Shade said:
Which Template are you using to create the outfit in sclover? I can check out the FLA for you if you wish, though I'm more than happy to try troubleshoot here too.
I'm using the templates provided at the start of this thread, and seem to have remedied the initial problem I had. I now am trying to overcome a couple other issues that I can't quite tackle despite tediously going at it through a somewhat educated trial-and-error.
Maybe you could shed some light on possible solutions given that you have more experience than myself in this area.
Problem 1: As detailed in the included tutorials, to make the breast size changeable for a costume one must animate each frame individually to match the size. I have done this, however, instead of working with the slider the boobs (and corresponding chest) just cycle through as though they were an animation. Why wouldn't it be working properly? The only setting changed is that overwrite has been turned to false.
Problem 2: As per Kona's design, the shoulder is actually part of the back. I'd like the shoulder be part of the upper arm instead, or rather, have the illustrated part of the upper arm to supersede the back. This way I don't have to worry about clipping/breaking issues with the shoulder's intricate design. If this is not possible (which I sadly expect), is there any way to get the variables that indicate the difference between the 3 arm positions? This way I can just make three different back pieces for each arm position and just have them load when the arm is changed.
Problem 3: Is there really no way to override the bounders set for each body part? The back would be improved if it would load entire animations instead of just a cropped area. A good example of why this is needed is so that wings could be drawn right onto the back, as well, things such as open jackets could wrap around and partially cover the breasts.
If anyone has any solutions or work-arounds for any of the above please let me know! The sooner I get answers the sooner I can start turning out costumes ;)