Black Desert Online Modding Tools (2 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
Dec 7, 2012
Can you explain how to use? Drag and drop seems to simple, since pactool has options such as -c. -r. -m ect

I just use it in the simplest way. I just copy the command switches from the batch file included in the zip. I did not know it had more complex stuff.

Right now if you drag a PAC file it uses -c. If it is a dae file it uses -r.

Can you please tell me all the different switches. I am unable to find any information on them.

I will try and update it to include all the different switches. Hopefully sometime this weekend.
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Kitty Ears

Swell Supporter
Apr 13, 2016
It's in the pactool text file.

Conversion mode:
"-c [PAC file] [PAB file]"

Converts PAC model files to DAE files (one DAE per mesh in PAC file). PAB file is not necessary, but DAE file will not contain any weight/joint data if it's not provided.

Mesh replace mode:
"-r [DAE file] [PAC file] [PAB file]"

Replaces one mesh in a PAC file with a mesh stored in a DAE file. PAB file not required, but no new weights data will be applied unless it's provided.

Mesh merge mode:
"-m [DAE file] [PAC file] [PAB file]"

Merges one mesh in PAC file with a mesh stored in a DAE file. PAB file not required, but no new weights data will be applied unless it's provided.

Merge mode uses vertex colors as guideline. Vertices with any colour (RGB value higher than 0,0,0) are seen as new vertices, and these will replace original vertices covering the same area. This mode is intended for updating only a specific part of multiple meshes which are extremely similar, so it is VERY important that the vertex colors stretch out to a part of the mesh which is identical to the original.

For instance, if you're updating a sword model and you only change the hilt, you want the vertex colors to cover the entire hilt and also move up to a part of the mesh which is identical (in this case, that would be the bottom part of the blade).

Since the mode relies on vertex colors for the merge process, it'll use vertex colors from the original PAC mesh which are closest so the new vertices.

Optional command line arguments:
"-replaceAllLOD" (for replace and merge modes)

Each mesh has 3 LOD versions in PAC files. If you use this option (and you're replacing with a LOD0 mesh), LOD1 and LOD2 will be replaced with same mesh.

"-colorCoding" (for replace and merge modes)

This will reference vertex colors to determine what data to replace and what to keep from original mesh. White (1,1,1) will be seen as an indicator to copy all types of data. Red (1,0,0) is for vertex positions and vertex normals. Green (0,1,0) is for weight information. Blue (0,0,1) is for UV data.

For instance, if you color vertices with red and blue (1,0,1) the tool will apply new vertex positions, normals, and UV positions, but for weights it will use data from the original mesh which are closest to the new vertices.

The code checks if values are higher than 0, so any hint of blue in the RGB value will been as blue.

Enabling this option will make it use vertex colors from original mesh (based on vertices which are closest).


Only use DAE files containing one mesh.

Do not rename the DAE files. PACtool relies on the filename to determine which specific mesh and LOD to replace.

Some 3d modelling programs might handle DAE files in a way which is not compatible with PACtool. If things aren't working, try importing/exporting DAE files with another program.

Vertex normal generation in this tool is not as good as whatever solution the developer is using, so certain geometry will not look as good as the original meshes. Unless you're importing a whole new mesh, I recommend relying on merge mode or color coding to ensure untouched parts of the mesh are not modified in any way."


Vivacious Visitor
Dec 7, 2012
Ah thank you. For some unknown reason I did not have the readme.txt file in my pactools directory. I had to get the zip again. Thank you.


Vivacious Visitor
Dec 7, 2012
Updated to include switches mentioned in the readme.txt file. Also I include all the files this time around. Sorry, I am new to this release thing, but I think I got everything this time around.

Let me know if there is anything else. Thanks



PACTool GUI Release 2018-08-06.rar
653.5 KB · Views: 488

Kitty Ears

Swell Supporter
Apr 13, 2016
Can't say for sure since I've never used BMS, but this seems like a memory issue.

Oh my goodness i never saw your reply. You mean like my systems memory? I have 16gb, should not be an issue.
You have never used BMS? Is there a better tool for extraction I am not aware of?


Potential Patron
Feb 19, 2018
Hello there !
Any hint on where I can find the startup logos files, so that I can edit them ?
Thanks !


Avid Affiliate
Dec 28, 2016
If you want background images from loading screens, try paths ui_texture/new_ui_common_forlua/window/loading/*.dds or ui_texture/new_ui_common_forlua/window/lobby/*.dds
If you want company logo, it should be ui_texture/ or ui_texture/


Potential Patron
Feb 19, 2018
If you want background images from loading screens, try paths ui_texture/new_ui_common_forlua/window/loading/*.dds or ui_texture/new_ui_common_forlua/window/lobby/*.dds
If you want company logo, it should be ui_texture/ or ui_texture/

Thank you !


Vivacious Visitor
Sep 7, 2017

Only use DAE files containing one mesh.
Updated to include switches mentioned in the readme.txt file.
How do you convert DAE files back to PAC if the PAC contains more than 1 mesh?

I extracted 6 DEA files from a pac. Edited the first one. But when I try to convert it back to PAC and merge all the other DAE files, only the first one remains edited.

EDIT: idk wtf i did, but the merge thing wasn't working so I just wrote the PAC file 6 times, changing the one edited DAE file name to the file name of each of the 6 individual mesh names one at a time, and it works now. That's probably not what i'm supposed to be doing but it works now so... uh... cool


the middle part i removed by just deleting the texture.

I had to remove the bottom ring in blender cuz the texture is also used in the top part as well as the holahoop thing. If u just delete the texture it looks like this:

It makes me lose my fuzzies around my wrists and around the boobies. I liked the fuzzies so I removed the hulahoop in blender.
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Potential Patron
Apr 27, 2012
I came back after some months and see that some armor edits (pac file changes) dont work. THey get applied succesfully in metainjector but not ingame. Armors are vanilla.

Like I said, for some reason some edits work but others dont.

Whats the reason for this?

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