BnS Nude mods (5 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
First of all, if you check auto error reporting when you install BnS, then remove it and reinstall. DO NOT CHECK AUTO ERROR REPORTING. AND EVEN IF YOUR BnS CHRASHING, DO NOT SEND ERROR REPORT To BnS. (You know that. They can analyse error report and uMod can be blocked.)

Dear ak001, I said that it takes some times.. Here are skins. View attachment skins 흑신시.zip
Download it and try it on uMod alpha v2 r49.

There are two same *.dds skins working on 1920x1080 resolustion and option level 5. Be sure that before you click update(reload) button, you should check your uMod can detect BnS on your computer. So, after the client will pop up, you should set hotkeys and save forder, then click update button. Like this. K-43.png
If you can't see the red lines below the game title, it means that your computer is on low performance. You don't need to do something more. Just exit the game and try it again until you can see the red lines. (You have to see the red lines - normal textures : nothing selected(
Please shut down the most every programs even if anti-virus programs. Or try gamebooster on uMod.
But I said before my post that I recommend you overclocking your CPU. When you Overclocking your CPU, it performs very nice. And then, Open both textures. (You don't need to concern OTP above pic. It just cell phone password)

And Do not Click update button yet, before you select character and wait until the map completely on your computer.(Sorry for my poor english. I said that I'm korean.) And then click the update(reload) button.
You don't need to switch resolution or other grapich options.

If your BnS option is not 1920x1080 and level 5 options, then uncheck Save options and show message.. and click Update button. And make your options to 1920x1080, level 5. And click '확인'. And then comeback to uMod, rechk Save options and show message.. and click Update buttoon. Maybe you can watch the red lines. I recommend to you windows mode.

After your option is complete, click upate(reload) button. Then you'll see. K-47.png K-48.png

I didn't test it a lot. And I wonder, the two *.dds files are same name and resolution. But the capturing PLACE is different. The First captured before select character, and Second is captured in dungeon(바다뱀-보급기지). Unlike basic skins, the most skins seems to need more graphics to load. So I think I've to test my skins all of the place on BnS and gathering the same naming code *.dds files.

Well.. Anyway, just try it. And the skins are not edit completely. Because you're angry at me for I'm just enjoy this situation..?? I'm not. So I hurried up. :-(

Be patient. Until last Friday I didn't know that BnS can be on nude mode. Becasue I'm not playing in very oftenly these days. And I'm not good at computer. I Just searching and questioning and gathering some information in 3 days. It's too short time to test a skins acting on a whole map.


If you wanted edit this skins, you just install SmoothDraw 3.2.11 and DXTBmp.
Open *.dds on SmoothDraw and edit it. And save it to *.tga. And convert it back to *.dds DXT5 by DXTBmp. Be sure that do not change the name of *.dds file. If editing skins is done, replace it on uMod and click update(replace).


  • K-42.png
    785.4 KB · Views: 293
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Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
Now, I'm on uploading a tutorial video on Vimeo. I set a Private password. password is 'carl1905'. I have to go university right now, so I will edit above Post in the evening and write video address. You can see the tutorial video in the night.


Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2012
Wow! I will try with v2 r49. Thanks!!
+ You must find 3 kinds of files, for 1 costume.
like these.View attachment 8176View attachment 8178View attachment 8177
then edit all of them. It's a hot grease...
First of all, if you check auto error reporting when you install BnS, then remove it and reinstall. DO NOT CHECK AUTO ERROR REPORTING. AND EVEN IF YOUR BnS CHRASHING, DO NOT SEND ERROR REPORT To BnS. (You know that. They can analyse error report and uMod can be blocked.)

Dear ak001, I said that it takes some times.. Here are skins. View attachment 8170
Download it and try it on uMod alpha v2 r49.

There are two same *.dds skins working on 1920x1080 resolustion and option level 5. Be sure that before you click update(reload) button, you should check your uMod can detect BnS on your computer. So, after the client will pop up, you should set hotkeys and save forder, then click update button. Like this. View attachment 8172
If you can't see the red lines below the game title, it means that your computer is on low performance. You don't need to do something more. Just exit the game and try it again until you can see the red lines. (You have to see the red lines - normal textures : nothing selected(
Please shut down the most every programs even if anti-virus programs. Or try gamebooster on uMod.
But I said before my post that I recommend you overclocking your CPU. When you Overclocking your CPU, it performs very nice. And then, Open both textures. (You don't need to concern OTP above pic. It just cell phone password)

And Do not Click update button yet, before you select character and wait until the map completely on your computer.(Sorry for my poor english. I said that I'm korean.) And then click the update(reload) button.
You don't need to switch resolution or other grapich options.

If your BnS option is not 1920x1080 and level 5 options, then uncheck Save options and show message.. and click Update button. And make your options to 1920x1080, level 5. And click '확인'. And then comeback to uMod, rechk Save options and show message.. and click Update buttoon. Maybe you can watch the red lines. I recommend to you windows mode.

After your option is complete, click upate(reload) button. Then you'll see.View attachment 8173View attachment 8174

I didn't test it a lot. And I wonder, the two *.dds files are same name and resolution. But the capturing PLACE is different. The First captured before select character, and Second is captured in dungeon(바다뱀-보급기지). Unlike basic skins, the most skins seems to need more graphics to load. So I think I've to test my skins all of the place on BnS and gathering the same naming code *.dds files.

Well.. Anyway, just try it. And the skins are not edit completely. Because you're angry at me for I'm just enjoy this situation..?? I'm not. So I hurried up. :-(

Be patient. Until last Friday I didn't know that BnS can be on nude mode. Becasue I'm not playing in very oftenly these days. And I'm not good at computer. I Just searching and questioning and gathering some information in 3 days. It's too short time to test a skins acting on a whole map.


If you wanted edit this skins, you just install SmoothDraw 3.2.11 and DXTBmp.
Open *.dds on SmoothDraw and edit it. And save it to *.tga. And convert it back to *.dds DXT5 by DXTBmp. Be sure that do not change the name of *.dds file. If editing skins is done, replace it on uMod and click update(replace).
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Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2012
carl1905님 혹시 언제 원격조종 한번 해주실수 있나요?
영어 해석해서 해보았으나 적용이 안되는 군요 (win7 64bit)
안되시면 혹 한글로 알려주실 수 있나요?
해상도가 1920x1080 해상도가 존재하지 않는데 그럼 적용 못시키는 건가요?
carl1905 by you when a remote control once haejusilsu?
By interpreting the English did, but do not apply (win7 64bit)
Lump Hangul andoesimyeon Can you tell me?
Resolution 1920x1080 resolution does not exist So not to apply?
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Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
carl1905님 혹시 언제 원격조종 한번 해주실수 있나요?
영어 해석해서 해보았으나 적용이 안되는 군요 (win7 64bit)
안되시면 혹 한글로 알려주실 수 있나요?
해상도가 1920x1080 해상도가 존재하지 않는데 그럼 적용 못시키는 건가요?
한국섭 플레이 하고 계신다면 바니바니리븐(혈풍섭) 으로 대화나 쪽지 주시면 감사하겠습니다 (_ _)

음.. 저는 혈풍섭에는 아이디가 없네요. ^^; 이 과정은 원격조정으로 지도는 가능하지만 실행 불가능합니다. 왜냐하면 저도 오버클러킹 상태에서 gamebooster까지 쓰면서 사용하기 때문에 원격조정하면 메모리가 할당이 덜되어 구동되지 않거나 컴퓨터가 연산을 따라가지 못해서 충돌이 일어날 것입니다. 자세한 과정은 제가 저녁에 동영상 업로드를 할 예정이니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Well ...I do ID hyeolpung interference ^ ^ The process map into a remote control, but the execution is not possible. Is because there is a conflict could not be there because I wrote overclocking gamebooster to use remote control, less memory allocation is not driven or computer operations along. More courses in the evening I plan to upload videos, please note that the
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Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
New 흑신시 skins


+plus - Follow tutorial Video, password is my nickname.
튜토리얼을 따라하여 주세요. 암호는 저의 닉네임입니다.

If you want to watch the tutorial in HD, visit password is same.
HD로 감상하시려면 위의 주소로 이동하여 암호를 입력하세요. 암호는 저의 닉네임입니다.

Note that
I'm using intel i7 2600k(Overclock, 4.5Ghz), 8.00GB(RAM), geforce gtx 660, Windows7 Ultimate 64 bit (I'm not using SSD, my HDD is just normal.)
제 컴퓨터 사양에 준수하는 컴퓨터로 실행하여주세요. 그렇지 않은 경우 컴퓨터가 연산을 처리하지 못합니다.

Use Save single texture and show message in the upper left corner just for checking the uMod is working well in your comp. If you can see red-lines, uncheck save/show message options and click update to reduce your risk. If you keep turn it on that settings, your game can would be shutdown.

single texture and show message 옵션은 red-line 체크 용도로만 활용하시고, 확인하셨다면 이를 끄고 update 버튼을 눌러 비활성화 적용시키세요. red-line이 발견되었다면 튜토리얼에서처럼 해제하시고 단지 스킨만 적용해서 사용하는 것이 컴퓨터에 부담이 덜됩니다. 이후 스킨 파일을 받아서 열면 적용이 됩니다.

And I edit 흑신시 skins(진 race Jin). Ver 2.0. It works great on uMod alpha v2.0 r49.

Download my skins => View attachment 흑신시 skins ver

You can download uMod alpha v2.0 r49 on uMod developer =>

This skins has no problems. It works cool. I test it most of the maps on BnS.
But if your option level is below 4, the skin will not work. It works between level 4~5.

진 여 전용 흑신시 스킨입니다. uMod alpha v2.0 r49버전을 사용하여 주세요.
옵션은 4~5에서만 작동하며 1920x1080 해상도를 권장합니다. 물론 그 이하도 적용은 됩니다만 게임 실행도중 변경하면 shut down되니 uMod와 같이 실행시에는 왠만하면 해상도는 변경하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.

Some of snap shots of my skins.
K-49.png K-50.png K-51.png K-52.png K-53.png K-54.png K-55.png K-56.png K-57.png

Enjoy it. If you encounter a problem, leave a message.
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Potential Patron
Oct 29, 2012
제 cpu 가 intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz 인데 cpu때문에 안되는거 같은데 맞나요?
오버클럭도 안되 있어여 ;; 혹 오버클럭하면 될까여?
그리구 성공 실패 여부에 ram 도 영양을 미치나여?
그래픽카드는 지포스 9800입니다


I use intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz. I think that I can't use uMod because of my cpu(no overclocking). right?
If I do overclocking, It will run?
and RAM affects uMod??
my graphic card is GeForce9800

I'm poor at English. sorry Gandalf
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모든 사람들이 영어 번역 글에 그럴 필요는 없지 그래서 추가하시기 바랍니다.
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제 cpu 가 intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz 인데 cpu때문에 안되는거 같은데 맞나요?
오버클럭도 안되 있어여 ;; 혹 오버클럭하면 될까여?
그리구 성공 실패 여부에 ram 도 영양을 미치나여?
그래픽카드는 지포스 9800입니다


I use intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz. I think that I can't use uMod because of my cpu(no overclocking). right?
If I do overclocking, It will run?
and RAM affects uMod??
my graphic card is GeForce9800

I'm poor at English. sorry

That's ok as long as there is a translation with your post.:)


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
제 cpu 가 intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz 인데 cpu때문에 안되는거 같은데 맞나요?
오버클럭도 안되 있어여 ;; 혹 오버클럭하면 될까여?
그리구 성공 실패 여부에 ram 도 영양을 미치나여?
그래픽카드는 지포스 9800입니다


I use intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz. I think that I can't use uMod because of my cpu(no overclocking). right?
If I do overclocking, It will run?
and RAM affects uMod??
my graphic card is GeForce9800

I'm poor at English. sorry Gandalf

Yes. You have to upgrade your computer. If you want to palying BnS with uMod you need at least 3.5Ghz for simple basic nude skins. And if you want to use my skins, you have to Overclocking. I'm using 4.5 Ghz. It is impossible run uMod and Bns with 2.50Ghz.

네 맞습니다. 사양이 너무 낮으시네요. 2.5Ghz로는 아무것도 할 수 없습니다.


Potential Patron
Jul 8, 2012
Yes. You have to upgrade your computer. If you want to palying BnS with uMod you need at least 3.5Ghz for simple basic nude skins. And if you want to use my skins, you have to Overclocking. I'm using 4.5 Ghz. It is impossible run uMod and Bns with 2.50Ghz.

네 맞습니다. 사양이 너무 낮으시네요. 2.5Ghz로는 아무것도 할 수 없습니다.

한국분을 여기서 보다니..
mod 제작하시고 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다.


thanks. mod create & share


Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2012
제 cpu 가 intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz 인데 cpu때문에 안되는거 같은데 맞나요?
오버클럭도 안되 있어여 ;; 혹 오버클럭하면 될까여?
그리구 성공 실패 여부에 ram 도 영양을 미치나여?
그래픽카드는 지포스 9800입니다


I use intel core 2 quad q9300 2.50GHz. I think that I can't use uMod because of my cpu(no overclocking). right?
If I do overclocking, It will run?
and RAM affects uMod??
my graphic card is GeForce9800

I'm poor at English. sorry Gandalf
For help, In my case - CPU: i5-3550 3.3Ghz, Ram 8Gb, GTX560ti, Win7ult 64bit.
and it works. (With out GameBooster)
It must be minimum condition.(or not? whatever...)
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Potential Patron
May 4, 2012
Yes. You have to upgrade your computer. If you want to palying BnS with uMod you need at least 3.5Ghz for simple basic nude skins. And if you want to use my skins, you have to Overclocking. I'm using 4.5 Ghz. It is impossible run uMod and Bns with 2.50Ghz.

네 맞습니다. 사양이 너무 낮으시네요. 2.5Ghz로는 아무것도 할 수 없습니다.
how did you find out its impossible to run umod at 2.5ghz? and at least 3.5ghz?


Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2012
View attachment 8200View attachment 8201View attachment 8202View attachment 8203
I made third version. Add vagina. But in this colothes, Jin's has no underskins. So it looks like wearing panty.
Enjoy it. Download skin => View attachment 8204[/QUOTE]

Every Costumes has 3~5 related Files.
I'll give you someting for reference.
it's a "jin"Race Underwear. Download= View attachment 8210
hich Files affect "color", affect "texture", affect "gloss". (I guess)
Look at the vagina part.
and good luck!
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