So now that Signature cards are a thing, is it possible to make our own full card art of older non-signature cards?
I first tried to copy-and-paste the signature frame into normal frames, as Proof-of-concept, but I found;
- Art is not in full size, nametag is in different shape, text color is different, class tag is in different place, etc.
Maybe I'm missing the other sprites I need to fix, but they would not solve these problems either, especially for the FULL ART
- The legendary minions share the frame to the non-legendary, only differs for the dragon-y thing.
Thus if we update the frame, it affects all the minions, making all the minions in the hearthstone into signature one.
Thus if we want to make them similar enough, it would definitely require client modification.
I don't know how, and I don't even want, since it might cause ACCOUNT BAN (remember exploiting animation mods already led into ban)
We are already in the red zone and I don't want to increase those risks.
I would gladly wait for any other brilliant ideas, but my opinion by now, quite negative.
Replacing already exisiting signature card into other arts would work though...