Dead or Alive series (6 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
May 29, 2011
I think you don't have to beat Legend courses with specific characters. I used characters other than Tina, Lisa, and Christie, fought them as final opponent and got the swimsuit.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Yeah, I was gonna say it but onlinehero beat me to it. (Being seven hours ahead of me helps a lot and so it was 6:40 AM my time :p)

In no way is that any kind of swimsuit anybody wears as a practical and serious thing at a beach. I don't tend to judge by appearance, but honestly, this is way too blatant to be anything else.
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I agree with Raden on this. Swimsuits are pretty hot but the Legendary ones...yeah I do not like them looking like sluts. Kinda one of the reasons I like the ones from Tekken honestly


Potential Patron
Aug 14, 2010
I honestly don't care if they look great or not I just want to get all the clothing options unlocked in a reasonable time.
Still hoping to find an ai-breaker move


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Couple of rantings:
1) It feels that the game is too heavy for xbox, since the fps constantly drops from 60 to maybe 30.
2) Camera controls are still very unintuive :( Camera controls are inverted so that right pad does what left pad should do and left pad does what right should. I'm constantly moving camera wrong because of this, and it's really annoying. How hard can it be to make controls that normal human can use? It's like I would do a FPS game that has inverted controls without posibility to change, and shooting would happen from start-button instead of right trigger.
3) I really hate the fact that they have toned down the sexuality in this game. Lot of the outfits that I loved in DOA4, don't look good at all in this one. For example, Helena's full bodysuit isn't anymore shiny and tight sexy, and doesn't look like it was made of spandex. In DOA5 it is a very boring looking outfit. In a same manner Kasumi's ninja suits are no longer as sexy, and she doesn't have sexy looking panties anymore. I don't see even any good reason why they did this, this is a game that has always been about fanservice and sexy girls in revealing outfits. Why change something that has always worked??

EDIT: no, the camera is even worse than in doa4. tried 5 minutes to take a still image from angle i wanted, but gave up because it's just simply way too difficult
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
that frame rate drop, I never had it. Question, when you play are you connected on Live and have the throwdown's on? If so that causes lag

On three I disagree, the over the top sexy outfits was insanely distracting imo(and not in the good way) toning it down felt needed and with the actual gameplay being tight and the models actually getting replaced with new ones after over ten fucking years. It tells me the creators put effort into making a game that looked good but also played really well

As fort eh camera issues, I have not had trouble with it on the PS3 so maybe it's a 360 thing idk


This game looks really gorgeous. I also have the 360 copy of the game and I haven't experienced any stuttering so far. I have the game installed in HDD though. The camera in photo mode is so much better than in 4, it might be a little clunky to control but you can definitely get angles this time that were not possible with the last camera. I'm also bummed out with the costumes as there are more palette swaps than unique ones. What happened to the school uniforms anyway?? The bikinis from the CE are nice but I hope they add more costumes in future DLC.

From a ryona standpoint, I don't think there are any games out there that can beat this. Coming from a guy who loves submission moves, the holds look sexier than ever on the more realistic-looking ladies. The ability to control the camera and take screenshots is also unmatched. Overall, I'm happy with game. It looks pretty and is definitely a legit fighting game.


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
Just got my copy today after Amazon failed me so badly. What's the point in pre-ordering if you're not gonna get it on the day? Yeah, I experianced the game freezing at the beginning of every match for a couple of seconds. Was annoying as hell. It went away when I turned throwdown off and I've not had any troubles since. I'm a little hit and miss on this game at the moment, I think I was kinda expecting more from this game in a sense. I love the character Mila, I think she's a great addition and an instant new fav for me, problem is, as much as I like the character, I can't use her very well and I think she is seriously lacking in the throw department for an MMA fighter. Her fighting style as a whole is very bland too, she has no flashy moves at all compared to others since she just has bog standard strikes. Her leg locks and chokes are pretty hot though, they are not normally my kind of thing but its nice when she applies what few holds she does have.

Leon was my main, and I'm really missing him alot in this game already as I'm not as good as I could be without him. I've turned to Bass as my main dude to use online against others, often going for the bearhug against female opponants. I'm pretty good with Bayman, and I've yet to lose as him, (I'm sure that will change soon enough as the days go by) but I prefer to go Bass simply because he is so much more fun to use when he hurls people around and slams em. I'll try and pick up Mila too inspite of her fighting style short comings just cause I like the character. Her takedowns seem to be a complete waste of time as people can literally just button mash and instantly get out from what I've experianced so far with her and even against her.

Ryona wise... I dunno, was expecting more but there isn't that much new from DOA4 move wise. The only great change is the graphics. I'm not sold on the camera on the replay thing. I don't think its as good as 4 and 4 was pretty bad (at least we still have it though). You could zoom right in from what I remember and get really close to certain things on 4, but this new one seems more restricting. I would have thought by now they would let you rewind and slow things down too during the replay but it is not the case. Once you miss something in a replay you have to watch the whole thing from the start it seems to get to a part you wish to see. The control seems a bit more stable in a sense but still a bit of a bugger to control. The new models are nice, but I didn't mind the old cartoony model ones to be fair so this change doesn't bring anything new or take anything away for me personally. I think the costumes are seriously lacking. No doubt that is for the inevitable DLC to fix, but there just doesn't seem like there is that many and none of them really fit my preference personally. Little upsetting...

I'm probably being too harsh on the first day with this game, but it just hasn't gripped me as much as I would have hoped. I was really looking forwards to playing this since I have been such a big fan of DOA games since the second one came out for the Dreamcast. The Story mode is a bit of a joke and even my fav move in the game the bearhug has been hampered badly. They've changed the position of the victim in the move and as a result there is a poop load of clipping issues. It seriously limits decent angle shots of the hold when paused. They should have left it alone and have Bass squeeze their waist so there would be no clipping! Not a great start :(


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Try it for a few days, steedman. I felt the EXACT same way with TTT2. It was too fast, it was more of T6, etc. etc. but it did eventually click, and then I really managed to enjoy it.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 26, 2011
I'm playing on 360 and have yet to experience any clipping. I installed the game to my console's hard drive, but I don't know if that would make a difference. This is my first DoA game so I don't have anything to measure it against, but it sucks that you guys feel let down, capricorn and steedman. I'd give it a few days like Raden suggests, sometimes anticipating something fucks with reality. I'm quite happy with this game myself, though.


Steed, you can try using the bearhug on the stage Scramble. Slam your opponent into the generator which will cause the stage to tilt to one side. With right positioning, Bass should hug the waist of the character instead of their chest. I haven't tried this but I think it would work. :p


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
To anyone with an internet connection, Tecmo's got a free costume pack available today on both consoles (covers Mila, Helena, Tina, Kokoro, Christie, Sarah, Pai, Bayman, Zack, Gen Fu & Akira). They're mostly old-school throwback outfits from games past (which is great, since the normal outfits are pretty... normal out the box.) You can check out pictures and a video here New free DLC costumes for Dead or Alive 5 released. Personally love Pai's, one of my faves from VF5. Also, I have to admit, after all these games, I'm really starting to like Tina. Must have something to do with the way they redesigned her (must be the face... and her costume 2 is JUST my type). I've been doing bad things to her more than I do with my usual girls Ayane, Hitomi & Lei-Fang... not that that's a bad thing.
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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
More costumes! That's great. Hopefully there's some good stuff here.

edit: Haha, Mila has one of Tina's old costumes, I think from the freakin' original DOA. I knew portraying her as a starstruck fangirl in my latest story was the right idea. Talk about vindication.

As for Tina, she gets back an old blue outfit. My God, I loved that one, and now she has it in DOA5. SCORE.

Helena's... come on, give us her blue and white DOA4 one already! I don't care about the stupid red one that shows off nothing on her.

Pai's new one is bad. Bare feet. Major dislike.

Sarah's is stupid and unimaginative. Same boots, but she has jeans and white dress shirt. Big fucking deal! Give us her red and pink one you idiots!
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Potential Patron
Mar 20, 2012
My new fantasy is starting a fight with Mila during her lose animation. It would probably be an even fight.



Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
The one for Ryu is pretty awesome, and I have to admit, that black dress makes Lisa sooooo drop dead sexy. But it's just not worth it.

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