Dead or Alive series (4 Viewers)


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
So, I'm going to start actively record DOA4 ryona videos today, and I wanted to ask your opinion about using the camera system (or not using it). If I save a VS match, I can view it in battle viewer and also control the camera. The problem is that the camera fights back like hell if I try to control it. I mean it totally has its own life. The problem with most doa ryona video IMO is that creators have used too much this camera system, and the video is too messy/too fast etc. because they haven't been able to get a good shot (because the camera doesn't want that!).

Personally, this is my favourite doa ryona video:
DOAU ayane

It's from DOA2U and it doesn't use this camera system. So, do you folks like videos made with doa4 camera, because I will probably use it as little as possible. I know it's nice for close shots, but those shots fail too often (though it works for some of them).

EDIT: Another annoyance in DOA is that when I KO a character, the game starts in totally different side of the map. If I've decided a place where a want to record it's really annoying :) Of course it's not a problem in small maps like the wrestling ring (which I will very likely use the most).


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 3, 2010
I personally prefer DOAU-style camera like in the vid you've linked (which I also think is a great piece of ryona, by the way). In all the DOA4 videos that tried to manipulate the camera the effects were in my opinion more annoying than fun.

EDIT: Another annoyance in DOA is that when I KO a character, the game starts in totally different side of the map. If I've decided a place where a want to record it's really annoying :) Of course it's not a problem in small maps like the wrestling ring (which I will very likely use the most).

Isn't it possible to select the arena in the practice mode, just like in DOAU?
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Ahem! DOA 4 is a terrible game. Yeah I know it has ryona in it but christ all mighty. Where do I start with this game? Let's start with the hit detection, it is total crap. Several attacks that hit the body high register as mid, several mid register has high and low hits and several low hits register as mid making the counter system useless unless you remember which moves are glitched. The ai is a button reading cheap-ass ai. I have beaten it with all fighters after many many retries fighting the boss. You can beat the boss but only after the boss lets you win. Mix up doesn't matter the bitch can read that too. Oh why don't I make fun of the graphics while I am at it. They look like DOA2 for the dreamcast. I know this because when a friend of mine was playing his brother walke din and thought he was playing a dreamcast game until he saw the controller.(probably didn't help that the girls wiht long hair's hair bones look terrible) My suggestion if you are trying to plays this game to actually play it and not just for ryona, stop and play tekken, street fighter, soul calibur, virtua fighter ect ect ect


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
^ DOA4 was one of the first games I bought for Xbox and only because of ryona :) If I wouldn't so love to see my female character lose without landing even a single punch to opponent, I could easily go so crazy with the AI and throw my xbox into a wall. DOA4 is just that nice to play. Sometimes I've even wondered that who playes this game for other reasons, it's sooooo bad.


Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
^You guys have got to be kidding me O_O DOA4 may not be the best fighting game ever created, but it's a very solid fighter which can net you tons of hours of extremely entertaining gameplay, and definitely one of the great ones. I'll give you, Randomguy, that the reversal system has several flaws that make it very hard to use, and the final boss is certainly extremely frustrating, but you lose your right to use that second argument the moment you suggest (at the end of your post) that someone should prefer Tekken instead, whose bosses are much MUCH more into cheap moves. DOA4's boss seems like child's play compared to Azazel, Jinpachi or Tekken2's Kazuya. The graphics are also top-notch considering it was among the first games created for the X-Box360, while its stages remain among the most beautiful in all of fighting games (probably the most beautiful next to SoulCalibur). The use of stages in battles is in itself ingenious and adds a lot to replayability, as do the tons of different majestic moves and holds. Frankly, I can see no reason why one wouldn't want to play it extensively, unless s/he doesn't devote enough time to learn the game's flow while being too used to Tekken/SoulCalibur's fighting system.

@Clan, are you sure you are playing in Normal Mode? The fights aren't that challenging, one can easily beat the first 2-3 opponents with near-perfect health and can certainly land enough blows to win or nearly win in the next 3-4 stages.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Frankly, I can see no reason why one wouldn't want to play it extensively, unless s/he doesn't devote enough time to learn the game's flow while being too used to Tekken/SoulCalibur's fighting system.

I think this is the reason I couldn't get into DOA. I'm too used to Soul Calibur, and DOA is more heavy on execution. I did try though.

I'm assuming you're just grouping up more popular 3D fighters but just in case, Tekken and Soul Calibur are completely different.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Stupid game wont change the announcer voice! I have it set to "Monica" but still in game I get some male announcer :( wtf?


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
cheap moves in tekken? Oh you mean those energy attacks that are easy to dodge if you SIDESTEP?(or duck if we are talking tekken 2 devil or walk behind him if he is flying up and kicking him in the spine..seriously I was able to do that at the age of like 10 with no problem) Or are we talkin Tekken 6 where the boss can easily be beaten by hitting him in the middle of one of his animations and comoboing him to hell and back and he can't do shit? Yeah hose are much cheaper then a button reading AI that has to LET you win. And the graphics are top notch for a dreamcast. no seriously compaire the models from DOAU and DOA 4 they are the same with the same level of texture detail. Though DOA 4 has more bloom EVERYWHERE! HIDE THE LOW POLY TEXTURES! MOAR BLOOM!!! And the stages "random effects" are annoying. Some are alright like hitting them into things in the environment the cars are not too bad since you can see them coming but stuff like the cheetah who with no warning runs at you in random directions is plan out cheap. It takes out any kind of fairness in the fight. Again layered stages where done better in many other fighting games.(suck as Tekken, Ninja Turtles, even mortal kombat another series I do not like but it's better then DOA)

Alsoi like how you ignored I wrote Virtua fighter in the better fighters. when DOA pretty much ripped off the combo system(as well as some of the attacks) from it. I am used to that style it's called bad hit boxes and hit detection. Where Virtua Fighter has near perfect of all those(I say near cause no game is perfect)


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
Just putting it out there, Alpha-152 was far more brutal than Azazel, Algol, and Seth combined. I'm gonna give the graphics a pass here because, OK the model textures had the same detail as DOA4 with added shine, you've gotta keep in mind that DOA4 was one of the first games out for 360, where most developers were still unsure of how much they could get out of the system. As far as the cheetah things go, I honestly didn't mind it. It was one of those random things that made fighting games fun before everyone decided they wanted to be pro-tier Justin Wong style gamers. And I wanna say something else about DOA4 online. For their old servers, they hold up incredibly well against some of today's fighters.

Also, Randomguy, you mentioned Virtua Fighter. I weep because VF5 is such a great game, and yet NOBODY PLAYS IT!!!!!1:TT TT:


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
I enjoyed Dead Or Alive. Simple as... and apparently (according to some DOA website ages and ages ago) I was one of the best Leon's out there :D (Although there were peeps out there better with Leon then me, but not many thankfully). I played it for fun, so I didn't mind random cheetah's, which barely turned up in my experiance of the game anyway. It wasn't a balanced game full stop, with ninja's having great strength and speed to match, but to me it was a fun game with a fun counter system and fun movesets from all the characters that would span the entire arenas of the game. I went out of my way to play Leon (who was a relativley simple character with a nice simple moveset) and Bass (cause I always try and get good with grapplers and wrestlers in all games. I've got a half decent Hugo in 3rd strike and I'd go as far to say I'm not too shabby with Zangief in all SF games.) And I had so much fun playing as those characters. I can't combo to save my life so its nice just to grab an opponent with a press of a few buttons and lash them. What I absolutley adored about the game was the tag system, since I could team up with friends online and offline to fight, and that was one of my fav things about the game.

Virtua Fighter will always be my competative fav fighting game cause I do go out of my way to be a decent fighter on that game, but dead or alive to me is also a fav simply because I had so much fun playing it. It was the only fighting game I'd go on open mic just to talk to people whilst fighting, and I found it was mostly a friendly atmosphere there unlike when I play Street Fighter and get constant abuse just for gaining a victory. I could talk to people and the online rooms were nice and large for several fighters to engage and fight, and as anotherguttersnipe says, I rarely had issues with lag and what not. (3rd strike online is awful for lag) 1 player was difficult yes just because of Alpha, but it didn't put me off the game. I just hope Leon is in the next one, his Japanese voice actor died, but I hope that doesn't stop them putting him in the game and replacing him. I'm sure Bass will make it so there is no troubles there :P


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Really nice that only one person bothered to answer my original question (and zero to my other question) but at least 5 person had enough energy to turn this into a doa vs other games comparision thread. Thanks a lot.


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
Really nice that only one person bothered to answer my original question (and zero to my other question) but at least 5 person had enough energy to turn this into a doa vs other games comparision thread. Thanks a lot.

I'm thinking of making own thread for DOA series where you can continue...

To be honest, I don't think there is any easy way of doing it, at least not that I know of. I can only suggest finishing the game with the characters that don't fight Alpha first, but regardless of that, even if you find a good move with a character to fight against Alpha, chances are the AI will catch on and start countering it every time. I was useless with some characters, all I could do was just keep trying. I think it took me a good 30 mins sometimes with certain characters. The only advice I can give is to keep trying as many times as it takes because I don't know of handy tactics or any cheats that can help. Team Ninja have a habit of making their games stupid hard.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
the best i can think of is to record some vs matches and go to theater mode and view them. I used it to get close ups in my DOA ayane video. IDK if I uploaded it though. If I did DL it and see what i mean


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
To play this game against the computer is total crap. Tecmo can't make a good AI, so they make a cheaty one. I assume DOA5 to be absolutely no different at all.

Against people though, that's a little better.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
Dead or Alive 5

This is indicitive of an extremely sexy Hitomi costume ;) can't wait to see more of this game as the release date comes nearer



Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Dirt from the fight environment? Nice... I wonder if it shows bruising too... I kinda want to see Kasumi all bruised up after smacking her around a bit.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 20, 2010
in some of the other screenshots shes wearing the same pants but with a jacket; so it looks like thats what was on underneath and they'll lose clothing during a fight


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
Might not be they lose clothing per say, this is only speculation of course, but you might be able to make alterations or minor edits to some outfits, like selecting outfit 1 with or without the jacket. Or it could be as you say, might just be as rounds progress and the fight gets serious, the jacket comes off. Heck, I do it enough times during 3rd strike when a fight gets serious... though its not quite as sexy.

Regardless, looking forward to this game a heck of a lot! Hope we have some new sexy chicks to add to an already sexy roster!

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