Black Desert Online- Armor/Outfits File Names. Please don't ask about armor swapping in this thread. (6 Viewers)


Potential Patron
May 18, 2016

It's error of me, how fix it ? I redownload, unistall.... it stays that way


Thank you for this!
I have one question, i don't know if it's been answered before but the search engine is not giving me any results: Does this apply to everyone? If I change my Agerian armor, for example, will I see everyone that has my class and Agerian with the costume? Is there a way to make myself look like a prince surrounded by peasants? :P


Content Creator
May 11, 2012
Thank you for this!
I have one question, i don't know if it's been answered before but the search engine is not giving me any results: Does this apply to everyone? If I change my Agerian armor, for example, will I see everyone that has my class and Agerian with the costume? Is there a way to make myself look like a prince surrounded by peasants? :P

The answer to your question is yes, any modded/swapped armor or costume you add in game, regardless whether you wear it or not, is going to show on all players who have the same armor for your class or costume (in some cases the costume affects more than one class).
There aren't any clothing textures which are unique just for your character.


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
So I am trying to figure out why this code isn't working. The underwear swap works fine but I cant swap the riding attire or the Kalstein for nude and conqueror respectively:

<!-- Ranger -->
<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_00_UB_0033.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_00_UB_0007.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/EVENT_COSTUME/PEW_00_MANUFACTURE_0006_E</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/NUDE/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PEW_00_UW_1040.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PEW_00_UW_0010.PAC</Model>

Does anyone know why this isn't working? Am I doing something wrong? Thank you :3


Potential Patron
Apr 10, 2016
Try this :

<!-- Ranger -->
<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_00_UB_0033.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_00_UB_0007.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/EVENT_COSTUME/PEW_00_MANUFACTURE_0006_E</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/NUDE/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PEW_00_UW_1040.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PEW_00_UW_0010.PAC</Model>


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Try this :

<!-- Ranger -->
<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_00_UB_0033.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_00_UB_0007.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/EVENT_COSTUME/PEW_00_MANUFACTURE_0006_E</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/NUDE/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PEW_00_UW_1040.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PEW_00_UW_0010.PAC</Model>

Yep, that worked, thanks! :3


Potential Patron
May 13, 2016
What you need to know
. You can replace your armor with costumes, even the ones that are not available yet.
. You can use an underwear instead of an armor.
. You even get the the custom idle animation that some armors have.
. It swaps the Full Set (Boots, Gloves, Helmet, etc) when you only equip the Armor.

. Only you will be able to see it.
. It doesn't work for the RU version.

Don't be cheap! Buy their costumes if you like them.

How does it work
The key to armor swapping or removing, is understanding the multiplemodeldesc.xml file. It's a simple XML file with tags and I'm going to explain how this file works and how to edit it.

The multiplemodeldesc.xml and is a XML file that contains information about the Armor Model name, AND what meshes and textures they should use. All we do is tell the game to load a different model instead of the one that was originally defined.

- Download the Armor Swap Essentials
- Read the Instructions.txt file.

Meaning of Prefixes
"1_PHM", Warrior
"2_PHW", Sorceress
"3_PEW", Ranger
"4_PGM", Berserker
"5_PBW", Tamer
"6_PKM", Blader (Musa)
"7_PVW", Valkyrie
"8_PWM", Wizard
"8_PWW", Witch
"13_PNW", Kunoichi
"13_PNM", Ninja
"22_PKWW" Plum (Maehwa)

Getting Started: Swapping an Armor
If you installed the Armor Swap Essentials correctly, you should have a file named multiplemodeldesc.xml
that should be located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\character\".

The beginning of this file you will see some comments in case you forget something, and some basic templates to teach you how to replace an armor, for each class.

Here's an example:
<!-- Sorceress -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Ranger -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Valkyrie -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Tamer -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Witch -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Warrior -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Wizard -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Berserker -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Kunoichi -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Plum (Maehwa)  -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Ninja -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- Blader (Musa) -->
<Conditional Code="U">

Notice that the difference between the templates are the class prefix, here are the meaning of them:

Meaning of the Conditional Codes:
B: Applies when in Battle Mode
D: Applies if your armor is damaged
U: Applies if you have an armor on
I: Applies only when you enable "Show Underwear" in safe zones
A: Applies to Weapons

Now, in order to make your armor swap, look for the section bellow this one and locate the PAC File name of the armor you want to replace, and the one you want to replace it with.

For example, let's say I want to replace the Sorceress Starter Armor with the Bern Armor.
View attachment 49711 View attachment 49712
From this topic, we discovered that the Sorceress Starter Armor model file is: PHW_02_UB_0001.PAC
and the Bern Armor model file ends with: _02_UB_0006.PAC

The prefix for the Sorceress class is PHW , notice that we don't use 2_PHW for the PAC file name, only for the path.

So the full name of the
Bern Armor file for the Sorceress is: PHW_02_UB_0006.PAC

Now back to our .xml file, we can see the Sorceress Template:
<!-- Sorceress -->
<Conditional Code="U">

Your file should be looking like this:
<!-- Sorceress -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHW_02_UB_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHW_02_UB_0006.PAC</Model>

Now you are good to go. Open the game and you should see your Sorceress wearing the Bern Armor instead of the Starter Clothes.
View attachment 49712
Regular Armors

Starter Clothes and Rebar Armor:

Sorceress : PHW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Ranger : PEW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_02_UB_0007.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Witch : PWW_03_UB_0003.PAC
Warrior : PHM_02_UB_0001.PAC
Berserker : PGM_02_UB_0001.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_02_UB_0001.PAC
Brior Armor - Reblath Armor

: PHW_02_UB_0002.PAC
Ranger : PEW_02_UB_0002.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0002.PAC
Witch : PWW_03_UB_0001.PAC
Warrior : PHM_02_UB_0002.PAC
Berserker : PGM_02_UB_0002.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_02_UB_0005.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_02_UB_0002.PAC

Agerian Armor - Basteer Armor - Binder Armor

: PHW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Ranger : PEW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_02_UB_0002.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Witch : PWW_03_UB_0002.PAC
Warrior : PHM_02_UB_0003.PAC
Berserker : PGM_02_UB_0003.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_02_UB_0003.PAC

Zereth Armor

Sorceress : PHW_01_UB_0001.PAC
Ranger : PEW_01_UB_0001.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_02_UB_0005.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0005.PAC
Witch : PWW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Warrior : PHM_01_UB_0002.PAC
Berserker : PGM_01_UB_0002.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_00_UB_0012.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_00_UB_0012.PAC

Taritas Armor - Steel Taritas Armor - Talis Armor

Sorceress : PHW_02_UB_0004.PAC
Ranger : PEW_02_UB_0004.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_02_UB_0006.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0004.PAC
Witch : PWW_03_UB_0004.PAC
Warrior : PHM_02_UB_0004.PAC
Berserker : PGM_02_UB_0004.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_02_UB_0004.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_02_UB_0004.PAC

Grunil Armor

Sorceress : PHW_03_UB_0002.PAC
Ranger : PEW_02_UB_0005.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_03_UB_0001.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0006.PAC
Witch : PWW_02_UB_0002.PAC
Warrior : PHM_01_UB_0001.PAC
Berserker : PGM_03_UB_0003.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_03_UB_0003.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_03_UB_0003.PAC

Dobart Armor

Sorceress : PHW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Ranger : PEW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_00_UB_0001.PAC
Tamer : PBW_02_UB_0004.PAC
Witch : PWW_03_UB_0002.PAC
Warrior : PHM_02_UB_0003.PAC
Berserker : PGM_02_UB_0003.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_02_UB_0003.PAC

Hercules' Might Armor - Luck of Fortuna Armor - Strength of Heve Armor

Sorceress : PHW_01_UB_0001.PAC
Ranger : PEW_01_UB_0001.PAC
Valkyrie : PVW_00_UB_0000.PAC
Tamer : PBW_03_UB_0002.PAC
Witch : PWW_02_UB_0001.PAC
Warrior : PHM_01_UB_0002.PAC
Berserker : PGM_01_UB_0002.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_00_UB_0012.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_00_UB_0012.PAC

Some Uknown Regular Armors

Sorceress : PHW_03_UB_0001.PAC
Ranger : PEW_03_UB_0002.PAC
Witch : PWW_02_UB_0003.PAC
Warrior : PHM_03_UB_0001.PAC
Berserker : PGM_03_UB_0001.PAC
Maehwa (Plum) : PKWW_02_UB_0002.PAC
Musa (Blader) : PKM_02_UB_0005.PAC
Kunoichi Regular Armors
------Starter / Brior----------------------------------------------------Agerian / Basteer Armor / Binder
--- ---
--- ---

Hercules' Might / Luck of Fortuna / Strength of Heve

Character Creation Costume Slots

[Slot 1]: PHW_02_UB_0006.PAC (Bern)
[Slot 2]: PHW_00_UB_0002.PAC (Lumik)
[Slot 3]: PHW_02_UB_0005.PAC (Ecket)
[Slot 4]: PHW_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 5]: PHW_01_UB_0001.PAC (Zereth)
[Slot 6]: PHW_02_UB_0002.PAC (Reblath)
[Slot 7]: PHW_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 8]: PHW_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 9]: PHW_03_UB_0001.PAC (Annapurna)

XML File: sorceress


[Slot 1]: PEW_00_UB_0010.PAC (Ignis)
[Slot 2]: PEW_02_UB_0006.PAC (Bern)
[Slot 3]: PEW_00_UB_0009.PAC (Kyrill)
[Slot 4]: PEW_00_UB_0030.PAC (Cavaro)
[Slot 5]: PEW_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 6]: PEW_01_UB_0001.PAC (Zereth)
[Slot 7]: PEW_02_UB_0002.PAC (Brior)
[Slot 8]: PEW_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)

[Slot 9]: PEW_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 10]: PEW_03_UB_0002.PAC(Annapurna)

XML File:


[Slot 1]: PBW_00_UB_0017.PAC (Puff Mini)

[Slot 2]: PBW_03_UB_0002.PAC (Hercules' Might)
[Slot 3]: PBW_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 4]: PBW_02_UB_0002.PAC (Reblath)
[Slot 5]: PBW_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 6]: PBW_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 7]: PBW_02_UB_0005.PAC (Zereth)


[Slot 1]: PVW_00_UB_0002.PAC (Venslar)
[Slot 2]: PVW_02_UB_0007.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 3]: PVW_02_UB_0001.PAC (Reblath)
[Slot 4]: PVW_00_UB_0001.PAC (Dobart)
[Slot 5]: PVW_02_UB_0006.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 6]: PVW_02_UB_0005.PAC (Zereth)
[Slot 7]: PVW_00_UB_0000.PAC (Hercules' Might)
[Slot 8]: PVW_03_UB_0001.PAC (Grunil)

XML File:


[Slot 1]: PWW_00_UB_0001.PAC (Dreaming Stars)
[Slot 2]: PWW_03_UB_0003.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 3]: PWW_03_UB_0001.PAC (Reblath)
[Slot 4]: PWW_03_UB_0002.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 5]: PWW_03_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 6]: PWW_02_UB_0001.PAC (Zereth)
[Slot 7]: PWW_02_UB_0002.PAC (Grunil)
[Slot 8]: PWW_02_UB_0003.PAC (Annapurna)

XML File:


[Slot 1]:
PHM_02_UB_0006.PAC (Bern)
[Slot 2]: PHM_00_UB_0004.PAC (Clead)
[Slot 3]: PHM_00_UB_0007.PAC (Conqueror Pack Costume)
[Slot 4]: PHM_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 5]: PHM_01_UB_0002.PAC (Hercules' Might)
[Slot 6]: PHM_02_UB_0002.PAC (Brior)
[Slot 7]: PHM_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 8]: PHM_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 9]: PHM_03_UB_0001.PAC (Annapurna)

XML File:


[Slot 1]: PGM_00_UB_0001.PAC (Bern)
[Slot 2]: PGM_02_UB_0005.PAC (Ecket)
[Slot 3]: PGM_00_UB_0003.PAC (unknown)
[Slot 4]: PGM_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 5]: PGM_01_UB_0002.PAC (Hercules' Might)
[Slot 6]: PGM_02_UB_0002.PAC (Brior)
[Slot 7]: PGM_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 8]: PGM_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 9]: PGM_03_UB_0001.PAC (unknown)

XML File:

Maehwa (Plum):

[Slot 1]: PKWW_00_UB_0001.PAC (Red Moon)
[Slot 2]: PKWW_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 3]: PKWW_02_UB_0002.PAC (unknown)
[Slot 4]: PKWW_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 5]: PKWW_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 6]: PKWW_02_UB_0005.PAC (Brior)
[Slot 7]: PKWW_03_UB_0003.PAC (Grunil)
[Slot 8]: PKWW_00_UB_0012.PAC (Hercules' Might)

XML File: maehwa(plum)

Musa (Blader):

[Slot 1]: PKM_00_UB_0014.PAC (Wilderness)
[Slot 2]: PKM_02_UB_0001.PAC (Starter)
[Slot 3]: PKM_02_UB_0002.PAC (unknown)
[Slot 4]: PKM_02_UB_0003.PAC (Agerian)
[Slot 5]: PKM_02_UB_0004.PAC (Taritas)
[Slot 6]: PKM_02_UB_0005.PAC (Brior)
[Slot 7]: PKM_03_UB_0003.PAC (Grunil)
[Slot 8]: PKM_00_UB_0012.PAC (Hercules' Might)

XML File: musa(blader)
Any-Female Class Costumes
Works for all female classes, just put your class prefix before the numbers, like this:

E.g.: _00_UB_0034.PAC - > PBW_00_UB_0034.PAC will give you the Tamer's Kibelius Armor

-------Kibelius Armor with wings------------Kibelius Armor NO wings---------------Halloween Bloody
--- ---
---(Kunoichi doesn't have Kibelius Armor, swap with the Sorceress)

------Epheria Marine Sailor-------------------------Maid Costume-----------------------------Charles Rene
--- ---
----------------Noel Costume-------------------------Shiranui Costume------------------------Fish Costume
--- ---

---------------Mini Yukata-----------------------------Canape Costume---------------------Lunar New Year
--- ---

--Conqueror Pack Costume----------------------------Aker Guard

------------------------------------------- Shark Costume-----------------------------------Clead
--- ---

-------------Red Nose-------------------------Hebetate Tree Spirit's Armor-------------Desert Camouflage
--- ---

------------------Kyrill---------------------------------------Cavaro-------------------------------------Lahr Arcien
--- ---
----------------------------------------------------------For Ranger use:
----------------------------------------------------------For Sorceress use:

---------------Atanis----------------------------------------------Karlstein Robe----------------------------
For Ranger use:

------------Pirate Corsair-----------------------------Parnash------------------------------Puff Mini
--- ---
--------For Soceress use:-------------------For Valkyrie use:----------------For Tamer use:

------------Red Moon------------------Jacaranda
----------- ---------------
-----------For Plum use:----------(Valkyrie and Plum Only)
Female Class-Specific Costumes
Sorceress Costumes

Sorceress Awakening​

------- ---------------------- ----------------------

Milren Fedora------------Aker Guard v2-----------------Karcenov
------- ---------------------- ---------------------- -

------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

Ranger Costumes
Ranger Awakening
-----------Ignis----------------------------Bern-------------------------Gotha Rensa
------- ----------------- -----------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Treant Camouflage
------- ----------------- -----------------

------- -----------------
Valkyrie Costumes
---Valkyrie Awakening
------- --------------- ---------------
Tamer Costumes
Tamer Awakening
------- ---------------

----- ----------
Witch Costumes
------Dreaming Stars----------------Deneb
--------- -----------------
Maehwa (Plum) Costumes
Maehwa (Plum) Awakening----------Red Moon---------------------------Jegrina
--- ---

-------------Tyrie----------------------------Charles Rene-------------------------Atanis
--- ---

-----------Kibelius------------------------Kibelius (No Wings)--------------Epheria Marine Sailor
--- ---

------------Canape----------------------------Jacaranda-------------------------Red Nose
--- ---

---Hebetate Tree Spirit's-----------------Fish Costume----------------------Maid Costume
------- ----

--------Mini Yukata-------------------Desert Camouflage -------------Halloween Bloody
--- ---

----------Shiranui------------------------------Noel---------------------------Lunar New Year
--- ---

--------Puff Mini------------------------------Kyrill-------------------------Cavaro (Maehwa [Plum])
---- ---

------------Lahr Arcien------------------Karlstein Robe------------------Pirate Corsair
--- ---

--------Aker Guard

Kunoichi Costumes
---Kunoichi Awakening
--- ---

Any-Male Class Costumes
Works for all male classes, just put your class prefix before the numbers, like this:
E.g.: _00_UB_0034.PAC -> PWM_00_UB_0034.PAC gives you the name of the Wizard Kibelius Armor

---------------Clead--------------------------------Karcenov------------------Conqueror Pack Costume
------ ------
-----------------------------------------------------(Warrior Only)

-------------Cavaro--------------------------------Kibelius----------------------Kibelius (No Wings)
--- ---
--------Epheria Marine----------------Canape Costume----------------------Jacaranda
--- ---

-----------------------------------------------------Cantusa------------------------------Aker Guard
--- ---

---------Red Nose-------------Hebetate Tree Spirit's Costume--------Fish Costume
--- ---

--------Butler Costume------------------Mini Yukata------------------Desert Camouflage
--- ---

------Dracula Costume---------------Christmas Costume

------------Lunar New Year----------------Shark Costume
--- ---

--------Lahr Arcien----------------------------Atanis----------------------------Karlstein Robe
------ ---
-----------------------------------------------------For Warrior:

-----Cataphract Costume-------------Wilderness--------------------------Red Robe
--- ---
-----------------------------------------------------For Musa:
Male Class-Specific Costumes
Warrior Costumes

-------Garvey Regan------------------------Goyen
--- ---

--- ---


Berserker Costumes
--------- ------------------ ----------------------
Musa (Blader) Costumes
--Musa(Blader) Awakening--------------Wilderness---------------------------Yuldo
--- ---

Cataphract-----------------------Wind Waker-----------------------Red Robe
--- ---


Life Skill Outfits
Those have a different path for all classes. Pay attention to the difference:

The path format is:
To swap with a Costume you have to do:

Fisher’s Clothes-----------------------Riding Clothes-------------------Calpheon Noble Dress
-------- ------

Treant Camouflage
- -------- -------

-------Trader’s Clothes------------Apprentice Gatherer’s Uniform--------Alchemist’s Clothes
-------- ------

Cook’s Clothes--------------------Trainer’s Clothes
-------- ------

Processor’s Clothes------------Skilled Gatherer’s Uniform
-------- -------

Craftsman’s Clothes-----------------Farmer’s Clothes
-------- ------

Swapping Underwear
Do the same thing you did for swapping an armor, but instead of using 9_UPPERBODY use 38_UNDERWEAR.

Example: Swaps the Sorceress Default Underwear with the Le Vladian Underwear
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PHW_00_UW_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PHW_00_UW_1034.PAC</Model>

Notice that if you toggle the "Show Underwear" button that shows your underwear in safe zones, it will show the underwear that you are wearing below the armor, if you have a cash shop underwear.

Note: For the "Show Underwear" button to actually show your underwear, you have to have at least 1 cash shop underwear to equip on your character. The button doesn't show your underwear if you are wearing the default one.
Swapping an Armor With an Underwear
Do the same thing you did for swapping an armor, but instead of using 9_UPPERBODY in the second line, use 38_UNDERWEAR.

Example: Swaps the Sorceress Brior Armor with the Le Vladian (White Underwear)
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHW_02_UB_0002.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PHW_00_UW_1034.PAC</Model>

If you are wearing the Default Underwear underneath your clothes, you will need to remove it first by using the code below, otherwise, both underwear will overlap each other.

E.g: Removes the Default Underwear for Sorceress:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PHW_00_UW_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
For removing the default underwear for other classes, use the same code but change the 2_PHW and the PHW_ according to you class prefix.

This will make it possible to "Equip" an Underwear, any time you equip the Brior Armor.

Notice that if you toggle the "Show Underwear" button that shows your underwear in safe zones, it will show the underwear that you are wearing below the armor, if you have a cash shop underwear.

Note: For the "Show Underwear" button to actually show your underwear, you have to have at least 1 cash shop underwear to equip on your character. The button doesn't show your underwear if you are wearing the default one.
-------------- Default Underwear ----------------

-------------- _00_UW_0001.PAC ---------------

Queen Heart Underwear ----------------- Sileshi Underwear (Yellow Underwear) ---
_00_UW_0032_01.PAC ---------------------------------- _00_UW_1040.PAC

----------- Le Vladian (White Underwear) ------------------------ Le Vladian (No Stockings) ------------
_00_UW_0034.PAC ------------------------------------- _00_UW_1034.PAC ------------------
--- Vivid Blooming Underwear (Blue Underwear)---- Vivid Blooming Underwear (No Stockings)
_00_UW_0008.PAC ------------------------------------_00_UW_1008.PAC ---------------

---------------- Cavaro Underwear ---------------------------- Dream Laced Underwear ----------------
_00_UW_0030.PAC -------------------------------- _00_UW_0010.PAC -----------------

-------------------- Epheria Marine Underwear ------------- Epheria Marine Underwear (No Stockings)
_00_UW_0035.PAC ------------------------------------- _00_UW_1035.PAC --------------------

------------- Black Garter Belt Underwear ------------- Jasmin Garter Belt Underwear ----------
_00_UW_0004.PAC ----------------------------------- _00_UW_0006.PAC ---------------------

---------- White Zebra Underwear -------------------- White Zebra Underwear(No Stockings)--------------
_00_UW_0014.PAC ---------------------------------- _00_UW_1014.PAC ----------------

----- Black Zebra Underwear -------------------------- Black Zebra Underwear(No Stockings)
_00_UW_0003.PAC ---------------------------------- _00_UW_1003.PAC

------------- Silk Corset Underwear ---------------------------------- Rage Underwear -----------------------
_00_UW_0005.PAC -------------------------------------- _00_UW_1015.PAC -----------------------

------------ Leopard Underwear ------------------------------ Leopard Underwear (No Stockings)---------
--- ---
_00_UW_0002.PAC ---------------------------------_00_UW_1002.PAC -------------------

------------- Checked Beige Underwear ---------------------Checked Beige Underwear (No Stockings)
_00_UW_0007.PAC ---------------------------------_00_UW_1007.PAC -----------------------

-------------- Lahr Arcien Underwear --------------------------Lahr Arcien Underwear (No Stockings)
_00_UW_0031.PAC ---------------------------------- _00_UW_1031.PAC -----------------------

Lahr Arcien Underwear A


Swapping Weapons
To swap weapons, you must always declare this 2 blocks for each swap in your multiplemodeldesc.xml file
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/class_prefix/WEAPON/weapon_prefix/weapon_to_be_replaced.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/class_prefix/WEAPON/weapon_prefix/weapon_to_replace_with.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/class_prefix/WEAPON/weapon_prefix/same_weapon_to_be_replaced_IN.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/class_prefix/WEAPON/weapon_prefix/same_weapon_to_replace_IN.PAC</Model>
Notice in the second block, we use the same model name, but we add a _IN in the end. This is the model that is loaded when your weapon is not withdrawn.

This is very important, don't forget to declare both!
Ranger Weapons
Ranger Bow Template:
<!-- Ranger Bow-->
<Conditional Code="U">

<Conditional Code="U">
For the DAGGERS use the same numbers, but use 32_DAGGER instead of 31_ONEHANDBOW, and PEW_00_DGR_0001.PAC instead of PEW_00_BOW_0001_L.PAC

Those are the Regular Bows:
--- ------------ ------------

Don't know that those are used for, but if the first ones doesn't work, try them:
--- ------------ -------

More Regular Bows:
--- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ -

From Costumes:
--- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ ------------


----- ------------ ------------

--- ------------ ------------
Valkyrie Weapons and Shields
One Hand Sword
Valkyrie Sword Template:
<!-- Valkyrie Shield -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<Conditional Code="U">

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- ------ ------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

Valkyrie Shield Template:
<!-- Valkyrie Shield -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/7_PVW/WEAPON/8_SHIELD/MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
--- --------- ---------

-- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- --------- ---------

--- ---------
Maehwa (Plum) and Musa (Blader) Weapons:

Musa (Blader) use PKM instead of PKWW, and 6_PKM instead of 22_PKWW
Blade template:
<!-- For Maehwa (Plum) -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/22_PKWW/WEAPON/35_BLADE/MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- For Musa (Blader) -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/6_PKM/WEAPON/35_BLADE/MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">

--Rusty (Starter) / Militia ---------------Liverto-------------Azwell / Demihuman / Seleth
--- ------ ------ --------

--------------------------------------Bares / Styd / Kalis / Yuria----------Elsh Blade
--- ------ ------ --------

-------Red Moon Blade----------------Kibelius Blade----------Epheria Marine Sailor Blade--------Canape Blade
--- ------ ------ --------

------Jacaranda Blade-----------Charles Rene Blade---------Aker Guard Blade---------------Awakening Blade
--- ------ ------ --------

Desert Camouflage Blade------Jegrina Blade-----------------Puff Mini Blade-----------------Kyrill Blade
--- ------ ------ --------

Cavaro Blade----------------Lahr Arcien Blade-------------Atanis Blade---------------------Karlstein Blade
--- ------ ------ --------

---Pirate Corsair Blade-------------Tyrie Blade
--- ------

Bow template:
<!-- For Maehwa (Plum) -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/22_PKWW/WEAPON/36_SHOTBOW/MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">

<!-- For Musa (Blader) -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/6_PKM/WEAPON/36_SHOTBOW/MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
---------(Yes, they are exactly the same model, but different files)
--- ------ ------

---- ------ ------


------------------------------------------------Red Moon------------------------Kibelius
--- ------ ------

---Epheria Marine Sailor--------------Canape--------------------------Jacaranda
--- ------ ------

---------Charles Rene ------------------Aker Guard ---------------------Awakening
--- ------ ------

------Treant Camouflage--------Desert Camouflage-----------------Jegrina
-- ------ ------

-----------Puff Mini----------------------------Kyrill----------------------------Cavaro
--- ------ ------

---------Lahr Arcien-------------------------Atanis---------------------------Karlstein

--- ------ ------

--------Pirate Corsair-----------------------Tyrie
--- ------
Warrior Weapons and Shields
One Hand Sword
Warrior Sword Template:
<!-- Warrior Sword -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<Conditional Code="U">

Those are the Regular Weapons:
--- ----------- -----------

Don't know that those are used for, but if the first ones doesn't work, try them:
--- ----------- -----------

Again, Regular Weapons:
--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

From Costumes:
--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- ----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- -------------
Warrior Shield Template:
<!-- Warrior Shield -->
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/1_PHM/WEAPON/8_SHIELD/MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">

Those are the Regular Shields:
-- ----------- -----------

Don't know that those are used for, but if the first ones doesn't work, try them:
--- ----------- -----------

More Regular Shields:
--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

From Costumes:
--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- ----------- -----------

--- -----------
Berserker Weapons
Double Axes
Berserker Double Axes Template:
<!-- Berserker Double Axes -->
<Conditional Code="U">

<Conditional Code="U">

For the AIGUILLETTE, use the same numbers, but use 34_AIGUILLETTE instead of 29_DOUBLEAX, and PGM_00_AIG_0001_M.PAC instead of PGM_00_DAX_0001.PAC

Regular Axes:
--- ------- ------

--- ------ -----


--- ----- ------


--- ---- ------


--- ----- -----

Costume Axes:
--- ----- ------

--- ------ ------

--- ------ ------

--- ------- ------ -

--- ------ ------

--- ------ ------

Adding Wings to any Armor
Open your file partcombinationdesc.xml located in your "character" folder.

Using CTRL+F, locate the PAC file name of the armor you want to put wings.
For example, if I want to put wings to the Valkyrie's Aker Guard Armor, I should search for the FIRST declaration of "PVW_00_UB_0052.PAC"
<!-- Valkyrie Aker Guard -->
<Upperbody MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PVW_00_UB_0052.PAC">
    <Lowerbody MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/10_LOWERBODY/PVW_00_LB_0052.PAC"/>
    <Hand MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/11_HAND/PVW_00_HAND_0052.PAC"/>
    <Foot MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/12_FOOT/PVW_00_FOOT_0052.PAC"/>
    <Helm MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/13_HEL/PVW_00_HEL_0052.PAC"/>
    <Shoulder MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/14_SHO/PVW_00_SHO_0052.PAC"/>
    <Cloak MeshFileName="1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/19_CLOAK/PVW_00_CLOAK_0052.PAC"/>

Now add the following line to before the "</Upperbody>":
<Item_hair MeshFileName = "1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/14_SHO/PVW_00_SHO_0034.PAC"/>

Remember to use the right class prefix for your class, since we are doing this for Valkyrie, I'm using 7_PVW and PVW.

After that save the file and you should be good to go.
How to Remove an Armor
Start with the template of your class that I provided in the section above this one:
<!-- Sorceress -->
<Conditional Code="U">
- Find the model you want to remove, and place it in the place of "MODEL_TO_BE_REPLACED.PAC"

This is a texture that everyone has, it's built in the game, it's simply a plane with a black texture, which the game interprets as invisible.

It doesn't matter if it's PHM and your class is PHW in this case, it's just a blank texture.

E.g: Removes the Starter Clothes for Sorceress:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHW_02_UB_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
Removing Underwear Below the Armor
All you have to do is to find the name of the PAC file of the underwear you are wearing in the game, and use the PHM_ALPHA.PAC model to replace it.

E.g: Removes the Default Underwear for Sorceress:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PHW_00_UW_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>

However, if you use the code above, It will only remove your underwear when you are wearing a armor, but it will show if you press the "Show Underwear" button and have a cash shop underwear.

The underwear that is shown when you press that button, is determined by the Conditional code "I"

The "I" means that this model will be loaded, only when you activate the "Underwear Mode" when you are in a safe zone in the game, or when you are browsing Underwear in the Pearl Shop menu.

So basically this is what happens:
Using <Conditional Code="U">
View attachment 49766

Using <Conditional Code="I">
View attachment 49765

Using both <Conditional Code="U"> and <Conditional Code="I"> at the same time is possible using this kind of block:

<Conditional Code="IU">
    <Model Index="--">Underwear you want to replace</Model>
    <Model Index="I-">model when we have "show underwear" on</Model>
    <Model Index="-U">model when we are wearing any armor</Model>
    <Model Index="IU">what model happens when both are true? (impossible, but define it anyway)</Model>

So basically, if you want you underwear to NEVER show, this is how your block should look like:
<Conditional Code="IU">
    <Model Index="--">Underwear you do not want to show</Model>
    <Model Index="I-">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="-U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="IU">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>

Another what to to see your underwear, only you click on the button "Show Underwear", is like this:
<Conditional Code="IU">
    <Model Index="--">Underwear you want to be replaced</Model>
    <Model Index="I-">Underwear you want to replace with</Model>
    <Model Index="-U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="IU">Underwear you want to replace with</Model>

This has the same effect as:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">Underwear you want to not show when wearing armor</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
Swapping Other Armor Parts
To modify Upper Body Armor : Use 9_UPPERBODY and _UB_
To modify Lower Body Armor : Use 10_LOWERBODY and _LB_
To modify Gloves : Use 11_HAND and _HAND_
To modify Boots : Use 12_FOOT and _FOOT_
To modify Underwear : Use 38_UNDERWEAR and _UW_
To modify Helmet : Use 13_HEL and _HEL_
To modify Cloak : Use
19_CLOAK and _CLOAK_
To modify Shoulder : Use
14_SHO and _SHO_

For an example of what a shoulder model is, click here.

You can find out the name of the Boots and Gloves, Helmet, etc, of the same Armor Set you just modded, by doing this:

For example, instead of this:

Sorceress Agerian Armor:

Do this:

Sorceress Agerian Gloves:

Here's an example of replacing Agerian Gloves with the gloves from the Kibelius Costume:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/11_HAND/PHW_02_HAND_0003.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/11_HAND/PHW_00_HAND_0034.PAC</Model>
Manually Swapping a Full Set
By default, the Armor Swapping Essentials files swaps the Full Set, when you equip only the Armor, but it only do that for the Costumes listed in this topic. If for some reason, it's not swapping the full set or you want to make the full swap with another Costume not lister here, here's what you have to do in order to do it yourself:

You are going to edit a different file called partcombinationdesc.xml file.

For this example, I'm going to show you how to swap the Warrior's Grunil Upper Body Armor, with the full Garvey Regan Set.

Here are the pictures and the name of the .PAC files for those armors:

---- Grunil Armor ----------------- Garvey Regan Set
PHM_01_UB_0001.PAC ----------- PHM_00_UB_0060.PAC​

First, let's do the normal armor swapping like you would usually in the multimodeldesc.xml file:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHM_01_UB_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHM_00_UB_0060.PAC</Model>

Now, the game is going to load PHM_00_UB_0060.PAC instead of PHM_01_UB_0001.PAC

Now, we are going to tell the game that the PHM_00_UB_0060 is actually made of Lowerbody, Hand, Foot, Helm and Cloak.

Notice: This will actually make the costume load the Helmet and the Cloak, when in battle mode [Tab], even though the original Grunil Armor didn't have any helmet on it.

Since the UpperBody part name is PHM_00_UB_0060, we can deduce the other names for the full set by replacing the "UB" with the appropriate term:
Lower Body: 1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/10_LOWERBODY/PHM_00_LB_0060.PAC
Gloves: 1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/11_HAND/PHM_00_HAND_0060.PAC
Boots: 1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/12_FOOT/PHM_00_FOOT_0060.PAC
Shoulder: 1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/14_SHO/PHM_00_SHO_0060.PAC
Helmet: 1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/13_HEL/PHM_00_HEL_0060_F.PAC
Cloak: 1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/19_CLOAK/PHM_00_CLOAK_0060_C.PAC

To see how the SHOULDER model looks like, click here.

Now let's add this to the beginning of your partcombinationdesc.xml file:
<Upperbody MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHM_00_UB_0060.pac">
    <Lowerbody MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/10_LOWERBODY/PHM_00_LB_0060.PAC"/>
    <Hand MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/11_HAND/PHM_00_HAND_0060.PAC"/>
    <Foot MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/12_FOOT/PHM_00_FOOT_0060.PAC"/>
    <Shoulder MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/14_SHO/PHM_00_SHO_0060.PAC"/>
    <Helm MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMOR/13_HEL/PHM_00_HEL_0060_F.PAC"/>
    <Cloak MeshFileName="1_PC/1_PHM/ARMORr/19_CLOAK/PHM_00_CLOAK_0060_C.PAC"/>

Now we just told the game that, whenever it loads the PHM_00_UB_0060.PAC file, it will load all the others parts of the set as well.

Now just save the files and you should be good to go:
Swapping Between Different Classes
This is not recommended and it will probably cause a lot of bugs, read the post below to see an example of what can happen if you do a armor swap with different classes:
So even after that you want to try swapping armor between classes, try swapping only between Valkyrie, Sorceress, Witch, Kunoichi and Plum since they have basically the same body.

Here's a example of a code that swaps the Kunoichi Agerian Armor with Sorceress Kibelius Costume:

PHW: Sorceress

<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/13_PNW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PNW_03_UB_0003.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/2_PHW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PHW_00_UB_0034_01.PAC</Model>
High-Heels instead of Boots
If you remove your bots, your character will be walking on his/hers finger tips, if you want to add some High-Heels, add
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/...../ARMOR/12_FOOT/.....</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/...../ARMOR/12_FOOT/YOURCLASSPREFIX_02_FOOT_0000.PAC</Model>
Instead of:
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/...../ARMOR/12_FOOT/.....</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
More about the xml file
Damaged Models
The <Conditional Code="D"> applies the changes when your armor is damaged.

The PAC files with the damaged texture have the same name as the normal version, except they have a _dm at the end, so for example
<Conditional Code="D">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/Armor/9_Upperbody/PHW_02_UB_0001_dm.pac</Model>
    <Model Index="D">1_PC/2_PHW/Armor/9_Upperbody/PHW_02_UB_0001_dm.pac</Model>

Defines the damaged version of the Sorceress starter clothes.

You don't need to define all armors
The multiplemodeldesc.xml can contain only the files you want to modify

for example, if my multiplemodeldesc.xml only contain these lines:

<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/2_PHW/Armor/9_Upperbody/PHW_02_UB_0001.pac</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/2_PHW/Armor/9_Upperbody/PHW_02_UB_0001.pac</Model>

Only the Sorcerer (PHW) Starter Clothing (02_UB_0001) will suffer changes. The rest of the models will load their default meshes and textures.

If you put 2 blocks for the same file, like this:
<Conditional Code="I">
    <Model Index="-">UNDERWEAR</Model>
     <Model Index="I">SOMETHING</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">SAME_UNDERWEAR</Model>
     <Model Index="U">ANOTHER_THING</Model>

What the game is going to consider is always what comes first.
So if you have a really long file and you want to override some lines, put the new lines AT THE TOP of the file.

Combining different xml files
Let's say you have a multiplemodeldesc.xml file that has a lot of stuff and you want to keep it the way it is, but just want to change one armor.

You don't need to look and find a line to replace if you know what lines you want to insert.

Simply add the lines you want to insert at the Beginning of the file. Lines at the top have priority on the ones below

Thank you for reading.

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attachment 50326 View attachment 50327 View attachment 50328 View attachment 50329 View attachment 50330 View attachment 50331 View attachment 50332 View attachment 50333 View attachment 50334 View attachment 50335 View attachment 50336 View attachment 50337 View attachment 50338 View attachment 50339 View attachment 50340 View attachment 50341 View attachment 50342 View attachment 50343 View attachment 50344 View attachment 50345 View attachment 50346 View attachment 50347 View attachment 50348 View attachment 50349 View attachment 50350 View attachment 50351 View attachment 50352 View attachment 50353 View attachment 50354 View attachment 50355 View attachment 50356 View attachment 50357 View attachment 50358 View attachment 50359 View attachment 50360 View attachment 50361 View attachment 50362 View attachment 50363 View attachment 50364 View attachment 50365 View attachment 50371 View attachment 50372 View attachment 50373 View attachment 50444 View attachment 50445 View attachment 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attachment 50508 View attachment 50509 View attachment 50510 View attachment 50514 View attachment 50515 View attachment 50516 View attachment 50517 View attachment 50518 View attachment 50519 View attachment 50520 View attachment 50521 View attachment 50522 View attachment 50523 View attachment 50524 View attachment 50525 View attachment 50526 View attachment 50527 View attachment 50528 View attachment 50529 View attachment 50530 View attachment 50531 View attachment 50532 View attachment 50533 View attachment 50534 View attachment 50535 View attachment 50536 View attachment 50537 View attachment 50538 View attachment 50539 View attachment 50540 View attachment 50541 View attachment 50542 View attachment 50544 View attachment 50545 View attachment 50581 View attachment 50582 View attachment 50583 View attachment 50584 View attachment 50585 View attachment 50904 View attachment 50905 View attachment 50906 View attachment 50907 View attachment 50908 View attachment 50909 View attachment 50910 View attachment 50911 View attachment 50912 View attachment 50913 View attachment 50914 View attachment 50915 View attachment 50916 View attachment 50917 View attachment 50918 View attachment 50919 View attachment 50920 View attachment 50921 View attachment 50922 View attachment 50923 View attachment 50924 View attachment 50925 View attachment 50926 View attachment 50927 View attachment 50928 View attachment 50929 View attachment 50930 View attachment 50931 View attachment 50932 View attachment 50933 View attachment 50934 View attachment 50935 View attachment 50936 View attachment 50937 View attachment 50938 View attachment 50939 View attachment 50955 View attachment 50956 View attachment 50957 View attachment 50958 View attachment 50959 View attachment 50960 View attachment 50961 View attachment 50962 View attachment 50963 View attachment 50966 View attachment 50972 View attachment 50995 View attachment 50996 View attachment 50997 View attachment 50998 View attachment 50999 View attachment 51000 View attachment 51001 View attachment 51002 View attachment 51003 View attachment 51014 View attachment 51015 View attachment 51016 View attachment 51017 View attachment 51018 View attachment 51019 View attachment 51020 View attachment 51021 View attachment 51022 View attachment 51023 View attachment 51024 View attachment 51025 View attachment 51026 View attachment 51027 View attachment 51028 View attachment 51029 View attachment 51030 View attachment 51031 View attachment 51032 View attachment 51033 View attachment 51034 View attachment 51035 View attachment 51036 View attachment 51037 View attachment 51038 View attachment 51039 View attachment 51040 View attachment 51041 View attachment 51042 View attachment 51043 View attachment 51044 View attachment 51045 View attachment 51046 View attachment 51047 View attachment 51048 View attachment 51049 View attachment 51050 View attachment 51051 View attachment 51052 View attachment 51054 View attachment 51055 View attachment 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Content Creator
May 11, 2012
Resorep and Mod Meta working fine after todays' patch in EU, as usual I uninstalled Mod Meta before patching the game then reinstalled it.


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Question is it even possible to get a dyed version of the costumes? Just woundering.

You mean without paying for the dyes? I don't know, I haven't tried since I don't how to do that. I know you can dye swapped armors though, that's a given since I have done it just recently.


Potential Patron
May 26, 2016
<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PVW_00_UB_0034_01.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
My xml files look like this.. Wat's up with that??


Content Creator
May 11, 2012
Question is it even possible to get a dyed version of the costumes? Just woundering.

It's possible to force some colour changes to a costume with texture file modding, though how effective it is varies from costume to costume and on the actual colour change you want.
However, colour changes done this way affect every player you see wearing that costume rather than just your character.

If you swap out a costume or armor for another one, some dying may still be possible, though not necessarily all parts will be able to be dyed, it seems to vary from one to the next.


Potential Patron
May 26, 2016
It's possible to force some colour changes to a costume with texture file modding, though how effective it is varies from costume to costume and on the actual colour change you want.
However, colour changes done this way affect every player you see wearing that costume rather than just your character.

If you swap out a costume or armor for another one, some dying may still be possible, though not necessarily all parts will be able to be dyed, it seems to vary from one to the next.
<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/7_PVW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PVW_00_UB_0034_01.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
My xml files look like this.. Wat's up with that??

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