BnS Nude mods (6 Viewers)

Ангел Мечты

Content Creator
Jun 21, 2012

not work

mabe game booster version?


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
View attachment 8200View attachment 8201View attachment 8202View attachment 8203
I made third version. Add vagina. But in this colothes, Jin's has no underskins. So it looks like wearing panty.
Enjoy it. Download skin => View attachment 8204

Every Costumes has 3~5 related Files.
I'll give you someting for reference.
it's a "jin"Race Underwear. Download= View attachment 8210
hich Files affect "color", affect "texture", affect "gloss". (I guess)
Look at the vagina part.
and good luck![/QUOTE]

Thank you hops! I'll try it!


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
how did you find out its impossible to run umod at 2.5ghz? and at least 3.5ghz?

how did you find out its impossible to run umod at 2.5ghz? and at least 3.5ghz?

At first, I think uMod rely on CPU speed. Actually, after once I overclock my comp, I test my skins under normal mode.
I drop my CPU Speed 4.5Ghz to 3.5Ghz, however, it works! (Why..?) View attachment 8212

I tried it several times and never failed. Now I'm not overclocking my comp.
I just delete some useless programs and turned off anti-virus programs,gamebooster and utorrent.


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
The main problem is (d7jrb2 also said that..) uMod's Know bugs

known_bugs - texmod - Universal Modding Engine - uMod games on the fly! - Google Project Hosting

"uMod needs the dll to be injected before the game calls the Direct3DCreate9() function. Somehow on Win XP for some game, the hook is installed to late, thus the game has already called Direct3DCreate9() and uMod recognize the game (the tab opens), but cannot modify it."

So I tried to force injection. And it works. But shutdown in a 1~3 minute. K-65.png

If you trying to force injection, anti-varus programs or other things Doesn't matter.
d3d9.dll can be injected by yourself before the BnS calls the Direct3DCreate9().
And then uMod can detect and modify BnS.

But BnS seems to detect dll injection. (Anti-Injection based programs.)
The reason uMod can work with BnS is Hook Injection, not Injection.

Or d3d9.dll and d3dx9_35.dll Crash. (If you trying to force injection)

As a result, uMod's golobal hooking is too late. (Need upgrade)
And it seems to rely on CPU speed. CPU speed may cover the uMod injection speed.

So if you overclock or enhance your CPU speed then uMod work well.


  • K-65.png
    257.4 KB · Views: 155
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Potential Patron
May 4, 2012
The main problem is (d7jrb2 also said that..) uMod's Know bugs

known_bugs - texmod - Universal Modding Engine - uMod games on the fly! - Google Project Hosting

"uMod needs the dll to be injected before the game calls the Direct3DCreate9() function. Somehow on Win XP for some game, the hook is installed to late, thus the game has already called Direct3DCreate9() and uMod recognize the game (the tab opens), but cannot modify it."

So I tried to force injection. And it works. But shutdown in a 1~3 minute.View attachment 8280

If you trying to force injection, anti-varus programs or other things Doesn't matter.
d3d9.dll can be injected by yourself before the BnS calls the Direct3DCreate9().
And then uMod can detect and modify BnS.

But BnS seems to detect dll injection. (Anti-Injection based programs.)
The reason uMod can work with BnS is Hook Injection, not Injection.

Or d3d9.dll and d3dx9_35.dll Crash. (If you trying to force injection)

As a result, uMod's golobal hooking is too late. (Need upgrade)
And it seems to rely on CPU speed. CPU speed may cover the uMod injection speed.

So if you overclock or enhance your CPU speed then uMod work well.
thats some great informations! thank you. But is there a way to get umod working without overclocking? some CPUs are pre-unlocked from overclocking, some are semi locked. For my comp, it cant be overclocked, its win8 quad core 2.4ghz, maximum clock speed is 3.4ghz. I always have the Turbo mode enabled, but it still makes umod very inconsistent.

Also, with the game booster, I shut almost every unnecessary windows/non-windows services/programs, and the inconsistency issues is still there (ie, interference by other program/services still isnt the true causes? therefore proofs what carl1905 said can be very well be true? .....I really want to find a friend with a overclockable PC to test it out. carl1905, is umod working consistently after you overclocked? did you mentioned after once you overclocked, you returns cpu speed back to normal, and it still works consistently? why is that though?). In fact, I cant even inject once, unless I do that deleting launcher trick, which I delete NClauncher/plugin folder, and copy it from external disk. And even if I do this trick, it still take a few times to succeed. When I do this trick, its usually like that:

do the deleting launcher trick(I dunno why it works...sometimes, but without that, never works. maybe somebody can have explaination on this), blue progress bar appeared when launch launcher.
1st time: injected, game crashed
2nd time: injected, game crashed again
3rd time: no injection, game runs => failed, game runs normal. no injections are made

then I redo the launcher trick.
4th time: injected, game crashed
5th time: injected, game runs => succeed


1st time: injected, game crashed
2nd time: injected, game runs => succeed

it goes like this pattern.........anyway, I kept a record of each steps taken and outcomes everytime.

once injection is successful and game runs, I wont get a game crash during mid of play, unless I either popup the task manager, or I change lots of ingame graphics setting(this shows the instability of game, even after everything is running normal, as carl1905 said, its still due to CPU speed?). but if the game crashes during mid of play, I usually just do nothing(with gamebooster on) and relog into game from official site, injections will always work and game will run the first time try.

{in fact my CPU never gets to 3.4ghz, to the highest I saw will be 3.35ghz around. For the inconsistency issue, is there anything to do with umod compatibility mode/windows version/admin mode? also some computers have a SSD caching drive that comes with motherboard.....err..anything to do with this?}
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Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
No red lines no
Hmm... Exactly I'm not sure. What is the real matter. I'm also sometimes fail to load skin when I turn off overclocking.

There is a way to load skins. But I said it above post that it will shutdown in a 1~3 minute.
So I'm not gonna write down how to force load a skin..

Try another method. (I'm not sure but..)

Installed on D drive. (I mean Extra HDD)

And Download another d3d9.dll => View attachment
Replace it in the uMod d3d9.dll. And reboot your comp and try it again several times.


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
thats some great informations! thank you. But is there a way to get umod working without overclocking? some CPUs are pre-unlocked from overclocking, some are semi locked. For my comp, it cant be overclocked, its win8 quad core 2.4ghz, maximum clock speed is 3.4ghz. I always have the Turbo mode enabled, but it still makes umod very inconsistent.

Also, with the game booster, I shut almost every unnecessary windows/non-windows services/programs, and the inconsistency issues is still there (ie, interference by other program/services still isnt the true causes? therefore proofs what carl1905 said can be very well be true? .....I really want to find a friend with a overclockable PC to test it out. carl1905, is umod working consistently after you overclocked? did you mentioned after once you overclocked, you returns cpu speed back to normal, and it still works consistently? why is that though?). In fact, I cant even inject once, unless I do that deleting launcher trick, which I delete NClauncher/plugin folder, and copy it from external disk. And even if I do this trick, it still take a few times to succeed. When I do this trick, its usually like that:

do the deleting launcher trick(I dunno why it works...sometimes, but without that, never works. maybe somebody can have explaination on this), blue progress bar appeared when launch launcher.
1st time: injected, game crashed
2nd time: injected, game crashed again
3rd time: no injection, game runs => failed, game runs normal. no injections are made

then I redo the launcher trick.
4th time: injected, game crashed
5th time: injected, game runs => succeed


1st time: injected, game crashed
2nd time: injected, game runs => succeed

it goes like this pattern.........anyway, I kept a record of each steps taken and outcomes everytime.

once injection is successful and game runs, I wont get a game crash during mid of play, unless I either popup the task manager, or I change lots of ingame graphics setting(this shows the instability of game, even after everything is running normal, so..still not a long term solution). but if the game crashes during mid of play, I usually just do nothing(with gamebooster on) and relog into game from official site, injections will always work and game will run the first time try.

{in fact my CPU never gets to 3.4ghz, to the highest I saw will be 3.35ghz around. For the inconsistency issue, is there anything to do with umod compatibility mode/windows version/admin mode? also some computers have a SSD caching drive that comes with motherboard.....err..anything to do with this?}

Ahh.. Are you using Windows 8..? One of uMod developer members said that it is not sure uMod works on Window 8.

"At the moment I don't have time for updates. I don't know when I have some time again, but I really hope, that I can develop uMod further.
I am sorry that I didn't answer on this issue.I don't have Windows 8. I cannot test on it and I cannot compile for it.It might be possible, that simply compiling it on Windows 8 can solve the problem, but there also might be a couple of problems to be solved before it runs under Win8 (e.g. DirectX incompatibility, calling convention-> detouring, ...).There might also be a bug in uMod, which is not affected under Win7 but under Win8.So at the moment I can only hope, that this problem get luckily solved while I develop uMod further. But there is the problem: I don't have any time at the moment ;-)"

Try it on Windows 7. And I'm not using admin. And I use poor HDD (not SSD)

Well.. After I post that things, I checked it more.
After I turn down my CPU speed to normal mode (4.5Ghz => 3.5Ghz) It works well.
But when I reboot my comp, Sometimes failed and sometimes success. But I'm not using gamebooster now.
And I'm not turn off anti-virus program. But it works.

And... I'm not sure.. but.. uMod would be friendly with Intel core..??
'hops' and I use same intel core and Gforce.

Consistently success

hops uses CPU: i5-3550 3.3Ghz, Ram 8Gb, GTX560ti, Win7ult 64bit.

Consistently success(When I overclock my comp. NEVER FAIL. I try it on about 50 times.) and pretty well success(normal mode, 10 try - 2 fail, 8 success)

In my case, CPU: i7 2600k, 3.5Ghz, Ram 8GB, GTX 660, Win7ult 64bit

And I can overclock just one click - change settings. It so simple. i7 2600k is not locked.
And you know that. Both on comp, uMod works well. (Dunno why..)
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Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2013
Here is a nude mod of NPC Yu-ran (유란). Download skin => View attachment Yu ran Nude
After you finish all of quest, you can meet her in front of 백청산맥(The next stage. It is not Open yet.)


*There is another nude mode for Yu-ran. When she wear a black clothes. But I'm clear all quest. (I have two 45 level character) To meet her in black clothes, I have to make a new character and play to meet her.
So I'm not sure I will make her another nude mode.
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Potential Patron
May 4, 2012
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Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2012
wow you are good! how did you how to connect the tattoos on body, when every parts of body textures are cutted and separated? like this :View attachment 8321?

Oh.... The answer is simple.
I got a Yu-ran's body texture.(she is Jin Race!)
and I'm not a 3D programer. :)
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Potential Patron
Dec 24, 2012
Here is a nude mod of NPC Yu-ran (유란). Download skin => View attachment 8290
After you finish all of quest, you can meet her in front of 백청산맥(The next stage. It is not Open yet.)

View attachment 8291View attachment 8292

*There is another nude mode for Yu-ran. When she wear a black clothes. But I'm clear all quest. (I have two 45 level character) To meet her in black clothes, I have to make a new character and play to meet her.
So I'm not sure I will make her another nude mode.

Your Chara Name has been exposed in the Screenshot.
I concerned about trouble. between NCsoft and you.
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