Dead or Alive series (3 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
So conflicted right now, I have the GameStop exclusive edition right next to me. I just peeked on eBay though and see these things are going for around $200. I don't know if I should sell it and buy a regular edition copy or keep it. I'm leaning towards selling it, the regular in game costumes seem much nicer than the bikini ones.

I've seen them posted for Buy It Now $200, but that doesn't mean they'll get that much for it. One auction is getting $61 for all of the extras without the game, though. I opened mine. I bought it to be played and it didn't cost me a penny. I used store credit for it. :P

So far, I'm lovin' it. I haven't done any ryona yet, as I've just been playing through Story Mode to unlock characters and enjoy the story and I ran through Arcade on the Normal path with Hayabusa, but damn, these babes look REALLY good in 1080p. Screenshots just don't do them justice. I wasn't highly attracted to Tina in previous iterations, but she is friggin' smoking in this one. And Sarah's default outfit with those curves? Damn...

For anyone who has played Story Mode, who else thinks Kasumi has turned into a whiny little child? I swear, her stubbornness and her storm-off like a pouty little kid is a major turn-off. Thumbs down, Kasumi. Thumbs down.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
I'd highly suggest trying out SplitRyona's save, with Alpha 152, Sara, Pai, and a couple other characters unlocked. Akira, is one, I think. I don't think anyone is ever legitimately earning A152 even though its possible this time around, so screw it. Out of the box, I made a new saave and 10 minutes later, everything was unlocked, just like DOA4. :P

The best part is it didn't pop all the achievements all at once either, so I don't even have to worry about getting banned or anything now.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
awwww MAN. :( That sucks. Not that you have a PS3, but that you can't use the save. :(


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
I have it on PS3, but I wouldn't want the save anyways. I bought the game to legitimately play and the ryona is just a really nice bonus. I just finished Story Mode, so I've unlocked all but Alpha-152. I'll be playing online soon, as well as going through Command Training with some characters and playing more single player modes, but I just had to check out Spectator. To my surprise, it has a fully rotatable camera with a pause option! HUZZAH!!! It seems a lot of people already knew about this, but I didn't, so I was ecstatic. The only thing that stinks is not being able to put in inputs yourself. I think this can be done with replays, though, right? If so, that'd be amazing.

So far, I'm lovin' it.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 26, 2009
To the guy who said I wouldn't get $200, I sold it in less than an hour for $200. Paid and everything. The game though is amazing. So much better than Tekken in my opinion. I forgot how much I love this game franchise. Just a lot of fun to play with the women being easy on the eyes.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I disagree on the tekken thing it still feels clunky compared to Tekken but the counter system is much tighter now. Best DOA since the last good DOA...which was 2. I will say though the story is so bad SCV looks like Citizen Kane

BTW anyone know if Bass has his bearhug still or how to do it. I can't seem to figure it out if he does


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
I find the control input window a lot tighter than it used to be. Pulling off Bass' transition holds and moves is a hell of a lot harder than in 4.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
To the guy who said I wouldn't get $200, I sold it in less than an hour for $200. Paid and everything. The game though is amazing. So much better than Tekken in my opinion. I forgot how much I love this game franchise. Just a lot of fun to play with the women being easy on the eyes.

Then I stand corrected. I have no idea why anyone wold pay $200 unless they were some hardcore collector, but then again, a hardcore collector would've pre-ordered it to begin with. Must've been someone desperate to get a collector's copy, I guess. I usually see prices like that and laugh. Congrats and enjoy the game!

Oh my, taking photos is SOOOOO awesome. I've got quite a few of Tina now taking some blows from Helena.

And yeah, the combo throw windows are smaller and require more precision. It was easier to pull off Hayabusa's Izuna Drop in previous iterations. In this one, it's a pain. I did happen to pull it off, though, as well as his hold versions, so his Command Training is complete for me.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
How do you take pictures? Can you get a clean pause screen? Oh man please say you can...

So I was disheartened when I finally went to put Kasumi through Mila's MMA chokeholds and stuff, that her hair was ponytailed back up. I like it loose better. I went on GameFAQs to see if there was a way to get it back, and sure enough holding LB or RB will yield different results, and will produce a much more muted character select sound if something was changed. For some of the characters, it changes panties colour, for others it removes or modifies minor things. For Kasumi, it changes her hairstyle. Her default is the ponytail. If you hold RB, it turns her hair into a tight braid, and if you hold LB, it's loose and free flowing. I much prefer hair being loose and down, and I really like hers down.

For Mila, I usually like outfit 3, her grey track suit. I tried 4, and it's this nice sparring gear. She had some headgear on and I was like "This would be my favourite outfit if she didn't have that headgear..." and then about a minute later I remembered the LB/RB thing, so I tried RB and it didn't do anything that I could find... but LB gave me the results I'd hoped for, and she lost the headgear. YES! Sexy stuff.

Speaking of sexy stuff, it looks like they tried to remove most of that while leaving a little in . Costumes are generally much more practical. There's still some swimsuits, and Tina does still fight in a bra pattered after the American flag, but she has wrestling gear and stuff too. Helena doesn't have anything too revealing, although I really miss her blue and white DOA4 outfit... Sarah and Pai only have two outfits, and I swear they took the lazy way out and gave them only one pain-grunt voice. Ayane's got a DOA2 outfit I liked a lot, the purple one with the huge bow in the back. That one is pretty hot. Overall, DOA5 is much more respectable to the females than any of the others were. That might be the call made by the new head of Team Ninja (who does the DOA and Ninja Gaiden games) as Tomonobu Itagaki stepped down a while ago, and TN is under new management, Yosuke Hayashi, who had said before he wanted to make things a little classier. Yosuke Hayashi: Team Ninja is about to go classy on y'all | GamesRadar

Well, well done, Mr. Hayashi. Most of the over the top smut has been removed, and dare I say I can play this game for reasons other than kicking the snot out of the women (even though that is always a great reason.)

You know they've classed things up quite a bit when Mila, who is likely the most sensibly dressed of the female characters, is becoming one of my favourites. Her various MMA chokeholds and such don't hurt either. (well, try telling that to poor Tina... :D)

Edit: man did I have a brain fart. Meant LB and RB since I am on the 360. Duh.
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 26, 2011
Sarah and Pai only have two outfits, and I swear they took the lazy way out and gave them only one pain-grunt voice.

Apparently they took their voices right from VF5? People are purporting to be able to distinguish between the quality of their dialogue and other characters so if there's limited pain noises that makes sense. Also, their swimsuits are fucking awesome. I'd imagine they'll be DLC before too long and I have to say I love Sarah's.

I'll have to try that character selection screen trick for the ladies with braided hair. I've always preferred free flowing hair as well.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I think long flowing hair is fine but it looks really bad in this game imo. IT does not look like pool noddles like in DOA4 but it still looks kinda dated. Hell short haired girls still have stiff hair. It feels very PS2 in terms of rigging. Also non-player character models are noticeably very lo-poly. It kinda bugs me really. Specially after playing most other fighting games from this generation and even more so after playing Tekken tag 2. Do not get me wrong the gameplay is great and makes up for it...but it is noticeable. But gameplay IS most important and this is defiantly the best feeling DOA. Also yeah the girls have been classyed up in this game. The sex is still big but it is toned down by a LOT and the new female outfits are...honestly a lot more interesting and attractive. I have only played one match online that was ok, the only gameplay flaw is the online challenge i notice will lag single player play sometimes. It is really annoying. It is not as good as SF4/SSF4's new challenger system at all. Overall it is a decent fighter. If you are not big on DOA's style of gameplay though, you may wanna wait till it goes down in price. Specially with some characters missing in this game(though the biggest players are in)but if you love DOA's gameplay this is a HUGE step up from DOA 3 and SPECIALLY 4

also repeating DOA 5's story is horrible lol


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
I find the control input window a lot tighter than it used to be. Pulling off Bass' transition holds and moves is a hell of a lot harder than in 4.

I'm finding this to be a pain in the ass. I'm constantly doing the wrong throws, where as I never struggled with this in 4. Also, some of the throw inputs look like mist step inputs now ugh........

I'm definately liking how you can rotate the camera and take stills and the like, but it's shown me the reason I took up poser in the first place. Clipping issues. Clipping issues everywhere. I guess you're not supposed to notice it when the action's in full swing, but there's only a few valuable frames during throws and holds where clipping is minimised for a good shot.

I think ripping the voices straight from VF5 was a mistake, especially when compared to the regular characters(and I play with english voices, yes that's right. I reject my SEIYUU gods. Strike me down where I stand). Maybe a stipulation on sega's end for using VF characters? Coz I can't imagine to have been too hard to record a few lines here and there.

As far as the sexualisation in the game goes, I'd have to say that it spikes. Yes, there are more practical costumes in the game, but then there a costumes, but then........

Dead or Alive 5 - 'Christie vs Lisa Swimsuits Gameplay' TRUE-HD QUALITY - YouTube

DOA's never had costume's like those before-even when Itagaki was in charge. And no, the Xtreme volleyball games don't count.

And finally, sweet fucking jesus the people bitching about Leon/Ein not being in the game is phenomenal. I find it funny, because no one really cared about them when they were in the game. The wastes of space are removed, and suddenly, HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S BOYCOTT TIME MUTHAFUCKAS! Granted, the backlash isn't as severe as what Project Soul copped when they removed a bunch of veterans, but the difference is that they deserved it. The whining over Leon and Ein is just........

ugh, true gamers unite, amirite?
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Potential Patron
Jun 17, 2011
also repeating DOA 5's story is horrible lol

Lol, if you can even call it a story, right? I mean, I've seen some bad stories around the place, but DOA5 doesn't even make sense. I actually didn't mind the tournament half of the story, that was actually pretty good, it fleshed out more of the characters and their personalities and all that, but the ninjas + MIST + Alphas part just made no sense at all. You cannot follow it from one part to the other using logic, at all.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
Aye, the story wasn't so bad. It wasn't great, but if I want great story telling, I'd play an rpg. At the end of the day, there's enough source for a skilled fanfic writer to make a decent fanfic from.

On another note, I love how we can set the difficulty to n00b mode for sing vs matches. This was a big issue I had with 4, since my co-ordination with two controllers isn't great, and the CPU pretty much went blazblue on me the moment I decided to mess around.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
How do you take pictures? Can you get a clean pause screen? Oh man please say you can...

Go into Extras and select Spectator. You can either watch two computer characters with infinite health go at it or watch a replay and you can take pictures there. The only issue I've found is that pics do not seem to be exportable. The best I could do is copy my save data, which includes thumbnail images in the data, but they look like garbage.


They're so small and they get very pixelated when zooming in. I think the only work around is that they can be posted to Facebook from the game, I believe, but I'd rather not start plastering these on my Facebook lol.

Also, I think it's worth pointing out that the A.I. isn't nearly as bad as DOA4 by a long shot. I beat Arcade on Legend difficulty with Hayabusa fairly easily. In fact, I find no real discernible difference between all difficulties above Easy. I mean, maybe they use more holds as they go up, but I didn't really see the difference and they're still pretty exploitable and can fall for some spamming. In DOA4, upper difficulties were just flat out rough.


Potential Patron
Aug 14, 2010
Could you tell me what methods you use to exploit the ai? I haven't invested much time into the actual gameplay of doa honestly and I'd appreciate the help unlocking costumes as I can't even unlock a third costume for some characters.

All I know is there's throws, basic attacks, and holds and each one beats another one. In addition you have various heights of attacks to prevent block and hold spamming. This doesn't help me at all since I don't know the movesets and the AI just spams holds and blocks because it reacts perfectly and instantly, which I can't do because I don't know movesets and which hold/block to use for which attacks.

I don't understand the difficulty in these games. It seems like anyone who has actually learned movesets before easily rolls through any difficulty, and people like me who haven't played much at all get fucked at anything above rookie. Game difficulty is one of those things that I've raged about on these forums before: I don't want to invest hours into learning gameplay for a game I really just bought as ryona entertainment.
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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Yeah I tried Survival, and I actually beat it! I mean, that might be due to the fact I used Alpha 152 expecting the worst...


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
You can apparently get Alpha 152 by fighting for a total of 18 hours

also I forget Bass' hug, could someone tell me how to do it again. He needs to Show Milla some loving

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