I have been spending hours trying to get the import/export tools to work but it is going absolutely nowhere. I extract pnw_00_nude_0001.pac, convert it to pnw_00_nude_0001_mesh00_lod0.DEA, edit and export the DEA mesh, convert it back to pnw_00_nude_0001.pac; copy this .pac to the "files_to_patch" folder, run meta_injector but then the game just crashes. I want to be able to change the shape of a character's body without having to rely on slider mods that max out at 5.0.
I've tried editing/exporting with blender, the .pac crashed the game when I clicked the character.
I've tried editing/exporting with Maya 2018 to DAE-FBX; it still just crashes.
I read one response saying to install "open collada" on 3ds max 2017. So I imported the DAE-FBX from Maya into 3dsmax, then exported using the open collada plugin and this time....the game still crashed. I've noticed that the vertex groups are all gone after exporting from Maya using DAE-FBX. and didn't come back after exporting with open collada. I suspect this might have something to do with it but I wouldn't know since I've never been able to get these """""simple""""" instructions to do anything other than crash my game as soon as I click on the kunoichi i'm trying to edit. The .pac file is about 30kb smaller after going through all of these steps so maybe something is missing?
I'm convinced I've either been given incomplete or outdated instructions because I am following them as closely as I can and the only result thus far has been the game crashing. Is there a subfolder within "files_to_patch" that I'm supposed to copy the modified pnw_00_nude_0001.pac file to? Because leaving it outside the .resorpless folder just looks....wrong. The game won't even start while the .pac file is located there because of "suspicious activity".