwind of muttered incantations and failed spell attempts. Her voice is a high-pitched squeak, filled with equal parts desperation and annoyance. "Fireball!" she shrieks, her tiny hands outstretched. But before she can summon elemental fury, you close the distance and deliver a swift boot to the shins. Her spellbook, a broken wand, and a bag of gummy bears are the meager remnants of her magical aspirations.

Last, but certainly not least, is Alex, the Barbarian. Broad-shouldered and intimidating, she's a walking contradiction: a gentle giant trapped in a warrior’s body. Her voice is a low rumble, punctuated by grunts and growls. A single, primal roar is her only contribution to the battle before you reduce her to a quivering mass of bruises. Her meager possessions - a foam sword, a teddy bear, and an energy drink - are hardly the spoils of a legendary hero.

The room is silent now, save for the soft crunch of shattered dreams. You stand victorious amidst the wreckage, a testament to the enduring power of brute force over imagination.

Total Score: 225 points


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Title: The Final Stand

The sprawling campus of North Ridge Academy, nestled among rolling hills and lush gardens, is bathed in the warm, golden glow of the setting sun. The intricate network of dormitories stands tall and imposing, each building connected by manicured paths and dotted with towering oak trees. The air is filled with a deceptive calm, broken only by the distant hum of student life winding down for the evening. But beneath this serene facade, a storm brews, poised to shatter the tranquility.


Lena - The Leader.jpg
Lena - The Leader

  • Appearance: Standing tall and formidable, Lena commands attention with her athletic build and short, spiky red hair that catches the fading light. Her sharp green eyes, framed by a determined brow, miss nothing. A square jaw adds to her authoritative presence. Clad in a snug tactical vest over a black t-shirt, cargo pants, and sturdy combat boots, she exudes confidence and readiness.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice carries a husky rasp, underlined with authority and control. She speaks in clipped, precise sentences, leaving no room for doubt or disobedience.
  • Idling: Lena paces methodically, eyes darting from her team to the perimeter, fingers tapping rhythmically against her vest, as she issues orders with crisp efficiency.
Jessica - The Jock.jpg

Jessica - The Jock

  • Appearance: Jessica, with her broad, muscular frame and dark skin gleaming in the dusk, exudes raw strength. Her long black hair, pulled into a tight ponytail, sways with every movement. Her intense brown eyes hold a competitive glint. She sports a sleeveless athletic jersey, showcasing toned arms, paired with camouflage cargo pants and fingerless gloves.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is loud and confident, often punctuated with laughter or teasing remarks, a reflection of her brash personality.
  • Idling: Jessica drops to the ground, effortlessly cranking out push-ups, her muscles flexing with each movement. She occasionally tosses a football, catching it with a playful smirk.

Cindy - The Nerd.jpg

Cindy - The Nerd
  • Appearance: Cindy, petite and slender, contrasts sharply with her companions. Her pale skin, dotted with freckles, is framed by a neat bob of chestnut brown hair. Large, round glasses magnify her inquisitive blue eyes. She wears a neat plaid skirt and a crisp white blouse, complemented by knee-high socks and practical sneakers.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft, often tinged with a nervous edge, as she speaks in precise, technical terms, her words a rapid stream of information.
  • Idling: Cindy sits cross-legged, engrossed in her laptop, fingers flying over the keyboard as she monitors security feeds and checks her hacking tools. Her brow furrows in concentration, a small frown of worry forming.
Maria - The Artist.jpg

Maria - The Artist
  • Appearance: Maria stands out with her slim figure and olive skin, her long, curly black hair cascading in untamed waves. Her expressive brown eyes are often distant, lost in thought. She wears a paint-splattered apron over a loose tank top and ripped jeans, with paintbrushes tucked into her pocket.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is melodious, almost sing-song, as she speaks in poetic phrases, often veering into abstract concepts and metaphors.
  • Idling: Maria is hunched over a sketchbook, charcoal smudging her fingers as she quickly sketches the landscape, capturing the beauty of the campus before everything changes.
Elena - The Goth.jpg

Elena - The Goth
  • Appearance: Elena is a striking figure with her alabaster skin and jet-black hair, styled in a dramatic, asymmetrical cut. Dark eyeliner and lipstick accentuate her piercing blue eyes and full lips. She wears a tight black corset, leather pants, and heavy combat boots, her numerous piercings glinting in the dim light.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is deep and monotone, often dripping with sarcasm and a hint of disdain.
  • Idling: Elena leans against a wall, her head bobbing to the beat of the heavy metal music blasting through her headphones. She scribbles in a journal, occasionally casting an indifferent glance around.

Heather - The Sorority Girl.jpg

Heather - The Sorority Girl
  • Appearance: Heather’s curvaceous figure is accentuated by her choice of attire—a tight pink tank top and a miniskirt that reveals her long, tanned legs. Her blonde hair is styled in loose, voluminous waves, framing her bright blue eyes and radiant smile.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is high-pitched and bubbly, often punctuated with giggles and a distinctive Valley girl accent.
  • Idling: Heather is glued to her phone, her perfectly manicured nails tapping away as she takes selfies and chats with friends. Her laughter rings out, oblivious to the seriousness around her.

Sakura - The Otaku.jpg

Sakura - The Otaku
  • Appearance: Sakura is petite and delicate, her slender frame almost childlike. Her long purple hair, styled in twin pigtails, complements her large, innocent brown eyes. She wears a sailor-style school uniform, complete with a pleated skirt and knee-high socks.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and timid, often slipping into anime references and Japanese phrases.
  • Idling: Sakura sits in a corner, engrossed in a thick manga. Her eyes dart across the pages, completely absorbed in the fantastical world within.
Nina - The Poetry Geek.jpg

Nina - The Poetry Geek
  • Appearance: Nina’s slim figure is accented by her casual yet elegant style—a flowy dress paired with a cozy cardigan. Her red hair is piled into a messy bun, revealing a smattering of freckles across her pale cheeks. Her blue eyes have a dreamy, faraway look.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and lyrical, often weaving rhymes and quotes into her everyday speech.
  • Idling: Nina sits under a large oak tree, writing feverishly in her journal. She occasionally recites her poetry aloud, her voice carrying a rhythmic cadence.

Ava - The Roleplayer.jpg

Ava - The Roleplayer
  • Appearance: Ava’s appearance is as eclectic as her interests, with long brown hair cascading over her shoulders, hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. She wears a medieval-inspired tunic, leggings, and leather boots, looking like she stepped out of a fantasy novel.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is animated and theatrical, often adopting dramatic accents and tones, adding flair to even mundane conversations.
  • Idling: Ava shuffles a deck of tarot cards, her eyes narrowing as she draws a card and contemplates its meaning. Occasionally, she rolls a 20-sided die, a small smile playing on her lips.

Lily - The Hippie.jpg

Lily - The Hippie
  • Appearance: Lily’s curvy figure is enveloped in a flowing tie-dye dress, her long, wavy blonde hair crowned with a band of flowers. Her round, serene face exudes peace, her green eyes soft and compassionate.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and soothing, often speaking in gentle, philosophical musings.
  • Idling: Lily sits cross-legged in the garden, surrounded by the scent of burning incense and candles. She meditates, her eyes closed, a peaceful smile on her lips.
Grace - The Ballerina.jpg

Grace - The Ballerina
  • Appearance: Grace’s slender, delicate frame is the epitome of elegance. Her fair skin and blonde hair, tightly pulled into a bun, highlight her sharp features and poised demeanor. She wears a leotard and tights, with ballet slippers on her feet.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is soft and refined, with a lilting, musical quality.
  • Idling: Grace practices her ballet moves, her every motion fluid and controlled, as if she’s dancing to an unseen rhythm.

Zoe and Tara - The Couple.jpg

Zoe and Tara - The Couple
  • Appearance: Zoe is tall and athletic, with short black hair and sharp, intense eyes, while Tara is petite and curvaceous, her curly red hair a wild halo around her face. Zoe’s leather jacket contrasts with Tara’s floral dress and boots.
  • Voice & Speech: Zoe speaks with a deep, confident voice, often taking the lead, while Tara’s voice is soft and sweet, with a shy demeanor.
  • Idling: The couple sits together, fingers intertwined, whispering to each other and occasionally sharing soft, affectionate looks.

Melody - The Musician.jpg

Melody - The Musician
  • Appearance: Melody’s medium brown skin glows in the twilight, her long, intricately braided hair cascading down her back. Her expressive eyes are framed by dark lashes. She wears a band t-shirt and ripped jeans, with sneakers that have seen better days.
  • Voice & Speech: Her voice is melodious and expressive, often humming or singing softly to herself.
  • Idling: Melody tunes her guitar, strumming soft, melancholic tunes, her eyes half-closed as she gets lost in the music.

The Action Begins!

As the last golden rays of the sun disappear, plunging the campus into a dusky twilight, a tense silence envelops the scene. The guards, previously absorbed in their own worlds, now stand at the ready, a mix of apprehension and determination etched on their faces. Lena, sensing the approaching threat, motions for her team to take their positions. The air crackles with anticipation, as if the very earth holds its breath.

Encounter 1: Jessica (Jock)
Jessica - The Jock.jpg

Jessica, stationed at the front entrance, is the first to confront the invader. Her muscles ripple under the dim light as she readies herself for a fight. With a fierce grin, she hurls herself at the intruder, aiming a powerful punch at his face. But the invader moves with blinding speed, sidestepping her attack and catching her off guard. Before Jessica can react, he lands a brutal strike to her sternum, sending her crashing into the ground. The shock and pain are evident in her wide eyes as she gasps for breath. The invader, efficient and ruthless, delivers a swift, final shot to her chest. Jessica's body slumps to the floor, her football rolling away into the darkness.

Encounter 2: Cindy (Nerd)
Cindy - The Nerd.jpg

Cindy, monitoring the security feeds, catches a glimpse of the invader's approach. Panic flares in her eyes as she frantically types commands into her laptop, attempting to initiate a lockdown. But the invader is already inside. The door to her room bursts open, and Cindy’s breath catches in her throat. Her soft voice, usually filled with technical jargon, trembles as she pleads for her life. The invader, unmoved by her terror, raises his weapon. The shot echoes in the small room, and Cindy slumps over her laptop, a trickle of blood staining the keys.

Encounter 3: Maria (Artist)
Maria - The Artist.jpg

Maria, absorbed in her sketch, barely registers the sounds of chaos. She looks up, eyes widening as the invader steps into her studio. Heart pounding, she grabs a palette knife, her hands shaking. She tries to fend him off, but he swats the makeshift weapon aside with ease. Her artistic world, filled with colors and creativity, is shattered in an instant as a bullet pierces her chest. She stumbles backward, her eyes fixated on the unfinished painting as she collapses, her blood smearing across the canvas in a tragic, final brushstroke.

Encounter 4: Elena (Goth)
Elena - The Goth.jpg

Elena, sensing the intruder’s presence, pulls out a concealed dagger from her boot. Her eyes, usually filled with bored indifference, now blaze with defiant anger. She faces the invader, ready to fight. But as she lunges, he sidesteps and disarms her with a swift motion. The invader's cold eyes meet hers, and for a moment, there's a flicker of mutual understanding—both are shadows in a world of light. But it ends with a gunshot. Elena falls to the ground, her journal slipping from her grasp, open to a page filled with dark, haunting prose.

Encounter 5: Heather (Sorority Girl)
Heather - The Sorority Girl.jpg

Heather, too engrossed in her phone, doesn’t notice the invader until he’s almost upon her. Her blue eyes widen in shock and terror, and she lets out a high-pitched scream. In a panic, she tries to run, her high heels clacking loudly on the floor. The invader's shot is precise, hitting her in the back. Heather collapses, her phone skidding across the floor, still lit with her last conversation. Her perfectly styled hair fans out around her, a stark contrast to the spreading pool of blood.

Encounter 6: Sakura (Otaku)
Sakura - The Otaku.jpg

Sakura hears the commotion from her room and freezes, her heart racing. She clutches her manga close, her large brown eyes wide with fear. The door crashes open, and she looks up at the invader, tears welling in her eyes. She mutters something in Japanese, perhaps a prayer or a final farewell to her beloved stories. The invader, impassive, pulls the trigger. The sound of the shot is deafening in the small room. Sakura falls, the manga slipping from her hands, pages fluttering to the floor like fallen leaves.

Encounter 7: Nina (Poetry Geek)
Nina - The Poetry Geek.jpg

Nina sits under the oak tree, the world around her fading as she becomes engrossed in her poetry. She doesn't notice the shadow approaching until it looms over her. Looking up, she sees the intruder and, with a strange calmness, begins to recite a poem, her voice steady and hauntingly beautiful. She speaks of death, the eternal sleep, and the soul's journey. The invader listens for a moment, almost mesmerized, before raising his gun. A single shot silences Nina's voice, her journal falling from her lifeless hands, the last poem unfinished

Encounter 8: Ava (Roleplayer)
Ava - The Roleplayer.jpg

Ava, caught mid-costume change, reacts with a mix of fear and excitement as the invader enters her room. Grabbing a toy sword, she strikes a dramatic pose, as if challenging him to a duel. "You shall not pass!" she declares, her voice full of theatrical flair. The invader, unimpressed, steps forward. Ava swings the sword, but it’s a futile gesture. He disarms her effortlessly and pulls the trigger. Ava’s theatrical performance ends abruptly as she falls to the floor, her toy sword landing beside her.

Encounter 9: Lily (Hippie)
Lily - The Hippie.jpg

Lily, meditating in the garden, feels a disturbance in the air. She opens her eyes to see the invader standing before her. Her expression remains serene, even as she realizes the danger. She speaks softly, her words a plea for peace and understanding. But the invader’s heart is cold, unmoved by her gentle demeanor. The shot rings out, and Lily slumps forward, her flower crown askew. The scent of incense mingles with the metallic tang of blood, a bitter contrast to the tranquility she sought to maintain.

Encounter 10: Grace (Ballerina)
Grace - The Ballerina.jpg

Grace, practicing in the dance studio, is lost in her own world of movement and music. The sudden entrance of the invader shatters her concentration. She backs away, fear etching her delicate features. Her graceful attempts to evade are futile against the invader's cold precision. A shot echoes through the studio, and Grace's body crumples to the floor. Her limbs, once so controlled and elegant, lie motionless. The studio, filled with echoes of her last dance, becomes her final resting place.

Encounter 11 & 12: Zoe and Tara (The Couple)
Zoe and Tara - The Couple.jpg

Zoe and Tara, hearing the sounds of violence, brace themselves. Zoe, ever the protector, moves to shield Tara. They face the invader together, a united front of love and defiance. Zoe steps forward, her face a mask of determination, but the invader’s gun is faster. Tara screams as Zoe is hit, crumpling to the ground. In a desperate bid to save herself and her fallen lover, Tara lunges at the invader, but he’s relentless. A second shot rings out, and Tara falls beside Zoe. They lie together, their hands still clasped in a final act of love.

Encounter 13: Melody (Musician)
Melody - The Musician.jpg

Melody, the last to face the intruder, hears the commotion and tries to escape, clutching her guitar. She stumbles down the hallway, the echoes of her own footsteps mingling with the distant cries of her fallen friends. The invader catches up to her, cornering her in a dead-end. She pleads for mercy, her voice a desperate melody, but the invader is unmoved. He raises his gun, and Melody’s song ends with a single, final note. Her guitar, strings still vibrating, falls silent as her body crumples to the floor.

Final Encounter: Lena (Leader)
Lena - The Leader.jpg

Lena, hearing the shots and screams, knows the invader is close. She steels herself, her sharp green eyes narrowing with resolve. As the invader approaches, Lena steps into the hallway, her stance defiant. They lock eyes, a silent acknowledgment passing between them—both warriors, both resolute. Lena attacks, her movements precise and deadly. But the invader is faster, countering each strike with brutal efficiency. A struggle ensues, a desperate dance of life and death. Lena fights valiantly, but a swift blow disarms her, and she’s thrown to the ground. The invader stands over her, gun aimed at her heart. Lena glares up, her eyes filled with defiance, even in the face of death. The invader pulls the trigger, and Lena’s world goes dark.

The campus, once alive with youthful energy and hope, now lies silent under the night sky. The moon casts a cold, silver light over the scene, highlighting the tragic aftermath of the invasion. The invader, mission complete, walks away without a backward glance, disappearing into the shadows. The bodies of the guards, each unique and vibrant in life, now lie still, their diverse stories ending in a shared tragedy. The wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it the faint echoes of a fight well-fought, a final stand made against impossible odds. The invader has won, but the cost is a haunting silence that will linger in the halls of North Ridge Academy for years to come.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
A friend began illustrating another AI generated beatemup level:

The Dorm Defenders​

The sprawling, red-brick campus of a prestigious university was an unlikely battleground. A diverse group of young women, bound by their shared dorm life, found themselves the last line of defense against an unknown, heavily armed intruder.

  • Riley: The de facto leader, a tall, athletic redhead with piercing blue eyes and a determined jawline. Her voice, a clear alto, commanded respect. Clad in a worn-out hoodie and jeans, she exuded an air of quiet confidence. Riley was a psychology major with a knack for reading people, a skill that would prove useless against the inhumanity about to unfold.
  • Ashlyn: A muscular blonde with a freckled nose and a contagious laugh, Ashlyn was the jock of the group. Her deep, contralto voice carried across the dorm, often accompanied by boisterous laughter. Dressed in oversized sweats and sneakers, she was a force of nature, but her strength would be tested in ways she never imagined.


  • Anya: Petite and bookish, Anya was the resident nerd. Her thick glasses magnified her large, expressive brown eyes. A high-pitched voice often trembled with anxiety, but behind her timid exterior lay a sharp intellect. Clad in a mismatched outfit of a graphic tee and plaid shorts, she clutched a well-worn textbook, a constant companion.
  • Chloe: Tall and lanky, Chloe was the artist of the group. Her vibrant red hair framed a face full of creativity. A soft, melodic voice often accompanied her as she sketched in her notebook, capturing the world in strokes of color. Her bohemian style, a mix of flowing dresses and layered jewelry, reflected her free spirit.


  • Delilah: Pale and ethereal, Delilah was the goth of the group. Jet-black hair framed her striking features, and her dark red lipstick was a signature touch. Her voice, a deep, husky whisper, held an air of mystery. Clad in head-to-toe black, she was often lost in thought, a world of shadows far removed from the impending horror.
  • Emily: The quintessential sorority girl, Emily was blonde, bubbly, and effortlessly stylish. Her cheerful soprano filled the dorm with laughter. Dressed in a pink sundress and heels, she was the life of the party, but her carefree demeanor would soon be shattered.
  • Fiona: Short and round, Fiona was the otaku of the group. Her large, anime-inspired eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. Her high-pitched voice was often filled with excited chatter about her favorite characters. Clad in a colorful cosplay outfit, she was lost in a world of fantasy, oblivious to the growing darkness.
  • Grace: A delicate, skinny brunette, Grace was the poetry geek. Her soft, poetic voice often drifted through the dorm, carrying listeners to distant lands. Dressed in flowing floral dresses, she was a dreamer, her world filled with words and rhythm.


  • Hannah: Tall and lanky, Hannah was the roleplayer. Her wild curly hair and expressive features brought her characters to life. Her voice, a chameleon capable of a wide range of accents and tones, was her greatest asset. Clad in a costume, she was often lost in a world of her own creation, a world that would soon collide violently with reality.
  • Isabella: A free-spirited blonde, Isabella was the hippie of the group. Her flower crown and flowing, earthy clothing reflected her love for nature. Her soft, gentle voice was a soothing balm in the midst of chaos. Meditation was her escape, but it would prove futile against the impending storm.
  • Jasmine: Petite and graceful, Jasmine was the ballerina. Her swan-like neck and delicate features were a testament to her discipline. Her soft, breathy voice was as light as her movements. Clad in a leotard and tights, she was lost in a world of pirouettes and arabesques, a world that would be shattered by violence.
  • Kayla and Lily: A dynamic duo, Kayla was short and chubby with a warm smile, while Lily was tall and skinny with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Their voices blended harmoniously, creating a unique rhythm. Dressed in matching t-shirts, they were inseparable, their bond a source of strength in the face of adversity.
  • Mia: Petite and passionate, Mia was the musician of the group. Her wild mane of curly hair framed her expressive face. Her voice, a powerful blend of soul and rock, filled the dorm with music. Clad in a band tee and jeans, she was always ready to strum her guitar, but her music would soon be silenced.

The Invasion​

The tranquility of the dorm was shattered by the sudden intrusion of a masked figure. Armed to the teeth, the intruder moved with deadly efficiency, his presence a cold, dark shadow in the heart of the building.

Riley, the leader, reacted instinctively, her hand reaching for a makeshift weapon. But the intruder was too quick, his gunfire a deafening roar that echoed through the halls. She fell, her life ebbing away as disbelief washed over her face. Loot: Hoodie, Jeans. Points: 100

Ashlyn, the jock, charged with reckless abandon, her fists a blur. But the intruder's superior firepower proved too much. She collapsed, her spirit as indomitable as ever, even as life slipped away. Loot: Sweats, Sneakers. Points: 80


Anya, the nerd, froze in terror, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend the horror unfolding before her. A single bullet ended her life, her potential unfulfilled. Loot: Textbook, Glasses. Points: 60

Chloe, the artist, sought refuge in her creativity, but even her imagination couldn't protect her from the cold reality. Her vibrant life was extinguished in a burst of gunfire. Loot: Notebook, Maxi dress. Points: 70


Delilah, the goth, met her end with a stoic indifference, her dark soul seemingly prepared for the darkness that consumed her. Loot: Black outfit. Points: 50

Emily, the sorority girl, tried to flee, her heels clicking frantically on the linoleum floor. But the intruder was relentless, and her life ended abruptly. Loot: Sundress, Heels. Points: 60

Fiona, lost in the world of her manga, was oblivious to the danger until it was too late. Her innocent world was shattered by violence. Loot: Cosplay outfit, Manga. Points: 40

Grace, the poetry geek, continued to recite her verses even as death approached, her words a haunting counterpoint to the chaos. Loot: Floral dress. Points: 50


Hannah, the roleplayer, fought back with imaginary weapons, her courage a stark contrast to the cold reality. But her heroic efforts were in vain. Loot: Costume. Points: 60

Isabella, the hippie, met death with a serene acceptance, her spirit unbroken. Loot: Flower crown, Earthy clothing. Points: 50

Jasmine, the ballerina, tried to defend herself with her ballet slippers, her grace transformed into a desperate struggle. But the intruder's power was overwhelming. Loot: Leotard, Tights. Points: 40

Kayla and Lily, the inseparable couple, fought side by side, their love a beacon in the darkness. But even their combined strength was no match for the relentless force that sought to extinguish their lives. Loot: Matching t-shirts. Points: 80

Mia, the musician, tried to use her guitar as a shield, but it was a futile gesture. Her music, a testament to her spirit, was silenced forever. Loot: Guitar, Band tee, Jeans. Points: 70

The dorm was a macabre tableau, filled with the echoes of gunfire and the haunting silence of death. The intruder stood amidst the carnage, a cold, calculating figure, his mission accomplished.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
**Level: Campus Mayhem**

*Objective:* Navigate through the campus, taking down various female enemies from different urban tribes. The goal is to reach the student union building, where the level boss awaits.


### **Section 1: The Campus Courtyard**


1. **Carly "The Goth" Winters**
- **Appearance:** Carly is tall and pale, with long, jet-black hair that partially covers her face. She wears a black corset top, a flowing skirt with lace details, and chunky combat boots. Her eyes are heavily lined with black eyeliner, and she wears dark lipstick.
- **Attitude:** Carly is brooding and mysterious, speaking in a low, monotone voice. She is cynical and enjoys making dark, sarcastic comments.
- **Idle Actions:** Carly is seen sitting on a bench under a tree, sketching something in a notebook. She occasionally looks up with a blank stare before returning to her drawing.
- **Fight:** Carly fights with a chain whip she hides in her skirt, using it to lash out from a distance. She also summons a cloud of black smoke to obscure your vision. Her special move is "Shadow Embrace," where she becomes a shadowy figure that can phase through attacks and strike from behind.
- **Death:** Upon defeat, Carly drops her chain and clutches her chest. Her body begins to dissolve into a dark mist, leaving behind only her notebook.
- **Score:** 250 points.
- **Loot:** Sketchbook (Using it allows you to summon a shadow clone to assist in battle).

2. **Amber "The Skater" Rodriguez**
- **Appearance:** Amber is of medium height, with a lean, athletic build. She has shoulder-length brown hair, partially covered by a backward baseball cap. She wears a loose graphic tee, ripped jeans, and scuffed skate shoes. A skateboard is strapped to her back.
- **Attitude:** Amber is laid-back and confident, often taunting her opponents with a smirk. She has a rebellious streak and loves to challenge authority.
- **Idle Actions:** Amber is seen practicing tricks on her skateboard, occasionally performing ollies and grinds on nearby benches and rails.
- **Fight:** Amber uses her skateboard as a weapon, riding it at high speeds to ram into you. She also throws it like a boomerang. Her special move is a "Kickflip Frenzy," where she performs a rapid series of skateboard tricks, each one sending shockwaves toward you.
- **Death:** When defeated, Amber loses her balance and falls to the ground, her skateboard flying off into the distance. She mutters "Wipeout..." before dissolving into a flurry of glowing dust.
- **Score:** 300 points.
- **Loot:** Skateboard (Can be used to perform a powerful dash attack).

### **Section 2: The Graffiti Alley**


3. **Lexi "The Punk" Davis**
- **Appearance:** Lexi is short and fierce, with a spiky blue mohawk and multiple piercings. She wears a leather jacket adorned with metal studs, ripped fishnet stockings, and heavy boots. Her fingers are decorated with rings and spiked knuckles.
- **Attitude:** Lexi is aggressive and confrontational, constantly shouting insults and challenging you to fight. She thrives on chaos and anarchy.
- **Idle Actions:** Lexi is seen spray-painting graffiti on a wall, her movements quick and practiced. She pauses occasionally to admire her work or to check if anyone is watching.
- **Fight:** Lexi uses a combination of punches and kicks, enhanced by her spiked knuckles. She also throws spray cans that explode in a cloud of paint. Her special move is "Anarchy Riot," where she charges at you with a wild flurry of attacks, each hit causing an explosion of colorful paint.
- **Death:** After taking enough damage, Lexi drops to one knee, smirking as she wipes blood from her mouth. She raises her fist in defiance before disintegrating into a burst of neon-colored paint.
- **Score:** 350 points.
- **Loot:** Spray Paint (Allows you to blind enemies temporarily with a burst of paint).

4. **Tina "The Hipster" Collins**
- **Appearance:** Tina is tall and slender, with oversized glasses, a beanie, and a plaid shirt over a vintage band tee. She wears skinny jeans and ankle boots, with a camera slung around her neck. Her hair is dyed pastel pink.
- **Attitude:** Tina is aloof and pretentious, constantly talking about how mainstream everything is. She belittles you with her knowledge of obscure bands and indie culture.
- **Idle Actions:** Tina is seen taking photos of her surroundings with an old film camera, occasionally stopping to adjust her glasses or to sip from a mason jar filled with cold brew coffee.
- **Fight:** Tina uses her camera as a weapon, swinging it on its strap to hit you. She also throws vinyl records like deadly frisbees. Her special move is "Hipster Flash," where she takes a photo that blinds you momentarily, allowing her to get in close for a flurry of kicks.
- **Death:** When defeated, Tina drops her camera, which shatters on the ground. She scoffs and says, "This is so overrated..." before glitching and pixelating out of existence.
- **Score:** 300 points.
- **Loot:** Vinyl Records (Can be used as throwable weapons).

### **Section 3: The Food Truck Park**


5. **Sasha "The Vegan" Turner**
- **Appearance:** Sasha is medium height with long, flowing dreadlocks. She wears a tie-dye tank top, hemp pants, and sandals. Her arms are covered in beaded bracelets, and she carries a tote bag filled with organic produce.
- **Attitude:** Sasha is passionate and outspoken about her beliefs, often lecturing you about the benefits of a plant-based diet and the importance of sustainable living.
- **Idle Actions:** Sasha is seen handing out flyers about veganism to passersby, occasionally stopping to chat with them about the environment.
- **Fight:** Sasha fights with a large wooden staff, using it to deliver powerful swings and jabs. She also throws organic vegetables as projectiles. Her special move is "Earth's Wrath," where she summons a wave of roots and vines to entangle and damage you.
- **Death:** Upon defeat, Sasha drops her staff and clutches her tote bag. She closes her eyes, whispering, "Mother Earth..." before her body dissolves into a cloud of green leaves.
- **Score:** 350 points.
- **Loot:** Organic Vegetables (Can be consumed to restore health).

6. **Gina "The Raver" Lopez**
- **Appearance:** Gina is of average height with a slim build, sporting neon-colored hair styled in pigtails. She wears a cropped tank top, brightly colored shorts, and platform boots. Her arms and neck are adorned with glowsticks and beads, and she has UV paint on her face.
- **Attitude:** Gina is energetic and hyperactive, constantly moving to a beat only she can hear. She talks rapidly and often in short, excited bursts.
- **Idle Actions:** Gina is seen dancing in place, lost in her own world of music. She occasionally pulls out a glowstick and twirls it in intricate patterns.
- **Fight:** Gina uses her glowsticks as batons, spinning and twirling them to strike you. She also creates dazzling light shows that disorient you. Her special move is "Rave Storm," where she creates a swirling vortex of light and sound that confuses and damages you.
- **Death:** When defeated, Gina stumbles, dropping her glowsticks. She looks around in confusion before her body begins to pulse with light, eventually bursting into a shower of multicolored sparks.
- **Score:** 300 points.
- **Loot:** Glowsticks (Can be used to light up dark areas or thrown as a distraction).

### **Final Section: The Student Union Entrance**


7. **Olivia "The Influencer" Perez**
- **Appearance:** Olivia is tall and stunning, with long, perfectly styled hair and flawless makeup. She wears a trendy outfit consisting of a crop top, high-waisted pants, and designer sneakers. She carries a smartphone with a ring light attachment.
- **Attitude:** Olivia is vain and self-absorbed, more concerned with her social media followers than anything else. She constantly checks her phone, taking selfies and live-streaming her every move.
- **Idle Actions:** Olivia is seen taking selfies in front of the student union building, adjusting her hair and posing. She occasionally stops to read comments on her live stream.
- **Fight:** Olivia uses her smartphone as a weapon, blinding you with the flash and using the ring light as a throwing weapon. She also summons holographic clones of herself that attack in unison. Her special move is "Viral Blast," where she unleashes a flurry of social media notifications that confuse and damage you.
- **Death:** Upon defeat, Olivia drops her phone, which cracks on the ground. She lets out a horrified gasp, saying "This can't be happening..." before her body pixelates and disappears.
- **Score:** 400 points.
- **Loot:** Smartphone (Can be used to summon a holographic decoy of yourself).

### **Level Boss: The Campus Queen**

After defeating Olivia, you reach the doors of the student union. There, the final boss of the level awaits: **Victoria "The Campus Queen" Harrington.**


### **Boss: Victoria "The Campus Queen" Harrington**

Victoria is tall and imposing, standing at 6 feet with a commanding presence. She has long, flowing platinum blonde hair styled in perfect waves, and she wears an elaborate, sparkling gown with the school's emblem emblazoned on the front. Her eyes are icy blue, and her expression is one of haughty disdain. Around her neck is a large, jewel-encrusted pendant, which seems to pulse with energy.

Victoria is the epitome of privilege and power on campus. She believes herself to be untouchable, always getting her way due to her status and influence. She speaks in a calm, but condescending tone, often belittling her opponents with remarks like, "You really thought you could challenge *me*?" and "Bow before the true queen of this campus."

**Idle Actions:**
Before the fight begins, Victoria is seen standing at the top of the student union's grand staircase, looking down at you with an air of superiority. She adjusts her pendant, straightens her gown, and gives a dismissive wave as if you are nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Victoria is a formidable opponent, combining powerful ranged magic attacks with close-quarters combat skills. Her pendant glows whenever she casts a spell, and she uses it to channel her powers.

- **Magic Blast:** Victoria raises her pendant, shooting a beam of energy toward you. This attack is fast and deals significant damage if it connects.
- **Crystal Shield:** She summons a crystalline barrier around herself, reflecting all attacks for a brief period. This shield can only be broken by heavy, sustained damage.
- **Royal Summon:** Victoria calls forth two identical clones of herself to fight alongside her. These clones are slightly weaker than the original but can still deal serious damage if ignored.
- **Elegance Strike:** In close combat, Victoria wields a scepter hidden in her gown. She performs a graceful, but deadly series of strikes with it, combining elegance with brutality.
- **Regal Fury:** As her health drops below 50%, Victoria unleashes her ultimate move: "Regal Fury." The pendant glows intensely as she releases a wave of energy that covers the entire battlefield, causing the environment to temporarily shift into a glittering, golden palace. This attack is a barrage of energy blasts and physical strikes, and avoiding it requires precise timing and movement.

Upon depleting Victoria's health, she falls to one knee, clutching her pendant in disbelief. "This... isn't possible... I'm the queen!" she gasps. The pendant begins to crack, and a bright light emanates from within. Victoria lets out a final, desperate scream as her body starts to disintegrate into golden particles, which are then sucked into the pendant. The pendant itself shatters, leaving behind a small pile of glittering dust and a golden crown.

**Score:** 1,000 points.

- **Crown of Influence:** (Wearing this crown temporarily increases your damage and charisma, causing enemies to hesitate before attacking.)
- **Scepter:** (A powerful melee weapon that can be used to channel energy attacks, similar to Victoria’s Magic Blast.)


**Completion of the Level:**
After defeating Victoria, the student union doors open, revealing the path to the next area of the game. The camera pans over the campus, now cleared of the hostile urban tribes, and your character stands victorious on the steps of the student union, holding the Crown of Influence high. A congratulatory message appears, and your score is tallied up, including bonuses for time, health remaining, and any hidden objectives completed throughout the level.

**Total Possible Score:** 5,000+ points (including all enemies and loot collected).


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017

Level: Campus Clash​

Setting: A bustling university campus, bathed in the golden hues of a late afternoon sun. The air is filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the distant rumble of traffic.
  • Tribes:
    • Techies: A group of tech-savvy students, often seen hunched over laptops or smartphones, their faces illuminated by the blue glow of screens.
    • Hipsters: A group of trendy students, known for their vintage clothing, indie music, and a general air of nonchalance. They can be found lounging on the grass, sipping coffee, or discussing the latest art exhibit.
    • Jocks: A group of athletic students, often seen on the sports fields, their bodies honed by hours of practice. They exude confidence and a competitive spirit.
    • Bards: A group of musically inclined students, often found strumming guitars or playing other instruments. They have a bohemian vibe and are known for their lyrical skills.
    • Gamers: A group of dedicated gamers, often found in the computer lab or gaming lounge. They are passionate about their hobby and can be fiercely competitive.
    • Artists: A group of creative students, often found in the art studios or on the campus quad. They are known for their unique perspectives and expressive styles.
    • Bookworms: A group of studious students, often found in the library or coffee shop, their noses buried in books. They are passionate about learning and have a thirst for knowledge.
    • Preppies: A group of well-dressed students, often seen in the latest fashion trends. They are known for their social status and their polished appearance.

Wave 1: Techies​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Nerdette:A shy, bespectacled techie with a penchant for coding and problem-solving.
      • Idle: Types furiously on her laptop, occasionally adjusting her glasses or muttering to herself.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, sometimes throws books or her laptop in a fit of frustration.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, laptop flying out of her hands.
      • Score: 100 points
      • Loot: A pair of thick-rimmed glasses
    • 2. Hacker:A more aggressive techie, with a hacking device that emits a low, ominous hum.
      • Idle: Stands menacingly, tapping on her hacking device, her eyes fixed on her target.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can shock the player with her device or attempt to hack their systems.
      • Death: Her hacking device explodes, damaging her.
      • Score: 200 points
      • Loot: A hacking device

Wave 2: Hipsters​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Indie Girl:A laid-back hipster with a guitar slung over her shoulder.
      • Idle: Strums her guitar, occasionally singing softly or humming a tune.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw her guitar or use it as a makeshift weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, guitar shatters.
      • Score: 150 points
      • Loot: A vintage guitar
    • 2. Tattooed Punk:A more aggressive hipster with a rebellious attitude and a nose ring.
      • Idle: Leans against a wall, smoking a cigarette, exuding an air of cool indifference.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can headbutt the player or use their studded jacket as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, cigarette falls out of her mouth.
      • Score: 250 points
      • Loot: A leather jacket

Wave 3: Jocks​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Cheerleader:A popular jock with a pom-pom, leading the school spirit.
      • Idle: Does cheerleading routines, twirling her pom-poms with enthusiasm.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw her pom-poms or use them as makeshift weapons.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, pom-poms scattering.
      • Score: 100 points
      • Loot: A pair of cheerleading shoes
    • 2. Football Player:A muscular jock with a football, exuding confidence and athleticism.
      • Idle: Throws and catches a football, showcasing his skills.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can tackle the player or use his football as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, football rolling away.
      • Score: 300 points
      • Loot: A football helmet

Wave 4: Bards​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Troubadour:A wandering bard with a lute, singing songs of love and adventure.
      • Idle: Strums his lute, occasionally singing a catchy tune.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw his lute or use it as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, lute shatters.
      • Score: 150 points
      • Loot: A lute
    • 2. Poet:A more aggressive bard with a sharp tongue and a fiery temper.
      • Idle: Recites poetry, their words filled with passion and emotion.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can use their words as a weapon, taunting and provoking the player.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, their words silenced forever.
      • Score: 250 points
      • Loot: A book of poetry

Wave 5: Gamers​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Gamer Girl:A dedicated gamer with a controller in hand.
      • Idle: Plays a handheld console, her eyes glued to the screen.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw her controller or use it as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, controller shattering.
      • Score: 100 points
      • Loot: A handheld console
    • 2. E-Sports Pro:A more aggressive gamer with exceptional skills.
      • Idle: Stands menacingly, ready to pounce on their opponent.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can use their gaming skills to predict the player's movements and counter their attacks.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, their gaming career cut short.
      • Score: 300 points
      • Loot: A gaming headset

Wave 6: Artists​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Painter:A creative artist with a paintbrush in hand.
      • Idle: Paints on a canvas, lost in their own world.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw their paintbrush or use it as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, their canvas splattered with paint.
      • Score: 150 points
      • Loot: A paintbrush
    • 2. Sculptor:A more aggressive artist with a chiseling tool.
      • Idle: Carves a sculpture, their muscles tense with concentration.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can use their chiseling tool as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, their sculpture unfinished.
      • Score: 250 points
      • Loot: A chiseling tool

Wave 7: Bookworms​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Librarian:A studious bookworm with a love of knowledge.
      • Idle: Organizes books on a shelf, their eyes scanning the titles.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw a book or use it as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, surrounded by scattered books.
      • Score: 100 points
      • Loot: A book
    • 2. Professor:A more aggressive bookworm with a stern demeanor.
      • Idle: Lectures to an imaginary class, their voice booming through the air.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can use their intelligence to outwit the player.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, their lectures silenced forever.
      • Score: 300 points
      • Loot: A textbook

Wave 8: Preppies​

  • Enemies:
    • 1. Cheerleader:A popular preppy with a perfect appearance.
      • Idle: Flirts with the boys, her eyes sparkling with confidence.
      • Fight Moves: Weak punches and kicks, can throw her handbag or use it as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, her makeup smeared.
      • Score: 150 points
      • Loot: A designer handbag
    • 2. Jock:A muscular preppy with a lacrosse stick in hand.
      • Idle: Practices his lacrosse skills, his movements fluid and graceful.
      • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can use his lacrosse stick as a weapon.
      • Death: Falls to the ground, his lacrosse stick broken.
      • Score: 250 points
      • Loot: A lacrosse stick

  • Campus Queen:A popular student who rules the campus with an iron fist.
    • Idle: Strolls confidently, surrounded by her adoring followers, her laughter echoing through the campus.
    • Fight Moves: Strong punches and kicks, can summon minions to fight for her or use her charm to manipulate the player.
    • Death: Falls to the ground, surrounded by her defeated minions, her reign of terror finally over.
    • Score: 1000 points
    • Loot: A crown


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Sure! Here's a fictional beat 'em up game walkthrough for a high school level:


## **Level Overview:**
### **Level Title:** "High School Havoc"
### **Setting:** Westwood High School, a sprawling campus with several interconnected buildings, including the main hallways, gymnasium, cafeteria, and classrooms. The level starts just outside the school gates and progresses through various parts of the school. The protagonist is out for revenge, seeking to take down a corrupt student council that has been bullying the entire school.

### **Objective:** Fight through waves of enemies as you progress through different sections of the high school. Defeat the Student Council President, Alexis, at the end of the level.


## **Section 1: The Schoolyard**
### **Enemies:**

1. **Name:** Tiffany the Cheerleader
- **Description:** Tiffany has long, straight blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, blue eyes, and wears the school's signature cheerleader uniform—an orange and white crop top with a pleated skirt. Her pom-poms are deadly weapons.
- **Idle Actions:** Tiffany is doing cheers with a few other cheerleaders near the school's front gate, flipping her hair and giggling with a sneer as you approach.
- **Attitude:** Arrogant and dismissive. She thinks she can beat anyone with her agility and charm.
- **Fight:** Tiffany uses acrobatic flips and pom-pom swipes. She can also summon two other cheerleaders to assist her in a combo attack, making her a tough enemy if not handled quickly.
- **Death:** When defeated, Tiffany lets out a sharp cry of disbelief, "No way...!" before her body disintegrates into glittering orange particles, leaving behind a pair of pom-poms as loot.
- **Loot:** "Glitter Pom-Poms" (+5 Agility, +10 Attack Speed)
- **Score:** 500 points

2. **Name:** Rachel the Jock
- **Description:** Rachel is tall, muscular, and wears a sleeveless varsity jacket with "WHS" emblazoned on the back. Her hair is cut short and messy, and she’s always chewing gum.
- **Idle Actions:** Rachel is throwing a football against the school’s brick wall, smirking as she flexes her muscles, intimidating the nearby students.
- **Attitude:** Confident and cocky. She loves showing off her strength and won't back down from a fight.
- **Fight:** Rachel charges at you with her football, using it as both a projectile and a melee weapon. She has a powerful tackle move that can knock you down if you're not careful.
- **Death:** Rachel spits out her gum with a scoff, saying, "Not bad... for a nerd," before she crumbles into dust, her football left spinning on the ground.
- **Loot:** "Varsity Jacket" (+15 Defense, +10 Strength)
- **Score:** 600 points

3. **Name:** Erica the Nerd
- **Description:** Erica wears oversized glasses, a plaid skirt, and a cardigan with the school's logo. Her hair is tied in a messy bun, and she carries a large stack of textbooks.
- **Idle Actions:** Erica is sitting on a bench, nose buried in a thick textbook, occasionally adjusting her glasses.
- **Attitude:** Shy but determined. She underestimates her own strength but is willing to defend herself.
- **Fight:** Erica throws her heavy textbooks at you, and if you get too close, she smacks you with them. Her moves are awkward but surprisingly effective due to the weight of the books.
- **Death:** Erica stumbles backward, mumbling, "But... the data..." before dropping her books and disintegrating into fine particles, her glasses slowly fading away.
- **Loot:** "Book of Knowledge" (+10 Intelligence, +5 Mana)
- **Score:** 400 points

### **Boss Fight: Schoolyard Defender - Molly the Gamer**
- **Description:** Molly is shorter than the others, with dyed purple hair in a pixie cut and a hoodie emblazoned with the logo of her favorite online game. She wears thick headphones around her neck and fingerless gloves. Molly is always on her phone, even during the battle.
- **Idle Actions:** Molly is leaning against the school's entrance, furiously tapping away on her phone and grinning when she scores high on her mobile game.
- **Attitude:** Sarcastic and quick-witted. She’s confident in her tech skills and loves to taunt her opponents.
- **Fight:** Molly uses a mix of tech-based attacks, like summoning holographic drones to shoot at you or deploying electric traps on the ground. She can also use her phone to temporarily jam your controls, making your movements slower.
- **Death:** As her health drops, Molly laughs, "You can't beat the system!" before her body glitches like a broken video game and shatters into digital fragments, her phone clattering to the ground.
- **Loot:** "Glitching Headphones" (Special ability: Can temporarily freeze all enemies on the screen)
- **Score:** 1,000 points


## **Section 2: Hallways of Chaos**
### **Enemies:**

1. **Name:** Ashley the Fashionista
- **Description:** Ashley is impeccably dressed in the latest fashion trends, with long, flowing black hair and high heels. She carries a designer purse.
- **Idle Actions:** Ashley is posing in front of her locker, checking her reflection in a compact mirror, and texting on her phone.
- **Attitude:** Vain and dismissive. She thinks looks are everything and sees the protagonist as beneath her.
- **Fight:** Ashley uses her purse as a weapon, swinging it with surprising force. She also throws makeup items like compact mirrors and perfume bottles that cause temporary blindness or poison status effects.
- **Death:** As she falls, Ashley gasps, "My... face...!" before disintegrating into a cloud of pink mist, leaving behind her shattered compact mirror.
- **Loot:** "Designer Purse" (+15 Charisma, +5 Defense)
- **Score:** 700 points

2. **Name:** Brianna the Overachiever
- **Description:** Brianna has her hair in a tight ponytail and wears a perfectly pressed school uniform. She carries a clipboard and a stopwatch.
- **Idle Actions:** Brianna is seen hurriedly taking notes and checking the time, ignoring everyone around her as she focuses on her tasks.
- **Attitude:** Perfectionist and intense. She’s always in control and won’t tolerate any distractions.
- **Fight:** Brianna uses her clipboard as a shield and weapon, blocking your attacks and countering with precise strikes. She also throws sharpened pencils like darts.
- **Death:** Brianna drops her clipboard, saying, "I... failed...?" before turning into paper-like ash, with her stopwatch falling to the ground, still ticking.
- **Loot:** "Clipboard of Precision" (+10 Accuracy, +10 Critical Hit Chance)
- **Score:** 800 points

3. **Name:** Natalie the Goth
- **Description:** Natalie has jet-black hair with purple streaks, heavy eyeliner, and wears a black dress with combat boots. She has a choker with a skull pendant.
- **Idle Actions:** Natalie is sitting on the floor against a locker, scribbling in a notebook with a distant look in her eyes.
- **Attitude:** Dark and brooding. She speaks in riddles and has a nihilistic outlook on life.
- **Fight:** Natalie uses dark magic, summoning shadowy creatures to attack you. She can also teleport short distances, making her hard to hit.
- **Death:** Natalie whispers, "Guess it’s all... meaningless..." before dissolving into a shadowy mist, her notebook left behind with cryptic drawings.
- **Loot:** "Gothic Pendant" (+10 Dark Magic, +5 Evasion)
- **Score:** 900 points

### **Boss Fight: Hall Monitor - Jenna the Enforcer**
- **Description:** Jenna is tall and muscular, with a stern expression. She wears a modified school uniform with a security badge and carries a heavy wooden baton.
- **Idle Actions:** Jenna is patrolling the hallway, sternly lecturing any student she catches breaking the rules, making her presence known.
- **Attitude:** Authoritative and unyielding. She believes in strict discipline and enjoys enforcing the school’s rules with an iron fist.
- **Fight:** Jenna is a tough opponent, using her baton to unleash powerful melee attacks. She can also call for backup, summoning a pair of security drones that fire energy blasts at you.
- **Death:** As she’s defeated, Jenna glares, "Order must... be... maintained..." before she collapses and disintegrates into glowing embers, her baton left behind.
- **Loot:** "Hall Monitor Badge" (+20 Defense, +10 Authority)
- **Score:** 1,200 points


## **Section 3: The Gym Showdown**
### **Enemies:**

1. **Name:** Casey the Athlete
- **Description:** Casey is fit and agile, with short brown hair and a sweatband. She wears a tank top and running shorts.
- **Idle Actions:** Casey is doing warm-up stretches near the gym entrance, smirking confidently at her own reflection in the mirror.
- **Attitude:** Competitive and driven. She’s always pushing herself to the limit and won’t go down easily.
- **Fight:** Casey uses her athleticism to dodge your attacks and strike back with quick punches and kicks. She also has a move where she throws a discus at
you, causing heavy damage if it connects.

- **Death:** Casey breathes heavily, saying, "I... can't believe I lost..." before collapsing onto her knees, her body slowly crumbling into dust as the echo of a sports whistle fades away.
- **Loot:** "Sweatband of Endurance" (+15 Stamina, +5 Speed)
- **Score:** 1,000 points

2. **Name:** Vanessa the Volleyball Star
- **Description:** Vanessa is tall with a lean build, her long blonde hair tied into a neat braid. She wears a volleyball jersey with her name and number on the back.
- **Idle Actions:** Vanessa is practicing her serves on the volleyball court, spiking the ball with precision and power, watching it hit the floor with a satisfied grin.
- **Attitude:** Proud and confident. She knows she’s one of the best athletes in the school and enjoys showing off her skills.
- **Fight:** Vanessa uses her volleyballs as projectiles, serving them with deadly speed and accuracy. She can also perform powerful jump attacks, leaping into the air and slamming down onto the ground, creating shockwaves that knock you back.
- **Death:** Vanessa tries to reach for one last volleyball, whispering, "I was... unbeatable..." before she disintegrates into a cloud of sand, her jersey left fluttering to the ground.
- **Loot:** "Volleyball Spike" (+20 Strength, +5 Aerial Attack)
- **Score:** 1,200 points

3. **Name:** Lauren the Fitness Trainer
- **Description:** Lauren has a muscular build, her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wears a sports bra and leggings, with a whistle around her neck.
- **Idle Actions:** Lauren is leading a fitness class with other students, shouting commands and demonstrating exercises with perfect form.
- **Attitude:** Disciplined and motivational. She pushes herself and others to their physical limits and believes in hard work and determination.
- **Fight:** Lauren uses a combination of high-intensity kicks and punches, along with a whistle that can temporarily stun you. She also has a move where she hurls weights at you, causing significant damage if they hit.
- **Death:** Lauren stumbles back, muttering, "I need... to train harder..." before she fades away into dust, her whistle hanging from the air before dropping to the ground.
- **Loot:** "Whistle of Power" (+15 Strength, +10 Stun Resistance)
- **Score:** 1,300 points

### **Boss Fight: The Gym Leader - Taylor the Martial Artist**
- **Description:** Taylor is a black belt in karate, with a fierce expression and a disciplined demeanor. She wears a traditional white gi, her long black hair tied back in a tight ponytail. She’s barefoot and her movements are swift and calculated.
- **Idle Actions:** Taylor is practicing her kata in the center of the gym, her movements precise and fluid, showing her mastery of martial arts.
- **Attitude:** Calm and focused. Taylor respects strength and skill, but she’s here to test your mettle and won’t hold back.
- **Fight:** Taylor is a formidable opponent, using a mix of martial arts techniques including rapid punches, powerful kicks, and throws. She can also counter your attacks with parries, making her difficult to hit. As the battle progresses, she enters a "Focus Mode," where her speed and attack power are significantly increased, making her a real challenge.
- **Death:** As she’s finally defeated, Taylor drops to one knee, bowing her head in respect, saying, "You’ve earned... this victory..." before she slowly disintegrates into white ashes, leaving behind her black belt.
- **Loot:** "Black Belt of Mastery" (+25 Combat Skill, +10 Focus)
- **Score:** 1,500 points


## **Section 4: The Cafeteria Brawl**
### **Enemies:**

1. **Name:** Brittany the Gossip
- **Description:** Brittany has curly red hair and wears a trendy outfit, complete with a fashionable scarf. She’s always seen with her phone, spreading rumors with a smirk.
- **Idle Actions:** Brittany is sitting at a cafeteria table, texting furiously, occasionally looking up to giggle at the reactions of the people around her.
- **Attitude:** Sly and manipulative. She enjoys stirring up drama and watching the chaos unfold.
- **Fight:** Brittany uses her phone to summon digital holograms of herself, confusing you with multiple targets. She also throws sharpened pens and pencils at you from a distance. If you get too close, she can unleash a shrill scream that temporarily stuns you.
- **Death:** As Brittany falls, she drops her phone, gasping, "But I was... trending..." before her body pixelates and dissolves into static, leaving behind her scarf.
- **Loot:** "Scarf of Deception" (+10 Evasion, +5 Illusion)
- **Score:** 900 points

2. **Name:** Jasmine the Prep
- **Description:** Jasmine has perfectly styled blonde hair, wears a pearl necklace, and is dressed in a preppy sweater over a collared shirt. She carries a small, elegant handbag.
- **Idle Actions:** Jasmine is at the cafeteria counter, fussing over the food and complaining to the staff about the lack of quality, her nose turned up in disdain.
- **Attitude:** Snobby and entitled. She believes she deserves only the best and looks down on everyone else.
- **Fight:** Jasmine uses her handbag as a weapon, swinging it with surprising force. She also throws plates and utensils at you, causing minor damage but adding up if not avoided. If you get too close, she can push you back with a burst of haughty laughter that briefly stuns you.
- **Death:** Jasmine gasps in horror, "This is... unacceptable!" before she crumbles into fine powder, her handbag left behind.
- **Loot:** "Pearl Necklace" (+10 Charisma, +5 Defense)
- **Score:** 1,100 points

3. **Name:** Emily the Baker
- **Description:** Emily is slightly plump with rosy cheeks and wears an apron over her school uniform. Her hair is tied back in a neat bun, and she’s often seen with flour on her hands.
- **Idle Actions:** Emily is busy in the cafeteria kitchen, baking pastries and cookies, humming softly to herself as she works.
- **Attitude:** Friendly but determined. She’s passionate about baking but won’t hesitate to defend her kitchen.
- **Fight:** Emily hurls hot pastries and cupcakes at you, causing burn damage. She can also swing a rolling pin with surprising strength. Occasionally, she throws flour bags that create a cloud, blinding you temporarily.
- **Death:** Emily falls backward, whispering, "I just wanted... to bake..." before she slowly dissolves into a cloud of flour, her rolling pin clattering to the ground.
- **Loot:** "Rolling Pin of Strength" (+15 Strength, +10 Cooking Skill)
- **Score:** 1,200 points

### **Boss Fight: Head Chef - Chef Maria**
- **Description:** Chef Maria is a large, imposing woman with a stern expression. She wears a traditional chef’s hat and coat, with a massive cleaver in one hand. Her dark hair is tied back, and she has a no-nonsense attitude.
- **Idle Actions:** Chef Maria is in the center of the cafeteria, barking orders at the other kitchen staff, chopping vegetables with alarming speed and precision.
- **Attitude:** Strict and intimidating. Chef Maria runs her kitchen with an iron fist and won’t tolerate any disruption.
- **Fight:** Chef Maria uses her cleaver to deliver powerful, sweeping attacks. She can also throw boiling pots of soup at you, causing burn damage. Occasionally, she slams her cleaver into the ground, causing a shockwave that stuns you if you’re too close. As her health gets low, she enters a "Fury Mode," where her attacks become faster and more unpredictable.
- **Death:** As she’s finally defeated, Chef Maria drops her cleaver, sighing, "The kitchen... is closed..." before she slowly disintegrates into a puff of steam, her chef’s hat left floating in the air before falling to the ground.
- **Loot:** "Cleaver of Precision" (+25 Attack, +10 Critical Hit Chance)
- **Score:** 1,600 points


## **Final Section: The Student Council Chambers**
### **Mini-Bosses:**

1. **Name:** Chloe the Secretary
- **Description:** Chloe is petite with short, neat brown hair, wearing a pencil skirt and blouse, with glasses perched on her nose. She always carries a clipboard and pen.
- **Idle Actions:** Chloe is organizing papers at her desk, typing quickly on a computer, occasionally adjusting her glasses with a precise motion.
- **Attitude:** Efficient and meticulous. She believes in the power of organization and order, seeing chaos as her enemy.
- **Fight:** Chloe uses her pen as a projectile weapon, throwing them with deadly accuracy. She also has a move where she summons a flurry of paper sheets that act like razor-sharp blades. If cornered, she can call in a briefcase full of documents that explodes in a flurry of papers, causing massive damage.
- **Death:** Chloe drops her clipboard, muttering, "I need to... file this..." before she disintegrates into a cloud of floating papers, her glasses left spinning on the ground.
- **Loot:** "Clipboard of Efficiency" (+20 Speed, +10 Accuracy
, +10 Critical Hit Chance)
- **Score:** 1,500 points

2. **Name:** Madison the Treasurer
- **Description:** Madison has long, straight black hair and wears a business-style outfit with a blazer and pencil skirt. She always has a calculator and a ledger book in hand.
- **Idle Actions:** Madison is meticulously counting money, checking and double-checking figures in her ledger, her eyes occasionally glancing suspiciously at anyone who approaches.
- **Attitude:** Calculating and shrewd. She values efficiency and profit above all else, believing that everything has a price.
- **Fight:** Madison throws coins with deadly precision and uses her calculator as a weapon, sending out beams of light that cause critical damage. She can also summon a briefcase full of money that explodes into a shower of coins, dealing damage over time. If her health gets low, she can briefly shield herself with a "Money Barrier" that absorbs attacks.
- **Death:** As she’s defeated, Madison clutches her ledger, saying, "This doesn’t add up..." before her body turns into gold dust, her calculator clattering to the floor.
- **Loot:** "Calculator of Precision" (+25 Critical Hit Chance, +10 Gold Drop Rate)
- **Score:** 1,800 points

### **Final Boss: Student Council President - Alexis**
- **Description:** Alexis is tall and imposing, with long, dark hair tied into a sleek ponytail. She wears a pristine, custom-tailored school uniform, with the emblem of the student council prominently displayed on her chest. Her eyes are cold and calculating, with an aura of authority that makes her presence intimidating.
- **Idle Actions:** Alexis stands at the head of the student council table, reviewing documents and issuing commands to her subordinates with a confident smirk. She exudes an air of superiority, knowing that she controls every aspect of the school.
- **Attitude:** Ruthless and power-hungry. Alexis believes that she is the rightful ruler of the school, and anyone who opposes her is nothing more than an obstacle to be eliminated.
- **Fight Phase 1:** Alexis starts the fight with a mixture of martial arts and strategic attacks, using her authority to summon security drones that fire energy beams. She can also use her student council gavel to deliver powerful ground slams that create shockwaves, knocking you back.
- **Fight Phase 2:** As her health drops to half, Alexis enters a "Power Mode," where she channels the energy of the school’s emblem, glowing with an eerie light. In this phase, her attacks become faster and more powerful. She can summon multiple copies of herself to confuse you, each one capable of attacking independently. Her gavel now sends out energy waves that can cut through walls and obstacles.
- **Final Phase:** When Alexis’s health is critically low, she unleashes her ultimate move: "Student Council's Verdict," a massive energy blast that covers the entire screen. You must dodge through a series of obstacles to avoid instant death. During this phase, her defenses are at their weakest, giving you the chance to strike her down.
- **Death:** As Alexis is finally defeated, she drops to one knee, her cold exterior cracking as she whispers, "I... was supposed to... rule..." before her body is consumed by a bright light, dissolving into shimmering fragments that scatter across the room. Her student council gavel falls to the ground, cracking in half as it hits the floor.
- **Loot:** "Student Council Gavel" (+30 Authority, +15 Leadership, Special Ability: Summon Security Drones)
- **Score:** 2,500 points


## **Post-Level Summary:**
- **Total Enemies Defeated:** X
- **Total Score:** Y
- **Loot Collected:**
- Glitter Pom-Poms
- Varsity Jacket
- Book of Knowledge
- Glitching Headphones
- Designer Purse
- Clipboard of Precision
- Gothic Pendant
- Hall Monitor Badge
- Sweatband of Endurance
- Volleyball Spike
- Rolling Pin of Strength
- Cleaver of Precision
- Scarf of Deception
- Pearl Necklace
- Whistle of Power
- Black Belt of Mastery
- Student Council Gavel

### **End-of-Level Cutscene:**
As the final shimmering particles of Alexis drift away, the protagonist stands in the now silent student council chamber, the air thick with the remnants of the intense battle. The camera zooms out, showing the entire school from above, now free from the tyranny of the corrupt student council. The once oppressive atmosphere of Westwood High is lifted, and students begin to return to their normal lives. The protagonist, having achieved their goal, walks out of the school gates, the sun setting in the distance, symbolizing the end of their journey through "High School Havoc."


**Congratulations! You’ve completed the High School Havoc level! Prepare for the next level, where even greater challenges await.**

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