Dead or Alive series (5 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
They might as well give it up and make it all women. Or at least keep Bass and Bayman.

I always wondered how a "submission system" might work in a fighting game. Say you have Tina with a figure four leglock on Kasumi, and the hold is cranked once, Kasumi shrieks and loses some energy. At that point a button mashing window pops up with like a "tug of war" system. If the defender wins, the hold is broken, but if the attacker (Tina) wins, Tina cranks the hold again, causing another shriek and more energy loss... in this way there's almost a submission element to it.

Sorry, I'll just go back to my fantasies of grinding out Kasumi with a bearhug now.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
this one actually looks like a decent fighter. And no I don't just want the women(mainly cause they all have the same body type and also because I play my fighters for a bit more then just the women :P) but yeah this one is looking solid so far


Potential Patron
Dec 11, 2010
I like the new art style, other than the fact they have smaller boobs now. :( I hope they still wear some outfits with skirts and cleavage showing.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
The new gameplay.

The lated gameplay movie was released.
Kasumi and Ayane look delicious in this. And the game got a guest, Akira from Virtual Fighter.

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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Go Akira! Kick the mary sue's ass! Honestly it's looking good. I still LOVE that they finally stoped using the Dreamcast models and copy paste faces and gave the characters all their own. I love that they toned down the cheese cake to less comedic levels(hell there is less boobage in this game then in Mortal Kombat trilogy HD Retkon edition)


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
I would have wanted to see Zero Suit Samus as quest character, not some generic karate guy...

EDIT: I also want to see a REAL camera system, not a joke camera like in DOA4


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 3, 2010
The characters that have been shown for now look indeed a lot better, especially compared to DOA4 which was a definite step back in terms of characters' appearance, compared to DOAU.
I don't agree with randomguy's opinion that the girls' faces were completely copy-paste in previous game, but I have to say that in this game they same to have really managed to make the differences between female fighters more distinct. The girls also look more ... mature, which is a step in the right direction because I always thought that Kasumi looked too childish (and I dislike very young characters like Xiaoyu in earlier Tekken games or Talim). Smaller boobs are also a plus. Their bouncing animations in previous games often looked more ridiculous than sexy.

I can hardly wait to see Helena.
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Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
I hope there is a few more then just Akira. Whilst I don't mind the guy, I never used him! Virtua Fighter always holds a special place in my heart since my youth when I played the game so this news is excellent. I much prefer a crossover between these two franchises then SF x T... cause I don't personally care for Tekken. I would love to see Wolf added into the mix if there is more characters.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Ooh, I'm going to have to check this game out when it comes, and not just for the ryona. It looks like they're taking a much more serious tone in this outing, especially if Virtua Fighters are being brought in.

I notice that fighting games are getting a lot more action-y, especially the 3D ones.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
New video of Ayane vs. Hitomi

Both girls' new looks are great. :nose bleed:
I also quite like the new camera angle during counter.

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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 3, 2010
They've also released a match between Ayane and Hayate:

Looks good. Ayane is smoking hot while lying on the ground after having been defeated.

On the other hand, it seems that in this instalment the girls decided to wear make-up during battles, which makes them look a tad ridiculous. Tecmo could also replace at least some of the grunts from DOA4 - a lot of them were more annoying than sexy.
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Potential Patron
Aug 14, 2010
Same characters, same voices, same models. Really, what's new here? This is exactly what made SC5 lame for me: everything is the same as it was in the last game. Put something new in it ffs.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Same characters, same voices, same models. Really, what's new here? This is exactly what made SC5 lame for me: everything is the same as it was in the last game. Put something new in it ffs.

You know Soul Calibur V replaced half of the female characters with new characters, right? Unless you're not talking about ryona, in which case never mind.


Potential Patron
Aug 14, 2010
All the new characters were variations of old ones except for Viola, which was a great new addition. The others may as well have been the originals with a new outfit.
The bigger issue is that it's all the same animations though which is kinda weak. I could make most of the "new" cast using CaS in 4 and have basically the same game. Very little noticeable difference in my mind, anyways.
I was happy with the CaS impovements in 5 though for SC, but since DOA lacks this feature...


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Same characters, same voices, same models. Really, what's new here? This is exactly what made SC5 lame for me: everything is the same as it was in the last game. Put something new in it ffs.
Same models? I think characters' models in this one are new, unlike DOA 3-4.


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
I'm kind of with Rakkar at the moment with this one. Initial reveals of the game just look like more of the same, better graphics naturally and more wild backgrounds, but I see no change in the movesets for the characters revealed so far or anything significantly different about the general gameplay. I don't know if its just my old age being in my mid twenties, but rehashes of games are just not cutting it for me anymore. I all out avoided SC5 and have avoided Tekken since 4 simply because I feel they have not changed enough from previous installments. It's nice that they are bringing Virtua Fighter characters in with Dead Or Alive (hopefully more then one anyway), but I'm gonna need a little more than better graphics. It's still early days so hopefully something significant will be added... otherwise I'm just better of playing DOA4 for Ryona rather then buying something that for the most part is only updated graphically.

I'm certain some brand spanking new charries will be added in though, along with something to make it stand out from the previous game.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Actually again as I have been saying DOA 2 to 4 used the same models for all their characters.( I am serious I bet if I could and I will if challenged take a screen shot of ANY of the DOA girls from 2 to 4 and it will be the same. Hell I can while i am at it show how they only have two faces for the girls back then. The anime face and the western face. They also all had one body) I have not seen enough and gotten my hands on this one (it isn't out) but at least from the faces they stopped using Dreamcast models. I can tell that at least Ayane from this isn't using the same model. her legs are thinner in this game then in 2-4(which again used the same model) It honestly looks a bit better though IDK if the combats been improved. About them wearing make up in battle...yeah seems all girls in games do, unless they are a tomboy or it's SF4.

to thedude
actually tekken has changed alot in T6 with the bound and the revenge system it changes up the strategy and characters moves change throughout the game along with what combos work/do not work. You like SF4 right? But it really has nothing new. The focus attacks are from the EX games, and the revenge gauge is just taken from the Samurai Showdown and KOF games.
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