Black Desert Online Resorepless Nude Mod (13 Viewers)


Avid Affiliate
Mar 13, 2016
I’ve confirmed with a number of other users who also use costume mods that they also have _ao file size errors that resulted in only witch/dk mods to work properly, while having errors with the rest of the classes. Simply using resorepless to turn off underwear without any dds edits in files_to_patch works fine. Hoping BlackFire or UndercoverPervert can look into this if they have the time (I noticed “fix ao file size error” was one of the updates in an earlier resorepless changelog, so hopefully this one can be resolved as well.)


Swell Supporter
Mar 16, 2016
It looks like Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is occluding parts of the characters body mesh revealing the rough polygons that comprise the upper torso.

Are you using the 3D vagina option with the enhanced nipples in your screen shots? Since I too have noticed this with that mod being applied.

To get around this you can either: play on Ultra, turn SSAO off, or just use the regular nude mod without the modified mesh.

The default SSAO isn't that great and I hope they are still working on it.

I have noticed that with Ultra settings enabled the SSAO is much better and you will barely notice the mesh's rough polygons.

Other than that you want to stick with that mod you will either have to: wait and see if the devs improve the SSAO or hope that someone improves mods mesh.

I hope this helps!

It is still working for me after the patch.

I can confirm that the issue is between modified mesh and SSAO on remastered mode, however Ultra setting doesn't improve it for me like you are reporting.

Alternative method could be to use normal map to provide 3d illusion .

I have to say the remaster version of bdo make the skin look very nice :O i made 2 screen on my current playing char so see the difference remaster vs original (no issues with resorepless so far
Yes it is basically the original game skin texture but with nips on, no change to the character models.
You are definitely using 3d nipple model, its maehwai think
p6.jpg would look like this with vanilla model. You probably don't see the issues because your slider settings don't scale the model too much. Try going for max sliders and see if you have issues.


Potential Patron
Jun 10, 2012
I can confirm that the issue is between modified mesh and SSAO on remastered mode, however Ultra setting doesn't improve it for me like you are reporting.

Alternative method could be to use normal map to provide 3d illusion .

You are definitely using 3d nipple model, its maehwai think
View attachment 78461 would look like this with vanilla model. You probably don't see the issues because your slider settings don't scale the model too much. Try going for max sliders and see if you have issues.

When I was testing Ultra settings it was at night and it did help, but I later found out Ultra only helped in some lighting situations. It it appears there is a Gaussian blur on the body or some other visual effect at play during the night when using Ultra. This lead me to believe Ultra would help. I tested Ultra during the day time and the problem still persists.

You are quite right to point out that the more you increase the sliders for each body part size the more noticeable the problem will be. It appears the more you increase size of a body part the more it stretches the polygons that comprise it. Modding the sliders to increase breast size even further will cause this to happen with the vanilla model too at a certain point.

hello, patch is working. But it wont remove the starter underwear anmore?!
anybody know help or is it bugged?
(had reinstalled and set to remove starter, but normal underwear is shown anyway)

It works for me. View attachment 2018-08-24_491104700.PNG

Try this:
1) Delete all the mods from your PAZ folder.
2) Then run the launcher repair mode.
3) Extract all mods to PAZ folder
4) Run and install the latest BDOToolkit Installer
5) Run resorepless. Dial in your settings and when you are done choose install.
6) When the BDO Toolkit Power Meta Injector opens up select "Run Injector" and make sure you choose "Keep files and folders structures from the files_to_patch folder. (Recommended)" is selected.

I literally have to do this every time the game patches to avoid files from either not working or being corrupted. Restore backup no longer works for me at all. I hope this helps.
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Avid Affiliate
Mar 13, 2016
You are definitely using 3d nipple model, its maehwai think
View attachment 78461 would look like this with vanilla model. You probably don't see the issues because your slider settings don't scale the model too much. Try going for max sliders and see if you have issues.

No I’m not. I think you might be quoting the wrong person or are mistaken about the problem I highlighted on the previous page. I’m using the vanilla model without 3D but with the textures from an earlier resorepless version (3.0X). Thanks for trying to help though.


  • 2018-08-23_2585114.png
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Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2017
On Russian server everything is kinda works, Even 3d nipples and all that. But it looks like the textures are missing on the most of the characters excluding witch and mystic.

Also kunoichi does have hole at the "panties"

And Ran has dark spot on her body. (occulusion map of her armor i guess)

I would be very grateful if you could help with these problems.
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Avid Affiliate
Mar 13, 2016
On Russian server everything is kinda works, Even 3d nipples and all that. But it looks like the textures are missing on the most of the characters excluding witch and mystic.
Also kunoichi does have hole at the "panties"
And Ran has dark spot on her body.
I would be very grateful if you could help with these problems.

I have the same issues as this - missing textures ingame, holes in character, costume not working etc. You are either using costume mods or made changes to your partcutdesc.xml correct? This isn't a problem with 3D or no 3D, I'm pretty sure it is because of _ao file size mismatches while running resorepless that causes it to generate a texture_thumbnail folder in files_to_patch\.resorepless with duplicate textures. These duplicate textures do not run properly when you use "Let the program decide where they should go" in the metainjector, causing your custom mods to fail ingame. Or at least that's what I concluded with my limited knowledge, BlackFire may have something else to say. Best solution is to wait for him to make changes to resorepless to fix.


Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2017
I have the same issues as this - missing textures ingame, holes in character, costume not working etc. You are either using costume mods or made changes to your partcutdesc.xml correct? This isn't a problem with 3D or no 3D, I'm pretty sure it is because of _ao file size mismatches while running resorepless that causes it to generate a texture_thumbnail folder in files_to_patch\.resorepless with duplicate textures. These duplicate textures do not run properly when you use "Let the program decide where they should go" in the metainjector, causing your custom mods to fail ingame. Or at least that's what I concluded with my limited knowledge, BlackFire may have something else to say. Best solution is to wait for him to make changes to resorepless to fix.
Im actually didnt used or changed anything
P.S i did choose "Let the program decide where they should go" in the metainjector, and the question is - should i really choose it when i dont have anything other added/changed?


Avid Affiliate
Mar 13, 2016
Im actually didnt used or changed anything
Have you used resorepless/metainject before or after the remaster? Can you tell me the steps that you did to install resorepless then? If you never changed anything it should be able to work, try using the "keep files and folder structures from the 'files_to_patch' folder. (recommended)" option in metainjector.


Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2017
Have you used resorepless/metainject before or after the remaster? Can you tell me the steps that you did to install resorepless then? If you never changed anything it should be able to work, try using the "keep files and folder structures from the 'files_to_patch' folder. (recommended)" option in metainjector.
Yes i did used it before the remaster and everything was working fine. Also I did everything step by step what said in the instructions, and when resorepless.exe was done it said to change option on "Let the program decide where they should go", so i did that. Also i will try with other one in a minute.

P.S I did tried the first one option and it worked, thanks for that. Also i might be looking forward using costume mods, but for now im statified enough and i will just wait for the update, thanks again.
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Potential Patron
Apr 27, 2012
I've had problems before the patch too. I didnt play for months.
I had many edited .pacs (costumes) Some work, some dont.
After the remaster patch many more things dont work. Many more costumes not being applied (even though it says succesfull in meta injector)
Skin textures dont work at all now.


Potential Patron
Aug 25, 2018
Hello. Please help me. After I've done all the instructions, I started "Restore N 'Patch" and then the game itself. Immediately after the "Restore N 'Patch' worked the launcher issued an error and recommended me to check the game files. When I ran the second time "Restore N 'Patch" it couldn't find the pad00000.meta


Potential Patron
Jun 11, 2016
resorepless doesnt work if i set it let the program decide path
meta injector doesnt work if i choose keep the file path
some of files inside files to patch not appear on game
i think some of texture files renamed after remaster


Avid Affiliate
Mar 13, 2016
Solution to modded textures for now:
1) Run resorepless and install
2) Place all your modded textures into the files_to_patch/.resorepless/character/texture folder. Make sure your textures are in .resorepless and not a separate directory
3) Run metainjector and “Keep files and folder paths”

and it should work. Just make sure you have a copy of your modded textures elsewhere because resorepless will delete all files in the .resorepless folder each time you run it.


Avid Affiliate
Mar 13, 2016
No. Do not suggest anyone to put their custom files in the .resorepless folder. Do not suggest them to move files out of the .resorepless folder.

That is a temporary solution, until you/Blackfire manage to come up with a fix. I’m glad you replied - I hope you understand the context of the problem a lot of us are currently facing post-remaster. The “Let the program decide” option in meta-injector is not working for those of us who have custom texture mods outside resorepless, due to ao size mismatches in resorepless that result in duplicate file errors in metainjector. This didn’t exist pre-remaster update. Only “Keep file and folder structures” works, and that only works for custom mods if they are in .resorepless at the moment. I highlighted the issue on pg 256, a number of the subsequent posts by other players from then are regarding the same thing.

I’ll be happy to provide any info/screenshots on this problem that you may need to help discuss the issue. It is really something a lot of us are facing.
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Content Creator
Aug 9, 2016
No offense for the amount of work you’ve put in for everyone, but I was hoping for more than a 1 sentence answer for the amount I’ve written the last couple pages. Does everything work perfectly for you post-remaster?
The same false claim was made numerous times, and an explanation about why the claim is false and why you shouldn't tamper with the .resorepless folder was made way too many times.

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