Black Desert Online Modding Tools (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Apr 16, 2016
It should be
View attachment 56422

Here's the texture with the shorts part removed, try using this one:

Got it to work! but encountered another problem, how do I fix this?

By the way, do you have a donation page? Paypal etc?


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Got it to work! but encountered another problem, how do I fix this?

By the way, do you have a donation page? Paypal etc?
Oh, there is a way to fix that, but it will cause texture clipping in other armors.

I'm actually working on a new version for my Black Desert Online Resorepless Nude Mod that has the option to remove those shorts and panties, without having those problems:

I had to fine pick all those files, by hand:

and add them here:

It's almost done, so you will be able to get what you want soon.

There is a link in my signature that takes you directly to my Paypal donation page, if you are interested, just click it:
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Potential Patron
Apr 16, 2016
Wow! Awesome, that is what I want actually, makes it easier. I cant wait for you to finish it! I got your paypal info. Keep up the good work!

Lunaris Tenebrae

Potential Patron
May 7, 2016
Hey BlackfireBR, firstly thank you for all your work. However Windows Defender just claimed that the File Extractor you've uploaded includes a trojan, Trojan:Win32/Procyx.C!cl

please advise, thank you.


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Hey BlackfireBR, firstly thank you for all your work. However Windows Defender just claimed that the File Extractor you've uploaded includes a trojan, Trojan:Win32/Procyx.C!cl

please advise, thank you.
Windows Defender is a dumbass, it probably doesn't like the fact that the program uses system calls to run quickbms (just like opening the command prompt and typing in commands). Can you tell me which file it tells it's a trojan, the File Extractor.exe or the quickbms.exe?

Also, you can download the source code here and see everything the program does to your PC, and I assure you, it really doesn't do anything like a trojan would do.

All the program does is to give different arguments to quickbms, according to which options you choose in the menu.

Lunaris Tenebrae

Potential Patron
May 7, 2016
Specifically it claimed the File Extractor.exe, and yea I'm more likely to trust you than Defender, just thought I would mention it.

Again thanks for all your work.


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
I just made my version of for quickbms, and I commented every line:

It tells you what each line does, give you an example in C language of how to do the same thing for a more intuitive understanding, also it prints a lot of useful information while its running like variables values, which file is extracting, what is the hash of that file, the size, how many files were extracted already and the percentage of completeness, etc.

# Black Desert (quickbms script) by BlackFire
#  This is a modified version of the original script found at
#  That makes the script jumps over the 256000 bytes they added in the meta file, after a patch.
# For a visual guide on how the .meta and .PAZ file is sctructured, see this thread:

quickbmsver "0.7.4"
comtype blackdesert # Defines the compression type that will be used, when extracting a file

get EXT extension  # gets the extension of the opened file

if EXT == "meta" #If the file extension is .meta

    # pre-allocation, improves speed (doesn't matter if the values are bigger)
    putarray 0 0x4000  ""   # Array that is going to store the PAZs names
    putarray 1 0x2000  ""   # Array that is going to store the folder names
    putarray 2 0x80000 ""   # Array that is going to store the file names

    get DUMMY long        # Reads the first 4 bytes (long) of the meta file and stores it in the variable DUMMY. # In C: fread(&dummy,sizeof(long),1,metaFile);
    get pPAZCount long  # Reads how many PAZ files your game has. # In C: fread(&pPAZCount,sizeof(long),1,metaFile);
    print "pPAZCount: %pPAZCount%"

    # Paz files informations
    for i = 0 < pPAZCount
        get PAZ_NUM long
        get HASH long
        get PAZ_SIZE long

        string PAZ_NAME p= "PAD%05d.PAZ" PAZ_NUM # Using the number stored in PAZ_NUM with 5 digits,creates a string that will hold the complete .PAZ file name (E.g.:PAD00001.PAZ) # In C: sprintf(paz_name,"PAD%.5d.PAZ",paz_num);
        putarray 0 PAZ_NUM PAZ_NAME                # Stores in the array 0 in the position [PAZ_NUM], the string we just created # In C: array0[paz_num] = paz_name;
    next i

    get FILES_COUNT long # Reads how many files your game has. # In C: fread(&files_count,sizeof(long),1,metaFile)

    savepos BLOCK_256K_START                             # Saves the current position in the file in a variable. This position is the beginning of a block of 256000 bytes that we need to skip. # In C: long block_256k_start = ftell(metafile);
    print "BLOCK_256K_START: %BLOCK_256K_START%"

    xmath BLOCK_256K_END "BLOCK_256K_START + 256000"     # Calculates the byte that the 256000 bytes end # In C: long block_256k_end = block_256k_start + 256000;
    print "BLOCK_256K_END: %BLOCK_256K_END%"

    goto BLOCK_256K_END                                    # Skips the 256000 bytes # In C: fseek(metaFile,block_256k_end,SEEK_SET);

    savepos FILE_BLOCKS_START        # Saves the current position in the file in a variable. This position is the beginning of the blocks that have the following format: HASH|FOLDER_NUM|FILE_NUM|PAZ_NUM|OFFSET|ZSIZE|SIZE # # In C: long file_blocks_start = ftell(metafile);

    math FILE_BLOCKS_COUNT = 0        # Counter of how many of those blocks we have # In C: long file_blocks_count = 0;

    # Reads the file blocks, just to count how many of them there are, and where do they end, until the PAZ_NUM variable reads something that is out of the interval 1 <= PAZ_NUM <= pPAZCount
        get HASH long         # The unique indentifier of this file
        get FOLDER_NUM long    # The index in the array 1 (folders array) which has the folder name from this file
        get FILE_NUM long    # The index in the array 2 (files array) which has the file name from this file
        get PAZ_NUM long     # The number of the .PAZ file that the file is located
        get OFFSET long     # The offset inside the .PAZ file specified which the file starts
        get ZSIZE long        # The compressed size of the file
        get SIZE long        # The uncompressed size of the file

        if PAZ_NUM <= pPAZCount & PAZ_NUM >= 1
            math FILE_BLOCKS_COUNT += 1         # Counts how many file blocks we have

    While PAZ_NUM <= pPAZCount & PAZ_NUM >= 1 # Condiditon that checks if the PAZ_NUM variable reads something that is out of the interval 1 <= PAZ_NUM <= pPAZCount

    savepos CURRENT_POS    # This position should be 28 bytes after the end of the fileblocks, because it read a whole file block before the while checked if it was valid

    xmath FILE_BLOCKS_END "CURRENT_POS - (7 * 4)" # Calculates the position which is where the file blocks ended (each file block has 28 bytes (7 * sizeof(long)) # In C: long file_blocks_end = (current pos - 7 * sizeof(long));


    get FOLDER_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH long    # Gets the total length of the strings that are comming next, that are the folder names strings # In C: fread(&folder_names_total_length,sizeof(long),1,metaFile);

    savepos FOLDER_NAMES_START            # Saves the position where the folder names strings start # In C: long folder_names_start = ftell(fp);

    callfunction SET_ENCRYPTION 1                                    # Decrypts the folder names that are going to be read next
    log MEMORY_FILE FOLDER_NAMES_START FOLDER_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH     # Saves all the next "FOLDER_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH" bytes, starting from the offset "FOLDER_NAMES_START" in a temporary memory called MEMORY_FILE # In C: fread(memory_file,1,folder_names_total_length,metaFile);
    encryption "" ""                                                # Tells the program to stop decrypting stuff for now

    xmath FOLDER_NAMES_END "FOLDER_NAMES_START + FOLDER_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH"     # Calculates which byte the folder names strings end # In C: long folder_names_end = folder_names_start + folders_name_total_length;

    goto FOLDER_NAMES_END                                                         # Goes to that position # In C: fseek(metaFile,folder_names_end,SEEK_SET);

    get FILE_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH long # Gets the total length of the strings that are comming next, that are the file names strings # In C: fread(&file_names_total_length,sizeof(long),1,metaFile);

    savepos FILE_NAMES_START        # Saves the position where the file names strings start # In C: long file_names_start = ftell(fp);

    callfunction SET_ENCRYPTION 1                                # Decrypts the folder names that are going to be read next
    log MEMORY_FILE2 FILE_NAMES_START FILE_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH    # Saves all the next "FILE_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH" bytes, starting from the offset "FILE_NAMES_START" in a temporary memory called MEMORY_FILE2 # In C: fread(memory_file2,1,file_names_total_length,metaFile);
    encryption "" ""                                            # Tells the program to stop decrypting stuff for now

    math FOLDER_NAMES_TOTAL_LENGTH -= 8  # Don't know why, but it ignores the last 8 bytes of the folder names string (2 irrelevent longs, maybe?)

    # Reads the string which has all the folder names, assigning each folder name to a different position in the array 1 (folders array)
    print "Collecting folder names..."
    math i = 0
        get INDEX_NUM long MEMORY_FILE      # Reads from the MEMORY_FILE the the index number of the current folder
        get SUB_FOLDERS long MEMORY_FILE    # Reads from the MEMORY_FILE the number of subfolder of the current folder
        get FOLDER_NAME string MEMORY_FILE    # Reads from the MEMORY_FILE a folder name, as string, until a '\0' is found. E.g: "character/"

        if FOLDER_NAME == "" # If no name was read, means that we reached the end of the folder names

        putarray 1 i FOLDER_NAME    # Stores the folder name, in the position i of the array 1 (folders array) # In C: array1[i] = folder_name;

        savepos TMP MEMORY_FILE
    next i

    print "Collecting file names..."
    math i = 0
    # Reads the string which has all the file names, assigning each file name to a different position in the array 2 (files array)

        get FILE_NAME string MEMORY_FILE2         # Reads from the MEMORY_FILE a file name, as string, until a '\0' is found.

        if FILE_NAME == ""    # If no name was read, means that we reached the end of the file names

        putarray 2 i FILE_NAME    # Stores the folder name, in the position i of the array 1 (folders array) # In C: array1[i] = file_name;
        savepos TMP MEMORY_FILE2
    next i

    # Now we are going to extract the files, combining the information we find in the file blocks, with the arrays filled with the file and folder names
    goto FILE_BLOCKS_START            # Goes back to the beginning of the file blocks
    for i = 0 < FILE_BLOCKS_COUNT    # For all file blocks
        get HASH long         # The unique indentifier of this file
        get FOLDER_NUM long    # The index in the array 1 (folders array) which has the folder name from this file
        get FILE_NUM long    # The index in the array 2 (files array) which has the file name from this file
        get PAZ_NUM long     # The number of the .PAZ file that the file is located
        get OFFSET long     # The offset inside the .PAZ file specified which the file starts
        get ZSIZE long        # The compressed size of the file
        get SIZE long        # The uncompressed size of the file

        getarray PAZ_NAME 0 PAZ_NUM            # Gets the PAZ name at the position [PAZ_NUM] of the array 0 (PAZ names array) and stores is in the PAZ_NAME variable             # In C: paz_name     = array0[paz_num];
        getarray FOLDER_NAME 1 FOLDER_NUM    # Gets the folder name at the position [FOLDER_NUM] of the array 1 (folders array) and stores is in the FOLDER_NAME variable     # In C: folder_name = array1[paz_num];
        getarray FILE_NAME 2 FILE_NUM        # Gets the file name at the position [FILE_NUM] of the array 1 (folders array) and stores is in the FILE_NAME variable             # In C: file_name     = array2[paz_num];
        string FILE_PATH = FOLDER_NAME
        string FILE_PATH += FILE_NAME # Creates a string and concatenates folder name with the file name strings, so we get the full path to the file. Eg: "character/multiplemodeldesc.xml"    

        open FDSE PAZ_NAME 1    # Open the .PAZ file specified in the PAZ_NAME variable


        callfunction SET_ENCRYPTION 1
        # If uncompressed size is greater than compressed size, it means that the file is compressed, so we use "clog" which uncompresses and extracts the file
        if SIZE > ZSIZE
        # Uncompress and extracts the file and saves it just like is specified in "FILE_PATH", OFFSET is what byte of the .PAZ file the file starts, ZSIZE is the compressed size and SIZE is the uncompressed size, this uses the compression algothithm defined with the "comtype" command
            clog FILE_PATH OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE 1
        else  # If uncompressed size is lesser or equal than compressed size, it means that the file is NOT compressed, so we use "log" which just extracts the file
        # Simply extracts the file and saves it just like is specified in "FILE_PATH", OFFSET is what byte of the .PAZ file the file start and SIZE is the file size
            log FILE_PATH OFFSET SIZE 1
        encryption "" ""

        print ""
        xmath PERCENTAGE "i*100/FILE_BLOCKS_COUNT"
        print "Files Extracted: %i%/%FILE_BLOCKS_COUNT% (%PERCENTAGE% Percent Completed)"
    next i

else if EXT == "PAZ"  #If the file extension is .PAZ

    get DUMMY long            # Reads the first 4 bytes (long) of the meta file and stores it in the variable DUMMY. # In C: fread(&dummy,sizeof(long),1,metaFile);
    get TOTAL_FILES long    # Reads how many files this .PAZ file has. # In C: fread(&paz_files,sizeof(long),1,metaFile);
    get FILE_PATHS_TOTAL_LENGTH long     # Gets the total length of the strings that are the folder names and file names like this "character/multiplemodeldesc.xml"

    savepos FILE_BLOCKS_START    # Saves the current file's position, which is where the file blocks start # In C: long file_paths_start = ftell(file);
    xmath FILE_BLOCKS_END "FILE_BLOCKS_START + (TOTAL_FILES * 4 * 6)"    # Calculates the position where the file blocks end and it's where the file paths start
    callfunction SET_ENCRYPTION 1                                        # Decrypts the what is going to be read next    
    log MEMORY_FILE FILE_BLOCKS_END FILE_PATHS_TOTAL_LENGTH                # Starting for the offset where the file blocks end, it reads the next "FILE_PATHS_TOTAL_LENGTH" bytes and stores them in the MEMORY_FILE file # In C: fread(MEMORY_FILE,1,FILE_PATHS_TOTAL_LENGTH,file);
    encryption "" ""                                                    # Tells the program to stop decrypting stuff for now

    # Reads the bytes which has all the file paths, assigning each folder name to a different position in the array 0
    math i = 0
        get FILE_PATH string MEMORY_FILE # Reads from the MEMORY_FILE a file path, as string, until a '\0' is found. E.g: "character/"

        if FILE_PATH == "" # If nothing was read, means that we reached the end of the file paths

        putarray 0 i FILE_PATH # Stores the folder name, in the position i of the array 0  # In C: array0[i] = file_path;
        savepos TMP MEMORY_FILE
    next i

    for i = 0 < TOTAL_FILES
        get HASH long         # The unique indentifier of this file
        get FOLDER_NUM long    # The index in the array 0  which has the folder name from this file
        get FILE_NUM long    # The index in the array 0  which has the file name from this file 
        get OFFSET long     # The offset inside the .PAZ file specified which the file starts
        get ZSIZE long        # The compressed size of the file
        get SIZE long        # The uncompressed size of the file

        getarray FOLDER_NAME 0 FOLDER_NUM    # Gets the folder name at the position [FOLDER_NUM] of the array 1 (folders array) and stores is in the FOLDER_NAME variable     # In C: folder_name = array1[paz_num];
        getarray TMP 0 FILE_NUM        # Gets the file name at the position [FILE_NUM] of the array 1 (folders array) and stores is in the FILE_NAME variable             # In C: file_name     = array2[paz_num];
        string FILE_PATH = FOLDER_NAME
        string FILE_PATH += TMP # Creates a string and concatenates folder name with the file name strings, so we get the full path to the file. Eg: "character/multiplemodeldesc.xml"    


        callfunction SET_ENCRYPTION 1
        # If uncompressed size is greater than compressed size, it means that the file is compressed, so we use "clog" which uncompresses and extracts the file
        if SIZE > ZSIZE
        # Uncompress and extracts the file and saves it just like is specified in "FILE_FULL_PATH", OFFSET is what byte of the .PAZ file the file starts, ZSIZE is the compressed size and SIZE is the uncompressed size, this uses the compression algothithm defined with the "comtype" command
        else  # If uncompressed size is lesser or equal than compressed size, it means that the file is NOT compressed, so we use "log" which just extracts the file
        # Simply extracts the file and saves it just like is specified in "FILE_FULL_PATH", OFFSET is what byte of the .PAZ file the file start and SIZE is the file size
            log FILE_PATH OFFSET SIZE
        encryption "" ""

    next i

startfunction SET_ENCRYPTION
        encryption ice "\x51\xF3\x0F\x11\x04\x24\x6A\x00"

It works with the latest pad00000.meta so you can use it to extract all files of the game using this file.
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Vivacious Visitor
Mar 18, 2016
how to change original names ?

I don't know the meanings to Choose folder with textures extracted from PAZ


Potential Patron
Jul 5, 2016
Thanks for your contribution to make such a nice mod, BlackFire!

I'm interested in your Resorepless nude mod, so if I have chance, I want to study how it is working.
Do you have a plan to share the source code of your nude mod?
If so, I would very appreciate for your kindness. Thanks!


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Thanks for your contribution to make such a nice mod, BlackFire!

I'm interested in your Resorepless nude mod, so if I have chance, I want to study how it is working.
Do you have a plan to share the source code of your nude mod?
If so, I would very appreciate for your kindness. Thanks!
I sent you a PM with the source code and some explanations ;)


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 18, 2016
hi, It's me again

I Have one problem

others female characters works well, but only ranger texture not working well..


  • 2016-08-09_170354629.png
    223.2 KB · Views: 237


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
hi, is it possible to resize legs and ass like plus size ? and explain how to please
You're gonna have to download this:

Instructions :
1 - Put the content of the zip file into your Black Desert Online root folder (E.g:"C:\Program Files(x86)\Black Desert Online\")
Note: If you have a "live" folder, extract it to the "live" folder instead.

2 - Go into your PAZ folder and run BreastSizePatcher.exe

3 - Press 1 to install the patch.

4 - Select your corresponding game region.

5 - Go to Black Desert Online\gamecommondata\customization\your_class\customizationboneparamdesc_your_class.xml

6. press ctr+f and search "Thigh" and "Calf" and "Pelvis", change max value for left and right parts.

For example:

<ParamDesc Index="143" Min="0.70 0.70 0.70" Max="5.25 5.25 5.25" Default="1.00 1.00 1.00" BoneName="Bip01 L Thigh" PartName="base_basebody" Component="S" WeightAxis01="X" WeightAxis02="Y" WeightAxis03="Z"/>
<ParamDesc Index="144" Min="0.70 0.70 0.70" Max="5.25 5.25 5.25" Default="1.00 1.00 1.00" BoneName="Bip01 R Thigh" PartName="base_basebody" Component="S" WeightAxis01="X" WeightAxis02="Y" WeightAxis03="Z"/>

I change max value to 5.25, for default is 1.25

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